Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 31 Dec 1897, p. 8

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a 9 eet Another Shipment of American Wall Paper rb Just Received. The Latest Patterns, Newest Designs. Prices lower than ever. Last year's Patterns at Your Own Price. _sNEW«_. PRESBYTERIAN HYMNALS All styles and Prices. J.A.. faackinege, LISTOWEL, ONT. 'ssuer of Marriage Licenses. Listowel. Mrs. W. B. Webb, eldest sister of Mayor Scott of this town, died on Dec. 1ith at Wifigham, in her 75th year, Thereis some talk of the Imperial Bank opening a branch in J.istowel at , an early day. A representative of that institution was in town a few days About two hundred Sunday schoo! children from Monkton and vicinity drove into town on Tnesday morning of last week and after having Juueh in the basement of the Methodist cbureh, which was placed at their disposi, spent a couple of hoursin yisiting the holiday guods stores, where they made numerous purchases. 'They were a merry lot of children and appeared to enjoy their trip to town immensely, Grey. Thos. Davidson and wife are away on a holiday trip to old friends in Toronto for a couple of weeks, Geo. McKay, Postmaster, Moncrieff, intends putting a stone wall under his barn the coming season. Rey. W. A. Smith is home for a Christmas holiday visit from West minster where he is. stationed. E. A. Hill was home last week from Toroutu where he is attending one ot the Medical Colleges. He looks well He is vow visiting Mrs. (Ur) Rivers, his sister, at Crediton. Geo. Roger and wife, of Fullarton township, were visiting at Robert itob ertson's 16th con. Mrs, Roger is a niece of Mr. Robertson and were former resi dents of Eima towaship. Tuesday afternoon of hast week John Bishop, Sth line, shot a white owl that measurea d feet, 5 inches from tip to tip. 'The bird was 2 rods distant when Mr. Bishop nailed st with a bullet, showing that although he is upin the ixties he stil} knows how to handle a six * rife. His owlship will be mounted: CAUGHT IN THE AcCT.--One evening recently a plan was laid among four young people whereby a turkey, goose or duck was waylaid and taken to 2 home on the 2nd cop., where it was to be cooked and a royal feast enjoyed. 'ihe proposal got out somehow and the farmer who was to supply the meai closed them up. The vight prowlers came along and, seeing nothing better, nabbed three hens and although chased by the owner got off with their booty. Donegal. J. W. Jones, of Dromore. was visit- ing friends in this vicinity last week. Miss Harriet TfVine was under the Dr's care Jast week, but we are pleased to state that she is now on the way to recovery. William Burke, jr., having disposed of his 50 acre farm north half lot 80, con. 8, to his neighbor, T. G. Ratcliffe, some time ago, has purchased 1321¢ acres in the 5th con., Mornington, ad joining the township of Wellesley. We are sorry to lose Mr. Burke from. this locality as he is @ man who has earned the highest esteem of all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, PRESENTATION.--T, G. Ratcliffe, who has taught the Donegal school for the past 12 years was on Wednesday of last week made the recipient of an elegant writing desk and book case accompanied by the following address read by Miss Lizzie Wilson on behalf of the pupils : DEAR TEACHER,--Having learned with regret that yon are abont to leave us, and no longer to continue as our teacher, we eannot permit the tie which binds ns as teacher and pupils to be severed without expressing our heartfelt gretitnte to you in some tangible form. We have ever found you a painstaking faithful, instructor and hope that the influence of your wise an teaching will help 'mould our character for good and wise purposes in the future of our lives, We are sincerely grateful to you for your faithful counsel and beg you to accept this writing desk and book case us an expression of our esteem for you. We hope you may be long spared to use it and that it may record the happy reminiscences of our school 'lays spent together. Wishing you and yours the compliment of this glad | Hist. , ee Mrs. Cristy Grimoldly is visiting in Alton. Brussels. Will Lowery is home from Galt, sie Gordon Mooney is on the sick Geo. Leckie, of Wroxeter, Sundayed in town. Miss Julia Sharp is home from St. omas. J. H. Morden, of Kingston, was here over Sunday, S Bruee Wilson, of Paris, was here over Sunda W. H. Kerr preached in