Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 14 May 1914, p. 7

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W HOPE FOR SUFFERERS FROM PARALYSIS There are cases of paralysis that not be cured, But that is eSittorent from toying bias pha case of paralysis is rable. There is shetlace: Gece that many forms of this disease are curable. the cases that cannot be enred many can be so benefitted that ie formerly hopeless’s il oF more find hier life worth living, Attention is called ito the cman effect DOUGLAS FIR. Only Tree Whose Lumber Produe- tion Increased in 1912. There are trees in Canada whose commercial yates ore is clearly on the wane, ling to one of the latest oth ialietias - the minion ce ranch, the value of the ie lumber cut in 1912 was pk ty 3 half million dollars less than in 1911, The cut of hemlock decreased thirty per cent. ; that of cedar creased repay oe per cent. and tamarack, lumber Mel Sroduotion of which i raatgaed over forty able cures that h been od | years, bi in « of par analysis, and senor reais met. the six other severe nervous disorders, by | leading species in Canad the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pile for Pale People. ome of these oures are ® wonderful as 0.8 chal- lenge belief, but in every oa statements have been prec irty verified and el be Arcaticteted b anyone interes! this tion oe cae of Reiaas B. Millehan, of St. N.B., is worthy of the moet caret eh fe Miss Mille- “Some three years ago I was taken seriously ill” with inh The doctor brought “through this dreaded ee ble, “and I was aseumed to be well. I took a speak mor walk best of medical care, and few weeks was ed, but m,; ® pletely paralyzed and T gould only utter unintelligible sounds, treated by three of St. John’s best physicians for this trouble and my re- hen ing four Banuied miles north of the ts Dutigias te aes tie only one whose lumber production increas 1912 ¢ province of British Columbia alone, Douglas fir formed over 67.7 per cent. of the total hum- ber cut, and British Columbia is at present by far the 29 st timber province in Can cording to some ‘estimate: es, one-half shi ci age timber wealth of the Domin: This iathaebable tree attains a height of over two hundred feet with a jhe ten to twelve feat in diameter, formes, alone or mixed with, at; forests extend- International Boundary. tural range extends in Canada to the eastern eye se. ba the Rocky Mountains in, All where it sidered one of bas most important | timber trees the Donn Roel Moi ayer Forest which covers an area of nearly a - ease was given up as hopeless. A friend Dr, Wik | 000 square m ee Pink ea; but I had spent is also widely distributed a inuch on medicine without help | throughout the western United thas I Resa re it would be only a further waste of lowever, I felt myself growing “daily weaker and weaker, and I decided as a ta gear Ses. last. chance that I would try the . §. Sargent, ono of the Pills, By, the time I had na pith ok authorities on American half-dozen boxes I ld walk | trees, describes the wood as se actoss the floor, eomething dootors| durable, and Mtgdly ised tor all hid told me could never happen es of cea yongel Faget asd i i i n Forestry Branch pills, my speec! felt myself in perfect health. My friends thought my restoration nothing short of @ miracle, and a rele ‘that I have to thank . Williams’ Pink Pills that Tam lying to-day, and I feel confident | * as couch for lor me. Pink Pills effect ri ‘ cures in cases of this kind because they make new, rich, red blood, which feeds and strengthens the nerves, and tones up the whole sys- tem, it you are in nee medi- States, being able to stand consid- imatic variation and being rae une to insects or t Publication cx ye “Wood. using In- dustries of Ontario,” it is increas- ing in popularity in that vas i, has 1| for decorative aoa attractive ani taure ich readily pao itself to stain- ” Douglas fir construction tim- ber is shipped to all parts of the wor The Douglas fir has been intro- duced into Europe with great cess and Agave forests haye been planted which ‘are now ete profit: and Pra cage ‘every aoe large cuiantitios of containing, ac-|T