j "OME adorned or home .bare and Soutien? It doesn't take a great deal of money. The touch @f beauty is plainly visible in our Hall Lapers MEDICAL HALL, Eggs Taken as Cash. And if you buy will make itself felt in your home. We have on hand a full line of the best Wall Papers,Low- est Prices, Don't fail to see them, ATWOOD, ONT Gown Talk. Farm hand wanted at once. Apply to Robert Parker, lot 15, con, Atwood P. ; A SNAP.--Lady's high grade bicycle, Grand new, for sale at a bargain, Sat- tsfactory reasons for selling. Apply at this office, Sprina tiredness is due toan im- poverished condition of the blood and ts cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which}, anriches the blood. Baby carriage, with silk top, both runners and wheels, run two seasons, in good condition, will be sold for $3.50. Apply at this office. THE following new post offices have Been established in Ontario: --Brennen, Nipissing; Elizabeth Bay, Algoma Gallingertown (reopened.) Stormont ; Hungerford, Hastings. Avr Har Price----The following prime young nursery stock for sale at 34e. per tree (less than half price): Two German Prune plum trees ; 1 Bartlett Pear ; I Northern Spy apple ; 3 four- _ year-old thrifty grape vines, "Concord, Brighton, and Pocklington ; 50° Cuth- Bert Kaspberry. The whales list sold for 8200. Reasun for selling: garden over- crowded. Apply ut this office. An Atchison girl who has been mar- ried six. months said to-day: "I wouldn't have a husband who didnt 'boss' me. [ wouldn't respect a, man who. came home with his salary every Saturday night and placed it in my lap. My husband wants toknow where I go and what I am doing, and J am glad of it. When a woman 'bosses' her hus- band he jis a weak man and the neigh- hors don't respect him,."--Atchison Globe. Eprror ImposED Upon.--There are a few Smart Alecks in every com- munity, who thinks ita good joke to victimize the hewspapers hy dogus re ports, The Seaforth Expositor has re- cently been imposed upon by. marriage notices: of thischaracter. These notices, 18 Says, came to the office in the ordin- ary course and bore every mark of genuineness, and in at least two in- stances were verified bya signed name, which name was afterwards proved to ve forgery. In commenting vsti he very appropriately says: " principled scoundrels: who take this method of annoying innocent and re- epectable people should: remember that their effence is a criminal one, and in the event of detection might land them in the penitentiary." MONTEITH'S Magonrity 8.--His Honor Judge Barron made more rapid progress in the recuunt of the ballots vast in the last election in: South Perth than was expected, considering that there were nearly 5,000 documents to handle, and that each representative present madeit his business to examine every ballot. The work was commenc- ed late on Saturday afternoon, owing to lhe ballots not being presented at the hour named, on aecount of the illness of Returning Officer Whelihan. The Judge, however, issued an order to the election clerk, Charles Whelihan, to produce the documents, which was fin- ally done at480p. m. The' recount then proceeded with, and on sum- wing up bis Honor reports the follow- ing changes, giving Mr. Monteith an increase of one, ora total majority of eight--Phe first potting sub-division in whicha@-change was made was No. 5, Blanshard, where a vote of 57 for Mon? teith was reduced to 56. This was ow- ing toasmudge close toa cross in Stock's division, and the ballet was thrown out. In No. 5 division, Downie, Monteith. had 120, but there was one rejected ballot, and this Mr. Stock's Jawyer contended should be rejected because it was in the spoiled packet envelope. His Honor, however, count- ed it for Monteith, making his vote in this division 121. In the North ward, Mitchell, there were two rejected bal- lots, one for each candidate, and. bot et these were counted, making Mr, Stock's vote in that division 64and Mr. | Monteith's 99. In No.1, Logan, there were also two rejected ballots, one for cach candidate, and both were-counted, giving Mr. Stock 38 and Mr. Monteith Win that division.. No. 8; Hibbert, showed one ballot rejected by the é-uputy-refurning officer cause the cross "was tothe left instead of the right Mund side of Mr. Monteith's name. This ballot was counted for Mr. Mon- futh giving him 64in the division in- apead of 63, and iacreasing his majority Itt owe 6, Elma, AtTwoop defeated Molesworth hockey team Friday afternoon by six goals to nil. It was a walk-over for our boys. SHEREBROOKE has been chosen for the next place of meeting by the High Court of the Canadian Order of Forest- ers, ARF you bothered with asthma? Try Griffiths & McPherson Co's remedy advertised in this issue and for ee at the drag store. A. MoMILLAN, representative of the Toronto Globe, was in town last week He reports sixteen subscribers of the Daily Globe in Atwood. Bert Curten. of Guelph, is starting a third paper in the town of Harriston. His paper isto be known asthe Stand ard. Thereis roomin Harriston for one good paper; huw three will exist is beyond our comprehension, A PETITION oR ees to the head officials of the T. Ro asking for a raise' in wae "ts being a among the section men of the aR, 'The section men of the C. P. R. are re- ceiving $1.25 per day, while men in the similar position on the Grand Trunk receive only $1, While the men think they are entitled to the rise, there is no intention at present of striking. MAss MEETING.