Trowbridge last Sunday. T, Flegeher, Mrs. F. and Reg, spent Xmas at Lucknow. Thos. Rossg®@ife and son, of Chesley, are visiting at D. Ross, Trowbridge last Sunday. Misses B and KE Hewitt were home from Hespeler for Xmus, are visiting Wm. Blashell. Alex. Sharp and wife, of Detroit, were here over the Xmas holidays. Miss Rilla Hunter is home from foronto after a visit of several months. Mrs. O. E. Turnbull, of Guelph, is visiting at her father's. Rev. J. L Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Humphries and daugh ter, of Toronto, are visiting at Jas, Jones. Dr. M, Cavanagh, wife and children, of Owen Sound; W. H. Willis, wife and son, of Seaforth; W.T. Mooney, wife nnd children, of Indian Head; Mrs Albert Gerry and children, of Indian Head, N.W.T.; 8. G. Taylor, wife and children, of -Paris, 'were here over Xmas holidays. Last Sunday two very interesting sermons were preached itn the Method- ist church by Rey. 3. J. Allin, in the a, m.seryice W. HH. Willis and wife, of Seaforth, sang a very pretty duet en titled "No room in the Inn," at the evening service W. H. Willis and wife, Dr. Cavanagh -and Miss E. E. Kerr 'sang "The best friend is Jesus." Elma. Renew. We wish all our Elma readers « happy and prosperous New Year. Willis Sturgeon and sister Mabel, Watford, were guests at J. W. Bey this week. Samuel Shannon, B.A,, Principal of the Drayton Public schook,is home for the Xmas holidays. Wm. A. Boyd, of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting his parents, Mr. aud Mrs, J. /. Boyd, fur a few days. Waiter Inglis is visiting his sister, Mrs. Gordon MeQuarrie, of Becher, Lambton, Co., and at Petrolia. The annual meeting of the sharehold- ers Of the Elma Cheese Co, will be held on Jan, 8th, 1898, at 1 p.m., sharp. Messrs. Welsh and Clark, of Stratford and Woodstock respectively, were guests at Alex. Forrest's, sr., over Sun- day Wm. Porterfield is drawing sand, elc., for a new brick house, which he is having erected next summer. It will be a dandy, too Mrs, Jas. Harvey, of St. Phomas, and Mrs, Porter, of Chesley, are spending their Christmas holidays at Moses Harvey's, l0th con. Jos. Leonard, 6th con., is drawing material preparatory to building a new bank barn next spring. It will be one of the largest and best baruson the of Following is the report of US. S. No. 4, Elma and Grey, for the month of December, names in order of merit: Senior 4th class-Annie Hamilton, Dora Shannon, Joan Smith, Willie Peter, Mitnie Stevenson, Lewis Doxey. Jun- jor 4th class--Charlie Laidlaw, Nellie Gaynor, Eddie Collis. Senior 3rd class --Edgar Peebles, Tom Edgar. Junior 3rd class--Laura Thomson, Scott Peeb ies, Walter Hamilton, Jessie Smith, Harry Shannon, Tom Gaynor, Myrtle Wilson, Albert Carson. Second class -- Lorne Hunter, Jennie Bawtinhimer, Roy Thomson, Willie Donaldson, Al- van Nethercott. Part Senior 2nd class --Alvan Shannon, Walter Peebles, Adella Nethercott. Junior Part 2nd class--David Whiting, Lloyd Nethe - cott, May Eals, Senior: Part I--Freu Stevenson, Willie Whiting, Russell An nett. Junior Part Willie Hanna, Percy Aunett, John Wii son. ; Report of S.S8. No. 5, Elma, for the month of December, names in order of merit: Senor 4th class--Jas, Robb, Arthur Simpson, Francis Fullarton, Hannéth Lesiie, Ida Danbrook,; Mar Coulter, Harold Danbrook. Juuior 41h class----Thea Danbreok, Henderson Robb, Bella Gilmer, Bella Morrison, Ella Ballantyue, Eliza McMane, Johu Allison, Harry Danbrook, Guy Hauna, John Gilmer, Lily. Smith, Herbert Dacklow, Senior 3rd class-- Alex. Simp son, Hyslop Dickson, Geo. Peebles, Willie Fullarton, Bert Adams, Inez Ballantyne, Mary Hanua, Howard Mc Mane, Russell McMane, Junior 8rd class-- Aggie Ballantyne, Willie Robb, Eddie Leslie, John Inglis, Myrtle Young, Roy McMane, Dot Frier, James Youug, Joe Gilkinson, Minnie Smith, llarry Taggart. Senior 2nd class--Max Smith, Wilbert Struthers, Herbert Peebles, Sarah Gilkinson, Eddie Scott, Lizzie White, Pressie MeMane, Bella Auvderson, Minnie Smith, Jessie Me. Mane, Maggie Hanna. Bella Smith. Junior 2nd class--Eya Danbrook, Myr tle Danbrook, Woodson HKobb, Charles Hales, Mabel McMane, Edna Morrison, Bella Scott, Jessie -Allison, Minnie Cowan, Edith Gray. Part Second--Roy Ballantyne, Tom Scott, Layton Smith, Wellic Peebles, Mary Gilkinson. Part First--Bernice Morrison, Ernest Gil- season, we remain your pupils, ; : ; Miss Sara Code and Eli Smith visited A Miss Barley and brother, of Mich.,| I1.