Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 14 Oct 1898, p. 1

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-triets this season has: induced B Al Money - - Dawer sesh : Is Qne of Our $8. 00 's 'made to your measure. * "¢ : AT + dust. the thing to.save your Dress 'Suit from * getting "scuffed" too. soon. See them. eke Par A. Sa we ne -- : tee >" ~ VOL. oe ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, ocr. 14, 1898. NO. 39. ns tn eS -- = oo --_ Cazload of 'District deus. 2----FOR SALE! The scarcity of Potatoes inthis and surrounding. dis- me to purchase a Carload af choice Potatoes forthe accommodation of the Publie, which we are prepared to sell in quamlities' of 10 bags and upwards at a REMARKABLY LOW PRICE. 'As.the supply,is limited, intending purchasers will] study their interests by ordering their winter's supply : Parise. leaving. their Orders on or before Ogt. 19th, ean take them from the car and save unhecessary ex- pense. Ww. R. ERSKINE. PS SS cae Peres PEELE EEE LEE EEE EEE ELE EEE EEE EERE FLEE EET TR Ta CE TT SY <span = es ee e La aie Wad ae She vie wie) co Canadian Tweed Suits CRT ee A PO ' ' The Tailor. SOIR se Oe ts Oe te a Sa ae ae i i Ss i 2 A De ee Se a the whe Wie Sit Wit it Mie it bee niet wae bie Ni ie it Wie it le it ie ie i ed De 4. Fe 08. Leoebeteeleteel= == Announcement! eet nunenecneeeenencececefias Greatest Money-Saving Sale Atwood Ever 1 SAW... 'Waving bought from Bell & Rogers the Bankrupt Stock of Pearce x Co., Mitcheil, amounting to $5,000, consist- ing Oo Dry Goods and Groceries, Gents' Furnishings, Ready-to-wear Clothing, Tweeds, &c., at a very low price on the $,-the whole stock will be Cleared Out at BANKRUPT PRICES Store will be Open for Business on Saturday Morning, Oct. 15. Bi arm Produce Taken ag*Cash. OR. M. Ballantyne, Service jp houor o Listowel, n the occasion of his retirement as teaches of Fee nethodi st S. S.. the friends of the school presented J. E. Carson witha aiesly worded address in grateful récognition of his seryices. Mrs: Hacking, soother of our respect- ed druggist, J. A. H acking, died .on Monday niorning, she' was nie "wife of Postmaster Hacking, and an.old and very much respected resident of the town, Mrs.. Hacking, like her aged husband, was naturally kind-hearted and unassuming, She Jeaves quite a large family of children: to mourn their. loss. The oldest boy, Joseph Hacking, went on before her. several years ago, and the remaining ones are William, J. A. and Cyrus, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. J. A. Halstead, Mrs. 'T. E. Hay and Mrs. Donelly. There have been quite a number of deaths in this vicinity of late, Onsun- day afternoon Fairview cemetery 'Was crowded with people, paying , the oe sad respects to James Bogues. He}: was a young man 22 years of age. He contracted a severe cold a hittle over a year agu, which developed' into con- sumption, Mr. and Mrs, Bogues have the sympathy, of the entire .community in their bereavemen The services in the Methodist chireh Sunday lust were of more than usual interest, especially in 'the evening, wien the services took fhe form of a song Miss , Rothwell, the choir leader, who leaves this week' for Chatham. where she has accepted the leadership of the Methodist church char in that place. Newton Large, one of the best tenor singers-in Ontario, -will-sneceed "Miss" Rothwell as leader, and the Listowel Methodist church ex- pects still to have one of the best choirs in the country. * Trowbridge. " Temes McCrae has gone one &. Visit, fo friends in Ietroit and Esse R. J. MeCormick left aig week te; continue his studies at Victoria Uni- versity, Toronto. 'Miss:Kenner, of Prince Albert, and Miss Bell, of Crouigrty, are guests at the parsonage this week. Evangelistic services are being con- ducted in the Methodist church, here, by Mr. and Mrs. Viner, evaugelists, ,of Toronto. Harry McCormick, accompanied . by his sister, have gone to. Detroit, the former to continue his.studies at the Dental College, ang the latter to spend | «a few weeks visiting friends. We andersignd that Henry Augman has purchased from. Wm. Furtney his house and lot, and that Mr. Furtney in- tends to build upon his jot across the road next Sup iner. James Moore returned last week from Manitoba, where he "had been teaching school for the past summer. He came home to resume his studies at Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Word was received here last. week of the death of Wm. Code from ty phoid fever, which took place in the 'Territor- ies. Mr. Code was an old Trow bridge boy and highly respected, Much sym- pathy is felt for the friends to whom this news was unexpected. Eima. « Mr. Cowan disposed of one of his prize Leicester ram lambs at Brassels to R. Hastings, of Wingham, for $15.00. Henry Hasenpfing has sold the bugey that was so much admired on Fair day to Robert Roe, of Elma, for the sum of $100.