FARM AND GARDEN. AGRICULTURE. Let those who have the responsibil- ity_of getting the fodder into- shape for the winter bear in mind that frost t almost any time. is to be an immense od because of failure to get it eure ohn good season, and covered from the elements. Summer fallowing is of some value in restoring worn or weedy land, but can be accomplished ways recuperating if we are not i fas robbing --it-+-if-we- at Bast same time feed it s0 much the bette farmer class should not be tlie sed cultured and enlight- ened of all m Very little ea be done for thie whe crop after it is started. The initial step of preparing a good bed ig the all important thing. If we would raise thirty bushels instead of fifteen, we must plant it where it will grow best. Plough a month or more before sowing time; harrow and roll, harrow and roll, harrow and roll-- keep it up. ine We know now for a certainty that @ great deal of the wheat rust is brought upon our farms through seed, and the spores of rust are held from year to year. All such seed and all bought from soedianicn should be sub- jected to the hot water test, which only sure way of killing the rust. We must learn to know cheat seeds; and when they are in the ye buy, we should reject pe whole, or have the cheat sifted o is one of the worst weeds which aifects our egos and until it blossoms can hard- > told from wheat as it grows. Phe idea is forever exploded that wheat will turn into che sat. To unwind barbed w an extra man, and will leave the wire straight upon the ground, just where you want it, Upon the heavy four wheeled vehi- cley used for hauling loads in France the\ tires are seldom fewer than six anchés in width, and the rear axle is about fourteen inches longer than the other, so that the hind wheels run about an inch outside the trac of the fore wheels. Such wagons are reguiar road makers White clover seems to spring up spontaneously along the roadsides and in the pastures, and it should be encouraged. It makes good pas- wure. Let blue grass be sown with it. While the mammoth clover is best from which to get a catch, white clover and blue grass are rs. believe that lumber is su- to mna@senry or concrete for silos, because it is a nonconductor of heat or frost; also, that small silos are better than large ones, because leas silage is exposed to the atmos- phere while using. This depends, of course, upon the number of stock fed, but a gvod silo is about 12 by 16 feet. Have you a rivulet running through & swampy piece of ground ? Dam it and make a pleasure ground, a valoable place for fish, a source of ice for the winter's supply, and so beautify the banks that it will be Indeed an at- traction upon the farm. Such an acre or two may become the most valuable. spot on the place. After a garden crop'or a crop clover is off a fieki can be sown bugkwhent in July. The soil to be but medium in fertility, the culture should be good. If ground is too rich the grain does not filt well, and the stalks take all the nutriment. It might not. be amiss-to plan for a patch next summer. Timothy is high in price, and is a short crop over most of the coun- try; but an acre of corn fodder igs worth two of timothy, and it Is en- couraging to know that we have thousands upon thousands of acres of g001 fodder, which will cost only the proper gathering of it a cover where it will not be injur If for no other reason ra to kill the weeds, plough in the fall; t- ting them under the ground is pretty sure way of eradicating them; and ground ploughed early will hold moisture better, for evaporation will be materially retarded. A good seed bed will be formed firm and clban. STOCK. of The addition of salt to the ordi- nary food of animals does not increase the digestibility of the substances consumed, but it increases appetite, 'promotes' repair of tissue by its Searching diffusion throughout the body; aml stimulates the rapid using up of the waste products. It increases muscular vigor and ee re and im- proves Where muscular ceceeeeh is the ob- ject in feeding, regnlar salting im- proves health and vigor. On the other hand, fattening ¢attle should have only as much as will keep up their appetite for food. If given too freely it overcomes epens Sluggishness; but the more inclin rest the more rapidly will yee accumulate wealth of flesh Several good breeders of pure stock |' in a county always attract trade. Healthy rivalry advertises it as a fine stock county. If food stock ig intro- duced by one, he will soon be foll peed by others who are not willing to be outdone, and then the good work foes on, the stock improves and prices ad- vance. People like to wet stock from fine stock centres, rice 'as not made himself Hhown in print. m judicious in lagers 4 e © proper of & profitiess cow's - re be the shambles, and the sooner e r. y again this , and it is stop and consider what ag Sete of. befo re the, aernayeny close stating the time oa Opes n the herds, take this meetin' with the cows and calves Wage corn only should not be fed to cattle, fom: mths in ite nature nor in its constituency is it the requisite food to obtain the best results. It is excel- lent in combination with clover hay, su plemented with bran or shorts. Wh ee the value of bran, teetitie growing an , let us not ey skepticai as to its value for fatten- ing stock. The finest beef can be made at moderate cost with no other Sar food than bran Pork will be m and more "oneaply if fed pean all through the fattening period, though a little oil meal should be adde In feeding bran to rider feed it