BUSINESS DIRECTORY, - DENTAL. J. J, FOSTER, DENTIST, ANY ANAESTHETIC KNOWN TO the profession used for the extraction of teeth. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office over Fieming's clothing store, Main street, Listowel. If You are going to Bill Nye's History of England. Moral Chaos and General Strabismus of Royal Justice. JOHN SIGNS THE MAGNA CHARTA.. A PROTEST ENTER CAESOWN & Mckee, The popular Cash Merchants of Listowel, have entered a Protest against High Prices and Long Credits, and the people get the benefit. CHAPTER XII. W. M. BRUCE, L, D, S, DENTIST. 'On Railway, River, Lake, Or Ocean, e 'Call and See Me for Rates -and Tickets. J.A.Etackine, LISTOWEL, ONT. Agent'G.T. R. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Stratford, TAKING THE VeEIL.--A_ beautiful 'ceremony in connection with one of the solemn and impressive functions of the" Ruman Catholic chureh took place Saturday morning-at St. Joseph's 'ehurch, Stratford, Out., when three young lady students at Loretto Aca 'demy received the veil, and entered Loretto Abbey as novices. They were Miss Annie McKeown, Windsor; Miss Catharine Arnold, Baden, and Miss Elizabeth Weber, Shakespeare. They will hereafter be kuown as Sisters Mary Moeuica, Mary Catharine, and Mary Magdalene. 'The ceremony. of copferring the veil was performed by his Lordship Bishop O'Connor, of Lon don, assisted by Kev. Fathers Brennan, St. Marys, and O'Neill, of Kainkora. The eandidates entered the church, approaching the altar by the centre aisle, They were attired in white bro euded satin gowns, with long white veils and white wreaths, Each was attended by three little maids of hop- our, also in pure white, supporting the trains, ard carrying Howers; while last of all carne three of the Sisters of Loretto, attired in their sombre garbs. Each of the candidates carried an un- lighted taper, and as they entered the church the magnificent organ pealed forth Meudelssohn's "Wedding March." After the usual Church ritual had been proceeded with, his Lordship then ad- ~dressed the candidates. At the point prescribed by the ritual, the candi- dates retired in charge of the Mother Superior, and when they next appear- ed at the altar they wore tie habit of the Sisters off Loretto, The bishop presented the veil with these words: --"Reveive this veil, dear child, an emblem of modesty,. which should henceforth withdraw you from the no- tice of the world; that your life may be hidden with Chrigt in God." Bishop 'O'Connor then deliyered an eloquent "sermon, explanatory of the cere nuny, aud expluined at some length the meaniug of its various details. The solemn service was concluded by the singing of the "Te Deum." Grey. Raspberries are a good crop. Mrs, tarrison, sr., 1€th con., is visit- ing her sons in Algoma, Joseph Shaw, 6th con., has been "quite ill with lumbago, but is getting better now. Mrs. John Horneastlevand- children, -of 'Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. -James MeNair, t5th con. Mr. Davidson and wife are the guests of 'Thos. Davidson and family. 'The come from the vicinity of Toronto, Some people are complaining of a short crop of bay but Duncan Mce- Lauchin, north of Brussels, had 15 Lonssoff 6 acres this season, Tl! nrovements to Luke Sperain's re 1. 14, are about completed, AS wt & Clodkey are building A Verandah after the brick veneering 'was finished. A former resident of Grey, writing from Dakota, says: "We-are having plenty of rain here and as a result 'crops and vegetation are looking splen- did. 'There are three classes of persons _ needed badly in this country, viz. :-- Ministers, dressmakers and domestic seryants, Wethink you have an over supply In Huron, so please send -us~a goodly number." OsiTusRy,.--Saturday morning, July tith, the stern messenger Death eunter- vd the home of Quintin McBlain and beckoned him away. Deceased was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, nearly 80 yearsago, He was unitedin marriage 'to Miss Mary Strathdee, who survives ; him,in the old land. They came to! * Oanada in 1874, two years after their | sons, Quintin and Robert. The family resided at Onondaga, Brant Co.,, fur a couple of years and moved to this township some 20 years ago. M McBlain had been failing for two years before his death, old age and heart failure being the cause. Mr. McBlain was a Liberal in politics, a Presby- terian in religion and was highly re- spected by all who knew him. The » living are :-- rd of this tuwnship. On Sabbath afternoon the funeral took place to Brussels cemetery and wus largely attended. Rev. Mr, Walker, of Ethel, conducted the service: {rs. McBlain and family are sympa- Ghised within their bereavement, Philip called the. miserable monarch to account for the death of Arthur, and, as a result, John lost his French posseasious. Hence the weak and wicked son of Henry Plantagenet, since called Lackland, ceased to be a taxpayer in France and proved to curivus world that a court fool in his household was superfluous. John now became mixed up ina fra- cas with the Roman pontiff, who would have been justified in giving him a Roman punch, Why he did not, no Roman knows. On the death of the archbishop of Canterbury iv 1205 Stephen Langton was elecled to the place, with a good salary and use of the rectory, John re- fused to conlirm the appointment, whereat Innocent IIL, 'the pontiff, closed the churches and declared a general lockout. People were denied Christian burial in 1208, and