2 litte boy shrieked'out, "Let ber drop!" . Torouto Junction .paper refers to a - with such a rush and..rear. that anne RENEW. TRY THE BgeE for 1898. ALBERT PAXTON spent Sanday. in Moukton. Miss Ja&NIE. MOFFATT is visiting ber aunt at Alitcbell. Now that the elections 'are over let vs get down to business. oe MYXRTLB VELzZON, of Innerkip, i iting frends in this vicinity. , THE mission of Hood's Sarsaparilla j years." is to cure disease, and thousands of 2 monies prove it fulfils its mission j iL. "Now, my little girls.and boys," said a teacher; "[- want you to be very still-- §0 still that you can hear a pin drop." Jnamoment .all was. silent when a Tux following chpping from the former resident of Atwook atc leader gt the Atwood Band ; "We aeglad tq learn of the success which is attending our oid friend and former towpsman, Tiec. Shelson, who-bas received a gov- ernment appointmeut in the Ludian Home, Elkhorn, Mau." A New "Grissom Gzen."--A new "Guson girl," drawm by the famous society artist, C. D. Gibson, will make her devut in printas the 'cover desigty for the Februa-y Ladies'Home Journal, 'The new "girl" is the ai tist's own iittle ; daughter, who, at one year of age, will | be shown as drawn by her clever; father." The legend uncer the pictuse is "My Valentine." New YeEaAn's Eve Party.-- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kiuwp entertained a num- ber of their frieuds at their home>on New Year's eve and a very pleasant svening was speut- by those present. Among the guests present, besides a 'number of the Atwood business menu ee tieir good wives, Dr. and € Kalbtieisch, Mrs. aud Spoke and son Kenzie, of Jrussels, and Miss "Dennis, of games, the mazy whirl, music, etc., filed up the hours which sped only too quickly. Seldom have we enjoyed so picasant an evening, and we juin with these present in wishing the kind host and hustess all the juys of the new sear. WesTEEN DaInyMEN.--The annual qupvention uf the Buiter' and Cheese Association of Western Ontario will he held in the Opera House, London, -on Jan. 19,2U and 21. Among those who are announced to Speak are : W. T. Connell, Quéen's University ; A W. Campbell, 'Provineial instraetor in ead making; Hon. Jehn Dryden, Minister of "Agric ulture for Ontario ; Prof. H. IL Dean, Ontario Agricultur al College, Guelph : Hom A. 5S. Fisher. -Minister-or "Sgrieulture for Canada : Messrs. D. Derbyshire, ei Il. i. Gautier, DeKaib, Hi; Ww Jordan, Gen Direetor of a ixperiinent Sinton, eva, N.Y. *. James, Deputy ie ter of gucutare for Ontanw ; J. lwubertsun, Commissioner of Agiieult F ere and Dairying for Canada; J. A At iddick, Superintendent Di ury Sehool, | | Kingston; Fo Yo Siutt, Chemist at Bx-i periment: i Fariw.etewa -Thos, Bal fantyne, St hi ae A. attullo, MePLB., Wooustock 23.0. Muir, Ingersoll: Y Beli eT Seiad: (Gieo. HW. Barr, Seb ingville. and others, The marblug Ses: ; sions are devoted exclusively to ade; aresses and discussions on cheese and} butter making, in whieh pthers Liem | seives Will take a leading part. i aVvIne Prorenes.--Many of eur qilizeus have seen in the cities those! wonderiul meving pictures Which | represeut real life in action produced | by the cimematographe or similar|; instruments. The exhibition = h: as | neverdeen given in Listowel on uc- | guunt of the absence of the electric current, but arrangements bave tow: heen made for the best class of these sustruments in McDonala's Hall on: Monday, 'Tuesday aud Wednesday | tights of next mn 4 with a matinee on! 'Tuesdayoatternoon for the school a? j renvathalt past fom o'clock, McDonald has engaged sleighs to oe the Atwood children and those of the! . this meeting. ; tating the services of pleased to note these ewidenees of At- nave you renewed for Tue BEE for Pustic schools sia cosas on Monday morning. * Now is the season for everybody to sa ai up. : Mock Sorbrcagenes to night. out. Everybody welcome. Rs. THOS on, ere meen New Year's with friends at Woodstock. 3 EpiTru BIS ~ visiting friends in Mitchepl this wee Exima Council meets on che 15th inst. The new Council wilk be sworn iu at Turn AN exchange tells "how to live 100 What worries most et us is have to live any year. Box'r keep. the editor out of that 'deiiar you owe him any longer, dear reader, He needs it now. Look up Guuther's ehange of advt. Big discounts for cash on clocks, watches, etc., for the next 30 days, WE have added a lot of new sunb- scribers to our list this week, besides | many renewals, THE BEE gives the, news, | 80) Tur annual meeting ef the Ejm a | Agricultural Society will be held in the | 'Town Hall,at2 p.m. on Wednesday, dan. 12th, for receiving the auditors' report, election of officers, &e. A full attendance of members requested. BITTEN BY A DoG.