Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 2 Oct 1896, p. 2

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FOOLED THE JUDGE. A Successful Rus¢ to Save a Gondemned Murderer. "Some years ago I was on the bench in a Nebraska circuit," said Judge A. R. Simmons, of Omaha, to a Wash- ington Star reporter. "A murder was committed under rather peculiar circumstances. A man named Bill Chadwick and a man named "lees Piummer were enemies, n for some time, each hav- ing titeatoned the life of the other. --A---reconctitiation "was effected, and one day the two men went hunt- ing 'together. Piummer returned alone, and said he had bought Chad- wick's horse, and the latter h ne to Kansas, "eC Considerabie suspicion existed, but Chadwick had no relatives, and there Was no way of disproving thestory. Several months later the bones of a man were found where it was known Chadwick and Plummer had been to- gether on the day the former i outs sigmace By means of and a pecuiiarity of the teeth remains were identified as those of Chadwick. Plummer was arrested, sSppaes condemned and sentenced to "Three or four days before the time fixed for the execution a man_ en- tered. my office and saluted me: "*How'dy, judge " 'How are you ?' 'I answered. 'What can I do for you?' "*T reckoned you'd know me,' he said. 'I'm-Bill Chadwick, the feller Tom Plummer was convic killin "I was naturally greatly surprised, and somewhat doubtful as to the truth of his story. But he stuck to it under the most rigid cross-examina- on. "*T don't like Tom none too well,' hi d, 'but I ane him the hoss all right, and I went to Kansas. I didn't hear about the "trial till after it was over, 80 when I did lear it, I thought it would be a shame to let Tom hang, and I came back.' apt took the man to the prosecuting torney, who had known Chadwick siigntigy 'and he identified the man as the one supposed to be murdered. We took the first train to Lincoln, reach- ing there just in time to secure the pardon for Plummer. "Both Plummer and Chadwick dis- appeared as soon as the former was released, and I had ceased to think about the strange affair, when I changed circuits with another judge, and while sitting in the hotel [saw Chadwick pass. I called the land- lord's attention to him, and asked if Chadwick lived there. "* Bill Chadwick ? No, he don't live ? He's dead. That man's Pjummer. does look enough like Chadwick to pass for him. His brother was the man who killed Chadwick, and then pardoned : > way or other, [I don't know how.' And I did not tell him." Interest the Clerks. The following advice is dry goods merchants in regard to spe- cial sules, by that ver ¥ practical dry gous paper, the New York Econo- ist given the "Tet it be 'our opening,' or 'our sale,' and not something of. a private or mysterious character concocted and engineered solely by the firm and a few of the 'heads,' and with which the rank and file have no interest or usually a good be done in con- nection with special events. Several evenings have to be deyoted to marking and arranging goods, and in doing other work that cannot well be done during the day. If the clerks properly enthused over it they give their time willingly. More than that, they will take a certuin pleasure and responsibility in it, and do their utmost to make their part, however small, SUCCES. When opening day or sale day arrives every person in the store will feel that he or she had done something to con- tribute to its success. Every one will and enthusiastic about, do his utmost to see S and customer H informed principal of interest, missed or overlooked. are working together harmony and with a hearty rood will, the event must be a complete success."' "pousamds of ( f Consumption, Asth ima, Ce 1 Croup are cured every di 's Cure. NEW. the OLD WAY AND THE He was ence called to push with a ill For chet girl he had 'chosen to w But now he's expected to push up hill On a cycle constructed for two. Dise asegh bic 10 .d, constipation kidney fived and bowel troubles cured bk Ietrl's Clover Root Tea. Lost No Time. At Buffalo Vailey, W. Va., Baptist Church the othe r day the funerai ser- vices of Marion Newman were conducted. Immediately" after the services Mr. Newman, who was the husband of the deceased, stepped for- ward with Miss Malinda Daniels, a cousin of Mrs. Newman, handed aL license to the minister who officiated at the funeral and requested that he perform the marriage ceremony. This was done, much to the astonishment of the mourners for the dead woman} old 003 her and are ; . Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the bicod and gives a clear and beauti- ful complexion. Just Splendid. Belle Westside (to her dearest friend) --Mr. Jobson gayeus such a delightful Hilustration on finance last night. He eaid our big sleeves .represented ex- pansion ; then, putting his arm around our Waists--that was contraction, you know. It was Just erase Dearest Friend (enthusiastically)--It must have been! Don't forget to tell Mr. Jobson I'm awfully interested in ce, @n only resemble each other when by sordid or fashionable whatever is, natural admits of isty.--Madame de Stuel. feat Mr. 'Clift, € My Gaucher A FATHER'S STORY. --_--__-- Happiness Restored When Hope Had Almost Gone. His Daughter Began to Droop and Fade as Attacked With Hemorrhage and Life Was Despaired of--She is Again Enjoying Robust Health, (From the Brantford Courier.) A recent addition to the Grand Trunk staff in this city is Mr. Thos. Clift, who is living at 75 Chatham street. Mr. Clift, who was.formerly a policeman in the great city of Lon- don, is a fine looking specimen of an Englishman of the type so often seen in the Grand Trunk employ and who makes so desirable a class of citizens. Since his advent here he has been a Warm adyocate of that well-known medicine, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and through his endorsement, dozens of boxes have been sold to his friends and acquaintances. A Courler representative, although not surprised, to know the reason for Mr. Clift's warm éulogy of the pills, called on that gentleman re- cently. Mr. Clift willingly consented o an interview, and in the following story told his reason for being so sin- cere an apa be a anit seo vaee edicin "Some fiv Seon ty Shiliy be: gan to droop and fade, and became piaiened either for work or pleasure. London Was called in and he prescribed exercise and a general 'rousing up' as the best medicine to effect a cure My daughter did her best to follow her instructions,but the forced exercise exhausted her com- pletely, and she gradually grew worse. One night I and my wife were terribly alarmed by a cry from Lilly, and has- tening to her room iound her gulping up large quantities of blood. I rushed for a doctor and he did his best to stop her hemorrage, but admitted to me that her vase was very critical. She drooped away to a veritable sha- dow, and for weeks when I went to bid her good-bye in sa morning as I went to ork I feared I might not see her ally ve neat This ment on for a long time until one day a friend recommended my daughter to try the effect of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She consented to do so and in a@ comparatively brief period a decided benefit was perceptible. She persisted with the use of the pills and gradually rose from a bed of suffering and sickness until she once again eae robust young womanhood. Hor the last three years she has been i excellent health. It was Pink Pills that virtually brought her from the mouth of the grave and preserved for me my only daughter. Now do you wonder w hy I sound their praises and recommend them at every opportun- ty ? Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength. ln cases of paralysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, erysipe- as, scrofulous troubles, ete. these pilis-are-superior to all other treat- ment, hey are also a specific for the troubles which make the lives of s0 many women a burden, and speedily restore the rich glow of health to we ue vessel esi on broken down by overwork, worry or excesses, will "tind i "Pink Pills a Sars att cure. Sold dealers or sent by mee ede eee: ee 50c a box, or for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Ww i liams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. eware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be " just as Zoo. od." anxious, Paper Coffins. Many underthKers are now usin cheap coffins pressed out of paper pulp. When polished and stained such cef- ins look almost as well as those of wood. They last longer than coffins of wood or metal and they can be her- metically sealed better) than 'heavy metal ones One Minute Cure for Toothache. Magical in potency and power, pene- » to the diseased nerve. i 1in