drewhclange: hate Acadia, Code. si see spent roves the holidays at her home Misses and Sarah wees of Eikhart, "were home for the eeitaras pou H. A. hoe, of. .eebaoryg Ind, a tendent of the £ikhart was visiting friends in ths vicinity: ual _ past; few cays. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Lennex is ona fair way to. recorery. She has been under the eare of Dr. Philip for a numberof weeks. r P Brussels. Practice wiil be resumed ' pection with the wee Uratorio. We are sorry to hear that Cora, the little daughterof Jas. Bell. is.damger- ously Hi with Inflammati of the Stungs and bowels. in econ- Esther A. Causley, Krussels, has' parchased 2 | bankrupt steck of gents' furnishings, | ts, caps, &e., from sE "Downing. o Goderich, at a low rate on the dollar. . The ineamieseent lights have been instailed in the Council Chamber and eutrance loit. This was part of Mr. trreen's contract with the town when the are system was put in. Mrs. R. Leatherdale on= day last week, who is troubled with asthma, todk « drink of Siramoniorm tea instead ef inhaling it it is.» deadiv peisen and sl e nearly died from its effeets. Mr_ Woolsey, a former proprietor of; thE Brussels Leartd, has afain taken charge of it. amd is doing his best te + In- ' On Christmas day James Grant. the postmaster at-Granton, and Mrs_ Grant ee a heir golden wedding. aaa: testes of Logan, died Dee. sor actce advameed age of St He "Was an old gop of this section. Married on ---- by Rev. Thomas Royd, Wm. Harpe Fullarton, to} Esther Me Seidl ot a Wallpool, Raldi- mand evunty. 4 aon Brantford. Courier. James Tattle has sold his well known trottmg horse, "Honest Keb." te Mr. Seott, of Strat- 1 ford, for 3200. j His Henor Judge Barron. presided | Wednesday morning, Jan. 5th, at Strat.) ford Division Court, dis of | pagpter & peper was left at my house and | fifteen minor cases. looking it orer I read of your great | Robt. Keres, of Logan, regre | ssedteheu's caine teeny fellow sufferers. I | learn, wagptfieken down the other aay | reasoned that if it cured them, why woald with a'stroke of apoplexy, and lies in a it not cure me, although I must own I very preearivus condition, | had some docbts abort it, as I Miss rg ariane's pupils in Milverton | " MadATried So Many school on Wednesday of last -- Pte | so-called cures which had failed eren to _ sented her with a beautifal gel race | | relieve me. At last I a bot) ilet and gold quard amd an address. ~ 1 east alter taking all secured = > the Married at the home of the bride's! p.asches had left me and my , arcnts.tth line Wallace, Dee. 22, dy: techie tie wait dethi 2 ania er. J C. Mortock. Augast Tilger, of! Reed's Seren : contine Howick, to Eliza, daughter of Perdin- | **=¢ perilia and have de- and Karvzes. ri rived so much benefit from it that I would The annual meeting of Elma Dis ; advise any ome troubled with impcre trict L. O. L. will be heid-in the Orange | blcod te try Hood's Sarsaparilia, the grest tall, Listowel, on Thursday. ttth Jan, bleed puriter. I feel better now than I "at 1.3) p.m. | general bersiness. 'Tie SDrethren are re | rill." Mes. E. Greer, 27 St. Nicholss frselife into it. To tell the trath | @8ested to attend. - there Bs no roomn fora second paper in The Ingersnil Paeking Co. shipped Brusse ' fonr ears of theese from Listowel a4 East i ron *Farmers" Tpstitnte wilt: teek. This week the Molesworth fae- | okt ps abe as follows -2 | 'Orr's make will be cleared out, some. Gorrie, Tuesday. Sth, and Brus 700 boxes. It will require about sixty seis. Saturdix, J: oth An after | teams to deliver-ti, attire station, "HMO GAT i evening: Sessidh wilt be beid | at each place. ' ik Mitchell this week and generai "busi | Ed. MeNanghton has lease? the ice { ness 'has heen slow, bat shouid get bet | phove the mill dam and has arranged | ter now that the New Year has becrn 2 Skating 2nd enciing rink for the next | Oats advanced to 2tc., wheat S2v. to Ste. few morths. "The rink will be 100 feet land peas 40e. t wide by 260 feet long and will be well! The Mitchell Sunday. school coflee-: hehted ane & crest for, temporary | tion on Sunday in the Methedist chureh eftiee or watting room will be put up) lwes $970 The Ladies' Aid gave Step conventent to the tee. jand the entire anniversary netted STE. | Atatr iwhich goes toward the debt of the! Stars" Missing Seats Mets | ehureh. charch, } Wilson. who pecs An order frem_ the Post master. resident of it apd who jx, General says :--"For the present post- } remove to London. was! ™@astersin the counties formerly at presented with a Kindly worded ad.) © ached to the Stratford division will | dress, whieh was read by Mrs {Rev.