Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 18 Dec 1896, p. 1

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lie > Renee enn a " | VOL. 7. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 1896. NO. 48. ~<e--_ADVERTISING --=2> Selling Out! Going to Rossland Having Cigantic Clearing or Auction Sales OES NOT PROVE-that Good Clothing is to be found at any of these Sales. Poor Clothing is dear at any price. Good Clothing is Cheap When sold at poor clothing prices: And where this is to be found is at the LISTOWEL WOOLEN MILL The Only Manufacturer of Clothing in the County. Have you seen their Winter Overcoats ? No etre can compete with them for quality or prices Be sure you Call and See for yourself before you buy your Winter Clothing. Eggs taken in trade. B, F. Brook& Son, Listowel Woolen Mil Wallace Street. | 4 2nd Edition ! Take Notice'! WE HAVE A NEW EDITION OF * FARMERS' MANUAL AND COMPLETE ACCOUNTANT" C): T, to which has been added a great deal of very valuable matter by puted specialists. 'Tbe following is a partial list of additions to what was an invaluable work : VOTING qualifications in all the Proyinces for the Dominion Parliament. VOTING tor the Provincial Legislatures, Public and Separate Schools, and for Municipa) offices. ALL ABOUT HOMESTEA DS--How to survey LAND; How to locate and write descriptions of land; Liability of Railroad and Express Companies: Transportation of Passengers, 'ete. > UOsST and GUEST; Patents, Copyrights; Luws concerning Public Schools, etc, ele. Te the INSECT DEPARTMENT has been added a large number. of the latest and best known remedies for exterminating all kinds of Insects To the VETERINARY DEPARKL MENT is added Prof. Gleasen's latest on Bits, Check eins, elc., etc. Hitherto the POOR DOG has been left ont. but we haye added a chapter on the diseases and how to cure them of this faithful animal. Allabout BEE KEEPING, UNDERDRAINING, MANURES-and-Fer tilizers of all-kinds. PROFITABLE DAIRVING in all its details, as to kind of COWS to keep feeding, milking, care of cream,ete (The last: three subjects are treated bs Prof, Milis, of the Ontario Agricultural College, who is a weil Kuown authority.) THE LAW DEPARTMENT is Revisea and Up to Date. The Paper in the new edition is several grades better, as is also the binding The stamping is done in Gold instead of Goldine'This-alone-eost-us" Over $50 more.'Lhe Book now contains nearly 400 Pages, but we just ask the same price for it. The Demand 1s fast increasing, and we find it necessary to gel out 4a much larger edition this year than last, and-we expect Two out of every Three Farmers in Canada to buy this book, and that Thousands of Dollars will. be Saved by the use of it, It is truly a bonanza for agents, Farmers can make from $50 to $150 working around home. Our terms to agents are very liberal, and satisfaction is Guaranteed or money will be promptly refunded, Address,-- J. L. Nichols & Co., 83 Richmond St., W., Toronto. Christmas 2 Coming So are the Cocds at Leake's. LEAKE'S Xmas Guide to Low Prices and the Largest Variety in F ktwood Try us. Save Money By Buying Your Christmas Candies, Nats and Fruit At Leake's, Only 7 Days more till Christmas, and from this out Special Prices will be-given on Candies, Nuts, Figs, Oranges, Cranberries, Oysters. Call and See Us. B, R. LEAKE, The People's Grocer. Saat Groceries Always on Hand. land 7 p.m. COMMUNICATIONS. Cigarette S Smoking. Co the Editor of THE BEE. DEAR SiR.--Permit me to cali the at- tention of the storekeepers of Atwood to the kaw respecting the sale of Lak ide ettes, cigars, or tobaces, in any form T™MINnOTs = THE AOT. "Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative: Assem- oly of bat Province ef Ontario, enacts : person who either directly or indireetly sells or géves-or- furnishes to t miner under eighteen years of age, cigarettes, cigars or tobacco in any 'orm shall. on hereof before a justice of the peace be subject to a penalty of not less than 810 or more than , with or without cost of prosecution, or to impxrisonment, with or without Bard labor, for any erm not exceeding thirty days, or to vyoth fine with or without bard labor, for any turn not exceeding thirty days, or to both fine with or without cost and imprisonment, to thesaid amaunt and for the said term,in the diseretion ot the eomnvicting, magistrate. And ib cuse of a es yee tine and cost being awarded, aud of the same not being upon convietien forthwith paid. the Justice may ¢ommit the offender to Lhe cominon gol, there to be Lmprison d forthe term not exceeding thirty lays, unless the fine and eosts are soon er paid. 2. 