Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 2 Oct 1896, p. 4

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F at first you don't succeed, keep | everlastingly at it until you do. You'll gain a victory sometime gud then you will have learned a lesson. The next time you want Shirts and Collars you will goto Wild fang's and save money as well annoyances. In ORDERED CLOTHING we have the lek and largest'stock of Scotch an Canadian suitings in town of the different shades and patterns. In READYMADE CLOTHING we-lead; we have just opened a large case ot Heavy Double' and Single Breasted Suits for fall and winter which will be Ss at reasonable price, 10 cents off for aa Degere OrrTEeN Caten A CoLp by not putting on underwear early enough; we have a large stock of Underwear, ranging from 50c. a suit u ead as for Hats, 'this is the only place in town where you can get the infest American style. Be sure and "6k for the Barrymore Hat, Bon't buy your Overcoat until you see our stock. 400 Boys Wanted! A Necktie and 2ic. free. to every boy who will cut this out and get his mother to bony hima suit here, This offer is good for 10 days . only and is made to adver tise the Knee Pants, 3:and 2 piece suits, wy M.WILDFANGC, LISTOW Ei. _TO WN TALK. Oo TOBER. ~~. Brussecs fall fair is to-day. TuHos. TULLETY making a brief visit to his Atwood friends, Joun GRAHAM is judge of roots at the Brussels fair this week Rev. Mr. BALL exchanged work with ltev. Mr. Allin, of Brussels; last Sun- day. Miss Lizzie GRAHAM was a judge of ladies' work at Palmerston fall show Tuesday. Mrs. Prosser and Mrs. Ross and child, of Pt. Elgin, were guests of Mr. Klump and family for the past week. WHAT you want when you are ailing 1: Try } } With beautiful house plants, arranged ia a medicine that will cure you. leona tet iparilla and be 'convinced ofits no Rev. C. R Fasken, 3.A,, in the Presbyterian chureh day, morning and evening, Sabbath following. Your old friend, James Duncan, tax collector, will call on you in a few days, so prepare to welcome him with the needful green stuff. WE are directed to correct an error in our reference to Reeve Dickson's recent visit to Stratford to consilt Mr. Idington, Q:C., re drainage matters ee visit to Stratford was in reference to the Ellice drain Jaw costs, in pur- guance ora motion made at the last regalar meeting of Council, instructing him to consalt Mr. Idington. The consultation had nothing to do. with the Hanna drain. SPECIAL MEETING.--A special meet- ing of the Municipal Council of the township of Elma was held in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on the 26th inst. Members all present. The meeting was called for the purpose of passing a aw, appointing an engineer to inspect the Partridge drain and report thereon to the council. Moved by Mr. Hammond, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, that By-law No. 353° as now read be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Merryfield, that be Council now adjourn to. meet a inthe Ast - enltural Hall, at the sail. of the Reeve. Carried. A CAPITAL Device.--Robt. Forrest has invented a capital device. out of wire for holding one's hat during church service, The wire is screwed beneath the seat in front of you, and! will preach next Sun and the A'wor . For- rest's new "house isfortune to fall offa seu ffold Thuredar setts a distance of bt feet, and sustaining very serious es. @ was taken to the Elma House and placed under the care of a doctor, PLEasE Don't.--Complaint is made to us of certain people who have ac- quired the habit of loafing in and about the railway station and of crowding the platform and hugging the nigut trains "just to see who is getting off." Please | don't do it, as itis a souree of annoy ance and interferes with the business of the officials. Frrp Davis barely escaped with his -|life from a smash up on the way home from Atwood on Weddesday night. nu the-durk te horse ran away, leaying Fred in a semi conscious condition on the muddy road. fe rallied in a few minutes and pulled himself into the doctor's office for repairs. not asis seriously hurt and will soon be himself again. THE scholars of Mrs, Kalbfleisch's. 8. S. class presented her with a beautiful gold dagger pin on Tuesday night, ac companied by the following address : Atwood, Ont., Sept. 29, 1896. FORA TEACHER, We. the scholars f your class in Sunday. school, have ets it becoming to extend to you our sympathy because of your inability to teach us longer owing to illness, Our talks together have been pleasant and profitable. We beg you to accept this small token of our esteem, not for its value, but as an expression of love for you. Signed on behflf of the class, ELsi& STRUTHERS, Este GORDON. Potice Court News,--Two rowdies, | for such we would call them, tried | to break into Mrs. Holmes' residence at An unseemly houron Wednesd: ay night of last week, but were foiled in their attempts by herson Richard. One of the rae who afterwards proved to be Geo, Evchhead's hired man, fired a shot as he was leaving the house. The other gent lives in Listowel. Constables Woods and Bulmer were soon put onto their tracks, but only the Listowel gent could be located, the other had yanish ed. The former settled with Mayis trate Terhune for his share in the esca- pade, and a sharp lookeut is being made for the other fellow.