Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 2 Oct 1896, p. 5

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= ra hein next time Sandy. B.S. PELTON, - PUSLISHER. FRIDAY, OCT, 2, 1996. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY, Conducted' by the Perth | County Union. Look out for "Hints for Leaders" in next week's C. E. Column. Many of the Societies held a mission ary meeting last week and discussed the need of home mission work, The question of forming a Dominion Thion will be considered at the Oltawa convention to be held Oct. 6-9. The young people of Harmony are actively interested in Christian En- d-aver work. They recently invited the Hnadeavorers of a neighboring soviety to con Inet a C, E. prayer meet jug in their chureh. We hope the result will be the organization of a Noung Peoples' Society there. The FE. L. of GE, of the Central Methodist chureh, Stratford, held its semi-annual election on Sept. 13th. The following officers were elected -- Pres,, Alex. Collins; Vice Pres,, Miss Forman; Seey.-Trexs,, Mr. Bushfield; Couveners-of Committers, Miss Read, Miss Addison, Miss Dobson, Miss Feuton, Mr, Osborne: Leader of Sing ins, b. Johustou; Pianist, Miss D ugman. We haye much pleasnre in conyeying 'to the Perth Endeavorers the following messxge from Rey McGregor, Provincial President : Woodstock, Sept. 22nd, 1896.» lam very giad to learn that the Christian Endeavorers of Perth are rallying to the call for more earnest and progressive endeavor, I haye been pleased to see the prominent place giveu to ©. E. information in the local press of the connty, Evidently there are Editors aud Editors or there are press committees and committees, I believe the latter is the true explan- ation. Now then go on and let there be no relaxation of effort. until the goal which we have set before us for the year is reached. In the ancient stadium there was three pillars, one at the starting point, the other at the goal and another at the middle of the course. On the first was inscribed the word "Excel," on the one at the goal "Rest" and on the mid .conrse one "tfusten," The dangeris midway the foremost racer is then tempted to relax his effort. Now that Perth has begun so well may there be all diligence shown in mainiaining the lead in CG. E. #iiterprise, ive very pleasant recollections of my yisit last duly to the County Convention, I trust Perth willsend some of its best to Ottawa "34>, Washing one and all its Christian Ende averers eyery blessing in the Savivar's service. Yours cordially, A. F. MCGREGOR. | LISTOWEL F AL L 'SHOW, (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8.} ues, 1, Mrs Rothwell, 2, Miss Baker; on | Miss Baker, g, Miss Kells; on " Miss Kells, 2, Mrs Rothwell; on Ciina. 1, Mrg Clayton; on terra . Miss Baket, 2, Mrs Rothwell; on muglin or holding cloth, 1, Miss Baker, 2, Miss Vrooman; collection of velvet, 1, fancy work, 1, Mrs Roth well, 2, Miss llah, Lapies' Domestic Work.--Yarn, i, Mrs Salter; Hannel, Mrs Salter; full: ed blanketsy1, Mrs H Smith; unfulled blankets, 1, Mrs Salter, 2, Mrs McLare an; outlining on bed spre: id, 1, Mrs Me Laren, 2, Mrs Petch; counterpane knit ted, 1, Mrs Featherstone, 2, Mrs Dinning; counterpane croched, 1, Miss Vrooman, 2, Mrs Slater; counterpane domestic work, 1, Mrs Lochhead, 2, Mrs J Ankerman; cotten quilt patch- work, {, Mrs Cockburn, 2; Mrs John Dick; silk patchwork quilt, 1, Mrs Cockburn, 2, Miss Vrooman; crazy work guilt, 1, Miss Baker, 2, Mrs Cock- barn; log eabin quilt, 1, Miss Hall, Mrs 'Thos Ainlev; faney qnilt, 1, Mrs Featherstone, 2, Mrs McCracken; horse blankets, 1, Chas Welker; hand made shirt, 1, Mrs Cockburn, 2, Miss Vroo- man; machine made shirt, 1, Mrs Cock- barn, 2, Miss V room: in; coarse shirt, 1, Mrs McLaren. 2, Mrs Cockburn; ladies' underclething hand made, 1, Mrs Clay- ton: machine. made,..1, Mrs J---Perrin; 2, Mrs Cockburn; rag carpet, 1, Miss Vrooman; hooked mat, 1, Mrs Dick, 2.MrsEM Alexander; floor mat, 1, Mrs McCracken, 2, Miss Kells; woolen gloves, 1, special, Mrs Salter, 2. Mrs McCracken; woolen mitts, 1, Airs C ock durn, 2, Mrs & Salter; woolen socks, 1, Mrs Salter, 2, Mrs MeLaren; best' patch ed garment, 1, Mrs T M: ale, 2, Miss Vrooman; darned stockings, 1, Mrs McLaren, 2, Miss Vrooman. (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK.) Brussels. 