---- Perth Spring Assizes. The Spring Assizes will commence -at the court house,Stratford, at Lo'clock )p.-m. on rsday of this week, before the Hon. Chief Justice Burton, To the actions in all, four jury and three non- ury. Several of them, however, are 'for alleged libel and one for breach of \promise, and a somewhat spicy sitting "of the court is looked for. «. The case of Ament y. Hanley is an ,action for breach of promise to marry, the iair plaintiff being adaughter of -John-Ament, of Mornington. The al- leged pertideous defendant aiso resides in that township, and, itis claimed he trifled with Miss Ament's affections to .such an extent. that.she will ap eal to .the jury for $5,000. 'F. R. lewett, Listowel, for plaintiff; McPherson & 'Davidson, Stratford, for defendant. Another jury case, Ronald v. Ronald, is an action for slander. The parties to this action are father and son. The plaintiff is a retired farmer liying iv Fistowel. In October, 1897, the plead- 'ings aver, young Ronald wrote and ublished a statement to the effect that 'Sames Ronald, who is a money Jender, "wasafit subject fora lunatic asylum and. should be confined therein. For this statement the plaintiff claims $1,- 000 damages. F. B. Blewett, Listowel, for plaintiff; J. P, Mabee, Stratford, for n é Haines v. McLeodisan action for libel, 'he parties live in St. Marys, Mr. McLeod being the publisher of the Argus in that town. Huines was formerly in the employ of the defend- ant and action is for damages for some alleged statements about Haines when che trensferred his services to the Jour- 'pal office. J. W. Graham St. Marys,for plaintiff; W. ©. Moserip, St. Marys, for D3 defendant. - Another libel case, Powell v. Roston, et al, completed the jury list. 'This is an action for libel said to have been contained ip an advertisement publish- 'ed in The Herald. A. M. Panton, Strat- ford, for plaintiff; McPherson & Dayid- sou, Stratford, for defendants. The first.on thelist of non jury cases is Wm. Mowat vy. Provident Savings Life Assurance Association, of New York, The plaintiff asks that the policy on his life be set aside on the ground that the application was ob- fained by fraud, KR, 'Tf. Harding for plaintiff; Lount, Marsh & Cameron, "Toronto, for defendant company. Bean y. City of Stratford, is an ac 4jon arising out of the alleged pollution of the Avon. The case, it is understood, will likely be settled on the same terms .as previous similar actions against the county and the Collegiate Institute Board. J. 2. Mabee, Stratford, foi plaintiff; Idington & Robertson, Strat- ford, for defendant city, The third and the last'non jury case is an action brought by Miss Bella Gib .eou,of Maryboro, to set aside a deed transferred by John Nelson to his prr ents, At the last assizes Miss Gibson's father secured judgment for damages for seduction against Nelson in the sum of $1,500, which was transferred to the daughter, and owing to the alleged transfer of property she is unable to vecover, hence the action. J.P. Mabee, stratford, for plaintiff; Morphy & Car- thew, Listowel, for defendant. Wondaches Relieved in One Minute. Griffiths' Menthol Liniment relleves head- aches the minute applied. Apply it to the forehead and temples, then inhale freely in the manner directed on the circular around the bottle. No other remedy Is so valunble In the home as Menthol Liniment. All druggists, 25 cts. 28 A New Departure. Dr. Marschand, the celebrated French physician, has at last opened his mag- nificant equipped laboratory in Wind- aor, Ont, There is a large staff of ahemists and physicians at his com- mand, and the men and women of Can ada may now procure the advice of this famous specialist free of charge. Dr. Marschand has a world-wide re- putation for successful treating all geryous diseases of men and women and you have but te write the doctor to be convinced that your answer when received, is from a man who is antitied tothe high position he holds in the medical fraternity, Why suffer in silence when you can gecure the advice of this emineut phy- gician free of charge. All correspondence is gtrictly confi- dential and names are heid as sacred. Auswers to correspondents-are-- mailed | jn plain envelopes. You are not asked to pay any exor bitant price for medicines in fact it rarely happens that a patient has ex- pended over 50 cents to one dollar, be- fore he orshe becomes afirm friend and admirer of the doetor. A special staff of lady physicians as- alst Dr. Marschand in his treatment of female cases. Always enciose three- sent stamp when you write and address The Dr, Marsehand Chemical Co., De- troit, Mich., U.S. A. Mention THE BKE when you write the dogtor. NEWS OF THE WEEK. An attempt was made to rob the Western Bank at Tavistock, but Lorne McYavish, a boy whosleeps inthe building, fired his reyolver and puf th thieves to flight. J Paimerston, March, 18,--The yote on the by-law in the Town of Palmerston « cueranteeing the. debentures of the 'Warmers' Co-operative