Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 14 Oct 1898, p. 4

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. J. A. Mrtonent ad a. lot off : choice bulbs for fa winter bloow- For' Winter Blooming. . x OTHING is more' p a ud Sacred: Lilies and their brilliant colors and fill leasant' or cheerful duting the Jong, dreary. winter than to have a few pots 'filled with Hyeerntns, Dunne Crocus, Narcissus aster ster Lilies, ete., displaying ing the room with their: de- lightful fragrance for weeks. We can supply you with all the pest Bulbs for Pot and Bed culture atlow prices. Call and see them. Vine, large, healthy bulbs. - Medical Hall, Atwood. Gown Galk- Joun Knox is holidaying in Detroit. Miss CLARA 'Ayens,~of Hamilton, s:visiting her mother and sisters. ° TE BEis im receipt of a neatl orinted and beautifully illustrate aund book of Winnipeg. FE insurance is'a 'good thing but ath insurance, by keeping the blood mire with {lood's Sarsaparilla,*is' still etter. Lur-the lower lights be started,' and ihe coal piles melt away, for the 'sum- ayer has departed, and 'Jack Frost is ire to stay.' J. W. McBAIn took 'three 'firsts' and 'hree seconds in vegetables at' Brussels énir'last week. S, Peter alsotook Some yrizes at Brussels in grain. Miss M. HALL, Millbank, 1o8t her ex- yibition erochet work at the Elma Fair. The party having taken it in mic' 1ke is requested to leave it at this office. . G. BALLANTYNE 'shipped a fine ond of hogs on Monday, paving $410 ver cwt. for them.. More hogs came ~ Monday than T, G. could board, 50 4 umber had to be driven home again. Tne following corrections are made av the prize list of the Elma Fair, re- sorted in last week's BEE; Brood sow, Geikshire, Ist, John Cowan ; 2nd stevenson. Boar of M d 1808, Lerkshire class, Ist, Jolm Cowan ; 2nd; A Miller. Yorkshire class, sow pig of 1898, Ist, A. Miller ¢ 20d, John Cowan, Poultry, White Wynndottes, John Cowan. Chieks of 1808, Wyandottes, Ist, A. Stevenson 2nd, John Cowan. Road- ster horses, best span, Ist, G. Green ; "nd, John Watson ; 8rd, > A. Peet. General purpose 4. Hamilton, sr.; ird, .\, Stevenson. War ScroruLa is.--Scrofula is a sjisease as oid as airtiqdity. Lt has been -anded down for generations and is the sume to-day as in' early times. It" is emphatically a disease 'of 'the blood. 'That is just what Hood's Sarsaparilla wwes in every case Where it is given a faithful trial It irradicates all impur- ities trom the blood, and 'cures the sores, boils, pimples and all forms of skin diseuse due to scrofula taints In ihe blood, Hood's Sarsaparitia has won the grateful-praise of vast' num- weirs of people by its grand and com nleie eures, Don't allow scrofula to de velop in your blood, Cure it at once by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. PLowine Maten.--The farmers of Minn and surroundinging district are equested to meet in the Elma House atl, Atwood, on Tuesday eve, of 18 'i Soclock, for Uke purpose of organiz- ne tt plowmen's association 'and Lo at- range fort plowing match in Elma Sud, .T. W. Jackson ; aiis fall, Some years ago such an: as- ; sociation flourished in Elma, and many ot Elma's best plowers benefited by its educating Influence. But the interest was mliowed to die out, and finally the 'Nganization itself, with the result that the sounger generation of farmers herethouts are deficient in the skilful vseot the pfowstagich ttrevdssociation vesizied Lu Leace@fnem, Now, the .ob- eet of the meeting on the 18th iust. is vo revive theinterest in good plowing b¥ organization, by holding annual siow ing matches, and by offering liber- plizes, ~Atwoodites are lkewise votuially invited to the meeting and take part in the proceedings. Ix order to set aside all reports to the soutrary, we desire to state that THe iE puulisiing business has notehang- edbeuds,penther is it in the market. We were made a tempting cash offer th- other day and thought somewhat of span of horses, Ist, J. WANTED.