Letters and Figures Cannot Tell Half the BARGAIN your selections and be yourself the judge. fered more for the We Know sercsmeretor te " at the PRESENT TIME, STORY That we never of- CHRISTMAS GOODS FOR. EVERYONE! J..4..5£Leaciineg, LISTOWEL, ONT. Agent G.T. R. Issuer of Marriage Zicenses. GTR. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as follows : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Express 7.49 a.m. | Mixed 8.31 a.m, Mixed 7.34 p.m, { Express 12,25 p.m. 'District Llems, Trowbridge. Stephen Wilcott returned home last week from Manitoba, Hugh McCrae paid a flying visit to Trowbridge this week. Silas Cosens, of Oregon, is visiting friends in this yicinity. Miss Jennie May, of Winfield, is the guest ofthe Misses Code. T, J. Tughen was down to Bright hast week visiting his sister, Mrs, G. Allan. Rey. Mr. Robinson is carrying on special services at Molesworth appoint ment. iSrissels, Horse Fair on Stst inst. Some talk of a private bank opening do Brusseis. W.J. McCracken has opened up a stock of groceries in the "Bee Live." The harness and boot and shoe busi- mess of I. C. Richards, has been pur- chased by Win, Mose, uf Gorrie, form- erly of Brussels. Brussels cheese factory disposed of its September and Octover cheese at 1044c. per pound, and November's at 8 cents. Betwepn $4,000 aud $5,000 will be pnt.into cfreulation, Grey. Miss Ruth Clark is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm Mann. Nomination for Manictpal Board: 1807, at Eihel, on 28th inst, Miss Penny Auu McKay is visiting at her sister's, Mrs, Alex. MeKay's, Eima, Wim. McDonald. Ist con, who was away fer rmunth in Muskoka, has ar rived home. Norman, the ten year-old-old. son of Jolin Hunter, of Cranbrook, took ill dast Friday with pleurisy, from which he died on Monday. The Walton Methodist Sadbath School purposes having their annual entertainment on New Year's evening. A good program will be presented. There is some talk of a store being Started on the [6th con., at Moncrieff, in «he wear future. An energetic business man should do well there. It is said' that Robert Livingston May run for © illor, rep ting it Southeastern part of Grey. The ratepayers in that section feel that thev are justly entitled toa man there. Moses Henry, of Ethel, has purchased lot 27, cow. 11, containing OU acres, paving $2800 for it. The farm is known asthe "Miller farm" aud has been rented for ® number of years. Mr. Henry takes possession next api g. . Ethel gained a first-class citizen in the person of Samuel Ames, of Grey, who has purchased Robt. Lang's resi dence and will make this vile his homes. 'The price paid was 3800 We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ames and Zamily. Mr. Lang has moved to J. Heffernan's residence. Mrs. John Bain and children, who reside near Brandon, Manitoba, arrived here Monday of last week for a visit of a few months. Mrs. Bain is a daughter of Mrs. Win. Ballautynue, Trussels, and grand danghter to Jno. | Roddiek, 14th con., and has lived in the West for the past 5 years. Mr. Bain was a well-known resident of this town- Ship. Wednesday of this week Abraham Morrison, wife and children, who were} visiting relatives and old frieads in this section for the past three "weeks, retarned to their bome in Huron City, Michigan. It is 14 years since Mr. Morrison went to the Wolverine State' him as he plamps flown, t 224 pounds. Mrs. Mor- cison is a daughter of John Roddick, an aid and weil known resident of | ad Stratford. There are 18 patients now at the hos pital, Stratford, gi Judge Woods gave his decision in the celebrated Milverton beur cuse last week, He ordered that Hurtmeier, the arty who claims to have shot the bear, madea party to the defence and that judgment be entered against him for tlie sums of $10 without costs. James Browniee, of Stratford, ss } yicitim of an dccidentin the G. T. BR. yards jast summer, whereby he was seriously injured in the spine and wil probably be helpless