Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 18 Dec 1896, p. 4

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Presents of And we at red for it with a large and well assorted . stock rietnias Goods; including ld and Young' For the Children e have Toys of every description, ae as Citmbing Monkeys. tron: orses 'and Curt, [ron Fire Engine und Horses, Toy 'Trains, Jack in Box, Drifms,'Rock- ing Horses, AB C Blocks, Mowhss wurke rate,, etc. For the Girls We have epee colidtion sf pole varying in peice from: 6 'warits 'to 33 25 Doll's Garriages,niso Hag 'Poy 'Wash- Ang Sot incleding 'Tate, ub, 'Wash- '\bourd, Wringer and Red. For the Boys We have Air Guns, the Harmless: Pistol, Paper Cap Pistols, 'etc. \In Games We have a great variety. There is 'no nicer way of spending the long Win- fot evenings than atsome nice game. We heve Carom, Croxinole, King's Court, Tiddledy Winks, Bagatelle, Lotto,: Checkers, Chess, Go- Bang, Zenobia, Reversi, Fish Pond, Home 'Tennis, Up ec Ten game, and the great Egyptian uck board Ouija, the greatest fortune: '| telling game of the century. In Xmas Cards We have a very 'fine selgction . . If you are going tosend a present to a friend there is nothing more accepta' than a set of Poems by one of the best aitthors. We have Shakespeare, Ten nyson, Longfellow, Scott, Burns, Byron and others, all in handsome binding, E'have a large assortment of Ladies' Toilet Cases, Jewel Boxes, 'Cuff and Collar Boxes, Necktie Cases, Gloye and Handkerchief Boxes In ALBUMS we have @ large stuck of very choice ones which we care selling ata Bargain. 'Have You Seen Our Fancy China? Uf not, Call and see the beautful display. It comprises Cocor Sets, Cups and 'Saucers, Plates, Spoon Holders, Gelery Seas fea id Dishes, Cake and Fruit Dishes. We have also a pretty line of VASES é Rose Bowls at lowest prices. -A few good VIOLINS at a slight advance on nat. A liberal Discount given to Sunday Schools. Cali and see our stock and you will be pleased. J. A. MITCHELL, MEDICAL HALL, ATWGOD. : tran epee " ie . RSEUMATISN saad aele acid in "the djood. flood"s Sarsaparilla neutralizes the acid aud cures rheu ma +h Miss 8S. E. Witson left for her home in Victoria, British Columbia, iss bie bhe is a sister of Mrs. Jno. 'ama signe are out announcing the merriate of Miss Ida RK. McBain to J. W. Ward, Principal of the Mildmay Publie'school, on Christmas Day, at 5 o'clock THE canna merting-of the Elma Consenyative. Association will be held 1 Brendenberger's Hall, Atwood, on | Steurday 4 th test, at 2p. t., for the "of electing officers ~ and any other business of interest to the association. A fall gee requested. Hi. Mituer. of con. 14, Elma, ince _purehsed tie "Atwood livery of Dark & Duncanson, .we understand, find al take possession ag goon 48 he disposes of his furm and stock and implemeuts. His sale is announced for 22nd inst, He will run the livery il partnership! with bis cousin. We have not heard what essrs. Dark & Duneanson purposes doing ; they are well liked and did a good business. CRADIIE. Dewarn--lIn Elma, on Dec, 44th, the wife of Win Dewar of a-gon, AUCTION SALES. TUESDAY, Drc. 22Np.--Sale of farm. farm-stock and implements, on tot 24, eon. 4%, Elma, ati p:m., sharp. C. H. Merry#ield, auctioneer: Jas #4. Miller, proprietor. WEDNESDAY, Dec, 28,--Farm stock and implements, on lot 7, con. 14, Eima, atl p.m., sharp. C. H. Merry field, auctioneer; Wm. 'Ellacott, proprietor. SATURDAY, Bro. 19.--Dry goods, | essyoase clothing, boots and shoes, &c., in cota, at nr p.m, and 7.80 p.m ae C. Merrytield, auc- tioneer; k Calbileiseh, proprietor. ees MMaricet. Fall Whe pene Wheat ii | Hay Flour, per cwt ee per ton "Gro aed SShssaksy =e ~- utter, per pon Eggs, per Pi eng -- -- TOWN TALK. Dz. Devetas ees Dr. Kalbfvisch, -of Brussels, Mom STaRT the new year rigkt by sub scribing for Tue BEE. 3. S. ENTERTAINMENT.