( - _OPENING... March 30th & April {st, 90 ee We.extend a cordfal invitation to all to Call and see our display of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Flowers, Veilings.and all Millinery 'Trimmings. - Ordegs taken forthe Wiarton Corset. Miss MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS Govenlock, So 'FD ex ~~ ~---- Hh w- -7 OTA A.umme PAA EN, AP se # Is Sole Agent for Atwood and surrounding district for the following wel! popular implements : known and THE DEERING 'Light Draft Ide original and genuine Roller standard of thie world. DELRING HAY RAKES are Ideal Binders and Mowers have the The and Ball Bearings. Absolutely modern. modern and save ALL the Hay. DEL RING BINDER ZWINE Generous in Quantity and Unexcell ad jin Quality. "GIANT"? line of gteel Sectional Steel Pressure Drills, Stee? Pulverizers, Steel Flax Seeders, etc. Cultivators, Steel Sectional Seeders: Steel Diamond Smoothing Hatrews, Calfand see these machines. NEWS OF THE 'WEEK, There is talk of an electric raitway Kine between Woodstock and Ingersoll. Polo has been captured, and the Am- -ericau forces have advatced some dis- tance beyoud it toward Malolos. The French Chamber on Tuesday de cided by 315 to 16 to retain the motto, | "God protect France," upon the coin- Age. Lord Salisbury and M. Carbon have agreed to take up for settlement the Madagascar and French shore ques tions. A public hearing of the Dreyfus case by the Court of Cagsation is expected, the decision to be given between April id and 20, A list prepared in the office of the Adjutant-General at Washingtonshows the casualties in Manila since Feb. 4 to be 157 killed aud 864 wounded. . That the Canadian Pacific Railway will not be drawp into any rate war and that the present trouble among the other western lines will not last more than six weeks is a settlement made on the authority ef Mr. McNicoll of the G. 2.R., whohas just returned to Mont rea) from aconference with the man- agement of the Great Northern Rail- yay. A deputation of small brewers Mon- ferday waited upon the Ontario Gov- ernment to protest against. the increase of the minimum license from $250 to 9400, as proposed by the latest amend- ment to the Bill relating to brewers and distillers. In the delegation were John Watsan, Listowel; G. Reuter, Salem; Feliz Devlin, Stratford; H:Col- bert, Seaforth; Johu Granger, Walker ton; Joseph Rau, New Hamburg; John Schartz, Formosa; Mr. Snider, Water- joo. They were introduced by Brown, M. P. P. for North Perth. . McPherson, Stratford, stated briefly that it was unfair, and would have t effect of driving the small brewers or of existence.. The outputof the five drewéries in the Stratford district was 118,000 gallons; in Toronto it was four illion, The output ofone Toronto rewer was fifty times that of one of the Stratford brewers, while his tax was only i as much, He thought ten tim the tax should be adjusted to be somewbatin proportion to the out put. Mr. Hardy asked .if they conld not incteas® their output. "My dear fellow," respouded the 'brewer, "we 'tdoit. There isnot the market hy, with the probibition agitation our output is enly half what it was when the Soott Act wasin force." Mr. Hardy promised considgration to the * bry In reply to Mr. Matheson, Hon. Mr llardy said thpt Ontario would join the other Provinces and the Dominion in making a Canadian exhibit at Paris in 1900. It would not be of nearly the same extent as at Chicago, and tins Government would pot have any verv great respousiviaty, as the Dominion authorities were making Lhe neccessary arrangements. Messrs, Blue, White Lumsden, and James would be appoiut- ed honorary commisstoners to de- termine whatexhibit Qutariv should make The Goverument would appuint an honorary commissioner to ga to Paris, and a small sum would Bein the supplementary estimates to be Brought down shortly. Seattle, Wash., March 27.--H. Miller and 'Thomas Scott, who arriyed to day from Dawson, claim to bave made the trip trum Dawson to Skaguay in teu days, which breaks the record 48 hours, They report a good deal ol gold coming into Dawsun, indicating that this wall be the gregtest year the Klondide las ever seen. They estimate the yield at $15,000,000. Gold Run Creek aud the French Gulch beuch claims are yielding well, Sume pans ou Guo Run yield as high as 3175. One claim Freneh Guich has turned out $75: "Bull quartz" has been found on "Fisher Gold Hill claim, near Di nu. A bugget, weighing seyen puuméds, was dug up. It cuntained about $200 in gold. 'he discovery -is regarded as further proof of tye quartz origiu of the Klondike gold, and it bas reyived the search tor the mother lode. Wew York, March 27.--A despatch to the Herald from [loilo says:--The sport Ludiana has ayived here with forcement tor Ne jtuauon is still satisfactory. 'Thd c ittee of natiyes, with Colonel Smith, the American goyernor, presid- ing, proceeded with the work of dratt- ing & constitution, taking the Ameri- u constitution as the basis of the symeut. Ithas been formally 'pro- to raise the islands reveniedy ftom exports, iustead of by the present method of levying upon land values and cedula persouae, thus reliey- ing the laboring classes as far as pos- sible. "he natives desire the jmmed- iate introduction ofthe English system of eduggpion.