subscribed in the United States. SUCCESSFUL MODELLITES. RESULT OF EXAMINATIONS AT STRATFORD AND MITCHELL. 'Fite County Board of Examiners fin. ished their labors on Saturday morn- ing, and adjudged the following persons entitled to receive teachers' certi Grace Box, St. Marys ; Mag Elginfield; Rachel Carr, Stratford; lie M. Ca mpbell, Listowel: Jean Grant, Stratford; Lottie Huston, st Marys; Maggie Hamilton, Hammond, Wellesley; Listowel; retta Mills, . Tavistock; Mary McLennan, Stratford; Mary Mc- Nichol. Stratford; Annie McElvey Strat- ford; H. F. Norton, Stratford: E. M. Philips, Wyandotte: Hattie Philips, Stratford;Era ©.Pfrimmer,Sebringville; Minule Robb, Stratford; Jennie Row- land. Avonton; Pearl Sproule, Habba Gerda Tucker, Milverton; Jessie: Wil- lurd, St. Marys: L. M. Davis, Oliver; J. M. Goettier, Sebringvilles A. Hender Rannoch; Paul F. Harding, St Marvs; Geo Langford, Milverton; Dayid Mills. Ed. D. MeIntosh, Herbert Sparling, St Marys; ©.S. MeVicar, Ailsa Craig; JE. MeMurray, Oliver; Thos, W. Norton, Listowe Ww. Workman, Stratford; M.L. Miller, Ayl mer MiTcueLt--Fannie L: Annis, Mit hell; Margaret C. Devereaux, Seaforth; Annie Mande Harris, Atwood ; Lau- ra Hutchison,Listowel; Lucy Hurlburt. Mitchell; F. A, Kidd, Seaforth ; Beli Lamont. Ethel; Elizabeth Shier, 'Kirk- ton: Minme Farra nt, Mitchell; Her- man Ball, Atwood; Chas. M. Brisbin, Listowel: W. G Borland, Farquhar; M. Gormley, J. Holmes, F. H Hurl burt, G Hl. Hurlburt, W. F. James Mitchel; Thos McQuaid, Beachwood, ce G. Nichols, Mitchell; Ernest J 1ith, Atwood; Norman Tufts, Kirk- ton; F. M, Borland, Farquhar ; Mary Jordan, Mitchel! ; Thor. Gormley, Mit ¢chLel News of the Day. The Coliseam building at Chicago was destroyed by fire. No. 10 Downing street, the Prime Minister of England's official residence. is to be preserved, though the honse on either side of it and the street itself will disappear. Actylene gas can be neither manufac- tured nor sold in Great Britain now save by express permission of the Home Secretary, the prohibition being made in a recent order in council. It is reported at Washington that great distress exists in Cuba, and the American Department of State is tak ing steps to distribute relief as it is The convicts at St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary have again broken out in open riot and insubordination on ac- count of the refusal of the authorities to give them Christmas delicacies. The San Jose Scale has been under consideration by the Niagara District Fruit growers' Association. A resolu tion was passed "that it be recom- mended that it be left with the Inspec- tor to allow treacment of the trees, and that after treatment has been found to be of no use, and thatif the owner does wot tuke the necessary measures, a fine shall be imposed." It was also resolv ed to ask the Dominion Goyernment to co-operate with the Provincial in stamping out the pest. Lord Salisbury has written to United States Ambassador Hay in response to America's latest proposals that Great Britain should enter into an agree- ment with the United States, Russia and Japan to stop sealing, declins to enter into such an agreement, Eng jand, continues Lord Salisbury, whose interest is but sight, would not be just ified in acceding to the proposals Lord Salisbury's answer emphasizes the policy of England not to interfere in Canada's foreign relations, Rome Dec 24.--The Popes encyclical on the Manitoba school question is pub lished here this evening. After recal ling the religious history of Canada and eulogizing its scholastic institutions tis Holiness expresses regret at the decis ions taken seven years ago in Manitoba relative tothe Catholic schools and points gut the aes of Catholics, ac- cording to the Federal agreement; con- tinuiug, the Pope condemns # schoo! system base! on religious ueutrality, praises the zal 'the Bishops have dis THE BRADLEY.G DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP Is Sure - - To Cure COUGHS AND COLDS. Price 25 Cents. Edis; THE Sema 5 COLUMN. aA ie