VOL. ATW OCOD, ONT., FRIDAY, OCT. 2, 1896. NO. 37. The Leas Outlay Is seldom the cloth, ata greater cos good reatest gain, all wise folks prefer good mings und gvod workmanship, even by our retail stores. Notwithstanding the prevailing temptation to ad- wertise an the che aply built garment offered IPALrSlAinsS By quoting fictitious values, readers, that we still we beg to adhere to our well assure our recognized principles of advertising only just what we've got to sell. We are not in business for the purpose of selling every~ thing at Jess than cost of production. We m: anufacture our own goods for our clothing trade, our facilities are unexcelled and while the offers we make here bring a great many lines around cost prices, yet wedo not want anyone to feel under a compliment toous_for supplying their needs, aswe much prefer selling with \a margin of We know we actually sell tweeds many a store can buy the same quality wholesale for. B, F. Brook& Son, Listowel Woolen Mill, . pr ob fis at less than UT it doesn't take an artist to appreciate at first elance the Superior Quality, Superb Style, Excel- To Dress . Neatly Js an Art. dent Workmanship, and Low Price of the CLOTHING MADE BY US. Always Up-to-Date, with the Latest in Everything. Leave Your Measure for one of our Overcoats te Laide, Fall Suits. : A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. ON Everything in Gents' Furnishings in Stock. R. M. BALLANTYNE, The People's Clothier, Atwood. | aged "Jas Dimenn, J g AnOIOW, Palmerston. THE ELMA FAIR: A GOOD SHOW, BUT THE WET WEATHER MARRED ITS ENJOYMENT AND AFFECT ED THE sullen eames UESDAY morning, Sept. 29th, the first day of the Elma Agri cultural Society's Fall Fair, looked anything but Hiseead lt Ss from the weather point of view. It 8 a cold, cloudy morning, and a oe dis- mai 'day, so much go that it was feared there would be no exhibition, but des- pite the weather the entries poured in and by six o'clock p.m, the hall contain- ed fully as large an exhibit as last year, with the possible exception of the lad ies' department upstairs, which showed a Slight falling off due to the rain. The roots and vegetables were very fine indeed, McCracken's mangels beat ing anything of the kind exhibited in this locality for some eke The fruit display was away ahead of last year's both in quality and nRBtieg, while the grain display was fully up to former Moule and of fine sample. 'The ladies' department was good but not 50 com- plete as already stated. Wednesday morning did not Malte much hope into the hearts of the management, although old Sol made: f bold effort to smile on us towards noon, but 18 proved deceptive, for it was quickly followed by a heavy shower, which was Kept up intermittingly all aitteruodn. Lt affected the attend ance, and at the close of the day the gale receipts were found, to be $100 be- hind Jast year, which was. partly made up by the 33 per cent.of-the- $64 con cert proceeds at night, However, the Society is in good financial shape and they will be able to meet their obliga tions promptly. 