3 G5.R. TIME TABLE. |. Srraipetenve Atwood Bigtion, North and South, us-follows Much i in Little by especially wa of "Hlood' s pals, for no med : = pee ever contained so greaticurative:power In tho small space. They are a whole medicins Hoods " Ee always ready, al- Verays EMcient, always sat- *tsfactory; prevent a cold © r S t or fever, cure all liver iis, « sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, ete, Be. Spouses [ills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla, : NEWS OF TI THE WEEK. _ Ottawa claims a 1 population of 56,000. *A mortgage "works 'Gay and night ; you cannot, . * John Jeffers Clarke, editor of The _ Tiverton Watchman, is-dead: Milk has this pec prity. she more : it is doctored the worse it gets. * A German paper estimates that aver /8,000 borses are. slaughtered 'for* 'food 'iu German cities, ~ Iliram Maxiin, the inventor of 'rapid fire guns, is under arrest at New 'York ton a charge of bigamy. : _E. Forget, Indian Commissioner at W inuipeg, has been appointed Lieu- 'senant-Governor of the' Northwest territories," © **Fiow, John Dryden was nominated onbaninonsly, by the Liberals South.On 'tario- wt Whitby 'for the vacaut seat in Vohe Legislative Assembly, Kiagston. Ont., Oct. 3---Proceedings 'n the Kingston election trial bave been Yabandoned by the petitioners. Hon. iN slarty retains his seat and each perty pays its own costs, \ The Provincial Synod meeting at Siputrom, rejected "Rev. Dr. Langtry's otion that the clergy in' its jurisdic- tt on be ordered to abstain 'from Saar Y' 'ug divoreed persons. + ' The Conservatives of East Welling- ton have nominated Dr. Coughlin their 'ate ddfeated cundidate, in opposition ito Hon. J. M. Gibson for the vacant seat in the Legislative Assembly. 'Washington, Oct. 11--The American commissioners have notitied the Span- tish "authorities in' Havana that the +United States will assume military and tgovernmental control of Cuba on De- icember 1st, fhe same control will be vexercised in Porto Rico October 18. * The Massachusetts Pioughman says : The largest -horse in "America has been "discovered in Illinois. He stands 'swenty Lands high, weighs 2,500 pounds tand has inéyer veen either broken or shod. He is nearly a pure blood *Clysdesdale. Of course, he is a freak, 'and not Jikely to be worth anything ex- 'cept for exhibition purposes, France having banished the name of Zod from certain school-books, says tthe Advance, has row decided to. erase vecoguition of Gud from her coin. > It is 'said that the director of French coinage thas ordered the omission in future from "all coins of the Motto, "Dieu protege rance"' "May God protect France" 'More recognition of God in national and individual affairs is what France +ae@ds to make ber truly great. The editor of the Chrislian Cuardian, tev. A. C. Courtice), discussing' the 'saube of the antagonistic yote on 'the 'plebiscite says :--"The city is also the liseased nerve-centre of modern civi- 'ization, and tle irritated, hurried and iworried condition of city life gives the 'jiquor traffic its best opportunity, It is Ho Wonder that the cities are against 'prohibition, The froth, and scum, and corruption of modern life gathers to 'the cities," Paris, Oct. 10---The strike is spread- ing and threatens' to 'cause a general cessation of work inthe city and sub nuirbs. The plumbers and roofers have 'aeased work and the joiners and: eab- ynet makers will follow. It is rumored that the railway employes and:'bus tnen . will join' the strikers. © The kzovernment has offered to fill the 'laces of the engine drivers with rmilitary engineers and to provide read if the bakers strike. Owing to ihe: continued spoliation @ strikers the government has dra ten 16,Q00 walvary and infantry in Paris, Ifthe tyast army of unemployed become in- 'surgent the situation wonld be worse 'than that created by the commune. This extract from a husband's letter tothe New York Sun is intended for the ladies particularly : "1 take pleas- hire in reporting through your columns 'the fact that my wife yesterday lost the thatelaine watch that she has, or had, 'the bad habit of wearing dangling tow pendant on the bosom of her gown when &he had oceasion to deck herself to go down town or elsewhere on the streets. I have long insisted that wom- en who wore 'their watches in such a 'manner did but tempt thieves to steal ; vet my word had no effect upon her, iund day after day 1. have seen her go 'out only to see her come home again - 'with the watch still there and a smile 'of scorn on her face for me. Yesterday twhen she returned there was neither smile nor watch. tend my sincere thanks to the gentle: hnaMy and urbane Bk Dce et for pinch- {pg the bauble. He has taught ber in sue or two seconds what 7 have for - ~~ ' 'years been trying:to teach her, and I ihm so grateful that I am almost témpt- ied to offer him $5 as & token of my' es- < Kidney Trouble e FOR YE 'YEARS. "Nothing did Mr. Mr. 