Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Record, 15 Oct 1931, p. 5

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Thursday, October 15, 1931. THE OAKVILLE RECORD Page 5 Mrs. Geo. ° Grice’s Group (No. 3) pt St. John's United Church will hold a TEA and SALE of homemade baking and fancy goods Lusk Hall—Friday, October 23 LOCAL, PERSONAL AND SOCIAL | from 8 to 6 o'clock. c42 BRIDGE AND EUCHRE under the auspices of St. Jude's A-Y.P.A. will be held in the Parish Hall WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21st Good prizes, Refreshments, Dancing. Tickets—25c - MARIE’S High Class Beauty Parlors 30 Robinson 5t., Phone 397F ? diageatg OFFER Finger Wave & Shampoo Positively No Soap used for. Oil Treaments and Shampoo. Care, Courtesy and Cleanliness. cdl-d4 Dr. E. P. and Mrs. Soanes return- el this week from their wedding trip. eo. * Mayor John B. Moat, and Mrs. Moat motored to Orono for Thanks- giving. * * LJ in New Orleans attending a conven- tion of the International Typothetae. % *- W. N-: MacDonald, science master |. of the high school, motored to De- troit on Friday, returning on Monilay. % + + The Harvest Home services will be Jeonducted at Bethel cherch on Sun- day October 18. Rev. E. O. Sey- mour will be the minister for the afternoon service nt 2.30, while the Manicuri Hut oll “Treatment and Facial an Shampoo Marcel ducted by the Asherove Young People. * | St. John’s Men's Club are holding a social in the gymnasium on Fri- day, October 16th, at & p.m.. We Repair Tires Games| will be played; followed by refresh-| ments, which will take the form of a | pumpkin pie social. All men are re-| i guested to wear gym. shoes or bring a| McCleary’s Imperial Service Station * ; pair of rubbers. \ ‘oe ee Colborne and Dundas Streets | PEANUTS GROWN ON OAKVILLE ME, FREER‘S ESTATE . ; Charles Brooman, sarde Joe Raybould Charlie Kells) etate or c.f. Freeh about a bushel of fine looking peanuts grown from a pound of seed planted of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Geo. » in May. Mr. Brooman. states that | Galbraith, Dundas street, Guard ren health from infectious ¢ | oe iid nial aide uses a pea < is = “Second COUSINS S al ger yee ees ; ieee see se a ae J. R. Grinham motored’ to Kines— = , : ton-over the week-en] returning with i i b A i i S | i : Sites anennon: Mrs. Grinham who had been visitine Squib ntiseptic 0 ution : OAKVILI Lee ng yi jwith Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Grinham. he Ds a é 3 O2- bottle plus 1 > FIELD DAY * * * shattér-proof shila 35¢: =: The annual field day proved to he “Ars. R H. Architald and “Mrs, J Sati a y the usual sugeess, with the results as H, McBain were in ‘Stoney Creek on} LEA Dea Follows:—-Mixod - tica-ball foursome, sai afl > they assist- / Winner, Mr.-and Mrs. R. Hore, run- “= rs. at her r ners up, Mits Betty Armstrong and eoption . ; 9 Ee. S. Glasseo; Circus golf. winner,! > % = D unn S adies, Mrs. K. 1D. Marlatt, men We are plensed to report that Miss| ' Major C. Dowding; Drivinr, avinner, Tuura Tailhy, Centre avenue, is able! ‘ladies, Mrs. J. A. Gairdner, men,)t? be around axain after being con- Drug Store O25. Taylor, Thecmembers and? fined to the housé for the past month | truster: a i ip a ns .. with a sprained ankle. Cor. Colborne-Dunn Oakville ee eran cred aes a on : - Phones 650-120 iaftey the presentation of prizes for . cat ithe year. Coulton. and grandson, Frank i : = Coulton, all of Toronto, were the WEATHERSTRIPPING SAVES FUEL BIILS Agent for Chamberlain Weatherstripping and Weatherproofine. The Noyal York Hotel has 7 miles.qf Chamberlain Weathe rstripping, A MACDONALD PHONE 5033 BOX 652, OAKVILLE | | | | | | Bulbs for Fall Planting : “DARWIN: TULIPS “Redding size, seperate colors... ap oslo erate 35c per doz., $2.50 per 100 “3 Forcing size, seperate COLTS 6. eee ee “.45¢ per doz., $3.00 per 100 i parish hall tonight at 8 pin., when an! DAFFODILS iad lress will be delivered by Rev. G. Bae aie Nd pina fact hf meties Kean ma Pe Sea G0c per soz 1G: P_ Grout. President Alex. Mar- Alfred anid -Von SlOMw ios saw ciy cece epee ee eens 75e per «loz. = AH mother bulbs os | sh aH ill pretne: s HYACINTHS : i I 2 ane Seperate icra Exhibition size...... pi Ma 15¢ each, £1.50 per doz. 4 Mr. John Taylor, THAUARET. 