'Yhe show Of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs was the largest and finest seen at our fair for years, and the poultry was also fine. The competition in sheep wus very keen, especially in the Shrop- shire class, Following is the PRIZE LIST : Honrses.--Agricultural--Foal, James Duncan; brood mare with foal by her side, James Dunean; yearling filly or ge vat D Morrison, 2, Chas Oyans, 3, G Luglis; two year old, WG Inglis, My 5S Peters, 3,5 Beonett; three year old, and 3, J Hamilton ; span of horses, Thos Jackson, 2, Rob bt Smart, 3, Allan MeMane. General Par- pose-- Brood mare witli foal by her side, Fred Switzer; one yeur old, Alex Miller; two year old, 'J B Hamilton, 2, G Loch head, 3, Samuel Smith: span of horses, Wm Little, jr., 2, RS Ballantyne, 3, A Stevenson. Ro: dster--Pony-- A Loer- ger; foal, Fred Switzer, 2, W G Inglis; brood"nare with foal by her side, WG Inglis, 2,Thos Newbigging; one year old, Thos Robbie, 2, Wm Little, jr, 8, IW Boyd; two year old, W G Ingils, 2, y G Alexander,3, WwW Peet; saddle horse, James Dickson, jr, 2, wm Dickson, 3, W mn single fl in har- ness, Land 2, Hay & I 8, A H Wynn; span 'of horses, Thos Jackson, 2, D Smith, 8, W McCormick. Carriage-- Foal, Henry Zinn, 2. J A Turnbull, 8, T oe bigging; brood mare with foal, E Zinn; eT Mews filly or gelding, Johu House, 2, T igh igging; two year old, Jas Dickson, jr, 2, Henry Zinn, 8, Wm Peet; three year old, Henry Zinn, 2, A Miller, 3, John Houze; Single carriage Lo A horse in harness, RS Ballantyne, 2 Roe, 3, W. Hewitt &Son; span of horses, Wm Danbrook, 2, J W Boyd, 3,T Dor land, Judges--Mr, Burns, Palmerston; Mr. McLauchlin, Brussels. CATTLE.--Durhams--Two old heifer, A Simpson ; yearlingteifer, Smith' Bros, 2, A Simpson; bull calf, 1 and 2, Smith Bros; heifer calf, Smith Bros. Avrshires--Milch cow, 1 and 2 Thos Dickson ; yearling heifer, Thos Dickson; bull calf, 1 and 2, Thos Dick- son, Jerseys--Milch cow, A H Wynn. Grades--Miich cow, Thos Dickson, 2, Graham, 3, T Newbigging; two year: old ete Thos Sweeton, 2, Thos Dickson, Thos Sweeton; yearling heifer, sll Bickers, 2, Miss McLaren, 8, Smit Bros; heifer calf, Robt Smart, 2, Toke Morrison, sr, 3, Geo Arnold, Any other breed--Pair 'three year old steers, 1,2 and 3,Wm Dickson; two year old steers, l and 2, Alex Strathers, 3, Wm Dick- son; yearling steers, Henry Smith, 2, W Sweeton, 8 Alex Struthers. Fat cow or steer, any breed, Thos Sweeton. udg es--David Milne, Ethel; Richard SueEep.---Leicesters--Aged ram, Jas orn jr, 2, Alex Struthers; shearling m, Thos Dickson; ram lamb, Thos eentot, 2. Thos Dickson; pair 'preed- ing ewes, l and 2, Thos Dickson; shear ling ewes, Thos Dickson, 2, W Sweeton; ewe lambs, 'Thos Sweeton, '2, Thos Dick- son. Oxford Downs--Aged ram, Smith ae 2, John Houze; ram lamb, 1 and 2, Thos Smith; pair breeding ewes, Thos Smith; ewe lambs, G srr Sy 2, Thos Smith, Shropshires-- ), James Trimm, 2,J A Turnbull; shearling ram, Jas Trimm, 2, T Newbi ging ; ram lamb, Jas 'Trimm, 2, ian irie; pair of breeding ewes, Jas T rimm, 2, Ko ie: shearling ewes, 'and 2, Jas Trimm; ewe lambs, John Houze, 2, 'Thos Newbige as fat pesca. ty hos Newbigging, 2, Wm Sw Hoes. verkshire--Aged Cowan, 2, John eee ek John ar pig, Cowan; _ brood sow pig, and 2, rt| of vegetables, (special by F Kraus), 8 Sled "sow pig, John Cowan, 2, EW. Boyd : brood sow, W G inglis, 2 2, JW Boyd; sucking pigs, J W Boyd, 2, John Jowan, Any other breed--A oar, Robt Roe, 2, Wm Wilson; breed sow, Geo Lochhead, 2, W G Inglis; sow pig, Geo Lochhead; " sucking pigs, John Hoot, & J A Turnbull. Judges--J. G. Hamilton, Milverton; Jas. Rerrinon: Brussels. PouLTRY.