VOL. 3. on x DENTAL. 'W. M. BRUCE, L. B. S., DENTIST. Painless extraction. Artificial teeth of the best quality. Crowus and bridges' st the lowest rates, Gold and porcelain fillings a speciaity. Ali work warrant , eito give satisfaction. Office over Thompson Bros. store, Main street, Listuwel. LEGAL. MORPHY @& CARTHEW, ~ Listowel, Qut.. Barristers, Sulicitors, Cunveyaucers, &c. Solicaators for the wank of Haniilton. Morey to Loap. @iices above Cateun & Meixee's stere, Main street. ii. B. Morpuy. dg. M. CARTHEW. MEDICAL. DR.A. S. LANGRILL, > ATWOOBS ONT. Successor to Thos. Douglas, M. D. Office, that formerly occupied by Dr. dlamiltou. Night calls answered at office. Special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nuse and Throat. "D A. KIDD. M D. €. ML: FLT. uM Cs AL CC, BP. & S. GO. Puysician, SCEGEON, ACCOVCHETR. F.T. M.C.-of Trutty Medical Col- fege, 1837. M.u. ©. M. of Trinity University, ; 2hss. | M.C.P.&3.0., ef Medical Council, sss. 'Three years of practical hospital bed- | Side clinics, besides uine years in a varied and active practice. P ' Ofte aud Residence midway between | "EY BER offide and Vust Office. . | AUCTIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIGNEER FOR THE Cornty of Perth, Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate. For particulars ap iy at this office. SADT IT Gr. J. W. Scott, Banker, - BSstavblished 1872. ------ a Rx, busine Drafts in all parts of the Britain Deposite received and cur. rent rate of interest allowed | Cheque Bank Cheques lesned, payable in all | parts of the world. without notice or charge: | | A large amount of Private Funds to lend on | good farm security at Five per cent., with? privilege of repaying annually. i j nuinecrously. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. | jand will work ban ! I CTRAYED on the premises of the undersign- i 6 and Sonth, as follows:: Elmn. GOING SOUTH. -40ING NOKTH. | THE BEE gives the news. | Cheese Co, will be hel Express 7.47 2.m.{ Mixed 1.20 p.m. | The elections on Monday passed off | 8th inst., at I p.m. Mixed 10.25 a.m.; Express 9,35 p.m. | quietly in Elma | Mr.and Mrs, H. Rich THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, WANTED |! Industrious Mex of Character. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, Torontoa, Ont. . Sell "Klondike 4 AGEN Gold Fields" like *roxpe ~ tis. a whirlwind. Prox wil worth #L. Big pay. Capital unnecessary. THE BRADLEY-QARRETSON CO., Lrp., j Toronto, Ontario- Wood Wanted. Tae will be received up till Jan. 15th, 1895, for ten cords of sonnd green maple or ech wood, 22 inches long, to be delivered at he Methodist church shed, Atwood, on or ore March ist, 1:94. 4 J. W. McBAIN, Secretary. ESTRAY STEERS. RAVED on the premises of the underaigr ~ S ed, Let 18, Con. H, Elma.on or about ¢ 2uth, 1807, two steers. Tae owner is requested lo prove preperty, pay charges, and take them away. s4i* ROBT. SMITH, Newry. W You are Energetic and Strong t f n+ Jet t nothing. af menin the way of wak- whom are now r lean vm. if you are rable % have put hundreds « | ing money ; some oO ich. do good things for hono T. H. LINSCOT7, Toronto, Ont. Estray She ep. jor of John Wood, brother of Mrs. |New Year's iu Stratford. A. ©. Jackson, of St. Marys, paid Sil ver Corners u flying'visit last week. Charles Turnbull, of Hartney, Man is visiting his uncle, J. A. Turnvail, Oliver Turnbull, of Hartney, Man., is visiting relatives in the township. 