0! he Seperate. colors, Second size....... pov e Lats 12¢ each, $1 -20 per oz. |; Bank of Commerce, Goderich, Mr= Seperate colors, Bedding S12@..........+.045. Seeach, .75 per doz. | Taylor and children, spent thanksg!v- This is alsogkPERN SEASON. We have a large assortment from ling with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Archi- 50¢ Up jb: ald, Reynolds street. Mrs. Taylor ce a €: DAUBNEY, Florist | is Ee i ~The best food in the world | % Children need Milk to build the ) - foundation — for strong, sturdy * | | bodies. ‘ Women need Milk to keep them healthy and preserve their beauty. Men need Milk to ward off the — dangers and decline of middle age. . \ | THE. IDEAL DAIRY | 4 DUNN STREET PHONE 1000 | ‘ | John Atkins is spending the week > evening service at 7.30 will be con-) iwish to announce ‘dey, November 7th. ner on the| Freer has gathered | jing of his stock and w }was caught jhe was undercoing treatment. " ri] . FALL OPTION BULBS ‘firm of Van Tubergen Haarlem, Holland, is Mr. Joe Fuller spent the holiday in Strathroy. *% ; *% Howard Kelley has returned home after spending -the holiday visiting his aunt in Toronto. “* % a Miss Alice Joyce who has been spending the summer in Oakville, re- turned to Toronto on Sunday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacDonald and family were visitors with Mrs. MacDonald's sister, Mrs. Wooton, in Galt on Sunday. * * bal Mrs. Herbert Ashbury and family | spent the Thanksgiving holiday silo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hughes London. ze 7 * * Mr. William Joyce se has been spending a few days with his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelley, has returned to pata : > ¥ Mr. and Mrs. M. a Dickinson, | Douglas avenue, are spending a two week's holiday with friends in Ot- tawa and Kemptville. * * y Knox church Ladies’ Aid society; that their annual Christmas baznar will be held on Fri- e422 * and Mrs 2 Glanvil 4 Mr J * Mrs. S.S. Walker, Mrs. Elizabeth | in Toronto, has #eeived the appot wt=| their sister, Miss Laura the Cedars, Centre avenue. x ” FE. F. Allport, who has aecepted a} position as traveller with a wholesale hardware Toronto, is dispos- ill remove with | at the end of} guests Tailby, firm. of his family to the city the month. PG ~ St. Jude's Women’s Guild held their «first foll meetine on October Sth when Turner: ’ plans were made for the winter hit A rummage sale will be heli lon Saturday, October 17th at 2.20 in the parish hall. ‘% at- * st. first meeting of the season in the; fand Mrs. Archibald % Mr. J. H. Eliott visited his niece, Mrs. Campbell,- in Ottawa and his) fhrother, Mr. John Elloitt, in Packen- are sisters. * \ 3 : 5 ne during the Thanksgiving holi-| SUSE eS : days. i x % ¥ Ernest Flannagan, who — suffered painfnl injuries, when his left ham! in a” machine at the Marlatt Tannery, has returned from | the Torento General Hospital, where F OR DIST DISTRIBUTION | The shipment of it of bulbs for iall op- tions, coming frum the well known | Limited, of] xpected to pr-| rive in about ten days time. { Full particulars regarding «istri-' ‘bition of options will be published in! ‘the local papers and notices sent to ~all members... . The society cannot undertake to de- liver these options, and any bulb: left over, due to members not ca'l- int for same when notified, will be) miven to schools, parks ‘and other | ‘Incal civit improvement. boards. i It is honed that all Members of | the society will avail themselves of) these options. '" * % Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Prowse of | Toronto, visited with the latter's » These dude's Mon's-Clyb.svill-hold_the- Miss Evelyn Holmstead has return- ed- from a sojourn in England and Europe. * * * Rev. E.-O; Seyrmhour supplied for Rev. R.