18k Wedding Rings Newest Style Marriage Licenses J. J. JOHNSON The At Si tae = pea iT tl NOE) Te od Bee eae Ss. Diamond Rings in-stock, J. J. JOHNSON Vol. 28. No. 24. ATWOOD. ONT. THURSDAY, # UST 23, 1917. E. H. Swine, Proprietor. Watch for School Childrefy's Contest at Drug Store TANLAG 7 million bottles sold in two years We are the sole agents in this district for this won- derful medicine. a tonic and system purifier lag has met with 'general favor and unprece- dented sale. Use it for your Stomach, Liver and Bowels. A splendid remedy for biliousness, constipation, Liver trouble, etc. Try a bottle only $1.00 Ask your neighbor about it perhaps he has used a bottle. E. G. COGHLIN. Atwood Ontario © nes ae 2 cee seein : : LESLENASESETS AALS Red and White Rubbers wy for ceilers. The Star Grocery The few Thimble Berries which was ready this < week was so high in price that we thought it ad- viseable to leave them until next week, the crop being very late in maturing this season. A Pinot i quart Ceile Tomatoes are very light crop and will remain high until maturity of later crop. BOONES SOR gr tee SPCC Peaches, Pears and Plums will come in small quantities it does not look as if the sup] as low a price as possible. PICKLING--The pickling season is now in and 4 we can supply you with all kinds of pickling spice? ~ White and Cider vinegar, Cucumbers and Red ZF; and Green Peppers. : '-E. T. Greensides & Son Phone5 OEE CG SZRAIRANS BEE SGSLSEES CUI, panes SSSASRESES > The Red Hardware x for Auto Accessories such as: Headquarters Gasoline Fan belts Spark Plugs Tubes and Tires Rid O skid chains Cementless patches Tire tape and cement Tight wad for tire cuts Motor oil and cup grease C. W. Stockford ATWOOD Z SEEPS SSESSSES LESLCCE ONCE ei GAG | wS 1G Oe GWE ORE 4 soa er oo ae = of eH a Be oH es SN Our RESTAURANT is now open for the summer Bread, Buns and Pastry Headquarters for Ice Cream We specialize in Wedding cakes and Fancy baking A full line of confectionery Oranges, Bananas, Nuts, Bon Bon boxes and Cigars We invite you to our store WM. LAMBE, Atwood > oe 4 . 42 G2 G2 GO 6S Ge Ge OS of ¢ BA RA AR AR AR AA RA RA RA KA KARA © (e+ SOresOs+ Ss eriesr+er,erer+erer+e8s oton tomo moto toot | Eggs-- 40c. Hogs--18c. Butter--42c. Renew for the BEE. Miss Annie Jolly is at Toronto. If you haye visitors let the Bee know it. this week. for Lond on Tuesday. sels, last week. is visiting in town. Sunday at Stratford. Mrs. H. Porter and id daughter, Mar- garet are at Toronto spent the holiday at bis home. their heme in London on Saturday. Mrs. John Inglis, of Listowel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Cox. is visiting hercousin Miss Mattie Hurst. her house brightened by a fresh co: of paint. Miss Mabel Richmond visit Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Dfékson,? Stratford, are holidayiigavith rel tives in town. Mrs. A. Pepper of Aurora Iil., is visiting at the home of her brother Mr. James Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Gowanlock and child: ren, of Alta., are visiting with Mrs. R. 8. Ballantyne. The man with narrow views us ually wants a wide margin when his own interests are alfected. Mrs. Stanley Morrison and two boys of Windsor, are visiting with Mrs. J. Thompson, 6th con. The Misses Swayzie, of Guelpb, haye returned home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. Murray. This year there are in South Africa as nearly as can be estimated, 31,- 424,680 sheep and 8,920,270 goats. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peebles and Wm. Shera motored to New Ham- burg on Sunday and spent the day. Rev. Mr. McCrea, of Kincardine, is supplying in the Presbyterian church while the pastor, is on his holidays. Dr. and Mrs. McLeod and two daughters Blanche and Muriel, of Kempville, are holiday ing in town and vicinity. Douglas fir has been recommended for the reforestation of Western Nor- way by the chief forester of that country. . New Zealand has seven govern- ment forest nurseries, the output o 000 trees annually. The raising of cattle in Rhodesia has now reached the stage where meat canning plants must be provided to care for the excess output. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay and family of Belfast, U. 8. A.spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robb. Mr. Lind- say is a brother of Mrs. Robb. The Misses Minnie and Lillie Mar- tin, and Arthur aod Jean Martin, of Torento spent last week at the home of their uncle Mr. Geo. Hume of the 8th con. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Gray, and Mr. C. Ersman motored to Orangeville on Friday and spent the day with Mr. aod Mrs. Gillespie. LISTOWEL, Aug. 17.