for the remainder of his life, has secured a verdict of $950 against the Grand Trunk Com puny for negligence im providing for his. safety, The cuse was heard at Brantford Tuesday, before Judge Street. Each side is to pay its own custs, Elina, Renew. A Merry Christmas. THE BEE gives ail the Elma news, Nomination day ison the 28th inst. The receipts, of the Britton cuncert netted $36.50. Hugh Wilson, 10th con., has had a beautiful uew Berlin organ placed in his home. Robt. Berry and family have moved into the house recently erected on lot 1, 16th cou., Elma, Reeves Diekson, Jackson and Ham- moud are in Stretford this week on Ca, Council aud House of Refuge business, "Sing to the holly, the Christmis_ holly, 'That hangs over peasant and king; While we laugh and curouse 'veath ils glittering boughs, To the Christmas holly we'll sing {" Abraham Baker has sold his 100 acre farm to Abraham Farrell, of At woud. « We understand the price received was $5,150. 'The farm is for Mr. Farell's sou Robert. It is a good farm, situated on the 8th conn. and in a good state of cultivation. Mr. Bak- er has leased James Hammond's 2K) acres farm, lots 81, cons. 5 and 6, Elina, near Britton, for a period of five years, at an annual rental of 3350 One of the best entertainments ot the season is announced to take place ins. S. No. 7, Elma, on the evening of Dee. 22nd. 'The Milverton Glee Club. the Britton String Band, and the bes! local talent will combine to give big valne for the 45¢e. ivestment. The whole will close with a side splitting burlesque, entitled "That Rascal Pat." The attendance will be large, judging by the character of the entertainment aud the nominal admission tee charged Dairy ItTems.--2,408 pounds al butter were shipped from the Elma factory 'Tuesday to Stratford for ex port to England. Throngh the efforts of Messrs. Batlantyne & Sons one hat rate has been secured for butter shipped from Listowel to Stratford, which will be quite a saving in that ttem of ex- pense, The patrons have reeeived 15 per tb. on their first shipment of butter. which is three-fourths of the full price due them. 'They will receve the balance When the butter is sold in Englind. Oftthe 20¢. per Ib. for the lirst lot of butter 3.10e, must be de ducted for runuing expenses, which is the rate struck by the directors and covers every item of expense, incliding the muker's charges (2c. perlb) so that about 17c. per. Ib. will be realized by. the patrons, which is a good price. The volame of business is increasing sterdily; 21.000 pounds of milk wire taken in Monday. MUNICIPAL Ecnoxs.--Reeve Dick- son nis decided at the earnest solic itation of his friends to contest Etna reeveship for 1897. Itis hardly likely that his election will be opposed, He has engineered the municipality's affairs in a creditable manner, and moreover the several large dratnuge schemes now in # satisfactory. way ot setliement need his help to give them the finishing touches. We believe it is largely because of his earnest desire to seethe Maitland, Ellice; and Boyle drains brought to a snecessful termina tion during his administration that he has consented to allow his name to go before Ue electors for anether term.--Mr Hammond talks of drop ping out of the 2ad--Deputy Reeveship, but we have no doubt his wish will le over-raled, T, E. is an efficient, paius- taking officer. Messrs, Jackson and Rothwell will probably stand for re- election, although Mr, Jackson speaks of dropping out, as he hopes to take a two months' holiday next summer. Robt. Smith, of the 16th con. is a likely candidate to fill the position vacated by Mr. Merryfield, who resigns to contest the County Councillorship, which completes the muniepal glate as fur as we can learn at this writing. The Toronto World--of- Dec. 12h Says Of a former teacher of the Newry School :* "The East Toronto School Board and. Council banqueted W. G. Morrison, teacher of East Toronto Village, «at the Ontario House, on Thursday