'Phis Act shall not apply to 'sale to the minor for his. parent or uardian under written request or or ier of the parent or guardian. & A erson who shall appear to the magis trate to be under 18 years of age, shall oe presumed to be under age unless it is shown by evidence that he is in fact over thatage. 4. This Act sball go in to effect on the Ist day of July, 1892." The above law has been a dead letter in Atwood up to the present date. Our 'ovs of tender years can get alt the tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes they ean pay for, Throngh the systematic breaking of the law by the storekeepers |" of this piace our bovs are forming hab its which are not only injurious to their health and growth, but that wilh be a curse to them as long as they live. Let tus storekeepers beware, for we as par euts are going to see the law enforced ONE OF THE PARENTS Atwood, Dec. 15, 1896. Listowel. Mr. Seath, Inspector of Migh Sehools, paid a short visit to the schuol here on Cuesday. summary conviction | Prof. A. H. Welch, phrenologist and tnind reader, ate two lectures in. " Town Hall this week. Many Prof, Ko farmers to re | ping cann bertson wants Canadian into the business of ship- butter to. to India and taking the their trong of Gnding aut China. en what they or their ds are good for, when and who- to ete., ete. Those who desire ag eonsult him privately may do so by ealling on him at the Arlington; Perth County Notes. - Thomas Stacey, of "of Fultarton, intends bailding a briek cheese factory before wext season's work begins. The MitcheH Modelites presented Mr. French with a handsome chair and an address on Wednesday evening. Died in North Easthope, Dec, 18th, Christina, relict of the late Ludwig Paff, aged 80 years und % months. The estate of Peter Ross, Kintore, offers to creditors 5 cents on the dollar. There are $8,000 unseeured debts and psd assets, Arch. McIntosh, who has been bar- ong in the Grand Central hotel, Lis owel, for some time, intends leaving to ta tuke charge of an hotel in Virden, A. A. Bogart, ano parchased Thos. McDonald's grocery stock in Mitehell few months ago, has decided on giving up business in Mitchell, having sold his stock to Mr, Davis The Grand Trank and Canada Pacific Ruilways have decided to close their "up town" ticket agencies in Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter, Listowel, St. Marys ang other small towns. As an investment society the British Mortgage Loan Co., Stratford, keeps well Lo the front. A dividend for the half year, ending ist Dec. has just been declared, at the rate of 7 per cent. per aunum. kairview Farm, Granton, the rest- cence of James Wallis, was the scene of happy le on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2nd, the oecasion being the marriage or his daughter Sara to James Keith, of Blanshard township. On December 6th there died in his 62nd year, another old settler in the persen of James Dowd, near Burns, in the township of Mornington. The de ceased came from the county of Mon- aghan, Ireland, forty-seven years ago, when he settled sus the lot adjuining the one he died o: James Kippan, "ot Birtle, Man., son of the date Duncan Kippac, of North Easthope,is ona fair way to making his tortune. A few months ago he pur- chased a mining.claim uear Rat Port- age for $500. /Lately an American fos-s Bricker has bee (Qeneral Ageut of the Darinich ate Ins. Co. He will leave town and reside wt Berlin. D. Millar, former H. C. R. of I. O. F spent severaf days here this week canvasing for the North American Lite Insurance €o., We are pleased to learn that T. Rolls, ofthe Grand Ceutral, who has beet taid np for some tine, may now be seen in his usual place, Rey: J- Ao Morison, B. A., and wife, of 'Torouto, spent a few days here last week prior to taking in the wedding-of Johu Nichol, brother of Mrs, Morrison, at Ripley. A number of our gunners went out to Henfryn woods from here on. Tues day, From" the number that go ont there we would suppose the game tu ve plentiful. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Anna 'Thomas, of Lapeer, Mich. to George Mitchell, formerly of L istowel. George was for a number of years Captain of the fam ous Marlvero' football. club and-- was generally Considered to be a first-rate fellow. We extend to him aud _ his bride opt hearty congratulations, Cnurcu Nores.