THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, The Cream 'of the- News of Seven Days. CANADA. Lord and Lady Aberdeen are ut Que- Alarm is felt in Manitoba by fears of rust in the wheat The Accounts between the Synods of Ontario and Ottawa have been set- tied. The army worm is reported to have made its appears ae in the vicinity of Guelph. A big gold_ strike is reported in the City of Spokane claim on Monte Cristo Mountain, British Columbia. The Deep Waterways Commission appointed by the United States and Canadian Governments are in session at Niagara Falls. A special from St. John's, Nfid., says an abundant cod-fishery is reported south and west. It is pronounced the best fishery: for 40 years. Mr. John Robinson, of Tait, attend- ed the Orange demonstration at Mid- land and was struck by a train. Both legs had to be amputated. Manitoba crop reports continue to be of a gratifying nature. With fav orable weather wheat has made great pro- gress, and a good hary est is assured. hy barb vneehptrd day niet the Tati road about twenty-iive miles "Jrishmen in Ovrawe tin ca attend | S0uth of Buluwayo, and that they are delegates Were appom Sp. | erecting fortifications. Serious fehting the oo convention in Dublin in Se] ie expentudsaortly: : pee Av More than 50 Nihilists were arrested > pewly- z J Fe eee a uae taken at St. Petersburg Ee we ane ac ras oiinst the | Week. and a number of secret: print an action for damages agin 1 | ing presses were seized. 'The arrests Minerve, claiming that it charger wera amie ta ronnectlon with be, 26 him with boodling. | cent strike in the factories of thi Samuel Currie, farmer, aged about | Ginity. 60, Midecrae haaling gre eat seca The insurgents at Apokorona a day | ake, Teil With some bunches 5 " . eels > trew of an Turk- | ape from the wagon on to his horses, | or ee rectelheal ons ns < ren i Sole | causing the Oo hn away, instantly | isit bark te 2 Ul ti ps put sess husmey them to ru ne ithe insurgents, and in oo eir pursuit killing the unfortunate mai. l fired upon everybody they met along A magnificent yield of fruit tes | the shure, making no diserimination | yorted by the Globe's poeial "cor: fin favor of women and children, of | rearonient in Huron and Perth. The | whom they killed a great muny. 'The hay is poor, but the advice of the On- caused intense excitement tario Agricultural Department to the { ation and the foreign Sane | farmers to sow corn as a substitute | suis have made a protest against it to in times of drouth has proved of great | proviteh Georgi Vasha, the newly ap benefit. pointed Christian GOvertur of Ul On Sunday evening Albert Fisher, of | land. Terrace iu Drautford, a brignt nae ; : 'memes young lad of 17 yeurs, Was scized be WILD MAN GN ALL FOURS Araip while in swimming in the] _ . f ifeime a P if anal ind was drowned | Citizens Have Organized to Go in Pur before the eyes of several frightened suit of This Mysterious Being companions One of them, named [> oan findiene a spateh »sads Teil Smith, made a frantic attempt +c Osboru is uuthurity for the statement | eave Fisher, but without success, AMT cioe a wid man is re ming abuut the the lads had been in awimming, and Bris tle pice had come out og » WIGH the : P hit , "for it acts ception of Fisher. One ol the youths more ii a : iteman threw a hat in the water, and I isher being, ronms over the kiuge in_ the | was going after it when seized WITH] Coniy inoraing or late in the evening. the eranips. ; s food is roots, herbs, fowls from A mi OXASPOTU ting Ciest ot #0 the farmers' lenroosts, and small tempted outrage lias cume to light at) erain. it was first seen on the Niagara Lb: An Italinn fruit Ven- | Pletcher farm, about 7 o'elock in dor is undet rest, Chuurged with ef- | the evening, in the act of cornering ticing 2 ri, Adi Nickerson, | chicken about twenty rods frou aged twelve irs, daughter of Mr. | the barn. It was on all fours and and Mrs. « "Ni ckerson, of Lundy's | running as fast as a dog. When it Lane, into bush, with intent tO] dicseovered it was observed it utter- assault hh he villain wis, @#owever, | ed a suaund which can best be deserib- observed, ae in the _, of }ed as between the bark of a dog and the police. The Lttle gril clearly lden- | the yell of a man, and struck out tified the man, and toll how he en- j at full speed for the dense woods baek ticed her away with fruit and candy. | of Centre schoolhouse. It will go hard with the