--It was while in search of the rascals referred to above that the coustables nabbed Jacob Kiump, jr., on an old charge of having figured in the assanit case, about a year ago, when the hostler at ¢ 'oghlin' $ hotel was made the victim of shameful treat ment. Jacob Kinump, sr., settled the case against his son for $5, and the boy was released.--The geese stealing case, referred to in our Eima correspondence last week, was lhieard by Magistrate Ter- hune. Phe light fingered youths prov- ed to be two Johnston bovs and one Smith boy, allof Elma, The former lads worked for James Lineham, a heighbor of Fisher's, and rather than see them punished, Mr. Linebi am settled | the affair for about s$25., Welye 01 fourteen gun shots were-takelr from the shoulderef one of the Johnston boys, asi reward for trying to escape with a goose when tuld vo halt byeMr. Fisher. Tae TeA Megrine.--The Methodist chureh was filled'to overtlowing last Sunday to hear the Rey. Mr. Allin, of Brussels, preach She anniversary ser mons. So great was the crowd at night that a number were unnble to gain admittance. His discourses were forcefal, logical and eloquent, and were listened to with wrapt attention. The udies decorated the front of the altar in most excellent taste; while the blackboard contained a colored chalk scene, a little girl clinging to a monv ment festooned with evergreens, Sey. ing "the beginuing and the end" mortality. A thanksgiving Sonne haye been more appropriate, . The ehoir, under the leader- ship of J. A. McBain, rendered efficient service, aud deserve the thanks of the congregation, Considerable time and study is involved in the preparation of new mnsic for these anniversary occasions, and the fact is too often lost sightof and not duly appreciated by the people generally. The tea meeting in Monday evening was held in the basement, of the\ Presbyterian church. The tables were laden with good things designed to tempt the appetites of the large company who partook of them. After tea the friends repaired to the Mvthodist church to hear the Rey. Dr. Williams, of Listowel, give his well known and popular lecture entitled "Elbow Room." By a vote of the audience this Iecture was given in preference to the one advertised, for the reason that it contained more pleasantries and was better suited 'to the oceasion,. The Dr. sustained his old time reputation iu the lecture field as well asin the pulpit. The fact that the Dr. is one of the fathers and fore most leaders of Canadian Methodism is well known to most. people convers- ant with the history of the church. The lecture bristled with grand and inspiring thoughts clothed in eloquent words, which everyone resent, especially the young.) men coul : h protit, He gave and that we were 'ising below our ee ivileges that true manhood was above you slip your hat, or cap and hand-jricues, and that the power was within kerchief as the ease may be, into the receptacie made for it, instead of putting them on the floor as is. now the rule, thus saving you the, incon- venience of reaching down to the. floor in a crowded pew, and picking up your hat all smeared with dust. Mr. Forrest's contrivance is very simple and fills "thelong felt want" exaetly. Ife will place two or more of them in the several churches in town so that te people can judge of their utility. : 'Yne device can be made cheaply, and tire pews of a whole church could be fprnisbed with them at a nominal cost. | ah us to 'shapen our lives and achieve success in this world. There was room at the top in aH our professions, in all the callings of life, but too many of our young men were satisfied with doing notbing torise in the scale of citizen. ship. The leeturer was accorded hearty vote of thanks. of the lecture, the rer Ball, announced provisions were 'et over from the t» al meeting and that the remainder wouid | sold by auction. The Sale netted | about $1, mak ing the total receipts, pee bineluding Sunday's coltections, BiB SE.) Rev. J no. a 2, At the close | ay ei} Jacos Kiump butcher is erecting a new ice ---- nd driving shed, James Hanna has the FAL re ated. Sept. 28.