--Farmers' song or other industrious persons of fair education to whom $40 a month would be an induce- ment. I can alsoengage a few ladies at their'own homes.' T.' H.: Linscort, Toronto. BANKRUPT Stock SaLE.--R. M. Bal- lantyne's bankrupt stock sale will com- mence in earnest an Saturday next,Oct, 15th. All week men have' been: em- ployed shelyirg 'and matking down ods, and hd anticipates a humming ume while the sale lasts. See adyt. Our readers are invited to inspect E. Kalbfleisch's new stock of dry goods opened out -duriig the past few days There are some very pretty patterns in detss; goods, with trimmings to match. Also a large stock of extra godd over- cdats in men's and boys' sizes, Read advt. for particulars. In Goop'HanpDs.--The implement business conducted fn' Atwood for some time by the late Frank BR. Curtis. has been sold by the wife of deceased to John A. Hume, son of George Hume. of con. 8, Efma,a young man of good ability and widely and favbrably known. He hus already assuthed charge of. the business, and THE BEE joins in wish- ing him' suecess. He will push the Deering machinery as did his predeces- sor, together with 'other woacliinery of well known reputation! CorrecTion.--We 'are requested to correct the item in last. week's BEX in reference to-A. Mé¢Mane's colt, which stated that the colt was not awarded first prize because it was not entaged in time. Mr. MceMane's colt, we aré in- formed, was entered in time to receive a prize, and if it was not given first prize it was the fault of the jldges who are supposed to award prizes according to merit. The editor was not present fore notin a position to verify either statement. Mr. Dickson's colt wags only four mouths old the 3rd of this month, and tips the scales at 675 Ibs.. and a superior animal in every . respect. MILLINERY OPENING.-- All the ladies jare talking fashions again and the men will have something to Say about them later on. 'The millinery at Miss Gov- enlock's on Atwood Fair days, Oct. 4th and Sth, the occasion of her fall open- ing, was greatly admired by the throng of ladies who visited her show: rooms Tre Bee scribe took a peep 'at the beautifal creations in' headgear, but" our limited knowledge of millinery art makes it impossible for us to adequate- ly describe confusing shapes, styles and shades which distinguish the term mil linery among feminine Wearing apparel Every lady who' loves neat headgear and smurt attire--and all the ladies who read THE BEE do,--should visit Miss Goyenlock's show rooms and see tor 'themselves, A Bustness PARARLE.--Once a farm- er had 1,800 bushels of wheat, which j he sold, not to a single grain merchant, leach. A few of ther Y eash, but far the greajérArumber said it was not convenient Yhen ; they would pay later. A few months passed, and the man's bank account ran luw. "How is this?" he said. "My 1,800 bushels of grain should have kept me in effluence until another crop is raised, but I have parted with the grain and have Instead only a vast number of accounts, so small and scattered that 1 cannot get. around and collect fast enough to pay expenses." So he posted.up a public notice and asked all those who owed him to pay quickly. But few came, 'The rest said, "Mine is only a Smail these days," forgetting that each ac- count was very small, when all. were put together they meant a large sum to the man. 'Thin : TH pablie w 'that W. R. E when the horses were judged and there- |" i but to 1,800 different dealers, a bushel matter, and I will go and pay one or! and ing in pots. See them WANTED,--1 "Tyee character to trivel an ap Peet and expenses pai pont a of nt a ts. BRADLEY. Li : otito. * « + a Watou for'Jas.