Pork Agency sJo,, amounting to $25,000, was carried by a larger amare & nearly the whole available yote of the property-owners of the town being polled. The votv was i9$ for and 9S against, a loan' Hay Brothers $15, erecting.a new ehair factory. ae OwenSound has carried the th 000 to p in The Americans have advanced from Manila to the shores of Lake Pasig, and have thus cut the Filipino army in two. A prosecution of an Indian for polyg- amy war instituted at MacLeod, Alber- ta, and itis said to be the Government's intention to put down the practice among the northwest Indians. There are no friends like the old friends; We know their ways, alack; They walkin, take our brand new books And never bring them back, United States Adjt..Gen. Corbin has issned a statement giving the number of deaths of soldiers enlisted for the Spanish war: and the causes thereof. His total is 5,731 up to the end of Feb- ruary last. : A United States exchange says : "The horse market of this cuuntry is picking tip anda good horses are now on t rade, For several years farmers refrained from breeding be- cause of the low prices. Now a de mand has arisen in England for Amer- icau draft horses and an order for 10,- 600 hus been placed with American buyers, A good draft horse will seil right the coming year. The annnal report of the asylums for the insane and idiots presented to the Legistature the other day shows the io- sane population to be 5,733, over 760 in advance over apy other year, Dr.Clark, of Kingston,in his report deprecates the impression that insanity ison the in- creuse in the couitry..although~ the number of patients in the asylums is increasing, The asylums are being re- sorted to by people who eould not go there a few years ago. The average of patients cured in the last eight years is 28 06 per cent. Great Britain is determined to retain its superiority at sea atany cost. The price, it is true, which has to be paid in money and men is enormous; the per- sonnel of the British navy next year will amount to 110,000; in 1886 it was only 58.000. The naval estimates, which for 1899-1900 amount to between £26,- 000,000 and £27,000,000, were well un- der £14,000,000 in 1890. 'The expenditure on the maritime services also has as nearly as possibie doubled in ten years, and there has been an enormous in- crease in the cost of thé army as well, The British Empire comprises 1L1,- 500,000 square miles, or 13,000,000, if we include Egypt and the Soudan; and in this territory there isa population of about 407,000,000, or of over 420,000,000 if Egypt and the Soudan are included-- a population about one-fourth of the whole population of the earth. Of this poputation about 50,000,000 are of Eng- lish speech and race, the ruling race-- in the United Kingdom, in Rritish North America, andin Australasia; and the remaining 850,000,000 to 37U,000.- 000 are the various subject races, for the most part in India and Africa, the proportion uf the governing to the sub- ject races being thus about one-eighth. 'The increase in area and population in this Empire, excluding Egypt and the Soudan, amounts, since 1871, tu 2.854,000 square miles of area, or more than a fourth of the whole, aud to 125,000,000 of population which is also more than one-fourth of the whole, The increase of the ruling race included in this pop- ulation amounts to about 12,500,000, or about one-fourth of the number in 1897 and the increase in the subject races ts a hundred and twelve million, or nearly a third of the number iu 1897. This in- crease in largely due to annexation. The existing revenue. of the different parts of this Empire added together amounts to £257,658,000, and the im- ports and exports to £1,375,000,000. The increase since 1871 is £115,148,v00 for revenue,or more than 40 per cent of the present total, while the iicrease in im- ports ayd exports is £428,000,000, or about one-third of the present total. 'These are maryellous figures. One of the attractions of the Paris Exposition of 1900 will M. ° Hugo d'Alesi's "Mareorama," the principal feature of which will consist of a large ocean steamer, the passengers upon which will have an opportunity of mak- ing a voyage from Marseilles to Con- stantinople; that is tosay, an imagin- ary voyage, since the vessel will not move forward at all, the illusion of sailing be produced by an arrangement that has already been po ape no upon the spectacular stage. Tlfe vessel will be mounted upon a spherical pivot, and the only motions that it will have will be those of pitching and rolling, which will be given it through the manouver- ing of four pistons. Is will be sur- foamitig water; and in the ventilators will be placed seawrack and alga, tra- versed by a current of air that will be come impregnated with marine odors. The spectators, or the passengers rather, wiil walk about at their pleasure or sit at ease in rocking chairs upon the deck, which will produce that of a gen- uine steamer with the minutest ac- curacy, with all