Italan. Even | «7p was ne xt seen in a wheat field his own countrymen denounce him, } pulling the ri from a shock and and refuse to interest themselves 1) qeyouring the heads. The imprint of | his behuwlf. its four feet, or tWwo feet and hand UNITED STATES. as it crawled on all fours ver It is rumored that ¢ Van- } time it was discovered, were plaini derbiit, jam, is cangere it from | seen, and the prints Were like {hose lung trouble. ae would be made by a bear on} From Ilavana, She rhourne County, ee It bas twice been seen atother ! Minun., Comes news of the fatal pols places, below the Thomas schoolhouse oning at- Santingo of @ family of nine |? i ax the Rattanberc... tare : children named. Allen, caused by | 2ne near wie a act in £1 SERED tetany . a Ith. The the tarter pmee its face was noticed drinking temonide On July 4th vy. | to be like that of a man with long lemonude contained some polsonous | Fie aa e rrodients. The children died one af- | hevir and ragged! beard. ingr n . ' eu welve years nage the 10-year-old ter anot ery and the parents are haif-witted son. of James Henderson, still very = fa prominent farmer of that neigh- Preparation ' e welcoming | porhood, mysteriously disappeared. It | home of the Ancient and Honorable |i. ¢hought that he has been living Artillery Company upon their return jin the woods ever since and that he from England are now in progress | may be the a'leged wild man A at Boston. It is planned to give \_| posse-wlll« be organized 'Oth grand reception, to whieh President | nypsuit Cleveland, Acting-Governor Wolcott | and--staff, Mayor Quincy, and other | AMBL DE HIS MEN. distinguished persons will be invited, | together with the Massachusetts | Jose Maceo's Death Due to Cuban Fac military. t f St The offieers and members i revoivint i te Chureh, Baffalo. are greatly j ; rom Jivani vet of the pastor, | he death of whieh was Commits } } insu 1 ( ted last Sunday afternoon: The church | s Wats finbushe is one of the mre prominent of the | Mtttle. as lias been supposed. German Evangelical churches in Buf- brother to Gen. Antoul falo. Mr Breher refused admittance is defying Geueral Wey to the chureh of a division of the panish army-in-the Pinar--| Krights-of Pythias, which was in at- Winer. dnd Was on a march tendanes at the funeral of a brother, | from tie \ 'letnity of the Sizgus mines who Was being buried from the | when he was attacked and shot church. No reuson is given for this | by a detachment of soldiers belonging refusal church meeting has been | to his.own «army. Efe was instantly called to deman! an explanation from } ki} : * the pastor. There had been trouble between Gen. GREAT BRITAIN. Calixto Garcia aud Maceo tor some It is announced in London that after | time, because the latter openly refused the neval manoeuvres the Dake and | to acknowledge the ae of Gur- Duchess of York will go to Australia | cia. This difference was aggravated on board the Blenheim, the fustest | by the recent arrival of tie steamer cruiser-in the British navy The Queen has sent £10 and" tpor- trait of herself to a Mrs. Keveth, of Garrow, St. Breward, Cornwall. who has seven sons at present serving in the army, and all of exemplary char- acter. A civil pension of £200 has been granted to Prof. Huxiey's widow, and a pension of £70 has been granted to the widow of Sir Joseph Barnby, the late Principal of the Guildhall School of Music. bch London Chronicle publishes a despatch from pabseghasetbrres tioning Sabb pect that there has Egin, in the Diarbekir dis. trict of Armenia, in which 400 per- oe were killed and the city was pil- aged, lishes a letter eu the Eight Hours' bil should be amended s0 as to compel employers to allow The London Dally Telegraph pub- ggesting that their workmen a couple of hours' siesta at midday during the extreme heat. Lord Salisbury, behalf of the on Queen, has invited Li-Hung-Chang, who is now in Paris, to visit England at the nei 'g expense. Li-Hung- Chang ha accepted the invitation, and will atay in England for a month from August Srd.