Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 31 Dec 1897, p. 7

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HOISIOIDOIDIINICISISIOIIISIOIORIOKIOIOIOK | Sat Aisles amen 1 one copia the, ro stout stokes, th wh sy ; sto s s ch he oe KK * SONA ; hb established, we can afford to | struck it! And there stands the rock Sd wait until the last theory of geology. | with name--I 'guess the longest word a = een tenon divine ravalarion: shall in oe Bible nd * God Among the Rocks & icc sary See ti Cash veneers anata, come ok ste copie aarti upon the geology of pedalian nomenclature, for at t that rock ey, es the Bible, or God among the Saul! was compelled to quit his pursuit Ss * rocks, t charge all agitated of David and go home and look after Se @=eese0a Kk and affrighted Uzzahs to calm =the Philistines, who were aking a *K A ; their pulses about the upsetting of the | flank movement. There were the rocks oe st at i. "k Scriptures, Let me see! For several | of Bozez and Seneh, between which hos Rev. Dr. Talmage Finds the Bible in Per- oy hundred years the oxen have been | Jonathan climbed up and sent flyin 3K oe | Jerking the ark this way and that, and ; in retreat the garrison of the uncir- --y = \e7 pulling it over rough places and trying cumecised. And yonder see David and Dx fect Accord with Geology. § to stick it in the mud of derision, and | his men hidden in the rock of Adullam ok xe ; Kicking with all the power of their | and Engedi! |} hoofs against the sharp govads, sae | But while I go on with my study of MOKNOKRNOK ANTON SOSA aS 24 MEK: 225 SKIKE sisi eeiavte ais : el g study oe > Oke ond 2k Oe PS ZOS ARS SAS ZS ) sleek PS AG OS ; trying to pull it into the cool he eology. of the.-Bible or God C3 * 7 (3 (O72 Sor > (34 Kok K ION. j . : = bad - . LNA : AY ONES WOK LOM INL STONE os if poerey from the heats of retribution Sens the rocks, get a more intelli- Wasrinne ton; "Dee -262--The throngs | anc wr) narale ; = BRihie | (rom & Gods "Awho will by no means } gent and helpful idea of divine delib- é . : i wBS | there will hardly be a book of the Bible | tear the guilty." et have you not See Hon: These rocks, the growth of coming to Dr. Talmage's "Preaching i that will not find confirmation, elther | noticed that the Rook has never been. thousands of years, ought to show the Services at the Sirst -- sbyterlan | in archaeology at geology. Exbhumed | upset? The only changes made in@ay prot mnigation of God's plans and cure church tea all the time i asing, and | Babylon, Nineveh, Jerusalem, Pyre i were by the learned friends inthe Ree far beyond the capacity of his church 'and Egyptian hieroglypHics are cryins | vision of the Serptures The Book to hold. In this sermon he discusses | out in the ears of the world: "The Bi- | of Genesis has been thundered arains @ subject interesting to all, namely, | ble is right! <All right! -- Everiastingly | phy the mightiest batteries, yet } The Geology of the Bible, or God Am- ; right?' Geology 3 *} cannot to-day find in all the earth t one the Rock e textis I] Poe? } thing, not only t leopy of the Bible which has not i We 2 , 6-7: "And when they came to N about the Seedideoe creath mM, but _ con- fifty chapters of the first copy » | wait Well, : euess we will have to ohons threshing floor, Uzzah put forth | firming so many passages of the Scrip- | pook of Genesis ever printed, starting | wait. God is never in a hurry, ex his hand to the ark of God, a1 took | tures that | can only slightly refer to i with the words "In the beginning | cept about two things. His pians hold of it; for the oxen shook it, And them. Choe ind closing with Joseph's coffin, sweeping through eternity, b We anger of the Eom eben AE ia | But you do not really believe that | Fierce attack on the Book of Exodus | yond our comprehension. ainst Uzzah, and God smote him there | Bory of the deluge, and the sinking | has been made because they said it | such wide cirele, such : yer error; and there he died by the | the. mountains under te Wave? | was cruel to drewn Pharaoh, and the j rev volution; such infinitude, that ark of God.' on tee : i " eit us something we