--Fow \--Plymout h Rocks, 1 and 2, H Goddard; White Leghorns, 1 and 2, H Godd ard: Brown Leghorns, 1 and 2, H Goddard; Brown Leghorns, A loerger, 2, H Goddard; Hamburgs, H Goddard; Games, Miss Saker, 2, Thos Male; Gochines, Miss Baker, 2, A loerger; Dorkins, Thos Male; Black Spanish, John Cowan, 2 Thos Mule; Light Brahmas, Miss Baker; Lang. shans, 1 and 2, Miss Baker; Bantams, H Geddard, 2, Thos Male; Geese, Wm Millen; Ducks, Wm Millen, 2, Thos sisal Turkeys, Wm Mi lien; pigeons, 'hos Male, 2, Willie Fullarton. Chicks of 1898--Plymouth Rocks,Wm Millen,2, H Goddard; White Leghorns, 1 and 2, i Goddard; Brown Leghorns, Miss Bakers 2 H Godd: ard; Games, T Male, 2, Miss 'Baker; Cochins, cen aker, 2) A loerger; Dorkins, 1 and2, T Male; Beer Spanish, 4 2 John Graham; Light Brahmas, 'oe, 2, Miss aker. Jidge--H McEwing, Palmerston. AGRICULTURAL Propucrs,--Fall ES wheat, red, John Brown, 2, John Cowan, $, W Hewitt & Son; fall wheat, white, Ww Hewitt & So 2, John Brown, 3, Robt Roe; arg wheat, Bred Switzer; two-rowed burley, John Brown, 2, Allex Miller, 3, Thos New bigging; black oarley, J W Toghen, 2, Wm Peet; black oats, Aiex Miller, 2 Geo Lochhead; white oats, Alex Miller, Thos Newbigging, 3, W Hewitt & Son; peas, large, W Peet, 2, Miller, 3, Fred 'Switzer; peqy Alex Miller; collection Peters; clover seed , Wm Peet; seed, Smith Bros., 2, A Baker, 3, W Peet; sheaf flax, Geo Lochead, 2, J W McBain; sheaf flint corn, W L Holmes, 2, Geo Lochhead; Sheaf Mammoth Sweet corn, J A Turnbull; 2, Robt Smart; Roots--Variety o otatoes, Smith Bros. 2 J W McBain; Beauty of Hebron, J A Turnbull; 'Rose of Erin, IW tain 6 Geo Lochhed: pempire State, John Cuthbertson, John Cowan; Late potatoes, John yen. 2; Geo Lochhead; Barly tg smith Bros.; Swede turnips, W G faglis, 2, Ww Hewitt & San; any other icind. Thos Néwbigging, 2, 'Win Millen; mangels, long réd, W. H McCracken: 2.05. W Tughen; mangels, yellow globe, W H McCracken, 2, S Peters; mangels, red globe, W 'H McCracken, Cowan; miigels, me ) McCracken, 2, Tughen; carrots, Geo, eens 2 W Tughen; collection of roots, John Cowan, 2, W H McCracken; best half dozen' Swede turnips, (Douglas & Co special), Thos. Newbigging. Judges--James Trimm, Miiverton; Thos, Male, Listowel. Frurr.--Duchess of Oldenberg, 1, Geo Lochhead, 2, W G Alex- ander, 1, John 'Cowan, 2, W & Son; oly vert, 1, Wm Dickson, 2, Fred Switzer; St. Lawrence, John Cowan, 2, S Peters; snow apples, Wm Hewitt Son, 2, Robt Bees Norther Spy, James Juncan, 2, Roe;-Goiden Russet, WoL aoe 2, John Brown; Red Canada, A Baker, 2, A Miller; Ben Dayis, Smith Bros., . Wm Dickson; Crab Apples, Geo Chapman, 2, Ronnenberg: collection of apples, Robt Roe, 2, Wm Hewitt & Son; pears, R Ballantyne, 2, John Graham; plums, John Grahain, 2, James Priest; grapes, Joseph Horn; collection of apple es for Ae ene spsoial W Hewitt & Son, 2 Sade ewbig ing. udge--D. Tea eey, Stratford. VesurAni.