}' leansider themselves attached to the | Russ, President of the W FOES ; London division and these heretofore | recent meeting of the "Li ial | St. Torento, Ontario. Remember | Hood's sin. Is the besi--in fact the One Tree Bhod Pzrifier. rnie e Gents' i Sold by alt crucxists- St: six for $5. wented--An Idea =: : wens t.3as WEDSEREUES S Ne os Fn Dee PAE ead st of tare baodred Heart Strong? 3. 5. GuniBer, Election of "ofivers and. bare komt yeere, thnks bp Shucnt's Cakenge- ; EA: told cae that Gunther, of Listowel, sells first-class Clocks that keep perfect time. Now, at the comihencement. of the New Year, J désire to clear out my stock of Watches, Clocks, Jew- elry, Silverware, ( *hinawa! re, Nov- Alties too numerous to mention at such prices as to leave no doubt in your mind that Gunther's is the aries place to buy the above articles. His stock is the finest in the land. Everythine warranted. With every purchase made I am ~~ Giving Away a Handsome: Calendar, +That will be very useful and ornamental. and secure one of them. fully Come early Determined to reduce my large stock of Watches, I am giving a Special Miscoust t iavestions waeniet axe ton Hotel, Listowel. t Por Cash to purchasers during ithe next 30°Days. Try and be parilla amongst the first to select a or Ladies' Gold Wateh, fully guaranteed for a Markets have not been very exciting, Hoed's Pills forssamienta te "number of years. opposite the Arhne- Thanking my many friends and Ks ustomers for past favors and solicit your trade for 1S8s. wi: h you all al bright and prosperous New Year. Listowel, Oné.. 40 Main St. Buy your wants at Gunther's, ¢ ? Jeweller & Optician. iin the Barrie division zs attached to > i Wednestay of . | Or have you palpitation, throbbing or evening hast week | | the London division." ye Joo. Ress, Bh AL spoke the magie John Mesdows and +. danchter of tea. Me- ziness, short breath, WILLs Propatep -- Daring the pxst | irregular beating, diz -- 1 -- -- (December) the following wills: smothering or choking sensation, pa ave been entered in the Surregate eart in Stratford: Margaret. Litter Me Millan and the groomsman W,_L | Fullarton widow Stig tod Henry Ret}uarrie --'The- eechtinz" gifts were | Jewell. jr. Logan. farmer, $724 person ST a chuice character. fal. $3.40) real: Henry Gibson, Strat ( , ~ tford. baker apd confectioner, $5659 44 ~ © F.--The aS } i : rSson, SUT) real. écsheers of Court EPS No. 24 Andrew Thompson, evening iman whose heme is it fvilows - taken to the bospitat cor l iarine the cold fyinning of this month with i feet territiy frozen_arnl--en Brisse's, boshand an aif 'The bridesim: std was Miss Joan ? F annuat election. of } Pr incess Alexandra, wis beid 'Tuesday week and are as! a miidieaced Belleville, was fret Sebringvti tte | at Be e bel be th his Werle Cae ce t ey HSsris, ,e el ast leon, of S'ratford, were o I; putate them in order te seve his On Wednesdar tl te adherent s. men 'bers and friends of the Methodist: febarch met and preceeded to the heme ief James Johnsen, eon. 9 Mornington | m . | wher they surprised the aced aeccup SSTASTIe | ants and presentad them with a levely Plum; [easy elnur apiece, and further enjoyed Aas. sharrte: ith tin see by refreshments, ete | Trastees . Lie vee, Jas. Bowman | | Milverton's gin will be a luss to wad and N. Flatt: i } Erish settlent@nt. Auditor iL R. Eltiett. Three ar a were initiated on the! A very quiet event ocenurred same eveuin® The membersiup new | hesme.of Win. Peters. Branner, totals 75 and is one of the most vigor | it being