On Railway, River, Lake, ' Or Ocean, Call and See Me for Rates and Tickets. st. A. Ftackinég, LISTOWEL, ONT. Agent G. T. B. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. G+ TR. TIME TABI. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as follows : GOING SOUTH. GOING ee Expiess 6.56 a.m. Mixed $2 Express 12 23 p.m. | Express 1 Mixed =: 9,58 p.m. | Express 9.15 p.m. LISTOWEL FALL SHOW. The Listowel Horticultural Society's second annual fall exhibition was held on Sept, 220d and 23rd. The show was ar abead of any previous one held here, The only drawback making the show a complete success was the cold, dump weather, which affected the attendance somewhat. However, the society is in a position to meet all obligations, even if it does not have a surplus to the good. given below - The prize list is s, Dr. Tanner, Mt. t aot r, € aret on; Dairy produc «Nee rion; Grain and too ots, A. Moyer, Paliné it, Flowers ang Vegetah 5, John cin. Harriston, and 'Tiios, Kelly, Brussels; Wor Wiss J. Gu unn, Woodstock, aid test Wingham; kine Arts, Ww. Me Porest; Store displyy, W. J, Fer- ee ld. | quson, Seeiton 'PRIZE LIST. Horses.--Heavy Srenent yearling gelding, 1, Wm acai. 2, W ng is; two year old geld- wD, fF . brood mare rand foa son; span in harness, J Campbell, 2, kinson Bros. General pool filly, A Weber; two year old filly, 1,G head, 2, Wm Brown mare colt, Geo lompkins, 2,G Jackson; gold rg, A Weber; horse colt, E Lambkin, 2, iNiam Brown; brood mare, G Jackson, 2, G Tompkins; Jackson, 2, Win Little, jr. Carriage Ker; horse colt, a; in Zinn, 2, Wm Cleland; brood mare, % vin: unequal Hay a Kidd, 2 jackson; os an roadsters,.J M McKay, 2, Sal- lows & Alexander; single carriage, 1} 'Lamb in, uz, Cha Edgar; single roa T tolls, 2, R son; la ty driv: veh Mrs Smith; herd of c 1AM CATT: cece Wilson, 2, n. ears, Amos re 'ait B. utchison, 2, The 2h lliots: cows 'lire ahora and over,1 and ' Ss ; A Smith; ' ifer 2 years, 1, 4 th; yearling bull calf, Land 2, A Smith; bull any age, 4 a nit h: he ne of Darhams, A Smit j 2 SO an Lambkin, 2, $ Smith; cow any J Petch, 2,C Prueter; heifer calf 1 year, a sg eet n. AYRSE --Cow Bi son; he iter. a yente J Dick: Grape Catrie.--Cow 3 years and aver, LC Mrs MoLaren; heifer | ander >. years, skson: heifer 2 years, 1, A Smith, 2, Mrs en; yearling hail er calf, 1, De "ainpbell, 2, Wr m Stev enson; best fatted beast, Jas Cumber- ne ny ace, land 2, T Dick- <EP aND Pics.---Medium wooled ram lamb, i Nee 2.G Loc hhead; ewes, 2 shears, icksen; prey: ewes n; ewe lamb, 1, Geo Lochhead, 2, G H Nichol long ipaagr ram, two sneer Ja Sanderson, 2, a mpbell; a hearhed vam, 1, Jas Sanderson, 2, J K Cam bell; ewes tavo'shears, | a as S eaeren m: nd 2, shearling owes, 1, a ee pas bury. 2,J K haga i pbe h Jas > San erson; short ing ram, t geing, 2, R wo shears, }, umberland, 2, R_ Pi shearlime cwesod, ¥ Ruler, 2, Jas_Wood 1, "Thos Nowvisy is: 2 R Pi ind over, Jersey red, T Newbigging; breeding nOW, ee Lac shhead: bow under 1 year, Goorge Lochhead. , Dany Propucts, --Tenet of 25 Ibs of butter, . Henry Sim ith, 2, James ssalter; rol butter, 1, und; comb honey, oney, 1, J L ambi re Hu y teary Gout White winter wheat, 1, John Dick, 2 Henry' He maworth; red yheigen wheat, 1,Wm Hewi £ Lambkin; spring wheat, 1; James Eenpent Fat Cc Welker; barley, 1, 0 AW elker, + Jna Campbell; white oats, 1, Jas Salter, 2 T Newbigging, black oats, 1, Jas mpbell, 2 Lochhead: arg' peas, 1, Jas Campbell, 2, 5 Pet- ers; euuall ticld peas, 1, Henry Hemsworth, 2, ampbell; timothy seed, 1, A Smith, 2, J thy LA te field beans, tg H McCracken, 2, Mrs ren; collection of = correctly named, Ji as Campbell, 2, § Pet Fin: ma noors.