curce--cures toothache m&% moment. Nerviline, the most marvellous pain remedy known to science, may be used for all nerve pains Test at once its effi- cacy. Seeking Freedom. "What we have been striving for all these long years is absolute freedom S ct net S "" gaid the new woman, because of that that pick a appeal to us-so forcefully." "Gn that theory," put in ae bald headed man quietly, "it es" me blush to ie what your Suatuine will be in 1910 IF THE BAB Y Is CUTTING TEETH Be sure and use,that old and well- tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and i the best remedy for arrhoea. Twentytfive cents a bottle. ALL IN FON. Her oo were filled with unshed tes rs, Her eens heaved in woe I asked her to reveal her re urs ; She mutely pourhabgitint no. "Tell me,' cried, "just what mean ; Yes, now, this very minute! "The wah for fall," she sobbed, you ™ "ig gre And I fook horrid in it!" HOw re 'CURE : CORNS. assy? Yes, if Sige 5° about it the right way. Get the best always. Putnam's Painless ovis Extractor nor discomfort. Ex- tractor extracts coms ; mi is the best. RUSSIA'S WOMeh CRIMINALS In Some Parts They F: Far Outnumberthe Men The Semaine Medicale publishes in- teresting statistics about the crimin- ality of women in Russia, showing that in the large industrial centres of Russia there are twice as many wo- men criminals as men. This is prac- tically the case in the districts oC Bt. pein ee. Cheérson (including Odessa) d Kiew ; In Moscow crime is divided About equally between "the sexes. The principal crimes committed by females are: infanticide, poisoning, oe to murder, adultery, bigamy and (only a small percentage) robbery and theft. Most of the wumen criminals are un- married. The fewest crimes were com- mitted by the country population, most of them by the laboring classes in the cities. Of 100 working people of both sexes in the Russia industrial districts, there are 12. e and 13.75 female criminals, that is, in the total, every fourth person. The crit- ieai age for theft in man is-stated to be between the sixteenth and seyen- teentli years, while female thieves be- win principally between fourteen and lifteen. 'he fewest crimes are com- mit by women of the f eighteen to twenty. This is probably the only case where woman surpusses man in crime, since everywhere else, as much as known, the man, in con- sequence of his clos¢r contact with life aud the struggles for life, fur- nishes the largest contingent of the number of criminal $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be Ppieased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its and that is Catarrh. Cure is the only positive cure ; known to the medical fraternity. Ca- rr ng & constitutional | disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there- by destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the .patient strength by building up the constitu- jon and assisting nature in. doing its work. The proprietors iave so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., ledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75. To- . inspect t s London to Paris. A has oer been made in six ho 82 minu the passage of the channel (25 miles) took one hour and 15 minutes, and the run from Calaig to Paris (185 1-2 miles) Was made in three hours and 34 | utes, on av erage: of 56.9 miles, includ- ing stops. ' Consumption can be cured by the use of Shiloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure is*the only known remedy for that terrible disease. The Peace Congress has opened at Buda Pest, the American peace so- trip between London ene Paris | Ts aud | . From London to Dover | (78.94 ren) took one hour 22 minutes; | cieties being well represented. The Ulema College of the hierarchy at Constantinople has declared its | right to depawe the Sultan. HAVE You TASTED "SALADA CEYLON TEA? It is delicious. Sold only in Lead Packets. $5 ray 5 full information, Jatalogue of: a8 engravings ne The Queen, Silverware Co, ntre DAILY.