Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 25 Sep 1896, p. 4

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Mr. McCowan and son Geor, Searbora, are visiting at Jas. Dic son *s, sr. IF you wonld laugh, hear Bert Har- Mus. C. McKEnztr, of sarap was yisiting friends in town Wednesday. Dr. Kipp has had the front a his Office painted aud other wise improved. Rk. AND Mrs._TuHos. BALLANTYNE pare returned from their trip to Avon | Bight. CuEAP Frep.--The Ethel rofler Mills are advertising bran at $9 per ton, and shorts at 313 TILE, tile, tile is the keynote of J. W. mika. JAS. WALKER and son Etiiel, were serach at the Methodist parsonage this w throne Uct, 25th, 1760, and died January 29th, 1820, having reigued 59 years and 110 days. uesday Queen Victoria had reigned as long as that, To day it may be said that she has reigned 49 years and 114 days, <A fact so remark- -bte-in-al-senses-of the word May well" the minister remarked that ié was his business-to Save young men, asked him to saye a good one for her. THE Secretaries of the Toronto In- dustrial Fair, Dens Horticultnral Soveiety-and- Mi mPa Show have | our thanks for couipiiaedtary tickets. vey, the humorist, next Wednesday CRADIE. . HaAmivron.-In Eima, on Sept: 18th, fhe wife of Jno. B, Hamil iton, #*5 of w daughter, THE CHIEF ENGINEER, The <aepeane on of maa Chief 4. TD AE. Harpir--YounGc.--At the residence of the bride's Bet con. 8, Etma, on Sept. 28rd. by Rey. TL Ball. James ©. Hardie og Miss Eliwabeth ae Enginee Tells an Interesting Story. Last sips seek 22nd, Queen} McBaih's advertisement this week. He Mr. Francis Somerville, one of the best danghter of John Youtig, both o Victoria has reigned longer than any} can give you alk sizes of tile at very] known men in the steamboat traffic on ima other British monarch. Her grand | low prices just now. the ri d lak i : father, King George IIT, ascended the} py was a pert young lady, who, when ivers an es of Ontario, having AUCTION SALES J - 4 ' wos 4B been engaged ia this business for fifty years, and who resides at No, 195 Upper THURSDAY. Oct. 1.--Farm stock and: implements on lot 26, con. 12, Etna, at- I p.m. sharp, ©. fl. Merry tioneer; Alex, Wilson, SriprEne SATURDAY, Oct. 3rp.--Sale of 23: Colborne Street. Kingston, speaks as _ follows of his recovery from-the-sickness which has affected him for some time. F at first you don't succeed, keep everlustingly at it until You'll gain you will have learned The next time you Sh irts and Collars you will go to Wild fan g's ard save money as well ann oyances, é you do. a victory sometime a want as In OnDERED CLOTHING we have the finest and largest stock of Scotch and Canadian suitings. in town of the different shades and patterns. In REA we have just opened a large case ot Heavy Double and Single Breasted Suits for fall and winter which DYMADE CLOTHING we lead; will be SAE stir the loyalty of the millions of sub jects of the British Empire Miss JEssIu DUCKER, of Palmerston, has been engaged for piano accom panist and violin soloist by the Telman Concert Company, of 'Toronto, Salury of $100 per month and expenses, fora trip extending to the Canadian Pacitic coast. Miss Ducker's many friends in Atwood who haye listened to her excellent playing on the violin, au be pleased to hear that she has met with sich good success. She will ap pear with her company in Atwood on the 80th inst., the last night of the Bima Fair. We Mean You.--We must insist that all parties indebted to this office pay the amount of their Disses att, rONCE. Some #hree weeks » we out accounts to a Sonmderibie sold at reasonable price, 10 cents off for} number of our friends who were in cash. PEOPLE OFTEN CATCH A COLD by not putting on underwear early enough; we have a large stock of Underwear, ranging from 50c. a suit ip. Andas for Hats, this is. the only piace in town where you can get the Jatest American style. Be sure and wk for the Barrymore Hat. Don't Buy. your Ou shcoat until you see our stock. 