'Toronto, are home on their vacation. Samnel Bennett lost a valuable brood mare a short time ago of indigestion. Will Gray, of Wingham, spent New Year's with Elma relatives and friends. Mr. and Miss Rebinson, of Mitchell, spent New Years at. Geo. Adams', 8th con, Miss McKay was the guest of the Misses Forrest, 14th con. on New Year's day. Miss Dora Shannon spent a few days Jast week with her brotherg Samuel Sbanuon, of Drayton. Mrs. Peter Duncan and'two children, of Estevan, N. W. Ty, are visiting at her father in law's, Jas. Duncan, and at her father's, L. McNeil, of Grey A successful wood bee was held at Walter Chisholm's on Tuesday of last week, winding up with an enjoyable party in the evening? in which the young people of the neighborhood par- ticularly took a prominent part, Mr. and Mrs Robt. Roe entertained their young friends to a party on a | Thursday evening of last week, in bon- and former teacher S.S. No. 7. There were about fifty present, chiefly from Poole and Milverton. Joseph Hanna had to be again re moved to the London Asyinam a week after arriving home from that instite- oe CTRA YED ¢ premises of the undersign- ot 2. 7, Elmn, on or about Oct ist, | 'he owner is requested to charges and take them CHAS. BLECKERT, Monkton. on th con. 1 prove property, pay i | | | Estray Steer. Lot 18, Con. 12. Elma. on. or-abont ¢ LYe97, one TWo year old black steer is requested to prove property, and take il away. 44-1" ALEX. JOHNSTON, Newry. WANTED--CANVASSERS. Jet. Lath, 1€ Owner | ay charges "Queen Victoria e and reign." has captured the Britis I Extraordinary | < wnials from the great 2: Rend for copy free. Marquis of Lorne says. ~The lar Life of the Queen Thave seen." Her} fajest sends a kind letter of appreciation. Selling by thonsands ; gives enthusiastic satisfaction. Canvassers make $15 to $0 weekly. BRADLEY-GARRETSON C€O., (Limnived) Toronto. Agricultural Meeting. Society will be held in Agricuitural Hall Atwood. on Wednesday, Jan. 12th, At? 'lock p.m., sharp, for the purpose of receiving the auditors' report. clectin cers for the cnsuing year and transacting general business. Members are invited to attend HE annual meeting of the Elma Agricultural : i he} ' 1898, j o's JAS. DUNCAN, INO. MORRISON, President. Secretary. 7 The Star Livery is equipped with | first-class rigs, fx and gentle driv- | ers, and in every way "rdupted meet the requirements of the * elling public. Terms reasonable bles opposite Pranderberger's Hotel Attarood. i STA R- L IVERY, t Sta- JAS. R. MILLER. Proprietors 95 tf. SABY WAS CURED. so I give it great : lent for all bowel complaints. na MRS. CHAS, BOTT, Hariow, Ont THE HEAD MASTER GENTLEMEX,--I have found great satisfaction in the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and con- sider it ble in ali cases of ix: summer compiafht. It ig a pleasure to t ™ it to R. B. MASTERTON, Princi School, River Charlo, N-B. Abbbbebbbebbbeeebeee ra ae if th 2 PEEETEEEDTEEE EEE EEE J. Annual Meeting. HF annual merting of the shareholders of th: Elma Cheese and Butter Manufactur ing Co. wil be helu in their factory on Saturday, Jan. 8th,.1898, At One o'clock :p.m., sharp, for the purpose of receivi the Anditors' Report. Directors for the ensuing year. anc sideration of any other bu i sincss in the interests of ihe Company. H WM. LOCHHEAD. | Secretary. Elma, Dec. 24, 1897. "~ | i { { | i { nt 19, , roved r. % oF o a prize-winn Western Fair, London; North } r, Siratford, and at Elma Fair, Atwoo Terms, $1.00, nner in a Perth 1 } | i j CHAS. McMANE. Newry. BACKACHE LAME BACK RHEUMATISM DIABETES ERiGuT's DISEASE DIZZINESS amp ar KiDNTY & URINARY DISEASES ARE CURED BY i chat. musie, | successful examination was held in {to the chair, , Messrs. Gamble 'disputed possession. , With joined hands they sang "Auld tion, he having rélapsed into his former unfortunate condition. Much sym- pathy is felt for the family. It is | hoped his recovery will be speedy. A few of Miss Jennie Richmond's in- timate friends were eotertamed in her houor by Mrs. H. Richmond, on Thurs day evening of last week, The time Wes very, pleasaitly