--El pot sien 1, opt Hemaworth, 2, G eek. Poss Jas hell: ues New Yorker, 1, Thos Dadey 2 he Loe 3 fe ki o ind, 1, Goo 1, 2 ad; & lohn Dick; collect. 1, A. Smith, 2, KR Jennings. Turnips--Swede, 1, 'John Ball 2.3 C Mo oflet t: any othor kind, 1, Wm Hewitt, % Oe Sow ig¢gzin: carrots, 1, eas man : C rteel, long, 1, "ea H ae racken, en; » HM en, . B Besenes beets, 1, W H t 2, J C Mollett, field roo rice, Mall, 2, Comin, raise: a : Vee --Cauliflower, 1 H McCrachen, 2. RK iiaetnet Stead, 1,5 Betors, mer, i W jH MeGrach G Nichol; cab- pee r, 1, Samue as Camp- bell; cab , red, Th Ww Mo- Crachen; carrots, long red, 1, R Jennings, 2, W H McC n ts, earl: Tho Ainley, 2, John Dick; 'pa: W oH Me- trachen, 2, Thos ey; celery, white long, 1 Ainley, 2, John Webe ce dwart, 1, # Jennings, 2. W H McC ery, red, 1, W H McCrachen, 2, R Jennings; celer: Paws 1, W H McCrachen, 2, R J gs; radish, long red, 1,R Jennings, 2 Ww cCrachen; mente 1, Thos Ainley; 2, sCrachen; 1A Oe: McC ; ton ad, n Dick,2,J G Nichol; long oe 'beet, 1, W Hie rac chen, 2, Jas. Campbell;--turnip eters, 2. 2, John Dick; white onions, Thos A inley; yellow on- r ions, : oC achen, 2, Thos eee rec onions, 1, Thos xine as Sal ;, English potato o onions, 1, N Binning Nel tor rt kling,; 2, bard Willow. gby, 2 ie Ceachen; su 1, Thos A inley, 2, i i 5 Jon- ald: ci #, 1, W H MecCrache 5 Tugh- en; yellow corn, 1, G H Ni attor- son; white corn, 1,A 3S on W m Hewitt; musk melons, 1, W H McC acho; 2 2, A J. Col lins; water melons, J C stained cucumbers for table, 'T eit J G Nichol; Cueumbers for pickling, 1,J H McDonald, 2, John Ballard; greatest variety of Vanek bleed 1, John Ballard, %,WH nei rachen. PLAaNnts .--Beat Seca ef house plants in pots, 1, Thos Matiniey, 2, Thos Later; collection ofcoleus plants, Thos practinieys best collection greenhouse Pian R. Jennings Cur FLOWERS .--Collection of Dahblias, 1, a Ww Poatherstone, 2, T Male, Featherstone 2, J C Mollett; y. Mollett, 2, T Male; verbenas, 1, T Male, 2, J¢ Mollett; _phlox ee 1, H Goddard, 2 swald Scott; nias,1, H Goddard, 2, J aay gladiol us A J Collins; agit 4 Hi Matir 2, thus, 1, H 4 snnings; dian Goddard; marigolis, 1, J C Molle:t, 2; C Tab- berne W Feathersténe; monthly roses, H Godard; balekmnk, Cc ner, cernations, oral wreath, 1, T Male, 2, Ec Lambkin: cut flowers, annuals, W R Clayton ive flowers, ale, 2, W 's Clayton; table bouquet, open air flowers, 1,A W Featherstone, , JC Mollett; hand boquet, open air flowers, LH 'Goddard, 2, nyton; cut, native wers, 5 Cosens, 2, Mis. Cells ; everlasting hee a '05, H Gc we " TS .-- yples--Snow, 1, AS Tassie, 2, Geo Loc 'hhead; 'aiden's blush, t, Ed. Lamb- i iit , Schinete awrence, 1, Amos 2, Oswald Se Ott; duchess oldenberg, 1, 1 siniti, 2, AG Alexander; any other kind, 1, H God- 3 ider; Leis et of fall apples, 3 Bschaabe tA ' rasie LES. --Nort Pr 1; Wm WJ Taughen; baldwin, 1, ise amber Ruller, 2 4 land, 2, A W Featherstone; golden AST Tassie, 2, Jas ios talman sweet, 1, 4 Smith, 2, "ns; wealthy, AW Fe athe rs THe! ben davis, ee i king of tomkins, 1. A . mos. Smith spi ity rg C80 Jas Ronald; red canada a berg om Patterson; ribston pippin, 1, Jas Salter, 2, Mrs Me waren; any other kind, 1, / G Alexande Yr 