las a Industrious Men of ace THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, oronto, Ont. AGENTS oo eres Gold Fields" as Hike worth $1. Big pay. Canita ciheneeey: -GARRETSON CO., Lrp., Toronto, Ontario. ESTRAY STEERS. Sie yet on the tila, of the undersign- ot ~ re sr pine on or about Oct. ere tw he owner is requested toni prove ice ag sol charge, and take them aS4° ROBT. SMITH, Newry. If You are Energetic and Strong And ing for a good bi tion. The tutory ela of riek- ing money : some of whom are now Iocan do things for r you, if you are hatiorable and will work h T. i. "LENBOOrY: Toronto, Ont. . Writeand get my propor Estray Sheep. Sere on the premises of the undersign ot 2. con. 17, Elma, on or about Oct ist, 1 o sheep. The owner is requested to i i eat pay charges and take them CHAS. BLECKERT, Monkton. Estray Steer. TRAY ae in the sremises of the nndersign- ) Lot 18, 2, Elma, on or abou' uf Ook. 15th, yt one nto "lies old black steer. he 3 @ywner pap. ereee ALEX. JOHNSTON; Newry. 5 reques' o prove propert antl take it away. * _ WANTED--CANVASSERS. 'Queen Victoria Her life and reign," h captured the British Empire. Ext do ln testimonials from the great men : send for copy free. Marauis of Lo orne says, "The b ny popu- lar Life of the Queen I have seen. Majesty sends a kind le tte r of apprec iation. Selling by th ousands; giv nvassers mak e $15 to $40 weekly. BRADLEY-GARRETSON C (Li taftod) Tokoats. Boar for Service. HE undersigned keeps for service on Lo Con, 10, Elma, a Thoroughbred Teaneot ed Berkshire Boar, with registerec _pedix Te isa --_ Ls z of his breed, and a prize-winner in 1897 at the e Western Fa ir, London: psi re rth 'air, Strat 'ord, and at Elma Fair, A Terms, $1.00. 454° CHAS. McMANE, Newry. ST4R IVERY, The Star Livery is equipped with first-class rigs, fast and gentle driv- ~~ and in every way adapted to played on the question, regrets that the Catholics are not equally united owing | to their political passions and admits | that the authorities have done some- thing to diminish the iconveniences of | Mantoba school legislation, but his Holiness dec ares this tu be inadequate and exhorts Catholics to elaiming al) their rights, 5 roust not refuse any partial reparation obtainable, with the view to reduce the bed t the requirements of the trav- elling public. "Terms reasonable. Sta- eo opposite Branderberger's Hotel wood. JAS. R. MILLER. Proprietors 95 tf. perils of the edueation of youth. In conclusion, the Pope, in the encyclical | says that in the event of these being un- tainable, Catholics shonld ng an. | epee | the truth about Milburn's Heart and their own schools adopt, under the guid ance of their Bishops,. a program of) study, reconciling it with their religion | and ail literary and scientific progress. | ADTAR. SrankK--SmiTH.--In Brussels, on the, ® 29th, inst., by Rev. S. 'J. Allin, Loftus Stark, of Seaforth, to Miss Béila A. Smith. McKay--Koss.--In Brussels, on the} 28th, inst, A. M. MeKay, (hard- ware merchart), to Miss Nellie Ross, by Rey. Jno. loss. G.T. Rm. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as follows : GOING sOUTIT. Express. 7.47 a.m. Mixed 10.25 am, GOING NORTH. Mixed 1 20 p.m. Express 9,35 p.m. [h AavertSement| This is an advertisement which tells Nerve Pills. | PEOPLE WHO SUFFER | from sleeplessness, dizziness, shortness ef breath, smothering feeling, palpita- | tion of the heart pains through the breast and_ heart, anxious, morbidcon- dition of the mind, | groundless fears of danger, anzmia or impoverished blood, after effects of la grippe, general debility, etc., should TRY THESE PILLS as they cure these complaints. E box is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded through the party from -- the pills were purchased, 'and we so on the strength of the above statement. This offer is limited to the first box used by any one person, T, Musuan & Co., Toronto. RCs Moe nM: Coe a se. BUSINESS DIRECT RY. DENTAL. W. M. BRUCE, L. D. 8., DENTIST. Painless extraction. Artificial teeth of the best quality. Crowns