400 Boys Wanted! A Necktie and 2c. Free, to every boy who will cut this out and get his mother to buy himasuithere. This offer is good for 10 days only aud is made to adver tise the Knee Pants, 3 and 2 piece suits, M. WILDFANC, ee TOWN Tv. ALK. your strayed stock in ADVERTISE THe BEE. A Goop farm is adyertised for sale in tlris issue. Somueimportant notices appear this week in the People's column, Book | tiem ap. Miss .TAytor, of Mitchell, has accepted # gnistion with Miss Buker, dressmaker, James P. Srenxnouse, of South tndian, near Ottawa, wus the guest of his cousin, J. W. McBain | 1 | j CuakLes Parrot and sister, of | logan, and. Miss Drooks, of Exeter, was the guest of H. Y. Hoar. 2 next great lair, to be held in Atwood next day and Wednesday, Sept. 20th thy. 'Tues- iene on having ji ip whi it you call! for wae you goto bay relia, the Que Lrae Bloud Purifier nerve tonic, e Tra MEETING.----The anniversary ser Vices in Connection with the Me thodist cliureh, Atwood, will be held (1). V.) on} Sunday, Sept. 27th. Sermons will be} preached at If a.m. and at 7.39 p.m. by) the Rey. S.J. Allin, of Brussels. Col- welious in aid of the trast funds.of the eluareh On the following Monday evehing a publie tea will be held in the basement of the Presbyterian church. 'Tea seryed from. 5-titt 7.30 o'clock. ter tea the friends will adjearn to the Methodist church, where a lecture will be delivered by Rev. Dr. Williams, of} Listowel, entitled "Rags and Riches." Admission to tea aud lecture, 25e. ; ehildren, 15. Tne October number of the Deline | Kestionis, ator is called the Antumn Number, an its many colored plates of dress modes: ehure h, who made an excellent speech, and millinery reflect the rich buat sub- event is the Elma} serinons Soiudiay morning aud | tions. Lood's Sarsapa iship of Grey, and | kuown. | | tle | tale'way that more than one old sinner t otherwise are pleas- arrears for the pauper and indebted to the otlice, and we ed to add that a number have since responded, aud to all such we say} "thanks," but there are still a number of others who have not remitted, ad itis to them we are now spea : Our cursent office expenses are aay and we have no fat bank account to go to for relief, hence we must do business with the public on a cash basis. The amounts owing us, indi vidually, are small, but in the aggregate large, so we urgently request that you will defer no louger settling that small | ae count we have against you. Wrppbep Our W eST.--A Portage la Prairie paper says: "A "pretty wed- ding was solemnized at the residence of R, Dantop, on Campbell street, last Wednesday evening, when William Dunsmore was joined in the bonds of matrimony with Miss Jennie Dunlop. number of relatives and frieuds were present Lo witness the ceremony, and at its close the party adjourned to Mr.and Mrs. Dunsmore's where they sat down to a sumptuous wedding | supper and spent a AE pleasant social | season. tev. G. W. Dean officiated white the bride was 'presented at the | altar and given away by her brother! R. Dunlop, of Glenboro, Miss: Duns more attending as bridesmaid and Rh. Moore as groomsman., The bridal | arty presented a very pretty scene as | they grouped around the minister, the} light costumes of the bride and her } maid being in strong contrast to the sombre hue of the attire of the gentle- | men. .The bride has a host of friends | here who join in extending congratula | tions, and the esteem in which the} young lady is held was mi thifest In the} numerous presents made,' The bride }is a sister of David Dunlop, Atwood. ANNIVERSARY AND PLATFORM MEETING. --The third of a series o! successful chureh atiuiversaries was | heid last Sunday ind Monday evening in connection with the Atwood Presby terian church. The Rev, Mr. Perrie, of Wingham, preached thé anniversary and evening und «appreciative congrega His diseourses were muster | efforts of a master mind. Mr. Perrie is a native of the neighboring town where he is favorably The collections on Sunday netted about 532. On Monday even- ing a platform "meeting was held, at hich" a fairly large "number were present. The meeting was presided | ova by the Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Listo- wel, moderator of the Atwood charge | during the vaeanecy. Addresses were given by Reys, Messrs. Ball, Ballan- tyne, Cameron and Asbury. Mr. Ball's remarks were directed towards "the | pew," and in the course of his speech the failings of the vecupants™ of thie church pew were exposed in such a tell- 1 to large ad in the congregation winced under the igaiting attack, The Rev. Mr. Batlap- j tyne spoke for a few minates on the i subject of "Growth," developing