- ~-- THROUGHOUT THE WiRLY. The Cream of of the News of} Seven Days. CANADIAN. Sehu Briguam, of Killin was snffiented by gas whik in a 3¢3. a we ii. widow and two chikire Jokn Stephenson, aged 40, an lander, employed by Blackwoo.! ros. of Winnipeg, was knocked sown by a train at Yorkton and killed. Miss Susan Galbraith. a reées.pec servant in Toronto, has entered an action against David-Smith, in East Luther, claims +5.000 ach of pronuise of marriage. J. M. Godfrey is atting for her. varberry, Hf Jot Gaynor. of baad bane to < = Loeidoa, has been sentenced to onc lk | i. gt the negro thug =v lias a Juhn ial. neighborhood of failure bas greatly the jeading men of Hal peg. One of bis children a few days ago wit! 8) a ndicitis was speculation, moved into Hell an a private bonk. nhexpecte: > shaken wey the town. zum? faitur UNITED STS \ Washington de pecee American iumberimen ware Tae eat yentt~. Br iT AIN Chr Wan reciprecty GREAT hepixvifieg to a went to him by the Club. Mr. Gladstone health has been greativ bene hix <tavoat Cannes am! that hie as gow Nation: il Liberal says ra ital by hopes Man.. working He was married and beaves tes- table young Woman empioyoal as 2 domestic a farmer Man... and cave it | is now in the haspital in Win ni- ' Was seized : Ling his : TOSTICE AT LAST. Lingo, the 'thy Goes to Jail for 20 Years. UUGHT TO BE HANGED. a Terroriger of White Women Too js: Long at Large. SUSPECTED OF TWO MURDERS, But EscapeditheGallows--Then HeTrieda to Decoy a Young Southern Girl toan yer and was Overheard--Joy at His Conviction. Canndens No J. despa Mass i tle femiaine portion of Mer® lant- 'ville, w the next twenty years i of his itfe at hard labor in the Jersey State Prison i din the Camden Court weday Jucdce Armstrong pronounced this sentence - | "For'attempting to abduct Miss Kath- ,arine Vassar Be ; bi? for forging an written by Miss Berry. fine. JUDGE'S WITHERING _ Then Judge Armstirag ak ten years and ocean i have ! no doubt that you are one Of th e worst | t 5 men that was ever arraigned at a : bar of justice in New Jersey. ' The pecp of this county rejoice that you will pot where. for many' years to come, the innocent wil] be free from the dan- | ger of tbe exercise of your brutal pro- pensities. You have spent alt but fifteen years of your life in prison, and IT be liey m2 are beyond reclaiming. You j conceived In your heart the purpose to j pobe Ube fal! perialty of the law i tiea would not be saticfied with less." Awful Fate - Confessed to His Law- | error- | New ! zealous at gatherings rendy rounding -- por ; than the 0 S200 0 that wf the j lated. inl and | Was | afterward but no « ir. {against him Mrs. town a year later. She had been on. a visit to the train i parce! of jto the (through a tin ite dept night by 1 when she | pointed hour, bere were i fal struggle wher the body lay. | throat was cut. { her. » Lingo ha and childrer ifoliew the station j vived the ; on him in and Ls i trial, . Wa | = = But ---- these ugly rumors he ap- | penred - to _be employment on the farms sur- | Merchantville, where his re- jarces and the treasurer entation as a work mand as a ey borer. He v ROO on rm A Me 10th, roonis. Y persons believed from the first i been pe: by Lingo, but the officials caused the: arrest of the girl's uncle. He was tried | acguitted. Lingo, Annie Miller, pretty wife of John Miller. a p tville, confectionery for her little children, set. ont by farmhouse. when He was arrested, murder. He Mra Miller. acguitte) money Was ey puzzling the _&_ religious _: Z shier,- vard. megting and kindred (same moment a emaere nessa race, and he found | reached the clerk, the detectives wan- dered off with crestfallen counten- roceeded to the nearest hank, where he «xchang- ed his new b money that had through a -thousand hands and was far [from being sanitary. --Wash- ington Star. SUNDAY SCHOOL. of his made him in <de-° or Chaulkicy Merchantville, whe i8S9, the farm- | housekeeper, Mary Le- near ear to@ar and her body horribiy muti- { INTERNATIONAL LESSON--NO. 11 ter oe the giri the ' robbed t JANUARY 9 1888 tw house, taking | had been cancral ed in one Jesus Tempted, Mau. 4 Time.