the scene Sf - eUs OTE anizntions inthe town, Prt adept ted daughter, i Freeborn of Toppiog. E A. Fear. PERTIL COUNTY NEWS, ite a ecg the Methedrst ehureh, Milverton, has been elected 2. *--W. siith: Yo o--Jne Sharpie: levi Court Députy----as.: Rep. trttigh Court--s T. Aiternate at the | aay . to Jobn | The ceremony | bride appeared very handseme fawn eostrime. trimmed with-b silk and lace. and Srertog orange bles. | oms. The young evupie have stuce Sete on their ane near Tepping. Mornington Conneil for 1sus by acchtaratio: Died in Lagan. ea pd. ly, Eliz! harker, Wlie uf Briaa Batser, aged 65 years. t } Word has been reeerved from Fergus | Sac | of the tery serions ilness of Condector - Weber lee !Snider, the well KooWn rattroad man j e Was reelected | ong evangelist. For years Mr. Snider! has been conducter on the G. T. RB. W. Creighton, of Crookstow, Minn._|tween Windsor and Niagara Falls and | after an absence of 17 years, is visiting ' between Torento and Sarnia. Abent | eid friends in Wallace. six weeks ago his health failed, and he! The annual meeting of the Morning- ales gp pone Asn eS ton Agricnuitural Seciety will be heid ldving. This sad news wi'l be received | ©: the 12th inst. for election of officers | with much regret in Perth eounty and general business. | where Mr. Snider is so well known and | M. MeBeth bas been appointed Lib- | respected. rarian of the Mtiverten Publie Library | A meeting of the Western Ontario in the place ot F. W. Guenther resign-| Veterinary Association was held ed. The horary has been removed to | 3ist atthe Mansion house, Strattgrd. the Sar office. j About thirty mem 'New Year's was ape mge A spent at the home of Mr. and\ irs. Wm. Sim : son, of Ellice, it being the occasion de mere rhe "20th apniversary of their garri They were the recipients of many pres-} ents. Anniversary services will be coa- dueged in the: Milverton Presbyterian €burch next Sunday, Sth inst. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Guelph, will preach morning and evening. The annual tea mecting will be held on the uth inst. At the annual meeting of 8. S. Wallace, Ezra trus. ee. Biackall, Cinten, and were followed rby discussions. officers of the association are Dr. Gibb. St. president: Dr. Campbell;*Bertin, president; Dr. Wagner, Tavistock, see- ret4ry, and Dr. steele, Stratfurd, trea- surer. The marriage or Tuesdar, Dec. 22, of Miss Edith, daughter of T. J: Stone, Harmory, te ate Lepton. of the 'At their meeting Thursday evening, | Gore of Downie, was an interesting se @ourt Royal ak. No..26,-Listowel | eial « event in that ustally quiet jocat- --)- F installed into office the eae | ft The ceremon ace at 6 officers for ~ coming term : m. at gel the bride's Agnderson, ©, R.: Bro. H. Witt ¥.CR; Bro. Gro. Butt, sr. of tn the breast or heart. _i, so. your-heartats--t- "affected and 'will in turn _raren your | Merves, cansing nervousness, Sle mess, morbid anxious feeling, recol } ; the heart's action and Soke cp the ' pervogs and muscular system to perfect | health and strength. Price 60c. per box | ec 6 boxes for $2.50 EMISSIONS ini mia test 'HOIM 'LIOMLEG 29 Yewsin Mich 40 Yeas Emer 250,000 CURED. ecxualig. It ie a wondecf! treatment. Diseese--etth the worst symp At all druggists | } } | i T 'thing desirable. 'Warm Underwear, 2 naan ae =a -- STEP OT ; ences cre nnn -- rhe J ingle OF THE BELLS IS HERE~ The Arcade... Ready - Wait on You.. ~ Choosing will be easy here: So-fewblanks--erery= Don't Stop to Think Buy and think afterwards. That seems risky advice. Ié 'i might be in some stores--but not here. The meaning is, that great care is taken by us te: select only what is best and in the omen of the best there is not much harm to any alarly is it: safe when you come to values. A Mantle, A Dress, A Silk Waist, All the departments are full of attractions. _| Pur Gauntlets, Kid Gloves, . _Lined-Mitts, ee ' | Hosiery, © | Baskets, and the i Immense stock of Faney Dress Goods... Pe) ' Millinery. Gents' Neckwear, ° Umbrellas, Fur Collars-and Caps, ~ . W.J Ferguson, The Arcade New. Block, Opposite P. O... 'STRATFORD..