Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 31 Dec 1897, p. 6

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Late Gossip --of the-- Round World. Wien Miss Frances I. Willard's un- enumerated birthday was celebrated by the Philadelphia Woman's Christian Temperance union one lady offered this toast or sentiment: "rances Willard--never in. war, aiwate for, peace and first in the hearts of her comrades. asthe embodiment of all that is best and noblest in her sex." Son expert declares that a sixty- minute engagement between two big [leéts of the modern type would involve a cost of over £500,000. And this estimate takes inte view only expenditure of ammunition and wear and tear of epi iving out of con- sideration dan > to and loss of ves- sels, which rent amount to millions of ale lars electric road will soon be built front New York to Philadetphia that will, it fs said, enable passengers to make the journey at the rate of 200 miles an hour. Tesla says the scheme is feasibie and that the speed can with- out difficulty be attained, and with- sot Inconvenfence to the travelling pub- ic. \n caribou, or reindeer, of foundiand roam over an aren of some 25,000 miles of unbroken wilderness. ive magnificent creatures, some The New- of larger stags weighing from 500 to 609 pounds. As might be ex- pected, venison is pretty plentiful in St. John's market, and has been sold for as steele as 5 cents a pound. The royal baron. of beef which al- Ways appears cold on Queen Victoria's sideboard Christmas day at Osborne is invariably cut from one of the bul- tks bought at the Quéen's annual 'mish farm, ae Re eg ~O sheep, sold. farm, there wii! be 30> bullocks Towle, This year 100 swine and to De Mire Nw Lhe Lucy §&. of Northfield, has just come into some money ini ulexpected way. Thirty-six years ago the sun of 32,000 was deposited in the Somersworth bank by Samuel Lord and there it has remained, ac- cumulating interest. Recently the bank iwudvertised for heirs, and Mrs, Towle proved that she was Mr. Lord's granddaughter. Upon completion of certain formalities the bank will pay | Common among the young girls of the the lady $8,667.87. present day, and one which is certain eames to terminate fatilly if not promptly Av ineubator nursery is to be op- ---- i the blood enriched and ca weee' &F _ ' ; : renewed. aving discovered a remedy GIS sik New York. It is to be a semi- | that will achieve this happy result public institution. The apparatus has | Miss O'Neil is willing that less for- beer imported. So have the members | tunate sufferers may reap the benefit of the medical staff of the institu- | of her experience. To a correspondent tion. A number of local physicians | of the Record, Miss O'Neil related the have visited the place and passed on | story of her illness and cure. She its possibilities. The origins ttor of tsaid: "1 helieve that had I not begun this novel addition to the list of met- {the use of | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Topolitan sights is the son of Imre | my trouble would have ended fatally. Kiralfy. |My illness came about so gradu: 'y oe ithat I can senres say when The city of Birmingham now builds j began. The first toms " re a amd runs its strect railways. gas j loss of color, and eeling of tired- works, electric lighting piant, water | Us following even moderate exer- : est j} tion. Gradually L became as pale as supply plant and Turkish batt [tl corpse, and was extremely nervous. buys the food that is sold im the mar- |-ppen | was attacked with' a pain in ket of Birmingh am and owns the mar- ) the side, which daily grew more and kat. selling the food itself. It 'builds | more interise Icoughed a great deal houses for artisans and rents them. land finally grow so weak: that if I Tt owns and operates a farm, a print- | wert upstairs [ had to rest when | ing establishment and a woolen mill. | reaehod the top. My appetite for- It is in the PIs iNet tad Putts | sook me. | was subject to spells of diz- paw nshops. 