--Sun, S. Shannon, B. A., has accepted a general agency for the Sun Life Assur- ance Co. of Canada, with headquarters at Barrie, Simeve Co., Ont. He draws Shiv per month. and-expenses--to-start with, which is abont as good as teach ing lligh school 'as salaries go nowa- days. If he finds the new employment against his liking.he may resume teach- ing after New Year's. John Cowaa captured 22 prizes at the Atwood Fair, including 18 for livestock. He also got 15 at Milverton, and 16 at Listowel, and 6 at Brussels, He took first for ram lambs at Brussels, out of 11 entries, beating the famuus sheep breeders, Snell & son, Snelgrove, Ont., one of the largest sheep breeders in Canada." This is a feather in Mr. Cowan's cap, all things considered. One Berkshire sow, 5 months old, cap- tured 4 firsts this seasou, at eyery place she was exhibited. She is a beauty. The water from the well of S. S. No. 5, Elma, haying been condemned from asuspicion of having caused typhoid fever, a sample was sent by the loéal Health Officer, Dr. LangriN, to be an- alysed at the Provingial Board of Health oflice, 'Toronto. "IT J. MacKenzie, the Provincial aiiins & makes the follow- ing report' "Toronto, Oct. 8th; 1898. The results of the sample of water sent by you are as follows : arpa ea jn parts per million-- Free Amm A: trace Albyiainaid. auauonte bce eaiee wanes 0.04 SRIQUING ....cndiccsccste sn denedd caecees 1138 Nitrogen as nitrities........... Absent Nitrogen as bitrates . seats A qualitative bacteriological exami-| co nation was made for the presence of Kacifus Voli communis, the usual evi- ey : fovea, of fecal proilution. It. was not "I> would conelade from the 'Tesnits that the , water, was.very good. The ercentage uf free and. albuminoid am- JOHN J. MACKENZIE. ie Monkton -Chas: Reihl and family have .moved from the village on to Mr. Bettger's tarm, lot, 14, con. 16, Logan. 'Water has got very low in most_of the wells in the.village, and Chas. Broughton is kept -busy cleaning out and deepening the-wells,. which will ags- sute the villagers pure and whole- some water, A rather peculiar incident happened the other evening on the 16th . cou.,-£l- ma, to a boy 15 years of age, from "the Home ju Stratford, who works for Mr. unknown man jumped up 'ohn he side of, the rind: which fright- | ened the boy so badly that he, had to be carrie home. ,He has screamed at the top of his voice ever since. Dr. Me- } Kenzie, was called in and is attending him, and is afraid that he, will £9 com- pletely out of bis mind, He. can be heard screaming for a mile away. Grey. 'The 6th con. will supply the bride fér ' wedding to take 'plage . in the near uture. Joseph Shaw is.home from his trip to Manitoba. He had a good time and brought*back,with him a choice collec- tion of grain, &c. Tuesday evening of last week a most enjoyable e was spent at a Box Social held Ff , the residence of Richard .Roe. Mr. and Mys, Roe and Family entertained the large company in ele- gant style. On Monday, evening of jast week a number. of Miss Eliza Livingstone's Sunday School class surprised her at her father's. residence, and when ali .Were seated Miss Livingstone WRS called upon and Annie Bray .stepped forward and read a beautiful address while Jrene-Forbes presented her with a lovely. easel and a Ransome ftocking chair Monday night of last Gash somebody, who was tot invited, visited the barn of Micbae: Mullin, 3rd.¢on., 3nd, helped themegelves to a supply of oats. The granary dows was locked so they wert to thé" stable. and filied up yruia the [spout that.conveys the oats from the granary to stable, Two bags, without hames, were left ,behjnd. It is said Arch. Robertson, of the same line, had visitoTs two nights in succession after oats. < EDILORIAJ -NUTES. day formally prorogued by his J1onor | the Lieutenant-Governor, ¥ * 'THE Licensed Victuallers' Association in Montreal claim. that. .Quebec's miu- jority against probibition. will exceed | 90,000, more than cancelling the vote in | all the other proyinces. * cx THE Stratford Beacon says that over- | tures have been nade to the solicitors | of Mr. Brown offering to withdraw the | election protest if each side will agree to pay their owncosts. This G G. McPherson has refused to.do and the! case will likely go to. trial to-day. * Pg for "another waist hand, apply at Dress- making Dept." We know of a number | jections to supplying the "hand" if for "another" waist hand is apt to con- vey a bad impression of the Strattord | girls, since most girls hereabouts are satisfied with oue hand--st a time--en- | circling her fair fqrm, ** sentiment of a large number if not the large majority of . Prohibitionists | in the fullowiug paragraph : "Sir Wilfred Laurier plainly promis- ed that, as the people ordered, the! Government would legisiate. ment in this country.is by majority; no Government would scruple tu rule by virtue of a far less majority than one of twenty thousand votes. Nor! does a Government count it ne cessary | to have a, majority in every province. | One province, indeed, is just new rul- ing all the rest because it cast a mua-| jority large enough to obliterate all; the minorities. 