THE ae BEE - PUBLISHER. R. S- PELTON, - FRIDAY, SEPT. 25, 1896. GOLD AND SILVER. An Elma Man's | Share in the Inception of the People's Party in the States. LEXANDE ER MITCHELL, of Tex ne father of W.-D.. Mit- chel |, of Atwood, and a former rms dent of Elma, Perth Co.,well Known 4s a deep thinker and an able writer, has the following fo say on the great issie in the Presidential campaign in the United States "LoHN, MeC ulloch Go., Texas: September ist, 189 Dear WILiiz,--I sent you some pa- pers the other day when mother posted ber letter. Politically, there appears to be a creat war between the politicians about gold and silver. 'They are the outside factors, It is the possibilities that will be created. Whether we have a single gold standard with no equival enutora gold standard with a silver equivalent. The first méans.that the volume of paper mobey shall be owned and controlled by the banking' syndi cates and they will derive the -protits therefrom. With the second, all paper money will be issued by the people, they will controlits volume and the incre ment derived therefrom will go into tiie treasnry and reduce taxation. The prolits on the paper will amount to perhaps 3100,000,000 a year, and the question simply is, whether we will ac cept the gold standard alone and hand over to the banking syndicates of the world the power to tissue aud control and reap the profits, or whether the people will control aud pay the expens | es of the government with the proiits. | Itrequires no great amount of intelli gence to comprehend that if the assoc- iated banks of New York were empow ered to issue the paper currency of the country they eould contract its yolume whenever they choose and put up or pill down prices as often as profit was to be made thereby. Their whole pol- icy is, a big dividend and the country be damned, Witha national currency the representatives would manage it in| the interests of the people. 'his how the common people of the South} and West understand the question. Every representative of the South and } West knows that he must do his duty or run the gauntlet for his life. do not know how things will turn ont lj November, This whole financial qnes tion originated in Texas by a Snail elique that established the Farmers' Al- fiance. I furnished them with the "ancial schemes of the Scotch Radicals | of 1819 and they took like wildfire. Later [ furnished them with the sab-j| which started theT'eo | ple's party. That was my shore in it, | but I vever attended a meeting or a lecture. I gave them a lift oceasionally } asa correspondent of the Galveston News do no writing now. All the leading papers bave passed into the hands of the gold ring." It will be noticed that the People's platform is not exactly the establish ment of silver at a ratio of 16 to L, but pathier that the barking should be done by the government on a bimetallic or gold and silver basis treasury scheme, ilma. Saturday's storm blew many fences own Quite a nomber Bf pe ople took in the Western Fair last Fred Wynn a gone to Neepawa, Man., where he has a sister residing. Mrs. Thos, Lineham is under the doctor's care, we are sorry to report. tobt. White, of Detroit, Mich., is vis iting the family of Alex. Clark, 10th con, Buchanan & Coulter made another shipment of fat cattle to Toronto last week John A. Gardner, of Listowel, was the guest of W. Rt. ffumphrey one even- ing last week. James Roy and _ sister, Logan, were visiting at W. parey:s last week. "Wm Thompson's child, 6th con., has recovered from a severe aftack of chol era infautam, Mr. and Mrs. day attended the Smith, of Walton. The 14th con. has lost one of its farm ers in the person of EF, Hancel, who has left for parts unkuown, The farmers are busy picking apples Many of the fall apples are being made into cider and apple butter. Robt. Smith, 0th con , house raised and is pil ing a foundation under it. Mr. Greig, of Sil ver Corners, has the contract. The August make of cheese was ship- ped from the Maitland factory on Fri- day last. The patrons are very well pleased with the price received. Mrs, Dunsmore, of Stratford, and Geo, Gibson, of Toronto, were yisiting at John Gilchriest's Saturday last. Mrs. | uusmore is a sister of Mrs. Gilchriest. | Mr. and Mrs. Young Coulter and Mr. | and Mrs. James Couiter werein Walton | Friday attending the faneral of Mrs, Wm. Smith. Mrs. Smith was a sister- in-law of Henry Smith, 10th con., and Thos. Smith, 12th con., Elma, One or two of the light fingered youths who attempted to steal geese belonging to Gee, Fisher, 12th con., the ether night, got their fingers burnt with a charge of shot or something about as effactiye. We believe the affair was taken before Mr. Terhune, P. M., Listowel, by Mr. Fisher since, but we haye nofheard the result.of the muigistrate's decision, Jennie, of kt. Hum- he Thomas Smith on Fri- funeral of Mrs. Wm. is | fia | be SP sina has had _ his stone? hear that Mrs, Wil- Jionehioy ys Drtoet to: to her bed, Master Alfred Culverhouse is fast recovering from the effects