--Little Mary Kilump, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Klump, was badly ne in in the jeg by- FE. Curtis' dog on Fri last, necessi- 4% doctor. No serivous results are anticipated, 'al though the wound. will be painful for sume time. Tis Atwood Presbyterian church for the year ending Dec. 24th, 1897, rais- ed the sum of $1,610.20 torall purpos es. 'Lhe repart also shows S810 assets with corresponding liabilities, There is a balance due of 37.0-0n the manse which is being gradually wiped. out. All the organizations and schemes ot the chureh are in a satisfactory con itio: OxE dollar bills of the new Dominion issue are being raised to five by taking the figures from the reyeuue atamps used on cigar boxes and pasting tftin over the figures on the bls. The ground work of the bills and stamps _ is the same, and tne change is ensily. ef- fected and hard todetectin the ordin ary handling of the bills, We may add that there are no $5 Govergment bills. ANOTHER SET Sonp.--THe LEE Book Department disposed of another handsome set of Encyclopaedia ritan- nica last week to J. RK. Hammond, of Sima, for $30 cash. Et is bound in substantial English cloth, 80 volumes, ineluding American Supplement and complete index to the great work. Only a limited number of sets left, so those contemplating adding the Britan- nica to their library s:! uould see or write us at once. Prorenty C ANGE W. has purehased the ¢ 'am pbell estate, corner of Main and John streets, <At- wood, rented at present to RK. Williams Che price eb was about $1,100 There are ereeae desire ciel lots, = feet frontage By. aed prop Lo cist a -F, "For orrest tis Mr. Forrest's intel ribet nated two storey brick stoTre~uex to the harness shop next sammer, ni is getting material on the ground al ready for that purpose, e are wood's progress. Mr. Forrest is proy- ing himself one of our most progres- sive business men, who has faith in the future of our little tuwn, May he continue to succeed. Huron County Notes. «rad. Sperain and "his good wife, o 2th con,, Grey, celebrated the teuth ainiversiny of their marriage by giv ing a grand anniversary party at~ their residence Tuesday evening, 2ilst Dee. i There were upwards of 60 guests as sembled anda very enjoyable time was spent by all at games, etc, Roland W. Smith has at last got himself behind the bars. He passed a forged cheque on a man named J. R. MeKelvie, of Wingham, some time ago. ' His trial came off in Goderich and he was found guilty and given 15 mouths in the Central prison, Smith has a wife surrounding schools to the matinee to, 49d family at Tugersoll, but has not see the pictures. This is the same! tived there himself for some time. At castrument that has created such a[0ne time be was in partnership with turore in New York, Chicago and / James Vance and has bad a uumber Detruit and in other American and in jot eseapades through the country. Canadian cities and shows vivid scenes | It is among the probabilities of og from real life, the pictures having! yext few months that Rev. E. action natural to Jife on the scenes | ffnehes, of St. 'This exhibition shoald not be confused; jam, will go to the Klondike. -- Mr. with the ordinary Stereopticon lime) faghes1s anxious that the Anglican light entertaypment. A special wire; church should be well to the front in i5 being run. fram the town current into caring for the crowds who will floc the hall to supply the light. Between! tiere in the spring, and feels that-now the different views a concert wul be|is the time when men who have the | given by one ot Edison's latest improv: | true malestonwey ry apie are needed, ad phonographs, which can be heard }has had deal of eapeiesee| threnghout the hail. The Harriston | among aaines ry Engiand and among | 'Sribune, in which, town the company: jumbermen in Ganada, and is a vigor | snowed last week, states that the cor | ons and robust map, whois not afraid | cert Was without doubt one of the con 'of roughing it. enlertaining and instructive ever give iu that town "The scenes were ail se tural ta life * * The Queen's | tabilee procession in London was s.mgply inimense, horses, bands, meb, , women and children ail on the move, sume walking fast,.some slow, and | luftdreds standing