yielding Postmistress. is Quite Well Again \ ea, FOUND COMPLETE CURE IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. Gray, Whe W wee Nervous and Run Down Years, Tells How She round, New rae ets ichborne, Frontenac Co., Ont., a ae \- Gr he. popular postmi se ber teste Poet ie 4 bonefit she has received from taking Gray says, My tp was broken and unrefresh. ing, and I suffered from shortness f breath and oie ee 1 hal 5 doce tot Tacpesteebocee naa aint Eos quite strong and like myself again. rtainly ‘think Dodd's. Kidney Pills are a good medicine. The experience of is similar to that of thousands ol women. im health generally. They took Dodd’ s Kidney Pills and are strong and well again. The gece is ses when the te neys get out, of order they fail strain the. eriaee out of the ead and general lassitude and zentee ensues. The natural eure ‘ oi cure the meys. The experi- tee of thousands of others tells you t Dodd's Kidney Pills eure ‘the Kidneys “SPIDER SENS WOMAN Knows When Insect Is Near By “Queer Feeling.” An extraordinary story of a wo- man’s spider sense has been related to the London Times by a medical ‘his woman, can de- without having any reason to sup- was there. ery is pais risen by violer ness, malaise and even debit, all these symptoms ait, away when the deny is Sache pee removed from the The writer telle. th the following story uh “few nights ago the lady re- pes FS pest her husband at th staying. Tn ie Puideles of ithe night my new ac quaintance came to my room an asked me to attend his wife, who had become very unwel I the postmistress SOUTH A HORROR, French Seamen Killed and Eaten at Cannibal Three of crew of a French aes ak eS killed and eaten ies New Hebrides Be savages, news was received at Sydney iNew Foub Wales) when the Mee Sager la Ci fotae ar ated from Noumes. iy) iooner bras French engage cruiting 0 Sea natives work in “i Fijian plantations, ed alekula, one of the many islands of the New Hebridean group, oe the purpose or jening ‘th sibilities of reeruit- or, as enerally ayleds “inteak blvd sila Embittered by ithe prolon gence of so many of their ki die ‘HALives.of says the oe at the plantations, es New H ebrides, i considerable trepidation tht. Cap- tain. Combey, the umdenoucee decided. to lest ee of his crew on Malekula. When the mate, the super-cargo, and a seaman of the Guadeloupe set foot on shore, everything seemed aoe yt there were no natives to “The thee men, seb et had 03 just reached a of thick fal wood near the back when a horde of savages, armed with trade guns and stone clubs, attacked the help- less visitors. The mate’s head was battered from behind, and his Guadeloupe, a ECZEMA ITCHED “AND BURNED Rash on Legs and Back. Scratchln; lrritated Breaking Out, Used Cuti- cura Ointment, Disease Vanished, pas ak sn Kentyltic; N. 8.—' For about five years I was bothered with a light rash which would appear most heavily on my legs aud back. This troubled me most Inthespring of the year. ‘They sald it was ezeema, The cozoma itched burned id my scratehing irritated i solid mass of Itching sores, “Twas given somo salve and after using this preparation about 2 week the diseaso could not obtain any ame Worse and 1 ost at night, I osod afl the patent propa- Medea se follot whatever. About this timo a friend recommen However, I bad lost faith in all remedies and at him so, eae he Snsisted that I try Cutl- intment so I purchased a box, The to obtain a good night's rest, the first 1 had enjoyed for many mouths, I continued the reat for another month at by that signs of the a) Glgned) bie F, Allen, aay 16, 1013,, ‘a generation Cuticurn Soap aaid Cutieura! Olsmmsent Hive alforded tho sa pe mailes 00k. ress post-card Yael Brug & Chats Geant Dept, D, Bost and carried inland with the body of the af Captain Combey heard the sound of sete and, hava Peepiiats) pull- ed ashore, accompanied by two white men, He qwas-received with a ve olley of shots from the ambush- sav desperate running ‘ages. aaiier cies, Hart sealer cn Oe Hae °| men was badly wounded the cap- ; lecided to retreat to the ves- sel. Another landing was effected about midnight, and the captain and one of his men proceeded