36 prizes was W. H. MeCracken's re- cord at the Listowel fair lust week- The annual Government grant to the Brussels Pablic Libiary amounts to S105. > Grey. Township Council will be held om Saturday of this week. Jno, Perrie, 12th con,, has gone to © lgary on a prospecting tour. Mrs, James McNair and aepenes, Mary, are visiting at Wardsville Dr, Rivers, of Woodham, was a caller at the residence of John Hilltast week, John McAllister, who has erected a fine bank barn, is having the stables floored with Owen Sound cement, The new brick residence of L. Me Neill, 14th con., fs nearly completed, ae is one of the fiuest residences in the / yewnsbip. & Misses Tessie Switzer and Bila La. mont have gone to Listowel High school, where they will aces / for 2nd class Gertificates We with them abundaut success in their work. J.T. Dodds has been re-engaged as teacher in Smith's school for 1897, Mr. Dodds has a record and the ~| people of the section wiil be pleased to kuow that the trustees have secured his seryices for another year. saresultof the Commission held at Gaderiol: this township, Brussels and Morris. will compose one of the eight County Council Districts of the County of Haron: Warden Strachan submitted the plan that was adopted by the Judges. Isaac Matthews, lot 82, con. 13, had the wisfortaue to have hig straw shed blown down, breaking his binder, mower, drill, horse rake and buggy. The building Was up on posts with the intention of having stone stabling built under it. Horse Kittep --Robert Robertson, lot 82, con, 15, lost a valaable 2 year- -od colt in an unusual way. It was in a field near the barn and in running across a well the covering broke through und the colt went head first down 18 feet, It's neck-was--- broker. It will be quite a toes to Mr. Robertson. John Lucas, a former resident of Grey, died very suddenly at his home in Gorrie on Friday night, Sept. 1th, Geath resulting, it is thought, from heart disease, A distressing circum- stance in connection with Mr. Lucas' death is the fact that his. wifé died about two years ago, and that he leaves a& family of three young daughters who are comple tely prostrated by their second bereavement. They were so severely affected that medical assist ance bud to be summoned and it is feared that serious results may follow. Elma. Mrs. Geo. Lochhead is penianely ill, and under the doctor's care. A large number aitended the Elma fair, despite the rain and muddy roads Miss Welsh, of Ethel,is the guest of John A. Turnbull and family this week Robert Thistle, of Downie, is spend- ingafew days this week with Thos Hunter, Mrs. Jas. Donaldson and Mrs. Samuel Boyd were visiting friends in - Rothsuay last weelr. Scett Hamilton spent a few last week visiting friends in around Seaforth, Wiiliam: Wilson, sr., 8th con., lost one of his best cows last- week, it having eaten too much cloyer. days aud S. Peters was in Listowel with an exhibition of roots and vegetables and succeeded in carrying off several prizes. | Geo.Lochhead captured 15 prizes. | 'As Win. Jolly was returning from Atwood one day last week- and when in his own yard his driver took fright and ran away, smashing the buygy completely. John Conahan was in Dumfries on Wednesday joining the army of bene- dicts, be being united in marriage to a Miss Miller, of that place. - The new- ly married couple will reside on their farm near flenfryn. ENTERED InTO Rest.--The Walton correspondent of the Brussels Post says: "The grim reaper, Death, has again visited our village and cluimed oue of God's most precious gifts, a loving wife and mother, in the person of Jennie E., wife of M. Smith, who passed away from the cares of this world on the morning of Wednesday, 16th inst. Deceased was a daughter of the late Johu Givens, and was born in Lanark Co,, Oct. 22, 1848.) She was married twenty twenty-two years ago to Win. M. Smith, of that} County and, with her husband, camé to Western Ontario in 1881. | They settled als = Howick township, afterwards re y jing to Leadbury, and finally to Wal. ton, where they have since engaged in mercantile pursuits, 'Thus in a sense, ers has been public life, and, as such, her business ability and staunch in- tegrity were well known and generally re bdr She was a yalued mem ber