can believe. "Be- | story of Mount Sinai was improbable. | cannot compass them. ndeed, he im \ band of music is coming down the | jieve that," says Genioey: "for how do ! But the Book of Exodus remains in- | would not be much of a God whom rvind, cornets blown, timbrels Hast you account for those sea shells and | tact. and not one of us, considering the | Wwe could th arotenis understand. That esd thrummed and cymbals clapped. | coq weeds and skeletons of sea animals | cruelties which he would have contin- | would not be much of a father who all led on by David. who was himself found on the top of some of the high- | ued among the brick kilns of Bevpt i had no thoughts or pians larger than a musician, They are est mountains? If the waters did not ; would have thrown Pharaoh a plank his babe of one year could compass eran NS aalddene nes the acres teeta sometimes rise about the mountains, | if we had seen him drowning, And | If God takes millions of years to mak+ os ec Ark. "he yoke of UXEN | how did those sea shells and sea weeds | Mount Sinai is to-day a pile of tossed one roe k, do not let us become critical irawene the meeon paperless it, SOME | and skeletons of sea ne get there? | and tumbled basalt, recalling the cata- ; if He takes twenty vears, or 2 cen- crities say that the oxen Kicked, being ; pig you put them ther iclysm of that mountain when the law | tury, or several centuries to do that struck with che driver's goad, but-my | But. now, you do at really believe | was given. And, as to those Ten which we canila like to have done im- Knowledge of oxen leads me to SAY: nat story about the storm of fire and | Commandments, all Roman law, all | mediately. Do not repeat the folly of that if on a hot day they see a shadow : brimstone whelming Sodom and Go- | German Jaw, all English law, all Amer- | those nahh conclude there is no God, or oat fese or wall, they are amt to sud= ; norrah, and enwrapping Lot's wife in | ican law worth anything, are squarely that He is not in sympathy with the aenly shy off to get the coolness of the | such saline 'encrustations that she | founded on them. So mighty assault , tight and the good, because He does psa I think these oxen so sud: 'halted n sack of salt? For the con- | for centuries has been made on th not do certain things in the ne we Cemy ornet that the. sacred DOX | Grmation of that story the geologist | Book of Joshua, It was said that the | set apart for their performance. os about to upset and be thrown, ooo. ty that region, and after trying | Story of the detained sun and moon is | But that was not a slip of the TON BRE Sean oe yore U api rushed forward | i) vain to take a swim in the lake, so }4n insult to modern astronomy, but | when I said that God Is ne ba in a and 1 he Hales nalts ark to x j thick with salt he cannot swim it-- | that Book of Joshua may be found to- " except pe lier two things. is - Nhe 1 had Sitacbiea : the lake beneath which Sodom avid | day in the chapel of every university = two things are, when he gees tO f eas se siehotnaeas ha been nh Gomorrah He buried--one drop of the |} in America, in deflance of any telescope a repentant sinner and comfort pete ee ne Oey Save Che PUES Tt water so full of aulphur BG brimstone | projec ted from the roof of that univer- ne mourner. The one divine under any circumstances should touch i that it ie gs your tong and for {| sit The Book of Jonah has been set for in the parable of that box. Nervous, and excited. and | jours you cannot get rid a 'the naus- | the ti urget of ridicule for the small wit prodigal son, when it says "the irreverent, Uzzah disobeyed when he | % i phic hela fe ; it} r te He s old d I suppos took hold of wana fees a ai ne, | eating drop--the scientist then digging | for ages; but there it stands, with its father ran v d, an "i pI peers ue ate a eae ne a eo, | down and finding sulphur on top of | four chapters invlolate, while geology he had as much as he oule eae : = oe = ages, and never! cuiphur, brimstone on top of brim- j Puts up in its museums remains of sex wall Dut the sight uh his bad shee eee bate = so » there i stone, While all found