Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 7 Jan 1898, p. 2

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~year . So many brewers ane x 'has provoked a how! of indignation as a violation of the rights of the citizens of the town to drink at the expense of the municipality. Tt has with difficulty Wit! Stoo rece: It tempes wounds have been covered with plas- ters, and its falling trunk = and For Croup, -- asthma, bronchitis, or whooping cough, there is no remedy so sure and safe as Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. From the first dose its healing influence is manifest. The sufferer who has been kept awake by the cough falls into a restful sleep, and awakes strong and refreshed. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a¢dknowledged to be a specific for all pulmonary complaints. Physicians praise and prescribe it. ' "One of my children had croup, - One night I was startled by the child's hard breathing, and on going to it found it strangling. It had nearly ceased to breath. Having a part of a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, I gave the child three doses at short intervals, and anxiously waited results. m the moment the Pectoral was given the child's breathing grew asa and in a short time it was sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child is alive and well fn Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved its life."-- C. J. Woouprics, Worthen, Ager's Cherry Pectoral. demand is chiefly for English ma- ;} Seven in 1892. , » chines, neither German Ameri- | distillers are now in the House of Com- N hen there is such it gouod comedy as can machines finding favor with the mons a temperance legislation will | Neyviline for att Kine of pci. It public be strangled for a. long time hd come, {cures neuralgia in five Initiates : --a It is fount that when these tee re- | toothache in one minute: lane baek The oldest tree in the great botan- | formers are elected to offices of import- at one application: headache in' a real the Jardin des Plantes, ance they assume at once an attitude fepy momertts > am® all prin just as - i. ee eed sativa iss of intolerant and aggressive proscrip- |rapidiy. Give it a trint at Pals, is an acacia, planted 230 | tion toward the rest of the community. agg 3 ago. sat tree is described by | The refural of the Mayor of Lynn, a , sa La Nature as eing covered wit | total abstainer, serve wine or The highest point to which a man "qrrinkrios of Sid age," and supported | spirits at a receut municipal banquet | cnn ascend without his' health ice T'Toronto, with 4 SIC bound ami stiffened with | : ma oi onda T DPA. Sen eae late Gossi eh -- Once when Gen. Sherman had Bone | f the-- under the care of a physician for some sis time he sald: "Doctor, I don't seem |THE PECULIARITIES |: R d W id to be getting any better, for all your : : OUNE WORD, F medicine" "weil, veneral," replied | - OF THIS WORD. the doctor jocosely, "pe srhaps you had ' a fica) at ae Pip better take Shakespeare's advice and | 1 O al reports show tha © | 'throw p to the hs: wouki, | Ba rt So hi®iiest temperature ever recorded in tte hi toad Se sick m an, 2s on. 'No ons ae cl h California was his be on the pillow, "I woult as 180 degrees, this being | oot the a number of vauvie| Kamous--No Name at Mammoth Tank, in the desert re- dogs brit pbs Melghbochood." } ; - gion, of Shn Diego county. Close to More Widely TImitated. aa as 128 ¢ at Indio, in the | In referring to self-made men, in his | ' : : chia ott Princeton address, Mr. Cleveland said | No geal on éarth, perhaps, is a0 The Sultam Of Morocco js, it is stat- | that "the churlish curmudgeon who by | structed, pypeas more widely imitated ed, undertak a punitive expedition ree dh practices and avaricious deal- | than the word DODD. It "8 stand oat against the Riffian pirates, whose de- gpl ee fo Ber fol art should not a sy reef that makes lt ra t preditions have caused Spain to pur- sarbpdll isha 2h aly. os it : . : ; ANTAL of ite on early 1 privations