some youd ideas and m: aking some apt sug- He was followed by Rev. | Mr, Cumeron, of North Mornington jreplete with humer and. good sense. dued tints. characterizing autumnal | Mr. Asbury was the last speaker. He} fashions, Mothers Al find especially | | took up the thread lett off by Mr. Ball, | helpful the directions for fittigg, out | and spoke of the "Christian pew," etc. 34 the family. avith Rubies aud epyater--wiite there were benefits to be derived | aothing. The liter: ury matter shows a| from honest criticism of the sermon. | continuance of the high quality lately | [he lioped that no one present would noted, two. brilliant additions to the | fat) into contributors being made in le "ritieising li st of Frances Lynde and Viola Alten. Ad dress communic ations to The Delinetor | worship God and protiting by the ser- Pablishing Co. foronto, Ltd. 338 ltichmond street, West, 'Toronto. The subseription price of the Deliueator is| tween the seyeral denominations $i per year, or 1dc. a copy. Iw order that the Publie and High | immediate schools may have no misgivings as to the organization of their classes for tue yer, the Toronto tnorized to state that the regulations of the Etiueation Department, which ure under consideration, and which will be issued within a@ conple of involve pro change gn a eourse of study either of Public r High schools, nor in the subjects for any of the ex: aye required hy ths department for 18! In faet, ne change has been Foun 'that. catis mouths, will for immediate consideration either fev trus teachers or inspectors. 'fhe object of the department has tmen to consolidate rather than amend previous regulations, i | i World is. au-| had wandered away, he rejoiced in the habit of} minister | to | the everything. of going pernicious the said, justead to church mon preached. He hoped that the spirit | of unity wouid continue to exist be in and while he did not look for the return of the prodigai; evangelical churches to the mother} Church of England, from which they town: | fact that they were all a@ unit in their mission of love and er be the salvation of sonis. He new pustor of the Presby aati erie rch, whoever he may be, will be charitably disposed towards the Anglican church aud extend to its venerable pastor the right band of Christian brotherhood, The choir sang @ number of approp- rinte and specially prepared anthems and hymns during the evening, and in this way contributed much to the en-) joyment of theservice. The collections | press work very practical. aggrede ted $12.66, which sw toa! anniversary receipts to $44.20. ata | gaffers in cond time, --The jude of the | to the ) @xhrbitors --Do all you can to make the | Without fear of criticism. ; selections, and yet we all 'admit that we Milverton Fair is to-day. EATON catalogues are coming to the sites nin large numbers. Atwood will ot boom any better by our residents eadine with Toronto honses and to the detriment of the home business man. Tre Rev. J. M. Miller, of* Hoistein, Ont., will preach in the Presbyterian | church next Sabbath, morning and } evening, and at Monkton in the after- noon, atthe usual hours. He will also take ch: arge of resis ol Ie prayer meeting, at 7.80 o'cloc MissKs BEATRICE ASBURY Pht Kate Wilson were the gnests of Miss [attie Jackson, of Trowbridge, last week. The former rode on horseback, while ithe fz accompanied her vieycle. Both ladies ride their favorite steeds. } THE season for hunting small game | All fur-bearing ani | be taken, | : | the troubles which affected me before being | opened Sept. 15. mals except deer may now and all birds exeept th® crane, | bittern and seagull, the latter | protected on account of their excellent | | qualifications as seay engers, | 'THE TELMAN Co. Comine.--The Tel- man Coneert Co. of Toronto, have made arrangements to give one of their | superb concerts in the Town Hall, At } wood, on the second night of the E Bee ! Pair, Sept. 30th, under the auspices of | the Elma Agricultnral Society. Ti he | | Telman Company are favorably spoken | of by the press. The well known and! rant ir humorist and caricaturist, Bert larvey, will be supported by an able company of trained artists. Ad- mission, 3ac. and 25¢e. Plan of hall at the drug store. See posters, Fair Nores,--All exhibits intended for the inside dep: artment of the ma Fair must be placed in the hall bators 6 p.m. onfirst day of show, and no entries will be recived after this time. Stock and ortside exhibits may be entered on or before 10 a.m. of the second day of show.