--The S, 5S. -of the Methodist mate ch will hold an 'ehtertaiament on New Year's eve, Dec. 3ist, in the church. A meeting *9f the officers and teachers of the -sehoot will meet at J, W. McBain's residence on Saturday evening, next, rat 7 o'clock, to complete arrangenents, Suortest Days OF THE YEAR,--We are just now having the shortest afber- noons of the year. From December 2nd they will remain at a standstill until 13th, and then begin slowly eg d4engthen.-- The mornings will be ting 'shorter 'by some minutes oni Jan. 8th, and then commence lengthen- ing gradully. The shortest.day from >3uurise to sunset occurs Dec. 2ist. Norra Perth Farmers' Institute meetings will be held at Shakespeare, on._Friday;-Jan. 8th, 1897, at 1.30 znd 730 p.m, saturday, 3am. Oth, 1897, at 1.30 and 7.40 p.m., to be addressed by the following penton Pro i. teed, of the ( C,, Gasinh, "will :3peak ou "The 'essential Element of 'Contagious Diseases," "Breeding iferses for Profit,' and "The _-- -cultaral College." -Munro McNab, of 'Cowal, Gat, will talk on "Beef Pro- -daction." "Corn Growing," and "Boys «cra the Farm." D. W. Beadle, M. A., of "Toronto, will discuss "Varieties | of Apples for the Home and Foreign Market," "Gathering, Packing and Marketing Fruit, "Spraying Fruit for Destroying Insec "and "Insect Foes -and Insect Friends," illustrated by magic lantern. Dr, Berger, Listowel, "at, speaks on "The diseases of the "Ox" and "Tuberculosis." Reeve Dickson entertained the Kima township olficialsto a splendid 'Supper at the Elma House Tuesday reyening. It was a very pleasant affair, asd a fitting wind xp of the . year's <ouacil business. The harmony and szaod feeling which has characterized the Councilmen of KElma in their 4abors during the past year is praise- "worthy, an Tuesday night's supper "was but an expression of the fact. Noliowing are the names of the gentle- gaen who responded to the Reeve's hospitality: Deputy-Reeves Widdis nckson and Thos. E. yee "ouucitiors 8.8. Rothweil and C. Merryfield, Treasurer Moses pie "'lerk Thos. Fullarton, Collector James Dnnean, and RB. elton, municipal printer. Roast statikey aod cranberry gpetoronde chops, célery, excellent made up a very appetizing cig, ba host of the and at Millbank, on WE wish all the readers of Tor BEF @ merry Christmas end a happy and prosperous New THE least 'expensive advertisements are frequently those which cost a large amount ot'*money to'iuser' THE anuual meeting - the £lma Reform Association will be, held in the Town flall, Atwood, on the 24th dnst., at2 p.m., for hearing the aunual re- port and transacting general business. A large attendance requested. THE Yorng Men's Social Club, of Atwood, will hold an asseinbly in the Town Hall this (Friday) evening. Danting will commence at. 8.30 o'clock. I: will be high class and select. Messrs. Hamlen Bros. haye been engaged to provide luncheon for the company, The ladies have been-making elaborate preparations for the event, HFREAFTE® it will be advisable for all parties (especially basiness men) to provide themselves with envelopes con taining their printed names, and in- structions to the postmaster ou the upper left hand corner-of-the envelope, as under the new post office regulations, undelivered jetters will notin future be 'returned to the writer unless so order- ed by printed instructions on the corner. 'Instructions written with the pen will notdo. Tue Bee can furnish every business man in Atwood and vicinity with a splendid line of envelopes nor printed at a very reasunabie price CouNnTY Caacaons: At otBtook, Monday, Dec, 2ist, a meeting will be held in Moukton, for - the nomination of candidates for the office of Coauty Councillor for the division which comprises Elma and Logan, 'Thos. Reidy, of Kennicott, will be the nominating officer. Reeve Bennewies, of ogan; Councillor Merryfield, and ex-Reeve Knox, Elma, are all in the field, -and it is thought that these alone will go to the polls, 'They are all good men,_of wide Spuicipal experience. Aaects.