dry, and it ig better to mix it with some fine cut hay or fodder. This cut feed should be sufficiently wet so as to cause the bran to adhere. No farmer ever yet gave bran a fair trial who pleased with the result. will let you know when me comes by his squealing. Perhaps some of the animals which make less noise notice your neglect t as much. Domesticated animals are wholly dependent upon their ove: an w sheep can follow the cows upon a pasture, consuming much that the cows have left. A small flock can be often handled with profit ypon a dairy farm, but sheep are cloger feed- rs than cows, and, if not careful, the pasture will suffer. Be sure that flock ig not too large. POULTRY. More of our professional poultry keepers, near the cities, are giving their attention to capons. There are no indications that the market yyill be over stocked or prices lowered. There is ye m for a much larger production in this line, and it will pay i who give it attention as @ bus The Poe of the shell is not an a to the quality of the eggs, but markets a pure white pheticd egg sells better than any other; but with them the more care mus taken, for the white shell must not be soiled by the least ae of dirt, or its superior value is gone Gorging with foods whith make fat is not the way towards profitable egg production. When fowls are con- fined so that they do not get' much exercise, this is to be especially guard- ed against. There is no si take, in the care of Comin 60 com- mon as that of over feelin There are some things try raising which can be taught only by experience, and in the te ness a little practice is world of theory. It is of the branches of farm industry which does not seem to have profited much from the experiment stations. Begin mod- erately, and acquire your own ex- perience. A! healthy chick requires no assist- ance to free itself from the shell. The heal is so placed as to leave room for action; it pecks a geirele and breaks out the larger end, admita air by degrees, and gradually extricates teelf. An attempt to break the onel downward is usually attended with) @ loss of blood, and death f[ol- lows. : In fattening fowls for market, let them run at large until about 10 days before you wish to sell them, then shut them up and feed them all the broken wheat and corn on the ear they will eat, and give | them b to: milk ,to drink, oe Reeak poul- wipes every ere with a damp ao, as soon ap it is brought in. This removes every possible soll before it can be- come a stain. The eggs are then put away and not handled until taken to market to be sold, where they at- tract buyers at once. Time thus used is well spent. WORTH TEN DOLLARS A BOTTLE, person who has used Nerviline, bottle. A good thin, weight in gold, and Nerviline is the best remedy for all kinds of pain. It cures neuralgia in five minutes ; tooth- ache in one minute; lame back at one application; headache in a few minutes ; and all pains just as rapidly. It Startled Him. Deacon Berry--You remember the bebe ng St. Paul in his defence before Agrip' Mise Bide telNos I can't that I remember, deacon; hg you know, was before my tim Deacon Berry--You surprise ae say Paul, Ask your physician, your druggist and your friends about Shiloh's Cure for Consumption. They will recom- mend <a" Another Kind. of Bi. " Madam," said the Lpheyep polit- ical canvasser, as he sed outside the gate, "are you a bimetallist ? t ue The woman in oe giared at him from the por Gals. (ots oie é said, --get o ee causes more than half the ills of women. Karl' Clover Root 'ea a pleasant cure for constipa- tion. Queer Case of Lese Majeste. In 1717 the orb singular com- mitment to the E @ Was made out by order of the Duke of Orleans, Re- gent during the minority of Louis xv of France "Laurence D'Henry, for disrespect 'to King George L., in not mentioning him in his almanac ng of Great Britain." How long the unlucky almanac maker remained in prison is unknown. NOTHING HUNTS OUT CORNS Like tight boots. A sure; certain and remedy is found in Putnam's Corn Extractor, which removes the worst_corns in 'twenty-four hours. rr m a bifurcationist The aware Hite 5 calumniating t $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper Ag a pleased to learn ne there least one dreaded disease that ieiaeen has been able to cure cM all its stages and that is Catarrh. rene careren Cure is the only posit cure known to the medical retaeniky, Ce tarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- y, acting directly upon the biood and adie surfaces of the system, there- by destroyi the foundation of the isease, the patient strength by building a oe pleat tion anc in--doing work. The oeticters eX so much faith in ite Peirative powers tha they. offer One Hundred Dollars for ane case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., To- ledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75. Im en "Look here, walter | 'These eggs are not cooked pro "IT kmow it, ee Dat you said they were for your wife, and I knew if the lady was your wife she couldn't be very particular."