and bridges at the lowest rates, Gold and porcelain fillings a specialty. All work warrant- ed to give satisfaction. Office over Thompson Broer. store, Main street. Listowel. LEGAL. MORPHY & CARTHEW, Listowel, Ont., Barristers, Sulicitors Conveyancers, &. Bank of Hamilton. Money to Loan. Offices above Carson & McKee's store, Main street, 1. B. Morpny. J. M. CARTHEW. MEDICAL, DR. A. S. LANGRILL, ATWOOD, ONT. Suecessor to Thos. Donglas, M.D. "Ontice, that formerly occupied by Dr. Hamilton. Night calls answered at office. Special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, D. A. KIDD, M. D., & S. O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR F. T. M.C., of Trinity Medical Col- lege, 1887. . + M.v. C. M. of Trinity University, 1888. M.C. P. & 8, O., of Medical Council, Three years of practical hospital bed- side clinics, besides nine years in a varied aud active practice. Office and Residence midway between THE Bre office and Post Office. "AUCTIONEF RS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED hath Si FOR THE Conny of 'erth, Monkton, Ont. Rates mode cate For particulars ap ply' at "this office. TOWNSUIP OF ELMA> Municipal Election. HE Municipal Electors of Elma are hereby notified, Ist, that a meeting for the nomination of eandidates for the offices of Reeve, 1st and 2nd Deputy- Reeves and two Coun- cillors for the Township of Eima, for the year 1897 will be heldin the Town Hail, Atwood, at 1 o'clock, p. m., on Monday, Dec. 27, 1897. 2nd, that should more than the nec essary number of candidates be nomin ated. the proceedings will be udjourned until Monday, January 3rd, 1898, When polis will be opened in each Eleetorat Division of the township at the hour of 9 o'clock in the morning. and shall continue open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon and no longer. 8rd, That the polling places and re- turning officers in each electoral divis ion are as follows : No. 1.--Cosens' worksop, Trowbridge, C. Cosens, returning officer. No. 2.--Grange Hall, lot 15, con, 4, J. Mitchell, returning officer. ; No. 3.--Orange Hall, Britton, Sproule, returning officer, Thos No. 4.--Morrison's shop, Newry, T. Fullarton, up stairs, returning officer. No. 5.--Orange Hall Donegal, W. H. Gilmer, returning officer, No. 6.--Davies' School House, J. R. Hammond, returning officer. No, 7.--Lambert's school house, W. Raney, returning officer, y o 8--Thompson's shop, Atwood, J. W. McBain, returning officer. ' THOS. FULLARTON, Clerk. Elma, Dec, 16th, 1897. CURES COLIC, CHOLERA, CHOLERA- S, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, -- And aff SUMMER COMPLAINTS of Children or Adults. Seenre of Imftations. ' Reform couveution at Milyertou. PRICE, 35c. Sulicitors for the 5 Ata Cowboy Dance. . Git yo' litue sagehens ready Trot 'em out upon the floor. Line up there, you cusses! Steady! Lively now! One couple more. Shorty, shed that ol' sombero! Broncho, douse that cigurette! Stop your cussin' mero "Fore the ladies! Now, all set! S'Inte yer ladies all together! Ladies opposite all the same; Hit the fumber with your leather! Balance all, an' swing yer damé! Bunch the heifers in the middle! Circle stags, an' do se do-- Pay attention tothe fiddle! Swing her round an' off you go! First four forward! Back te places! Second foller! Shuffle back! Now you'ye got it down to cases! Swing 'em till their trotters crack! ents all right a heel an' teein'! Swing 'em; kiss ' em if you kin! Onto next. an' keep # goin' Till yo' hit yer pards eraint Gents to center; ladies round orm a baske*t; balance all! Whirl yer gals to where yo' found 'em! Promenade around the al! Balance to yer pards, an' trot 'em Round the circle double quick! Grab an' kiss "em while you've gut em! Hold 'em to itif they kick! "em, Ladies' left hand to yer sonnies! Alaman! Grand right an' left! aiance all an' swing yer henies-- Pick 'em up an' feel their heft! Promenade like skerry cattle! Balance all. an' swing yer sweets! Shake yer spurs an' make 'em rattle! Keno! Promenade to seats, METHODISM. Early History and Progress of Methodism in Elma. The first and present Methodist chureh iu Monkton was erected in 1876, a substantial, cosy frame structure, which is well designed to meet the re quirements @ congregation. Moukton Methodism does not properly come under this history. Since two of its appointments are ir Logan, where most of the members of the circuit, reside. 