in- land, to discover that the three un- fortunate men captured by the say- ages a few hours sone pe been tons. ofthe canal feast ere pie res >| parts « of the bodies ah the victims. Lame Back Strengthened Stiffness Taken Right Out cine give these pills a trial, We seed from the Indiams| “I followed him, and found his res Seite som il not be disap. | im British ee wife in a state which suggested) Wa* Relleved in an Hour, and Cured pointed. Sold by medicine dealers sudden collapse. She was very aN ore or by mail fay eS a, box or six pale with a feeble pulse and rapid|.A lame back? Quite Beaceen boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil WAKEFUL BABIES Droathing, She declared that abe |All you Bave odo tub on Neri liams’ ieciting Co.,” Brockville.) If your baby does not sleep, it he| felt ‘dreadfully’ sick and that she | cherelteves after one rubbing, "No- Ont i p was absolutely certain there was a a , is cross, cries a ® great , and wil ‘ thing possibly could cure an aching oe righ ba ebeinor bards eliaib ta -thie beaas sider cpeeetige in eee Dig | DBC faster than Nerviline,” wrlt VAX CURE F ; ; i insistent was this | Mri x Kobar, of Lower. Chel- WAX CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. Thee te ays Own Crane point that to humor het im with: Jeea, N. 8.“ caught cold and was 0 > - bel ory | prostrated with pain I could not bend Plunge the Parte aaa Into} drugged unnatural see obtained | Out in: the least Bee tis cena (over: lways ha viline at S: Ticaph Gite Wig Ok accHtices ise, husband and T lt a candle end home 1 had painful regior eer tures, but that refreshing natural [Searched every nook and cranny of | subbed thoroughly with this gran Mr. Barthe, de pears read a| sleep’ of the healthy chil The the room. We found nothing and |tinim of pain departed paper at the French Academy of Tablets banish all h were about to give uy rather | ‘The lameness was rapidly reduced and Medicine detailing bia discoveries in | bowel com; paints “t ‘aie Z Batoalvcs pursuit eee n ae attend in an hour I w ble to be about 7 ~called kerith Oe ge acta Scrape Rat 2 eal suddenly announced e Shad a | housework. lavas. rubbed: aguin siting neuer cline ld sleeplessness. | ¢, ¢ He n| before retiring, and awoke as usual in or Wax, cure for rheumatism, oon-| Concerning ian Meo: <EtyeMedlena: the pene tae spider was UP) ie morning without a sign of my sisting in the plunging of +I Bois, Que., “When I % back le. badly or the pane atlested indi hent<lbegan) Using) Baby's Tens Mabloia | 4,1 Wo ooKes Carey ae had watts: | ho sort of muscular, pata e fin b oubled with Seastices |S eee ee quite basa that Nerviline won't cure ol i me to| ‘Thousand: ‘The be treatment iis said to be wonderfully fficaciona in cases of anthritis and rheumatic disorders. Dr, Barthe de ar te found, first by personal and then b ral ex- periments during bet aeten years, that wax, even wi heated above 120 degrees Fahrenheit, did not burn, and prod trbnist purely benefi- cial effects never attained by poul- tices or other sibetences at lower temperatutes. Moreo wax is absolutely aseptic, Chae aiid easily ued. aeuropeh, physicians have hithes viewed the new idea ssepilonly, tleoagh Dr. Carrel of the Rocke- feller Institute of New York tovti- a ‘his adherence to the theory in ee Barthe de Sandfort has per- sisted, and now defeats scepticism with an account of the results ac- complistied, not only in ‘human therapeutics, but also in veterinary surgery, especially ig. swollen joints of race © +) treatment is of the [eae value. CAUSE AND EFFECT Qood: Digestion Follows Right Food Indigestion the attendant discomforts of mind and bedy are certain to follow continued use of improper food. Those who are and still young and the finally cause lice of ‘appetite and | ¢ i r night. Now all this trouble vanished and he is a strong healthy child.’’” The Tablets are sold by Ie ine dealers or il at 25 a box from The Dr, Williams’ atau Co., Brockville, Ont. —— i ~—— QUEEN WA) SHOE BRUSH. Clerk Thought to Flatter Her By Offering a Tooth Brush, It és «Spanish custom to openly pay sormphaneate to ladies in the street, tres, and other public places, and ladies