Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Record, 15 Oct 1931, p. 4

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: Page 4 < THE OAKVILLE RECORD Thursday, October 15, 1931. Business THE OaKviLLe Recorp, a. GEORGE ATKINS, MANAGER PHONE—16 Directory OOR. CHURCH and GEORGE sTs Oakville ~ Gospel Mission — + Ge ape ——_—— 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Adult s Bible Class. 7 p.m.—Mr, J. CADWALLADER 1 to 3 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. and by appointment. Office 131. Residence 391. DR. A. C. BREMNER PHYSICIAN and SURGEON PALERMO ; Office and Residence: Roadside Inn Phoné: Bronte 8 ring 2 DR. J. F. WEATHERILL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY Davis Building Colborne Street Telephone 921 DR. D. V. REED VETERINARY SURGEON STREETSVILLE Skillful treatment on all animals Day and Night Service Phone Streetsville 65 c2ott DR. C. M. OAKE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON succeeding Dr, G. B. Chisholm - E Office Hours: 1-3 p.m. - 7-9 p.m. and by appointment 154 COLBORNE STREET Telephone—101 A WELCOME AWAITS YOU ST. JOHN’S United Church of Canada Rev. E. O. Seymour, M.A., B.D. - Minister. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1931 11 a.m—*“Study from Isaiah.” 2.30—Sabbath school in Lusk hall, Men’s Class—Speaker, Mr. J. FE. Brock, Toronto. 7 p.m.—“Our Civilization: Going to Pieces?” Join with us in these services. welcome to all. Is It A (| C SUNDAY, HRISTIAN S SOCIETY of OAK XE VILLE OCTOBER 1a 1931 “Doctrine of Atonement” Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. i (2nd and 4th Wernesdays) | i Including Testimonies of Hea ing through Christian Scienc You are cordially inyited to tend the services and to make use of the | Free Public Reading Room || parents andl members were present to | | News of Our Neighbours | (From our Own Correspondents. ) | | Goods to be shipped this week to Rev. George Dorey, Regina, Sask., where The anniversary sérvices of: ‘the a.distributing station has beeh set up. United church. were held last’ Sun-| Mrs. Orange Ribble . of town__has day at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and were again this fall maintained her high largely attended. In the morning} 7ecord as an exhibitor of household| Rev. H. Avison of High Park United |2"¢ fancy articles, cooking, canning, church, Toronto, was the special); etc. When at Burlington fair re- speaker and in the evening the pastor |Ce"tly she captured nine first prizes Rev. Alex. MacGowan preached, both | 2nd seven second prizes. services being impressive and ap- propriate to the occasion. Choir- | master A. O. Flumerfelt and his} choir rendered four splendid anthems during the day, which were greatly | appreciated. Next Sunday ' BRONTE (). CLARK LRKS ON | _ Albert Raney a of Croyden, = land, spent a couple of days with his! Harvest Thanksgiv-|sister, Miss B. Norman, while on al ing services are being held in the ‘brief business trip to some of the| Church of the Epiphany when Mr. Principal cities of Canada and the! Pitts, a layman of Hamilton will spare { erated States. duct morning praver at 11 a.m., and| Miss Ross, Miss Ellis- and Miss. the rector, Rev. J. M. Cameron will Collins of Havergal College and Miss! preach in the evening at 7.30. his sub-' Doran and Miss Robinson of Toronto| ject being “Sowing and Reaping.” ; were registered at the Blue Dragon The choir conducted by E. 0. Cath-;Inn over the holiday. cart is.preparing special music for} Mr, and Mrs. John Boyd and fam- the occasion, ily have taken an apartment in town The October meeting of the Ladies’ fer the winter. Aid was held at the home of Mrs. i Mrs. Crickmore and A. E. Pickard on Thursday afternoon Crickmore were cuests when various items of business were over the week-end. discussed . ' Col. and Mrs. R. C. Levisconte The assembly hall of the Public anq family have Jeft Clarkson and school was fairly wel! filled on Tites- taken a house in Toronto. liz seht on the -occanionioe the Oss aire, M. Gouldand daughter star een meeting of the Home an! School paret were guests of Mrs. B.D. Say- Club, when the pupils as well @Fssover Thanksgiving week-end. The Clarkson community church is holding its Harvest services next Miss Mary} at. Benares 4 be entertained by moving pictures. Principal Catheart gave a couple of instrumental selections and the re- Sunday. mainder of the evening was given The Women's Missionary Society over to motion pictures. The reels ™et on Tuesday afternoon at the home were descriptive of the manufacture of Mrs. A. P. Westervelt and Rev. of paper through all stages and the A. Spencer gave a talk on the Open Tuesdars 3.30 to 5 p.m. where the BibT and all author- ized Christian Sciend litera- ||, ture