-He will be lodged in a& sage probably on House Terr opened the women, y Lady Henry connection with the British Temperance Association. is situatec at Duxhurst, gate, Surrey. A large ohs Princess and the Duke of GENERAL, near Rei- ck. news to the 'Khalifa irket was immediately by crucifixion. hope of the matter being settled, News has reached Buluwayo that the rebels have occupied a position on tional Troubles Three Friends. with arms and amimuni- tion, Which were Janded near the Jur- on the southern coast of entire cargo Was appro- kept by Maceo, despite order Garcia to the contrary. Maceo came to the coast accompanied by a -guard of 50 men, and was on his return that he was shot and as ii The whole trouble is said to have ben teoueht about by tle feelir isting between the whites and ble noke in the insurgent. army. The former are led by Gomez and Garcia, and the latter by the Maceos. "The Feast of Reconciliation" Was a fred festival com ished"by Queen Mary: to be held J 25th, 1555, to celebrate ster setutn of vad Church ot England t : Ro Ateiae will bhai open ssi Western Fair at London on Sept. Cariton Her Roy at Hi ghness Princess Mary, farm estab- SING A SONG ] ] company met | Te | The Marquis di Rudini has succeeded | in forming a Cabinet, which lias been | approved by King Humbert. j The messenger who Carried ~ the | at Omdurman that his army had been defeated at F put to death | | | } | | During the recent action between | the colonial forces and the Matabele insurgents at Thabas,; an Imamba native fired point blank at Mr. Cecil Rhodest but missed him. Governor Murray, the British and | énch Commodores and the New-| fountiant Ministry held a conference on the fishery troubles, and there is NEW: CLAUSES | Affidavits Will be ;}emnization of | Marriage may be | the his deputy, Me certificate of bts or ree _ronto and=that | be issued for marring | is OF BLOOMERS. Sing a song of bloomers out for a nde, 'With four and twenty bad boys running at her side. Whi'e the maid was coasting the boys began to sing ** Get on to her shape, you know, * and all that sort 'of thing. HERE, COURTING COUPLES! -| Read What You Must do, Now to Get Married, IN THE ACT. ed From Parties 'he Legal Who May Lezal Provision for sally Solemnized. Requi Contracting for Marriage the Same riages Illes Mut It may not be general on August Ist, 1896, solidate the Acts Ma f ¥ known that Act to the becomes an respecting irriagro law, and as some of the previsiotis of this Act are new it bonooyes oy centemplites uisrringe t quainted mr Phe rite Sol- 'ryone whe thi its varivws qr of may rovisions Marriage be per- | formed by any duly ordained minister, by any elder, evangelist or ipissionary, for the time being, of any congrega- } tion commonly knowu us " Con Brepgi- tions of God," or "of Christ," and iny duly appointed commissioner or staff officer of the Salvation Army "wuthorized by either the proclamation of the banns or by Issuance of a license. This license may ba issued by either a duly an- pointed issuer of Inaurriagee Leenses, or Who muy be empowered 9 act in fils absonee, but, license be issued until both parties to the con- tract have personally ma le aint AOMMNIsSter Ontiis uce Act, 18938. In iMustration pose that Jolin of Bri this wn point, reslues =o Wishes Simeston. sup- polly a license to muke an forth invit terms Mifiduvit must ~-- the , n veut the Written consent of the person whos | Consent ts required must be obtained, innexed to the affidavit: before +" can be issued. "¢ for the issuance ef a-tcense eS two dollars. No license can if either party under fourteen years of age, an no person is allowed to sulemnize a marringe knowing that either party is_ under fourteen. If a minister knowingly marries an | insane person he is liable to a fine of | {he made a~name fur social aplomb, $500. Marriages heretofore ized by persons not resident tario are validated solemn- in On- parties have th: reafter lived together j wife, a8 man and ity of such legally questione: aml that the valid- not been tween persons legally qualified marry, after the expiration of three years from the time of solemnization, or upon the gat ne either party before that time, 2all be rendered legal, whether 5 paeis solemniz- ing that marriage was legally quali- fied oO 80 Or not, provided that the parties have lived together as man and wife for that time, and that no legal objection has been raised to their marriage in that time clause in this new act o be principatiy- noted is that Peeigedl oe making of affidavits, and ny sons contemplating marriage halons oe expiration of the next three i) ying make an rig agi in ac- coniance with this A Both Age Solemnize | nh Con- | ail sided pe fled ty the HOCOM 1+ in all cases, | ean | } down bandits as a *--h-vermin. to Caen, | Engiishman who , provided that the | | presented-with