--A public meeting of all interested in the establishment of a factory of some kind in Atwood. will be held in the Foresters' Hall next Monday evening, at 7.86-0'clock, to take steps towards securing an industry gty- ing employment to from 25 to 50 hands. [tis also proposed to orgarize a Board of Trade for the village. A full attendance of business men, citi- zens and farmers is requested, IAN MACLAREN's New Work.--Ian Maclaren who isnowon a lecturing tour in this country, begins in an early issue of The Ladies' Home Journal his latest piece of literary work. It isa series of popular articles in which he defines the relation that a minister |holds to his congregation; how "preacher 1s helped by his people; how a congregation can make the mostof a minister, and other phases of the most satisfactory attitude of a congregation 6 to a pastor i. STRATFORD PrespyTER¥Y.----The | " Stratford Presbytery metin Stratford uesday, in the basement of Knox] W church, with Moderator W. H. Haig, of Millbank, inthe chair The first im- portant business was # report presented by Mr. McLeod, of Atwood, from the session of Monkton and St. Paul's, Logan, that they were willing to adhere to the different arrangements regarding examination of Mr. Abrey. On motion of Messrs. Panton and Bradley the aug mentation committee will be asked for a grant of $200-for the congregation of Monkton and St. Paul's, Logan. It was agreed, upon request of Mr. Abrey, to forward a Presbyterial certificate of his standing inthe Presbytery and it was also further agreed to apply to the Synod of Hamilton and London for leave to license Mr. Abrey. On Mr. McCulloch's motion to reconsider the whole matter relating to Wellesley vil- lage, it was agreed to proceed with the consideration. A motion by Dr. Hamil- ton and Mr. Pyke that Wellesley village be handed over to Guelph Presbytery was lost. Mr. McLeod moved, seconded by Mr. Panton, and it was resolved that Presbytery make application to Knox college missionary society to supply Wellesley village for four months, and that in the event of their sending a student, the Presbytery would fake a contribution to the funds of the society. In the eyent of Knox college not being able to give supplies, the clerk was em- powered to correspond with any other college association, Certain remits from the General Assembly were ap- proved. Rev. Dr. Bryce, of Winnipeg, was nominated as moderator of the General Assembly, A committee was appointed to preparea resolution of condolence to the widow of tha late Principal King of Manitoba College, Winnipeg, It was moved that the members of the Presbytery, next in rotation from those who attended last year, be appointed delegates to the Grand Assembly. Messrs. McLeod and J. G.-Stewart were appointed to: repre- sent the Presbytery on the committee of. bills and accounts at the Synod. Considerable time was taken up with a discussion on a call fron: Listowel to Rev, Mr. Sawyers, and-lt was finally decided that the call be sustained. Rey. M "i McLeod,.of Atwood, presented.the c Peep 2 Atwoop hockeyi match with Ee ursday. APRIL 26th and 27th the county Sun- day School convention will be held in Listowel. Misses CLEGG and Collins. of Listo- wel, were guests of Miss Elsie Strath- ers over Sunday. PERstaTic Sheep ry is advertised in this paper. Itis very highly spoken of. It ean be had at the drug store. Reap Bb, W. Ziemann's spring an- nouncement, If you contemplate buy- ing a spring suit, it will interest you, "Patrick O' HARA," said the Judge. "do you plead guilty or not Rallty ilty ?" and O'Hara replied, "Oi think "ll wait till Oi hear the ividence." Miss GovENLocK having returned from the-millinery openings in Toronto is busy preparing for her spring open- ing. Watch for her announcement. Rey. Dr. Wretiams, of Listowel. as- sisted Rev. Mr. Fear in the revjval services Monday and Fuesday eyenings., Iaterest is increasing in the meetings. Miss JEAN CUTHBERTSON has return- ed from a pleasant visit to London and Sarnia. She will open a dréssmaking business inthe rear of Miss Govenlock's millinery store, where she will be pleas- ed to meet her lady friends. Her ad- yer oement will appear in next week's EE, HAVE you seen C. H. Holmes' superb stock of tweeds, worsteds, ete., for the spring trade? A full line of merchant tailoring goods and a competent staff of workmen to fill orders promptly. If about to order a. stylish, neat-fitting suit, try Holmes, J. A. McBain is in charge of this department. New advertisements this week :-- Wall papers, J. A. Mitchell ; agents wanted, Bradley Jarretson Co. > Grif- fiths & MePherson Co's remedies ; sheep dip, Piekhardt Renfrew Co. ; merchant tailoring, C. A. Holmes ; new spring tailoring goods, B. W. Ziemann ; Cleveland bieyeles, H. A. Lozier & Co. : locals, this office ; local, R, Parker ; local, J. E. Rowland. . CRADIUD May.