and sordid self- . coat pontaiea four letters, pose sending * torpedo boat. to Mor- ut two lettera of the alphabet, occo waters French crniser.is also ' s > : . going to Rift 'waiters Before the Buffalo library became a e knows that the first free institution in September last its i ever patented = sold = An old negro in 1 Rentucky. being told | average daily circulation was 600 enue at tled t ny Aical os that one of his race had been arrested | Volumes--since that time .it has been | the world r, and revolutionized the on the charge of forging a note, fer- | 3-800 volumes. ee af kidney disease. a a ; eet sabes : 5 ara lo = pee a succeeded Sota soot fon chilean and. It is stated that Ezekiel E. Dustin, conrttastine = edd ic 4 ' © . - thank 1 aeaewtl ad|Of New Bedford, 2 veteran of the ester oe of DODD, t h they 2 leaven, not one er dem kin read or write." 14th Regiment, New Hampshire Vol-|2¢@rly all adopt names as lar as se x oe "i sound and construction Pas f 5 Sr _. junteers, and a beat Sa grandson | this Their foolishn revents them Ti#- various societies connected with of Hannah Dustin, who ped from : roatistian that aetackine to imitate shop assistants, of which there are | the Indians in the Bena: ane Indian | increase the fame of Dodd's Kidney over. 750,000 in Engiand, have been _etigthe her children, on Marech'30th, | pag ae : 1697, has in his possession -and on ex- augmented by the establishment of | ype ; eet ' : Why is name ' Dodd's diene the National Association of Grocers' theca ane ag atta Me mich Mee. Pills" imitated ? well ask why Assistants. - The wages of this class al Te -$) id atte: in spears ar are diamonds and gold imitated. Be- are low, averaging about id per jour thet = Pie Tl nt pails 0 cause diamon 'a. the most precious and they work from S0 to 10) hours bpd ed fk rid bse ehh a Ne ss pak gems, most precious REO she used is in 4 museum in New Y metal. Dodd's 'Kianes Pills are imi- sas The Seis salto iniaarsti tated they are the m Ceinent is claimed to be a. better be $3 8 Le aiiien 8 are ati of | valuable medicine the world has ever pis i : , ) . itical field in Ken- material for street WVHES than was- Women i the polj linit. nin i : : tucky 'this year, there being no less © medicine was ever hea ai Kidne phait. and this new kind of pavement m sat pills till years of s ls boihg introduced in Berlin. tts | than forts who ure candidates, most ve Dodd's Kidney Pilis > the world. udvantages over asplialt paving are | Of- them regularly nominated, for elec- Ko medicine ever cured Bright's dis- clainied to be that it is noiseless that | tive offices, snainly educational. There | ease except Dodd's Kidney Pills. No it offers nore security to horses, that | 4re tlrendy ten female superintend- | other medicine has cured as many it dows not soften in the lient. and 7ents of schools in the State, and their cases of Rheumatism, Diabetes, Heart therefore more duratle. aud that Ut | Success has been so murked generally Disease, Lu o, D , Female Chines tess dust. that they have excited the emulation | Weakness, and other kidhey diseases BSS of their sisters. In many cases as Dodd's Kidney Pills have. It Is There are, accordine to-an-eminent |BOmination is equivalent "to an elec- universally known that they have archaeologist, no jess than from. 120 tion. They have been named by gern nerer. Talled 'to' cure. Giese | d to aheotutelc all 'bois ; parties National, Democratic, Re- they are so widely and shame, absolutely «distinct lancuages publican, Silver-Populist, Independ- | lessly imitated. in North and South Amerien As the pent and whrt-not,- { Erowtl of language is very slowy In - i = think- the fact of the Kistence of sa \ curious uscovery has been made | Lord Mayor's Regeli: Breit a variety of -- speqeh on the | in the archives of the Spanish navy | The most interesting features in con- Wester continent proves that the - bill ER MEE ee : a nection with the inauguration of the uative red men have inhabited than the bills of payinent of the crews | pop Mayor of London are the objects for soany thousands of vears, who composed the earavels of Chris-!of plate and jewelry connected there- : aaa topher Columbus. 