'ziness, and severe lieadaches and was ; 7 ean ir aduali y Wasting away until | fos Near Whitechapel, in one of the poor- | ait interest in fife. L bad tried a nuim- est and most squalid districts in Lon- | don, is the. Rothschild school, the larg- est in the wor'd, educating 3,500 chil- | dren, belonging mostly to the poorest | foreign Jews, and having a staff of 100 | It was founded forty-five | a Rothschild of that | always been presided | over by one of the family, the present | » in this apparently While reading «a newspaper JI saw a statement Of «a younr lady wise syipptoms were almost identical with my own, whose health had been re- stored through the use of Dr. Wil- \liagms' Vink fills. This statement pears, 113 wolves, 24 lynx 0,4 ags, 60,252 roebucks, 7709 gates 2.998 wild boars, 26,411 Learn 9,729 poleca ts, 1,055 otters, 2,672 b adgers, 388 marmots and no fewer tha 1,429, 184 hares. The totals for feath- ered game are 4 er grouse, 1, Sate wild geese, 102,748 _ 12,652 cock, 7,514 nie and 28,914 wild ducks. The birds or prey shot were 561 eagles, 38,610 owls, 1,865 horned owls, and 106,353 hawks, kestrels, kites and vultures. The formalities p nte ceding murriage in France, Which have hitherto been of a formidable character, have ad. modified, no doubt in view of daw indling population of the somatic: Men over 25 and women over 21 can now be united without the consent of their parents, after presenting a sin- gle respectful notification of their intent, and waiting el month Ph proceeding to extremes. Consenting parents are no foaaer obliged tohave recourse to u notary and a formal deed, but may go to the municipal office-and register the permission free of cost. When the parents are divorced the consent of the innocent party will suffice, and when they are dead, missing or imprisoned, 2 mere oath, duly scbior Sen will serve im place of legal re) POVERTY OF THE BLOOD, A Trouble That is Making the Lives of Thousands Miserable, cs --- 14 It Brings in Its Train, Nervousness, Pains in the Back and Side, Head- aches, Heart Pulpitation and Results Fatally Where Bfficacious Treatment is Not Resorted to. the N. B., Record.) are miny ways in which peo- (From There SUSSEX, ple nay" prove henefactors of the human race. There are those who of their abuudiunee spend large sums in erecting publie buildings and beauti- fying public parks. Others spend their money in charituble work and in alleviating the sufferings of less fortunate fellows, and for these icts these people are honored. The person who, having obtuined relief from sick- ness und mikes public the means by Which health was regained, is none the less a public benefactor. Among these latter is (Mi Elena O'Neil daughter of Mr. -:imes O'Neil well- to-do farmer, near Millstream, King's county, > Miss O'Neil was attacked with annemia (poverty of the blood), a trouble unfortunately too but found no relief. hopeless condition, ber of medicines, Wags 80 encouraging that | determin- The gratifying ante following the | Pink Pills, in the | luse of Dr. Williams' ren Rotuschid row performing that | kd gl 1 woul try this medicine. office. Free breakfasts are given each | in niv eppe, as in tlunt of the young morning to all the chiftdrer who wish | !aaly honv'l had, read about, the re- them, no questions being asked jsult wee marvellous The pain in ceivinons jmy side from whieh t had suffered The reports that come from Viadivo- iso much, disappeared, my nerves were stok show that Russia's great north- strengthened, iny xppetite returned . gual my hole system seemouk to he ern seaport can be kept open easily | strengthened and renewed. t am | during the winter by means of anew now af well as any member in the | and powerful ice breaker. A section of family and have not) known what | seawall has just been begun which, | sickness was since I discontinued the | when completed, will give an opportu- | "Ss of Dr. Williams' Pink !'ills. | nity for loading and unloading the} My gratitude towards this grand | largest ships. The terminus of the Si-| medicine is unbounded aud [ hope my | berian Railway is to be on this sea- Statement may be the means -- of | wall, which will givea water frontage | bringing encourageme ~ and health | 2 third of a mile long. {tu some other suffere | | } A New York fad this season is drink- | Avenue and men ing buttermilk. The Fifth Hote! has the finest in the world, swarms of well-known business and politicians stop on the way down- , town in the morning to get a glassful. j It is better and safer in the heated term than liquor. A few years ago buttermilk in the north was fec pigs or thrown out with the kitchen slops. Southerners have been but-/ termilk drinkers from time imme-| morial. A popular lunch, down in| Dixieland is buttermilk, molasses and | corn bread. In Constantinople daily and weekly papers are published in a glozen dif- ferent. languages, but they © must submit all advance proofs. to a Gov- ernment censor, who permits nothing to be printed without his mark of "harmless." One of the censor's rules is to cut out all news of assaults on erowned heads. The death of Presi- dent Carnot was given to the Turk- ish public as caused by an illness last- ing several days. Austria is the finest sporting, coun- try in Europe...The number of pre- serves, not counting those in Hun- gary, is etated at 16,864, and on these there were shot in 1887 82 to | ease of Miss O'Neil prove that ther are unequalled as a blood builder and nerve tonic. In the case of young girls who are pale or sallow, listless, troubled with a fluttering or palipi- | tation of the heart, weak and easily ; 'tired, no time sliould be lost in taking | a, course of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, | * whieh will speedily enrich the blood ! nud bring a rosy glow of health to | the cheeks. They are a specific for troubles peculiar 'to females, such is | Po ing rcs irregularities and = all forms of wenkness. In men they ef- | fect a radical cure iu ail cases arising ifrom mesital worry, overwork, or ex- cesses of whatever nature. Dr. Willianis' Pink Vills are sold in boxes: (never in loose form by 'the dozen or huniined) at 50 cents a box, or six for $2.50, and may be ! had of all druggists or direct by mail | from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont. Continuous Performance. Stuttering Lover--M-m-mildred, is th-th-there any obstacle that et-st- st-at-st-stands b-b-b-b-between us? Demure Maiden--Nothing, Harold, but the impediment in your epeech. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. } ing | Corn | kneed"' persons in the bour of danger. | people yess are frequently "shocked" by the langu of Bycvr friends. Thunder -- the benefit of pe who are * th undorstrack' SIGNIFICANCE OF PREFIX. Von" Beforea Name Implies agpaiad But "Van" Means Nothin It is a common mistake Ge hoes who speak only English to suppose that the prefix * " before a Dutch name signifies nobility. In the "low countries" at is, in the ; of the Netherlands aud of van" las no particular meaning. Names with "van" are to be read on shops as well us on the doors of the most istocratic mansions. The humblest persons liave them as well as the most exalted, and a great num- ber of the very oldest families are without it. in Germany ** von" implies noblilty, and ull persons who yan belong to the nobility prefix '" von" to their family names bat eae any exception. Persons who be- long to the nobility cantoWaunve the right to put " ae before their | names. A man who is knighted for some llowever, has the same right to put "von" before his fam- | ily name us iu person of ancient nobil- | ty, For instance, when Alexander | Humboldt wen knighted he. became | Alexander Yon Humboldt. All descendants, male and female, the prefix.--St. Louis Republic. reason, his | take We Wonder. We wonder how miuny degrees higher : in ia scale of humanity our football fighters are than bnill-fighters and prize-fighters? And how many grees higher in the scale of humanity the great multitudes of college stu- | dents and others who witness and bet their own (and perhaps sometimes other people's) money on these fights, are than the ae and women who used to go to the pose amphithes 1- tres two thousand year go? i whether it is not quite ne important to the future of our country and the world to humanely educate the hea- then in our own colleges and schools, as to send out so many millions to edu- cate the far less dangerous heathen in distant lands ?--Geo. T. Angell, in Our Dumb Anim Deatness Cannot be Cured By local applications as they cun-* not reach the diseased portion "of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an fn- flamed condition of the mucous lin- ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when is entirely closed, Deafness is the and unless the inflammation can tuken out and this tube re- stored to its normal condition, hear- ing will be destroyed forever: nine easee Out of ten are caused by Catarrh, whieh is nothing but an inflamed cor- dition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by eatarrh) that cannot be cured by flall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cireu)- urs: free. E. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0 Sold ag 'Druggists, 5c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Bradstreet: or Trade Winter rat of shipment . the 'anadian Dominion have had au ten- eee to check the onc i poer- ¢handise from Montreal, whe the arrival of the season for stock 'taking has emphasized that situation. Ad- vices from Halifax are "that colder weather has stimulated demand froin the interior, and from Prince Edward Island that the cheese industry, by the reason of eg aid, is now more prosperous. Ther vere 34 fail- ures reported from the Bemiuion Canada last week, compared with : the previous week, 36 in the week 2} year ago and 52 two years ago. Bank | Clearings at W inniper, Hamilton, To- | ronto, Montreal, Halifax and St. John, | B.. amounted to $22,816,000 last! week compared with $27,720,000 the } previous week and as contrasted with : $18,258,000 in the week one Year} ago. Dropsy and Heart Disease. A and a. great »ati- ten years I veka Heart Disease, Flutter- Heart «and Smothering Spells, made my life a torment. Iwas confined to my bed. Dropsy set in. My physician told me to prepare for the worst. I tried Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose gave me great relief, one bottle cured the dropsy and my heart."--Mrs. James Adams. Syracuse, N. great cure mony 'Fo greatly from ing of the Confirmation. : Pastor--That tenor of ours has marvelous voice. He can hold one his notes for half minute. Brown--lI've held one of for two years. zt of his notes The Probabilities Are that your temper will improve, and you will enjoy walking and skat- in real earnest once that = sore is removed. Putuam's Painless Extractor never fails, gives no pain and will relieve you in twenty- four hours. Give Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor a trial.and be happy. corn New Inventions Wanted. ogee heais--For the people who 'jose the heads" at critical mo- nen on ts. A stump- derail people who =< denly become "'roo spot A brace--For the » of "weak- An are frequently "transported with light." anchor--For holding people who i de- A grindstone--For people who "grind their eal in a moment of anger. Insulatorse--For the use prudish rsons pee they receive unexpected news. --Chicago Record. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Germafiy's export of beer, which in 1885 amounted to 6, , has gradually decreased to little more ee hait that sum annually, owing increase of native breweries Sir Charles Tupper arrived at New , 'York on the steamer Majestic. the "24 other European countries. Pills. style, though you couldn't match j them last year bee: ause the goods were | ahead of the fashions i want, D-O-D-D-S THE PECULIARITIES OF THIS WORD. No Name on Earth So Famous--No Name More Widely Imitated. No name on earth, perhaps, afi well known, more peculiarly structed, widely initated the word DODD. It @ peculiarity that makes it stand out inently and fastens it in the contains four bettpec but only two lettera of the Mic bag aoe that bod th kidney r paten 'orm se een DO DD'S. Tete ie- covery startled the medical profession the world over, and revolutionized the i horker ete & kidney disease. io imitator has ever succeeded in onsirusine & name possessing the peculiarity of DODD, though they nearly all adopt names as similar as Possible in sound and construction to this. Their foolishness prevents them realizing that attempts to imitate crease the fame of Dodd's Kidney is the name " Dodd's Kidney Pile' * imitated? As well ask why are diamonds and gold imitated. Be- cause diamonds are the most precious gems, gold the 'mos pracious metal. Dodd's Kidney Pills are "imi ted because they are the valuable medicine ihe world eee over © medicine was ever named kidney pills till years of medical research | ve Dodd's Kidney Pills to the oe No medicine ever cured Bright's dis- ease except Dodd's Kidney Pills. No other medicine has cured as many cases of Rheumatism, Diabetes, Heart Dis , Lumbago, sy, Female Weakness, and ot ler kidne ey diseases as Dodd's Kidney Pills have. It Is universally known that they have | never failed to cure these diseases, | hence they are sa widely and shame- | lessly imitated. | THAT SNUBBED FEELING. One Must be Right Upto Datein Order | to Avoid it. and de- you ever feel so -depresscd that the very "'salesladies' and treat you accordingly " small tect it, And as you go about ever vena con [L- spires to 'humble you. All your samples wre pronounced ia The new hats all Bee ny modeled for | other sorts of faces than yours--your hair won't stay in crimps, 'so that the | one you are wearing is none too be- | coming, though es had it from Paris. | You don't scem to find anything you and if you ehanee to meet aj} she is looking ' 'stunning' up-to-date costume, and is on her way luncheon or high you not beer nm friend, needs go thought highly and sunshine of commendation and be well patted on the back; for when the feelings are down at the heel a rugpicker can Snuly you.