Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 24 Mar 1899, p. 4

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a | 'Which H? Papers all MEDICAL HALL, 'Shall It Be? ME adorned or home bare and cheerless ? It doesn't take a great deal of money. The touch of beauty is plainly visible in our --_----lEres Taken as Cash. _ ATWOOD, ONT And if you buy will make itself felt in your home. We have on hand a full line of the best Wall Papers,Low est Prices. Don't fail to see them, own : @alk. W. F. Forrest received four cars of lumber from the north the other day, Gomer GREEN and family and Wid des Jackson and family leave for Mani- toba next 'Tuesday. LIFE may have everything else, bat if itlacks a deep and preserving purpose it will miss the mark of suc cess. WE regret to report the illness of A Johnson. who has been confined to bed for the past ten days. Tlis friends hope for his speedy recovery. J. A. McoBarxn. manager of ©. H TIolmes' tailoring department, reports husiness brisk. having already some fourteen orders for suits of clothes booked. To-pay (20th) is the last day of win- ter"--Stratford Herald. Perhaps so Nevertheless there have been several davs since the 20th which beara very strong resemblanee to winter, MILLINERY OPENING.-- Miss Goven- Jock announees her spring millinery apening on Mareh 80th and April Ist. 1899. Herstock is very attractive in- deed, and includes a beantitnl range of millinery goods, trimmings, ete. Miss HaNNatTt BENNETT. only daughter of Isaac Bennett, formerty of this village, was married at her parents home; Virden Man, Gn thel {th-inst., to William Heritage, a well-to-do young gentleman of the West. Congratula- tions. THERE are many peaple who long for the joy of giving, yetseem to them- selves to have vothing ta give--their time is so crowded and their pocket. hooks are so pitifully thin, It is good togive time and money; if is better still to give toanother sonl seme im- pulse to higher living --something of Jove or hope or serene conrage to cheer its wayfaring. And this giving is. be yond all chance of poverty. Our hockey team played the return maich with Brassels on Thursday of last week. the Brusselites again defeat- 'ug them by 2 goals tot. The majority of the local team are gentlemen and invariably conduct themeelves as such, but unfortunately such catynot be said ofall The conduct of one or two of the players under the influence of dis- tilled tangleteg was anything but cred- itable to themselves or their town. It ys surprising to what extentsome young men can make guys of themselves when opportunity offers. Citizens' MEETING.--In accordance with announcement, a fairly represent- at snd euthusiastic meeting of busi- and citizens of Atwood met uster's Hall Mouday night to discuss Lhe pros and cons of & prospect- ive industry for Atwood and to organ ize a Board of Trade to look after the industrial interests of the place. W.R Erskine was moved to the chair and R. 3 Pelton was appointed secretary Considerable time was taken up in dis cussing the flax mill aud the chances of keeping it ranning in the future, The unanimous feeling of those present was to carry un the industry either by the present Company or under a new com- yany to be organized [ts material nefit to the merchants and com munity was generally recognized. It was thought by some of the speakers that the extra stock necessary to add a cordage plant to the present machinery could be floated. The capital necessary for the cordage plant was estimated at nbout $25,000. It was finally agreed to delegate the Board to meet the Direc- tora of the "Flax Co., at their annual meeting and ascertain what disposition, if any, the Company purposed making of the mill,and to reportata future pablic meeting of the citizens of At- wood. The following gentletien were élected a Board of Trade for the' ensu- ing year: John Roger,(chairman), W. \*. Forrest, T. G. Ballantyne, R. 5. Pel- ton, (secretary), Robt. Anderson, J, A. Mitchell and C, H. Holmes. The Board yet at the close of the general meeting for organization and other business. It is to be hoped now that we have got in- to organized shape to work for the wel- fare of the village that every citizen will give the Board their moral and financial support in their future efforts. Monjay night's meeting was encourag- ing as showing what an earnest and united citizenship are when |'The animal is covered with a hairy) } wool about fifteen inches long. 'Only the day before, but after twenty-| prepared todo} four hours' exposure commenced to! called upon. The future of, At-j rapidly decay. 