--The baby show will be held on the north side of the halion Wednesday, Sept. 30th, at 3p m., sharp. Bring along the little the | | i j | | | } | j } prettiest lady on the Ponae will not be the publisher of Tue BEE, as some of our Indy Triends are disposed to believe. but he will be be chosen from outside; and as his task is a delicate onewe can not divulge his name tolanyone,not even Winther of the prize --It would be well to abserve the roles governing the Society and save yourselves from possible 'disagreeable complications | afterwards.--Speeial entries must be made for most of the special prizes, but the Society's judges will decide the mé@rits of the several exhibits, and the rijes of the Society must govern the Fair wu success. Y. P.S, C. E, Nores.--There are 28 societies connected with Perth County Union. According to dedominations there are 13 Presbyterian, 12 Methodist, Congregational, 1 PVaptist and 1 Evangelical......The railways have granted a single fare rate for the Otta- wa convention, Oct. 69. When going secure a certif ic ute from the agent at the starting point 4vhieh when signed by the proper parties at Ottawa will eu- title vou toa -retura-tieket- frees. Let every society win its way into the heart of the whole cliurcli. Let the Sabbath school, the Sabbath services, and every departme nt of the church work, espec- ially the mid week prayer-meeeting, feei new life and warmth and energy because of its presence. <A society that does not do thts is failing in its mission . Very few ilems are being receive for this column notwithstanding the many promises of assistance given by Kudeayorers, Do not wait for some great eventin your society before re- porting, but tell the other Endeayorers. Do not wait for some great eveut in your society before reporting buat tell the other Budeavorers of the county what you are doing now. Address, Bax 1, 'Tavistock....The nature of the C. E. prayer-meeting depends to a large extent upon the way in which the ; members take part. There are two conditions necessary to making our part-beneliciat to-onrselyes and to ofli j OTS. In the first place we mist entirely lose sight of our own individuality and remember that whatever we do we do it for the Master, Lu the second place there shoujld be in every society that feeling of sympathy among the mem- bers which will make the most, ora ite feel that he is tree to express his ide: Vhe mathod which seems to be most generally adopted is that of reading appropriate would derive greater benefit if there was more originality in our remarks. We ali have our own thonghts on the subject and these thoughts, however imperfeculy expressed, will be more im- pressive aud therefore of more practi cai benefit than all the nicely turned sentences selected from famous writers. The thoughts of others may help us an forming uur ideas, but-it is.our ow thoaghts that are of greatest benefit: rs ourselves.... Remember the "Hints to Leaders" to be given in this column the week after next. Sendin all you can think of and make this feature of the Hivery En- | deavorerin the county is asked to take part in this... ee | gracefully Said Mr. Somerville: 'The grip left me with kidney troubles and gravel. I had severe pain over the kidneys and in the small of my back, also between the shoulders and in the bladder. "The urine was very dark-colored with a great deal of muddy sediment. I went and bought two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pils, to Mr. McLeod's drug store Ihave taken thent with what people tell me is. the usual good result. "They have cleared the urine, removed | the sediment, relieved me of eae } pain in the back and between the should- ers, and have built me upin a surprising manner. In fact, I am entirely free from taking these remarkable pills, and I recommend them asa certain cure for all troubles arising from kidney disorders." -- Whig, Kingston, 'For Sale Ny DOUGLAS & CO, i ss Wes, of Gre 'Y. ue visiting her Fis if Miss [da MeBai JAMES MCNatr, of Gee township. | wus ee relatiyes in town this a EO. ANDERSON, John Corrie and Wilson ee att attende d the Western Fair last wee tonT. Fereuson, of Brussels, has taken a situation with J. A. MeBuain, merchant tailor Wa. Forrest expects to have the Slaters at work on his new house the latter end of this week. Merssts. BAREE & Gray, photo- eraphers, Toronto, have our thanks for acres of petle being the northeast quar- ter of lot 27, eon, 12, Logan, at 2 Po, at Sonwewhy? Ss Auer Sillsburg. 