--At the Dairymen's Exchange held here Fri- day 1,250 boxes of white and 1,615 boxes of colored cheese were boarded all sold at 21c. Stanley Forrest of Galt has return-|}_ ed home. Mrs. Alex Morrison is visiting at}. Mitchell. Mr. I. D. Smith was at Buffalo}: Pte. any a ane left on Satardag Russel Holman left for the West} Nesbit Hamilton moved to Brus- | Mrs. W. D. Mitchell, of as F Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Erskine spent] Mr. T.G. -- is giying bie} ; house a coat of pain Mr. Jobn A. Hume of Toronto Mrs. Fair and children returned to}: Miss Jean Hammond of Lebanon Mrs. Jolly has had the exterior of ~] cess. chilly for a lawn social, which yaries from 2,600,000 to 6,000,- en and and Mrs. A. M. Sweeton, f pie Dennis is yisiting at Mit- « es Ella we Joan Hamilton are Dg in sy tad. 6 Elma Prize List will be com- this week. "petr. aud Mrs. C. Ersman spent ay at Wingham. ts. E. T. Greensides is spending days at Brussels. r. Artbur Honey, of Toronto, is ng at Wm. Wherry's rs. Reid, of Toronto, is visiting 3 her mother, Mrs. M. Hiles. car load of St. Marys lime has _ by Thompson's Coal & 0. ogle, of Wingham, are holidaying @ home of Mr. C. Ersman's @ Elma Council will meet on rday in the Agricultural hall at o'clock for general business. r. and Mrs. Geo Nichol and Mr. hol, chief of police, of London, t Wednesday = guests of Mr. Mrs. Alex Wilso r. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson. Mr. Mrs. Morton Gray, attended the edding of Miss Una Simpson to *Farrell on Friday last at Detroit. r.and Mrs. Alexander Simpson e the honour of announcing the rriage of their daughter, Una, to Benjamin Thomas Farrell, on day, the seventeenth of August thousand nine hundred and sey- en at Detroit, Michigan. fine of ten dollars and $8 55 costs 0 days in jail at hard labor, was Ppenalty imposed on Geo Empey, Newry cheese maker by Police istrate Terhune, of Listowel, for ructing the Dairy Instructor and tary Inspector from entering the ép ERS Jawn of Mi Huph- Riehmotd jon Friday evening was 2 decided suc- The evening was somewhat but those Present enjoyed themselves. A good programme was rendered. The pro- ceeds amounted upwards of $200.00. | The Milverton Bowling Club aave| the Atwood Club an invitation to vis- it them on Friday evening for the purpose of haying a friendly game. Four rinks motored down and played on their new green. After 21 ends bad been completed, the visitors had nine points to spare over the Milyer- ton Trundlers. Mies Doreas McCourt RN., who has been spending a short yacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCourt, Elma, return- ed to White Plains, N. Y, Wednes day to resume her duties in the home of Millionaire Andrews. Miss Mc- Court will spend the Autumn in Flori- da and California. Lost A VALUABLE TWO-YEAR Otp CoLT IN A PECULIAR Way.-- Mr. Richard Coghblin lost a fine colt on the farm of Wm. Schotts where it | was pasturing when it was found dead in an old barn, after it had been miss- ed for acouple of days. The barn was used for the horses and cattle to | #9 into for shade and this year it w as) necessary to use it for putting in hay | and it ig not known whether the | horse was in the barnat the time the! hay was putin, or whether it went | in afterwards as the door was left apes, howeyer it was discoyered deep | down ip hay on its back and was early roasted from the heat of the) hay. PASSED AWAY.--One of At-| wood's esteemed citizens passed | peacefully away at ber home on Sun- day after afew days illness, the cause of death being a paralytic stroke. The deceased maiden name was Alice Wilson and some fifty years ago was married to Robert Ford who prede- ceased her three years ago. She leaves to mourn her loss four daugh- ters and two sons, namely :--Mrs Walker, Bowsman Man., Mrs. Blough Neepawa, Man., Mrs Millerand Mrs Mills, of Elma, George, of Roblin, Man., and William of Elma. The deceased was in her 8Sth year. The uperal was held on Tuesday afler- noon from her late residence to the Elma cemetery. The service was held at the house and conducted by the Rev. W. D. McDonald, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The pall bearers were :-- Messrs. John Vall ance, Albert and J. A. McBain, Thos. Whitfield, Jno. Struthers and George Brown. /' iss Hamilton, Grace and Clayton |. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anguish have returned home from their holidays. The fuel value of one cord of sey- eral of the common kinds of wood is equal to tha following quantities of anthracite coal : Hickory and hard deste 1,800 to 2,000 Ibs. of coal ; white oak, 1,540 to 1,715 Ibs. of coal; red oak, black oak and beach, 1,300 to 1,450 Ibs. of coal; poplar, chesnut and elm, 940 to 1,050 lbs. of coal ; pine, 800 to 925 Ibs. of coal. STRATFORD, Aug. 17.