'wood is safe in the hands of its citizens. the mammoth weighed 8,612 pounds. W.T. THompson and Gomer Green were in Woodstock this week. Watcna for J. A Hume's announce- ment next week, of special interest lo the farming eommunity. THe best medicine that money can bay for impure blood, nervousness, and all stomach and kidney troubles is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Gro, LocuHEAD and farily moved to town last week They residein the house vacated by Mrs. Samuel Fexr We welcome them to our town, also Mr, Lochhead, sr. A WESTERN storekeeper, who dis- plaved the sign "(ioods at Auction Prices." when asked what he meant said: "An anction price is the highest price a buyer can be induced to pay." WE counted seventeen farmers'rigs at one time Wednesday afternoon stand- ing before the stores, while the owners were busy shopping, It isa hopeful sign thatonur merchants are doing a humming business, wn the Legislature last Fridav the bill of John Brawn, M. P. P. for North Perth, to amend the Registry Act, was withdrawn, the pretext being pointed out that it dealt only with the Sonth Perth registry office, and was therefore a private measure, issued-calls the attention of postmasters to the regulations in regard to the trans mission of duns from. collecting agencies, The regulations -- prohibit the posting in Canada of any letter or other article of mail matter upon the outside coyerof whichare any words tending to mjnriousiy affect the com- mercial or social standing of the person addressed Under this regulation all letters cantained in covers on which the words "bad debt" appear, oron which the "dunnuing" characterof the business of the sender is prominently indicated, are to be sent to the dead letter office, Tne Rest SEEDS ABSOLUTELY NFE- Crssary -- We cannot too strongly nor f 'THE official postal guide shortly to be too often urge the supreme importance of planting seeds that are perfectly pure and fresh. Seeds that are offered at cheap prices ate almost invariably of doubtful origin and uncertain age, sure to cause the-planter disappointment xnd loss The thoughtful planter's only surety lies in buying seeds sent ent by a conscientions and trustworthy honse, A vast number of gardeners have (and have had for vears) the ut- most confidence in seeds that bear the name ID. M. Ferry & Co., Windsor, Ont The present generation of planters, can hardly remember the time when Ferry's Seeds were not on sale everywhere each year and as regularly plinted by thons- ands.--with the greatest faith in the unvarying quality of the seeds and in| the integrity of the firm that grew) them, Every planter, whether already | a buyer of Ferry"s Seeds or not, should send for Ferry's Seed Annual for 1899 It is mailed free to any one who writes for it, adv A KLonpIKE MAMMOTH.--Persons | who have just arrived at Vancouver, B.C., from the interior brought the story of the finding near Dawson City of a splendidly preserved specimen of «# moth, It was found during the first\\week otf February by a Swede, August Trnisen and his partner. | they ee their claim on | The huge monster | atily been caught in a glacial | slide, and there was nothing to detract | from the general lifelike appearance of | the beast ; this, too, in spite of the fact} that it was forty feet below the surface. | The only anstance that has heretofore | been kuowu of an animal of this spec- | ies being found intact was about tifty | years ago. That monster was in an | iceberg on the coast of Siberia, and is} now in the St. Petersburg Museum | The Dominion Creek mammoth, it is! estimated, weighs between twenty-five | | and thirty tons, and its iength is 'forty: | one feet and six inches. Its right tusk | | was broken, but the left isin a perfect | ; State of preservation, measuring feur- jteen feet three inches-in length and) 'thirty-eight. inches in circumference, | Prob- ; ably the most remarkable feature was / ithat the flesh of the animal was i as fresh and sweet as if it had been killed | he hind quarters of | Fa Wonk Back. Gen | feel Parts, etc. Cuersr BrLL.--The bill to constitute | Cheese and Butter Boards inco bodies was introduced into the House by Mr. Brown on the idth inst. and. read a first time. The second ing of the bill was set for Thursday and the fact that no opposition is expected from any quarter tothe principle or provisions of the bill makes it almost sure that it will pass in due cuurse in the present session. Our Disrary TABLE.--'Selah Har- risen," by'S, McNanght. The MeMil- lun Co., publishers, N.Y.: Copp, Clark Co. Limited, Toronto. This is # most interesting and wholesome siory, Com- mencing with the home life of 'Selah andthis brother Samson, Selah is des- cribed as a strong-legged, . lusty-voiced Los, fond of boyish sports and pranks, but his brother is of a religions temper- ament, and tond of reading prsseges of the Bible for Selah's especial benefit. Selah's brother dies and he leaves home and goes to the city. After a series of hordships and privations he enters the ministry, We next find the here of the story in quaint and beautiful Kent county, where the poor of old London love to congregate and pick hops Here Selah falls in love with Constance, the bewutitul and fascinating danghter of Sir John Temple. The tale is elevating and interesting--net a dull line in it it will tind host.of appreciative read ers. Price, paper, 7de ; cloth, 31.00 ask your grocer for For Table and Dairy, Purest and Best Atwood Dfarircet. Pall Wheat. .....05052 cenecsccuess $ 65 $ BS Spring Wheat ........