i ' ' THE BUSINESS WOMAN re than ever. before, is unfitted to fill. And truth to tell she has risen to the opportunity, and now shares many business responsibilities in former times confined to men. But, "As women are subject to more fre- quent fluctuations of health than men, many will be handicapped early, if they regard their health requirements too lightly. The nervous strain, long hours and prolonged mental or, physical fatigue thin the blood and weaken the nerves. Such conditions as women are now called upon to undergo can only be en- dured by a full-blooded constitution. The woman worker, i e, re- quires her blood venanteved frequent- ly. She needs new, rich blood to keep her health under the trying conditions of business life, and to fortify her system against the effects of overwork. This applies also to the woman in the) home, who, perhaps, has more worries , and anxieties than usual. So let all | girls and women take heed and renew | their blood promptly at the first ap-| proach of pallor, lack of appetite, head- | ache and backache. This can be best | and most effectively accomplished by | taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which | make new, rich blood and thus help womankind so perfectly. No woman | need fear failure of health if they take | these pills occasionally to keep them! well, or give them a fair trial if they| find themselyes rundown You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any medicine dealer or by | mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for | 2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. a" Sea ORCHIDS WITH ICE CREAM. Flavorin@ Extract, Vanilla, is Obtain- ed From Highly Prized Flower. Few people think of orchids, which! are highly prized and admired for| their beauty as flowers, as contribut-- ing any edible product, yet one of the most widely known and commonly used flavoring extracts--vanilla--is' obtained from an orchid. e commoner forms of the orchid are very widely scattered throughout the world. Out of a total of 15,000 different species there is only one DANGER FOR THE TOURIST. | Strange Animal Inhabits the Desert Valley of ornia. That most frightful' of deserts, Death Valley, in California, lies be- tween two lofty ranges, one of which is called the Funeral Mountains. The higher levels of these moun- tains are rather densely forested, with here and there little meadows an "parks" (natural clearings), in which dwells a strange animal known as the terrashot. So inaccessible are those inhospitable heights, however, that the creature, rarely seen, has remain- ed almost unknown. Respecting its habits little can be said. There is no reason for suppos- ing that it is dangerous to man. body knows even whether it is cer nivorous or a plant feeder. It has coffin-shaped body, six or seven tect, long, with a sort of shell running the | whole length of its back. Having (it is presumed) few natur- | al enemies, the terrashot increases in' numbers until it is seized with an im-| | above described, and beholding pulse to migrate--possibly a bei food supply no longer suffices. The mals then form long processions, | marching down into the desert in sin- gle file, with the evident intention of | crossing the valley to the mountain ns Bies on the other side. een But none of them ever get across; | As they encounter the hot sands they! DEEDS. 'As 'round some forgotten tome, Among whose leaves a rose has lain, lingers perfume; Though -- and rose have each be-| THE PATHS cates PAIN. The paths of pain are lonely, But the loneliest path of all, Pitiful, weak and small; The fatherless and motherless 0 live unloved, and die, Sobbing their little souls away, nder a silent sky. The paths of pain are holy, But the hSiest path of all Is sacred to the children, 'inocent, frail, and small; e friendless and forsaken, The lambs without a fold, Till He shall call them to Him Over the sands of gold. --Ernest H. A. Home. -->--- Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. A quart of canned peaches or to- matoes on the shelf is worth a bushel rotting on the ground | The yellow hue of time's slow stain, | The white of an egg when used in- That robbed its bloom. | So memory of dveds we've don If good or - they still lfve on ts fol-| low After this cesthig course is run, sing or curse the meed we've won To help or mar. --wWinfield Lionel Scott, Detroit. rapidly distend with the heat, and one) | after another they blow up with loud reports, the places where this hap- pens being marked by deep, grave- shaped holes. br og Cox, State Forester of Min-' , has found records which show that aa Mormon emigrants observ- ed this remarkable animal, chancing to witness such a procession as that! the tragic fate of the creatures. ----__ 4 A MARVELLOUS MEDICINE men excellent aa ela flesh. gned This is to certify that