'RE. - Pige any good until he got © * Doan's Kidney Pills. 'Throughout the County of Leeds and the Town of Brockville is no rhedi- "gine spoken so highly of for all?kinds of Kidney Diseases as Doan's Kidney: Pills. AsCanada" Spanos! atey ae ,intcoduced by Mr. James Dean, gsville, Ont., in 1885, they Stand to-day far superior _to all the imitations and substitutes that have been offered the publicin their stead. Mr. R. E. Pitt, the "well-known con- tractor and builder, vwices these senti- ments when he says, " Ihave had kidney trouble for years. I had tried numerous remedies without much relief, and had given up my back as gone for since using Doan's Kidney Pills she result has been marvellous! The: pain is one. I feel like a new man, ead can 1 Ba testify to the virtues of: Doan's Pills." Deans Kidney Pills are sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt of price, 50 cents a box @r 3 boxes for $1.25. * The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toranto, Ont, THIS! And Save Your Money aot! you See Me: If you: want & Piano or Organ New or Second-hand, Icun supply you and Save You 10 percent, alsa a Agent for the Genuine New York Singer 'Sewing Machine, the best if the market, and: The Standard.' Tuning & Repairing Done on Shortest Notice. Parts of Repairs Supplied' J. A. Cardner, Organ d: Piano Dealer, Box 109, LISTO WED, with haying been bribed with "money _land R. 'T. Harding and Robt. Brownlee .| personages mentioned above. with the North Perth Protest. BILL OF PARTICULARS cece FIFTY FOUR CHARGES OF BRIBERY MADE - THE teiat COMMENCE AT eet ocT. 14. _ « The bill of particulars in the North | Perth election trial--Williant Bogue: - of Listowel gainst John Brown, M P | P.--was served in, Toronto on Friday » Sept, 30; 'ou Messre: Biake & Co: agents | for G. G: MePherson, soli¢itor for the peabondaae It cUntuins 5% charges «i: Dheve is sume thing cheerful in the -above Invitation od cod wiiter's nizut i and as you 'gather around the livia pita He sCive You "'haturally discuss the merits of. the cotruption, and the respondent is chars sue, Whe tel! Was.purehased, What it cost, how much ed'with complicity in must. gf them | 'This 18 a short list compared with mous bills of particulars. The dill against |} Mr, Grieve contains no Jess than BUT 'Tnspect our lars, 'e and complete "ges. "About 20 of the charges welts to tlie northern end ef the riding Paul Har vey, Thos, Hollingshead, Wm. Manning, | Jacob Opper, Benji. Opper, David Op- | per, Edward Wakeford, Joseph Wasi: | burn, all of Listowel ; Aaron Ludwig, | sr., and Aaron Ludwig jr., Henry. Zinn. ot W allace ; Benji: Brandt of Etna : | John' Mink and Menno Jantzi of Morv- | ington--all are charged with being | bribed. Amoug the parties charged | with corrupting -- ss ieerale are tle respondent, and Mess A. Hacking. | John MeDonald, W wane T. E. lay Wm. Bright, Wm. Bradley, John Scott. John ©. and F/'W. Hay, James A. Tre- main of Listowel ; Ged. Shearer of pbb date and T. G. 'Ballantyne of 'The Stratford list includes no less #4 personage than' M. Dunsmore who ae charged with being prided oF Dr. J. Deviid, R. T. Harding; A ue Panton. and G. G, McPherson. Eight Assyrians--Cahl Ayton,, Salin Ahabad, Salim Alahandy, Sed! Ala- handy, L. Faid, David Guard, Abraham {lalla and Fred 'Melockeare charged with having redeived drink, fefresh- ments, railway tickets and other con- siderations to vote. 'The eople charg- éd with giving these indiicements are Messrs. John Stevenson, Boeph Walsh, Edward Walsh, Dr. J, A. Deviin, James O'Loane, Morris Dillion. G. G. MePher- son, R. T. Harding and A.- M. Panton Among the other Stratford voters charged with having been bribed were Wilham Watson, David Jacob, Frank |: Rosse, Wim. Hutchinson; FE Hill, .Mi a eal Diilion, Charlies Bailey, Pat Driscoll, James W: Fewer, and J. sidale Smon Wildfong is charged not only or some other valdable consideration," but with the appointment of constable, are suspected of doing' the business In the cases of the others, some of the names'of Wi. Preston, Richard Mce- Cradle, Thos. Ballantyne it, if aon O'Flaherty, W. Daly, Thos. S. Tobin, Everybody knows that. standard by which the wide- awake customer judges Dry Goods,in these days of keen competition. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Tn all lines of goods, and especially is it true of Dry We have no old, out-of-date bankrupt goods to W e cannot afford them shop room. We have New Goods Goods. offer you. The Cheapest | Not the Best i Srmenamedl Quality and Style is the To offer You at Positive BARGAING..... Stylish Dress Goods This is Ribbon's year in Dress Trimmings. stylish gowns this season will 'be covered with a profus- ion of ribbons, wide and narrow, light and dark. Among the uses to which the favorite trimming will be put this season is applique work, made with baby ribbon, Braids and Gimps will also be much used this autumn. Our stock in both Dress Goods and Trimmings is complete. Latest Patterns The most Big Valuesin. --s_--> Men's Overcoats Ready-to- wear Suits And pate of ridin in both Men' s ied Boys' 'Sizes. ' Farm or Taken as Cash. ° E. KALBFLEISCH Wood ov vou It burbs ete. We can help you to solve the iprobien to your entire satisfaction by inviting you to ai ifwA TT... Py A. vk SCowes FURMACES é&c. Of every description kept in stock, and at prices little low- ér than | you have been accus- tomed to paying. We LampG oodsy Tinwar e, &C., are staples here. Bargains in DLinware. : CEO. q RANGES, Hardware ited adveitising space, Oil, Paints, Glass, ~. 4 a. stock of annot erate i in this lim- il, Machine ANDERSON. and has. Stock added are shure with domiyer abtiempllug tie bribuig EON: Sickidis Charged with beige bribed +l diive a team on election day Gy. G. MePhersou is chirgea along with the respondent witht treattag eue John Rottech, T.G Bahanivue of Elma: is charged With ttitnidaiton iu the case of George Crouks James Feiter and Herman Wolff of Evlive are charged with veing Grroed by re esos George and aller Kerr and G. . McPherson... The following cabmen are charged With having been paid lor conveyances on election day : George Mills, Thos Walker and Janes [ Waddeil, These coustiluie about all the charges. The tnalis to commence al Strattora on Friday, Act. fun. TE will' then be see how mach Toundation there was tor the making of such charges. ' Parent and Best for Table and Dairy 0 adulteration. Never cakes. : STRAWBERRY CURES DIARRHEA, . DYSENTERY SUMMER COMPLAINT. Price 35c. at all druggists. REFUSE SVEaTITUTES, \ THEY ed to. give satisfaction. "ft had Salt AL Rheum of the worst kind, as our family doctor called it, pe could not get anything to cure me. I read of Burdock Blood Bitters, and determined to try it. I got one bottle and be- fore I used half of it I could tell it was doing me , good, and after taking six bot- tles | was per- | , fectly cured,and to-day ama happy woman at being suredof that terrible disease" MAGDALENA VoicT, Rhineland, Ont. B. B. B. is the best remedy in the world for Eczema, Salt nncum, Tetter, Scald Head, Shingles, Boils, Pim- ples, Sores, Ulcers and all Blood and Skin Peases- RS... 'BUSINESS DIRECT ORY. DENTAL. W. M. BRUCE, L. D. S., DENTIST. Painless extraction, Artificial teeth of the best. quality. Crowns aud bridges at the lowest rates, Gold and porcelain lillings a specialty. ° Ali work warvant- Ollice. over ' Brok. store, Main street, Thompson LEGAL, MORPHY & CARTHEW, Listowel, Ont., Barristers, Sulicitors, Conveyancers, &e. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton., Money to Loan. Offices above Carson & Mckee's sture, Main street. H. B. Monpuy, J. M.CarTruen. BALD FEIITG. IL W. Scott, Banker, Hstablished iS72. Dominion, United States and Great Britain Notes Discounted. Deposits received und cur rent rate of interest allowed. Cheque Bank Cheques Issued, payable in il parts of the world, without. notice or charge. A large amount of Private Funds to lend on security at Five per cent, with é in privilege of repay ine annually. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, a MEDICAL. DR. A. S. LANGRILL ATWOOD, ONT. Office, that formerly ocenpied by Dr. Hamilton, Special attention given to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat, The Doctor resides at Mrs. W. D. Mitchell's, next door to jeweller shop, where night calls will be answered. D. A, KIDD, M D., C.M.; F.T.M. C.; M. ©, Po G&S. 0. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Fellow of Trinity Medical College. H freien' of Meditine and Master of Digeutiate or College of Physicians add Surgeo Special ateation given to Eye, Ear, Women and Children. Associate Coroner of Perth County. ATWOOD, ONT, DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR, Srussels, ro Onmtaric: (Suecessor to Dr, W. Graham) Ist Class Honor Graduate of the Whiversities of of Trinity (Toren to}, Queen' 8 (Kingston) and of lical College ; Fellow of Trinity yay College and m sinter c of the ¢ College of" yRic recon of Onia Post Graduate Course in Detroit ar ana Chicane. 1 se. eal tg at tention = to diseases of Ky: Throa' d Diseases of Women. s2r-Consaltation in Ragiia. and German. earCatarth treated moceastully in all its forms. : Nose, Throat, Chest, and Diseases of -- oe