Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 31 Dec 1897, p. 4

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Almost Distracted Dreadful Suffering by a New- market Woman. The Bones in the Nose Affected-- Face Would Swell Until Her Eyes Were Closed-- How Relieved, NEW MAREET, ONT.--"I have hada good opportunity of noting the great medicinal powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla. My wife has been a sufferer from catarrh forthe past four years,and the disease had gone so far that the bomes of the nose had become affected and particles had come away through an opening in the left side. Her eyesight was also affected to the extent that for nearly a year she was unable to read fer more than five minutes atatime. She suffered Severe Pains in the Head and at times was almost distracted. She was treated by four different doctors, one uf whom was a specialist. They all said they could not doanything for her, as the disease had gone too far. Her nose would swell about every three days until her eyes would asimost be closed. Then it would break through and the swelling would subside foraday or two. About Ubristmas she commenced taking Hood's Sarsaparille, and since that time has steadily improved. She has not been troubled with any swelling since, and the sore on the side of the nose has all healed, be ison the roadtoacomplete cure. I cannot speak too highly of Hood's Sarsa- parilla, and I cheerfully recommend it to any person who issuffering with catarrh." W. H. FURSIER. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sar- saparilla, do not be induced to buy any ~ubstitute. Be sure to get Hood's. ° li ills; sy to Hood's Pills take, easy tooparate ane, Gown Talk. A Happy New Year. Ep, Zieman, of Hamilton, spent t. nristmas at home, T. M. Witson, B. A., and Jas. Wilson ace home for their holidays. SERVANTS WANTED.--Two exper i+nced servant girls wanted. Apply to "irs, A. W. Brandenberger, Atwood, Lost.--A_ light colored collie dog iost, belonging to Arthur Robb, Newry Y.0. The finder will be suitably re warded, PURE blood is absolutely necessary for perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is 'n@ one true blood purifier, and great health giver. Rey. J. H. AND Mrs. McBarn and "feand Mrs, J. W, Ward, of Mildmay, :¥* Bpending their Xmas helidays at |. W. MecBain's. Misses MINNIE AND NETTIE RoB L.RTS8on, of Ripley; Mrs. Hill, of Weston, and Elgin Robertson, of fhundalk, spent Christmas at home, THE W.C. T. U. "Day of Prayer" is /n.Jan. 3rd, at 2.30 pm., and will be teld in the Methodist church, Atwood. Xddresses will be given on the fotlow- subjects: "What is Prayer?" "What «tn we do for the Plebiscite Bill 2" "The "rious dangers threatening our Canad an Sabbath." Silver collection. The public are cordially invited. THOS. TULLETT, of Norwich, ate his 'hristmas turkey witb friends in town. lum appears to have a tender spot in iis heart for Atwood, although he iivariably catches cold every time he \ isits the place, at least he has a cough yaresult of his visits here;and we sup- )ose like many other young men imilarly afflicted, he has had to sit up snd nurse it more or less, Notice.--Any information leading 1) the recovery of the gentleman who 'orrowed the editor's boots (his Suan- ay pair) on Wednesday evening of inis week and failed to return them vill be gratefully received. As near "swe can describe him, he is above average height, professional looking, ged about 25. years, dark beard crop- ved short, with a lofty look (especially »-nee wearing. our shoes) and'a sweet ~mile for the ladies, which 18 invariably ieciprocated, aud bore an excellent 'éputation for honesty prior to borrow ig the said boots. He will consider Lis Own interests by Teturning the borrowed property in two minutes «fter reading the above notice. We iiight add that the said shoes have i.itherto covered Methodist feet, and «x@ not accustomed to waltzing, and it is therefore necessary that they be re- iirned at once so thut they may be aly fumigated before being used » fan, THE annual Presbyterian Sunday shool entertainment and Christmas }vee was held Friday eve, Dec. 24th, in 'he lecture room of the church. 'The Xmas tree was well loaded with presents for the scholars. A _ gord »Fogram was prepared for the occasion, wie three chorus selections by the ~holars reflecit ig gréat credit on D. G, Anderson, who conducted the musical part of the program, He was ably . ssisted by Miss Neilie Hear, who was +? considerable trouble practising the «hildren in the varied musical exercises. Jimmy Strathers' solo.was very good wad gaye evidence of good material in tne rising generation out of which to wiake a choir. * The recitation Lida Henry, "A Call to the M Next Monday is election day. W.R. Deeron spent Christnias at Hanover. H.