-W' Ferguson's fall anndtincement next week. e topic will be "What to wear this 'fall «1 winter,"'a very sexsonable topic: THE BEE will also have something to say on the local shoe trade. jll-ba, pleased to know t tskine bas compassed their needs by ordering a carloud' of choice potatoes, which he is prepared to sell at alow price in ten bag lots. The car will. reach Atwood station the middle of next week, See nave, AGENTS -- Before herdeath Miss Wil lard wrote the introduction to our new book "Woman 7" before pubheation we add the touching story of ber life by Miss Wiggens, her intimat!triend! a leader of the movement oy Canada Theonly Canadian work, aud we are exclusive publishers." Preface: by Lady Aberdeen. Sells fast. Liberal: terms Books on time. Freight paid BRAD- LEY-GARKETSOG Co., Limited. Toronto. THE RATE WaR.--Apropos the rate war still going om between the © PR, G. 'T..Ro and other 'western reads." Mr MeNichol, General Passenger Agent GP. R,in- reply to the question. of boycotting the G. BP. Ro by the western roads, gaye the following to the press Yednesday: "Yes," responded the General. Passenger Agent. "The Grand Trunk is now being paid its price for fighting us. 'The steamship companies are giving it immigrants rom Europe and endeavoring to cut us out altogether from that business We are prepared to take action on the Lrestoration of local rites as soon? as the Grand Trank shows a disposition to live up 'to the 'decision of the Interstate Commerce' Commission and restore its Manitoba rates to owhere they were before the rate war DBepay'. At points which are cémpetitive with Us the ¢7.T.R7 is still selling tickets to Manitoba at less than. regular fare. When this difficulty is settled we will be prepared to do something "toward re: toring local rates." THE visitor to George Arderson's handsome and modernly. equippes hardware store is impressed with the idea of convenience and, stability of everything about the commmodionus es- tavlishment. The building is of eon- crete, made of Thorold cement one part tf live parts 'silfted gfavel and sand fhe structure was put ap this sum- mer under the superintendence ot skilful workmen from the "Thorold Ce- ment Works, It is two stories high, excliding basembént, and the front is faced with pure cement, blocked in 'imitation of grey stone, large plate glass front, ete. ete. In a word, it is undoubtedly one of the best hardware and tinware emporiums in Perth doun- ty. Mr. Anderson has had tlie build- ing filled to its capacity with hardware, tinware, rauges, heaters, cook stoves, lamp goods, ttc, ete, iv antic pation of the present fal] and winter traue in'these commodities. The public are cordially invited to yisit the new premises and inspect the spleiidid stock, We direct attention to Mr. Aadersori's fall an- nouncement in this issue, he CRADIE. Gorpon.--In Atwood, on the 10th' Oct.. the wite-of' Goorge Gordon of a daugiter, AUCTION SALES. a Monpay, Oct. 17.--Fatm stock, im- plements and household furniture, at Monkton, at lL p.m. .C. HH. Merry field, auctioneer ; Wm: Featherstone, prop- rietor. ' Almost Distracted Dreadful Suffering by a New- market Woman. -The Bones In the Nose Affected -- Face Would Swell Until Her Eyes Were Closed-- How Relieved. NEWMARKRST, ONT.--"'I baye hada good opportunity cf noting the great medicinal powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla. My wife has been a sufferer from catarrh for the past four years,and the disease had gone so far that the bones of the nose hati become affected and particles had come away through an opening in the left side. Her eyesight was also affected to the extent that for nearly a year she was unable to read for more than five minutes atatime. She suffered Severe Pains in the Head and at times was almost distracted. She was treated by four different doctors, one of whom was a specialist. They all said they could not do anything for her, asthe | disease had gone too far. Her nose would | swell about every three days until her | eyes: would almost be closed. Then it wenton this. The! would break through and the