there are jets, ; Monsters capable of doing more than | coming home limbered sees 12es tt Peale rice Cae Thuc eat | and crags, and peaks of salt, and if | the one which swallowed the recreant I 'ngthened the Sr er kanes vi pivastte ae t se Holy Bible, Ww er lone of them did not become the sarco- | prophet. There stands the one thous- the ae ee repre eh athletic Stra' hey Pye eae Sia Sa ; i phaeus of Lot's wife, they show you | #nd and eighty-nine chapters of the é ; He S into Fou y pada Dich SSE USE Mt FEEL i how at : being ixht in that tem- Bible, notwithstanding all the attacks j OF it with fu daa that science, and especially a2 Auman bee might In that ire tepeat it through all heaven W uld overthr v it Whi pest have been halted and packed in- | of ages, and there they will stand un- a Ri ps a it O. souk f rth st if o oO Tae ' "T ather ré sO esto os 4 white : at would defy.| til they shrivel up in the final fires, Sh ed oy skepeon not forbidden to touch the . lena: ee MOnUInent CHAE woul OFry ie ApRaspe-eau ass, SIstso0jOes yorya ; come back! and God, your father, will and, on the 'ontrar "_ j wren ers = 2 = z nae | COME O tt eet ¥c full ru The fondle and geht ar pay ee *} But, now, you do not really believe | dled and glow hotter than the furnaces | stata ut aes et oon e Ae Bee a yoy steht is i that New Testament story about the | ef am ocean steamer as it puts out from | Other time wh % . ; afraid of the overthrow of th cet cet i ' atioh 4 Ne York N; Hamt - | when a troubled soul calls for comfort. zreat! "nding ' | earthquake at the time Christ was | New York Narrows for AMDULE it . i rETes ; iy sreatly offending the Lord with his un- Sa ae Ries . ee Southam ston. i should tw nd rT | Then the Bible represents the divine belie The oxen have not yet been | crucified, do you? Geology digs down | * an ts Hs |} gait and swins d velocity by the ; : 5 *alvaty inds the | from the crypt of ancient citie the Git ana: Swink. SH Seoeney : voked Mihs can viinaee that k ¢ | into Mount Calvary, and finds the I eee py ine: "Be thou like a roe or the world's saluation Weiter pte. | rocks ruptured and aslant, showing | inspired manuscripts of Matthew. Mark, | reindeer, saying: "Be the at : the work's salvation. Written by the | apes = Luke i } in th } i } 'a young hart on the mountains oi Lord Al a hes Serre eke as s ~ the work of an especial earthquake 4zuke and John, in their chirography, ; ©: Ree a PERRET a pong ty ord Almighty, He is going to protect | : ; eae ; would be taken. and epistles. which | Bether. That parenthesis is put in it until its mission is fulfilled uid: 2 Which did not touch the surrounding i a py s : thinking that there may be some re- % es a "ing ; "agri 30 i < for v self, < Paul dictated to his amanuensis, as well te ee aia icky ae there shall be no more neeg | region. Go and look for yourself, and pase SS | pentant sinner who wants to find par- ; : Aa aa ee 1 see "re ¢ ' leavage rocks | #S the one the apostle's own: hand- | Pent : ; f sible scAnse. of} 2 see there a dip and cleavage of rocks | #5 1 in } | 3 3 of a Bible, because all its prophecies | 5€ Mak tne hapageh St seo! Writing At the same ratio of arch- | 207 or some mourning soul who needs will have been fulfilled and -- the | 2& Rownhers began Sadie ape ih ,. |avological and geological confirmation | COMfort, and therefore I mention the human race ill hav exchanged | SY thus announcing an especial earth- BE the aaetinive: des ' patene _ |} two things about which Goc in. a worlds A trumpet and a violin are quake for the greatest tragedy of all ci Heian When s Bini _ corn brent hurt Aa, ded toi al eee en oh Cie ae thar et ; vhen the tru 0 sible wi 19 | STE very different instruments, but they th SUR UEhee AF SE eeme aOR: NEES nore be canted thane chip Rareentin ae | But concerning all the vast things may be played in pierfect accord cs, | Sen of God, manac. which colleen thi Agvi ind ' of God's government of the universe, the Bible account of the creation of the j But you du not réeaily believe that the months oft ay ana the ARE | be patient with the carrying out of world and the geological account are | story of the ae of our world at bellevers ill be peandinted harmless plans beyond our measurement. Nat- different. One story Written on | the last day Geology digs down and Sbes es 'unna ang | Uralists tell us that there are insects lunatics, Forward the telescope and yarchment and the other onthe rocks, | 4nds that the world is already on fire. hotonl het. 1 Which are born and die within an I irchm at it ! t k I I ! id I i fi the Spectroscape and the chemical bat- hicl t d ii itt and yet in perfect and eternal accord. | and that the center of this globe is STAI oottloa lier eeaTinGl That Dae hgur, and that there are several gen fhe word "day," repeated in the first | incandescent, molten, volcanic, 2 Ray of thé oces an depths he the | erations of them in one day; and if one chapter of Genesis, has _ thrown into | burning coal, burning out towards the | pones of the eat aa splansetd on the | Of: those July insects of an hour shone paroxysms of criticism many excgetes. | surface, and the internal flres have so | gravelly hilltops! And the mightier,and , 82%: "How slow everything goes fhe Hebrew word "Yom" of the Bible | fay reached the outside rim that I do | the grander. and the deeper anc "the i ove In the chrysalis State by a means sometimes what we call a day. | a > how the world is to keep from } higher the explorations the better for wondrous instinct that I would find tie ind sometimes it means ages; it may conflagration until the pro- | our eause. As sur cathe th underbolts | (his world seasons of the year--spring, mean Aedes gn hours or a hundred concerning it are. fulfilled. | of the Almighty fare atrongér thansthe] ce one as Bis million yea Tl 'reation, va poured forth from _ the tee 'ns of aENOstIC "S the ark of God ! where Te the autumnal forests: uphol- as written in the frenesis, IS mouths of Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and on unhurt, and Uazzah needa | 5° and where are the glori- the order of cere discovered DY Cot topaxi, and Kilanea fs only the re- ts tis ; with orchards waving i ade : ye + std S (hisses . ro fore a Rag see : { age ie surgitation from an awful canaereens apocalyptic in Jeeaeseperbe se aia Bi pies a a ae oO e . 8 ou for - < ce of * a 74 re hen mid&t o x 3 uw pas : re ar ) ver Oo ow ) e e ou s tic dis- tion thousinds Ot miles de p. There midst of heaven APBMathitne to all na there are anv autumns or LSpeinipeliiee ' : Ff ars . Bibi nee i are mines in Pennsylvania and nj} tions, and kindred, and people ind . oe seat aaah " a . Se sland hat SseVeral parts of the world that have | tongues the unsearchable riches of Je went the matter whet ; gs ae WOK been on fire for many years. nese | sus Christ is mighti@r than. the shy- the Bible i See i < coal mines burning down and the in- | ing off of a yoke of oxen. ' 4 ' j ving - i : ning on . ! that. firs ck; then | (ernak Ares the earth burning up The geology of the Bible shows that | t the plants urth hen , "fter a while these two fires, the de-| our religion is not a namby-pamby, | 1 marine cre eted scending and the ascending, _ will 'ryeless, dilettantish religion. It was | seasons, minnow to Cay meet, and then will occur the univer- | projected and has been protected by | ity, for ieee throats of 'rial choirs wer: sal. conflagration of he hich the Bible] the God of the Rocks. Religion a | was young, and before I was imprison- and tuned, and _ the quadrupeds he speaks when it SAYS: The elements baim? ©, yes. Religion a soothing | ed in: this cage, 1 brushed their to bleat, and bellow, and née shall melt with fervent heat the | power? ©, yes. Religion « beautiful | ous leafaze and their fragrant - is all this fuss hi arth also, ind the works that ar sentiment? O, yes ut we must have | soms with my own wing. You live an the church therein shall be burned aah Instead | a God of the Rocks, a mighty God to | hour: T have lived 30 years. But in one i of disbelieving the Bible story about | defend, an omnipotent God to acl of' my fii up, the gat the final conflagration, since tT have un force able Overcome all other eat Open for a soul to go in or a looked a little into geology. finding | forces in the universe. Rose of Sharon raph to come out. I heard "the choirs 1 that its explorations are all in the | and Lily of the Valley is He, combin- chanteur, "From everlasting to. ever- i line of confirmation of that prophecy, | ation of all gentleness and tenderness | lasting Thou art God." And it was an ' | wonder how this old craft of a ind sweetness? yes. But if the | antiphonal in which all heayen re- |} World cen keep sailing on much long mighty forces now arrayed for the de- | sponded From She Bt daal to ¢é er. Itvis like a ship on fire at sea, | struction of the nations are to be met asting TPhou art God, ©, man st the fact that the hatches are kept} and conquered, we must have a God | Woman! so ras ont earthly house t down the only reason that it does not | of the Rocks. The "Lion of Judah's | ence is concerned, only the insect of ; ished for comfortable residence. Sud- | become one complete blaze--masts on | Tribe.' as well as the "Lamb who was | hour, be net impatient with the work denly the owner cal in Shatatercis fire, ratlins on fire, everything from | slain One hundred and thirty times | ings of the Omnipotent and the Eter- plumbers, fas-fitters, paper-hangers, | Cutwater to taffrail on fire. After | does the Bible speak of the Rock as | al and in one week {ft is r . 'cu- | geology has told us how near the in- | defense, as armament, as refuge, as Pi 2 ray as ] f é > in ¢ & 4 case bats High Chimneys pancy. ow, it requires ternal fires have already burned their | overpowering strength David, the y of im: ixinatio to realis Way toward the surface; it ought not | psalmist, lived among the rocks, and The honor of possessing the highest could have he *n mitions to be a surprise to us at any time to they reminded him of the Almizhty. | chimney in the weer re eh to Glas- n ' e rer hear the ringing of the fire bells of a | and he ejaculates: "The Lord liveth gow, Scotland, where there are tio world tog universal conflagration. O, I am so | blessed be my rock." "Lead me to th stacks of SGaEA! pacha ae SNE One of re to glad that geology has been ~ born. | rock that is higher than I." And then, | these--the Townsend shaft, at Port to furnish it for human} Astronomy is grand, because it telis | @s if his prayer had been answered, | Dundas--has a total height of 468 member pea hat all | us about other worlds; but I must} he feels the strength come into his | feet, with a diameter at the base of ible the language | say that I am more interested in our soul, and he cries out: "The Lord is | 32 feet and at the top of 13 feet used-- om mon par- | world than in any other world, and my rock "He shall set me up upon | 4 inches. The structure weighs about always to be | geology teiis us all about what it | 4 zack .Would the Bible present 4/8000 tons. There is a chimney at reer oes eggs es ry | was, its cradle, and what will be its | 8U nine CEU of motherly ,despera- Cologne which is 441 feet high, with : hte V en it grave. And this glorious geology is tion in defense of her children, it-| 9 diameter at the square base o' pheroidal--tat- proving itself more and more the | Shows us Rizpah on the rock for three 39 f and at the round te of 11 nd protuberant at ank God for | months, with disheveled 'hair and wild | po. o) oe OS Maer t I tu int a friend of theology Thank God for] months, with disheve nair and wilc . . = : ai abs a ; i i eh . . . : feet 6 inches. Its welght is about i : ; : Snell, with 'iS | the testimony of ihe rocks; the Ten | Screams, fighting back vultures and 5,500 tons. Another towering chimney : langles, and Srof. Varin, | Commandments announced among the | Jackals from the corpses of her sons. ; 'ak Fea with the shortened pendulur e ht : . v ; : 3 agi on the continent is that at the Royal tne § rtene pendulum of his | eptit rocks of Sinai: the greatest ser- Would the Bible set forth the hardne mmBltiog neki ' Sreil we clock, found it was not round; but we | mun of Christ preached on the basal- | Of the heart and the power of gospel yaa mg .WOPKE, near Freiburg, in do not become critical of any tic rocks of the Mount of Beatitudes: | tO oVercome'it, it