--Burt Wilsor,! 'ors Joseph Hanna arrived home from Lontion last week, fully recovered, we are glad to report. Following are the names of the pu pile attending S.S No.7, Elma, and gtheit standing in their classes. Names in order of merit: Fifth class --Mell. Peer, Flora Smith. 4th class--Edna Danean, Luey Peet, Walter Bell. Sr. rd cliss-- Inez Bennett, ithel Smith; Clara Peet, Charlie Hatiilton, Willis Ovans, Arthur Ellacott. Jr. 3rd class -- Magpie Hall, Jessie Ellacott, Annie Wherty, Mary Blatchford, Myrtle Row- land, Beatrice Greig, Rosie Hatherley, Fred Little, Charlie Klinefeldt, Sr 2nd eclass--Annie Hall.* Violett Wherry. Willie Hamilton, Peart Riddle and Maggie Greig (equel) Lloyd Schaefer, Stanley Dunvean. Jr. 2nd ¢liss--Flora Wherry. .Josie Matenford,..Kmma Hatherley. -- First class-- Bella Hamil- toh, Ralph Love. Total attendanee, 45 averiige attendance, 29; number on foll. 34) number Whe attended eyery day 15 PRESENTATION.--C. L. Gamble's pn pils of U. S, S. No. 4, Elma & Grey, who Were mach attached to him, on the eve of* his depxrture presented him with a beantiful wateh chain and a pair of enuff links together with the following »xddress: To U. L. Gamble. DEAR TEACRER,--With regret we have learned that your labor amongst us and for our benefit is about to close, and now in Chis parting hour, we desire to express our high appreciation of the instruetion you lave imparte to us, .and the other efforts you have made on onr behalf. We shail ever remember you wilh pleasure and grat itede, So as a slight token of our re gard for yor and as a momento of your connection with us scholars and with U.S.S No 4. Eima & Grey, we beg your acreptance of this wateh cham and these cuff links. We wish that your future lite may be prosper ous and happy aud that you may be blessed and be a biessing, dear teacher Farewell. Signed oon behalf of the scholars of U.S 8. No. 4, Elma & Grey ANNIE [LAMELTON, MINNIE STEVENSON, NELLIE GAYNOR, JOAN SMIPH Dated Dec. 18, 1897 PERTH COUNTY NEWS. Judge Barren, who succeeds Judge Woods, of Perth Co, bas been a prom inept man in Canadian polities fer some years. The Parlimentary Com panion furcishes-a sketch of bis eareer. His iamily is of Trish extraetieon, the senior brauch beimg settled in County Wexford, Ireland, represented in Parliament fer some years by Sit Henry Winstow Barron, Bart. Jndge Barron's father is Frederick Willttam Barron, a uative of England, who atter graduating at Cambridge, came to Canada, and was principal of Upper Canada Coilege, Toronto, for thirteen years The new Judge was bern an Toronto, Jvly 11, 1850, and recenved his education at Upper Canada College, Cobourg Granimar sehool and at Laval Seminary, Quebec. He was called te the Outario bar in 1872 Mr. Barron married in 1874 Elizabeth Caroline Clarice, fourth daugiter of H. Duns ford, registrar of Victoria County. Mr. Barron was appointed Q C. by the Ontario Government in 1890 He is author ot "Barron on Bills of Sale and Chattel Mortgages." and ef other legal works, Judge Barron is not alto gether a stranger to this county, his mother having been one of the Thomp son family of North Easthope. or Constipation Causes fully half the sickness in the world. [It retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, ind- Fioods gestion, bad tus, coated a tongue, sick headache, in- somnia, etc. Hood's Pills cure constipation and all its resultseasily and thoroughly. 25¢, All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Masa. The only Pills te take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wood Wanted. Tar will be received up till Jan. 15th, 1898, for ten cords of sound green maple or beech wood, 22 inches long, to be delivered at th» Met* od's* «hnrch shed, Atwood, on or be- March Ist, 1898. J. W. McBAJIN, Secretary. IF YOU HAVE Ry WEAK BACK, SAS LAME BACK, ait, BACKACHE: LUMBAGO'OR TRADEJMARK 2 HEUMATISM, Doan's KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU. DO YOUR HANDS OR PEET SWELL IF SO YOU HAVE WEAK KIDNEYS. DOAN'S PILLS WILL STRENGTHEN HAVE YOU DROPSY, KIDNEY OR URE NARY TROUBLES OF ANY KIND? IF 80, DOAN'S PILLS WILL CURE YOU. SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING, MBADACHES, DIZZINESS, FRIGHTFUL DREAMS, DISTURBED SLEEP, DROWS#- COLD CHILLS, NERVOUSNESS, ETC., ARE OFTEN CAUSED DISORDERED KIDNEYS. ~~ BVEN IF YOUR MEMORY IS DBPECTIVE YOU SHOULD ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT DOAN'S PILLS CURE ALL