-- The Fall Assizes opened here to day before Justice Robeitson, There being no criminal cases for tral bis Lordship was presented by the Sheriff with a pair of white kid gioves. The civil business is more than usually heavy, comprising some eighteen cases. The white gloves presented to his Lordship are in danger of being soiled before the court closes, Tuesday a young man was arrested under the Chariton Act. He is at present in the Stratford_lock up. His name is John Bolmes of Rima, who is alleged to have transgressed the Charlton Act. The girl, who became a mother a few day ago, is a daughter of John H. Patterson, of the same town ship. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Rochester banks have boycotted Canadian silver, The United States paid $183,214,000 for pensions last year. Lord Rosebery on Saturday unveiled the Burns statue at Paisley. The assessment returns just complet- ed show the population of London to be 34,794, It is said thatthe Queen is seeking to interest the Czarina as a woman in the distress of the Armenians. The Patrie, of Montreal, has started a fund forthe family of Louis Riel, and Mr. Beaugrand has headed the list with 3100, With a view to encouraging the silk industry the Prince of Wales is return- jing to the fashion of the Georgian | period in silk waistcoats. During the massacres in *'Constan- tinople the German Embassy was the only one that closed its doors and re- fused protection to the Armenians, Aftera few days' illness, William rfeaidund postmaster at Berlin, Ont., for rty-six years, died at his residence in that town Monday, aged sixty four, Galt has lost a fair and accomplished young lady in consequence of the mar riage of Miss Hettie Grove, danghter of E. H. Grove, to Rev. T. Doolittle. B. A., B. T. H., of Thurso, Quebec. Carl MeIithiney, a seven-year old boy, of Wooster, Ohio, is under arrest for murdering Thomas Kidd, fourteen years old, "who teased him, The child gota ten tt and blew off the top of Kidd's heu The mippleeneacy amounting to $2,889,000, were brought down in the House Friday night. There is a grant of $20,000 for Colling wood harbor improvements, but no provision is made for the Dominion Exhibition tn Toronto in 1897. estimates, A deputation of the veterans of '66, who repelled the Fenian raid, waited 'riday upon Mr, Launer, and asked for recognition of their patriotie services in the shape of a medal anda land grant. Mr. Laurier suid he would lay the matter before his evlleagues. Li Hung Chang showed his apprecta- tion of Canadian hospitality by confer Ting upon the two gentlemen, Dr. Ho¥- sey and Mr, Lalonde, who were eppoint- ed to escort him thro: igh Canada, the insignia of the Order of the Double Dragon. Dr. Horsey is a son-in-law of Dr. Macdonald, M. P., Wingham. Migs "Marie Corelli," who is the daughter of the late Dr. Mackey, of London, England, and who has written a number of novels of a sensational type, will not add to her fame even in the circles to which her books are acceptable by her recent intemperate onslaught on women bicyclists. Some body, it appears, eharged Miss Corelli with giving ladies" grouse shooting p ie ties, and with riding a bieycle. he lady replies by wishing that she conld shuot these "liars," and by calling women bicyclists "perspiring, red faced, lank-haired objects," who work their legs "treadmill fashion in mere feminine vulgarity." Judges Bell, of Chatham, and Horne, of Windsor, met in Berlin on Wednes- day last and divided Waterloo county into seven county council districts as follows: (1) Berlin, population, 8.888; assessed yalue, $2 726,396; @) Galt, populasion. 7.374; assessed value $2,- 841,720; (3) Waterloo township and Hespeler, population, $8,799; assessed value, $4,254,875; (4) North Dumfries, Ayr an Preston, cop UB Recs 5 (5) Wilmot assessed value, $2,989.8 and New Hamburg, a ADALANGN, 6.449; assessed yalue, $3,091,483. (6) Wellesley and Waterloo town, population, 10.096; assessed value, $3,426, 780. (7) Wool wich and Elmira, population, 5,534; assessed value, $3, 089,967, Think it Over. Tave you ever heard of a medicine with such a record of cures as. Hood's Sarsaparilla?-.Don't-you know Hood's Sarsaparilia, the One ue Blood Purifier, has proyed, over and over again, that it lias power to cure, even after all other remedies fail? If you have i:apure blood you may tak Hood's Sarsaparilla. with the utmost confidence that it will do yow. good. Hoop's Pris assist digestion. cents. 25 Atwood Méarixet. all Whea' Spring Wheat rley ah pepak ion ty Wood, 2 feetlong. Benger te | Write te JOHN Wi Ww EDDERBURN & CO. to 'ieeten t health 1] DOAN'S Kidney Pills DOAN'S Kidney Pills DOAN'S Kidney Pills «»kRemember.. DOAN'S Kidney Pills ARE THE BEST ®: For Sale by DOUGLAS & C0, AUCTION § SALES THURSDAY, OCT. 1. r. 1--Farm stock and unole ments on lot 26, con. 12, Elma, at 1 p.m.,sharp, ©. il. Merryfield, auc inves r; Alex, Wilson, proprietor. SATURDAY, Oct. 8np.