---New Recorder. are ~ 'RHEUMATISM CURED. Kee Linnwood, Ont. Lachlin MeNeil, Mabou, Cc. B. John A. McDorald Arnprior, Ont. Cc. 8. Seen. Markham, Wnt. John M: Mahone Bay, N. 8, - r Buller, Burin, Nflé Thes well -knowrn gent will assert that they were cured by MIN ARDS 1 INIMENT. Some Definitions. P. S.--The man's letter. Divorce-- An carved business end of a woe epitaph frequently love's tombstone. lets her ser- life without wages. rape--Something a man eun antl by letting his whiskers grow. Ambition--A feeling that makes a man want to do something he can't. Wedding--The link used to connect thoughts of love with thoughts Bigamist--A crazy he can more mar at P Seoreher--A fellow who feels duty beund to break his record, his bicy- cle or bts neck.--Philadelphia Call. man who thinks than one wo- Cdd Pacts and Figures. The new stars already discovered this year number 427. Blotting paper is =a of cotton rags boiled with sod: There have been 700 earthquakes vernertod in historic times The number of inhabited houses in London is estimated at abont £48,- 800 The average weekiy loss of vessels the seas throughout. the world is 12. People who sell newspapers in the streets of Moscow are compelled to appear in uniform Scientists say that were it not for our atmosphere the ocean w ould be- come boiling hot from the sun's rays. The habits of ants are more like those a a man than are the habits any other of the lower animals No man is high enough to be above sympathy, or low enough to be yonc its reach. pa F never "knew Brown was a club man." "Didn't ? Why, he used to be on the police force." ra. Winslow's s Sootht ng Syrup is a never- felling remedy. - not only ere the child pain, b rgaintee the ae porntlaaw oe y, and gives tone and A Texas rancl, feeds 1,600,000 sheep. emergy to the the whale a7 sree. It ee cotic. don't Se Oe Coot. Twenty five conte a bottle. York OH! THE TORMENT. And Distre:s When the Skin is on Fire With Disease. All the stingivug, aggravating, burn- tue and itehing" accompanimen to the dozen or more skin diseases which haunt humanity are allayed like magic by Dr. Agnew's Ointment. One application relieves piles, eczema, salt rheum itch, tetter, ringworm in a trice. Never fails to cure. pentenced for 209 Years. Williston Palmer is the name bas a white man against whom there are sentences of 209 years in the Bede gia Penitentiary. Palmer was-origi- nally sent up for eleven years from South Georgia for burgiary. Shortly afterward, while working is the mines of Dade County, he attempted, with other convicts, to escape, and in the melee that followed he killed two of the guards. He was tried some time ago for the killing of the first guard and got ninety-nine years. He was then put on trial for the killing of the other man and got ninety- nine years more. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, ete. Healthful. Mrs. Watts--The doetors say a good ery is healthful. Mrs. Potts--I know it is ood cry gained me a trip to the Fil. ast last year, and I came back feeling better than TIT had for, oh, ever so long. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. A Frenchman is said to have an in- veutic mi which reproduces faithfally paintings and designs on textie gcods of whatever character without the as- Bistauce of jacquard or armure mecian- isms. ' ISSUE NO 5214 1887 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL ARMEDA GEYLON TEA." (Put upin lead packages) Also Japan and Hysons. CANNING &jCO., Wholesale Agents WT Front Street Kast, A. H. Toronto. ork city Ask Your Dealer for BOECKH'S BRUSHES AND: BROOMS. For Sale by all Leading Heuses. CHAS. BOECEH & SONS, Manufacturers TORONT@. ONT. "WE WANTY ()|J QUICK." fmtelligent adics and gentlemen can be sup- plied with gentecl and - very eesti oa Hi ete INDUSTRY is e essent, NECESSA to secure ine R EMUNERA e add 2 of representative $13 in. 21 DAYS. $5can here aot HOME. CHOLS & CO., 8 his hmpond we st, Toronto. be made right at Ji i ; bin MANENTL RY Cc URED BY a RITS Gre Ne Restore No 'Bent or re sande carter first aay' ito S31 Arch strect, Phila. trial bottle. delphia, P 5 for treatise and free For aale t A. Harte, 1780 Notre Dame street Montreal. or 1¢ etcstacd ° - THAT'S = Mustarc punn's Mustard MADE ES ROM RICH FLAVOURE! SOLD IN Sc. pee po a. Ask for Dunn's Pure Mustard

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