Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 18 Dec 1896, p. 5

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> Rn. ree - PELTON, - PUBLISHER. "FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 1896. Offensive Partisanship. 'TE CHARGE AGAINST POSTMASTER Pesnow, OF suueeELe. Brussels, Dec. 'note Lazier, Q.C., 'Y HKelleville pci an- investigation Xo day inte charges aid against ost- master Fartow,of ar eisadle for offensive partisanship 'in connection with. the last Dominion'election contest, in the "Town Hall, Brussels, a large audience "Heing presettt. After the Commission- «r had stated thé otject of his visit, Lawyer Simelair, ou behalf of com ylainant, and Lawyer Taylor, for the respondent, discussed some preliminary points what should be included in "the eae Cherge 8 was' Giken first witiess called was Shih Moore, of Walton, who testified that he had beard Mr. Farrow 'speak at a Conservative meeting dest June in Waiton village, in the interest of Mr. Ditxenson, the Conservative scindidate, and in opposition to mes Liberal pevty. James McDonald, ratepayer inGrey township, was iat atthe Welton meeting. Mr. Farrow 'opened the meeting. There were three Constrvative spedkers against one Liberal. Mr. Farrow"s speech was entirely partizan. He showed that if the Liberals were elected the duties wweuld be removed, and> the American wheat, oats and 'barley would come pouring into Uanada, to the sacrifice "of the home market. "I interrupted Mr. Farrow, aud he asked tae to take 'the pletform, which I declined." Jas. McFadzean, of Grey township, attended the Walton meetiig, at which Mr, Farrow was one of thespeakers ou the Conservative side, aud compared the expenditures of the date Govern- ment with the Mackenzie regime. "d considered it an unfair criticism. The 'showed that the times were prosperons, 'and warned the electors of what the; yesult would be if the Liberals were returned. Asito free trade, it was # Artisan speech, 1 never heard Mr. 'arrow before. He closed with an appeal to have the electors support the Government." David Campbell, of Grey, attended 'the Walton meeting, and heard Mr.) Farrow spexk on behalf of the Con "servative party Andrew Johnston saw Mr. Farrow nt the Walton meeting and 'heard him speak on the Conservative side, He Yeard him speak once before, The speech he made last June was Rod for hie-side of politics. Therewas, edunbt x3 tu which side he was spea a 'on. He saiti when the people asked Mr. Mackenzie for bread he gave them zstone. Mr. Farrow said the Post office Departinent had checked him for using two envelopes when one woald have done. James J. Denman, ef Morris, 'was' «walled as a witness fer Mr. Farrow. He was agent for, the UConseryative candidate, and spoke at the Walton meeting. "Mr. Farrow spoke at the instance of Mr. Diekenson, as the 4atter was ill. Mr. Farrow was at the smeeting, aud L asked him to speak for Mr. Dickenson, and he consented after ressure. He saidhe was not there Seraudian to speak, bat kd driven out 'to hear the addresses. 1 did not think his speech was partisan. { thought it weak. I thought he could have done better, comparing it with his former efforts. He dwelt on the development of Canada and its growth; nothing a Siberal could take offence at. did not hear him mention--the-name-of either candidate, nor request the #lectors te yote for either party. I asked Mr. Farrow to do. some canvas sing, but he declined owing to his position. I have kuown Mr, Farrow for years, and Jooked upon him as out of pontics since tubing the Drussels postofirce." Mr. Blair condneted the cross exam ination. Myr. Denman said he thought he was not asking Mr. Farrow to do an improper act in soliciting iis aid, as a citizen has aright to have a say in "he laws by which he shall be goyerned, Mr. Farrow said he woul do no ceanvassing, owing to his position as postmaster. Speaking may~ be done from an indepeudent standpoint, but in canvassing it narrows down to party Hines." "I wanted Mr. Farrow at Walton to take the place of Mr. 