//A gentleman who has bad ox otihent opportunities for study- ing the political situation, adyocates a Beparale goyerument tor each of the islunds, W representative asembly at Manila™tor geueral control, under the supervision of aa American gov- ernor-geveral, .who shall be free from interference fro ashington, except in regard to international ques The deputies for the island ot N will meet on April8 to discuss the draft of the constitution. sIsiand, wherep farmers' Flax Manufactur- ®- The initial sumber of the Ayr News, Constable & ©o., publishers, has ap- peared. Gen. Otis is understood to be plann- ing a crushing land and water attack on Aguinaldo, Mr. Bredrick has announced that an expedition against the Khalifa 1s not regarded necessary. An Anglo-Russian agreement upon Chinese affairsis said to have been practically concluded. It is said that the population of Mani- toba has reached the 260,000 mark. The last census taken in-189f gaye the popu- lation as 162,000. This isan imcrease of 168,000 in nine years. The annual report of the Minister of Railways and Canals show that on the 30th of June, 1898, there were 16,870 miles of completed railway in Canada, an increase of 183 miles dutive the year. Resides this there are 2,248 miles of sid- ing. The magnitude of Canadian rail- way interests is indicated by the follow- ing figures: The paid-up capital amounted to $941,297,087, an increase of $19.439,905. The xzross earnings amonvnted tO $59,715,105, an increase of 47 829, and the working #xpenses agyiegated $39,187,049, an inerease of $3.968.884. compared with those of the previous vear, leaving the net earnings $20,577.558, an increase of $3,392.94 The number of passengers carried were 18.444.049, an increase of 2.272.711. and the freight traftie amounted to 28,785 .- 93 tons, an increase of 3,480,572 tons. The accident returns show five pas- sengers killed. CRADIIE. ForreEst.--In Atwood, on March 26th, the wife of W. F. Forrest of a son. Ropsie.--In Elma, on March i8th, the wife of John Kebbie of a daughter. DEwaRrR.--In Elma, on March 28rd, the wife of Jeremiah Dewar of a son. GILkEinson.--In Elma, on Mareh 26th, the wife of Wm, J. Gilkinson of a son. ALTAR. SHEARER--Brycr=-At Elmtank. the residence of Robert Cleland, Elma, on the 29th inst.. by the Rev. P. A. McLeod, B.D., William M. Shearer, or Elma, to Miss Margaret Wilson s:yce,of Waterloo, Scotland. AUCTION SALES. FrmpAY, APRIL 7.--Farm stock, on lot lu, con. 16, Elma, at 2 pm., sharp, ( Hi. Merrytield, auctioneer; Samuel smith, proprietor, SATURDAY, APRIL 1.--Farm stock and implements, on .lot . th Eima,atipm. sharp. C. HW. Merry field, auctioneer ; A. Lochhead, prop- ri -tor. SATURDAY, APRIL 8.--Farm stock and implements, on lot 32. con., 12, Grey, at 180 p.m., sharp. €. H. Merry- field, auctioneer, Edward Cleaver and Ira 'Taylor, proprietors, WONDERFUL ASH CCOVERIES Clarke's Kola Compound Oftirtaliv Veated by the British Columbia Government, nt the Home for In- curables, Kamloops, B. C,, the Medical Superintendent Pronoun- ced Long-standing Cases Cured. Many temporary rellef asthina remerlies have during the past few yeark been piuc- "ca before the public, but until che 'otrodue- 'fen to the medical profession of Oarke's Kola Compound, nothing has heey found to have any effect on preventing Inture ut- treks, The Medical Superintendest for the liame fox Ineurables In Kam'oupa, B a. Sing chaace tn Can- fail to cure, and om one ase a judy bad been contined to yer bed most of the thme for neatiy a yeur Over one year, has now ; , ond been the slichtest trdleation of asthma returning. Three vuttive o Marke"s Kola Compound are guarinteed to cure any case of asthma. Over by emedy. id il 18. Free sample bettie sent to any . Mention this paper. t herson Co.. 12 hurch street. Tot. couver, Special (Meeting. a. v Bd sifarcbblders of the Ontario ifg Company will be hgl at 2 pam., sharp,.dn ¢ Monday, April 3, 1899, for the purpose of consider- ing the aoa of sow- ing flag seed this season as usual, renting or disposing of the mill, and the transac- tion of any other business which may come before the meeting. By order. ' Je W. McBAIN, Secretary. Pex es? B. C., sole Canadien' |" PERSIATIC ShEEP DIP and ANIMAL WASH. 3 G. A. Brodie, Bethesda, Ont., lambs, the Wash healing the shall never be without it and PERISATIC SHEEE DIP isthe most highly concentrated and all-round satis. | facto p in the market for euring skin n t is powers without being harsh, and im iate in effect without any | ts. Cure: i sores, bruises, shear-c skin worms end scab, Quickly rids the animal of all vermin : "J ased it with great success in castra aw wore wounds rapidly and keeping the maggots consider it the best preparetion of ite kind diseases Cattle and destroying | uts, ring-worm, gangrene; red lice, Sopp | in the At your Dealer's Or from Makers The Pickhardt Renfrew Co,, Limited, fre Stouffville, Ont. If your liver ig out of order, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart- burn, or Constipation, take a dose of Hood's Pills On retiring, and tomorrow your di- gestive organs will be regulated and ou will be bright, acvive and read kind of work. This has ne experience of others; it will be yours. -HOOD'S PILLS are gold by all medicine dealers. 