are disap- pointed if in their walks or shop- are not said to then. One diated lately Queen Lt Len Eugenie, accompani hela -waiting, went, Reg tin t brush will be more than annoyed the Qi ed to her wane -waiting, but Ey Jeiter, with great indignation, Wh insolence ! Fortunately ote are thong het aware that this whom ao enough to study themselves and! have addressed in such an aanee note the princi i lo oh alee aad you Fel t fed a Act ah Si eae from indigestion, cansed by rich food. gb 90 a was un- pi eae to digest poatonly: soyeinag) medicines seem: “A friend Pr try pares food, _ praising it igh, as a last resort, I tried it. am thankful to say that Gripe tats | not only relieved me of my trouble, strengthened the above letter? A one appanss foi" tiie fo tia. hey sre Rennie iene, aud fan of” hnmas nent manner is none other than th Queen 1” The unhappy youth collapsed. He bad only recently come. to Madrid from. the provinees, and. fail bo ize a Roki i daring of this incident than Kin; Alfonso himeelf, retin ibas “wi ska sense of humor. fights, hich at 80 repulsive to her nage Ror finally pi ‘an opera z pen POU cou! seen, in order be avoid witness- ing the scenes in . But now she attends fights than is ‘and watches ping excursions many pretty things |, w ident excibement. That is aie usnial way with foreigners in | %° taken, when it occurred to lift the edge of the’ flounce sur- rounding the woodwork, As I did so a large black sj pider 1 ran quickly along the cloth toward a bole in the wood and disappeares “The husband and. I looked at o! © . But just then aia of re- lief from the omnis by 9 peso had last you eng found to us the futility of our Pecation, The sixth sense d a failed.’” How a Sick Woman Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. “For years 1 was thin and eats taihodatle i I lost color and was easily ar pring tgs ene, ofthe Yellow pallor, pimples and blottes on i ace not only mortifying helsind the ee for a fairly | my feolings, but becaure T thought my scene shoe brush 70. ‘woul e nico again T some ude delay the | grew despon n my appetite clerk S pisdased a Snir tooth jfailed. 1 gr eak. Various brush which he presented to Her|Temedies, pills, tonics, and tablets 1 Majesty or her Sasaki trled without permantnt, bene TWH so the Wor ot showing me {Yi to my sister put into my hands thie” obsorved the Queen, “Pak | aged pon then and 10W ed for a strong shoe brueh.’’ that they hi adem: ‘ell woman. “For one whose foot I feel sure |1 would not be without them whateyei pitied he | they might cost, T found Dr, Hai cba) and dainty 96) ton's Pills by thelr mild yet searching Ns the! action very suitable to the delicate character They e |never once griped me, yet they estab- shed regulerity, een—my blood red The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known mill gers ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. a een Ae Never Met Her. Tt was a little wizened man who ap we since oe retirement © if a It sinks to the, core of the pain—right through muscle, tissue and nerve—t penetrates where no olly, greasy lin Be can go ani pats anywhere— use Nerviline-tt will cure you. Family size bottle, very John St. Loe Strachey, 1 The son of Br Edward Strachey, Bart., was born and was rivet at ape a College eae ei Fe torn: ist party, Hobe his brother, Lord Strachey, is ral Mr au sarin {Problems and Socialism’ ’.and the “*Prac- ical Wisdom of e Bible.” Redul Ss y the bowela is an absolute meces- nl 4. kk jac] ne cab Ene Morse’s Ae Indian Root Pilla | # ~ é hay. | placed as close ty Bee spark, . | set | vapor ignited | same.naphtha test was also applie NO DANGER FROM WIRP ‘The Question As to Sparking In the Rigging. The published reports of sparking in the rigging of ships carrying wireless and United States Bureau of Navigation has been calling the attention of the shipping world to the possible dan. ger to vessels cargoes, and that the British Board of Trade has been in communica- tion with the Bureau of Navigation on ae ile have aroused con- sider: ssion dn the shipping Malena eee underwriters, According to the Marconi Com- pany, which has received numerous nd |inquiries, there is