-0.50-00 545+ 65 Barley .... ce. c sc eeee ween secneecces » 46 Oats zi b.} DORR Suisun oc cpoenes iz 64 ee ararne 6 Ww Flour, per cwt, 2 20 Bran, per ton.... 12 Shorts, per tou ..:...-+50eeeeeeeee i2 06 13 00 Hides, per 1b Seeman 7 ej Sheepskins, each......... 25 70 Pood, 2 fect long. .....---.seeeee- 1 00 1 30 ba 1 00 kr 20 r vt, 5 6 00 utter, per pound ........- cee eees 13 16 Keus. per dozen .. . 2 13 G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Station, North und South, as follows : GOING NORTH. Mixed 1 20 p.m. Express 9.50 p.m. GOING SOUTH. Express 7.47 a.m. Mixed = 10.23 a.m, Perseverance mm using u sill gre rebel, even an cases of tong standing, where a cure seemed empossible and Ife seemed hardly worth living Por Rottie,25c,50c,0r $L00 20 Years In Detrolt. 250,000 Cured. WECURESTRICTUR K Thousands of young and, middle-aged sly. T Thousands of young and middle-aged men are having their sexual vigor and vitality, Continanlly sapped by this dis ease. are frequently unconscious ng Manhood, Nervousness Poor Mem- ory, Irritability, at times Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken with dark circles, ression, Lack on't to ment on you. Consult whohave madea life of and Women. OurN wi d care: EMISSIONS, RET. K K Bee UESTION BLANK for REATMENT write HO. INKENNEDY € KERGAN a) Cor, Michigan Ave. and Shelby St "4 To the fact that you Need a New Spring Suit ZIEMANN THE TAILOR, Has the most complete stock in Atwood. My Spring Goods Have all Arrived And I shall be pleased to shew them. Some of the Nobbiest 'and Cheapest Suits May be seen here --MY NEW-- Spring Hats: Are the Correct Thing for This Season. All Shapes, Styles and Shades. I have no room here to describe my stock of Shirts, Collars, Ties,Caps Sweaters, Belts &c. A nice line of Brownie Suits For Children. Call and See Them. B. W. Ziemann pe hs eae The Deophe's Cofumn House and Lots for Sale. BRICK cottage, with kitchen attached, and three lota in connection, for sale. Tho Ri ore purchase a desirable home at a very reasona' price. Apply to the codiceiaheds © . A. STEVENSON, 5-4in Atwood P.O. Farm for Sale or Rent. TSE undersigned offers to sell or rent Part Lots 14 and 15, Con. 12, Elma, containing 1.0 acres more or less, includi about 70 acres cleared and ina state of cultivation and balance timbered. The farm is situated 1} miles from Newry. There is a comfortable frame od k barn on the farm, go ring ore and soft water, etc. Terms casy. Apply to A. H. WYNN, Proprietor, Newry. Me. Wannamaker's Advice, Tomkins--""Good morning, Mr. Wan- namaker, | have called to. see if vou can give mea position in your estab- lishment, Lean tarn my hand te al- most anything." Mr. W.--*No, we are full in every-de- partment, and you are the twentieth man J have refused to-day Why don't you take up a tine in which there is less competition and better pay ?" 'Tomkins--'l'd only be too thansfal if you can put me on track of such a position " Mr. W.--"When I was twenty years of age, | was a stranger in a strange land, with neither work por money, when a friend of mind, a lnwyer, advis- ed me to take a book agency saying he had edneated himself by canvassing ; > like drowning men grasp at straws, | took his advice, and in five years saved $5.000, and with this sum started my present business Itis just fifty years ago to-day that Mr. Bradley, the found- er of the present firm ot The Bradley- Garretson Company, Limited, of Tor- onte, sent me my first book prospectus and to his beautiful letters and good advice I owe much of my preseut sne- cess Yes, young man, if you have any thing in you there is just as good a chance for you to-day with this old es- tablished House as there was for ne. Write them and see what they have ta. offer." 9-09 s4° Star Livery W.C.Leake, - Prop. AVING purchased the Atwood Livery of Jas. Ro Miller. 1 beg lo xnnounce to the public and j the commercial trade especially, that tour facilities for serving our patrons jare the best. Good rigs, fast horses, at i reasonable prices, Carry-all in connection, The Commercial trade a Specialty, 2D-Kf Ww.c DEAK EE. nan the pres ce." he y They unfit a man for business, married life and social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, na! i ens Or sexual excesses, OOF New Method Treatment will positively NO CURE- NO PAY 250,00 Man----You are pale, feeble uggard; nervous, irritable and ex- D 4 rs ut a (i) CURE, 0 E ON NECESSARY. TON FROM BUSINESS. lL. write PRS. "? KENNEDY & KERGANIS 148 SHELBY STREET, [ & DETROIT, MICH. " K&K K&K K&K K&

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