looking at. the pro-/ cession. The first. Diamond express | was.amarvel, It could be seen five luiles away, puffing, smoking ed For Table and en een eet ea Sieaming aud came into the statio' -anl's, chureh, Wing. seal your grocer for were thinking, that a! * At od Romricet.. | pills will be found sufficient... These frightened, Henning paeenecs train had broken | ' "7 fpase,*- Inthe evening a.cpiturm price | spring Wi Rica os tate Pepersees a ade) 7 2) cents 'will be charged to. ce i Sie aaa 19 au martofthe kali and Use matinee on, pate--------- settee or "3 'apsday the admixsion will be 10 centa.! in 6a. 8 Noone who has not yet had-an op | Flour, per ews. 2a 2:0 yprtaatiy of seeing. one cf these Hmn. per ton. = Be 'ondertal instruments. should nuss ae na. UM, "ty 4+ entertainments. The maghine is- cach.. 4B: {e- ope ef the marvels of the Beutary, sgn 100 bie yrople. having gone hundreds. of miles ac 4 = ut ly seedt When it first came out. 4 = whe -- &. 1a. IMEX ---- FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Many have tried for years to discover a ly sui to their own case for Constipation, Bilio i ls PILLS. Read --_ people say. Here it is. iss §. Lawsox, Moncton, N. B., says: "They cured me of 'constipation and sick headache." Mr. H. James, St. Nicholas Hotel, Hamil- ton, Ont., says: oe are a pleasant, sure cure or consti tion, dyspepsia and sick headache. aa " Miss M. EB. Hicss, South Bay, Ont: "Daxa-Liver Pills are exce!lent for sick- headache, causing no pain or griping." Mas. Jonx Tomwurssox, Hemilton,, Ont.: "They are 2 perfect cure for even tha, severest headache." 500,000 SOLD -- Dr. Cuasz is too well and favorably krown hog his receipt b r 7 srs Tiver Cure has a receipt book wrepred around ev ery bottle which is worth its weightin go Da. Crasr's Liver Cure is guara toe all ------ ¢ from a Carpi or inactive Tiver 6 i. Af Coempinin le rar eal Witiors pease, Jnandice: Head. scke, Liver Spots, Saliow Con picxien,cte, THE KIONEYS TRE KIDNEYS Dr. Cuast's Liver Cure certain cure forall Zerancenients of tha kid: _my such as pain in the back, pain in lower portion of the abdomen, coustant dosire to pass urine, red and white zediments, shooting pains in passage, Bright': ease and all ur " Try Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, the only pili made ac: ing di. retly on the Kidneys, Liver and "rice 25 Dr. Cwasr's Liver Cure is o cay ee, amy a hidnes: Liver Besnlator. Try it. dicine and Receipt Kook $1. Sold by aliarug gista, T. ERMANSON & CO., Bradfo Sole Agents: rd, Ont CURES CGLIC, CHOLERA, CHOLERA- a DIARRHOEA, SENTERY, And all See COMPLAINTS of -ChHdren or Agulis. PRICE, 35c. Beware of lmitations. cu BiLIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE ano a. LIVER TROUBLES As a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills. In obstinate cases, where a purgative is necessary, three pills leave no unpleasant after effect. One pill taken 'each night diring thirty days wili cure constipation. PRICE 25¢. OB. G6 FOR 81.00 WANTED! A ---- EX B tei roe the Fonthin Wurseeien: Ore Hacres of stack. W O° Stoc! th States. Farmers, ' implement. Sy studenta, s ret nintsters energe ch who wish to en of selling our hard Soar easant as well as } profitab e. the de SIXTY YEARS AGO. ; 5' urney, 2 man of fourscore years, : anak Sten io leaf in autnmn that a hard frest browns and sears, His cheek was wan, his eye was aim, his form was worn and bent, The light of life still flickered, but the oil was nearly spent. He talked about the weather, the state of crops and reads; Z de ma plements for fatming, of different séyles and modes; "You think," he, "that times are hard and cash comes in too slow, ~ L wish you'd lived in Eima about sixty years ago. You've a daily rail, a railread, you have sbops beside vowr door; To Mitchell or on to Stratford, we went te find a store. As there was no eumpetition,the wily merchant seized Phe goideu opportimity to charge what price he p!enasert, I've sometimes paid five shilings for a pound of commow soa And the priee of muscovade was often one-and-three; It has cost me one-and six pence for a yard of calicé, And the saute for tactory eotton, about sixty years ago. The little crooked foot paths Were our only roads at first, With fallen trees and mus holes they were freely literspersed? * Ou journeys after dark were tovk, to keep wild beasts at bay, f A toreh or two of good pitch pine, which ais lit Lite way; And throagh the gloomy forest we beard a gaunt wolf's howl, 2 