of Duff's church and an active Sharer in all church work, being especially interested in the Ladies' Aid Society, by the members which she will deeply regretted, as was instanced by the flora heart inscribed with the motto, "Dove," given by them in memory of their departed sister. In her bome life she was unusually happy, beiug blessed with the loving care of a mother, a husband and son and daugh- ter, who recognizing the influence of her Christian eharacter in the" affairs of the domestic hearth, now the ae feelingly realize their loss. Of singularly cheerful and hospitable ispos@ijen, she contributed much to the de Set>pment of society in the com commuuity in which she lived. The "peur had been ailing for some time, and was confined to her bed for the last three months, yet her demise was a most unexpected blow to her rel- atives and many friends. _Her eud was peaceful and happy, and it must be a consolation to the bereaved members of her househo to feel that her Christian life, her devotedness as a wife and mother, and her large heartedness and kindly' sympathy with all with whom she camein contact,have enabled her, through the merits of a loving Saviour, to reach the gold throne above. The interment took lace at the Brussels cemetery on Friday, 19th inst The funeral was largely attended, about 130 vehicles vecaptad up the solemn procession." The deceased was well. known in Elma tewnship, and was a sister of Mrs. Henry Smith, of the 12th con., and Mrs, Thos. Smith, of | the 14th Con. nice aged ' was it 'Milverton Pek and his sister| Aggie ot ount Forest, are visiting triends in ie Metgh earned. W EDDED.-One of those most pleasant Social evenings that is enjoyed by the young and old took place Wednesday evening, Sept. 28, at the residence ot and Mrs. John Young, con. 8, when upwards of 80 of their friends and relatives gathered to witness the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Jane,to James Omerson Hardie, of Elma. At 7.80, the appointed hour for ae marriage, Miss Effie Buchanan, One Lg: took her position at the aaa and played the wedding march. As tlie last notes were touched, Mfr, Hardie entered the drawing room, followed by R. J. Young, who gave the bride away. Rev. Mr. Ball, of Atwood, tied the mystic-knot--seeurety;-- 'Th bride fooked very becoming in beautiful dress of white henrietta, trimmed With lace, and carried a bouquet of daisies. After the usual congratulations the bride and groom led the way into the dining hall, where a bounteous repast was served. The remainder of the evening was spentin sociyl chat and music. Dr. Kidd, of Atwood, enlivened the eyen- ing by giying a number of selections on his violin. The bride was the recipient of a Very large and useful lot of presents, showing the esteem --in-whieh she js held in the community. The young couple left on Thursday on » trip to Baden, Galt, Paris, and othe: points east previous to settling down in their home on the 2nd con, of Elma Their many Elma friends wish them a long, prosperous and happy life. W "sar men or women to FAITH ful men or women to travel fo responsible established house hi Ontario, Salary 8780, payable Sli weekly and. expenses. Position perman ent, Reference, Enclose selt address ed stamped envelope. 'Phe Natioual, Star Building, Chicago, os et Preset as Lert of Sabina; Ohio, is highly section. He sly G Clinton oe 75 years, and has been president of the Sabina Bank 20 years. He gladly testifies to the merit' of Hood's Sarsa- parilla, and what he says is worthy" find attention. All brain workers fin Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. "Yam glad tosay that Hood's Sarsapa- 'rilla is @ very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It has done me-good- many times. For several years I suffered greatly with pains of Neuralgia in one eye and about my temples, es- pecially at night when I had' been having a hard day.of physical and mental labor. Itook many remedies, but found help only in Hood's Sarsaparilla which cured me of rheumatism, neuralgia end headache, Hood's Sarseaparilia has proved itself atrue friend. I alev take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills very much." Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Ohio, Fioods Sarsaparilla Isthe One Trus Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. . are efficient and Hood's Pills an temo noe Heart-Nerve Fluttering, For Weak People having Heart and Nerve Troubles. | li feeling, throbbing or irregular CUR beating of the heart, idiasiness: exertion, spasms or pain through dition of the mind, feciing of anxiety, éte. THEY ARE INVALUABLE ahortreen of breath, distress after the breast and heart, morbid con- FOR WEAK AND NERVOUS PEOPLE troubled with sleeplessness, nervousness, anemia, debility, after-effects of grippe, loss of appetite, etc, They represent a distinct advance in medical science, providing a cure for diseases of the heart and nerves unequalled for prompt and effective action. He =... -Frui. reurtoreeuweutru« ™ | >. 4 > he For Sale by Doualas & Co. SASS SST ST SST PSSA Bread, Buns, Pastry Flour, etc., ALCLOOD etc., at the BABERY:' Choice Fruits, Ice Cream, Ice Drinks, Gonfectioner, Always on hand. Special arrangements made with Pic- nic and Garden Parties. Gall i in and see us. e can please you. Best Family Flour Here. HAMLEN BROS. The Bee and Globe From Now till Jan. 1, 1898, for ONLY $1.50 TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Balance of 1896 FREE. DENTAL. OAD i FOSTER, DENTIST ANAESTHETIC KNOWN @ profession' used for the painless: extraction of teeth. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office over Fleming's clothing store, Main street, Listowel. W. M. BRUCE, L. D. §., DENTIST. GAS, ELECTRICITY, OR LOCAL. anaesthetics administered for pain- le88 extraction. Artificial teeth guar- anteed to be of the best~ ura terial Pson street, Listowek Will not visit wood until further 'Rotic ce, LEGAL. MORPHY & CARTHEW, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NO- taries Public, Conveyancers, ; "Fev hpi etc., Listowel, one Money F fices over Cars Keee'e aoe : a B, Morph: pest Fe : Carth pire ce M. F. R, BLEWE i hal bx Barrister and Solicitor, Notary Pub- li¢ and Conveyanver + Money to Loan +; Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton, Scott's Banking House, and Onturio Perman- ent Baiiding and Lown Association, Office : Over Scott's Bank, Listowel. SIS EE ae a eine Sa EN MEDICAL, THOS. DOUGLAS, M. D., Medallist and honor graduate of. Trinity University, 1993. Oflice Iris Dr. Hamijton's old stand, first house south side of Drug Store. Special attention given to diseases ot nose and throat. D. A. KIDD, ¥M. D., C. M.: F. T. M. Ctl Oe Pe 8 On PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AGCOUCHEUR. F.T. M.C., of Trinity Med iene 1887. y Medical Col- M.D. C. M. of Trinity University,. 88. M.C. P. 1888, Three years Of practical hospital bed- side clinics, besides pine yeurs in a Meri d and ac tive practice. tice in ne Stand formerly occupied by Dr. Ric oe Résidence seven doors north of office and across street. &8, O., of Medical Council. A UCTIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE: County of Perth, Monkton, Ont, Rates moderate. For particulars ap-- ply at this office. cz nee BAIT rnTc. J.W. Scott, ott, Banker, Listowel, Palmerston and Clifford, AENER TL Banking business. Nad bought T and sold. payable in all parts of the Do minion, United U States and Great Britai in. # Discounted. Deposits rec cived, and current rate of interest allowed. Aliso = Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A largé amount of Private le. to lend or g000 farm s security at Five Per Ce privilege of re paying annually. STAR Livery" The Star Livery ia is equipped With: first-class rigs, fast and gentle driv ers, and in every way m elling public. Terms reasonable. Sta- bles opposita Branderberger's Hotei, Attwood. DARE € DUNCANSON, roprietors, RI-P-A-N-S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cines Cures the common every-day ills of a "THE PERFECT 1 TEA Finest Tea [ 2... in THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUF' Seis a ONE GIVES RELIEF. at reason they see t very fresh leaves go into Monsoon pac} he ae "Monsoon," | sold at the sa: . gone fay aelied cae peed irc rh, ag zibs sold in three flavours at 4oc., and Goc. grocer. docs not keep it. tell hin him to writw2 tr Ppt HAYTER & co., rand: 43.Front.St.. Gast..J oronia tesidence.. ent. with. 52-06tf adapted to- t the requirements of the trav--

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