--Sketch, The Most Artistic Finish. The Art Garland Stoves and Ranges have the most artistic finish of any that we have ever seen. They are everywhere acknowledged to be the best made, and they cost no more than is often asked for inferior goods. They are as noted for durability, conveni- e| ence and economy of fuel as for style and beauty. Sala y in All Things. Marg. The scales are fastened on fish roe ane the slates ona house, aren't t Mia siniiae-Vee; Margie, dear. Margie--I suppose they are put on that way, mamma, to keep the fish from leaking, aren't the ey? ? se THE BABY "Is : CPTTING TEETH sure and use that old and well ted rem canst Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syru clrildren teething. It ponttins | Phe child, atte the gums 5 allays all pain, cures wind colic and jis the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Too Deceptive. "Why do you say resell ie keen the law by wearing a pi orrhore's an Cones 4 which forbids putting red netting over peaches."-- Chicago Record. Karl's Clover Root Tea i is a sure cure for Headache d Nervous dis- eases. Nothing er atic: so quickly. : HAVE: YOU TASTED SALADA CEYLON TEA? It is delicious. Sold only in Lead Packets. TO THE GOLD MINES The} Cheapest @oute to the Kootenay is via the = | Urea Northern Railway ecause it is the amheee QUICKEST AND BEST. HH. G. McMICKEN, General Agent, 2 King Street East, Toronto. ig SU ae DAILY. Fe af WAN everywhere. Sta 8, Dem nave sup) full dank acy aoe oe avings ber The Queen Silverware Co,,/ Que, ntreal, AGENTS WANTED In every town and county to sell the fastest selling household article which was sold at the Toronto Exhibirion. For full information sen velope to THE EVER READY SOLDER co., 57 Front street east, Toronto, Ont. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND EST SALE IN CANADA stamped en- + Gha sf alter Webling, 2 R, Fo THEY KNOW IT PAYS. How Some Big Concerns View Newspa per Advertising. The extensive scale on which adver- tising is carried on by some big Amer- ican houses will be gleaned from the following extract from an interview with Mr. Charles. J. Jones; the adver- manager of the New York branch of Siegel-Cooper 'Co.: "Newspaper mén generally are in- | how much besa? £98 ---_ go stage. Are you Willing " Our rr Arcot house spends about $200,000 per year, but we may have to expend som Senne, more here, espec- ially ee aoety "Ag ne B00, o" "Possibly. It will depend wholly on viewers however. We shall ii gi ed secure certain hag preg lieve that advertising is to accomplish the end in girl I can "6 say now just what that Ay it 'be. - "In such advertising, what propor- tion will newspaper advertising bear to a the methods you expect to em- ploy } " Elght to one," { " You mean if you to spend 9,000, you would put '$8,000 of that econ into new and divide among ot other kinds ?" 'Exactly. am proceeding upon that theory. I am satisfied ie is the best plan; the best for us certainly." Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia, and all throat and lung diseases are cured by Shiloh'g Cure, FARMERS AND BREEDERS Who are desirous of Improving their stock should personally Inspect the Herd of LONG ENG. LISH BERK. SHIRE Pigs, and flock of Shropshire Down Sheep. Prices very moderate Addres s The BOW PARK CoO, Ltd, BRANTFORD, ONT. APPLE EXPORTERS Make Your Consig ot ISSUE NO 40 1896 lying to any of these ade SO Bat oy please mention 'thig "sian TIPATIONS® y co teas les. Ni: 8., 'nia? state i ion ie, RE IT PAY8-TO- Besides a large representation from Chatham and vicinity, Senidlenee from the following places have registered at the CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, CHATHAM, ONT.!) "ae the ming on Tuesday last iyrood; Dread 4 resden ; Galt; Shetland; Deal- oon Whea Rat Por Hanover; sachs Mich, featnertord pe roar baer dA Pet- ro & to Duart; ¢ Gesto; Colin ville; Wroxeter; Seaforth By another vor oe list will be largely: in- creased, and rds the most convinci! evidence that young parts of Canada an alive to the i choice in the s 00] to be juccessful star e, IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST, awe wise will attend no other 'or catalogue of either er department address dD. & CO., Chatham, Ont ER CHULA call Stratford, Deed ch means a § tim nada'a best com- W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Conon ERE, A nag oy oe homas, Ont, DOES, DOGS. + ee breed you want clear some rt Ne tora box of Geo. DOGS. Send and get a do; og. ane at 4 pl fine a Mange one fort GEQ. as = CAS, teri ethan ig street west' Toronto Ont Apples tq Simons, Jacobs & Co., Glasgow, Scotian Simons, Shuttleworth Hy ---- es Llverpool, Eng. Garcia, Jacobs & AMERICAN REPRESE abe ES. ries Forster, me Park Place, yew York, nied th Market st., Boston, A. wler. 22 ohn Pinte Mont treal. . 8. Nixon, Kentville, Noy tla. Ww. Ww. ee pena 128 8. C eariss 8b,, Baltim shia ity Park, Brantford, Ont The Snare kceptional advantages for the handling and selling of Apples, and makes prompt cable remittances. @UR 8! STOMACH FLATU- HEARTBURN AND i OTHER dake Af Prom PERSIA Decree ed Gin MIGHTY CURE? Best Trasses made by BS Bl hatha RUPTURESS= SELF-CURE For all wher disorders of the male whi! Sees paras say "about ffect is m: Foon moat 6 ll is Roorkee oy the medical profession has long Boon looking for--a thoroughly reliable rem- ye will send the above pills securely boxed, with plain, practica' : pomere for self cure, to res -- SUPPLY "COMPANY, Victoria ala Toron for Can LESS LABOR, cosT, MORE COMFORT. New Ideas are the best wood heating FURNACES ever built. _ Ask about them ! Z See their improvements over ordin- ary heaters. Sold everywhere. MADE IN THREE SUES. Gurney Tilden Co., Ltd., Hamilton. GURNEY STOVE & RANGE CO., WINNIPEG. GURNEY MASSEY €O., - - MONTREAL. THE D. MOORE CO'S., -- HAMILTON, Bermuda. BEST FARMERS' WOOD COOK IN THE MARKET. Oven 24x Our own patent oven Extra large fire door. 27 inches. ventilator. FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERY- WH ? Note.--Every stove guaranteed by the manufacturers a