--A. D. 27. Place. - Wideraes- of Judes, re agge not far [rony Jeri- che, near the J Persons.-- Jesus. The i-th. A witness at the tria! who then and for months was kept under surveillance | et evid nce cculd b> found | tompter. Ab- ge Commentary---1L + Then-- laa Late - the young This we mala naturaliy impiy that Jesu, started to go back to Gahlee alter ae baptism es the spirit. de might 1are been inclined to retire a pre- pare bal Bis work by fasting, prayer and ¢ r holy exercises. but He was pecially "Ved forth by the Spirit to eontend with the adversary of God and man. As our Surety, our Cham- pion, our David, H= went to meet Go- lath, who had so long "defied the armies of tbe living God,' ' never found a saint whoily vanauish him. Satan assaulted the first Adam in paradise : hiny. t met the enemy ami overcame temptead---To tempt stretch out, to ur qe Leathe forts friends, and alighting a n Merchen the shortest route This -path lay. patch of thick wood, h her body was found that rer husband, who, ala Saiied to return at the ap- had made search 'or evidences of a fear- The al been working fer Miller, ' 2 told of having scen him woman from t ss) started for home. and then were re- suspicions that had rested; connection with Marr Le- Was convicted ed obtaiz er ne sensationa seen: two =i later. literally, the strength of. she daye. and forty cmumunion with the ing so absorld in Sees exaltation the ordinary needk of the bod) alnxet st 'mid so that He a after THOUGHT HE WAS A FORGER. Government Tressury Official Who "of tte Came "3-Treasurer 'nn se his tZaAN CLiyMeT a 5 fp in We Zanoli, New Yorks S Suspected Poisone 1 at iiawar al improved "ir Pa cuowiote Icwca-chor at VW ushing toa. cia communication tea the Secreta rv af State annovwncing that tbe British Government' wil permit the detach- pet jvinan sete ow the United States army ac- cxnpanying Government relief ex- pealitien to cmee British territery in makengr the trip. s despatch to the Longon Times Kassain says: "After six days of niege and heroic defence the visi -- at Qsobri has fallen. Many { the rvisbes were killed. and the 'enain'er of tbe garrison fied. leav- ing 3H--their property behind. Oso- bri je the last be, poteeses Place be tween here and Khartoum. The ball st taken by the strikiug ¢3- of the t is understo ood that the The | * commence. though it ik reported that several firms in-. pdb to open their ine te» work an the employetS term: GENERAL. A fire at Port au Prince. Hasti. aie hoases ; reappearance of were ja hand in the killing of laid the pict + to ys Sua 5s te men will-. Tae priser did mt lub withering censure. courtreem with fa finch under bur left the a grin on his brata! has tried wedar Pa the ~ecamd 'of the five nd _ against Sapa The first trefuetanent. on whith he as convicted Friday. was for forgery. Today the charge was attempting to abduct Miss the | 1 i ern girl. whom he tried % engage asa 7 | COmpanion for a fetiticags Mrs Mabel | Cooper. The evidence wax present practically the in the f the lawyer that be had Miss Berrr te Pen Berrr. oa nuxalest. timid girl, j Cooper's coachiman. and arrangel to meet her at Pensau- ken Station. Her - snaspirios were -arecsed and when ber brother found that Mrs Cooper was a mythical per- ,sem, the Merchantville police were petifed and Lingo's arrest followed. M ae his wife in Matchtown, a colored set Vement ey South- ; ug ele rer @f the L nite? State. oecastona ily dar a treasury departunat. res; it T handcuffs ae | inca rvera Gon just ata Was n swonre sur al Mr. esse] * It seii.~ That Was rsced Re. exan.ined the 3 eeaobarae tac s ford money i w did not few? the nes of hunger. and that Satin' did mot atinek Hara ontil afterward hongerel" mo he the San are Geel" Son. at Near Being Locked Up. Jordan fr friemds ly te! al 'realix quently (1 ex iain -4 er, and His Alleged Victims. rience jw liaed while Trea- Mir. JSesrt- indulges on yoking re ao oscTNeds COTTE indaigenace of ' > oummectead wat that camer intredaction to enter which. pore jaa red Hark. te aye during Awur thes; freat forty te ( SuimstiM]-- Net tad prove pray te cumgnnaed it to be Pat in hath forsaken ap for thyseif.