evening last, on the occasion of his depa'ture to further his. studies at the School of Pedagogy, Reeve Richardson presided and there were a bumber of guests. Capital speeches were made by the Chairman and Messrs. Morrison, Councillor Me- Calloch, Principal Mc Master, Trustecs Clay and Lynch end Magistrate Ormerod. Principat McMaster: and Seergtars of School Board, Clay, bore testimony to vr. Morrison's ability and success a8 & teacher and regretted that he could not be urged to remain a8 4 permanent teacher on the staff, but hoped Chatin. the near future his services may again besecnred. Station Ageat Lynch and ©. H. McDonald id good frish stories; J. Trebiieock gaye "Reminiscences of Dobbin." Vhile Messrs. J. W. A. Carnahan and Geo. Shaw had all the encores they wanted for the songs they sang. Mr. Morrison will also carry with fim an Grey: Services dress strongly § eulogistic of his iegs as a teacher." fluch in Little Is especially trne.of Hood's Pills, for no medi eine ever contained so great curative power in #o small space. They are a whole medicine chest, always , al ways efficient, always sat- ; Prevent a cold sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 20. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilia. E i [ f or fever, cure all liver ills, i S CAF SON & McKEE 'Saturday Morning, Nov. 28, AND CONTINUE THROUGHOUT DECEMBER A Offensive Partisanship. (Continued from Page 5.) The evening session did:not open nntil-nearly , when Mr, Blair proceeded with the cross-examination of Mr, Farrow. "My speech at Walten was made up of facts gleaned from Hansard blue books, postofiice reports, but made no special prepuration. -- I said the current opinion: was that if duties were taken off by Canada and inaintained by the United. States it would be detrimental to this country. Imay have compared the Mackenzie regime with the Conservative party. My declining to do canvassing was not due to my position as postmaster, but partially from having se much official work, was at a meeting at Gorrie, when Hon. Clarke Wallace was. there. was nominated, but declined and ofiered a very few remarks in so doing The change of Government was partly my reason for not attending the pro- test meeting." After some other unimportant evidence, Barrister Lazier returned thauks for the courtesy shown him He did not know what the result. would be, but, a3 far as he was concerned, the decision would be given on the evi denee produced, no political bias would influence him in arriving at conclu- sions. Hedid not believe in Govern ment officials taking part in elections except to yote. He bad been grossly maligned over the hist election by bewspapers, and, while many editors said what was square, many othersdid not. He hoped this investigation would be taken as.a warning for time tocome, This was his first visit to Brussels, and he hoped it wert be the last ou any such mission, "SPECIAL prices" for Xmas candies nuts and truits is the inyliing feature ot B. R. Le ke's Christmas advertise ment, and sinee be has a large and fresh stock in he ought to do a big hofiday trade. W ful men or women to travel foi ' responsible established house ip Qutario. Salury $8780, payuble $15 weekly and expenses. Position perman ent, Reference. Enclose self address ed stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. STaR ' IVERY, The Star Livery is equipped with first-class rigs, faust and gentle driv- ers, and In every way adapted to meet the requirements of the tray- efiing public. Terms reasonable. Sta- bicg opposite Branderberger's Hotei Attwood. DARK & DUNCANSON, Proprietors ANTED---SEVERAL FAITH 96 tt. ~ CHEAP READING. Our Clubbing Offers for 1897. MAKE YOUR CHOICE, \ / \ / very liberal cabbing terms With a number of -Canad ian and Ameria) metropolitan news papers and magazines, enabling us to give The Bee readers exceplional bar gains in their choice of literature for 1807. The balance of 1896 is given free to new subscribers.. Terms, strictly eash in Advance. Take your choice, anddJeave your order af once. Orders by mail promptly attended to ; CLUBBING LIST. Tre Bee and Weekly Globe.,.... $150 a" ae Weekly Mail Empire 1.40 Farmers' Sun 0 E have succeeded in making Daily World N. Y. Thrice-a week Montreal Wituess.., 1:7: London Free Press . Loudon Advertiser . Hamilton Bi weekly Spectator (new subscribers) 2.80 Outiook 38d Review of Reviews . 