of a kick | 3 receiyed from a forse last week. John Mcintyre, Newry, is again work, having recovered from the affects | oe the uccident he met. with the other day. Itis said that Thos. J. Knox, ex- Reeve of Elma, will be a candidate for County Council honors in the Elma and Logan district. Breathes there a man with soul so dead never to himself hath said, I'll pay before I go to bed, The debt I owe the printer, MARRIED --Wednesday of last week Edward Boyd, a well Known resident and an old settler of Elma, was-married atthe Queen's fforel; Listowel, by the Rev. F. Gunner, to Mrs. Janres Me xorman, widow, of Mornington. The occasion was fitly celebrated and the ancient and happy couple left for their home the same night. Both parties were already grand pnrents, and have had considerable families. Listowel. Listowel's rate of taxation this year is 21 mills in the dollar. Mrs. Holt, of Durham, was the guest of Mrs. Roy a few days last week. Married in Listowel, eed ge if, by Rev. Wm. Cooper, B. A., Samuel B, Steven son, of Listowel, to Marat Karges, of the township of Wallace. The walls of the new Eyglish chureh being now well up and the windows in place, some idea may be had of what the beauty of the finished structure w T. McDowell, Earl Hay and Perey Wilson left on Monday last for De- troic. The two furmer will attend the Detroit Dental College and the latter i the Medical College. The Bowling Club has secured the lot on Main street, north of the Baptist chureh, for a bowling lawn and propose leve Ming it this fall,so as to have it in good shape for next summer. Dr. Rutherford intends spending the months of October and November at Jolin Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. and the leading hospitals of New York. During the doctor's absence Dr. Me- Callum will take charge of his prac- tice. T. BE. Hay is spoken of as a probable candidate for County Councillor for | Division No. 1.-Wallace and Listowel. | Geo. ¥. Poole, Reeve of Wallace, is also likely to be a candidate. J.A.Hacking's iname has also been mentioned in this | connection. The Dairymen's Association of West ern Ontario are aria ging to hold a number of conventions in the different districts, and it is expevted that one | will be held in Listowel, on Sept. 26th Professor Dean, of the O.A.C., Guelph, and other noted speakers are expected to attenc Adolph, for the last year clerk in Robert Moore's hardware store, has joined with Joseph Bonnett, late of the firm of Bonnett and Bow- a: to purchase the stock and trade f- Mr, Moore and will earry on the Pouing ss under the firm name of poe & Bonnett. oth these men re experienced in their line, and are nat nerally and very fayorably known to the purchasing pablic, FALL FAIRS. Elma, at Atwood, S Sept. 29 & 30. russels, Oct. 1 & 2. Mitchell, Se pt. 29 & 30. Str atford, Oct. 1 & 2 slanshard, at Kirkton, Oct. 8 & 9. ANTED---SEVERAL FAITH- W ful men or women to travel for responsible established house in Ontario. Salary $780, payable $15 weekiv and expenses. Position perman- ent. Reference. Enclose self address ;ed stamped envelope. 'Lhe National, | Star Building, Chicago, R:I-P-A'N'S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. cine: ONE GIVES RELIEF. he oY _ THE - PERFECT TER | NM L Finesr Tra THe WoRLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP ------ ee IN STS NATIVE PURITY. Bo asain Tea is packed under the su; of the Tea growers, ani des vertised and so bn ee (ofthe beat qualities of Indian and Ceyion For tha Laaeae Sinner gun: tiat we Sopa bot the ee isucbiacves qn tans Menace pa rept " Monsoon,' the pecact Tea, canbe sold at the as inferior tea. ogind pa 13 vy ineml cndie of . Pha mig to to STEEL. HA AYIER Once Feeds ba . -- Mitchell Advocate : W. Thom- son has purchased the Pe business of N.. Bosworth, Stratford. Married in Mitchell, Sept. 14, by Rev. ¥. W. Holmes, at the parsonage, Wm. Momte to Annie M. Porterfield, all of tchell. Married in Mitchell, Sept. 16, in the Methodist ehurch, by ov W. Holmes, penn Franklin Reade, of Colorado Springs, Col., to Bessie, only daughter of H. Cale, Mitchell, At the last meeting of the Mitchell éouncil the usual rate of two cents was struck for the taxes this year, which will raise $13.600, of which sum $3,600 is used for school purposes, Married in Mitchell, Sept.16_ by Rev.