--Wheu are the local Sons of Scotland to have their annual haggis|* supper? Here, gentlemen, is an ideal Seotehman' $ supper : Celer Scotch bonillioen. Turoncle merlushe.a !a persil source. Haggis, Edinburgh style. Young turkey, ~ Domestic duck. Spring chicken, pepaneles oN venison. Leg o tton Patties Burs style. Cabba Gat cake: Scotch short cake: Fruit cake. Walnut cake, 'California fruit. Jelly. Chocolate layer cake. Grapes. ranges. Assorted nats. . Biscuits and-cheese. tea, caffee. * ed. f WM. OSES: THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Wanted--An Idea £2 recs |: pee HE heey cl ety and list of two buaaiet faventoous oak wan ae FAITHFUL M MEN omen t l for responsible estab- lished house in Ortario. ar mg, 300 real aston: ae patee offer' le* given t self. -aldresed stamped velope. "The National, Star gag Chi WANTED |! NTELLIGENT MEN with good education who want to better their 'positions and would be oe for a year with $690.00 and nses, write wa,with description and occo- aap ag and we wall maee fe a proposition for now the future. liabl ec for Kastratia. Wri ep arein a TEE MANA GER, 46-96 49 Richmond St., W., Toronto, Ont. Conservative Meeting. Tae annual meacting of bce Conserv agit ' As. sociation of the town of Elm held at Branderberger's Hotel At ond, "on Saturday, Dec. 19th, 1896, at2p.m., for the purpose of electing officers and transacting ut er business, A full attend- Y. COULTER, - Secreta' Reform Meeting. 2 Tese annual meeting of the Eima Reform As- ys a wil! be held in the Town Hall, At- = Dec. 24th, 1896, at2 eelook p.m., for the purpose of electing Officers for 1897, hearin the annual report, an transacting any other business of pereass to the Association. A full attondance reques see LOCHHEAD, 'esiden Secretary Two Notes Lost. E bag unilecsiened lost a ta pocket bo k contain- is missory notes and _ due bill, somewhere ogg = presi fed eet me < cheese a eS ae. = Chapin agg gr for ne e.nther tio ie Teasen again ae eilare any tot "lb tor this nation, as perinens net wom 5 ped. joy RIGHT Henfryn P. 0. Farm for Sale or to Rent. AC VALUABLE farto for s: for sale or to rent, being 'ot M, con. 14, Elma, contains 100 acres. more 0: or isan : Ue so Pcembi and in a stato of cultivat acres "a bush, balan nee is ready for eet could sone be put into shape oe crop at sg rare fall plowing | * done. frame ens an lace, also two ge tor-sontemplates leavin; 189%, the purchaser farther Pe eme. . | to the proprietor, The "Rmpreas of Indin's"'Chie? 'Telis an Interesting Gtorg. Mr. Francis Somerville, one of the best _ known men in the 'steaniboat traffic of the rivers and takes of Ontario, having been engaged in this business for fifty years, ani who resides at No. 195 Upper Colborne Street, Kingston, speaks as follows of his recovery from the sickness which has affected him for some twme. Said Mr. Somerville: ."The grip te .me with kidney troubles and gravel. I had severe pain over the kidneys and in the small of my'back, also between the shoulders and in the bladder. "The urine was very dark-colored with & great deal of muddy sediment. 1 went to Mr. McLeod's drug store and bought two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills. Ihave taken them with what people tell me is the usual good result. "They have cleared the urine, temoved the sediment, relieved me of distressing pain in the back and between the should- ers, and have builtme up in 2 'surprising manner. In fact, I'am entirely free from the troubles which affected. me before taking these remarkable pills, and I recommend them asa certain cere for all troubles arising from kidney disorders." -- Wkig, Kingston. For Sale by J.