Bee. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 31, 1897. NO. 50. Wedding RINGS, Seem a ee Engagement Rings and Christmas Ss a hee oe a E the order of the day. We cannot begin to to name the many beautiful and useful Novelties that we are showing at such Low Prices. Special induce ments to people from a distance. Our aim is to get our goods out to as many 48 possible, and rather than keep anything over we are making it a point to meet everybody. ' - Gn Hold Watche= ¥ 'We have the very latest designs | Chains that are up to date; Sterling Silver Novelties of every description ; Clocks that are reliable and good time keepers ; Musical and Chime Clocks that will bring joy to to every household. Rogers' Silver Kniyes and Forks, Tea Spoons and Ludies of every description and style. ahs Special Bible Clearing Sale Of 25 per cent. off. They are great values and willonly las§ this week. Don't Miss such a Chance, Listowel, Ont. Wishing each and eyeryone a Merry Christmas. 40 Main St. tA é 3. DH. GuntBer, * Jeweller & Optician. CHRISTMAS, 1897! New Year, 1898. FULL line of Holiday Goods and Wedding Pres- entsat Lowest Prices. Call and see them. Subscriptions taken for all Daily and Weekly News- papers. Wishing you all alla Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. . J. A. MITCHELL, MEDICAL HALL, ATWOOD. Santa Claus is Here! He is at McKoy's Grocery getting his supply of Candies and Nuts for the Children. You Should See the stacks of Choice Candies and Nuts, Figs and Dates, Oranges and Lemons, Raisins and Currants, Chocoates and Creams, &c. Brown Mixed Candies, 5 lbs. 25c. Sugar Mixed Candies, 4lbs. 265c. Jumbo Mixed Taffy, 3 lbs. for 25c. Creams, 3-lbs. for 25c. Chocolates, per lb. 15c. to 25c. Layer Figs, per lb., 10c. Layer Raisins, per lb., 18c. Peanuts fresh roasted every day. OY SGORRS-s Baltimore Oysters. No letter to be had. Wedding Cakes, Fresh Bread, Cakes, &e, Headqdarters for Best MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS. Nominations for 'candidates to con test several tannicipal 'offices 'of Elma township Oeuncil were received in the Town Hall Monday by the pre siditrg chairman, Thos. Fullarton. attendance of ratepayers was large, and the greatest interest was taken in the proceedings. and splendid order preserved throughout the somewhat tedious addresses of the miuny candi dates for civic honors. : | Following is a list of the nomina- ions: t Moved by Robt.- Harrow, seconded by Fred Seeloff, that Jas. Dickson be Reeve of the township of Eima for the year 1898. Moved by Hugh Richmond, seconded by Chas. McMane, that T. J. Knox be Reeve for the year 1898. Moved by John Graham, seconded H. Ronnenburg, that Thos. E. ammond be Keeve for the year 1898. Moved by T. G. BAllantyne, seconded by Andrew Stevenson, that Widdis jJackson be Reeve for 1898. Moved ¥y J, B. Hamiiten, seconded by Join McIntyre, that Widdis Jack- son be First Deputy Reeve for 1898. , Moved by .John Sproule, seconded' b Samuel Corry, thats. S Rothwell be First Deputy Reeve for 1898. Moved by Lemuel Pelton, seconded by R. 8. Ballantyne that .jias. Donaid- sun, jr, be First Deputy Reeve for 1898. Moved by Wm. Dickson, seconded by Robt. Parker, that Wm, Shearer be Second Deputy Reeve for 1898 Moved by A. M. Sweeton, seconded by Thos. J, Knox, that Allay McMuane be Councillor for 1898, Moved Wm. Bell, seconded b Wm. Wherry, that Thos. Smith (14th con.) be Councillor for 1898. Moved by Chas. Mason, seconded by Samuel McAllister, that Wm, Robb be Councilior for 1898. Moved by Wm. Dickson, seconded by J. Hamitton, sr., that John A. Turn bull be Corncillor for 1898 . Moved by John G. Henry, seconded by Robt. Henry, that Joseph Johnson be Councilior for 1898. Moved by Joseph Johnson, seconded y Wm. Coates, that-Whitfield Mce- Cormick be Councillor for 1898. Several of the candidates dropped out, leaving the contest in the hands of the following aspirants, viz. : r Reeve, 'I. E. Hammond and T. J. Knox; Ist Deputy Reeve, Jus. Donald son and 8.8. Rothwell; Councillors, W. McCormick, Allan McMane, Thomas Smith and J. A. Tarnball, Wm. Shearer, having no opposition, was declared elected by acclamation. General regret was expressed that Reeve Dickson would not let his name go before the ratepayers for Reeve for 1898, as his services were generally appreciated, He would have been elected by acclamation had he chosen tostand. Itis Mr. Dickson's present intention to build a house on his farm next summer which will require con- siderabie of his time, and he felt that he could not give the Council business the time it. deserved. He made a vapital speeeh, concise, yet full and complete in its review of the work of the Council of 1897. He referred to the yarious drainage schemes of the township, the probability of the town ship receiving from the Ontario