swelling | 4 - 2. Jast Opened Gut! ay ,r ia . eae mA = RS Miftinery & Fancy Goods. E have have endeavored to show you the styles ~at our Opening in'Millinery and Fancy- Goods. We now hope to take your order for some of these goods. --W e were only able to show youa_ por- tion of our stock in these departments, but enough +5 ive you-amidea of what keep. Sales in thesé | eautiful goods continue right along, which is grati- fying evidence that you are pleased with our exhibit. Orders taken for the Wiarton Corset Co., who | make'one of the: Best Corsets in the market. Mis= Hovenloaci:. PaCS pee a icone Sara 3. '4g sfosfoofesfectontoofesfecfenfoabenfoofecfots fonfeefoofodeectoete neni --- ~~ afeatectes! s Coen i ee ri Sa ee ee fo foodeGocfecfeectenlocfectesforfoofoateete | P a eedeb beh ieebedeeteb Spobesbecleseeleceforletectesietel ebb bbe peedebebbteb Bobb bteteieeteetet eelebbeebeb ete pele SoLefpseofeiicbefedereftesicie: . URING the Next 30 Days we will have a "Movy- __ Out Sale" of Fall and and Winter Suitings, Over- coatings and Gents" Furnishings. the interval will Onty-we 'will make you'a Fine. Well' Made, 'Well Trimmed ~ Prices for Cash, Tweed Suit, easily. worth $15. Ol $9 Equal snap Bargains in al! lines of Gents' Furnishings, Hats & Caps, &e. These are Real Bargazns. Temiem ber the Place. R. M. BALLANTYNE a _ And Undertaking. H. HERMISTON the LANTYNE in charge. - ed the stock of Undertaking, » &c., from Mr. Knechtel, of Atwood Furniture Co., h¢ has placed R: M: Ba He will be pleased to exec ! We will move inte * our new, commodiots store'in about 30 days, and during » Clear Out our Stock at Exceptionally Low ; of Listowel, having purchas-. etting it go." But we have since re-tman got to feeling 80 badly that he fell' qould subside fora day or two. Abont | tonsiaered the matter in response! out of bed and aweke, and running to! ¢;,; i 7 4 orders : ' Fay b EAS = "a the wistes of a large number of eur! pis annie fownd his 1,500 bonheae of, Coristmas she commienced taking Hood's promptly all rders left at Mr. Ballantyne s store, friends and supporters and haye con-| wheat still safe there. He had only! Sarsaparilla, and since that time hes | Wood. Satisfaction guaranteed. daded lo remaii at the helm awbilé) peen dreaming. Moral--The next day | teadily improved. fhe bas not been ofger. There is 'a seatinent coupled) the ran went to the publisher of his) troubled with any swelling since, and the witi the factot baving giveu birth' to paper ana svid: "Here sir, is the pay soreon the side ot the pose has all healed. "thé paper and watched iis varying! for yout paper. and when pext year's) Sbe ison the road toacomplete cure. I ructunes for MEATY | EELS TEAS which subscription is atle you ean depend up- | 'cannot speak too highly of Hood's Sarsa- vila hes us to Tue Bee and makes Son me to pay it promptly. I stood" in parilis, and I cheerfully recommend it to J athe to part wit it however tempting | the position of an editor last night, aud! gn on who is suffering with tatarrb."" 'ue money consiteration. © It ts gratify-| | know how it .eels to have one's bones- | Wit wena, . istetie edter to know that THE) jy earned mon-y seattered all over the! op i. "hE coutinues to eajoy the confidence; ¢éountry in small accounts."---Union | N.B. If you dectde to take Hood's Sar- | saparilla, do not be induced to buy any * A Full Line of Stylish Furniture, A Fine Hearse in Connection. - tnd respect of the community, which | Signal. Dear reader of 'THE Ber, is ' ruby be rig poe ee 'ing ralte of ts there any analogy between' your case | substitute. Be sure to get Hood's. é -- ~ ae ' : eal Mi i - 4 fairnéss aud Lonesty In deciiug wl and that of the fellow in the above ; mi 3 : : T anager Nee aitquyst.oas Of tucal interest. paragraph? | Hood's Pills take, easy to operate. 06.4 R:.M. BALLAN YN E, oJ nian wee . * a 3 = : Ls

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