25 Coseris: collection apples, 1 AG Alexander;2, S Cosens; A rath: fallwater, 1, Jas Bartley, 2, Ed. Lambkin; yellow bellfiower, 1, W Mc- Crackin: collection shippi apples. special srize by D Dempsey, Stratford ae ries, 1, A a Tassic, 2, Wm Lewitt. *tums--Lombard, I, H McCracken, 2, Jno Ballard: 'pons seedlings L AW Feathers} yone, } Tabberner; imperial gage, W H McCr Fae prunes, Wn son; stnith's orl eans ap }- or exz, W H McC racken; glass ser ddli ct, A Jeo Hawking; red egg, aes, 3 Jos Ww ilson; Sone tion of plums, Aw H Me Cracken, all pears--Bartletts, W J Tughan; Clapp faverite; Wm Becker; flemish penut y,1 Vv Sa ne reetnlig Felker; grey doyenne, A atherstone; Salioen fall pears inter --B. Be athe ratone; Wi Pears rre clairgeau, A W Featherstone; crabep oples, transtendant 1, Wm Hewitt, 2, A Smith; hislops, 1, C Ta beriier, 2, Wm Becker; whitney, S = J Collins; niagara, A J, C ny other variety J Collins, 2, A_YV Featherstone; collec tion canned fruit, 1, WH acken, 2, ao collection of jellies, 1, Jno Ballard, 2, T Nimoy: cae ttion of pickles, 1, T Ainley, 2, W H MecCrac F ae ART. Oil painting, amateur, apes nall, Miss A. Vroor nan, 2, Miss Bake portrait, 1, Miss ae an de Miss B Miss C Kells, 2, N Pistsiige sore Baker; a! other subject, 1, S55 2 be iss ; as --copy | ga pea oe nd 2, L Bolton; ray' on, Jonas Miss s Vrooman; portral 2 M Sinith: any subjec B F Bro aie 2 Miss Kells: penell drawing pote Miss | H any sub- ect, 1, AS Tassie, 2, Miss Cc . pen and ink a pata 1, Miss ; Vrooman, 3 > Miss. Kells; photo- aphs--plain, 1, CA ee, 2 a I Smith; Salles ton photos, 1, Lee, 2, Smith; arc hitecture, ete., design for public building, 'land2, W E Binning: for town resic ence, 1 Binning; for Residency, land 2, Binning; boy's pen- eat fy speci Vv E Binning, = H Wil- loughby; girls' penmanship, special, 1 Bers 2. Fitri da Becker; native stuffed birds, Wa Stevenson. ~ apres' FANncy EI Ww ORR Paneer cotton, 1, a JIM Cope > James Perri ~ embroidery ir Miss Baker, 2, Miss Hall; ccnbraidery on "ph ih 3 1, Mrs. Roth- well, 2, Mra A ciig poate embroidery on java Sabian 1 ¢ Vrooman, 2, Miss Baker; ken- _ ton, 1, N rs Rothwell, 2, s Hall; roman, Miss Ha is 2, 2, Mrs McLaren; centre p iece 1, L Holton. 2 2, Miss | Hal + perforated em broidery, 1, Th on, 2, W Re layton; Silk SS 1, net. OI 'ockburn; novelty braid L Miss Baker, 2, Miss Kells; ho' raid, 1, rs nos a. ~ neaag x flowers or 1 Mian mis Mrs C bis mantle mn e, st piano cover, 1, $2 Smith, 2, Mrs Cockburn; villow shams, hand made, 1 a ; machine me 1, Thos J Mi Be 2 AS iiss Hall 2, Mrs Cockburn; if So ies, 1, "Miss Hat, 2 2, Mrs. Cookeburn; honiton b Cock. burn, 2, Mrs. M Ear: Cockburn, 2, Mrs St , oe e, 1, roe Cockburn, 2, Miss Hall; a kburn' 2, Mrs oral, ; 2, Miss Bake: point ory Rothwell; talling A. frig ae s 'Coe ars ells; a cosié, L Mrs 3 Re My batvonbure work, 1, irs hwell, 3 Mrs ck- Mra Cockburn, 2 othwell> screens, 1, Petsh; sork, - Mrs Cockburn, 2, Mrs S M whisk holder, Ae ate nenon a Miss Vroom foot § get 1, Pegi pi zon silk, mt cn n. Beker; 0 n panels, 1, Miss (CONTINUED ON PAGE 5.) Monkton. C.H. Fullarton has been re engaged at a salary of The proceeds of the recent harvest home festival amounted to $00. Gilbert Bfackenzie and Richard Scott, who have been working for the past season in the lumber-mills in "Algoma, returned home Tuesday. iss Emma Scott, who lives with ber brother, Rey. Phos. Scott, of Corbetton, visited