KIDNEY TROU- BLES, Feed EVERY DOSER THE . ; mer, Teenie Léshe, Russell Inglis, OFFICE OF R. R. DICKEY, Clerk 5th Division Court, Agent fot the best: Insus- ance Vumpanies. The $l6af Medicine Ca., Forest, Gnt., Oct. 12; i897: Deak Sins :--About two years ago f suffered froth ait attack of biliéus didtthoea which became chronic and threatened by existence, kitids of patent. medicines and was tre#ted by fot cured until £ used your Sloan's Indian Tonic. coutinned to improve and pow enjoy perfect health, it to all troubled as I was, or in need of a general invigorating medicine. I used several ay family physician; bit wad t helped me at once and | l can heartily recommend R. R DICKEY, J. P. For sale at all dealers or addtess the Company at Hamilton. Price, $1.00 per bottle ; 6 bottles for $5.00. limited quantity. be truly admired. SANTA CLAUS 44tf roceries for Christmas ! ICE new, fresh goods at J. H. McDonald's New Store, Listowel. Fresh Currants, Raisins, Peels, Figs, Dates and Canned Goods Shelled Almonds, Wal- nuts, Spices, &c., all of the new season's crop and in un- _ Potatoes are here in plentiful supply from the Wiarton district, and are of exceptionally fine quality. All the old reliable lines in FLOoUr AND FS=L, Grain, Chop, Shorts, Bran, &e. Dinner and, Jea Hots. The Newest Designs in China, Crockery and Glass- ware. See the New Designs'in 'hese goods are beautiful, and have only to be seen te Dinner and Tea Sets. Will make his headquarters here, because we keep bush- els of Cand just what Santa Claus needs for the Children. J.N. McDonald, _ P S~JOHN RIGGS desires to thank his many old acquaintanées for their friendly greetit:g and he will be very glad indeed to see them again and often, ies and Nuts, ac., ~ Listowel. J.H. MCDONALD. ' F North Perth Farmers' Instituue, The regufar meetings of the Instilute will be held in the 'Town Hall, bistowel, luesday, January, 4th, 1898. and in Grosch's Hall, Milverton, Wednesday Jan. 5th, when the following subjecis will be introduced by the delegates named: LISTOWEL, January 4, 1.30 p.m., Ist Clover Culture, Enriching and cultivating the soil, by D. Z. Gibson, B. Ss. A., Willow Grove. 2ud How toimprove a Dairy Herd, Breeding, raising and feeding swine for profit, by W. C. Shearer, Bright. EVENING SESSION, 7 30 Ist The Farmer as a Citizen by D, Z., Giuson, B. 8. A., Of Willow Grove, 2ud The Making of Prize Bread and Butter. One eye in the fields, the other in the town, by Miss Laura Rose, Assistant Instructor Dairy Depart meut ©. A. C., Guelph, 3rd Buttermaking in the Home Dairy, by W. © Shearer, Bright. MILVERTON, January 5th, 1.30 p.m. Ist Stock Feeding, Enriching and cultivating the soil by D. Z. Gibson, B. 5. A., of Willow Grove, 2nd Growing curn, and the silo, how toimprove a Dairy Herd, Breeding, raising and feeding swine for profit by W, C, Shearer, of Bright, EVENING SESSION, 7.30, ist The cultivation of the Mind, by D. Z Gibson, B. S. A., of Willow Grove. 2nd The making of Prize Bread and Butter' One eye in the fields the other in the town by Miss Laura Rose, assist- ant Instructor Dairy Department O. A. C., Guelph. 8rd Buttermaking in the Dairy by W. C. Shevrer, Bright. A. F. MeLxren, M. P., Stratford, President of the Cheese and Butter Association of Western Ontario, will address the Listowel meeting on "A better system of Buying and Sellin cheese." At Milverton his subject will be "What the Dairying Industry has done for Canada, how it can be improv- ed and what we must do to maintain our position in the British market." The evening addresses will be inter- spersed with Musical and Literary selections by Loca! talent. $97" The Ladies are especially invited to uttend the evening sessions. All are invited to attend and take part in the above meetings. Come out and Jet us learn something from your experience, #8 your presence and co-operation is respectfully requested, D. STEWART, J.D. PUGH, PResiDENT, Sec TREAS Home CURE. OLD AT ALL DRUG STORES. Hampstead, Milyerton, o> lS. Wehave the largest and choieest stock of Candies and Christmas Groceries we have ever carried. BIG VALUES IN Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Lemons, Oranges, Nuts; Bon-Bons, Candies. Choice Chocolates and Creams x specialty. Everything in Sweetmeats to delight the Little Omes, . Choice Bon-Bons, &c, for the Big Folk, : Santa Claus' Headquarters : Leake N Grocery, Atwood.

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