" - Wall Paper Just Received. The Latest}. Patterns, Newest Designs. ~ Prices lower than ever. _Last year's Patterns at Your Own Price. PRESBYTERIAN . HYMNALS All eles and Prices J.-A. EfLachine,. . LISTOWEL, ONT. 4ssuer of Marriage Licenses. Sf Britton. Mrs. Jas. Johnstone is on the sick list, we regret to report. 'Tne Bee wishes its Britton readers a glad and prosperous New Year. Miss Jenvie Wilson, of Fergus, spent Christmas with her parents here. Mr. Asbury, of Niagara, was the guest of Miss Annie Alexander on New Year's eve. Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Burke and daugb- ter Hiidred, of Listowel, spent their Christmas holidays here. -Qur school opened on Monday with a large altendance and under the man agement of Miss Bartley. Miss Mary A. Alexander and her friend, Miss "Walker, of Listowel, spent New Year's with Britton friends. OUR MUNICIPAL DADDIES. List of Successful. Aspirants to Civic Honors. The municipal elections passed off qnietiv in Elma, there being little interest manifested by the ratepayers usa whole. The election of T.J. Knox, put an old, experienced officer at the head ot the Council Board: whose record in. --tre past is teégarded "by many . worthy | of any Reeve fer shrewdness an economy The pe ity for a man of | Mr. Koes 3 ackno dged ability is! freely ndmitted to successfully meet: the drain: rage problems which will haye} to be solved during the present year. The return of Mr, Rothwell, another } ~ tried and skilifui municipal officer, and , Mr. MeMane, with the addition of ! 'Thos. Smith, Lith con, of Elma, allt ventlemen of good judgment, is al guarantee of another year of good | government in Elma, The return of Mr. Shearer as second ! Deputy Reeve by acclamation showed | the discerniug w -- of the rate- payers. In the face of " the snenpmeater problems to be solved this vear, defea may be regarded as good fortune caches on hard luck by the defeated candi- dat The contest for-the Reeveship was quite spirited, and-a majority of 17 "in Mr. Knox's favor is 'not humiliating to Mr. Hammond, who made s g run against a-strong candidate. Following are the complete, revised returns, as furnished us by Clerk Ful larton : ELMA,* ~POH REEVE Sub Division. flammond. Knox. oO. . 3 49 Bw 57 55 . = on a Se de 0910 me 3 ¢ecer sé 395 IsT DFPUTY. Sub- Division. Donaldson. Rothwell. . ee 30 4G | eer te erie a1. G1 GL < bl avger ; 3: FOE COUNCILLORS. | Sub- Division. McCormick. © ee 'Lurnbull, E | EEE SE MeMane. "The Council of 1898 will be as fol- lows: Reeve, T, J. Knox ; ist Deputy, = S. Rothweil ; ) Ward, 'R. 2nd Deputy, William |--< neiliors, Allza McMane cs | aakow # FOE COUNCILLORS Sub- Division. » 4 Zz HI Ut me he 8 2} McDonald. 2 6 a ePe | SRL Ve Livingston, a: | weeps White. The Council of 1598 follows: Reeve, Thos. Steachsn; Ist Deputy, R. Dilworth; 2nd Deputy, Ww. Brown; Councillors, das. McDonald and Jos. Whittield. = ot BRUSSELS. Reeve--W. H. Kerr, by acclamation. Councillors--Geo. Thomson, R. Leath- erdale and J. D. Warwick. Brussels was incorporated in the year 1872 and the following gentlemen 'have ae the ee . =a siuce I ate > Sonne. W.H. ecrackén, R. Grabam, J. M. McIutosh, ye i. Kerr. Logan-- Reeve, atittentis deputy, Fianeis; councillors, Bohan, Smith aud Rudolph. ad Wellesiey--Reeve, Hostetter. 408, Rennie 492; deputy, Donald 419. Shert 421; councillors, Walters 144, Kieswet ter 146, Scheifely 519. : ** Hibbert--- rekee, Campbell; deputy, Sel. Mr. Saddi rhas been elec a councillor, but the names ot the other councillors couid net be vbtained. = _* Eliice--Reeve, Geo. Goetz. Deputy Reeve, Albert Schenck. Couuncillors, Henry Foley, aces" ene David Smith. +3 South Easthope--Keeve, Philip Her- old. Députy Reeve, John Doig. Coun- cillors, L. Arnold, J. Weicher and W. Anderson, +, * Wallace--Johh Wi illoughby re eleeted eeve by 104 over Henry Coghblin. Rest of Council by acclamation, Deputy. Joseph W alker. ouuciliors, Win. Alusies.-- Gustave Nic - Burn *,* Toronto--Ex- Shanes Shaw was elect ,ed Mayor by a majority of 4,149 over E, A. Macdonald. * * Listowel--Mayor --J.. A. ye---A. . Featherston. --J. A. Tremain. Binscarth Ward--John |. Watsen, } Preater; Gladstone. Ward, A. Roberi- son, J.Seburger; Victoria Ward, R. MeD. Fleming; Dufferin Woods. W. Peiton; Lans- !duwne Ward, C. Anderson, D. D. ; Camp bell. * Hacking. Deputy | Councillors-- Ree *,* St. Mary's--The Mayor and all the Council and Public school trustees were | elected by acclumation. * * Mitchell --Mayor--W, Ryan. --Joln Whyte, jun. 