-Y. Hoar spent Christmas with friends in London, . Bie furniture sale in town to day, commencing at 10 a: m. Mrs. C. H. Witson, of Detroit, spent Christmas with relatives in town. GIRL WANTED.--A good girl wanted at once. Apply to Mrs. B. W. Zieman, Atwood. DANIEL JEFFKINS and Miss Ma McDonald. of Chesterfield, are visiting Mrs, R. Williams this week, THE Mock Parliament will meet THe New Denyer (B. C.) Ledge "wishes that every soul on earth will strike a paystreak of merriment upon Christ's natal day, and hopes that all its paid up subscribers are financiaily able to tickle their gastronomical ideas with plum pudding and roast turkey." N. Puiuips, a successful evangelist, who assisted Rev. McBain, Mildmay. and Rey. J. 8. Fisher, Goorie, last year, is expect in Atwood this week to assist Rev. John Ball in special meet- gs M:. Vhilibs is expected to be p.esent at the Epworth League meet ing on Friday evening. A Nicut wiTH OysTEeRs AND Roast Turkey.--Of the 200 or more guests present at the annual banquet of the Canadian Order of Foresters, Tuesday night, not one could consistently say that he was not well entertained by the generous provision made for, his entertainment. A well rendered pro- gram was given in the Foresters' Hall, consisting of a solo by Geo. Cocks; two instrumental solos by Miss Edith Har ris; Scutch song by Mrs (Dr.) Kidd;.an instrumental by Mr. and Mrs. James Struthers and daughter Elsie; instru mental by Miss Arnetta Kulbfleisch; two solos by Miss Elsie Klump, and two good harmonica instrumentals by, Frank Wilson, accompanied on the orgau by Miss Newcombe, of Britton The proceedings were presided over by W. Doig, of Gorrie, General Inspector of the U, O. F., a gentleman of pleasing address and special claims as a speaker. in the course of his half hour address he referred to the special merits of the C.O. F. among fraternal societies, re garding it in several respects superior to others. He was listened to with much interest by the brethren present, and heartily thanked at the close of the festivities. The supper in Mr. Ballan tyne's store was replete with every delicacy, oysters and roast fowl in abundance, pies, cakes, etc. There were lots of good things, enough for each and all. One could pass his plate back half a dozen times with the per fect assurance of not being disappoint- ed, a fact that was especially appreciat ed by the editor, Bob B., Jas. P. and one or two others present. who have a hereditary weakness for oysters, It was a happy conglomeration of steam ing dainties, gushing young men,pretty girls, decorated crockery, smiling wait ers, the mazy whirl and animated whirlers,--the event of a lifetime for some of them, and a privilege enjoyed by all. The C. O. F. is a prosperous in- stitution, and probabiy no court with in its jurisdiction is more prosperous than Court Lansdowne ; a hundred or more members, a hall of their own, lots of meney in the bank, peace and harmony within their ranks, the local court has much reason to be satisfied with itself, and no doubt is. ~ i=) CHRISTMAS SHANTY.--The "Christ mas Shanty" entertainment, given in the Methodist church on Christmas eve, was a decided success, The church was filled to excess, there being fully 500 people present. 'The program was interesting and unique in seyeral re- spects, and much praise 1s due Misses Edith Harris, Edith Ball, Maggie Elliott and Geo. Currie who trained the children in the pretty exercises known as the howp drill, broom Grill, doll drill, kindergarten songs, ete. The several drill classes did their part exceedingly well, and delighted the audience, many of whom had not. seen anything of the kind before. 'The Christmas shanty idea, which originated with Wm. Hume, Was as pretty as it was novel. Made of reen cedar boughs in the form ofa shanty, and covered with cotton batten to represent snow, the effect was de cidedly pleasing and unique, Mr. Hume did the honors of Santa Claus very well, scattering the Christmas gifts among the Sunday School scholars and grown up people in the audience atthe close of the program. J. W, McBain responded to the duties of chairman with bis accustomed ability. The proceeds netted $14.20, a nice sum considering only a free will collection was asked. Taken altogether, it was one of the best, if not the dest enter- tainment eyer given in the church, and reflects the highest credit npon all who contributed to its success. Following is the program : Chorus, "Ring out the Bellis," by