I have used for years, and consider it the best lini- t on the market. W. S. PINEO. "Woodlands," Middleton, N.S. FOR L'TTLE ONES Mrs. mith Pelletier, Ste. Perpetue, Que., write "I have much pleasure in stating that Baby's Own Tablets have been a marvellous medicine in the case of my baby. I have been us- ing the Tablets for four years and don't think there is anything to equal them." In using the Tablets the moth- | er has the ofa analyst that they do not contain one selected in the field corn, stored more carefully and will then pro-| 'duce a larger yield in return than if! picked from the shock or crib. To disinfect a bathtub, scrub and ' scald it well, then allow a little water to run into it and a a gl A small brush every part of the ior with ae quantity of carbol acid Seed ears for next year's crop, if from standing | may be chosen more wisely, be | genus known to have any practical particle of opiates or other harmful | value. There are but a few species of this! genus and the most important one of are sold by these fs that from which the vanilla bean of commerce is obtained. The genus is native in the warmer parts Ont. of Mexico and in portions of Central | ap ge but it t has been Mivated in and is now parts "of the West Indies and in The various species of vanil all climbing plants. The slender stems | send out aerial roots and by these the vines climb upon the trunks and limbs =~ ay not "all thy days be fair of trees. The fruit consists of long slender pods, resembling a thick, somewhat: flattened tead pencil in shape, firm but slightly wrinkled. The pods | are gathered and dried before they are | fully ripe, the drying process being a very important feature of their bee paration, developing their color and giving them the peculiar quality de- sired for flavoring purposes. Britain's Hero. A London schoolmaster named Wiman, who enlisted and lost an arm! and a leg in France, returned to teach- | ing after his recovery and became the idol of his students. The discipline among members of his class was perfect, the boys enforc- | ing it among themselves. Finally, after the authorities discovered him to be a better teacher hearing of ore of his history lessons. | At this exhibition Wiman asked: "Now, boys, who is the greatest out- rpeet td British military hero of all tim i the boys instantly stood, thrice and shouted in chorus " man!" cheered! Mr, Wi- | | POSTUM A wholesome table beverage with winning flavor. Used every- where by folks who find that tea or coffee disagrees. "There's a Reason" Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Lid, Windsor, Ont. a is- S01 lands of the East Indian archipelago. in la are! , Then how can sorrow bring you harm \ Ack Murine Eye Rem | drugs--they cannot possibly do- harm -- they always do good. The Tablets medicine dealers or by. mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. | Williams' Medicine Co., "Brockville, | GOD BLESS YOU. I breathe a charm Lest grief's dark night oppress you. If 'tis God's way to bless you? 1 shadows touch thee never,' laa "this alone--God bless you, jax, So thou art safe forever --Julia A. Baker. Sun d Wind quickly relieved - Murine. Bs Sy in [pas Crenbted Eyelids, Sore E es, Eves in fiamed by vee NoSmartiag Just Eye Comfort Marine RE Remedy 2. Attached. Little Mu ry had been sent to the | Store to get some fly paper. She was' 'a long time in returning, and he mother began to feel a bit anxious. Going to the door, she spied the lit. | tle girl coming up the street, and said, | as well as pa "Mary, have you got the fly-paper?" on. "No, mother," cried Mary, "it's got | me; but we're both coming together." | | Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. | The Pen of Destiny. | Sir Douglas Haig signs all official | ,despatches and other official docu- ments with the gold fountain pen that | was a present to his wife from Queen | Alexandra The British Commander- in-Chief devotes half an hour out of | what is often a w orking day of fifteen or sixteen hours to signing "oer documents. This is the outside lim of time he can afford to devote to _ of this kind. Sir Douglas Haig | s as fit as can be and has an iron con- | stitution, but he has nevertheless lost over fourteen pounds in weight in the. past twelve months. The burden of responsibility that e Commander- in- | Chief of the B.E.F. j on his shoulders i wear most men | to a shadow in a few months. | Volcano is Hottest on Top. Notwithstanding what the old text- | books say, it now appears that a vol-| cano is hottest on its surface, -- This is | the conclusion drawn bya scientist | who has made extensive investigations | in craters in Hawaii and has obtained | samples of gases and lava before they reached the air. Laboratory studies of these samples make it appear prob- able that much of the heat required to keep an open lava basin in fluid con- dition is supplied by the chemical ac- tion of the gases. From these inves- tigations the scientist concludes the temperature at the surface of a vol- cano undoubtedly is higher than that below the surface. Kisses and rumors go from mouth to mouth. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. WOMEN! IT IS MAGIC! LIFT OUT ANY CORN Apply a few drops then lift oorns or calluses off with fingerse--no pain, lift off any corn or cal- ness, A Cincinnati man dis- covered this ether com- one. gist will sell a tiny bot- shown, for very little cost. You apply a few neatly the soreness disappears, then short- ly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it right off. Freezone is ful. It doesn't eat away the corn or callus, but shrivels it up without -- r ' | even irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, | shee {s nu pain before or \after- ar If your druggist hasn't freesone dlvon A FRIEND'S i bottle delivered, and Book 8 M Pica I have found it pertle liniment for man! stead of water for mixing mustard poultices prevents the skin from blis- Growing children need more Ussue- | The oldest railway in France runs building foods than do persons whose} between Paris and Havre. It was growth is completed. Milk, eggs, | built more than half a century ago. meat, fish, cheese and legumes are all | tissue-building foods, but milk and eggs are best for young children. =| | PuRS ° PERSIAN LAMB OVELY MINK pric = MONEY ORDERS argains. McComber's Limited, Manu- When ordering goods by mail, send; facturers, 420 D St. Paul West, Montreal a Dominion Express Money Order. MISCELLANEOUS NANCER, TUMORS, LUMP Flour is apt to gather dampness if it | tering SELDOM SEE a big knee like this, but your horse ° may have a bunch or bruise on his anid, hock, stifle, knee or throat. A BSORBINE TRADE RARK REG U.S-PAT OFF. the horse. No blister, no will pee it off without fo bal 2 | bullen--"exaggerated." alr it care for &; al pe Sigg BEY th ful 8 Wens, Erui Varicose Ve ar mation. Prics Fla: and £2 a bottle iMINARD'S LINIMENT in my family drops required van application, $2 pet 2 per Like A Boy at 50 Bubbling over one one ch. | W. F. YOUNG, P.O. F., 510 Lymans Bide. et gg @bsorbius end Absorbine, Jr.. arr Just think! You can 4 lus without pain or sore- tle of freezone, like here | wonder- | It dries instantly. | inful calluses, lift right | tell him to order a small bot- | e for you from his wholesale drug | Woman Saved From a Seri- | ous Surgical Operation. Louisville, Ky.--"For four years I suffered from female troubles, head- aches, and nervousness. I could not slee cep, bed had no Eppetite and it hurt me to wa d to do any work, would ft to lie hes Ee ore it was i loc- | table Commporind, feel like anew wom- I am well and ' py 4 Saou an Aight jemdl bale eet, "Liaw ve an ei und baby gir' now Lydia E Pi pebest" 'a Vegetable pound ae, me from an operation -- every woman d Mrs. ELLIE FISHBACK, 1521 Christy Ave., vee Ky. Everyone naturally dreads the geon's knife. Bonistiines nothin, will do, but many times Lydia E. ham's Vegetable Compound has ae _ patient and made an operation un- net o-- any pavpereome ch slg iis Pi erhas Merigine Co, Co, 2. e a Mass, for helpful advice given tres. ED.7. / ISSUE 38--'11. Toes | CUTICURA HEALS BAD CASE ECZEMA Relief fnetantariegus. Healed With 3 Cakes of Soap and 2 Boxes of Ointment. very much annoyed by irritation on ee back. 1 a bad case d shape, and my clothing irritated 50 that the skin became very sore. I sent peiaas de Soap and Oint- ment elief was instan- Wr taneous Ka with the use of three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two -- o Ointment I was healed." (Signed) B. F. Grosch, Y eo C. A., St. Catherines, bs July'4, r hair' and 'skin health Speco Soap "a Ointment are supre For Free Sample Each by 2 Mail a Fal post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. A Boston, U.S. A."" Sold everywhere. Dr. r. Beck, The C= -- and Doctor Judkins, The Medical Author, Publish Astonishing Report on Wonderful Remedy Say it Strengthens Eyesight 5095 in One Weck's Time in Many Instances DR. BECK A Free Prescription Filled i Use New York.-- eye special chusetts thorough t You cen Have at Ho Bee and Dr.Judkins, a Massa- physiclan, were asked make a Their reports were most inter- e "When my attention opportenity ni test it. I beg ractice many individ- ears for a agi! per pm near-sightedness, astigma- sm means. to study Bon P o cope th, ing x simple in its application tha it t's used at home by anyone of average faeticenen fo my own practice I have Been it streng then f a New york state | J: of the popular eye remedy, | 8t¢ in | pre "the eyesight 7 I aotiey inspection in in ox | &tates that only 14,016 ETC. rests right on th 7 Internal and external, cur with- & the floor. The boys can j out pain by home she ag Writs make a neat box, a few inches high, to! us Yefore o late gs n Medical r. set the barrel or binin. This will keep | Co.. Limited. Collingwood the flour dry. | '|| When buying your Piano insist on having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION ey Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. The phrase "a cock : and bull "a con- ' cocted and bully story," the latter term being derived from the Danish With Vitality--Taking Iron Did It. Doctor says Nuxated Iron is greatest of all strength builders-- Often increases the strength and endurance of delicate, nervous folks 100 per cent. in two weeks' time. V YORK, N. ¥.