“B. Smith-at Islington Unit- | ed church last Sunday. _* & * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tilley, Dundas street, spent the holiday with Mrs. Tilley’s parents in Kitchener. sister, Mrs. he eeneys.s ori Monday. Don't forget oe Wm. ea &) Sons, Halton Garage, make door antl | ignition keys sins your car. pa2tet | Mrs. E ae ior Terry of Toronto! spent the week-end and holiday with her mother, Mrs. C. Gilleland, Church street. : % + * A brid ind euchre party undert the auspices of St. Jude’s A.¥.P.A, | will be heli in the parish hall; Wed-! | (GREGORY THEATRED THURS., FRI. and SATUR., OCTOBER 15, 16 and 17 “YOUNG SINNERS” A comedy drama of youth and its yearnings, starring Dorothy Jordana Chapter Seven-—“‘HEROES OF THE FLAMES.” ! Caomedy—*'My Harem.” MON., TUES. ed WED., OCTOBER 19, 20 and 21 “DRACULA” Unusual mynery drama, starring Helen Chandler. Laurel and Hardy Comedy—“Be Bic.” Novelitv—"SHINbic.”" . > £ Two shows each night at 7.30 and 9.15. night 7.15 and 9.00, Saturday matinee 2.30, COMING— October 26, 27 and 28—‘‘Pouitics.” with Mariz Dressler and Polly Moran COMING—-November 2, 3 and 4- Janet Gaynor. "Dappy Lone Lecs,"’ with nesday, Octoher Dtet at & p.m. Gonil} prizes, refreshments, dancing. Tickets | 25¢. pi2} * © i BER Many nen and bors are envaged at} the sresent time harvesting the fine} crop of anptsx, One of the largest | orchards is owned by Harry Ryric| ver fifty employed in pick- - a “lanwilla Gon. who has over fifty er . rS3 - =. . ¥ “ . Fa ‘ “nn “At < don spent the week-end ak re ting sorting and packing. ‘ Bae oie | tendanve st the Senarate school, the have found it “necessary to , Onze another teacher. Mra. FEd- lwaril O'Connor, who formerly taurh! chs arge of. the Miss Daly of the school, iment and will have Junior department. i! ae Wi * Mrs. her duties 13th. * * RASKETBALL LEAGUE APPOINT EXECUTIVE Aft a meeting of the basketball ex- ecutive andl Pepresentutiy different churches held ~ in Lusk hall on Tuesday evening the following of- principal O'Connor lay, will begin Octoher es of the fevers were elected: President, J.H vice-president, Maurice Lun- jau; secretary, Christina Izatt: treas- | urer, Margaret Daubney. meeting will: held Lens the bakers for She Season will, be drawn up. be ensuing SPECIAL SATE of Larveé “MACROPHYLLA BEGONTIAS Your choice for this week reenlar $1.00 to £125, PERKINS & SONS Macdonald Road Oakville Opportunity! You can make splendid money selling Personal Greeting Cards. Our co-operation and beautiful portfolio assures success. .” Now is the time to start— m Special Radio Prize Gontest be- ginning. No charge for samples. Commission weekly. Master Kraft Limited - Toronto 2 il | Another | shortly | SNe each. | So Le DANCING 9 to 12 OLD TYME AND MODERN Every Wednesday and Saturday VICTORIA HALL, OAKVILLE By NORM, GULL. and his OLD TYME HOE-DOWNS This orchestra is uvailable any night within 50 miles of Oakvill: Wednesday and Saturday evenings, at a reasonable price. PHONE OAKVILLE 424F ' | ' except NOTICE Will the taxpayers of Trafalgar Township who have re- ceived undue demanding letters or harsh measures from the tax collector please communicate with J. H. WINNETT, -Lekeshore Road. A quiet wedding was solemnizesi| eat St. Jude's rectory, Monday, OQc- toher 12th, by Canon D.. Russell Smith when Ernest. Clare Taylor and Dorath vy. Maud Passmore, both of | {Os akvi ve utdted in marriage (abs eae Georze Kenny, of Winnipeg ‘lvisiting his hi lf-hrother, Harr: Hue! ne ! See ther, Wm. Ker bry, ac ‘ ive, He reparts con *~) ditions in Ww innipeg much the same as fin Ontario cities: -—The distress j Hareely amone the foreirn element. x a at Owing to the rapidly increasing at Cook’s Specials | BULK TEA. ... . per lb. 33c | Cooking Eggs . . per doz: 27c | | Bologna . .. . perlb. 16c | Ibis Pears . .« . 3tins 25c| 3 tins 25c 2 jars 32c Heinz Spaghetti - Frigate Marmalade | Choice Deliciously Tender Cuts li are assured by our carefully selected meats. | A. Cook’s Meat Market Formerly occupied by W. A. Buckle ? : Phone 601 j Corner Dunn and Colborne Streets Fada and i \ ‘PROM FHONE—6 A FREE DEMONSTRATION will convince you ot their wonderful reception Terms to meet your requirements Used Radios at Bargain Prices JERRY’S GARAGE Silver Marshall Radios SERVICE on all makes PT, COURTEOUS AND EFFICIENT CHURCH STREET, OAKVILLE

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