---iets long, W H McCracken Alex Miller; beets, round, W H MoCrecken:; 2, Mrs Jobn Switzer;-radishes, summer, W H Mc- Cracken; radishes, winter, W H Me- Cracken, 2, A Baker; cabbages, red, W H McCracken, 2, 8 Peters; cabbages, aintee Geo 'Chap 2, S Peters; onions, yellow, J W TTugtien, 2, W H McUracken; onions, large red, W I McCracken, 2, J W Tughen; Dutch sets, H Ronnenberg, 2, Geo Chapman; garden carrots, Wm Millen, 2,5 Peters; -- ms parsnips, W Hu McCracken, ye Jobn Graham; cucumbers, Geo Chapman, 2A Baker ery, James Priest, 2, celer JW McBain: cauliflowers, W H Me- Cracken,2, J A Turnbull; 4¢ dozen ears of corn, W Hewitt & Son, 2, Geo Lochhead; black beans, Jas Duncan, 2, H Ronnenberg; white beans, Mrs Switser, 2, John Graham; any other kind of beans, Mrs F Switzer, 2, J W McBain; pumpkin, Alex Miller, 2 WW. H McUracken; pumpkin, special, Alex Millar; squash, H McCracken, 2, Alex Miller; citron, J B Hamilton, 2, A Baker; tomatoes, James Priest, 3. John Cowan; musk melon, W Horn, jr., 2, A Baker; water melon, W H Me- Cracken, 2, H Ronnenberg: collection of vegetables, Wm Stevenson, 2, V {5 Ioerger, 3, W H MeCracken; collection eters. Dairy PRopvucrs.--Fresh butter, pes D Gordon, 2, Mrs T Fullarton; home-m b Mrs aks at 2. Mrs T Fullarton; baker's bread, Ham- len Bros.; cellection ef canned fruit, o> pigs, een n pti &iy Goddard; honey, in comb, H Goddard, 2, Joseph Horn. Judges--Henry Goddard, Listowel Nemane! Peddie, Wingham MANUFACTUREs.--Ten 'yards tba alf"wool, Mrs John Houze; fannel, union, Mrs John Houze; pair blankets, 1, Miss McLaren, 2, Henry Ronnenberg; woolen yarn, 1, Mrs D Gordon, 2, Mrs John Switzer; rag carpét, 1, Mrs D Gordon, 2, Mrs John Houze; floor mat, 1, John Morrison, sr., 2, W H Me- Cracken; calf boots, sewed, A Berlet: calf boots, pegged, A Berlet; single harness, Jas Hammond; bee hive, H ; ard. Judges--H, M. Schaefer, W. K. Loth, Milverten. LADIES' OR ae qnilt, Miss Hall; 2, cLaren; patched ss quilt, WH Metracked, 2, Mrs R Roe; crochet quilt, Mrs G Arnold, 2. Mrs Stew- art; log cabin , Miss Hall, 2, W H Me- Cracken; quilt, sewed on cotton, Miss Hammon 2, Miss. J "Morrison; counterpane, Knitted, Mrs E Stewart, 2, Mrs Fred Switzer; counter pane, wove, Miss foerger,2, Mrs Wm Bick son; ornamental needlework, Mrs E Stewart, 2, Miss Hall; fine shirt, hand- made, Mrs John Switzer, 2, Miss Me- Laren; gentleman's shirt, coarse, Mrs John Switzer, 2, Miss McLaren; woolen socks, home knit, Miss McLaren, 2, W Ht McCraken; darned stockings, Miss McLaren, 2, Mrs John Switzer; stock- ings, home knit, Mrs E Stewart, 2 2,M 88 McLaren; woolen mitts, home knit, Miss J Morri ison, 2, H Ronnenberg; woolen gloves, home. knit, Mrs James Nixon, 2, W McC racken: fancy knitting, Mrs E Stewart, 2. iss Hall; crochet work, Miss Hall, Mrs Kaib- tleisch; beggar's quilt, Mine 'D Morrison; panels, worked, Miss Hall, Baker; panels, painted, 1 and 2, Miss Baker; table bouquet cut flowers, Mrs W Stevenson, 2, H Goddard; hand bouquet cut