ber parents this week. She re- rned Thursday, her sister Annie ac- | companying her, Thos, Hudson, who has been working for Wilson Little, fee Geo. Whythe, of Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges- tion ané permits food to ferment and putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, beadache, Hoods insumina, nervousness, and, = not-_relieved, bilious fever - blood poisoning. Hood's ; Ss Pil stimulate the stomach, . iver pcre B hea ah es ®, dizzl Herta pation, ete, 25 ¢ a ¢ Biivatign, eta. 8 cents. 6 Hood's Sarsaparilla. Perth County Notes. The firm of Richardson & Webster, St. Marys, have purchased the St. Al-y bans shredder, manufactured in St. Al- bans, Vermont, with the view of manu- facturing them if proven to be satisfac: cory. The machine takes off the ears and shreds the corn stalks at the same time. 'Trials will be made in the corn fields of several prominent farmers near town. If successful the machine will prove of great benefit to farmers at this season at me year, in the matter of corn growl The Toronto Mail of Monday of last week says that a young girl is under arrest ab No. 1 police stution in that city on a charge of yagrancy. Wm. Cosgrove is held at No. 8 police station on the charge of seduction, and behind these two facts there lies a sad story A few weeks ago Wm. Cosgrove, who travels as advance agent for the Cos yrove troupe of bell-ringers, formerly of St. Marys, was in Grand Valley, Ont., -billing the town for his company. This girl, who, itis said, is but sixteen years of age, was employed at dress: making in the village, and by chance met Cosgrove. She became jufatuated with hin, and with little trouble, she says he induced her to come to Tor onto with him. Uer parents are re- spectable farmer folks livVing near Arthur, Ont., and when they heard the Gone ute foolishness they took steps to have Cosgrove arrested, le FAS taken in custody at his residence, 331 College street, by Inspector Armstrong on Sunday morning. As the girl is still quite willing to go with him, she has been held a vagrant pending the arrival of her father to take her back home. Her sister resides in Toronto and the entire family are respectably connected, THE ELMA FAIR. (CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE.) Considerable annoyance was oc- cusioned by the bungling -of the reserved seats; many who had previous ly bought seats were unable to get them when they got to the hall: The trouble was due to Mr, McAlpine, the maniger of the troupe, who deliberate- ly re arranged the seating contrary to the plan, aud caused seats to be resold, and otherwise mixed things up general- ly, until it was all but impossible to straighten matters out. That there was no bloodsled ought to be a matter of congratulation to Mr. McAlpine. In justice to Mr Wynn, of the drug store, who had charge of the plan prior to the :| night of the concert, we might add that it was no fault of his, as the seats were properly checked and entered up as solid. We have placed the blame where it belongs after diligent enquiry. Ethel. The Haryest Home supper, held in counection with the Methodist church, Ethel, on Wednesday night, Sept. 80th, as poorly patronized, owing to the inclement ee Interesting ad- dresses were en by Revs. Robinson, of Trawbridpe: } 2aul, of Brussels, and Ball, of Atwood. A _ fine recitation was giveu by Miss Hall, of Ethel, and the choir rendered sweet music. There wis a large amount of provisions left over, and a second supper of fowl, &c., Was announced for the small sum of five cents. --'roceeds, $26.00: 2 5 TOWN TALK, iss MAuD HARRIs friends in Brussels. Urs. GOMER GREEN, was visiting at John Pelton's week, Miss BEuL, of Blyth, held her mil. -|linery opening on Tuesday. Her shop is located over Kalbfleisch's store. We welcome Miss Bell to the village, and hope she may succeed, EER SHOOTING LIcENSE.