spept in social riddles (there being tore propoundiug thau solytug), the feature of the even ing being a prize competition spelling match, Ue favors being won by Miss Mechay and Mr. Clark, of Woodstock. Miss Jeunie returned to Buffalo on New Year's day, where she holds a pos- ition as teacher in one of the city | schools. Ou Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, a S assas had been S.No. 7. After the el rexamined by the teacher, Miss Turn- bull,and the visiting teacher, Thos. | Sroith, one of the trustees, was called whetr- an gram was rendered. The children acquitted themselves ina manner creditable to themselves and to their teacher. Addresses were delivered by \ of S.S. No.4, Turn. bull of the 8th econ., and Bennett and Wherry, who live in the section. occasion. 'The parents turned out in Jarge numbers, showing their fnterest in the educational welfare of their children. ry Tne PIONEER CLUB.--At six o'clock on New Year's eve the annual divner of the Pioneer Club was partaken of at the residence of A. Lawrence, 12th con, and royal was the eutertainment. The menn consisted of everything in season --everything that conid tempt the ap petite being provided from the festive | oyster and stately turkey to the steam- ing plum pudding with sauce seasoned to pioneer taste. After dinner the guests engaged in various games.and} told some hair splitting stories of life in the woods when the bears and wolves At 12. o'clock Lang syne," and wishing each other 9 happy New Year with many kind ex pressions to the host and hostess they separated, to meet next year at the residence of Geo. Richmond. SILVER WEDDING.--Mr. and Mrs Geo. Struthers, 16th con., celebrated the twenty fifth anniversary of their wedding on Friday evening, 8ist uit, About 150 guests assembled to do hovor to the genial host and hostess, aud- a very enjoyable evening was spent by all present._Dancing, games, music, &c., were heartily participated in by fends, to say nothing of the elaborate provision made for the inner- man. the regret of all. Of the family | sevefal years. A short~ address a present were Mrs. Dan. Barton, 12th | companied the clock. Mrs. Stark will cou.; Mrs. Jas. McKenzie, 16th con.:} be greatly missed. After a splendid Strathers may be spared in hi witness their golden wedding. | four mond spent ih Misses Jennie and Ejla Bennett, of } propounding and solving | .| to raise and enlarge his barn and w excellént pro- | The} 'school was suitably decorated for the ealth to] many good Miss A. Anderson and T. Srooks spent New Year's with friends on the | [2th con., west, The annnal meeting of the Elma Chas. Vallance purchased a fine black year old roadster trom an Ethel er, ata good figure. some beast. ! 'of last week from Brussels, where she and Mrs. Cousiley. Married on Dec. 29. of the bride's parents, by Rev. J, T. Kerrin, Wm. Love, of Elma, to Mary | | @.next Saturday, | It is hand-} Messrs | ha¥e ju Mrs. McLauchlin returned Thursday | , at the residence | | a ke NO. 51. Es Listowel. The annual meeting of the Listowel }aud South Wallace Agricoltdral So- ; ciety will be held in the Town Hall on | Wednesday the 12th inst. at 2 o'clock p.m David Bowyer, of Harristou has pur: chased the stove and tinware stock of Brooks. & Alexander aud they st completed stock-taking. Ie is a hustler for business. The first matched game of the season spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. will be played on the Listowel Rink on Tuesday night of next week between Seaforth and Listowel hockey elubs. This is the first scheduled game in the championship series and will be a close- « 3t a n - ; rest daughter of . ly contested match. The first draw of | youngest daughter of August Herbert, the series is to be contested by - the : : Dev. 29 j largest uumber of goals taken in home Married in Elma, at the residence of Samuel Stewart, father of the bride, by Rev. 5. C. Edmunds, B.D., William Janes Francis, ef Logau, to Elia Stewart, of Elma. Married atthe home of the bride's parents, 10th con. of Elma, by the Rev. P. A. McLeod, M. A., B. D., George Grant Tennant to Eliza, eldest daugh- ter of Alexander Wilson, both of Elma. The happy event took place on Wed- nesday, Sth iust..