tells of the "hammer | 54xony. It is built upon the top of suys the world is round = al | the Savior dying on the rocks of Gol,| that breaketh the rocks to pieces." | % hill, where it stands isolated, and us fairly with Mosesser Job us we de | eotna ay i buried amid the limestone | uld our Lord represent the, durabil- | 1% 460 feet high. The most costly with each other MAR Let at Shem cA idea Barn bral Atari ana se obaneamnaed He Yt is c wh nainst all ass: chimney in the world is in Bradford rocks of Joseph's sepulchre; the last | ity of His church against all assault, : : aalord, But for years good people feared day ta) be usheraa: Gc withow pantie He says: "Upon the Rock will I build | England, at the famous Manningham geology, and without any imploration e yonka na nae blessed ee eters My church, and the gates of hell shal] | milly. The shaft js a remarkable struc- on their part, apprehendéd that the suiveiy: entities an ek chee not vrevail against it.' Would He | ture architecturally, and js the most rocks and mountains would fall on T this day proclaim the banns of a | !08¢ His sermon on the Mount with a prominent feature in the landscape in them, until Hugh Miller, the elder of marriagé between geology and the- | Peroration that would resound through | that part of Yorkshire. Ib is 256 St. John's Presbyterian chure h in Edin- | - ' centuries, standing on a rock so high | feet 6 inches high, and 21 feet square burgh a ishi ology, the rugged Ber Pai and the het : ' reh, and parishioger of Dr. Guthrie, fairest of brides. "et th m join thelr that it overlooks Lake Galilee to the | It contains 8, tons of material, came forth and told the world that hands and: "whom . God. rath foined right, and on a clear day overlooks the | and cost rather more than $50,000. there was ye contradiction between $6 sthe let t am it wander?? Mediterranean to the left. I hear Him the mountains and the church: and § Xs 32h DOL RD A eaenenetaer ete stamp His foot on the rock beneath To Capture Queen Bees. O. M. Mitchell, 2 brilliant lecturer be- If anything in the history or condi- | yim as He cries to the surging multi- ; fore he beca a brigadier- general tion of the earth seems for the time | tudes at the base of that alee "Who- SRE nincaenhy daca nina ig re NaN neha dying at Beaufore Ke. aur our} Contradictory of anything in geology. | <javer heareth these sayings ct Sine they attempt to leave a hive a frame civil war, took the platform. and spread you must remember that geology is | anq doeth them, I will iiken him unto | & placed over the opening, having 8 his map of the strata of ro the | 411 the time correcting itself, and |, wise man, which built his house op depending screen, with openings lar . presence of great audiences: aba Prof, | More and more coming to harmonisa- | on a rock; and the rain descended, and Ongh % permit the passage of th eietender Winchell, of Michi j. | tion with the great Book. In the last Ae re dcabs worker bees, ber of Michigan un the floods came, and the winds blew, rsity, a Prof. ylor Lewis, of | Cémtury the French Scientific associa- | anq beat' upon that house; and it fell | °°U& being set on a partition in the v inion college, showed that the "with- | tion printed a list of eighty theories not; for it. was founded upon a rock." | Centre of the frame aud opening into t form and void" of the first chapter | Of geology which had been adopted Ah, my friends! wé want a swarthy, a |2 removable chamber. a of 'aneae was the very chaos out of | 4nd afterward rejected. Lyell, the | stalwart, a brawny Feligion crawl through the cones into which the world was formulated,the | Scientist, announced fifty theories of How much the rocks have had to do the trap aud can then be taken out. -- of packing together the | S®0logy 'that had been believed in and 7 fa God in all ! Seer with the cause. o n ages! land, and. oe up the mountains {| @fterwards thrown overboard. Mean-| tie wilderness God's Israel were ae Princess: 'Hohenlohe, wife of the Ger- into great heights, and Sinaia fown while the story of the Bible has not with honey out of the eset w the | ian Imperial Chancellor, is