315 Sketch (Am. edition) 650 lilus, London News (Am. edition) .. 6.50 Arena 3.60 Arkansaw Traveller 1.40 Bon Ton (fashion),. 4.10 Catholic 'Times 210 CHautauquan ...... 2.89 Epworth Herald....°200 Chicago Inuter-Ocean 1.75 Jeuness Miller Lilus- trated Monthly. Judge Life Lond 1.89 51 Quotations will be given for any per- iodjcal not quoted above. Address ail communications te TH Bre, Atwood, Ontario. - Givantic Clearing Sale ! : Of Dress Goods, Mantles, Millinery, Readymade Chothing, Fur Ceats, For Capes, Overcvats, Carpets, Flannels, Flannelettes, Underwear, Boots & Stes, Groceries; &, &. : continned mstd weather @uring the fall we. find-- we have _ Owing to the $5,000 too mien stock for this time of the year; and as we always tike stock in January we have determined to unload a bet of goods during December month. - Now you public know what this means, as we have a most. desirable stock of Dress Fabrics, pretty Jackets and STYLISH MILLINERY as well as full lines: of Staples, Groceries, &. This whole range of choice merchandixe will be thrown upon the market and you may conmt upon a perfect avalanche of bar- gains, such bargains as only "The People's Gash store" can give you We em- phatically state here that no ether store in this locality is in. # position to sell reliable goods, qualities that are high grade, for the same low prices. that we will sell them at during the progress of this BIG SALE Very speeial 26 Men's and Boys' Overcoats ranging from $4.50 to $8, your choice now fer $290 each. 29 Ibs. bright yellow Sugar for $1. 26 Ibs of Red path granulated Sugar for $1, and scores of outer bargains. Carson & McKee, Listowel. ON NINEN SENN SEN "SG KILBURI'S mG Heart=Nerve \a PIs. ga =~ For Weak Peopie having Heart and Nerve Troubles. Fluttering, palpitation, amotaering feeling, throbbing or irregular NS Se SY SS Se beating of the heart, dizziness, shortness of breath, distress after exertion, spasms or pain through the breast and heart, morbid con- dition of ths mind, feeling of amifety, etc. THEY ARE INVALUABLE FOR WEAK AND NERVOUS PEOPLE: troubled with sleeplessness, nervousness, anemia, debility, after-effects of grippa, vss of appetite, etc. They represent a distinct advance in medical sctonce, providing a cure for diseases of the heart and ncrves unequalled for prompt and effective action. tite Tit Si Te oe A Oe see, oe ee oe, ee ee, oe ee Ss Se ee Important Announcement THREE THINGS___.« Price, Quality, Assortment ! These three are very important considerations in buy~ ing anything. Ifthe Priceis right, the Quality good, Assortment complete, buying is easy. That is what makes Furniture buying easy at our store. We've got the stock, the prices, the quality, and henee EVERYBOBY IN --t>- Furniture ! >F UPrhHiture ¢ Parlor Suites, latest designs in all desirable woods; at prices that others can't touch, ee of goods consider- ed. Prices range from $20 to $65. An elegant line of Bedroom Suites from $6.50 to $30. Something New in Sideboards, 'lables, Bookcases, &e- Kitchen, Parlor and Extension Tables from 5dc. te 15.50. : All kinds of Rockers from 40c. to $10. Kitchen, Dining and Parlor Chuirs from 25c. to $9. Roller Window Shades from 25c. to 90c. A beautiful selection of Pictures.\ Prices away down- PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. aijit ee Undertaking ! ; Supyeysopun Special attention is given to our Undertaking de- partment, which is replete with every requisite, includ- ing a fine. Hearse. Charges moderate. Atwood Furniture Go. = B. HAMILTON, Manager. 4 %