{n the presence of a small company of relatives and friends | of the couple. The bride was the re cipient of many veautiful gifts. Con gratulatious. Grey. Miss Carrie McNaught is away on a visit to St. Marys and St, Thomas. S. B. Wilson, of Paris, spent Christ mas holidays with friends in this town-- ship ©. Among the yisitors from the West are Alex. McIntosh, Langdon, Dakota; and Arch. Sillers. Willie and Lawrence McNaught are pending their Xmas holidays with riends In Ptattsvuille. Miss Sarah Dudley and Jno. Gough, of Toronte, were visiting at Dudley's, Brussels south. J. H. W. Wilson, of Woodstock, | formerly of the 9th con., is revewing j old friendships in this locality. | Miss Bella Lamont is home from the 8 f } ' ) and home matcnes. John | b The game-will be called at 8 o'clock p.m. sharp. Brussels. Ward Farrow Sundayed in town. Ed. Grimoldby is on the sick list. Joho Kendall is home from Toronto. Miss Bessie Moore is visiting Stratford. Robt. Mannders left fér Belleville last Tnesday. Died in Brussels on the 2nd inst., James |. Kelly, aged 60 years. Alfred L. Gilpin returned to the Owen Sound Collegiate Instutute last Monday. Councilior Thompson entertained the new Council to ap vyster Supper Tues- day eVening. Last Sabbath a very pleasant surprise awaited the Superintendent of the Methodist 8.5. GGerry made a short and very appropriate address «and pre- sented him with a handsume npholster- ed chair and a beantifal robe for his cutter on' behalf of the school, Mr. Kert was completely taken by surprise, bat replied, thanking the donors tor their beautiful gifts. Mr. Kerr has een Superintendent for eighteen years and the school has prospered greauly. in Monkton. August Miller, of Detroit, visited ; Mitchell Model School whieh she pass- j jed with a most creditable Standing. ; At the annual meeting in S.S. No.10 held on Wednesday, Heury Ward chosen trustee as successor to ; RathweH, whose term had expired. | Jas. Elliott and wife, 8th con,, have just returned from a visit of three weeks with relatives at Traverse City, | Cadillac and other points in Michigan. | Their daughter, who has been- there | since last September, returned / with them. | Dunean MeNair, I4th con, intends! iti np | | was / i Wm. |} } | } { | home ; have stone stabling put under it. i Newsome is getting | now for it. out the timber Wm. Ziegler, of the same line, will put up a new bank barn next | summer. At the opening ag 1897 J. T, Dodds, | teacher at S.S. No/3. offered a prize to} jthe pupil who atlended® the most | | Tegularly during the year. Willie, son iof James Cardiff, won the coveted | | treasure und was awarded a fine hand | 'sleigh by Mr. Dodds. | the _following | officers have been elected for the eur. jrent year :--Hon. Pres., Rev. D. B. Me Rae; Pres, Miss Annie McLachlin; "ice-Pre3., Jas, Calder; Cor.-Sec, Allan Cameron; Rec. See, Mrs, A. McDonald} | Treas., das. McLachlin, . The «>endment to the By-law in connection with the Beauchamp drain | ,scheme will be a great improvement | | over the old one, 1f it passes the Legis j | lature, from the fact that the drain will | be extended two miles further east, |the Elma boundary, thereby givingNa | good ontlet through the entire breadth of the township. MATRIMONIAL.