--The Salvation Ar- my band, of Palmerston, held a success- ful meeting here in the 8S. A, barracks Monday night, --- Thursday evening of last week the Y. P. S.C, E. elected offi cersas follows 'for the coming year President, Miss J. Ford ; Vice Bical: dent, A.M, Little; Recording Secretary, Miss Kirkwood; 'Gorrespouding Secre tary and 'Treasurer, Miss M. MeDunald; convener of Social commiitee, Miss Reid; convener of Missiouary commit- tee, arise J. Reid; gig a of 'Temper ance committee, fh. Male; convener of Music committee, Miss A. Henderson; couvener of Flower committee, Miss Armstrong.--The anniversary services ot the Presbyterian church were held on Sunday aud Modday. Rev. J. HL. Murray, M. A., of St, Catharines, de livered Lwo able sermons on Sunday, und on Monday night delivered a lec- ture, entitled "The relations existing between Pulpit and Pew." Large aud jences attended each of these services.-- Rev. W. Couper, B. A, preached in St. Catharines on Sunday, ioe Rev. J. H. Murray, M.A.--The Y. PS. €.E. of the Presbyterian church wil give a social on Thursday nightof this week --Tie young people of the English church purpose giving a Cantata on Friday eve. --Anniversary services will be conduct- ed in the Methodist church next Sab- bath, 20th inst, «The Rev. E, Bb. Lane ley, of London, will preach at 11 a.m. Collections in aid of the trustiund, A tea meeting will be given on Monday evening, Dec. 2tst, in the basement of the church from 5 to 7 p.m,, after which the Rey, Dr. Wylliams will deliver oue of his popular Jectures, "Ten Days in London, y offefed him 825,000 for his property, but he did not sell. The law suit, Staebler v, Staebler has at length been decided in 'favor of the executors, says the Tavistock Gazette. The snit dragged along for about four years until the entire amount contend- ed for was eaten up in court costs aud lawyers' fees, besides which the execu 'ors, Messrs. Zimmerman and Wild fang, are out several hundreds of dohars each. In all about six thousand dollars-were swallowed Miss Lorne Campbell, daughter of Col, Campbell, of Listowel, was married to A. G. Bastedo, of the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, on December 8rd. The ceremony was wPformel by. the Rev, Wm. Cooper at Knox church 'The eventwas-quite a' fashionable one und occasioned-a great deal of interest in this vicinity. 'The bridesmaids were Miss Bastedo, of Newmarket, sister of the groom; Miss Seott, of Listowel, and Miss Cam pbell, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, Fred J. Campbell. manager of the Canada Paper Co, and cousin of the groom, was best man, and G. F. Campbell, of Boston, brother of ae bride, and (0) Campbell, of Wing ham, were the ushers. After the cere- mony the reception was held at Argyle Place, Col. Campbell's handsome resi dénee, where a large number of guests united their congratulations to the happy couple. NEWS OF THE WEEK. : ; ae The price of a full page advertise mentin the Ladies' Home Journal is $4,000 for each insertion, Walkerton has a young girl who re- cently celebrated her etieventh birthday and who tips the scales at 219 pounds. By a vote of 104 to 7 the United States House of Representatives oe passed the bill prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors at the capitol, The British army is to be strenghen ed with eight new fattaions of infan try and eighteen new batteries of ar- ullery of four gnos each» and the cav-- alry foree is to be reorganized, The death took place Sunday morn- ing of Mrs. A. W. Francis, mother of J. L. Francis, proprietor of The Wood- stock Times, and widew of the late A. W. Francis, who was killed in the St. George accident. The Cubans now state that Antonio Maceo's death was.due to Lreachery on the part of the Spaniards, who lured him into an ambush in the pretence of discussing terms of peace aid then shot hin and bis followers duwg in cold blood, The final session of the 51 members otf the County Council of Huron crown- ed its Jabors by incorporating the vil- jJage of Hensall, Hensall is now in its 2ist year. The place was called Hen sail by J. and G. Petty after their nat- ive piace in gooey agiand, 'ule drain roadway; A despatch from Drumbo says > Iron business operations have com ~ fenced on the farm of H; Burgess, one. mile north of the village. A carload fs. being shipped to the smelting works, Hamilton. The imdieations thus far are that lange quantities.of ore are to. be found near the surface, Quite nat- urally, Mr. burgess is in good spirits over his bright prospects, TO WN TALK. Counci. MEETING.