--Cenm. (om. t~ ehowabet om mand ~ suggest. rebeilicg.--Spurgem, le apad=- bread--Tae fave power te escape Loman woukd have been to spoil His mission at the ou Had He staoped ta | save Himself He had heen disqralifie! to save men.--Fairhairn He answered--Tbhoarh faint with upon the premise of If Israel were sustained \forty rears in a wilderness would Gol \wuffer His Som to perish im a combat jagaimst sin? Jesns rehed upen the Scriptures, Upougi: He had the spirit sure. Man shal ; tt. renginiiv gotten food ix ta Taumped by handling. He jdie spiritually. and to die <pir:tualy Hegwed money and the [is to die forever. while to die phrw- to him with equal |cally in the service of God is to live Jordan' Watched him with | Sorever_-- amusement. and remarked 5 Devil taketh war ' mae ing in his ta Mr wan 2 war o~ New Times when a mew by Une burenaa of <3 % the treasurer. pime--4 -- "teed Him noed te pur- lane as Jesus asa ito ma- 3 eneugh for tink ejerk. wWitwa ! : Ps | depth--about six bundred fert._--Jour- Pins &. Cast thyrel! down--Our Lore re- At the mountain-- Whether Christ literally --went--up-or ni was-taken" in agirity if either case the vi vision mist be regard- a ; idolatry. The worst temptation was reserved for the last. ead the glory, the devil 'Geapest our aimaetel sonts. --Seott. 10. Get thee hence--Had Satan been clothed as an angel of light, serely the robes of light fell off wher he made his last offer. To worship any but God iad been the thing foroidden since God first gave His peopke a hiw Te give up His mission to earth for transient hemors at onee brought an emphatic dismissal from the Son «a! God. 1 Angle came The"© contest le found Himself visited by Messengers. Winiste red-- He tempted to evil: now He was forted and fed. ~ Supplied with food. am in the: use ol +. Uthers think conpaniouship " prove that " bread alone." _ Teaching --it not sinful to liuve iutural appetite, but using wrong ineans to protunm- food is wreng. We ~ ignorant of God's Word us inte sin by ve cannot expect Ged from ls ade when we ge con- trary to His la Satan will make promisss to ms w when he cannot make, us disbelieve God's promises. lilustration.--Mr. Renwick, te iast of. the seottish iartyrs, speaking of his sufferings for conscience sake, cays. *Pnemies think themselves satisfied are put to wander iin upon mountains; best even > Storms of these last two a cannot CRPTESS what sweet fimee 2 have had when } have had ne Covering but the dark curtains of night. } Toimnd sexty Inexpres-ihte wherein the whole family of heaven fac star hal me to wer ' ist Ie whe is the Star of Jacob; omen ali sturs borrew ¢leir shining. stn over, beavenly had te support Lim and man dGeth net live by I~ cocoa of py PRACTICA SERVE a oe ter sepuine te overth eturn itim from carrying out mission for the warki Yet attack whea the i when mature: ioe "Telin ar Fathers care which Jess hibited. This temptation cume ain commencement «Gf fiis boty Was tle loneliness, : weakness. was the place where Su- tan saw his opportunity. How little consegvence the and the were given would be. if now Satan went 177i. of self-<dentiiat ity and geod «orks. The second te ee Was pinnacle hily temph holy eity. Here Satan perverier Seriptures and Acmpter: Career Jesu~x ai ae ' Liat got tn exber he Goud dy that the Him to suffer. Note tie not allaw rex trines of Satan here. 1. Faith with- Yes Pager 2 Action without. <i- Fin wWirrant 3. Seceess wipbent ~omfort ar Assurance. Toe third temptatici war tw «ix- atry : to choose the gore and po of worldly ~ Tather than tin spiritua! ki : te yield to the cinims of Satan ee than the wi!l «f God. In this temptation He urged te gain noble ends hw fake good. What if some object if you bring the Income for the chureh 7" Geed it was the work of the. Savierr tv bring all nations tc know Him m whe ower of His -- but Satan would, hurry matters a make |,temporal power of rene pe than spiritca! grace The viekay was complete. ~ in all ee tenpted..uvet without Sin." Oh, cloricns truth? He is abie io succor those that are tempted. Ev ery openly His mission on earth and Hix atubority ami love > 4n Omen of Mi Luck. it is a singular fact that in almost all tion