'The Monkton con gregation is at present in a prosperous condition, under Rev, Mr. Edmund's superintendence, Among the most influential members of the Monkton chureh are Joseph Near, John Sanders, C. H. Merryfield and Robert Smith, gentlemen who haye borne their part of the church work'for years with praiseworthy fidelity. The veteran choir leader, John Sanders, is an in dispensable Acquisition to the church, and his services are always appreciated, Robert Smith is a tocal preacher of considerable ability and has always taken a deep interest in the Sabbath school. This closes our somewhat lengthy review of Elma Methodism. -. If "we have omitted any important data' or event, it was because the information has uot been furnished us. NOTES. The Atwood Methodist parsonage cost $1,000 cash. It was bought in 1894, in Rev. Mr. Pring's time. It is comfortable roomy frame building, with an excellent orchard of "ehoice fruitin-connection. The building re quires bricking to make it what it shonld be. This will probably be done in the near future. A good stone wall was put under the house since the eirenit acquired it, The furnishings cost abont 3100. Probably the second largest and most fruitful revival in the history of the Eima church was held in the Switzer church in Rev. Mr. Deaton's time. There were a large number converted at these meetings, which continued without cessation for ten weeks, dur ing which time Mr. Deaton preached every night with the exception of one. Several of the most prominent mem- bers of tne Atwood church were con- verted at this big awakening. Another former resident and a mem ber of Elma Methodism in bygone days passed away on Noy, 9th, 1897, fn the person of Mrs, Margaret Bingham, wife of the late Robert Bingham, of Hancock, lowa. She was buried be side her husband at Hancock. De- ceased was married to Mr. Bingham in Boyd's settlement, township of Lanark, in 1842, and removed to Eima with her husband and sister Jane in 1847, and were, with Samuel and George Code and Wm. Bingham, almost. the first settlers in Elma, then the Queen's bush, The two Mrs. Bingham liyed six months in Elma without seeing the face of a woman, while their nearest post ofice was Shakespeare, 30 milés distant. 3In°3873 the family moved to Hancock, lowa, where they passed the remainder of their days. She was known in Elma as a kind hearted woman, a warm friend of thie early ioneers, and a child of God and a loyal Methodist from her childhood. THE END. TOWN TALK. Tuk Methodist congregation were almost driven ont of the church last Sabbath morning by smoke. This has been remédied by cleaning the pipes, and good dry hardwood has been order ed for use for the' balance of the winter. Etma RerormerRs.--At the recent annual meeting of the Elma Reform Association the following officers were elected for the args year: Presi dent, Wm. Dickson ; Ist_ Vice Presi- dent, Geo, Rerathers 2nd Vice. Presi dent, Thos. G, Ballantyne ; Secretary and Treasurer, Geo. Loc Dele gates were also ea tare 7 attend the Fanditors' annual re SCHOOL MEETING.--At the annual Public Schoo! meeting Wednesday fore- noon, Secretary Wm. cia Lbaeey the report for -the past year, showing the school and the finances of the section iia yery pot factory condition. In two years m the entire debt on the schoo} buildin will be wiped gic when the taxes will be considerably reduced, Satisfaction was ea rewel in the work of the present teachers and in the progress the school has made generally. Jas. Hanna's term as trustee having expired this year and not: desiring re election, seat yacancy was filled by the. election of W.F. Forrest by acclamation. Mr. Huuna was given a hearty vote of thanks for his pains- taking and efficient services on the Boa Mr. Dickson's Salary ag secretury was increased by yote from $5 tu $8 per year, which is still 82 lower than many secretaries in rural schools are recieving. The at- tendance at the above meeting was small, but very orderly and harmonious. 