a marriage | heretofore or here; ifter solemnized be- | to | quarreled, aen round him, and in May, | CORSIOANS RESPEROT THEIR WORD | One Commendable Trait Discovered Among the Race cf Robbers. A writer tells the following pathetic story of a sequel to the story of Boncili, Who secured the prive put on the liead of a well-known brigand by murdering an oid pilgrim and palning Off the body as that of the vrigand. Casinova, the brigand, commonly called Cappa, was alreudy dend when pone Hj Was beheaded. The BtOry of : is picturesque, and = it the auchent faithfulness and ion 1 the Corsican. character Capp as horrified at the conduct of 'Bonelli, and, none the tess, much iffec ted 4 the news of the murderers Lrrest. apy elt hemimed in of Pronelli-di-Sium-Orbo, This dis- trict has tong been famous for he urge and hi BLE ss of its sons. In tis NY re ew of its "fill kent 5,000 su} hit rs at bay. Here © withdrew and hid himself in mely valley, watched over Ly scan rd friends. and here the hunted outlaw fell sicl The mountaineers tended him 4s wellas they were able Ancold priest also ministered to his | eonifort. and while sueccoring the newiy body, tried as wellto pinay the 'soulfriend" to the bandit. He | influenced Cappna sufficiently to make , him promise never furain to use gun or knife in killing a fellow man. Cappna The shepherds had no fear for their fuest They did not know that spies | were set to watgi him. The men of and information was sent to the near- est gendarmerie. The sick mun him only a few children, to the effect that, as far whom kept a lookout: ; uWire, DO impediment { The police, who were not in strong prevention of suet nurria * | force, ventured with grave misgivings | ; ' fi ha Act. ag | inte the dangerous, scarcely known | 5, Was. tie eit | region, On perceiving them the young: | ' ry » present to ob- | St'rs sve the alurm, and the weak | train a license: In cases w bre ona and ailing bandit seized his gua, mak- | of the p as sides esi -- ing down a nar -path for a wall, wit peatested resides in another place bevont wiitll sas Ainbtie- tile: out none ecessary for their affidavit liws"" asylum. the h ther" of the | te 4 heroes I ' 1 hes r _ Ln made before im issuer of mar- Scottish roy alists; .utherwise;-deartife i Y fs Ueputy,..or-befoere---+-- J MUSLS.s0+ VIBE, BOAT Mt," x tu king oa safety! When he had all but gained in the High Court, o; hk the ree , b sie gendarme peace, or notary public 080) BO | Tae | the same is wig hae Cappa was a shot In an in- it may be made before a stant he had covered his enemy. But lic, or any other person he remembered his soleain promise to the ol priest. dropped his weapon und It the gendatme go free,. The gendarmes are under orders to shoot ccoper shoots. down This fellow, of course, fired. Cappa was hard hit, but he dragged himself across the-fence, and into the covert he vould not go. is knees, Ciasping his gun witt one"airm with the other clasping a tree » iis pursuers found him some time afterward, stark anid cold, quite dead. THE TOMB OF A FAMOUS DANDY, Beau Brummell's Grave the Tourists in Uingland Mecca of Eng ish having satisfied where Visitors to Tilly-sur-Neulles their. curiosity, turn lie the bones of an left behind an reputation as 2 dandy and has immortai [a wit, 3eau Brummell, after having } been the friend ; died-in poverty, of the Prinee Regent, a friendiess imbecile. sorn in 3778, George Bryan Bram- meit was educated at Eton, where readiness of repartee, neatness in dress. He College, Oxford, for and fastidious went to Oriel a year. corne tey Prince of Waies in the Tenth Hus- sars, and for some Years he enjoyed the friendship of the P me who was afterwards George IV last they but " Beau" 'arnuanen held his im society until gambling losses nade iim flee the country. In 1830 he was appointed British Con- sul at His rape, closed 1835, he was cast into prison. His spirit eo ed to have beea broken, and in 183 he showed signs of imbecility, died at the asylum of the Bon Sau- veur, Caen, in March, 1840. Mrs. Gladstone, writing to a teacher of elocution, 'says, "I trust that in all your efforts you will lay the foundation particularly in care- ful and articulation. ever, all the nations of Europe. The Scotch and Irish are, I believe; somewhat ) lg le i * 2 * ig DEOQDSSOSGOOODSEGSVSESSSS WHICH ARE YOU? There are two kinds of people on earth to-day Just two kinds of people, no mere, I Bay. Not the sinner and