--In Atwood, on Feb, 28th, the wife of Robert May of a son, LonGcEeway --In Atwood o1 March Sth, the wife of Louis Longeway of a son. ALTAR. the residence of the bride's brother, March 6, by Rev. J. W olmes, flenry Metherall, North Dakota, to Jennie Hance, of Mitchell. ney "al y Purest and Best for Table and Dairy No adulteration. Never cakes. . Atwroed Dlarircet. " Qn BSSSSTrASSLSLVSRB BEUSSRaSSasSBVkae G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atvood Station, North and South, as follows : GOING SOUTH. Express 7.47 a.m. Mixed 10.25 a.m, GOING NORTH. Mixed 1.20 p.m. 'Express 9,50 p.m, RHEUMATISM A - CURED' wiTHouT NEW MEDICINE. RyeGmaAric INVENTION r nsoles. Will Bring Comfort to All. HERE IS NO CASE OF RHEUMA- TISM BUT CAN BE CURED FoR JUG. ye dnl RHEUMATIC INSOLES effcet 4 ent cure where al] other remedies fail i aiford the slightest relief, They make the old folks young again And ake the cripples And give you contfort sat aw ake Ant "OOIMEOrE while you sleep. Rustic seyegitns toe Insoles are made to fit all sizes of shoes » sent by sy to an address on rec eipt - price, 60c. itiv cure guaranteed in every case of mhewtuation or siaoet refunded. Advice furnished fre 2e On Cc ¢ me y once for a pair of Rustic Rheumatic Insoles that will give you everlasting relief and hap- piness. J The Dr. Marschand Chemical Co... Detroit, Mich. Windsor, Ont, Mention Tae Ber. played th dart METHERALL--HANCE.--In Mitchell, at} 'describe my stock of A nice line of «| Kor Children. To the fact that you Need a New Spring Suit ZIEW|ANN THE TAILOR, Has the most complete stock in Atwood. My Spring Goods Have all Arrived And I shall be pleased to shew them. Some of he Nobbiest and Cheapest Suits May be seen here ---MY NEW-- ypring Hats! Are the Correct Thing for This Season. 'All Shapes, Styles and Shades. Ihave no room here to Shirts, Collars, Ties,Caps Sweaters, Belts &c.. Brownie Suits. Call and See Them. /B.W. Ziemann tex KKK BK: K Bel pl The People Col bale ciant and you House and Lots for = ---- BRICK cottage, with ki A and three lots in peumention tea sniey Ths Shurch Atwood, Howe tr anes e an Sepestunity rr ae a desirable hotne at a very reason' price. Apply to the une: r rekened, 5 A. STEVENSON, S4din Atwood P.O, Farnt for Sale or Rent. cleared and ina balance timbered. e sey is situated from Newry. There is a comfortable house and good bank barn on the farm, ak bearing orchard, hard and soft water, ete- Terms ensy A to A. H. WYNN, Ke Proprietor, Newry. Mr. Wannamaker's Advice, Tonkin Gibod a marnloe Mr. Wane namaker, E have called te see if yor can give me @ position in-yonur-estab- lishment, Tecan turn my hand to al- most Ligh og Mr. "No, we are full in every de- are the twentieth man I have refused to-lay. Why don't you take upa line in which there is less: competition and better pay?" Tomkins--'I'd only ve ton thank fut if youe an put me on track of such w positron Mr, W.--"When I_ was twenty years of age, ] was a stranger in a strange fand, with neither work nor money, when a friend of mind,a lawyer, advis~ ed me to take a book agency s: aying he had educated himself by canvassing : like drowning men grasp at straws, t took his advice, and in five years saveck $5,000, and with this sum started my present business. [tis just fifty years ago to-day that Mr. Bradiey, the found- er of the present firm ot 'The Bradle y~ Garretson Gampany, Limited, of 'Tor- onto, sent ms my first buok prospectus, and to his beautiful letters and good advice Lowe much of my present suc- cess. Yes, young man, if you have any- thing in you there is just as goud a chance for you to-day with this old es- tablished Honse as there was for me. Ww rite them and see what they offer 9-99 star Livery W.C.Leake, - Prop. AVING purehased the Atwood Liyery of Jas. R. Miller, L beg to announce to the public and the commercial trade especitily, that our facilities: for serving our pi Atrons are the best, Good rigs, fast horses, at Teasonable' prices, Carry-all in connection, The Commercial trade a Specialty, 29-98tt Ww. Cc LEAKE. af The Leading Are of Americad,¢: 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CURED, WECURE EMISSIONS ean be more demoralizing to t ree. | a4 unfit K life'. and 'whether ca: 'natural weakne e8 OF Fexu -- Sots thod: 'T'reatment will' SDaslivaly cast connianance reven the o blight of: voor existence WE CURE VARICOCELE | r how serious your c wormy. veins" their nortaal condition and hence the §Ag No temporar uta permanent cure as F Roe CURE, NO PAY. NO OP TION NECESSARY. NO Dk TION FROM BUSINDSS. CURES alee, We nd GLERT. SSIONS, IM POLS Nos Sriuerull "4 "VARICOCELE, 3 a, QUISTT STTON BLANK for TREATS Mm KENNEDY é KERGAN|s K| 148 SHELBY STREET, [4 falnabid LS) MICH. :