flowers, H Goddard, 2! Mrs W Steyenson; white linen tray Men Miss Hall, 2, Miss E Graham; Berlin wool work, raised, Mrs Geo Lochhead, 2. Mrs John Switzer; Berlin wool work, tlut, Mrs F Curtis, 3 Miss Mclaren; PY tidy, cotton,! and 2, Mrs E Stewart; tidy, wool, Miss H all Miss McLaren} table scarf, Miss Hall, 2, Mrs Kalb- fleisch; fancy pe cuanion, Miss Mc- Laren, 2, gigi Baker; pillow shams, Miss Hammor 2, Miss Mc sLaren} whisk holder, Miss Hall 2, Miss Baker} arrasen@ ork, Miss Jail, 2, Mis Baker? set table mats, Miss' Bak er, 2 ie Hall; toilet set, Miss Baker, 2, W H MeCracken; sofa pillow, Miss Mc- Laren; 2,.W H McCracken; painting on satin, Miss Hall; fancy slippers, Miss ial, 2, Miss Ba ker; ladies' under- clothing, Mrs 'T Dickson; outline work, Miss McLaren, 2, Mrs E Ste wart; table centre and doiieys, Miss J Morrison, ra Miss Hall; collection of pictures, Miss Baker; collection of ladies' work, Miss . Hall, 2, Miss Baker; ladies' hand bag, Mrs Kalbfleisch, 2, "Miss Hall; Roman embrvidery, Miss Hall, 2, Miss Me- Laren; foot stool, Miss McLaren. 2, Mrs F Curtis; point lace, Miss Hall, 2, Mrs Kalbfleisch; honiton lace, Miss Mc- Laren, 2, Miss Baker; landscape paint- fiss Hall; er Miss Hal); special, Judges--Miss Nellie Ross, rs. D, Sproat, Belgrave. THE CONCERT, Whatever doubts and fears for the character of the troupe and the success of the concert some may have had were dispelled by the excellence of the pa rendered by the Telman Co. Vednesday night, and the very large, audience which greeted the Ou people have been privileged to listen ' the very best humorous talent in the Province, and in a position to judge between. the wheat of a good ised opera and the chaff which seeks to impose upon the naturally patient public. Bert Harvey 1s a comedian of high order, and enjoys that reputation in the larger towns of the Proyince -- he has appeared in his gifted is ably seconded by Mr. Halnout The twoladies who accom- pany the troupe, one of whom is Miss Jess ucker, are talanted artists. Taken altogether the Co's appearance here made « very fayorable impression. Come again. Brussels; NOTES. Miss Edith Harris was awarded the special prize for the prettiest young lady on the Fair ground. Congratula- tious. t Harvey sang "The Boy stood on the Burning Deck," ete,, but didn't mention the brand new boy Mrs. Har- vey presented him just a few hours before the concert. The eg Bas says he is "just the image of his The net receipts of the concert were $64.75, $22 of which was paid over to the Agricultural Society. 'The gate receipts were about $105.00, which with the proceeds m the rent of the refreshment stalls, etc., make a grand total of $135.00, which is a creditable showing for the Society, considering the weather. The baby show created considerable interest. Mr. McAlpine, manager of the Telman Concert Co., performed the delicate and critical task of judging the little tots, oe were three eutries. The first prize was awarded to Lillian Beryl Pelton, the power be- :} hind the whi as Tne Bes establish- ment. The ze was awarded to the pretty rile fe gh einige gS to Mr, 'land Mrs, Jam fry * does ON PAGE 6)