saint, for 'tis vell understood The good are half bad and the bad are half good. | Not the rich and the ap for to i count a man's we You must first know the "atais of his conscience and health Not the humble and proud, for in life's little span, Who puts on vain airs is not counted man. Not the happy and sad, for the swift fiying years Bring each man his eeenter and each man his tes No; the two kinds of people on earth I mea Are the people w i lift and the peo- ple who lea Wherever you go you will find the vorld's masses Are always divided in just these two classes. And od ay thd you will find, tow, There is, Duly one lifter to twenty j who lean. | In which class are you? Are you eas- ing the load : Of overtaxed lifteks who toll down the road? Or are you a leaner, who lets others bear Your portion of dabor and worry and cre j HE SIGNED. Yr ETITIONS. A popular minister in an Ohio town recentiy signed without reading it a petition that purported to be fora pe le purpose, and then it Was Me by nearly every reputi ible citi- nae tie town. The first inti: the minister hatthat a joke | when he it his application for a cense to ke ep a saloon had been grant- ed, and would be is-ued as soon j dignant ; i | congregation i mouth | Was still ill when the annual | festa of a.distant village came around. had | some of | | the divine love is based on the j | goodness of God. | ts death ment therefor had been mace. i the and his friends but they appre | the joke, and it furnished the pr with a text on carelessness in such petitions.--New York PREACH THE GOSPEL. ching In the abstr: ict business. A man who should ing in the abstract wo crops; and he who can. st of imm ie platitudes ~ and soon Tribi i oo eh oe > {| will enlist few soldiers for the > | wil secure few saints for heaven. The gospel of Chirist is a plain message to | plain people.--The Rev, W . i. Tem- pie, Congregationalist, Seattle, Wa-l BRIGHT SAYINGS The whole life of Jesus was % fil, and such' a life as only 4 | being could live. His miracles were Tl those which only God could petiorm, } and in them, while in the mortal flesh of man, He proved He was at the same time God.--lRey. ather Geo. Mae hony, Woonsocket, qt. ts Religious persecution of every kind jis abhorrent, and certainly foreign to the spirit of this age, and the perse- cution of the Ciirist as much condemned THANG Man AMONsS us Jews by the eee ians hy the Turks by } est all me n es i women, trom true David Phil ipson, Cincinnati, O. All supeeggee ie in--busedt exteHence, either real or POT Sere fancier, Love that is strong always fixes itself ob rj ct, person or principle it will dure to die. In its di great motive power will to give all, to risk all and nll for the object of their | Dr. Rogers, Springfield, The Gospel is not ssuce of Wrath, a message but it is one of peace and joy and love and mercy.:- What it teaches is alike for the individual and for society.--Rey. 3. Fay Mills, God put a model man on the earth, Ti but never as yet a model eity. The four jdeals of manhood have been the Roman ideal, presenting a min of the Greek power and ideal, the Christian ideal, the others and adding to them--the--man--of- physical power, mental development, just ideas and the man of Christ's likeness. We have Christ's likeness. We have in Christ's manhood the climax -of the manhood the ages.--Rey. W. <A. Stanton, physical the man of mental ligence ; the of justice, and the combining power hte is the Alpha and Omega of destiny. As man He is teaching the Ort of duty. As God He is teaching inen of destiny. We are in the midst ot duty. the beginning of destiny. If we succeed in duty, we shall succeed in destiny. If- we fail in duty, we shall fail in destiny. The path of duty leads into the pas of destiny. Duty is destiny.--Rev. . D. John, Indianapolis, Ind. IT IS EXPENSIVE. Sin is always expensive. It never pays what it promises he flow- ers in the distanee in the pathway of sin always wither before you a the way becomes a The geasin a -break- er, Meiers Lass 'ker and drunkards all pay their fare, but never pny the intended destination. Blasted. pros- pects. shattered constitutions, ruined families, are rice of sin.--Thie Rey. P. A. Baker, Columbine 0 pee bgurag way tho An irate femate seeks rN at ad -to the editor' 3 sanctum. " But I tell you, madame," protests the oerk "that eee editor is too busy to talk to any- on y." « Nev ver mind; you let me in. do the talking." Tu