--Not long ago @ again and lcane ca . e for yourself how much l century old and asked bsg hg oi A him ® | you have galne d. I have seen dozens o | prel{m inary nation for life insur- = | ferrous run-down wh a P e While the 'boo Jas astonished to to find Bim ie : 3 durance anc i 0 co. f vigor, vim and Vitality as * young | other Troubles a ff ac ung man he really was I anya" Gene ahaa ee, 1. Fi notwithotaca te his The secret he! proper i simply by taking fron | flea hin taking Jron--nuxated iron had | {n some came een d ec ys with h Fenewedlive, At 30 bondi without obtaining any benefit an cel a P ~ o orms of Ee ted Iron a miteaie. oP Shale an SP anne OF tincture of iron simply to save |his face beaming with t buoyancy of rm th any b ie | ¥e put s ave said a hundred times eimilated like ine ¥ iron is the greatest of all strength it S Waits nuxated | buiide rs. If people would only take Nux- | proves' wove thy, Be d Tron Bg ey feel wea r run- thi orse than | down osing themsetves with | ath a Beck prizefighter has | habit- -forming "druses, ulants and a erect' at ze any ne | coholic beverages [ am convinced that In ete bles 4 eneth an this way they u ard off disease ne uff ats iron ! | preventing it becoming organic in thou- | 4 wn hg while many Pong ted has gone sands of cas n eby the lives of 70" to nglorious | thousands migh saved who, now di of tron. every year from pneumoniq, grippe, kid- NOTE Nuxated 1 ney, liver. heart trouble and other cen above br. E p at | gerous maladies. The real and tru medic e nor wscret_ remedy, bu one which cause which Btarted their diseases wae is well known to druggists, und whose tron nothing more nor less than a weakened be ° ondition brought by lack of iron In t the blood. ro $ absolutely necessary \to enable your blood to change food {nto | jliving tissue. Without it. no matter how much or what you.eat. your food merely | | passes Lhvour h yt witho ng u any goo You dont ge oe strength 'out of it and onsequence you be- !come ak, Pp ane sickly "looking just like a plant tryin to grow in soil deficient ae ir If you Pere ot steone r well you owe it to yourself-to make the following test: See how long you can wor how far yo = alk without becoming tired. Next ta two e-grain tablets of ordin ery nuxated iron chee "0 times per day after meals fe s Then test your stren igth Well Known Eye 'Specialist To Strengthen Eyesight the erorignt more than 50 per cent in one week's 1 have also used it with sur- prising cate in cuses of work 8 strained eyes, plik °. intla umined Ids, catarrhal con- Junetivites, pai ., hg eyes, eye yt) 'rind, blurre her to be operated on, the young father decided to use Bon Opto. than three oo a mark notice the end o oe 'haa by! Wisappeared of 8 ere was st think what the snvinig of that ey ¢ means to e gi other case is that of a years old. § d extreme in tion of the lids and the conjunctiva was al- most raw. After weeks' use of Bon Opto the lids were absolutely normal and $ ore as bright as many a girl of ----, DR. JUDKINS D udkins, Mnassachusetts phy aician, '" . . "Hint: aused by overworked, tired eyes which ins forme 'rly Chief 'of Clinics in G I have worn glasses ane at the ehean do i long dist. count the "futtert F4 cross the years heve looked ea dim r to me. I canal port my joy at what it bas rn ap a a 1 a home treatment tor eye troubles on is a rema kabie rem- make eye glasses old fashioned and the form of eye baths which the Bon Ojito me' vw discar he 1M ih cent in one W his report pu Minbed Februa umined, need to wear glnsse r times d cecreane ove Re Opto hastening S bespec eyes Victims 1. oye vitvain and other eye weak- | 45 nesses and those who wear ziasers will oe gia to know that according Dr. Judkins, help for them. M ing say they have had their eyes restored Bo e cyegiassices 'age in disappear, our ou even a tage a is your tat w before i lessiy ho ir aight if they had cared for thelr TE--, oe Fr rticle was submitted, ail nce wore glasses say a eats eminent € ©, spectallay in Tar aan etl wake strained ¢ bee hazy with or . "ie for 16 by a ood druggists, including general stores: Kees § by on . Tamblyn and T. Bato without glasses. eayey ie waa doth --v~ iw ww