the details of masts, rigging, smoking and yibrating funuel, and @ crew executing various man- euvers at the command. of an ex- perienced captain, At thesame time, to the starboard and port of the. vessel will unroll cadyases fifty feet in height, painted with all the perfection that might be expected from the brush of M. d'Alesi, and representing the port of Marseilles flying to the rear, Frioul, Chateau d'I{ .and fishermen's boats, and then the highseas and the Algerian and Tunisian coasts toward which the vessel will be apparently steering. Over Phaif a mile of canvas Will unfold all the sites and episodes of this picturesque voyage. Eyeryone is acquainted with the phenomenon; the displacement of an object which occupies the entire field of vision gives the stationary spec- tator the impression that he himself is moving. Thus, when we sit in 4 motion- less train and another train rushes past us, it seems to us that itis ourgwp itrain that is beginning to moye, ' rounded with genuine --boiting--andy Woodstock for four centa, © The Pope is suffering from cancer el is not expected to live beyond ter. The Brandon City Council has decid- ed to ask the Manitoba Government to guarantee for fifty years theinterest on Brandon's bonds, amounting to $500,- The Cuban Assembly has impeached General Maximo Gomez and removed him from his command as General-in- Chief of the Cuban army. Their action was a mark of disapproval of Gomez's settlement with President McKinley. Washington, March 7.--The Chinese Minister, Wu Ting Fang. expresses himself as highly gratified atthe de- finite determination of the United States to keep hands off China and to resist intimationsof other pawers that the time is ripe for this country to take foritseifa porton the coast line of China, as made known by an authoriz- ed statement given out yesterday. The ceremony of laying the found. ation-stone of the Gordon Memorial College at Khartoum took place Jan. 5 last, and was performed by Lord Cromer. His Lordship, in his speech on that occasion, assufed the Sheiks that the new educational scheme for the Soudan would notinelude any at- tempt to interfere with the native re- ligion, but that the aim of the college was to diffuse practical knowledge, London, March 14.-- The Times says : The Government will probably appoint Baron Russell of Killowen (Lord Chief Justice of England) to succeed the late Baron Herschell on the Joint High Commission and the Anglo- Venezuelan Commission. This would bea highly advantageous selection. while his being a Catholic would make him persona grata toSir Wilfrid Laurier and a large section of the Canadians. Though it wonld be difficult to spare him from his important funetions at home, it would not be easy to suggest an alter- nalive appointment, WONDERFUL ASTANA R.GOVERIES, Clarke's Koln Compound Otlctally Tested by the Uritish Columbia Government, at the Home for in- curnbles, B. C., the Medical Superintendent Pronoune- Kamloops, ced Long-stunding Cases Cured, Many temporary relief asthiana remedies have*during the past few yents been pine- ea before the public, but unt the 'ntroduc- tion to the medical profession of Clurke's Kola Compound, nothing has teey feond to have any effect on preventing inture nt- treks. The Medieal Superintendeat for the Home for Ircurnbles in Kanvionjs, Bb. tias had 1 nag three cases of Compound has been tried, in pot insiunee did it fall to cure, and on one articular cnse a 3 t er bed most of the thue for nearviy on yeur previona to taking this remedy and 'es than three bottles lave comp " her. Over one yonr has now there bas not been ta lidy had been ¢ th passed, -gud st Meabfer Olarke's Kola C€ cure any case of have already be > & Macpherson Co,, 121 Church street. Tor- -onto, or Vancouver, B. C., sole Cauadian agents, - 20 Years tn Detrolt. 250,000 Cured. 4 WE CURESTRICTURE Thousands of young and middle-aged re troubled with this o--many en Then $BStiise of manhood returns. WE CURE GLEET,| nken E enan n. OurNE METHOD TREATMENT will, posi- © ne thousand dollars iu. QUESTION "BLANK as AK DRS. Wt KENNEDY & KERGAN [7 1 Gor. Michigan Ave, and Sheiby St, f3 DETROIT, MICH. 'The two-pound loaf is now selling in| spWWiwdeiecaianinin | PEREATIO SHEEP DIP isthe mest highly concentrated and all-round sstis- factory Dip in the market for curing skin diseases in harsh, and immediate in eifect without any r gar SHEEP DIP and ANIMAL WASH. n vermin. It is powerful without being irritating results, Cures sores, i skin worms and scab. Wash healing the wou bruises, shear-cuts, Quickly rids the animal of all vermin, G. A. Brodie, Bethesda, Ont., says: "I used it with great success in castratin; Jamba, the nde rapidly and i gant the maggots away. 5 pre Soo be without it and consider it the best preparation o! mar , Cattle and destroying ts, ring-worm. igrene, red lice, f ite kind in the At your Dealer's Or from Makers The Pickhardt Renfrew Co,, Limited, aa------Stouffville, Ont. WVeVereee ILLS Rouse f the tor @ pid liver, and cure biliousness, sick § headache, jaundice, nausea, indigesf. tion,etc. They are in- valuable to prevent a cold or break up a fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy your confidence. Purely vegetable, they ca aken by children or delicate women, Price, 25c. at all medicine dealers or by of C. I, Hoop & Co,, Lowell, Mass, A SHORT STORY In London Life Containing Condensed Wisdom for Thousands, A baker Living at 257 Dundas Street, London, Ont., Geo. Roberts by name, Recommends DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Because They cured him. He had Pain in the Back; His Urine Was red-colored And painful In passage. The cure through DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Was quick and-complete. That's how they always act, Because they're For kidneys only. If you have Sick kidneys Don't experiment - With an unknown remedy, Take nb substitute for DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Are You Weak ? There's a Remedy that will make you strong ; give you vitality and energy; invigorate the heart; enrich the blood; make the pale cheek rosy. It's Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mrs. Mehlenbacher, who lives at 29 Ann St., Berlin, Ont., made the following statement: '<1 have suffered from nervous prostration and general debility for the past four years, often despairing of acure- 'Since I have taken Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, however, the future looks bright to me. I have takep four boxes of them and the benefit I derived is wonderful. They have made my nerves strong, restored their elasticity and given me physica] strength to a greater degree than I could have anticipated. Beyond doubt, they are the best restorative for nerve trouble, weakness, debility, ete., in existence, and I heartily recommend them _to all who suffer as I did.' Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure Palpitation and Throbbing, Dizziness, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Loss of Appetite, Pale and Sallow Complexion, Anemia, Debility, General Weakness or any condition arising from 8 Weak Heart Disordered Nerves or Impoverished Blood. Soid bv druggists at 50c. a box, 'Business Directory. AUCTIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THR County of Perth, Monkton, Ont, Rates moderate. For particulars ap ply at this office. DENTAL. W. M. BRUCE, L. D. &., DENTIST. Painless extraction. Artificial teeth of the best quality, Crowns and bridges at the lowest rates, Gold and porcelain fillings a specialty. All work warrant- ed to give' satisfaction. Oftice over Thompson Bros. store, Main street.* Listowel. , LEGAL, -- MORPHY & CARTHEW, : Listowel, Ont.. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Svulicitors for the Benk of Hamiltun, «Money to 'Loan, } Oflices above Carson & McKee's store } Main street, , H. B. Monpuy. J. M. CARTHEW, J, W. Scott, Banker. UES a general Banking busi r: 2 usiness. Draft D bought and sold, payable in all parts of the Jominion, United Siates and Great Britain Notes Discounted. Deposits received and cur. rent rate of interest allowed, Cheque Bank Cheques Iss ; ued, payabl parts of the world, without motion mines A large amount of Private Fu ' nds to lend ood farm security at Five per cent. "with privilege of repaying annually. : Issuer of Marriage Licenses. MEDICAL, Could Only Whisper. Often Colds settle on the Throat and Bronchial Tubes, and make the yoice hoarse and husky, and an effort to speak, distressing. It may be reduced to o whisper or lost entirely for a while. In cases of this kind nothing will so soon give relief and restore the voiee as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. ad This is what Thos. J. Smith, Caledonia, Ont., writes :--" ear ago I hod a very severe Cold which settled on my lungs and throat." Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. cured me." Price 25 Laxa-Liver Pills cure constipation Without any griping, weakening or sick- ening, Price 25c,, ell druggists, DR. A. S. LANGRILL ATWoop, On7. Office, that form : Hamilton. erly occupied by Dr, Special attention giy ats Nose and Throat, © to Eye, Ear The Doctor resides at Mrs. W Mitcbell's, next door to jeweller sieg where night calls wili be answered. ' D. A. KIDD, M D., C.M.;F.T.M, ©: M. CO. P.&8.U Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Fellow of Trinity Medicut College. Doctor of Medici Surgery. Wine and Master of Licentiate of Co F add Surgeons, Hege of Physicians Special attention given to Eye. E Nose, Throat, Chest, and Di aoa at Women and Children, ' seep Associate Coroner of Perth County. ATWOOD, Ont, EMEMBER- THIS! : And Save Your Money until you- See Me. If you want a y 7. Piano or Organ New or Second-hand, I can supply you and Save You 10 per cent, alae Agent for the Genuine New York Singer Sewing Machine, the best in the market, and The Standard. Tuning & Repairing Done on Shortest Notice. Parts of Repairs Supplied. J. A. Gardner,, Organ & Pia