not the slightest fire-danger from wireless when Pi perly installed end oper. compan; ducted pat experiments a made a full investi- gati The authoritative statement-on ‘the subject was made a high official of the company to- er “Singe 1908 we have fitted about forty tank steamers with our appa- ratus, and mothing in our whole ex: perience indicates t nat the fire-risk is, nee there y possible rink from the use eo Prag ahr a ship- board must arise Pen the existence of electric sparks proximity to inflammable gas or ei ial, “For igistance, one firm of ship: owners made the boomin experi- ment as long ago Oo ascer what danger, Fi ae might arise from the existence of sparks in the Raging a well as in the in- eentnay root Ccerfe of naphtha ‘was \s poet to ce of waste rated — with parka ‘was also placed close to the spark electrodes, but in neither experiment was the by’ the spark. ae to the small sparks at minor parts of the apparatus and nothing hap- ori °|Narge B0c.; trial siz0-260. at all dealers, pene ——_+. ly in Navy. The British nayy affords some good examples of family continuity of profession. Ever since 1735, ia eens Keppel—the future ity aed ex of many srt dshii mis jpman, satin or Kept ri figured on ue navy list, Even this record is sur- passed by a Michael, ouidieaer: mout’s family, which has eupplic Sei to the navy practically without a b since the days of Boum V Til, when Sir Thomas Sey mour combined the offices of Lord High Admiral and Master-General of rdnance. your served as Vico-Admiral against the Armada, and another Seymour was killed in command SF his ship fight- ing the Dutch in 1666, It is said that the name of aevaci has been more often mentioned in dispatches any other nliame on record.— London Daily Chronicle. Pain In Back All Gone Gin Pills Completely Paes nwallls Mr. B.C. Bendy ee send, who, in Se toa) with Mr; | 8898: Epreabe.? way Tehand Bolt Mutton brought | 22 much it «dread Tanne Back . and Hips, that I could not stand up | journal to e high point of: literary | ¢-;, thtormedl byiaistilendl and. political power. Mr. Strachey | about I got a box, 1 is a stalwart member of the Union-| het; ediately, T have taken about twelve boxes and the Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto. Db acaaeee Many Uses for Banana. I nob sure that one banana ae a mutton chop, says a don Chronicle, but. an intoxicatil bade admired. And wi ‘com London and scatters its king upon DD. 4. ISSUE 20—"14. vement it brings its warning fad ane wncareful walker, fact that the | we, for carrying inflammable Sieting corns tn ry HATS—AND HATS. Wonderful Some Countries. Ta Russia te macden who i is fancy a cy or the parse of the wearer dic- Gold, silver, and Sire st: in dee- a ib is a bat, mn. is popular with the peagan- try, although ab amish be very aera and unecanfortable for this purpose. terdam tates, cious stones have w onating this kokosohnik, cal ge n certain parts of Span gesllat to the Russian style js wo Particularly is th dancers among the Toledo The Dutch maiden of pins her faith—and hér head—to a hat which resembles fo ehape an in- |" DAY ve It Headdresses Worn In FARMS FOR SAL. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Stresy ted flower-pot. yy nob the ntyle most suited to her round, | Tp. eae Bties tes placid face, but sie would na wate ac nits ieee for the latest ‘‘thing’’ in |-T\gawson, Oolborne at. Torente On the island ot Marken, in the NE PON ant Zuyder Zee, the fashionable that is OGD WREELY IN FIVE 70 again of the Sane? aoe but with Ge Zork, C ‘County. tone eet on oe the addition of wide, flapping Hi 000. ‘Terma Tiberal. ‘Publishe wings. Fanther north, in Norway, | [ne Company, 78 West Adelaide treet a maiden on her bridal day dons a nectik hich can best aaa MSIDENT | AGENTS. IN BY. a gigantic chers-hoard, nto a att strictly “Teet In the province of Alsace-Lor-| Hon Eee Negi or bore raine the women wear a huge, | in spare «time in your own home sonm winged beaddress. Tho wonderful grey $100 euch a sete “ ing about the Alsacian hat is— fac! to Wan nd your cus! . tows i supported Aro, ese | i Baa nest Hane OE 8 enc concealed wires w does “etop on’? in a high wind? CaN