'Fred. Dufton. South Ward--Waiter Thompson, KR. Thorne, W. Martyn; North Ward, J._Coppin, I Hord, = Burritt; West Ward, F. Davis, F. Holtby, J. Boyd (by 'acclamaticn). *,* Reeve Deputy Reeve-- Harriston--The fullowing were elect- ed vy acclamation :--Mayor--John L. Edy. Reeve-----Jas. McQuibban. Coun- ciilors-- Ward No. 1, Dr. Dale; Ward No. 2, J. Kaise Ward No. S., A... 'McKiliop, T. Ward No. 4, J.S8. Torrance, T. P. Gillicuddy; Ward No. 5, J. aeiklciou, George Mvore. Lm * Goderich--Mejoc--Hobt, Thompson. Reeve--W. Campbell. as. Wilson. D. 'Hoim es. Couucillors--St. Dayid's Ward, J. Colavell, Charies Tweedie, W. . Goode; St. Patrick's Ward, A, P. McLean, F. J. Pridbam, J. ©, S iSt. George's Ward, = Nich6lson; Andrew's Wa Cahtelon, : Craigie, R. Radeliff, ait elected by ckamation. +,* Wingham--Mayor--J. A. eeve--New nomination, J. P. Keeve and J. Angus. Couneiliors----- Ward 1, A: Robinson, J. D. Long; Ward 2, L. Liansov, H. Lennox; Ward 3, Dr. Keu nedy; rts eading; Ward 4, Geo. Nurton, another nomiuations *, x Stratford--The Council for 1898 will me as follows :--Avon , J. Stamp, John Vanstoue bre D. E. M. Ferguson; Fatstaff Ward, - pa Trow, Dr. E. H. Eidt and J . Morton. yne, jun. (aecL) we ' & Seaforth--Reeve--Jas. Béattie: De- puty Keeye--Nobie Ciuff. Councillors South - Ward, Jas. McGinnis, Geo. R. Willis; .East Ward, J. G; Wil Gi. Neelia._--____-- json, J. Darwin, F. Jehn+ C! "NEWS OF 'THE WEEK. A feeak Puck an a Prinee, 'Hayti, de. stroyed 800 houses: 'The net debt of Canada was increas- ed by pep 163 during ar areal year beens 7, and the figure now is $261,538, | [tis reported from Chicago that an Engtish company has bought out twen- ty big corporations controlling: the fish- eries of the great lakes. The representatives of the have refused to permit the Turkish eel tome to 'Yeplace 4.500 time ex- red troops on the Island of Crete. S Ganadten Pacific land sales for the powers [past year show an enormous itverease over the preceding year. For 1897 the figures are 20.000 aeres, valued at $650.000. In 1k acres were sold for 3307000. P Doran, of Ottawa, cotebiish, {oh in W. C. Wells' lumbering establish ment, was frozen to death on the trail between Palliser, BAC, and the camp. His faithful dog watched the body for two days and nights. Among the owners of old papers may be mentioned John MeLellan of 633 Ontario street, 'Toronto, who aiso has a copy of The Ulster County Gazette of Kingston, N.Y., dated January 4, 180, and containing an account of the death of Washington: The Dundalk Herald has been shown aspecimen of silver ore taken from a lot in that vicinity. The deposit has been pronounced by specialists to be one of the nmehest in Ontario. There are also. it is said, valuable deposits of gold. The owner of. the little rocky farm ig holding on to it. He bias been offered $15,000 cash for the miverals but won't look at it, Ernest A, Hummel, a manafactur- ing jeweiler of St. Paul. claims to- have invented a device which will send photegraphs over thousands of miles of telegraph wire. Mr. Hummel bas made three tests in the last few days, which prove that a photograph can 'be sent over the wires as far as words and with remarkable accuracy. The in strument takes a complete photegraph in about twenty minutes. At the Detroit divorce court the oth- erday. when Miss Maggie Heebner Karn had concluded her. account of how her husband made her hve cor, dig potatoes, harvest the hay and other crops, besides caring for her baby, Ed ward, her husband, lvirg in bed in the meantime, or geing to the village oc- cusionally to get a keg of beer and some boon companions to assist him in a carous, Judge Donovan immediately granted ber a divorce on the ground of cruelty. She and Karn were married in Logersoll, Ont, seven years ago last March, ' CATASTROPHE AT LONDON. The greatest catastrophe that has taken place in this vicinity sinee the Victona disaster-of-t634--occutred on January 3rd, in the midst of the jubilation that followed the municipal election. The returns were late in comiug