dead. She ¢ seas into their great changed at all, and if has | rock of Horeb da fore God gets mec with this on 5 cast out between one and two hun- back in gushing, rippling, aE ono water for iad been suffering from inflammation the lungs. DON'T FROWN: Only a frown! yet it pressed a sting sae the fone which had been The Fed rose turned to a scentiless The bird song: ceased with discordant Auk a heart was PAY. and sad. aay a smile! yet it cagt a spell Ove me the 4 wilcii had been so Saray ; Phe aie made music wherever it fell, The were sung the song of a marriage And a heart was light ang gay. Pleasure Even in a Picnic Colonel Yerger-- Well, how do you like the pic 2 Gilhooley--I was sv ad ta get home again that I was Sind T wen Chip of the Old Block You would imagine that tha devil in a2 man would finally run out in his sons, but it doesn't; every son is like his father.--Atechison Globe. SONG 'Have you seen Love?" I usked. * Nogono,"' oe answer was "Vin sure,' 'he's here, if that he I saw him this way run, § "aid mot pass. would not, could not brave The bordering brambles' wrth." "No, no," slie said; " "Love is not here, I know." The while from her bright eyes He laughed and bent hia brow. away ! Used to it. "I'm sorry your papa is dead," said a lady to a Chicago tittle girl, whose mit mm had buried several husbands. "Oh that's nothing," replied the child; "my papys often die." Tne Right Kind of a Girl. He--Will YO pive me one kiss She--f f let you liave one wii you be satisfied e-- Never. She--Then.take-it. GLORY ENOUGH. The youth stood on the gridiron Whence all his foes had fled, His confrades lay upon the field Aji broken-limbed or dead. His collar bone His ribs in His system su He searce But wis out of joint, fractures were. disorganized could breathe or stir joy unmeasured lit his eye And overwhelmed his soul, And all the world bowed down ty him, For he had kieked a goal Very Sram: She--I camt marry you, but | want you to he a dear friend always, won't you He--I'm afraid 1 can't. You see, the lady who will marry me will very like- ly object toa that t Aor' of thing. It Suited Him Nodd--My father-in- law and | have bought a horse and carriage together. odd--How do. you aT ee about dividing up the ex Nodd--Easy enough. He keers the lorse and T keen arcs? carriage. THE POET'S Mp SAGRE FARE, 'Will you suy grace?' the poet asked, \ the minister took his seat: ANC. (ga pa iamaind, the good man sai (Pe "Ol Lord, what are we to eat?" Fired Employer-- What's your name ? New Office Doy---Dey call me tndia Rubber. Employer--How did you ever get such a strunge name? By--Mr farder give it to "e T git bouneed so often. Needs to Keep Calling. " J have heen so unlucky this fall "Tn what way * Our clergyman has called ree times, and e time tlie maid told him I had Ae toa progressive cuchre party." A RUDE AWAKENING I dreamt I dwelt in a marble hat, With vassals at my beck and call Just then I heard 'my darling shout : "Come, John, the furnace fire's out! Get up and start it'--well, that's all! oe nee esuts "Who is going to te the editor- ials ?" asked ts iactlaltiee person. "The which?" said the lady who was promoting the "Woman's Edition.' "Oh, the editorials. Why, I believe Mrs. Gratebrain wrote tii most of them last summer." Applied at the Wrong Place. Young Jourtialist--I would like to have some advice as to how to run a newspaper successfully. Veteran Editor-- Sorry, wy lad: you've come to the wrong person. | am only the editer of the onda set- ter consult one of my subscrib _ Omaha Tv nion. A Weather Indication. "It is now time for us to announce that winter has come," said the boss of the Weather rg Siae "Well, I wouldn't too hasty about it," cautioned his Bite ues: no- tice that our callers still close the door after them when they go out." --New York Journal. Manage the World; Neglect Home. "Mrs. Clingstone is always talking about the bringing up of other peo- ple's children. © Are her own .© won- derful ?" * Well, I know that her boy goes out nights." never eee I never aaw him." the penitentiar, hoy ? "No. He is in ys

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