ey a 7 ; “ NION GROWERS, GET LITERA- INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Sinseret ‘onion weeders, R. G. Bruner, Pigeon, Pigeon &. Davis, ‘patent re ind external eure Bey solicitors, Montreal, — re) 127 | out pain by a Canadian patents hetore Yoo Inte. Dr. Bellas Media i for the ending April 2ist, 1914, 64 of wn . Limited, Collingwood, Ont. vols were gr to Americans, to Canadians, 14 to. residents of ATENTS weign countries, and 11 resi- ° dents of Great Britain and colo- nies, Of ti rpg aa: ceived patents, 12 were 3 of Quebec, 2 of ASaiobe ah 1 of Siekbichewat —t---—— ‘Trade Depression. Buyer (to traveller)—No, no; no- thing a fall, thanks. We're over- stock TEAVeLSR NOC? well; but won’t you just look at my samples? 's cheaper to rise colds thar ‘ay er—Not a bit of good, Too heres Buti yt you? bu the col abottleof Kendall’, pagaters -Well, me look here Sc ae five! Do you mind if I take the baal pester | cilge antral Gk rapes bene, Bt Nae T haven't seen bis for three weeks, His Diary: A little boy began to Satie a Sein and his first entry was: this ‘morning at 7 0’¢) me i showed the entry to aie mother, an ny Causes. is nold by drugyists every whe) Baile a Npitien ior $5. Get a free copy x i ‘reatiee on the Horse” a your id gur bob « druggies nor she said reprovingly, “Haye .you 7 been to school? ‘Got up,’ indeed ! 1.3. RINDALL, CO. Such an expression | Does the ms Siege she mse erent eee get up? No, it rises!’"—and she ol scratched out ‘Got up at seven’” An Excellent Excuse. and wrote ‘‘Rose at seven’’ in its! The late Sir Robert Ball enjoyed , | place. "That ete the boy, before asbring, aia eted the entry for thim: ith the sentence—“ at Bo’ aoa aR a) Sant EDSpeCh Tor Corn Cro twenty-four ure 1A Putnam's 260, at all dealers. ERR Women must consider it dreadful fate to be an old maid,” mused Mr, Chugwater. Josiah," tines marry to ype it.” fa rubbed iis bs and said no- hours. Ux- ‘They do, Chugwater, “What eebie shh they see mi a 5 to lecture a ef ea pant of Irex land, and 9} ‘ival at the ata-) tion, Tcoked in ous for the ex- P pected conveyan \ When all the other passengers had dispersed, a tvnically Irish ser- val nt came up to him wid “Maybe you're Sir Rol Bal On receiving an pr sntrrn realy I have kept you waiting, told to look out. ioe an Tatalledivals looking gontleman.’? ret, ‘ull name Petite “Romo. AB Look i ir Te a, of B in One Day, Fi os genuine, “tui kt red Atal MINAEDY CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS, Daphousl Ie. cures badly torn by ict fork, watt NUSARD NS Voiiatea Bi Pet W, LINLIBE, culee’ MINARD'S LINIMUN, THOS. W, Bathurst, N.B, PAYNE, Mange with *. Ponte of baal aeiline bY Lucky @ man is never too old to forget. Minard's Zintment Lumberman's Friend “Pat,’’ eaid ‘Bande, ‘why is at .| short, man epaspre to. kiss # tall woman like an Irishman. ning ue esuvine?? oan because he’s trying mouth of the crane tied att Sunday ‘School meer and mal ter th are Anne Osrdotsy Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Daye Drugelste OINTM fives rellet Being a fanatic may be merely one of the steps to succe \ {| Minara’s Liniment used by, Physicians, Inquire For Yourself. The wife ae a Anta manufac- ab my last situation. ra Lara tay alone imbs dur- ing last winter, and a ‘ae slipped five Reet broke their down the grand staircase, It I who polled) the floor and the stairs.” ‘ Teacher—“‘Now tell-me what it is that binds us to- es us bet nett a Little Sarah] “yy roftnd =m ONT falls to cure Ttohing, Bina ane Fitom First apolloation If you have \4 or Granulated Byelids, Te & urine emedy, Li Murine ye, a Beal a ‘tet nH Hcp 25c, SOc. roe Teal ae fry Murine Eye Re dy Cow a ane. Keep Minard's Tinian in the house. She—‘'You Bikeind up your lips ‘80 that T thought eat were Boing te eS ria me.’’ He--‘‘No; I got so net Well, grit in my mouth, for ness sualioe it; you tem,?? some in your FAM BUK ot Bo Aron stomao! ea use a remedy crs wi mt instructions in ‘booker wit ORMS mh and intestinal ‘wore fr from. Sa abe IN MEDICAL CO, Goshen, Ind, Us 8 Ae act ka a tonic. 1, 25c, SOc. » = Pe I Heh SPL See > 2. 6s? SS ee Se

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