-- About 80 guests as- sembled at the home of Mrs. Marsden Sinith Wednesday evening of last week to join in the marriage festivities of ! her estimable daughter, Bella A. to | Loftus T. Stark, a. well known young | genleman of Seaforth. The ceremony ; Was performed by Rey. S. 1. Allin, of | | Brugsels, assisted by Rev. W. A. Smith. ! iS. 'PT. cousin of the bride. from} Westminister. Miss Gussie Smith was the bridesmaid, and Edward Latimer, | , of Seaforth, piloted Mr. Stark through | ithe service. The bride was very be- | comingly attired in a dress of blue gray.cord, trimmed with white chiffon, | pearls and ribben.--She-atso" wore a { } ' ! i ! | } j i ; au | i |bridal- veil. The bridesmaid wore a ; i j heat grey costume. ke the | ; j | the Sa | handsome marbleized mantle | with bronze ornament, cathedral zon ke, presented by Brus | rvices in playing the orehestra for pper had been carefuliy attended to the guests the evening was most joyably spent in vocal and: instra- mes, conversa- Thursday morning Mr. and Mrs. Stark left for Seaforth, where they will make their home, followed by wishes for their future Lap- piness and prosperity. ; administrater ehetis | trial Mr.and Mrs. Chas. Broughton over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Broughton and family._spent---Christmas' at enry Ferg's, Listowel. The anuual Christmas tree was beld inthe Methodist ehureh jast Friday evening and was very successful, the proceeds amounting to $22.00, \-s eonsider this very good, as all the children were allowed in free. New Year's Ancu.--- 'The Ne-- Year's arch in connection' with thes Presbyterian S.S. was a very inieres, - ing affair, and liberally patronized. An arustic arch of evergreens, decorated with bunting and bags of candies was erected in front of the pulpit, and presented au attractive appearance. The duties of chairman was Bullabiy performed by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Me- Leod. The 3. children rendered a good program of the Customary reci- tatiuus, ele. which was in lersperse: with music by the choir and t« presentations, one to the the other to Geo, Luglis, Sabbath school Superintendent, by & nice MeLeca' -ase,® wisile eciplen. of a useiul as well They were accep: Mr. Inglis was mude wine r a beautiful easy chair, a8 substantial gift. ed in the generous, appreciative spi..5 in which they were given. 'Tie piu- ceeds of the entertainment netied Sic. News of the Day. Prof, Alex. M. Bell, father of the 'in- ventorof the telephone, was married to Mrs. W. G. Shibley, ot Harrowsmitn, the ceremony taking place at New York, Chief Justice Richardson, of the Northwest 'Territories, in the SUCCESSOT 18 appuinted. Great: Britain las announced that she will refuse to recognise "uy speci 1 rights granted in Chinese> puris, aul will insist on the enjoyment ofthe sane privileges us granted to any other pow- er. The Provincial Government are j;.- troducing a bill at the present sessiet of the Legislature amending tiie publi servants act, which provides that--t> person-cutering the employ.of the Pre vince after the Ist of January, 16%, shall be entitled to a retiring allowaue-. -- Jan. 3.--At,. Oszouode Hal this Inorning judgement was Qivew against Mrs. Sternaman, sentenced 1.5 death at Cayuga recently for tie mus der of her husband, on the point as io er or pot she should have ao ney - Al appeal may be carried tu tha Dominion Supreme Court, Appetite and Strength. "T have been a victim of ludigesiion, and | Wok medicine withunt relief. j resulved to uy Hova's sarsaparilie After teszing otfe bottle I found tisat my appetite was better and I had more Strength. lam uow able to «.% heartily without any distress aftes- ward." Mrs. Gro. Kinkpariac:, Windsor, Nova Scotia, Hoop's Pinus cure all Mailed for 25¢. by ©, J. Lowell, Maga. liver ie. Soin Hg t e =>