John was excommunicated in 1209. Philip united with the pope, and to- gether they raised the temperature for John so that he yielded to the Roman pontiff and in 1218 agreed to pay him a comfortable tribute, The French king attempted to conquer England, but was defeated in a great naval battle in the harbor of Damme. Philip afterward admitted that the English were not conquered by a Damme site, but the pope abselved him tor $2. It was now decided by the royal sub jects that John should be still further restrained, as he liad disgraced his ua tion and soiled his ermine. So the bar ons raised an army, took London, and at Ruonymede, June 15, 1215, com pelled Joha to sign the famous Magna Charta, giying his subjects many addi- Lioual rights to the use of the climate and so forth which they had not known before. Among other things the right of trial by his peers was granted to the free mun, and so, out of the mental and moral chavs and general strabismus ot royal justice, everlasting truth and ha man rights arose, Searcely was the ink dry on Magna Charta, and hardly had the king re- turned his tongue to its place after signing the instrument, when he be gan to organize an army of foreign soldiers, with which he laid waste with fire and sword the better part of "Merrie Englande." But the barons called on Philip, the geiieral salaried peacemaker -- pleui- poteutiary, who sent his son Louis with an army to overtake John and punish him severely. The king was overtaken by the tide and lust all his luggage, treasure, hatbox, dress suit case, return ticket, annual address, shoiguus, stab knives, rolling stock and catapults, together with a fine lock of battering rams. This loss brought on a feyer, of which he died, in 1216 A. D., after 18 years of reign and wind. A good execrator could here pause a few weeks and do well. History held but few such characters as John, who was not successful even in crime. He may be regarded roughly as the royal poultice who brought mat- ters toa headin England, and who by means of his treachery, cowardice and phenomenal villainy acted as a counter Irritant upon the malarial surface of the body politic. After the death of John the Earl of Pembroke, who was marshai of Eng- land, caused Henry, the 9-year-old son of the late king, to be promptly crown- ed, Pembroke was chosen protector, and goserved till 1219, wnen 'he died and was succeeded by Hubert de Burgh. Louis, with the French forces, had been defeated and driven back home, so peace followed, Henry ILI witda weak king, as is too well known, but was kind. He behaved well enough till-about 1231, when he began to ill treat De Burgh. He became subservient to the French element and 'his wife's relatives from Provence (prouounced Provongs). e imported ofticials by the score, and Eleanor's family never released their 'hold upon the public teat night or day. Lhey would cry bitterly if deprived of same even for a@ moment. This was about the year 1236. Besides this, and feeling that more hot water was neqessary to keep up a ruddy glow, the king was held tightly beneath the thumb Of the pope. Thus Italy claimed and 'Secured the fa official positions in the church, The poutift gave Henry the crown of Sicily witha. O. D, on it, which Henry could not raise without the assistance 'of parliament. Parliament did not like this,and the barons called upon him one evening with concealed brass knuckles aud things and compelled him to once more comply with the regulations of Magna Charta, which promise he rigidly adhered to until the committee had turned the first corner outside the royal lawn. Possessing peculiar gifts as a versa- tile liar and boneless,coward, and being entirely free from the milk of human kindness or bowels of compassion, his remains were eagerly sought after and yearned for by scientists long before he, decided to abandon them. : Again in 1258, he was. required to submit to the requests of the barons, but they required too much this time, and a civil war followed. Simon de Montfort, earl of. Leicester, at the head of the rebellions barons, wona victory over the king in 1 and took the monarch and his son Ed- ward prisoners, eicester now ruled the kingdom and not only.called an extra session o of parliament, but in 1265 mitted representatives of the towns i i Sn ea ge ce hh ea a) I chemo rn 4' 3 cans of Salmon for 21 pounds best Granulated Sugar $1 00 25 pounds extra bright yellow do 1 0v 6 bars Surprise Soap 25 13 bars Sunflower Soap 25 pounds of good Rice 4 plugs of Tobacco 2 boxes Matches-for 1 4 pounds 85c. Tea for Men's Felt Hats now 60c. Men's Straw Hats 124¢c. best English Prints 10c. English Prints Handsome New Prints for ic. Towelling here for 3 spools Silk Twist for Man's Suit of Clothes for 8c, Crink Cloth now MIE Se. 20 to 80 per cent, off all Millinery goods. We are now running the greatest Midsummer Sale yet known here, CARSON & McCKEE Cotalhetals at SN/ absdubedls Flutterin -MILBURN'S Heart=Nerve : PILLS. ; ! For Weak People having Heart and Nerve Troubles. ing feeling, throbbing or irregular y CUR uttering, palpi beating of the heart, dizziness, shortness of breath, distress after exertion, spasms or pain through the breast and heart, morbid con, dition of the mind, feeling of anxiety, etc. THEY ARE INVALUABLE FOR WEAK AND NERVOUS PEOPLE diseases of the a =a - = = - ._= Fr i---a?reoroauar-rs all WEY : For Sale by Douglas & Co. troubled with sleeplessness, nervousness, anemia, debility, after-effects of grippe, oss