--AGENTS WANTED -- Cc Land +t ~ re Bay "tity, sich ' oiters foe Mer. | FINE FARMING LANDS ed with maple, elm, ashi, oak a | 12 miles from Bay City, on ood woaae | and in Bay Co,, the garden of the State. Cli- | mate, soil ft timber uns surpassed. Farmers | and timbermen, write for maps, j Cover wood ; ive some fine Frais Byer Grain Farms sale in this most BODtnSRH eae of On tario, nd stamp for list or call on , A. FICK & CO., Brokers, Kingsville, Ont. ora a REY TET TR eae Yourself if you get y K : pur. copy of on 7 Daek Cor- rers, one dextat: ox aig by B, J. Jef- feries, M.D., Ph.D. It you are starring you | surely need a ict Agents wan county, $2 to 3 per day ney roenpeeng circulars spe ere i paper and | address J. L. NICHOLS & CO., 3 Richmond | | ttreet went, Teronte: Can, have IT,PAYS TO CANADA BUSINESS coeoualt CHATHAM, ONT., perp reser ea eerie cagirvery-nadmiore dl in or and finding for Peradus iféa, va : John Pierce, just placed as assistant steno- grapher ana book-keeper with Chatham Man a uring Co. sten pre Andre pher with Western Oil Co., Grand | R Bele: ich, Bert. Newton, as stenographer with Evening Press, same cit nf Josie Eberts, apher with Ste Campbell Milling C a Br bers: IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. For catalogue of either department address D. McLACHLAN & CO., Sagres Ont GFBE More: Bteattord, Osteria Best business education in Canada at lowest on, © tendance. u lca cea leae: free. Canada' 8 m.- mercial school. W,. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. ALM A----The ods of instruction unsu: catalogue. PRES. A FARMERS AND BREEDERS Who are desirous of Improving their stock should personally STIN, A. St. Thomas, Ont, Herd of LONG ENG. LISH BERK. SHIRE Pigs, and flock of Shropshire Down Sheep. Prices very moderate. ress The BOW PARK CO, Ltd., BRANTFORD, ONT. APPLE EXPORTERS Make Your Consignments of Apples tc Simons, Jacobs & Co., Glasgow, Scotl Simons, Shuttleworth & eps Llyerpool, a | Garcia, Jacobs & Co, 'AMERICAN REPRESENTATIY ES. ACE, New tsi, Boato Chatles ph Baltimore, J. M. Shuttleworth, Bow ntford, Onb The above firm has sha betes: vantages for the heeding and calling of Apples, and makes prompt cable remittance Rest Trusses made by OORENWEND €. 8B. T. 00, RUPTURE: 853 Queen St. W. oromta Boones Face ISSUE NO 41 1896. ee NOTE, In replying to any vertisementa, please mention paper. of these ade this INDIGESTION UERED sy £8 THE STOMACH LJ Li '© HEALTHY ACTION AND TONES WHOLE SYSTEM. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. MUTUAL PRINCIPLE, The important announcement is mide this morning of the amalgama- tion of the business of the Provincial tution Bt. the Mutual Reserve Association, whose_man- ager for Ontario ce im Candda. Their ; in the Reserve Fund Life, largest natural premium company in the world, has for years done a large business in Canada, and has paid here in death claims over $1,250,000. It is duly registéred under the Do- minion Act and has a deposit in Goy- ernment bonds with the Insurance reer amounting to oer 000. By this change the members the Provincial Provident bacon haa bers of an institution with one hun- institution that nd an and which has pai one "S27, 000,000 in death claims. It is hardly sible that they will fail to apieeclate the advantages of this change in the fcreased security which is thus placed behind their insurance. SPECIAL PRICE. To introduce JO-HE Magnetic Rock Oil from patest curative discovery of esta e n used in time, re has espe r doctors and other remedies had failed to relieve as' ang con- sumption, rheumatism, cancers and tumora, tarrh, burns and bruises, etc, Testimonial book sent free on request. ONTARIO SUPPLY yield er BSE 7 toria street. Toro Agents for Can FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNNS~ BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND EST SALE hes CA Do«s. DOGS. DOGS. Send and i a a eog, As breed you want a at very creed some of our ook, 'Alea phe Shot for a nox f Geo, Lucas tange Cure for Dogs. GEO. a ee terin: Dentist, ary De Re wert? oronto Ont retry torn IS VOL LIKE K. | Onn Peet eet cam See d New Or ER ia Parcs be apy K.D. COLD NIGHT, oo WARM HOUSE. There is no other FURNACE in this country that will so cheaply and easily wo:m your home. NEW IDEAS many special improvements over ordinary wood furnaces. It's worth your time to examine this great heater. MADE-1N THREE SIZES. Gurney Tilden Co., Ltd., Hamilton. GURNEY STOVE & RANGE CO., WINNIPEG. GURNEY MASSEY C0., MONTREAL. THE D. MOORE C0'S., HAMILTON, Bermuda. BEST FARMERS' WOOD COOK IN THE MARKET. Oven 24x Our own patent oven Extra large fire door. 27 inches, ventilator. FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERY- WHERE. Note.--Every stoye Aba --

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