Gevernment about $5.000 towards cleaning out the Maitland river due them from the Land Improvement Fund, and he also referred to the Gre drain by law now before the Ontario Legislature for legalization in an amended form, The amendments to the old by-law, over which the Brough. ton suit was tried and lost to the town. shipsof Elma and Grey, are in sub- stance as follows : 1 Provide to extend the Goyern- ment drain No. 2to the boundary. ~ 2. Are survey from the easterly end of Goyerument drain No. 2 of the drainuge area, 8. All expenses of old and new preliminaries including survey to be part of the proper expenses, 4. Grey to be indemnified and repaid for ali work done as provided in the bill. 5. Confirm Grey and McKillop's present HKy-laws and let work proceed at once if necessary. Elma's provisional By law be amended to agree with report of Civil Engineer employed to make the new survey and assessment eust of Goyern- ment drain No. 2, 7. Elma to pass finally its By-law within 2 months after being served with copy of report by Civil Engineer with amended assessment. Grey to also pass its supplemenal By-law with- in the same period. 8 No. further advertisement except of notice of sitting of Court of Re- vision by Grey and Elma to consider the new assessment, 9. Grey to employ Civil Engineer and Grey to hold Court of Revision to con- sider appeals in respect of their new assessment within one month after the Engineer's new report. 10, No provisional By-law ting the new survey in Grey sic inane Present provisional By-law to.stand as JOS. McKOY. varied by such new assessmént. and subject to appeals as aforesaid; he a Yl! public contracts as thoroughly and These amendments if sustained by the Legislature will make the scheme more satisfactory to the Elmaites assessed in the scheme, and also protect both townships from neédless litiga- tion. To have passed the By-law in its former defective and unworkable shape would have been suicidal to the Linterests of this township. There was general satisfaction at the re-election of Mr. Shearer by accla- mation. He has proved himself a capable official, carefu shrewd, We congratulate him on his re-election, County Councillor Merryfield ad- dressed the ratepayers on the record of County Conncil'during the past year, paying a nice tribute to Tue Bez, inci dentally, in reference to the general satisfaction expressed by the County Council with the county printing con- tract executed by THE BEE this year, adding that they the best the county has years. desi Merryfield and the other gentlemen of the County Council for their kind references to the said work, especial- o Mr. Dayidson, the able and popular Co Clerk, who ha&s shown us special consideration in the matter. THE BEE always endeavors to do its faithfully as possible. We have not space to report the by the members of the old Council and whoever is elected ont af the number efficiently served, as all ef them are men possessed of executive ability and have the interests of old Elma at heart. The municipal work of 1898 will tax the ability of the wisest of our fegis lators, a8 we know of no single year in which so much business of a deli- cate and complicate nature will have tn be considered as the year upon which we are entering, and whoever is siow and cautious 'if they would not Tun the township into serious legal difficulties, with the inevitable bill of law costs, NOMINATIONS ELSEWHERE. The result of the municipal nom- inations on Monday in 'neighboring tewns and townships, as far as heard from, are as follows: GREY, Reeve, Thos. Strachan, by acclama- McDonald and Joseph Whitfield, LISTOWEL, Mayor, 8. Bricker, J, A. Hacking, W. Spears; reeves. A. W. Featherstone, Wm, Welsh; deputy-reeve, J, H, Gun- ther. J. A. Tremuin ana & momp. NORTH EASTHOPR, The old Council was re-elected by ac- clamation as follows: Reeve, Andrew Faik; deputy, John A. Fraser; Countil lors--Julius Cook,Duncan Stewart and Alex. McDonald, FULLARTON, ' te old Council was re-elected by ac: cla lon as follows: Reeve, Jas. L. Russell; deputy reeve, Peter Arbogast; Councillors--Luther Turner; Oliver Haris and Conrad Ratz: DOWNIE. The old Council was re-elected: Reeve, eo, Wood; deputy-reeve, D. Clifford; Councillors---John Arbogast, Hugh Hanan and Chas. Jickling. SOUTH EASTHOPE. For reeve--P. Herold, Daniel Yous- ie; for deputy reeve--John Doig, John a =? 