may, be read, borrowed or and periodicals sub- | » W. ALEC CHISHOLM BARRISTER, Ete. Phones: Office 65, House 458 Loans Negotiated on First Mortgages W. N. ROBINSON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC. OFFICE—DAVIS BUILDING Over Canadian Bank, of Commerce | fees Cee, Residence 275. Money to Loan on Mortgage Security. | Evening appointments if desired. GREGORY & GREGORY Barristers, Solicitors, Noturies, Conveyancers, Ete, Continental Life Building 371 Bay Street Toronto Telephone Main 6070 Oakville Office: Road and Eighth Line Telephone 389 to Loan on Improved Picea at Current Rates. Gregory, V. W. Armstrong, ¥. W. Kemp. . Mone: W. D. e . W. S. DAVIS REAL ESTATE Money to Loan at Cdrrent Rates on First Mortgages. DAVIS BUILDING OAKVILLE Telephone 41 Corner Lake Shore} and INSURANCE, ; scribed for. Dundas and Randal Streets | ——— Investment Service } BONDS STOCKS | on all Exchanges : | — MACRAE & COMPANY Investment Bankers P 80 King Street West Toronto | Phone: EL. 3374 . | 1 _ OAKVILLE SERVICE 25c TAXI 25c GEORGE STREET RES.—411 H. W. BOORER aT YOUR SERVICE The Oakville Window Cleaning Company Hardwood Floors Cleaned . and Polished _Box 3420 Phone 243 More Heat Less Waste ELECTRIC WIRING For Lighting, Motor, Ranges and Appliances, D. RICHARDSON ELECTRICAL-CONTRACTOR ONE-8{1 - @AKVILLE{ Old houses Wired carefully. Ded SULLIVAN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR-DEALER ) “You'll do Better with Sullivan.” Box 194 . Colborne St. Coal | Coke W ood John E. Ford Phone 85 Ice Phone 634; ee i {{ the pupils on | follows Senior boys—Lens Hall, Joe! “The many frends in this neiehbor-! | Pickart; junier boys—Lorne Rray, hood of Mr. and Mrs. T. MeConvev| || Lloyd Carpenter; senior girls—Donna whose summer home is on the Dundas | Complete 1} giving Day in tqwn comedy “Felix at Hollywood.’ A teat missionany lender of Japan. pleasing feature was the presentation o— by the princinal, O. Cath®art, of the silver and vimanas da won by TRAFALGAR the refent field day, as! ae ; | McIntyre, Ethel. Tuck; junior girls— highway, will be grieved to hear of Margaret Robertson, Betty Redshiw. the sad accilent which happened ‘to | Major H. B. Boyd of Albany, N.Y., their small son, Edward, on Sunday { spent last weels in town with his afternoon. Mr. MeConvey was driv- ! aunts, Mrs. J. T. Rose and Miss | ing west on the highway when by! )]; Morgzan and met many former friends. ;some unknown means the doar of th >| On partly a business trip Mayor Boyd car flew open and the baby wac! visited Hamilton and Toronto spend- thrown onto the pavement right in| ing one day with his sister, Mrs. L./the midst of the dense trafic, Wy! Matchett in the latter city. +some miracle he escaped heaine Se 1 Dr. W. E. Cudmore of Buffalo, over by cars and wns rushed to St |N.¥., visited over the week-end at} Joseph's hospital where the extent of | his home in town, spending Thanks: ‘his injuries is not vet fully ascertain- giving day. Miss Marjorie Cudmore/¢d- Much sympathy is felt for the | }of Toronte~ also spent the holiday} parents. ‘ week-end at home: Mr. and Mrs. MeGowan entertained Mrs. J. Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and Mr. anv! : Bray and little daughter Phyllis and: Mrs. Birdsall. Miss Jean Bright, Hamilton, motored’ Mrs. W. Conover’s guests were! with Miss Laura Bray to Fenwick to! Mrs. Daly, Miss Barber and Mr. | spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. , Sawdon. i Christopherson | The Ladies’ Aid of Munn's church! Miss D. L. Crosby of the Public met on Wednesday at the ome of school staff spent the week-end and) Mrs. Featherstone, the day was spent . holiday at her home in Guelph. in quilting. Mr. -and Mrs. L.-L.-Matchett-and Mr--and Mrs > Mott were visitors at. children of Toronto spent Thanks-, the home of Mr. aml Mrs. Allen, | with Mr, an?) Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Carnenter| Mrs. J. T. Rosé and Miss Morgan. | visited A. Carpenter on Thanksgiving. | Miss'Grace Osborne was the splo- Ladies’ Aid of Knox, Sixteen, met ist on Sundav night in St. John’s' on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. | Anglican church, Winona. Others Porter, Oakville. from town who motored over to at-! | tend the service includéd Mrs. A. | ' Patterson, Misses Lila Oshorne, Dor-| athy, Nora-and Adele Johnston <i (J //rememees | Mr. D.. Wilson. Mrs. W. H. Cudmore of town at- ¢¢ tended the Thursday morning session Are you a of the teachers’ convention to apeal briefly on the Home and. Schoo! move- ment. Lyman Jackson, former owner and editor of the Newmarket Era, is in. town this week visiting his sister, Do you arrange your week with washday on Monday becanse it, is more convenient or because’ that day has always been deili- Mrs..J. S. Flumerfelt following a cated to this part of household visit with another sister, Mrs. C. | work? If you send your wash Harker of Hamilton. : to a laundry, does it make any Mrs. T. Hassall, while visitine difference what day it goes”. with friends in Toronto last weely Many women, on thinking it was fortunate in heing entertained to the Saturday matinee of the famons Passion Play. Rev over, have asked us to chanze their day to Friday or Saturday,' and this is a great help to the girls in this laundry as it eases the pressure of work in the early part of the week and provides work in tha latter part, where work is usually not so heavy. 