'Dickenson, as the iatter was ill He spoke of the progress of the country, and contrasted it with the Mac kenzie regime. It was a toyal speech, but I don't think it heiped the Conservative party. Ie did not refer to either candidate. Witness was present at a convention at Gorrie when Mr. Dicken- sop was vominated. Mr. Farrow's name was likewise proposed._.Mr. Farrow was proposed as a Conservatrve eeandidate at Gorrie, but an adjourn- mevt was made before-a decision was arrived at, and another convention called. A meeting was held at the American Jio'e!, Brussels, to arrange fora protest against Dr. Macdonald; among others present was Postmaster Farrow. Hle was there about 20 minutes.. He spoke, and said he did mo: think the protest would be success- ful. A subeription was to be taken to defray expenses, but I did not see the Brassets list." _Charge 7 was next taken up. VAS. Saket, of Grey, swore he knew Mr. otro for about two years, aud knew him totbe postmater at Brussels. He heard him make remarks abort Dr. Macdonald. He said Dr. Macdonald wwas the biggest political liar he ever knew. Alex. Macdenald was present. it was before the voting. The state -- was made before Mr, Baeker, rasse An phoxiaws [prema thes ee made mntil Wednesday jma ng at 9 with, 'Thea. Miller no. tt. H, Rerr, GF. Wer, A. Hislop, s B 'Smade, Allen Cochrane, B. Gerry J, Denman, Geo. Baeker, W. F. Van stone, Jas, Bolgar, each gave untmport an' evidence during the day. 'EB. &. Dickenson, barrister, of 'Wing- ham, was the Conservative candidate at the last election in East Huron, and alg a number of meetings. Mr. arrow was a speaker at Watton at Pay yp as ed throat failed him owing to five ks' yal Mr, Farrow sedepoeed at Walton to oblige him. It was a moderate speech. He did not recuilect his asking the electors to vote forhim, At Brussels his speech was short and dealt eee with Provincial politics. Did not see Mr. Farrow at protest meeting, oe was he at the meeting last May in Gorrie. Was at Town Hall, Morris, meeting. Mr, Farrow's interription was at the close of Mr. Kerr's speec Mr. Blair asked him to have Mr. Farrow spexk, | bnt he declined. te spoke at'no other meeting as.far as he Kaew. Mr. Frew spoke -at Gorrie and declined t.e noudnation. Mr. Farrow, the respendent, was then called. "I attended the Waltou mecling. After teal met W.F. Van- tila and went with him to Walton a! his request. Weuld not have gone ov herwise, Dr. Denman told me Mr Dickenson was poorly with bis iste and Mr. Dickenson arged me to 6il the gap, and I did, 0 not know how long the speech was. Ic was chiefly statutes of progress ae Canada anti the postoffices tor "9. Am an Englisivman; and de Hight in the pro gress Of the country. From my store-. keeping 'expetience I rhowed the difference in pricas, showed my Eaton $2.20 suit, I did not mention the name of either candidate, Made no unfair comparisons, nor did I in- tend making a party speech. I had no intention of speaking at this meeting, but did so at the fequest of Mr. Dickenson. I fad declined earlier in the campaign toassist. L do not think it was offensively partisan. Owing to 'Sir James Grant's failing to get there I spoke for twenty minutes. Did not denounce the Liberal party, and made no appeal te the-electors. as at the committee-voom twice. Rendered no assistance and gave no advice. Itl stid what Snyder swore tol saidit as, a joke. ered a reward of $50 to anyone who cowd prove that I canvass edavote. Noone 'evercame to claim the reward. Was at Morris' meeting in 1894. when a Conservate candidate was to be bronghtout. Had heard my nanie might be proposed, so went to object to it. Five or six were mention- ed I declined ina short speech, and I considered myself ont of politics. Was not at Morris meeting last May; attended no meeting in Brussels as to gTevision of the voters' Mists. Was not at meeting asking for protest against Dr. Macdonald, M. P. Don't remember being scrulineer at the Macdenald Holmes election, but acted for .a mannicipal election, Had been asked todo some canvassing fot Couserva- tive party, but declined even to influence some of my relatives, who voted for Dr. Macdonald." (Continued on Page 8.) Perth Gounty Endeavorers. A prayer circle has been formed in one society for the purpose of offering special prayer for each other during the same hour every evening. The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of the Stratford city C.E. Union: Pres., Rey. Mr. L. Cornwall, B. A.; Cor. Sec'y, Miss Emery; Ree. Sec'y, -L,- Meir; Treas, F. Jobnston. A consecration mesting on New Year's morning! Endeavorers, what da you think of that plan of com- mencing the New Year? Can you think of any more appropriate. way? If nut try this, tis' a beautiful idea; The E.L. of C. E. of the Central Methodist church, Stratford, has decided to give forty per cent, of its total income to missions. The same society is sending a box of clothing to one of the Indian missions) that is on Walpole Island. A prominent Endeavorer county._a--few- days ago remarks as follows: "When the E. E. column in the county press was first commenced ] did not pay mnch attention todt, but now Lteok for it every week and find it very interesting. Knox 'church, Listowel, held "methods" Dec. 8rd. ; ston, gave a en aid address and Miss Quinn conducted a parliament on committee work which was very help- ful. It was a profitable meeting. It_ wih aid the.County-Secretary considem@siy in ber work if she were notitied promptly, of any change in the Secemanding secretaries of societies it would avoid confusion, eavecielly with regard to societies in the conntry, if thé name of the last secratary W: ere given as well as that of the'new ove, A convention of young peoples' societies in the Presbytery of Stratford, was held in Knox church Stratford, on Thursday last. [Interesting addresses on subjects of interest to young people were given at both afternoon and even- ing sessions. The matter of forming Presbyterial Union was discussed, but no action taken. On the evening of the 2nd inst. a large and enthusiastic company C. £. workers met in Nerth More ing: ton church to hear from Rey. E. Fear, of Milverton, a clear and Gi: rehensive address oun "methods." hen Miss Richmond very a con- dneted an "open parliament" which elicited a lively discussion that doubt- of the their 30 Jess will prove very helpful to the} ms ourishing local society. FOR CASH AT THE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE ! AVING bonght a nice, naib select stock of Shoes at 85c. J. on the 8, I am able weal At Cost As long as the stock lasts. I therefore invite you to call and inspect my stock before buying elsewhere. To give you an idea of the valnes we are offering in Ladies' and Gents' SNOES Here are a few quotations : Children's Buf Button Shoes, form- erly sold at 85c., new selling at 60c. Misses' School Shoes, $1:25 before, now $l. Misses' Dongola Kid Button Shoes, sold at $1.40, now $1.10. Women's Dongola Kid Button Shoes, sold at $1.50, now $1.15. Women's Dongela Kid, sold at $1.75, now $1.35, Men's Dongola Kid Gaiters, sold at $2.50, now $1 99. Men's Dongola Kid Gaiters, sold at $2, now $1.5v. Men's 4 buckle Manitoba Felt Shoes, grained leather, sold at $2.50, now $2. Rubbers and Steckings, from $1.75 to $2.5. And Geer ritoe else sold accordingly. A Call Selicit A. BERLET, ATWOOD. complete, ppiness and health, upon agate 'Hood's Sarsaparilla, because it ES renewed life and vitality to the b' and through om imparts vigor = ref it Se "stele sapart err le helped me wonderfully, changed sickness to health, gioom tosun- shine, No pen can describe what I snf- fered. I was deathly sick, had sick head- -- every few days and those terrible » despondent feelings, with heart poate so that I could not go up and Sunshine : down stairs without clasping my hand over my hea:t and resting. In fact, it would almost take my breath sway. I suf- fered so I did not care to live, yet I had much to live for. There is yo pleasure in life if deprived of health, for tife becomes a burden. Hood's Sarsaperilia does far more than advertised. After taking one bottle, it is sufficient to recommend {teelf." Mus. J. E. Surra, Beloit, lows. Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists.$1 Preparedonly by C. L. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, ai) itver ils, bil Hood's Pills secs, headache. "25esnta, Wanted Ten Tons of Poultry (Nice, Dry Plucked) Wanted at the BUSY HOUSE, NEWRY. Highest Price Paid. C. H. HOLMES. Hurrah for Christmas! Oe: celebrate Christmas in the oe old fashioned rites by "Filling Up the Stockins' To the brim. ' easy matter if you Buy your NUTS, Etc., Down. Confections. This is an "We have no cheap, impure goods, Our assortment of Candies include at HAMLEN BROS. Prices Low but Al New Mixed, Lozenges, Creams, Fine: Chocolates, Toys, &c. Our assortment of Oranges, Lemons, Lemons, Figs, Dates, etc., cannot fail to please you' Try. Us. EADLIUEIN Bros. old and Silver Mining Stocks. Some of the stocks that you are sure to Make Money out of if You Buy Now : 20,060 Shares of Idler, a sure dividend payer soon. . 