1. Merryfield, auctioneer; Michael Andei- 80n, proprietor, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Teacher Wanted. W ANTED--An exper perienced tomcher, eit _2ni¢ faa Normal cartific: "atc, to » tee ach § No. 7, Eima; state salary, Address Ss. W BERRY, 34tin , Ont.. ib- papal le On De rmanent.. aires wed stamped Star Bu ng. Ct Ms ating renee, enclose sclf- ¢ ae The National, Farm for Sale. Ree TY "re of ar farm is "a ey ai ra wood stat vation. Price ye lerate; terms Pec 1H, ie MES General Merch ant, Estray Lamb. the , bein 4 ion farm for sale venat halt" 312 * g f spot pr a Anniyt to Newry. wea, AY aoa oa tl be pre ne o8 of the unc lersign ed 8, « Elus orabonugy May 2 1806. a 'ax miiee o r "yu i) 2 The property, pay charges, aie t tat ce its JOHN D, tf, Newry P.O. Wanted « ES Once ! CTIVE a; monte for car h control and Ww twenty-tive baad stainp for full par BIG RAPIDS MINERAL WATE t rf 29-2) Bar Rapits, Mich. ag fin* counts Exclusive iil clear twelve to enclos pain plo: Salesm men Wan ted. U Binet trast worthy inen Le < ones en several large Industrial Exhibition ir Sholce photos, among thent a view of the i Ww * le Hauer & Co, bridge exhibit, conducted . . Outfit ¢ "ht by ous townsman, .fames Hanna. The | tet A Bplisiet sen pillar ag rte sbi Lan epee' eG very w vell executed, Messrs |ners. W rite at corte Portia rl abe rs te peg: jarke & Gray have been appointed otficial photographers of the Tutaaerias oon caapeaea: esis hes! ae NEVE Fair by the nanagement. T. M..Witison, 3, A, home from Montreal, where he been earning a little money to as iim in prosecuting his studies at onto University, T. Mis very favor- ably impressed with the solidity, wealth and magnificence of the commercial et ata ofthe Dominion. In none --the above respects does Toronto const with Montreal, Feed the Nerves Upon pure, rich blood and yon need not fear neryous prostration. Nerves are weak when they are improperly and insufficiently nonrished, Pure @! is ther proper food, and pure blood comes by taking [ouu's Sz arsapa- rilla, which is thus the greatest and best nerve tonic. It sisoDuilds up the whole-system Tfoon's Pit. Ls are the favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate, | use in Onkang, : iy des $78), payable $15 weekly afd e xpenges, Position perman- ent. Reference. Enclose self address- ed stamped envelope.. The National, Star Building, Chicago. il To the People: We have a larger stock ANTED--SEVERAL "FAITH- ful me nt or women To travel for iJ than ever of the noted E. E. Haack & Co., Drayton, Tile. We have from 2 inch up to 8 inch in stock, besides a few thousand 3 inch Red Tile; we will let the latter go at $2 per thousand less thanthe white tile.' Call at the old stand, and we Will try to use you well. Thanks for past favors. has returned wal McBAIN, ee-bin, ATWOOD. ndred faa 5 reslor and deed ivetigor bs pr Hai to perfect xt ine x send de ork su x We ae sntial; this f is no s scheme. Write staimp for reply. BOX 264, PICTON, ONT' NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay _SOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED MEV--You y have been the ain of Sag Abnse Sone young. Later er Ree s posure to blood dis reas os many Mave oll ted the the symptoms stealing utore resalta. BA' TATE: ENT Wan ; URED. t A 'TER Ealeslene. Varicocela and Syphilis Cured W.™M. MILLER nT Ficcatrsan al Before Treatment "At the age of 151 com my heath. Late: & dozen other doctors than failed in cnring me. Drs. & cared me in a few Method Treatment. diseased men to beware of randa, Ther are reliable honest and ekillful physicians." W. M. MILLER. ure Varico- "> pif maby wie cture. Nervo mie ¥,Uanaturat Discharges, Bladder Dis 7 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED cure, No Pay. Write for uestion Blank for Home Bo = Free. t oumurtartos Free Das. KENNEDY & KERGAN No. 148 Shelby St. DETROIT, MICH. field, auc. 4

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