. Over and over "feeds on SO Parnt ER THE SERMON. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I -- take my turn at the mill, I out the golden grain, ust I must a at my task with a aulorons . ute Over and over again. We cannot measure the gif OI even the tiniest flow Nor check the flow of the pod Be sands That run through a single hour; But the morning dew must fall, And the sun and the summer rain Must do fhere part, and perfornt it all Over and over again. Over cee over a The brook sine the meadows i ws, And over and over again The ponderous mill-wheel goes ; Once doing will not pitta Though doing be not in And re fi escred failing oa Gace or wice aay come if we try again. "The h that has once been trod Is ndver so rough to the feet, And the lesson we once have iearned Is er s0 hard to repeat ; Thougfi sorrow!lul tears may fall, And/the heart to its depths be riven, With} storm and tempest we need Te render us meet for heaven. THE CRIME OF SELFISHNESS. The world's universul crime is sel- fishness. We have educated it until it has become a mania. it controls our thoughts, our plang, our actious, » Events are simply sponges from which ~ we squeeze some benefit for ourselves, and ce carry this so far that the athens are utterly ignored, and seit ceatincatinn becomes * thé only god who claims our hearty wor- ip. And what S the selfish man, after ali? A mere wreck of a noble soul, © ites diy ine possibilities chained, eramped, handicapped, muzzled. 4H ers without a thought of those ioe tarve; he laughs without @ glance at those who weep; he reaches out his hand to grasp re- sources which le does not need, and piles up wealth which he cannot apend. The injunction, "Freely ye have. received, freely give," 80 cha that he prays, "Freely give to me, and I will give nothing to any one Suppose you could put a genuine love into the hearts of all men! We should have a very You would double the sum of human happiness, and the happiest of us all woul who had alleviated suf- fering by prssere gift from iho abun- dance. Iamunot sure that God Him- self would not walk and talk with Jerusalem swing on hinges to let the angels out on a vis- it to the loved onga - here below GOLDEN RULE LE : PROVE RES. Life makes alive. Play well, work weil. if God has made a man of you, tell men. No picomire in prayer, nv treasure in prayer Let not site loyal say in what he Mi be loy O-morrov ii is <iisobedi- nike . UG od: pa now. If your goal has no room nied your brother it has me FOC room for WISE_SA? SAWS. Ignorance may Le bliss, but only to the ignorant. any a man who has been carried away by enthusi aie has had to work bis way home aga A great deal Hecenvis upon the po- sition the words in a sentence; for instance, there is-a-good-deat or difference. between you being out of ee and the breath being out of * The cleverest. woman is she _ who knows how to laugh at other peo- ple's wit, not she who causes others to laugh af her Extremes meet, and the man who never complainsand he whois always ee get the worst serv in this world. A sensible woman cares more about her husband's last love than hav- ing been his first one. GLBANINGS. Many people go to church more be- camse they think the church tneeds them than because they think they need the church. Moderation is the golden mean be- tween two vices--the vice of excess on te one hand and the vice of deficiency the other. A number of virtues lie << this middle state.--Rey. JR. Miller, Philadelphia, Pa. The: trouble with the pulpit to-day is, however, that it is chary: of toueli- on the sins and the sinners of to- day. They prefer to preach of sinners of 2,000 years ago because they ure dead and have fewer frien:is in the con- poems ion Nek R. S. MeArthur, New The act of repentance is the undoing of a man's regret. Repentance comes after seeing the truth. ae can't feel rightly you see htly eee oa be wrong 'enn on 'ts use- jess. The difference Maaldachine yanaged a- tion and knowleige i e know not when it comes. Bishop reriet. Wheel. ing, W. Va. Christianity is for this life. It is for us now. Our business is to have hea- ven every day of this life, and heaven here. Don't be so foolish to think that you can get along <hCoueh this Hfe and spend all of your time getting ready for the next. If you ro on this principle, I am afraid you will have a poor reception when you get to heaven. Get your heaven nows-Rev. Peter Clare, Minneapolis, Minn." it is depressing to thi gk that many disloyal husbands are ynsci having the very best of. wives. heaven on earth . ome sano oF mee PEM, -S0ISGORS 1 "AND BRUSH. ----e | the Condition of Many Young':Giris in