--The season for deer begins on the first of the month, and under the amended law no one is allowed to shoot ane = Ontario without first obtaini license, for which a small fee is ane ed. is visiting of Brussels, this Newry. Newry cheese factory has captured the gold medal at Ottawa exhibition. Wm. Humphrey has purchased a new organ from John A. Gardner, of Listowel. The farmers from the south part of Elma made a large delivery of shéep at Atwood on Saturday. ful.men or women to travel for responsible established house in Ontario. Salary $780, payable $15 ea and expenses. Position perman- ference. Enclose self-address- oie envelope. The National, Star Building, Uhicago. W "tutes or women to FAITH- the cheese factory, contemplate land. of a trip this faite England, the their birth, Wanted--An Idea Z= sic ines temalnciinatatataie anata: aaa? CARSON & McKEE LISTOWEL. Pia The Public are Safe. Incoming direct to this store, as we have said time and time again, under no circumstance will we allow you to pay more for goods here than are offere elsewhere. We have established a reputation for being the Cheapest. Carson & McKee to Lead. "We will have some Grand Surprises for you for the coming Fal) trade, We will risk our judgment that never has so fine a selection of handsome New Dress Fabrics been shown in Listowel. We show the Dress Goods that are up-to-date, real new pretty designs, What the Ladies are after, Faith in this Store is Large. Scores of people have be du tenes to us personally their approval of our sys tem and business princip Don't soteet that the Goodness of Goods is more important than the Poor- sees of Prices. We buiid trade on goodness ; and everywhere you turn in this large store you have to dodge a temptation to buy. The pl.ce abounds with Purse Persuading Prices. ANOTHER CARLOAD OF SUGAR JUST TO HAND, Prices are Very Right. We intend to keep it. The People look to jusb Just Arrived | THE NEWEST THINGS IN PALL & WINTER WEAR, VW E don't Advertise very uch, perhaps not enongh, but when we go we have SOMETHING T O SAY , and we invariably Stick to what we say in our Advertisement. We have Very New, Very Fine, and Very Cheap Wool- ens, "Flann elettes, Cottons, Ladies' and Gentlemen' Ss Underwear. eS tae"See our 7c. Flannelette, 32 inches wide. Extra Big Value in Boots & Shoes, and Readymade Clothing. ©" "Pain. Yew and Fresh in Groceries and Provisions. See Us before making your Fall purehases, "\A7. ee. Lee SxIne. N.B.-- We have received from Mt. Forest Two Cars of Tile and Brick. Parn- ers contemplating draining would do well to inspect our tile and get prices. Everything N Produce taken as Cash. . ~<te-- ETHEL --a Rolier Mullis ....BARCGAINS IN.... Bran & Shorts ! + Bran at $9 per Ton. Shorts at $13 per Ton. High Grade Manitoba Flour on Hand. Patterson & Inlay, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL MILLS, This Space belongs to the 'Brussels Marble Works! COCHRANE & JOHNSTON, PROPRIETORS. coat