--Word has been received that Lieut. J. C. McKeever of Listowel who went overseas with the 110th Battalion, | bas been awarded the mi}! litary cross | for conspicuous bravery. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. McKeever. | Lieut. McKeever belongs to the} imperial air service, and in the short! time that he-had been in France, brought down eleven enemy aircraft. | Ed Jermyn of Listowel received official word from Ottawa to the ef- fect that his brother, Pte Roy Jermyn had been wounded in action. Pte Jermyn enlisted in the West but was serving with the 65th Battation, STRATFORD, Aug. 17.--Pte. Maurice Hewitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hewitt of Elma, has had to have one of his legs amputated as a result of the wounds recently sustained, Ha is progressing as well as could be ex- pected 35c. gets The Bee-for the balance of 1917 toany address in Canada. Send it to the absentone. Itis as sod as a letter from home every wee y. Byron Stauffer, of Bond Street Congregational church, To- jronto, will go to San Francisco, where he will do $7,500 worth of preaching yearly. "The Canadians in France" A Great War Map Canadian homes will no longer have difficulty in following the Canadian troops in France There has just r been issued a m: ip of the E urepean Wararen that clearly shows eyery point of interest that has been mentioned in despatches since the Canadian forces first landed in France. It has been made specially for the great Canadian Weekly, The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, and isa credit indeed to Canadian ente rprise It iss marvel of detail and vet not crowded It is in four colors and about 2 1-3 x 3 1-4 feet and folded into a very neat cover, abont 5x10 inches. The Map is surrounded by a border of the regimenta! badges and coat of arms of nearly every battalion that left Canada, from Halifax to Vancouver. Every important point ean be recognized at once, That portion of the map covering France is in a soft color with names of t and battle scenes in black. easily recognizable. The Map is endorsed by rety ed military experts as most complete and accurate in detail The Mz Ap cut i ta be produced, exce ptinench large quantities as The Family Herald will use, ait less than two dollare a copy, yet it can be bad absolutely free with The Fam Herald. The publishers of 'The Family Hers ald and Weekly Star for several months back have been fighting hard against the necessity of increasing their subserip- tion rates, but eventually had to come crease, however, is a mere trifle--twenty- five cents a year, to it like most other papers, The in- making their new rate $1.25--and with the year's subscription they will include a copy of this great War Map free of charge This is certainly a generous offer, and one that Canadians will appreciate. Many expected a much larger increase in the sub- scription aed of The Family Herald, amount charg and are surprised at the smiall extra he rd ae circulation of The eamily Herald and Weekly Star should be still ter when this offer becomes kno We aim to Setisty bur i he Quali Store t sell quality Customers LET LIVE" " LIVE AND Fruit Raspberries and Cherries time for them. Leave The woman who knows constant visitor here, she things for the table, and Phone 2-3. 9, aie (p+ ee@ee Fruit Huckleberries are now on the market. No. 1 quality, secure your supply as this is the best berries, they will be next. that she can rely absolutely upon the quality of seek lower prices for groceries of similar quality is perfectly useless. We shall be pleased to have you put our service to a test. Make this your headquarters while in town. and be benefited by our Saturday Specials. A. E. ANDERSON, ©: ata Sate Yale ain on ob On 00 bb 6n en te tne Fruit are over for this season, They are eater atte your order for Thimble- groceries and values is a is aware in the first place AV RR Oe IK she is quite sure that to ) oe 2 oe 7 > ee See aH ¢ A RA RA KA Call , oe < ATWOOD Goods\delivered. - 4 'ele te" ro, MM MM Pro A, (Os O50 +9 +O +O +8 > 8+ 646% 8 +64 Or) ON O48 4 68 4 A RA RA MM KA K > mp (SH ¢ ots Om > Se < RARER KH? fot ke x kee = Hot Weather Goods faker Plain and fancy Dimity lawns, etc. Ladies and Gents Hosiery. < 6 PE ry fancy. at highest cash value. Boe Gents Neglige shirts, Top shirts, Overalls. Ladies, Gents and Childrens Running ® Shoes, white and colored. Straw hats in mens and boys, plain end! Produce taken in exchange oW. R. ERSKINE "Phone 1, ATWOOD, CONT | ae uae a BEY WBS PENI <2 '= Voiles, fancy Muslins, : summer Underwear ard ° Perfect and flawless only kept