--Sale of 25 acres of land, being the northeast quar- ter of lot 27, con, 12, Logan, at 2 p,in., at Longeway' $ hotel, Sillsburg. CoH: Merryfield, anetioneer; Michael Ander- son, proprietor, TE TE OPLE 2) COLUMN, Who can think an g _ n ots | of some vette thing to paten: | they may bane you wea atch, | Patent Attor- Wasbington, D. C., for their $i, ws prise offer st of two hundred inventions wa: Teacher Wanted. -- ANTED--An exper rienced go 1 class Normal c nada js , Elma; state sa ary: ney and teacher, . totleach S reas : 8. WHE is x ewry, Ont. W wit aod No.7 3-tin | TANTED=SEVER: AL FAITHFUL. MEN Ty. $780, payable | Position permanent. | uldresned ete Star ieee ig hi $15 weekly and expenses. te eference, nclose self~ envelope. The National, cage Qf Farm for Sale. ee oe re feds for sale, being the east eget f Lot 32, in the 2th Concession of Kh farm is an ce eared andina ood state of c lth. vation. Price moderatg; terms casy. Apply to C. H. HOLM Neer: 'Warchack Newry. Estray Lamb. oe AY. ey on the premise sof the und ernie n. 14, Elma, on orabont May 24, "Tn he ow per is requested to pro rges, and take it away JOHN D. RI ACH, New Batt ieee a sre property, pay 36-4in* Wanted at Once! CTIVE agents fee sak county, Pocus control and no risk. Will pies twelve twenty-five: hundred dollars a ye cocaine stamp for full particulars or 25c. tor ra sample, ah RAPIDS MINERAL. WATER CO., Big Rapids, Mich. ve ry P.O. 23-21 Estray Cow. TRAYED on the premises of the undersigned, Lot 21, Con. 7, Elma, on or about Aug. 15, 1896, amilchcow. The owner is requested to prove Peper, pay charges, and take her away. F. J. CURTIS, 37-4in* Atwood Salesmen Wanted. Pi"in the sale trustworthy 1 men to eben us of our choice Nursery Stock. Highest Salary kk : Stex tf on paid w | composed of ment at ane Festa territo: perience not necessary sured worker: pacts eeiad induce pop ipa a "begtit rs. Write at once for particul ALLEN NU ane co. 83m Rech aeeae: NEY, Free to. Men Only. st IM of self 'abuse and kin red com- laints, pein been petmanenthy restored d manly vigor A' Means © cure, will gladl; FRE& of chia tge to any sufferer. ure for Emissions, Sexual Weakness, Small "Weak Parts, Varicocele etc. Corres ponde ence con advertixing Tite at. once and enclose a 3 tent stamp for reply. Address: "PRIVATE." BOX 204,. PICTON, ONT. Judge Jones. fore "Bran t ford, and | Padge Creasor, of Owen Sonnd, met ine. the Court Honse, Goderich, to divide Huron County under the new County: Connci's' > Aet, Warden = Strachan,. Reeve Proudfoot, of Goderich. and Ina: ©. Morrison, Clerk of MecKillar. snb- mitted prepared schemes, in addition. to that laid ont by the commissioners, and the. following..was--decided on: as the division. being sae what Warden Stravhan suggested -~ POPULA- RRESRE TP ON VALUE. $1. 709. RPG 1.816.209 491.450 "EAST SID. Ste anley_ Bayfield 1846 Tay 1,946,795 653,499 McK Tuckersmith Seaforth 4.446.970: toderich Township 9463 1.413077 Hrnlett 98 4.104. O07 1,692 8F5 LOST 145 1.083.540 Ashfield Colborne Goderich 8.863,540 | Wawanosh FE 1.190.270 Wawanosh W 549.000 3.056.150 1 77, AIS 1.781471 293,915 8,752,841 2.145.319 1,047.890 109.700 3.302, 849 Howick Tarnherry Wroxeter In each of the abe ae Districts, tworenresentatives will be elected oan Mame?! election day and will ho'd MPa fortwo years The nonrination will hehelda week earlier than. the minicipal nomination. A returning Otlicer will be anointed for ench District, who will forward the returne to the Connty Clerk. The present Connty Council of Ituren, which is 5L members, with nuder ee new Act be reduced to 18 rnembers, ider the new jaw the Reeves and ce ei ties will not be members of the County Council, Everything Backward China. The dressmakers are men, and' the women carry the burdens, sogks are read backwards and any notes are inserted at the top, The spoken language is not writ- ten, ind the writtven language is not spoken. The Chinese stirname comes first, and they shake their own haud instead of the hand of the person introduced, White is used for RIES and bridesmaids always wear black, ana instead of being young maidens are old women. The men wear skirts and the wo- meén wear trousers; the men wear their hair long, and the women coil theirs into a knot. The Chinese do evyarything the: wrong way, according to our views. Their'compass points to the south in- stead of to the north. ANTED--SEYVER AL F ALTIT- ful men or wemen ro travel for responsible established house in: Ontario. Salary $78), payable Slo weekly and expenses. Position perman- ent, Reference. Enclose self address- ed stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. Hi! TILE! To the Pople: We have a larger stock than ever of the noted E. E. Haack & Co., Drayton, Tile. We have from 2 inch up tu 8 inch in stock, besides a few thousand 3 inch Red Tile; we will Iet the latter go at $2 per thousand less than the white tile. Call at the old stand, and : ne we will try to. use you well, ely Thanks for ao Ww. McBAIN, ATWOOD., past favors. 83-5

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