2 son, Lorenz Arneld, Henry Peter and Jacob Weicher. ELLICE. For reeve-George Goetz, W, Simpson; for deputy-reeve--Albert Shenck, Christian Werner; for Councillor--- Henry Foley, Jobn Kelly, Justus Kreu- ter and David Smith. MILVERTON. Reeve, G, Goodhand (accl) Councillors --Charies Spencer, Dr. Naismyth, D. Pugh, W. Hartmeier and H. W. sScha efer, Schools Trustees--W. D. Weir, Dr. Egbert and W. K. Loth by acclama- tion. LOGAN. For Reeve--M. McKenzie, John Ratz; deputy. reeve--W. Bauer, J. Francis; Councillors--W. Smith, R. McLagan, P. Bohan and John Rudolph, BLANSHARD, The following haye been re-elected by acclamation: Reeve, R. Berry; deputy- reeve,G. Ullyot; Councillors--J. Fother- ingbam, A. Merriot, W, Dinsmore, Catarrh is a Disease Which requires a2 constitutional reme dy. Itcannot be cured by local appii- cations. Hood's Sarsaparilia is wonder fully suecessfa lin curing catarrh be- cause it eradicates from the blood the scrofulous taints which causeit, Suf ferere with catarrh find a cure in Hoods Sarsaparilla, even after others utterly fail. Hoop's Pints are prompt, efficient, always reliable, easy to take, to operate. several other interesting addresses given | p, the new aspirants, but we will say that| w in the field, the township will 'be/,, elected the Board will have to go very |N J, Wilker;for Councillors--Wm. Ander- | G Grey Council, Council met at the township hall, Dec. 15th, pursuant to adjournment Members were all present except. Mr. Lindsay. Reeve in the chair. Minates 8 last meeting were read and confirm. Andrew Pollock applied for a refurc! of statute labor charged against him 1: the collector's roll, and produced x certificate from the pastmaster stating at the work had teen performec! after the road list had been returnu! to the Clerk. Moved by Wm. Brown. seconded by Robert Livingston, that a cae ng ies hey a debenture for ount char, ts) I. Carrio ged on the roi In the matter of the petition of Samuel Hoggard and others to have the street known as Bolton Avenue. Graham's t remises and stated that h i not think it a to opes: the benefit to anv resent. Mr. Ellis was present and after hearing what he hal to sayin the matter, it was moved by Jas. Turnbull, seconded by Wm. pene that no action be taken. 25 Petition of A. ©. others praying for a mnonth during the Dames and Peter McDonald and in destitute circumstances. the sum of gg per granted for five is from this date, Carried, es with ned up, cost of making the road passable for teams, &c., at about $250, and they recommend the open ing up of the said road by the Council at their earliest convenience. By-law over three times and ri be- ott 0, 112 was read assed, The following accounts were preseni ed, viz.: _ approach to uncan Me- Micklejohy, aper, 31.50; James : boundary Grey and Wallace, Grey share, $13.7i: refund statute labor charged on collector's roll, $4; James tion, 2nd Deputy Reeve Wm. Brown, | w ? by acclamation. ist 'Deputy Reeve, lot se onnge nivard ditoh on "yl James Turnbull ard Robert Dilworth} gravel, "ga 40- David Shine ine Councillors, Robert Livingstone, Jas. : , » Sravelling 84; bert Whitfield culvert at lot 25, con. 12,--: Davi Brown, cleaning brush off road lot 33, con. 17, and filling up culvert, $¥: Hartwell Speiran, gravel, $5.04; George Speiran, opening up gravel pit lot 38, . ' (05; Jumes Ferguson, gravel, $1.28; Micha+! to bridge at lot 4, con, 12 8: J. RF. : 28; Thos klin, gravel, 72c.; Peter Barr, grave!. 6.08; Hugh Lets SETOr in school tax, culvert lot 5, con. 4. 32.25; James Bishop, culvert at lot 3, con, 6, 38.85; Wm. Hoy, ditch at lot 8, con. 6, $40; John Lowe, wire fence on sideroad 2, con, 5, $3.93: Jas, Oakley, gravel, $5 36; John Dougherty, cleanin= ditch lot 80, con. 12, $4; John Roger, Evgineer's expenses Ditches an: Watercourses Act, $154; Chas. Queren gesser, balance on timber for cniverts. 42c,; Peter McDonald, charity, $8; John $3.20; Thos. Strachan. i business, $77 James Turnbull, attending to Counc! 840; Wm. Brown, attendiny to Council business, $56; James Lind- Treasurer, $80; Wm. Spence, salary as Clerk, $160, attending to Ditches anid Watercourses Act, 330, selectin~ Jurors, $4, postage and stationery, $26. (hos. Strachan and A. ymann each, 34, for selecting jurors; John Cardiff. John Stewart, Wm, Mitchell and Wo. Spence each, 96, attending to board ot health business: 'Thos. Strachan, boar: of health business, $4; Thos. Chapma., taking care of township hall, $15; Wm. McNair, error in dog tax; Treasurer o McKillop, Grey share of work dop» on boundary Grey and McKillop, $18.75: Thos. Stevenson, gravel, $15.92; Danie! Cooper, gravel, $21.12; Mrs. Steele, remission of taxes, $1.94; J {ntosh, taxes remitted, Jane Carr, taxes remitted, $2.19; Thos. St. Amour, inspecting. ditch contrac: lot 30, cons, 11 and 12, $4; W. H. Kerr. ance of printing contract, $14.25. Moved He Wm. Brown, seconded by Robert Livingston, that the abov» accounts be paid, Carried. The Spanish press is urging the Go ernment to take action to resist the "ir, tolerable encroachment of the United States in the internal politics of Spain. Itis reported that seventeen British warships are at Corea to support the protest against the King handing ovei Ling government of the country te Rus