in, and it was half past eight when the Mayor and Aldermen eiect and their support ers thronged into the City Hall, which was flied to its utmost limit. With out the slightest waruing the. platform and the fluor in the northeast corner of the hail gaye way, precipitating about 15) persovs to the Hoor below. Near the platform stood a very large iron safe, which, going down with the floor, added its terrible crushing weight to the falling timbers and piuned fast the unfurtunate yictims, who might other: wise have had a chance of escaping. The scene that followed was one of in describable confusion and consterna tion, the eries of the injured and the groaus of the dying ------ in peers ling chorus. At las the total } number of killed = at tomer vai. while the injured will be fully three times as many. Three reporters went down in to the debris, but fortunately none of them were serjously hurt. list of the dead is as follows : . Smith, ex-street car conductor. L. W. Burke, insurance agen Noble Carrothers, nephew of Ald. Carrothers. Crawford Beckett, contractor. Ex Ald. Jno, 'Turner, earriage maker. Edward Luxton, Centralia. Fred Heaman, son of ex-Ald. Hea- an. Wm. H. Dell, baker, West London. RK. 8. Leigh, plamber, city. A. E. peggy flour ---- ~ J Nash, ca . E. Talbot, eae "cy 'Hamilton Ben Jaeques, cabman, York street. * W. J. Botan, 'Tecumseh avenue. Stewart Harrison, produce merchant. Steve Williams. James Harris --, at McClary's. swaid Bruce, ag Jvbn Burridge, Scena: alot Frank Robinson, plasterer. CRADISE. Duncan.--In Elma, on the -6th inst, the wife of Peter ©. Dunean, of Estevan, N. W. T., of a daughter. FARRELL.--In East St. Louis, Mo. on the 19th Dec.. 1897, the wife of W. T. Farreil (formerly of Atwood) of a son. Liver Te vifousness. dyspepsia, headache, eonsth ecen.nser stomachs Soteestian tie: peometl? eured by Hood's Pilla. They do their work "Hoods at oat Gent on Beene. Al-druggists. Pills eniy iL te ke with Heed's Sersegaxiiia. ee From) a Leading 'Caatham ham Manufacturer. MAPLE CcITy COOPERAGE. . RT: PHILLIPS, PROF. ~ Chatham, Oct 18, 1897. : DeEarSi doctors for continued te weakened my I could retain nothi tried e several people, and in every case it has given grand res Dotti of it shoot ve in every household. 'Yours very truly, . RK - Indigestion Permanently Cured. St. Williams, Co. Norfolk, Oct. 19, 1897. Dear Srms,--It gives me great pleasure to testify to the fact that eqporin Indian Touic has caused a most remarkable change In my condntion. years I have suffered from indigestion and weakness and not finding relief. en ges other medicine until your agent eanie here one day and advised me to trv Sloan's Indian Tonie. I did sa and have used four bottles. It has made a great change is my. life and I can now rest and sleep with ease and comfort. 1 believe 's Indian Tonic is the best medicine in the worid. remain, yours truly, Mrs. €. Price. For sale at alldéalers or address the Company at Hamilton. Price, $1.00 per bottle ; 6 bottles for $3.00, Croceries for Christmas| | ICE new, fresh goods at J. H. MeDonald's New Store, Listowel. Fresh Currants, Raisins, Peels, Figs, Dates and Canned Goods Shelled Almonds, W at- nuts, Spices, &e., all of the new season's crop and in un- limited quantity. _. Potatoes are here i in plentiful supply from _the 'Wiarton district, andéare of exceptionally fine. quality. All the old reliable lines in: = iw J oe ASD See, Grain, Chop, said Sram &e. Dinner and Sea sis. The stig? Designs in Cina: Crockery and Gl lass- ware. See the New Designs i in Dinner and Tea Sets. These goods are beautiful, and have only to be seen to be truly admired. here, because we keep bush- SANTA CEA els of Candies and Nuts, &e., just what Santa Claus needs for the Children. - J.N. MicDonald, - Listowel. P.S.--JOHN_ RIGGS desires to thank his many old aequaintances for their friendly greeting and be will be very glad indeed to see them again and often. 4atf J. H: McDONALD. Subscribe for a " | Only a Limited - } ' WwW ~_ aa \ In 30 Large Volumes, in 4 Styles / Ww &- i» Gh Br bs Gee op om Ge HD > on ip an '> 4 '" Gr 4 6. yw 4 of Binding. : te to THE BEE, aryonn) "Cau. 4 ¥' ulare rice wri a - The Greatest of Literary Triumphs, ou Ought to Have It No artic and P i For P Will-make-his headquarters"