'There was a pretty general feeling among the ratepayers presebt to in- crease Mrs, Lineham's salary to 3250 for 1898, and should the Board decide to give her a further grant at their next meeting there could be no objee- tion raised, as her salary at present 323750, is tvo small in view of her Lb eae , &xperieuce and excellent abill Ass Newry. Party.--Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Wynn gave a large party to the young people on Wednesday evening, when about 200 responded to the wvitation, and # yery pleasant evening was spent by all. Games of various kinds were provided for those who did not danee, and a piano was at the disposal of those who enjoyed music, and thus the friends enjoyed themselves till the "wee sma' hours," the home-going time. A splen- id repast was served at about twelve o'clock, and was a welcome departure in the evening's entertainment, judg- ing by the hearty manner the good things were partaken of. After tea the coinpany, at least the greater por- tion of it, resumed the mazy = whirl. This annual event is looked forward to with great expettaney by the young people of the neighborhood, and if by accident or otherwise some individual is omitted in the generous list of invitations sent out, there is sadness and disappointment in that heart. Mr. and Mrs. Wynn's annual party as a social eventis not surpassed in the community, every preparation is made for the entertainment of the guests regardless of expense and trouble. Guests were present from near Berlin, Listowel, Milverton, Britton aud At- wood. / Among the exceptionally pretty costumes worn by the Indies those of Miss Beatrice Asbury and Mrs. Juno. Knox, of Atwood; Misses Hiles, of Newry; Miss Fanny Alexander and Miss Sproule, of SOP Bs Miss Alexander, of Calgary, N. .. TDivee of Mrs. Wynn, whieh were Riital and worthy ofs 'al mention. The best wi hes of a resent are extended to the kind hest and hostess for their generous hospitality. Moukton,. 3. D. Merryfie: d@ is visiting friends in ee county. Hord spent Saturday and S at his home in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson spent Sunday 3 a | Sunday in Listowel. Dr. McKenzie ate his Christmas turk- key at his home in Wingham. A. Erskine and family spent Christ- "4 mas With friends in Atwood. 3. W. Baird paid a flying visit to his friends on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Stewart are spend. ing their holidays with friends around here R. Renwiek and Thos, Costello, of Detroit, are spending the holidays at home, Mr. and Mrs. Featherstone, of Lis- towel, pti Christmas with A, Huggins and family. The Presbyterians intends holding a New Year's arch entertainment in the chareh on New Year's eve, a severing her connection with S. 8S. 9, Eima, Miss M. Huggins was the iplehicet a haudsumesynphony clock. Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller of North East- NOPE. Miss Mary Tarr, of Mitchell, and \ . Tarr and family of Renwick, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. The entertainment held in the Meth- odiat church ou Christmas evening was a decided success. The children ren- dered their selections well, Net pro- ceeds, $28. - is Your Heart Strong? Or have you palpitation, throbbing or irregular beating, dizziness, short breath, smothering or choking sensation, pain in the breast or heart. I, so your heart is affected and will in turn affect your nerves, causing nervousness, sleepless- ness, morbid anxious feeling, debility. Milburn's. Heart = Nerve Pills Cure all these complaints by regulating the heart's action and building up the nervous and muscular system to perfect health and strength, Price 6oc. per box er 6 boxes for $2.50, At all druggisis.