'Che suilors, accord- | With. The sceptre, pear! sword and the Buthrooms in Public Schools are a | ing te their class, received from 10 to | City purse are carried before the: Lord novelty that Boston will introdaee in | 12 franes nionth, ineluding their | Mayor at this inauguration. The stem ity new bnildings. The latest struc- | fo The captains of the three large | Of the sceptre is pte prGest pines mie! Sea! : jcaravels had each SO.francs a month, | Jewelry extant in England. It is cut tur of an educational nature in that i As for Columbus himself, who lad the | crystat and was fashioned in the days city is to cost $350,000, and will bel titie-of admiral, he was paid 1,600] Of Edward the Confessor. = The pearl fitted with toilet, dressing and bath I francs 2 vear. " sword dates. from the time of iliza. rooms for both soxes.with--eteverr} igs pacar : beth and the SRORMAE TM city mace shower baths and foot baths as well. | 4 Jarge London firm has secured for | from George ' a This announcement that the first tl! cutie -Sea90n 1 Conmedions and A VETERAN'S STORY. railway train arrived at Archangel | '¢!! ee detached House nt Wal- | At Bighty Years of Age One Box of Dr from Vologda 2 few days ar sang | ton-on-fhe-Naze, where everyone of its | s Catarrhal Powder Curesa what be -- ; st : é ago meau |} hundreds of factory hands and ware- "ase ot Fi Years ene it a Moscow is now connected by | house staff will be accommodated, in whi mene mr arrh in raii with the White Sea. and with | batches of thirty at a time, with a : 3 S Leas the completion of . 2 projected com | fortnight'. free board and lodging, in RGUEBE « Lewis, -Of : hi egg Ny nection with St. Petersburg, the j addition to receiving present of | Writes: | i svn sas, de a eh a hs once important trading port opened | three weeks' wages. Moreover, on June ime "Deen: brow ed with: spurs se by English merchant adventure TS |} 2ist and 22nd the works were ciosed for fifty years, and IT DAY AAA LUNE more than 300 years ago. may-regain;and to exch of the workers was pre- | Md @ great many catarrh cures, eh some of its former importance, es- | cented three days > pay. never hei any relief until 1 used Dr pecially when it becomes the -north-; ## eC -- aor s Catarr a aiek eg One box ern station o: the Russ ian nary. ; ve : s sini ac) Cured me compietery, and } Lives Mme : siieiget . - pain eTE TINGED 'Street Railway, has great ple: asure to Sak mapa tt to Mr. James Payn does not think the ay et ie ee ae he a a in: mage sic ry ae »S ae S$ CArS. tears of orators always sincere. Dr. | S's aa ee ee Ve - : > ; ss '6 Over the proje etinge roof at the for- For a Sprained Ankle Pitcairn tells us, le says, that be- a . oa, eae ward end of the car is an oblong box, un as Possible after the accident ing in 2 church in Edinburgh where | jjinminated at night by incandeacens itt the foot into hot water, and let the preacher was not only emphatic, ; lights and having a glass front. With-| jt pemain there an "hour or longer. but shed tears copiously, he was moved) in is « revolving screen of black-with keeping the temperature as high as , © inquire of a countryman who gat | the numes of the several lines in white possible, by adding hot water to it i beside him. what it was all abont. | letters on it. More easily read in the every ten or fifteen minntes. When 'W hat the, deevil mak's the man, daytime than the usual car signs, it taken from the Water rub the "ankle grect?" one sorry to say, was the | issaid thatat night these can be read] gently, put firmly, with opode rg ep fem of his inquiry. "Faith," said the. the distance of a square. it as elevated as possible, and ban- man, slowly turning: round, "ve wid 'dagé It from the toe to the ankle. "Res os ay be Sade ¥ = ' ye Ww is-up) Testotalism in Bngland. peat this treatment as often during ere-a z = " re nm" had as