of appetite, etc, They represent a distinct advance in medical science, providing a cure for heart and nerves unequalled for prompt and effective action. --=_ = =>); «a... -a--ter.saiesr boroughs, thereby instituting the house of commons, were self made men might sit on the small of the back with their bats on and cry "Hear! Hear!" The house of commons is regarded as the bulwark of Wivil and political liberty, and when under good police regulations is still 4 great boon. Prince Edward escaped from jail and organized an army, which in 1265 de feated the rebels, and Leicester and his son were slain, 'The wicked soldiery wreaked their vengeance upon the body of the fallen man, for they took great pride in their prowess as wreakers, but in the hearts of the people Leicestar was regarded as a martyr to their cause. Henry III was now securely seated once more upon his rather . restless throne, and as Edward had been a good boy for some time his-father gave him permission to yisit the Holy Land, in 1270, with Louis of France, who also wished to go to Jerusalem and take a vantage of the low Jewish clothing market. In 1272 Henry died, during the absence of his son, after 56 years of vacillation and timidity." He was the kind of king who would sit up half of the night trying to decide which boot to pull off first and then, with a deep drawn sigh, goto bed with them on. Edward surnamed "Longshanks," having collected many antiques an cut up a few also, returned and took charge of tlie throne." He found Eng: land prosperous and the Normans and Saxons now thoroughly united and homogeneous, Edward did not hurry home, as some would have done, but sent word to haye his father's funeral made as cheery as possible and remain- ed overa year in Italy and France. He was crowned in 1274. In ashort time, however, he had trouble with the Welsh, and in 1282, in battle, the W elsh prince becanie somehow entangled with his own name so that he tripped tland fell and before he could gain his tevt was slain. Wales having been annexed to the crown, Edward's son was vested with its government, and the heir appareat has ever since been called the Prince of Wales. Itisa good position, but be- comes irksome after 50 or 60 years, it is said. L NYE. Are You Tired Allthe time? This condition is a sure indication that your blood is not rich and nourishing-as it ought to be and as it may be if you will take a few bottles of the great blood purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla, Thousands wyite that Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured them of that tired feeling by giving them rich, red blood. Hoop's Prxts act easily: and prompt- ly on the liver and bowels, Cures sick headache. CRADLE. Ror.--In Atwood, on July 20th, the wife of J.A.Roe, V.S.,of a daughter. CoLcLovuGH.--In Grey, on July 20th, the wife of Wm. Colclough of a son, ' : 3 rey "Khe Bee G ELECTRICITY, OR LOCAL anaesthetics administered for pain- less extraction. Artificial teeth guar- anteed to be of the best materia} and of first-class workmanship. Of- fice over Thompson Bros'. stor street, Listowel. Will not visit At- wood until further notice. LEGAL. * ~ MORPHY & CARTHEW, BARRISTEKS, SOLICITORS, NO- taries Pubic, Conveyancers," Com- missioners, evc., Listowel, Ont. Money to loan. Uilices over Cargup & Me- Kee's store. HH. B, Morphy, J. M. Carthew. -- DARLING & BLEWETT, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, taries, etc, Wallace street, Listowel Solicitors for Bank of Hamilton and Scott's Banking House. Otfice over Scott's Bank. MEDICAL, THOS. DOUGLAS, M. D., Medalist aud honor Trinity University, 1893. Office is Dr. Humiiltou's old stand, Residence first house south side of Drug store. Special attention given to diseases of nese and throat, - graduate of D. A. KIDD, M. D., COM; FT. M,C MG. P,& Si-O PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHETR, P.T.M.C., of Trinity Medieal Col- ~yiege, 1837. M.U. C. M. of Trinity University, M.C. P.& 8. 0., of Medical Council 1888 : _ Phree years of practical hospital bed- side clinics, besides nine years in a varied and active practice. Office in the stand formerly oceupied by Dr. Rice. Residence seven doors orth of office and across street. AUCTIONE?# RS, C. H, MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE pose of Perth, Monkton, Ont, ates moderate. For particulars ply at this office. : aaa BAW EIN GS. >Brick<+ Any quantity of First-Class Red & White BRICK AT THE Henfryn ick Yard! e Prices to Suit the Times Orders Taken Now can be pHed on and after July th. . : §, Wright. J.W. Scott, Banker, Listowel, Palmerston and Clifford, al ENERAL Banking business. Drafts bought and sold, payable in ali parts of the Do- minion, United States and Great Britain. Notes Discounted. Deposi i : ' ts receiv current rate of interest atiean: pres se Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A large amount of Evlvate Funds to lend on 've Per 4 good farm security at F privilege of repaying annually, 5 'Sot STAR LIVERY, The Star Livery is e 3 equipped with first-cluss rigs, fast and eentls driy- ere, and in every way adapted to meet the requirements of the tray- Sea b aclered aes reasonable. Sta- pos srande rer ie rberger"s Hotel, DARK & DUNCANSON, P : : on te roprietors, Hardware | ROBT. MOORE, ----DEALER IN---- Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Table and Pocket Cutlery, - Silverware, Lamps, Cross - Cut _ Saws, Axes, &c., Main Street, -:- Listowel,