25 cts. MRS. GEO, SMALL, MT. FOREST, ONT., Considers Laxa-Liver Pills the best remedy for Biliousness. One after another is coming forward and speaking a word in favor of them family medicine--Laxa-Liver Pills. ~ Mrs. Geo. Small, Sligo Koad, Mount Forest, after giving these pills sthorough trial, thus expresses herself :--*' Laxa- Liver Pills are the best remedy I ever took for biliousness ; and as a general family cathartic, they are far superior to anything in the market for that purpose." Laxa- Liver Pills are mild in action, harmless in effect, and do not weaken the system. i They act promptly on the'Liver, tone up the digestive organs, remove un- healthy accumulations and eut short the progress of disease. Price 25c. Dr. Wood's cures the severest coughs and eolds of Norway Pine young or old quicker Syrup. than any other re- medy. Price 25e, 00 Cans: iy The above is the name and trade mark of the original Kiduey Pill. The only reliable Kidney Pill. They wage placed on the market by Mr. Jame® Doan, Kingsville, Ont. gFeb- ruary, 1885--long before other Kidney Pills were thought of. Their .phen menal specesg in all parts of the well as in Canada, has brought forth many imitations. * *Pake nothin ag a name that looks or sounds | -O-A-N-'S * Always 'ask for @-O-A-N-'S Kidney »Pills--the p' that quickly and thoroughly ture all Kinds of Kidney ills after other remedies fail. 'GRIPRE'S LEGACY. ale Shattered'Nerves and ened Heart--A St. John Sheriff St., St. John, N.B.ystates: 'Some . tine ago I was attacked by a severe did, which ended up in a bad attack df La Grippe. Since that time I we never ained my health, being weak, nervous run down. , I suffered very much from Indiges- tion, accumulatign of gas in phe stomach, and was in almost constant distress. I doctored with somb'of the best physicians in this cifgp but got no relief until I een using Milburn's Heart and Nerve s, and am pleased to say that they have completely cured me. '* My appetite is restored; my nervous tem has been toned up to its old-time condition, and I have no more trouble from the Indigestion and can eat any- thing I choose: '«T am only too glad too testify to the merits of such a marvellous remedy as Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for the cure of nervousness, heart trouble, Indi- tion, etc. Price 50c. & x, ggists. 'ier ° dy "i Tells About It. i Pi ohn talay: who raeidék'es in the Town Hall, Atwood, Sr St.John, B.tates:"-Some Business Directory. AUCTIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED. AUCTIONEER FOR THB County -of Perth, Monkton, Ont, Rates moderate. For particulars ap ply at this office. DENTAL. W. M. BRUCE, L. D. S., DENTIST, Painless extraction, Artificial teeth of the best quality. Crowns and bridges at the lowest rates, Gold and porcelain fillings a speeiaity. All work warrant- ed to give satisfaction, Office over Thompson ros. store, Main street, Listowel, LEGAL, MORPHY & CARTHEW, _ Listowel, Ont., Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c¢. Svlicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Money to Loan. Offices above Carson & McKee's store Main street, , H. B. Monpuy. J. M.CArtTnuEW, JW. Scott, Banker, Sa general Banking busjnesa OES 1) bought and sokl, i | uy business. rafts 1 wayuble in all purte of th | Bomiutog, States and Great Tritaine | Notes Discounted, Deposits received and cur, rent rate of intervst allowed, Cheque Bank Cheques Txsued 7 : nes Issued, payable in al parts of the world; without notice or charge. 4 large amonnt of Private Fund : good farm security at Five setae gener privilege of repaying annually. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, MEDICAL, a SITAR RT En | DR,A.S. LANGRILL ATWOOD, ONT. Office, that formerly occupi Hamilton, ree eraey Uke Special attention given to By "J Nose and Throxt, ne aa Eye, Eas The Doctor resides at Mrs. W Mitchell's, next door to jeweller shag? Where night calls will be auswered. ' D, A. KIDD, M D., C.M.; F.T.M. G.; M. C, P.& 8.@. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Fellow of Trinity Medical College... Doctor of Medici { Peis ue and Master of Licentiate of College of Physici add Surgeons. g Physicians Special attention given t# Eye, E Nose, Throat, Chest, and epi ngee: Wamen and Children, aS: Pines es Assooiate Coroner of Perth County. ATWOOD, On?, Se ee ® THIS! See Me. If you wauta Piano or Organ a eS r New or Second-hand, I can supply you and Save You 10 per cent, also, in the market, and The Standard. Tuning & Repairing Notice. upplied. J. A. Gardner, Organ & Piano Dealer, LISTOWE Box 109, And Save You® Money until you" ~ Agent for the Genuine New York a Singer Sewing Maggine, the best