itt @ to say. Great distress is experienced by Bng- the day as possible, and do not forget . Sarg jish teetotalers at the marked decline | that it . tly to your advantage It is reported from Moscow that in the nuniber of - meiibers holding > keep the foot as quiet as possible, nearly 5,000 licenses have been, issued | tjajr opinions in the present Varlia- Ww ith proper Sore She MAR ieh mee to cycle owners in that place dur-} ment. Now tlere are only forty total | YeTY Tapidly. ' ing the present and that the , abstainers, as compared with forty- Why Suffer? Highest Man Can Ascend. serioasly affected is 16,500 feet Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia Bradstreet'son Trade in Canada linsproved weather conditions in Carn- win have exercised a beneficial effect upon general distributive trade. Good roads and rful outlook ; ported from areca, and an ¢ grain movement is rey predictions of a good business for Rein: opening months of 1898. Seasonable trade is better at Halifax, but "wholesale business is not up to expectation Snow, is wanted in New Sinawick to help lumbering operations. Salmon canning promises to become a feature of Prince , Edward Island year. Bank clear- ings for the Dominion wf Cana dn last week amounted to $24,993,000, which is a decrease of. 6 per ae from the previous week, but an increase f J rer the same week . There were/ 20 business fail- ures repor in the Dominion last weck, against 45 the previous week. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Wa Catching Cold. Catching cold, says cot ge gp easily prevented and a good phen condition is not Piiable to colds unless grossly careless. Keep the pod warm and rok the head Le and t is ' resus the eee an a the New York pa are Tull of it. The advertising spent the day with ine.' y? ----e {THE GINGER JAR: Saturday 'Spice for Man and wit "Jennie," said Mr. Younghusband, 'each of these ciothes-bags nas a hole in the vague of it." "Wha t clothes-bags ? We any cloth this I've been haven't put- es-ba Why, what's this ting my collars and cuffs in ail week ? "Wh , George ! That's the sleeve of my bail' dress! That young idiot doesn't seem to & bit about accidents. He's up- four boats by Ha vette them al- ready, and there t it again." That's all Shey It's his business. The noe pou pay ects for that. He ts sstetg is miehty. oneep. "T had a very y interesting time of it Sunday. Sanson, the strong man, * Rea , He must be a wonder, met his match Sun- day My small son's nurse went out, and Sandson undertook to play with the boy. He went to bed at 7 o'clock, absolutely "broken down.' . fe he afternoon. "I'm goir v vestigated, }? "There's bee business in that corporation. rue," said Barlow. " and I'd ad vise you to employ a diver to do your investigating, there's so much water in it." ing to have Away Ktock in- said investor. wie of funny It was a sad mista ke sO- ciety reporter wrote: " Mrs. Wilkine" will once more befere the altar of Hymen," compositor spelled Hymen miking .t¢ Hyphen. Tt w as | after all. Parslow-Robertson kneel and the with a ph, though, true, Deafness Cannot be Cured Ly local applications as they ean-; not reach the diseased portion of the ear. ere is only one Way to cure Deafness, and tliat is by consti tution:| remedies. Deafness is caused by an jin- flamed condition .of the mucous Lae ing of the Eustachian Tube. When thi tube is inflamed you have a rumbling } sound or imperfeet hearing, and when | it is entirely closed, Deafness the | result, and mnless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube, re-! stored to its nermal condition, lhear- ing will be destroyed forever: cases out of ten are caused b¥ Caturrh, | which is nothing but an inflamed con- | dition of the mucous surfaces We fs will give One Hundred Dollars | for any case of Deafness (caused by | catarrh) that cannot be cured br 's Catarrh Cure. sure - . CHENEY & CO, 4 Sold iS 'Drugegists, The. Hall's Family Pills are 'ONO, O the best. Neve Yerk t Unemployed. According to 2 canvass just made for