children; recitation, Melvyn Forrest;solo,Fiorence Campbell; recita- tion, Lily Ball; kindergarten song, by 8 little girls; recitation, Stephen Hoar; solo, B. Zieman; recitation, Roy Wil- son; solo, Annie Switzer; recitation, Mary Coulter; club swinging, Ollie Gray; kindergarten song, 8 girls; recita tion, Albert Thompson; cantata, girls; dialogue, by 12 boys; recitation, Vienny Smith; kindergarten song, by 8 boys; doil sung, by 12 pt dialogue, by 6 boys; recitation, Willie Donald. sou; solo, Artie Harris; recitation, Addie Hastings; doll drill, by 12 girls; recitation, Lottie Harris; duet, Myrtle erguson and Evie Turnbull; hoop drill, by 12 ris; recitation, Effie Crooks; dialogue by Artie Harris and Maggie Thompson; recitation rge ' Reid; broom drill,by 12 girls; chorus, by 'children, "Gather around the Xmas : or Wie Sait J, W. Scott, Banker. Established 1872. ° OES a general panking business, Drafts bought and sold, payable in all parts of the Dominion, United States and Great. Britain. Notes Discoun Deposits received and cur- rent rate of interest allowed. Ff - all Cheque Bank Cheques Tssued, payable in Sante ot the world, without notice or charge. A large amount of Private Funds to lend on good farm security at Five per cent., with privilege of repaying annually. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trave Mars Desians YRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may eed treen te poeenireeeecae ntion is a je sons strict] Ponfidential, Handbook on Patents ree. Oldest mney for secu 'atents taken through Munn ice, without charge, in the "Scientific American, A pencomaey spe dy? 7 weekly. parnest cir. ° ny scien ic . year: four months, $l. Sold byall newadealers, MUNN & Go,3es0rssws. New York ch Office, 5 F St., Washington, D,. Bran Annual Meeting. HE annual meating of the sharcholders of T the Elma Cheese and Butter Manufactur- ing Co, will be held in thear factory on Saturday, Jan. 8th, 1898, At One o'clock p.m., sh; for the receiving the unditors Report, Pi Directors for the ensuing year, and for the con sideration of any-other business in the interests of the Company. | . <>. .| WM. LOCHHEAD, Elma, Dec. 24; 1897. Secretary. purpose of ; appointing | Sheep: Atwood DifLaricet. ee ww eens ereeesnnuns il cmt euSSasuSSsserssae oyster] SSaSSSVaness ~~ = ease sizes. Colored unlined, Caps below cost price. shown in Atwood, want a nice suit? and Caps for Men and Boys. We keep everything for gentlemen in our line. We can give it to you. Readymade Overcoats, we want to clear out at cost price as we do not intend to keep them. Zieman, The Tailor. N.B.--50 cords first-class dry wood wanted. FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! Underwear for Men and Boys from 35c. up. Socks and Stockings for Men and Boys. i Shirts, a nice line. : Shirts. Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves, heavy lined anc i o------ap White Shirts, all Heavy workin j k Hats the best Woolen Mit in the market. A few Persian Lamb The largest range of Ties ever bright, new and nobby; see them. Do you A few rwwwowowN RP LLPo Pro Po Lo LPo PIPRLODP ODO AE* a) Fa Sa SE PrREO a biliousness loss of appetite pimples sour stomach & depression % coated tongue 4 nightmare 4 palpitation 4 cold feet debility / é and bowels, feared it would The Pill That Will "Ayer's Pills dies, I began to take Ayer's Pills, "For cight years IT was afflicted with consti that the doctors could do no more for me, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regul, WM, H. DELAUCETT, Dorset? Ont. are the best in the world.' I used to be annoyed with constipation until I began using them; now I have no trouble of that attribute my recovery to the use of your valuable Cathartic Pills. Cure and you cure its These are some of the dizziness weakness backache vomiting jaundice piles pallor stitch irritability nervousness cause a stoppage of the bowels. Then { began to ar action, kin Constipation Consequences. Consequences of Constipation: headache vomiting torpid liver heartburn foul breath sleeplessness drowsiness hot skin ramps throbbing head are a Sure Cure for Constipation. Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills are a specific for all diseases of the liver, stomach, These testimonials are from the thousands received: -- "T suffered from constipation which assumed such an obstinate form that I After vainly trying various reme- 'Two boxes effected a complete cure." D. BURKE, Saco, Maine. pation, which at last became so bad The Pill That Will take Ayer's Pills, " any more, and I H, PLOWMAN, Portland, Oreg, } Vw PP GS se

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