7. Wm. Bremner of Galt will be. a visitor in town on the 25th when he will preach at both a mornine and evening service in the Baptist church. A. 0. Flumerfelt and. his choir have heen invited to sing i" the morn- | ing anniversary service at Munn's United church next Sunday and hapa accented. The ladies of the United church are delighted with the-esnerons rpasnnnss.- not only te the enecial Thankofferin= received et the ‘Ladies’ Aid meetin, last week hrt*sleo with the larve do- | nations of eood used clothing iven PHONE RECORD OFFICE, Oakville. bv citivens -9nerally for the hale to and the Driver will call. he cent to the weet. Mrs. A. FF | -G. MELVILEE, Representative. Pickard convener of the supply com- mittee of the W.M.S. is packine the At OAKVILLE on MONDAY and THURSDAY i le tees ee be es | MERTON The death of Cyrus Utter, which | gveurred on Saturday, in St. Joseph's hospital, Hamilton, removes a native and life-long resident of the middle road district. William and Jane Utter, the deceased was born on the farm upon which he has spent practically all his life. He reached his 82nd birthday in Septem-, ber and was a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, Hamilton, since last March. Of a sterling Christian character, the late Mr. Utter was a staunch .sup- porter of the Merton Methodist church until it was closed. Since that time he has‘allied himself with the Paler- mo United church where he was a faithful attendant. The onlv immedi- ate relative surviving is one son, Fred, who lives in Byemore, Alberta. The remains rested at the uniertakine parlors of S.S. Russell, Oakville, un- til Tuesday when Rev. Alex. Mac- Gowan conducted the funeral service in the Palermo United church and also at the grave side in the Palermo cem- etery. The pallbearers) were T Hager, H. Inglehart, J. Lee, BR. Dar- lington, D. Sargant and G. S. Wood. The son of the late. adult Bible class which Mr. Utter at- tended, the Merton Home and School club and others. George Diltz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diltz, Bronte station, had the misfortune last week to break a bone in his ankle. Mr. Diltz was stepping out of his truck when his foot turned over, resulting to the injury above mentioned. THANKSGIVING AT ST. JOHN’S UNITED Large congregations greeted Rev. W. B. Smith, a’ former minister at St. John’s United church on Sunday when special Thanksgiving services were held and the annual Thankof- fering was received. In_two timely and thoughtful ser- mons, Rev. Smith dealt with present day conditions anid attributed the dis- tress so prevalent in all countries to human greeil and selfishness. The Thanksgiving anthems by the . choir were exceptionally well render- ed and the solo by Mrs. Harry Krug was much appreciated. The altar of victim of habit)”. was fittingly decorated and flowers, Among the floral tribytes were the church wreaths and sprays from the Palermo with fruits, vegetables church boaril, the Ladies’ Aid, the attractively arranced. Instantly, automatically and visibly it indi- cates in light the station you want—pre- cisely at the point of perfect tone quality! DeLuxe Model 48 Slicing Door Lowboy. 10 Tube Superhetero- dyne— Other Fada Features: Improved Superheter- odyne Design, Pentode Tubes in Push-Pull, Multi-Mu Sereen Grid Tubes, Automatic Vol- ume Control, Tone Filter and Noise Sup- pressor and Tuning Silencer. : Perfect Tone— As vou come to a station, a neon tube lights up and shows the station’s call letters. Ag you continue turning the tuning knob, the light continues to rise in the tube until it reaches the highest.point for that station. That means you have the station at the [| E| | F HE of reception and tone ity. P TRY IT TODAY? Come in te our showrooms and try the new Fada Automatic FLASHOGRAPH. Demonstrate it yourself and see how it simplifies radio operation and. insures perfect tone. Note, too, the other new revolutionary features of the new Fadas. New low prices, six new models: $99.00, $129.00, $149, 00, $199.00, $239.00, $279.00. JERRY’S GARAGE

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