the New York World by the organized trades of New York, there 92.075 > ie mee in the city. this is a very large number, more 'Han 30,000 of--idie- people-during the last year. Tlia- largest number of un- employed is in the clothing trade, 32.675 being idle. Thourh last year by 675. The building trade is next with 16,375, and then follow waiters, 10,800 ; barbers, 5,000; pianv- makers, 1,5007 printers, 00; bar- enders, 2,509; cigarmakers, 1,400: bookbinders, 500; misce'laneous, 2,625 The foreroing are classec ; Of the so-called ganized and 10,000 unorgen- ized are unemployed. The tetal number of workers nf both classes int the cit: is estimated at 297,850 Dear Sirs,---Your MINARD'S LINT- MENT is car remedy for sore throat, colds und all ordinary ailments. It never fails c& relieve and wire promptly. CHASLES Vort': Mukerave. Ps HOOTTEN, Kitchen Pepper. _Ueréis a recipe for kitchers Which is a fine ne of spices renenal seasozing Auces, meats, etc. Mix one ounce of cen und ginger, nalf an ounce each of black pepper, ground cinnamon, nutmeg and all- spice, one tenspoonful of ground cloves and six ounces of salt. Put jn bot- tles and keep tightly corked- , pepper, Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Garnets employ 10,000 Bohemians. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL "ARMEDA GEYLON TEA." (Put up in lead. packages.) Also Ja apan and Hysons. A.H. CANNING & co. . Wholesale Agents 57 Front Street ett: Toronto. PERMANENTLY. ec RED "BY = Eline's Grea ll fits « ur eohatsagan mn ate first day's . Se street. Ph delphia, oe for trea' free $2 trial botth For aale by J. A. Harte se andre $2 ral street ~Moatreal, < Que. salting: ramets, It not only wey tbh pain, but 'acidity, and RREEEEESSUSUULSSAAAAMRRSRREEEL +++ jag oon ll graven tone and energy to mg cage Fe and ives tone cure erjping in te stomach a irae five cents a! fas * : t 'ing Send for circal- it still is >» ) less than the number | holidays of | It is interesting to | note that this number exceeds that of j Mra. Winslow's Soothing SE isa pages 'SSUE NO-T. 1898: ' What is Scott's Emulsion? It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh-form- properties. It contains Cod- Lives Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well- known-and highly prized Hypo- phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially = i What Will !t Do? It will arrest loss of flesh and restore to a normal condition the infant, the child.and the adult. It willenrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita- "tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it im tens of thousands of cascs. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion, soc. and $1.00, all druggists. "ScoTT & BOWNE Chemists, "loroate EXCUMANGHK Li-t.., HAVE eC County, 1 HO AGR BS California, RIVERSIDE uner cr é rice $6,000: exchange for good ronti ng property to Ontario at once > wi oS BUILD. eh ments; 'Re vED pe ru: un- ange for nt erie handred + & Son. Hamilten. neres > at eal *C oO té IX THOU 34 } ND FOR goon BRIC K STORE : ented; Village; al once rm » Ax soon fog oo European International h ented the world ove a ws! ah whe ch ae bers r make "than thr ld ey will be returned if hee are not ason, box 123 lie ed al! m0 ¢ tistied with your argainn. Madison sonare New York city ears, and Ask Sr Dealer ae BOECKH'S BRUSHES AND BROOMS. For Sale by all Leading Horses. CHAS. BOBCEH& SONS, Manufacturers TORONTO ONT. : OWE WANTY ()|J QUICK." Intedtligent adies and gentlemen cau de 5 BLE plied with genteel and weer ito employment. INDUSTRY the NECESSARY to secure Goov REMUNERA TIQN. Can give the addre ae who has Just cleared $113 in 2 21 PDA S. $5 can be made rig ht at your own E 10"¥ NIC CHOLS& So. 3 Ri ehmond west,' Toronto. TRH "WANTED. 1 will pay 25¢ 00 for cancelied Jubilee stamps of 1, 2, 3 cent varieties, in good cond han Address, maj u ry Box 63. ~ _Hamiltoa>-Gat. Mustard - THAT'S - Mustarc ete nl in ne ena 105 FINS. Ask for Dunn's Pure Mustard

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