7 4c. 20,000 10,000 ee > gga 1,500 feet from Deer of 'Monnet: Rose, $250,000 capital, one of the best claims in British Columbia 10c. 10,000 $15,000 worth ground for working « of Snow-Drop,.a good gamble of The Great Birton Group of 12 full, claims, two of the 10,000 50,000 of Homestead-Placer Mining Company of machinery on the nee 778 claims being de- veloped, nothing better being offered, Pa Treasury stock For fnll particulars and general address. THE CANADA MINING EXCHANGE, * $2 King St., West, Toronto, Ont. | Candies =: c..8 FYeming's clothing store, Main street, Teton, W. M. BRUCE, L. D. 8.» DENTIST, LOCAL for Lt eos Paton teeth an to be o 68 best ina riat aoe of se "rorkmanshin Of- over Thompson Bros'. store, Main atreet, List a cate tora SOLICITORS, NO- Pu Conveyancers, Com- mianare etc., Listowel, Ont.' Money Ly crests ee Sy hotleed & Me- e's store. orphy, J.- Carthew. "tee = F. BR, BLEWETT, Barrister and Solicitor, Notary Pub- lic and Conveyancer ; Money to Loan ; Solicitor for Bank of" Hamilton, Scott's Banking House, and Ontario Perman- ent Building and Loan Association. 0 : Over Scott's bank, Listowel. MEDICAL. THOS. DOUGLAS, M. D., dallist and honor graduate 'of ty University, 1998. Office in . Hamilton's old stand, Residence, house south side of Drug Store. Special attention given to diseuses of nose and throat, ~ D. A. KIDD, M D., C.M;F.T.M. C.; M. ©, P. & §.-G. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. ¥. T. M.C., of Trinity Medical Col- lege, 1887. 'eat D. C.. M. of Trinity University, C. P. &8,0. of Medical Council, 'Three years of } ractical hospital bed- side clinics, besides nine years in @ one and active practice. Office in the stand formerly oceupied by Dr. Rice. Residence seven doors north of office and across street: AUCTIONEF RS. ¢. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED ont sae re FOR THR County of ton, Ont Rates ccnacatn For partisans ap- ply at this office. 3 SBANEINTG. J.W. Scott, Banker, cere Palmerston and Clifford, ine Bo ENERAL Banking we 1 parts ror the ates ind' reat Britain. and sold, able minion, United States posites received, and Notes Discounted. De; carrent rate of interest allowed, Also Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A large apt = Paver roe to lend on _secari t Fivi ¥ Cent. with "privilege of mS Eyina Sana 52-06tf ful men or women to travel for responsibie established honse -in Ontario. weekly and expenses, Positton perman- AY hanes cceneet FAITIL Salary 8780, payable SJa ent. Reference. ed stamped envelope, Star Building, Chicago, Enclose self address- 'the National TOWNSHIP OF ELMA aLunicipal Eailection. The Municipal Electors of Elma "are hereby notified: ist, that the meeting fur the Nomination of Candidates for offices of Reeve, ist and 2nd Deputy teeyes and Two Councillors for the Township of Elma, for the year 1897, will be held in the Towa ilall, Atwood, at 1 o'clock, p. m., on Monday, December 28th, '96. . 2nd. That should more than the necessary number of Candidates be uomiuated, the proceedings. willbe ad journed until Monday, January 4th, 1897, When polls wit be opened in eack Electoral Division of the Township, at the hour ef 9 o'clock in the morning, and shall continue open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon and no Icnger. 3rd. That the Polling Places and Returning Officers in each Electoral Division are as follows: Div. 1. --Cosens' workshop, Trowbridge; ©. Cogens, Returning Officer. " 2.--Grauge Hah, lot 15, con, 4; J. Mitchell, Returning ORicer. 3--Orange all; 'Thos. Sproul, Returning Officer. " 4-----Morrison's shop, Newry; Thoa. Fullarton, ig ees 'Officer. « 1: " agri s 3, Returning Opieer: - Pe roel sshop, Atw W.McBain,Retarning "Ontieee. THOS. Ft FULLARTON Elma, Dec. 10, 1898. Chex.

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