- JW. Holmes, at the residence of the bride's parents, Harry ee teal velt, of Jersey City, N only daughter of John Begg, "Mitchell Stratford. Stratford's Re ond assessment is placed at $4,063.6597 receipts, $9.788; expenditure, ng '08 5 The rate this year is 21 mills in # ; An examination of the Stratford assessment roll reveals the fact there are $472,000 worth of property in the city assessable for the support of Separate schools, NEWS OF THE WEEK. | It is confidently hoped that the ecom- ie interview between the Queen and the Czar will do much to selve the Eastern difficulty, A human skeleton was unearthed on Thursday of last week in Winnipeg un- der the exact spot occ upied by a Fenian saloon during the Riel regime, which is beheved to be that of Thomas Scott, who was murdered in Fort Garry in 1870 Steps are being taken to obtain a complete identification. Mothers Anxiously watch declining health of their daughters. So many are cut oft wy consumption in early years that there is real cause for anxiety. In the early stages; when not beyond the reach of medicine, 8 Sarsa- parilla will restore the ie and quantity of the blood and thus give good health. Read thefollowing letter: "Tt is but just to write about my daughter Cora, aged 19. She was com- pletely run down, declining, had that tired feeling, and friends sald she would not live over three months. She had a bad Cough and nothing seemed to do Mer any good. I happened to read about Hood's Sarsapa- rilla and had her give'it a trial. From the first dose she began to get better. After taking a few bottles she was com- pletely cured and her health has been the best ever since." Mxs. AppIz Prox, 12 Railroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y. "YT will say that my mother has not stated my case in as strong words as I would have done. Hood's Sarsaparilla has truly cured meand I am now well.". Cora PEeox, Amsterdam, N. Y. Be sure to get: Hood's, because Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1, Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, re. Uable apd beneticial. toa, _ MILBURN'S Heart~Nerve ' For Weak Eee having Hear and Nerve Troubles. feeling, een or irregular » CU chek one the heart, dizziness, exertion, spasms or pain through the breast "ew nent morbid con- dition of the mind, feeling of anxiety, ete. THEY ARE INVALUABLE shortness o ath, distress after FOR WEAK AND NERVOUS PEOPLE r=. =zareeuweoisr#'gsere '..,( .' *i--Fr =. = - = Fr. | a ee eS Se ee --_ troubled with Seo ser cnion sessin debility, after-effects of grippe, ap etc. They represent a distinct advance in medical science, providing a cure for diseases of the heart and nerves unequalled for prompt and effective action. -={~ =~ =. -yr-<~--. rtFreu4teuar = Ee NS ee ee ae ee For Sale by Douglas & Co. Bread, Buns, Pastry Flour, etc., Atwood etc., at the Bakery. Choice Fruits, lee Cream, Ice Drinks, Gonfectioner, Alw ays on hand. Special arrangements made with Pic- and Garden Parties. We nic G all in and see us. an please you. Best Family Flour Here. HAMLEN BROS. From Now Zz 4 NSOOW the Bee and Globe till Jan. 1, 1898, for ON LY Si.5O TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS.. Balance of 1896 FREE. Main Street, -1- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DENTAL. os J. J. FOSTER, DENTIST, anteed. Office over Fle clothing store, Main street, Lister W. M. BRUCE, L. D; 8 Spoke gies GAS, ELECTRIicr CITY, anaesthetics. aintnteee tos pele: less extraction, aehreiticn teeth gua anteed to of the and of arsine wee until fattioen nO tice. LEGAL, MORPHY & CARTHEW, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORs, taries Public, veyancers, missioners, etc., Listowel, "2 ee Offices ever Cars 8 store. HH. B - Carthew, : Mori, i NO.- = F. R, BLEW ETT, arrister and Solicitor, Nota -ub- lic aud Conyeyancer ; . Money rie tine Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton, Scott's. Banking House, aud Ontario Perman- ent Building and Loan Association. Office: Over Scott's Bank, Listowel. MEDICAL, THOS, DOUGLAS, M._D., Medallist and honor gr Trinity University, 18 Ome te Dr. Hamiiton's old ' Stand, Residence first house south side of Drug Store. Special attention given eases of bose and throat ee sy nuuraaea cs By A. KIDD, D., C.M.; F. P.M. ©. M. C, P&S. O PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. lr. M.C., of 'Trini ic ; ieee pe Minity Medical Col (see 9. © M. of Trinity U niversity, oe C. P: &5, 0., of Medical Council, Three years of practical hosp ital bed- Side clinics, besides hine vente in a ee and active practice. Of see Ne Bee Stand formerly upi hous erly occupied Re aiden e : se ven doors north of office and across street. AUCTIONEERS, C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE- County of Perth, Monkton, Ont Rates moderate. For particulars ap- bly at this wifice., BAIT EELIAT cr. J.W. Scott, Banker,. Listowel, Palmerston and Clifford, Aa shay AL Banking business, Drafts raids and sold, payable all parts of the bic tminion, United St ates and Great Britain. Notes Discour ters Jeposits received, current rate of interest alldwed: Also and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A large amount of Private Funds to lend on good farm s security at Five Per pau with: privilege of repaying annually. 2-96UL STAR LIVERY, The Star Livery is is equipped with: first-cluss_rigs,-fast and @éntie driv- ers, and in every way adapted to: t the requirements of the tray-- elling public. Terms reasonable. Sta-- bles opposite Branderberger's Hotel, Attwood, DARK & DUNCANSON, Proprietors, Hardware | ROBT. MOORE, ------ DEALER IN---- Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Table: and Pocket Cutler Y; Silverware, Lamps, Cross - Cut: Saws, Axes, &c.,. Listowel.