--Thae municipal Council of the Towiulip of Bima met in Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on 15th .. 1896, purs rsuant to statue to wind up the business of the year. Members ail present, minutes uf last oe read and signed. Moved by Mr. Merry- field, seconded by Mr. Jackson, that the accouut of J. Roger, P. L.8., 'work on the Hanna drain to; the amount ot $296 being payment in full of said ees be paid, Carried. Moved by Mr. Hammond, seconded by Mr. Jack- son, that G. Brown be paid $1332 for ee award drain in the township f Wallace as per Engineer's certificate, che Said amount to be paid by town- ship of Wallace afterwards. Carried. Moved by Mr. Hammund, eonded by Mr. Merrytield, that By Law No. 854 as. read be tinally passed Carried. cope by Mr. Merryticld, seeonded by Mr, Hammond, that we- extend the time for the taxes to be paid to Collector until next regulur meeting, being second Monday in Bibatanepaht 1897, Carried, Moved by Mr. Merrytield, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, nts be pai 1H, Gi; It. MeMane 81. 16, repairing culvert: J, Watson $1.25, fur 'abstract of town- Ship of Mornington roll re Boyle rain; F, Jacobs 50c., abstract of Logan rollre Boyle drain; J. Pearson $1.50, abstract of Ellice roll re Boyle drain; W. D. Weir 33, copy of Milver- ton roll re Boyle drain; Wm. Spence 3 Mann's bridge, and $2 tile R. 3S. Pelton ou sabes Parnize drain By laws ; E Coghliu $320; H. Johnston "3b: % - Gordon $d 5U; W. Coleman $2; J Dickson $4, two meetings Board of Health; A. Eyskine $7, being for two days Board o Health, 31 paid by him tou Matthews and Tookting eid bog four dead Wo M Cormick $4, psn: pectinee: "Board vot [lealth; 5 S. Rothwell $4, two meetingr Board of fleaith; Dr. Dougias 37, two. meetings Board of Health, attending uc getling dead animals buried and for report; I. Fullarton $6, two meetings Buard of Health and services sec'y; J. Roger 3376, spikes aud nails; J. Porter 50¢., repairing culverts gravel road; Hi. Moore $3.76, gravel; J. Mann TL. EL & M. oe Gormntek $°, tile culverts con $130, tile drain con. 14; W. Ellacott $1, 'W. Peet $1.5. work on ee or 14 $2.62, cleaning. drain 'T. L. E 2 d. lilman 5.50, part payment pier 15; J. Chapman $1050, cleaning award ditch Wallace per. Engineer's certifiexte;--J> Duncan $2.76; G. Posliff 32 50, cleaning floes! w-.Ol Eilwe Maitland drain; nau $075, cleaning ditch road and culvert; Dr. Philip examination and certificate of insanity for Miss Kerr; Dr. Douglas $6, visit, examination and certificate of insanity for Miss Kerr; W. Peet $4, ravel and gravelling; M. Harvey $1.6 to Cranbrook to pay raters coupons aud discount on cheque, Carri Moyed by' Mr. Rothwell, seconded by Mr. Hammond, that the following accounts be paid J. kson $8), for 14 days Couneil ciatin ar (328). itoad Commissioner ($12 50), (40.50) for other work aS Reeye; Widdis Jackson Sd, for 14 days Council meetings ($28), 337) Road Commissioner and over- secing vridges; T, E. Hammond 865, for 14 Council meetings ($28), Read Comiissioner (340); C. Il. Merryfield $50, for 14 days Council micel itis 4und Commissioner ($32); S.-8: well $52, for 13 days Sane meeting: (326), oad Commissioner ($26); Knilartow $120, balance of salary as clerk $21.50, Rate bill of schools $5.80. nolitying persous assessed in Hanna drain $12, work Boyle drain to date and $5 work on Partridge drain re-- pairs; M. Harvey git, salary as freasurer and $750 for municipal statement. Council then adjourned. LT, FULLARTON, Clerk, The Whole Story Of the great sales attained and great cares accomplished by Hood's Sar- saparilla is quickly toid. It purifies aud enrices the blood, tones the stumuch and gives strength and vigor. Diseuse cannot enter thesystem fortiied by the rich, red blood which eomes by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. .Hoop's Pitus cure nausea, sick headache, indigestion, biliousness, Ail druggists, 26c. Huron County Notes. -- Born in Seaforth, Dec, 8, the wife of R. 5. Hays of a dauguter, Born in Blyth, Nov. 27, the bi a E. A. Bradwin, of the Standard, of daughier, Kyat $4202 tite-for culvert; J. Hinks . expenses.

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