Canada. Pale Faces and Bloodless Lips--Given to Headaches 5 Heart Paipisation and Other Distres- sing Symptoms--The Means 'of Cure Readily at Hand. (From the Leamington Post.) The attention of the Post, has late- ly been frequently called to a Te markable cure in the case of a young girl living within a few miles of this town, whose life was despaired of, Lut who was eomplétely cured In a short space of time by the most won- derfui of all remedies, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Since reading in al- most every issue of the Post of the cures effected by the use of this medicine, we felt it to be a duty we owed to investigate this case which has so urgently been brought to our notice, and we are sure the in- terview will be read with interest b the thousands of young girls allo Canada, as well as the parcnte of such interesting patients. The young lady + e@ e, in question is not anxious for noto- riety, but is willing to make her case known in order that others who are similarly afflicted may have an op- portunity of being equally benefited. The symptoms in her disease differed in no way from those affecting thou- sands of young girls about her age. | Shé was suffering from extreme Weak- ness, taused by an impoverished con- dition of the blood, and her chances of life seemed to grow less every day. The best and brightest fade away as well as others, but when we seb @ young girl of 16 years, who should be in the best of health, with cheeks aglow with the rosy flush of youth, and eyes bright and flashing, just the opposite, with sallow cheeks, blood- less lips, listless in every motion, de- spondent, despairing of life, with no expectation or hope of regaining health, and with only one wish left, that of complete rest physical and mental, we think it one of the saddest of sights. . > In the quiet little hamlet of Strangfield, in Essex County, just such a case was presented to the sorrowing eyes of Joving {friends a few months ago in the person of Miss Ella Beacon, who frequently said she did not care how soon she died, as life had no charms for ber. To our reporter she declared that life had been a burden, but after suffering in this way for months,-and- after trying all sorte of remedies prescribed by physicians or furnished .by friends from some cher ished recipe handed down from their grandmother, but without being ben- efited in the least, she was at) last persuaded by a neighbor to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial; but she had tried so many remedies with- out getting relief that she still re- fused for some weeks. However, after repeated urgings by her parents and friends she began the use of the pills. Before one box was taken she experi- enced some relief, and after the use of a few more boxes she was restored be perfect health, and there are few oung Bhe says she owes her 1 oe Williams' Pink Pills, and is omilitne & at all the world shail now it @m.case attracted much attent her perfect. recovery has created such comment. The facts above related are impor- tant to parents, as there are many young girls just budding into oe. hood whose condition is, te say least, more critical. than tie parents imagine. Their compiesine is pale and waxy in appearance, troubled with peere palpitation, headaches, short- ess of breath on the slightest exer- eine, faintness and other distressing éymptoms which invariably lead toa premature grave unless prompt steps are taken to bring about a natural condition of health. In this emergency no remedy yet discovered can supply the place of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which build anew the blood, stengthen nerves and restore the glow of Health to eas and sallow cheeks. They are ce cure for all ch scaeid ymculiae to the female. sys- m, young or pe Pink Pills also cure cock d m, estader fai partial paralysis, locomotor re agen Vitus' dance, pervous ene ryous prostration the after orenis 'ot la gr infifGenza and sev- ere endlich cart isis depending on hu- he blood, 'such as ee prea tg the case aigttimion win, men = effect a dg cure ay al mental worry, OvOrWOrK OF exceeees of any nature A revival is noe progrées at the Meth- C. Van Arsdel, a mending: & grocer and active church worker, has destroyed his large of ci ei a articles to his fellow men. There has always been ground for the suspicion that the busy bea made' too much noise to be as useful as is commonly supposed. Now it has been discovered that one. of or = sects, with all its more than a teaspoonful of honey in a siugle peason. trata A New York theatre manager re- ceived the following letter of appli- cation: "Dear Sir: Father is crool to mé, mother says i am ignerunt and sivtor aay 1 am only fit ue | you give me a job my friends sa. i have a luvely vois pole i have oanad hair, if you Fee ete tooen ae be awful glad the foliage is loosning themselves from the trees." Taitu, the wife of the Negus of Abys- sinia, is described as handsome, intel- ligent and light brown. She meddles constantly In affairs of state, and therefore a fa many enemies that in cape k's death she would have to flee the aointey at once to escape their rongoanee. She can read and = learning to write. The price of a foreibly taken kiss has been fixed in Alabama. About two years ago Miss Lizzie Henderson, while a passenger on a train on the poner. Railway, Peghtha Annis- by charket. and § + $10,000 eer Pr A jury gave nee Bs verdict for The. most 'electric' village in Europe is Borobeke, in Belgium, where a plant has been put in operation, according to plans drawn by Pro- fessor Schoentges, of Ghent. All streets, alleys aud private eee all ed and private buildi are light by electricity. The great dairy npn of the village are worked by electricity. For all this each house- holder pays only 19 fanes ($3.80) per yoar. ' Over the triple. dot doorway of the Cathedral of Milan there are three in- scriptions spanning the splendid arch- es. Over one is carved a beautiful wreath of roses, and underneath is the legend: All that pleases is but for a moment." Over another is sculptured a cross, and these are the words underneath: |" All that trou- bles ig but for a moment." But un- derneath the great central. entrance in the main aisle is the inscription: "That only is important which is eternal." The Sheats laws, of Florida, that made the teaching of mixed classes of white and colored pupils an offence punishable by imprisonment, have Lee otis coh unco@stitutional and teachers in the oid. Last sshool "8 the meen Missio clety at Orange Park were pee Sst Lith rss of thig law. This case was 'ore the Supreme Court of Florida, and brought about the recent declaration. { nary So- _Brooklyn-has-a-new idea in the edu- cational line. -It is proposed that a " parents' day" shall be established in the Public Schools, when fathers, mothers and instructors enol: meet in the school buildings to discuss things of moment anent the tanetiine of the young hopeful. _ As the-main-import- ancé of the new. day is to compel an interest by the public in its ownaf- 'airs, rust too largely to its neon tee ed the iden is a good o and should not be con- fined to ee city of ehurehee. Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, This. flourishing institution will re- open Thureday, January 7th, 1897, with graduating courses in piano, pipe pees, violin, harmony, choral singitik, painting, drawing, sketch- ing, book-keeping, phonography, elo- ' Public School teachers' pp. caflend Prineipal Austin, B. A., St. Thomas, Ont ~ Russian Coins. _ The Birmingham mint has just re- ceived a huge order from the Rus- sian Government for copper coins. The total number of coins required is over 70,000,000. The coins, which consist of three, two, one half and quarter kopeck asa are already be- ing struck off. NEUR ALGIA'S PERSISTENT AGONY Has" but one source of relief. Nervi- line--nerve pain cure--penetrates to the irritated nerves, soothes {them into repose, and affords relief almost instantly. The whole range of. medi- cine affords no parallel to Nerviline ae a pain reliever. A Gentle Hint. "Papa," said Tommy, "do you think Santa Claus would be offended if I put a note into the chimney and told him in which toy store they kept the best fire engines ?" THE BEST REMEDY FOR CORNS Is Putnam's Painless Corn Extraccor. Rapid, painiess, its action is a marvel fo all who have tried it. Famcy get- ting rid of Lome corns in 24; hours. "Putnam's" does thelr wives are built Some husbands seem. 'to o imagine that} brs intone the approaching norther from afar run around after them with vaotr Gane AVUATEREING TRIBUTE | To the Standing of the Canada Busincas College, Chatham. No more flattering tribute to the isiness Col- with either experience the subject or who has had experience in public school preferred, per to start with. good increase to guitable person. A ond is for teacher of b college in New York Btate. The position is 0 from to $55 per month, according to the abil- oung lady gradua to take ican Sosteion Vong teliae with a Loan Co., one of the cities of ep repre seals hee: She must be capable stenographer and know pi to value a mortgage. he above shows that this popular and high grade gate bdatcass has been running longer wi management than any Soler sim- ilar school