'That proviuce should not, however, expect tg rule ail the | rest when it fails to wipe out their un-*% animous majority. Sometimes one) Prove ince has to pe ruled by all the rest. embers of Parliament are ruled in ; this matter by considerable ma P monia are very low for. a well water. | son THE Ontario Legislature was Wednes- | |turns of the plebiscite in West Haroy A STRATFORD merchant adyertises | of Atwood gentlemen who have no ob- | Stratford can supply the pretty "waigts." The fact that the advertisement calls | THE Montreal Witness expresses the | Govern- | a 'Born in: MOR tar: on Sunday, Oct. 2nd, the wife of Samuel Nafziger of ye Born . in Norni 'aigton on Tuesday Oct. 4th, the wife of John a (halmei: ofa daughter. Geo. Hookway, J. Morrison, and Miss Mary.Spearin, of Blapshard, ure Col- tined ta bed with typhoid fever. ton Fair were not yery assiduous is: their canvas this year the membersair ran up close to 300. (fhe entries sat- 'Passed all previous years, there, being oyer 1,800. The gate receipts ran ove: $330, as aainst $249 last year. Stratford mourns the loss of its old- est and earliest settler in the person df John A. McCarthy, sr., father of Chiet of Police McCarthy, w 'ho passed away to.his eternal home on Sunday morning, at the ripe age of.87 years and tw months. In this death the city and in- 'deed the whole county of Perth witli recognize the removal of the connec}. ing link between the present day ari! the day when the primeval forests hed away over. the greater part of this country. The Ontario Normal College, at Ham- ilton has opened with a large, numbei of students. Following are some from this district: Ladies--B. Luens. Strat ford ;.J. Cameron, Mitchell ; M.skel- ton, Goderich ; J. Robertson, Exeter, S. Hardie, Devizes ; M. Doherty, Clin- ton. Gentlemen--John ~ Bennett, Stratford ; Wm. McNeij!, M. Marfin, Exeter ; E. E t Marys ; Wm. _A berhart, J. MeKinley, Seaforth ; W.G ateceer, "New Dandee | W. J. Elden, | ithe efficient prin- ogk )Pudlic schoois has tendered his resignation, to take ei fect at the close of the yeer. Mr. Rich ardson has taught over twenty. yes i the county of Oxford--nine years as principal at, Debate and eleven years at-Tavistock. eis a man of the high- est type of character, whose moral in- fluence and example 'have always beet) in the right direction, and should he re- move from 'Tavistack, he wij! .be mucl: missed, not only in pa Gouteag Unt iy: church circles, being an elder in tiv Presbyterian church, Hyron™ "Cqunty | Notes. Voters' List Court for Brussels o} Weduesday, 19th just. Born in Garrie, on Sept. 25th, tiv wife of Thos, D. Edgar ofa. daughter Hifron County Convention of C, E. & 5.8., Exeter, June 20th and 2st, 189 West Turon election trial is set dow) for hearing at,Goderich, on Oct. 27, anc South Iluron, at same ou Oci iBLst. Goderie h, Ont... Oct: 6.--Onieial re hare 7--LFor, 1,098 ; against, 833--majorits 'for, 1,125. Total number. of voters OF list, 6.508. 'Tbe estate Jeft by the late IIon. M. C C ameron amounts to about S100,00), 97 which § $25,003 in life insurance ; a po!- jey of S10,.000 Lusurance jn an Amery hean company was dropped by Mr ; Cameron Just a few months. since. Ata meeting of the Trustee board 07 'the Methodist -- church, Brussels, 0, Wednesdayevening of last week, fiv: }applicalions "were presented for the i position of sexton gf ,the ehureb and jeareuiker of the- cemetery. Joi Wright was chosen and will asin ithe duties on Novy. Ist, | One evening recently as a unmber «: ichildren Were playing arond the bane | stand, russels, as iC is often the custor jwhen the Bundis giving their week) | concert, avery sad ond fatal accider oveurred in which Janes Perey, second' | son of Alex, Forsyth, King street, arer 8 years, met his death by being run uve: | by Albert Garey 8 team, How It Hurts. Rheumatism,with its sharp ty ' aches aud pains. cause ? 'inges Do you know thi Acid in the blood has aceum:- -wlated in your joints." The eure i+ ;found mm Hood's Sarsaparilla while} neutralizes this acid, ~Tlrousands writs ithit they have been completely enrey | Of rheumatism by Hood's saysaparitl loos PILLs enre nausen, sick he né. vehe, billuusness, indigestion. Peier | 20 certs, : ticniryn. | Henry Fogal has recovered fram. fe. | Severe tlness, We itre pleased to report } Mes. Jolin Longmire is serisusty ill. | Newry. Geo, Ellacott. of the -lHith ean. ai i Elma, os recovered from a severe av. tack of selatica. | While pltying at 16th con. school ercy Gockwell dislocated his arm. Llg is about recovered, AGENTS,-- The war with Spaia i: over, We have the 'most complete |history published. Our -book containg j about 700 pages, over 100. illustrations. j and is su cheap it sells on sight, Agents \ their constituencies a | coining money with it the last few ority of them:will de- | days. Write quick - for information. ho? and support pee Jegisla- fate Tore i Aaah, Company; Linu A Though the directors. of; the Milvey-- ~ PERTH COUNTY. NEWS. = ¢

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