-A. MITCHELL According to Agents' Reeere " Deen Victoria : "Her Life and ne - eer by Lord Dufferin, reac hig ae mark at circulation. On pont re- inane Salt nine yeaa the day after he tua, an ghrostourns -- made: Ni rank @iehaee tn this ool mine hustle? Territory is going fast. THE BEADUEY-GARS ETFO CO., Lrp. Toronto, Ontario. W 'tat men ot women v0 FAITH ful men or women ro travel for responsible established house in Ontario. Salary $789. payab's $15 weekly aud expenses. Povition pecman ent, Reference. Enclose self address- ed stamped envelope. The National. star Building, Chicago. WANTED! RIGHT ae am "Women canvassers for 2) re maagets. "Queen Victoria: Her'Life « Introduction. by Lord Dufferin. "x. thrift ew book. Sales mar- Hous. nas girl, wife, mother, and Grandly oe Backs on * y in THE 'BRADLEY-GARRETSON wna Lrp., nto, Ont. WANTED ! EN to en with us as Salesmen. New \ os Losi start. co) ime m , of erecta been tested at our trial os aig deer ity ryou ad a sure thing for tha V r STONE & Wiener Nurserymen and Fruit Growers, Toronto, Canada. Over 700 Acres under Coltivation. Free to Men Only. VICTIM Fee self eae and siege Sin plaints, having permanently rm red , to perfect health, os cat »and ene cieee by sof a simple inexpensive private home cure, will eee oer the Recipe ee REE of charge to ay sufferer. A sure o for pees res ual Weakness, Small Weak aricoce: aadniepliy gai (od confi- HN this is on Bette "pat ient" oS cont h . Wri wie ae and enclose a 3 cent/ ddress; "PRIVATE." BOX 26,. PICTON, ONT, 100 Acres Farm for Sale. stamp for nh aoe 100 acres, sarees timbe; od with eal ae Bott mforta nouge and a e bank barn on the 1 pines a beating 'ofobara pe od three 2 wells. The farm is well fenced and drain- ed andin arg state of cultivation, and situ- ated about ae ran House noe bers Sa Ww..a. INGEN. - 42-2m wood P.O. 7--RURE > FRAGRANT. 'DELICIOUS. UNDER THE SUPERVISION 22, . Lap the best ities of Indian wad Cey that veadhcargr see tae Hons but the very ges. That is w as icferior It caddies of 5 Ib., 11b colt ys ema ct sat 400, Oe. and Be Sas. = Speciale St, Teroata a Fat first yon don't succeed, ncop everlastingly at tt smtil yon do, ou'll gain a victory sometime and then you will have learned a lesson. The next time you want Sherts and Collars yon wit! goto Witd- fany's and save money as well xe annoyances. in ORDERED CLoTHING we have the finest and largest stock of Scotch and Canadian suitings in town of the diferent shades xnd patterns. In READYMADS 'CLOTHING we lead: we have just opened a large case of Heaty Donble: and Single Brenstet Suits for fall and winter which will be sold at reasonable price, 10 cents off for cas PEOPLE OFTEN CaTCH A CoLp b¥ not putting on atrderwear_ early enongh; we have a large stock 6f Coerees ranging from 50c. a suit and as for Harts, this is the ont, place in town where you can get the 'atest American style. Be sure and ask. fér the Barrymore Hat. 'Don't buy your Overcoat untit¥ you see our"stock. : 400 Boys Wanted! tie and 25c. free, to buy him a suit here, 'offer is good fur 10 days only and is made to adver tise the Knee Pants, 3 and 2 piete suits, M. WILDFANC, LIStTow Bx. Another. Auction | Saie ! Everything Must Go at your own price. r big ty Huetion dale a ----0F ----_ Dry Goods, Readymade Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. Will be Continued on SATURDAY, "Det 19,1896 At 9.80 and 7.30 p. m. 3 No fowl taken on day of sale. In the meantime Come and Get Goods at | Slaughter Prices. Flannels worth 124¢. now only 8c. per yard. XMAS COODS For Everybody, E, Kalbfleisch.

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