in Canada, tias secured the confidence not only of public, but also of kindred see they write the principal, Mr. that re highly endorsed. This institution has already supplied nearly sixty teach- Tiymouth, Pa., teac ot salary of 61,000 per annum. If THE BABY IS CUTTING. TEETH Be sure and bara heed old one well- tried remedy, Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup for aChilaren Teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, eolic and medy Yor diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. ~-~ learns inte of ie ace down into Each his own nye desoended into the secrets of all Twenty Years... Fc: more than twenty years we have been telling how Scott's Emulsion overcomes the excessive waste of the system, puts on flesh, riourishes and builds up the body, making it the remedy for all wasting di- seaces of adults and children, but it isn't possible for us to tell the story in a mere-stick- ful of newspaper type. We have had prepared for us by a physician a little book, telling in casy words how and why Scott's Emulsion benefits, and a postal card request will be enough to have it sent to you free. To-day would be a good time to send for it, SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, On: $3.75 PER ACRE. 1, 420 'ACRES, a good farm in the sunny @ Northern price asked for the fa arm. cm forme R partion: lers write to H. J N, "Siaroncal nt, , Surry Co., Va, Im the celebrated Niagara Dis CHOICE | « trict, on the line of the HL, G.& FRUIT B. Electric Railway. Will b: sold in lots to suip purchasers on LAND || essy terms, For full particulars write to FOR } * J. ¢. McNIVEN, SALE | Winona, O AGENTS-THE NEW Hae tick | bread knife ten 1 bi elegant polished 'Wider handle, is seller yet offer d Sen4 50 cents fous oiennd partivaia:s. The rind K Co, $38 Weilia ngton street eat, Toronto. Mention unis pape LORD'S FRA and ten commandmen illustrated, twelve colors and gold, size Toca, per. autiful nted on vy Ab 4 Preeti picture. tat p cing O0d, eben ss mage 00 per cent. profit. Writ rticalars day The Queen givcrwace preg beet eh it PnP gr pur pee rar y of plaids td Jae Cor: ners," & com' by B, J. Jef. poate, SD PPh De Te Tpeepren married you gna nde 3. L. Le MIOngis & CO. "3 Richmos RUPTURE SSE = SOUR ee FLATU- Rider se VSPEPSIA ED.C eae eTHe SPEPSIA 'ISSUE NO 62 1896" NOTE, vertisementa, please this paper. ; bed A "BERE IT 1s" SALADA" CEYLON TEA. Delicious. - Pure. -<- Economical. Sold in Sealed Lead Packets Only. 7 y Grocers Only Sold at 25, 40, 50 and 60 cents per ls. ONSTIPATION- hues a lig re guarantees. to ¢ "CU URE URE Free = oo refunded. pal al ied CO., Ltd., New NS., » ai2f Siate St, Boston, SOCIETY BUTTONS Send 25c. in stamps for 10 kt. Rolled Gold Rimmed Address Jewelry. Dept. Dominion Regalia Ce. TORONTO poser: of all Lodge R Regalias, Uniforms, a was never so great a H.C. Beatt an be : 'ben placed. as teacker of ' nmansbi Business College, Bare Mota 'aw, as book-keeper and saleslady, cannot be filled unless by takin of other positions to fill them. teacher of Graham shorth<nd, pret eet roe pire Another is from a Loan oe aay ered cate 6 coer cones nogra| napa to value & mortgage and to act ae tel third mman in a Business liege ts New York State in a position worth $76 per th, DOES IT PAY TO ATTEND 1 BEST? These are sam . MeLACHLAN & CO. " Chatham, Ont, ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE, NOW in ae 29th eh continues to o pre-emine t position as the maou Tharhigh -- widely: "8 ded busine 8s college in Amer- For e addres: " ROBINSON & SORMEOH: rc. A, Belleville, Ont. WINTER TERM, MONDAY, JAN, 4, 1801. CL Stratford, Ontario Canada's most > Dora cém mercial schoel-- none better in the minion. Thorough La rato-r LA apse <) ef from N wr York to tan Fraaciveo, Write for beautitul waa 10TT, Principal. atstodent'sbome. ee tetalieaee ee onan ae at. BRYANT & STRATTON. 5 36 6 College Bido., Buitale, ft. ABSESSMENT SYSTEM. MUTUAL PRINCIPLE nt are peenr is ane! this morning of malgama- tion of the business of oe provincial Provident St, Thomas with Fund Life Association, man- afar for Ontario is Mr. Ww. J. Mo urtry, of Toronto, These are the wo largest natural premium life in- ativan in Canada. aggre- gate business he Domiaton amounts to $36,000,000. The Mutual e Fund Life, which is the largest natural premium company the sabe has for "bard done a la has here ee death Claims oe ,000, It ts daly registered onder the | Do- minion Act and has a deposit Ov~ dood d over urity wh placed behind arte: insurance. ~ FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING THECOOK SBESTEREND In replying to any of these ad--- mention