Yawling of a catamounut, or the hooting of am owl. Wen leighbors were in trowsle, of course we had to go, Lat we did not walk tor pleasure about sixty years ago. We went on foot or horseback, but at last we made a way Broad enough, by careful teaming, for oxen and a sleiga, But of surveying sia plements we did not need a load, For a woman rang a cow bel while her hashand blazed the road. Two disks cut from a big round log made the first affairon wheels, Aud when that cart was coming, you could hear for miles its -sqrealsy We wonld ran oni doors to see it, "twas a wonder, then, yuu Know, That pioneer couyeyaince of sixty years ago. And wher we had a grist to ering: or trading we must do, it meant a trip of furty thiles--a rough one it wets, Loo! After three or four diays wbsenee, on returpiog with our sacks, We trudged the lonely bomeward way with floar apen one bz teks. The ehildren all were wateiuug, for bread was gach-a treat, They could searceiy wait with patience till the cakes were (it to eat 7 The children of the present wold scorn such fare, L know -- 'hey haven't got the appetites cf sixty years ago. rs Your stylish stoves and tanges were things unheard of when - We settied in this conutrs--we used clay ovens then, : We built about a reunded frame, bricks made of straw and And we made within a reiriag fire, and Kept on all day; And when the warmth tool dried the sides our eyens was complete, Accrackiog fire within it threw out cart loads of heat, And then we raked out wood and coals Qpen the ground below, And baked in it the bread and beans-of exty years #gu. ays At logging, chopping, reaping, we alwa e were enough like misery to be fo if fcomy any, Ang labur seemed much lighter when We did pot toil alone, And we liked corr panons Hear ué& with troubles hike our own A good sized jar of whiskey was brought to treat the men, You see our views on feumperance were a little hazy bien, Why, every one drank Iiquor, Twas. the custom a you know, They didn't put such pizen iw it sixty years ag Ah. yes, there's. been a mighty change! The forests now are ¢ ieared Yon seldom see a stumpy field, they've slowly disappeared ;. To bind, rake, sow and harrow about your fields you ride, : The sickle, flail and hand fan are tong since laid aside. There yet are many bardships, and everyone must work, -- And choose the calling that yoy: will, there's not mach chance to shiz But many a poor fellow grubbed the crop in with & boe, And fed his little family about sixty years ago. Ke: In the long, long winter evenings, when the full moon shed her light. We took our home-made traineau out and -yoket-ep-Hnek amt hrignt,, -- And-rtoad-of happy Youngsters went to see some neighbor folks. Aud we made the old woods echo with our Jaughter aud our jokes, Pianos, harps and organs jn our homes had never been, 3nt our hearts were ligitt and happy with the sweet-tonrd violin, And inghe low scooped. shanties, by the hearth fire's ruddy glow, We danced away the sorrows of sixty. years ugo. The young folks of the present are not as gav and free As we were living in the woods like-one great family; They think too mach of show and style and fashionable arzay, They never had the merry times.we -had-in our Gay." Tglanced down at the narrator when he had ceased to speak, A new light sparkled in his eye, a flash suffused his cheek, The wasted form was more erect, and his old heart seemed agiow ~ With the life, the youth, the vigor of sixty years ago. CHRISTMAS, 1897 ! 'FULL line of Holiday Goods-and Wedding Pres ents at Lowest Prices.. Call-and see them. Subscriptions taken for all Daily and Weekly News- papers. W ishing you. all all a Merry Xmas and a 'Hapos New Lear. J. A. MITCHELL, MEDICAL HALL, ATWOOD.. FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! | Underwear for Men and Boys from 35c: up.. Socks and Stockings for Men and Boys. White Shirts, ail sizes. 'Colored Shirts,a nice line. Heavy working Shirts. Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves, heavy lined and. unlined, the best Woolen Mit in the market. ats and. Caps for Men and Boys.. A few Persian Lamb: -- Caps below cost price. The largest range of Ties-ever~-- shown in Atwood, bright, new and nobby; see them We keep every thing for gentlemen i in our line. 0 yom want a nice suit? We can give it to you. A few erks| Readymade Overcoats, we want to clear out at cost -- mock | price as we do not intend to keep them. iZieman,. The Tailor. N.B.--50 cords firstclass dry woud: wan fe 8 *,