bli parties to the punishment they expression used, filuch in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medk 'tine ever contained so great curative power in #0 small space. They are a whole medicine Floods chest, always ready, al Pi ff ways cfMficient, always sat- isfactory; prevent a cold Grey Counar Meeting. Council met at "Beck's Hall, Cran- brook, July 18th, yee to the call f the Reeve, mbe present, Reeve in the chair, of last meeting were re: firmed. The following accounts were presented, viz : Robert Pearson, eee cedar logs for culvert, 75c.; Robert Coutts, gravel, $2; Waiter Yuill, gravelling on orris, Sf0; round. Richard he ENTRANCE CANDIDATES. THE LIST FROM LISTOWEL AND MIL- $ VERTON, MILVERTON, Entrance examination-- Wm. Barth, Milverton, . Solomon P. 'Grosch, Miiv wis. s516 pects H Honderich, Milverton: 422 ohn R, Kay, Milyerton te ss Donald Me'Tavish, Mornington... eek 55 ton. Arch, Naismith, Milvertou.........5t s i 7 Wm, Bird, gravelling on boundary | John W. Pie rs or fever, cure all liver ills, oho leffer, Milverton... ....626 ick headache, Jaundice, constipation, ete. ase, | Grey and McKillop, $49.35; R. Woolsey, Job Paff, North Easthope... ...... 422 "The only Pilis to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. part payment printing contract, $30; | Geo. C: Pepper, Moruington........ 516 tichard cece under brushing on Russell Reddaway Milverton. . 457 eae sideroad 1, con. 1, $7.60; John Pellock, Hugi Russ, Moruington 517 ee Sac making two Seale laces on cross. tdgur Rae, Miverton..... |. ses eB & way, con. 1, $150; Richard Jacklin,| Rdyar Weir, Milverton.............449 teed ba f BEE covering crossing on sideroad 1, con, 5, Jaue A. Blair, Mornington, Sua et" $15.70; James Bishop, moving culvert Ethel Egbert, Milverton.... ....... "495 Siow sp adternad toes Bonk es sear Jessie Ee 5. Grieve, Moriington... BID , 0 5 vhn or BLS.PELTON, - PUBLISHER. |frvin mnecriy'3 cues oa anh cit f0, Gordon, Mornlugto aa Ese 26, con. 14, $9.70; John Irvine, gravel, | j mily M. ee oc ee FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1898. 7.52; Wm. Smith, gravelling at lot 21, Isabella McLenuan, Moruington, ., 408 ee con. 4, $10.07; Thomas Vodden under: Isabella C Struthers, Moruiugton.. 430 brushing at lots 25 and 26, con, 6, $9 45; z ee she PURELY POLITICAL. Thos, Ettiott, gravelling at lot 60, con. Public school leaving -- l, 916.70; G. CG. Ingram, shovelling Elizabeth Coote, Mornington, ,...,.651 aes gravel con 6, 82; Chas. Dames, Jutin E Falk, North Easthope ._ sniga a 618 The Liberals ought to be satisfied, ae at lot 15, con, 12,¢4; John Me' | Jennie E. Grieye, Mornington ...... 639 now that they hold the reins of govern- | Cartney, inspecting gr: avelling at lot | Nellie Mactarlane, Elma........... 607 mint at Ottawa, and in every province j 21, con. 4; $150; John Dunbar, repair Received entrance standing on ot the Duminion besides, ing abutinent to bridge at lot 27, con.}Publie school leaving examination ; ** ' ~, 85; Richard Alcock, planking and | p: Connolly, Morningtan..... Sas Che 527 repairing Mitechell's bridge aud grayel, Grabam Lavery, Mornington bd J.L. Hayocek _M. P., the Patron lead- | 361.92; James Oakley, gravel, $5 36: Wilbert Lavery, Murnington See 467 er, says that A.S. Hardy will make a/Samuel Dunr, gravel, gi7.10; W m | Geo. F, Roulston, Mornington. ..... BUD better leader in the Legislature than abs! gravelling at lot 15, con. 12. $18.18 Laura Sergisson, Mornington... 178 Sir Oliver Mowat, aud that better re-|,Jacob Long, inspecting grayelling iot Wm S. Whaley. aforuinaton, oS B20 forms wilh be passed under the new 15, con. 12, $8; Peter McDonald, break ee fies arene aa tc Premier, ing stone con. 9, g4; Jacob Krauter, LISTOWEL, * gravel, $1448; Henry Armstrong,! Entrance examination-- A ' gravel, $5.04; 9 Morley Hutchinson, | Benj. Alexauder, Listowel P.S,..,..455 Itis said that the Laurier Govern- | gravel, $6.40; Jacob Wolf, gravel, g4.| Fred Baliantyne, Elma,..... 2" 422 ment Uave decided to cancel holus}'pnos. Elliot, vis drain across road at| Herbert Ball, Atwood..............504 bolus the list of Q.C.'s appointed by lot 60, con. 1, 3 Artiur Bricker, Distowel. <icceaes 42 Sir Charles Tupper, prior to his re- Moved by yore Turnbull, seconded | Fred Carthew, Listowel,......2.... 432 signation, Sir Oliver Mowat, the Min by Wm. Brown, that the foregoing | Angus Dicksow, 111) ee ger eco ree? 4233 ister of Justice, evidently intends to accounts be paid. Jarried, Williaro Harron, Mornington,..... 428 make his hand felt at Ottawa, Council then adjourned, te meet} Mervyn Hay, Listuwelo ol 471 +,* again atthe Township Hall, on Nabie Albert Karges, Listowel. 2.000.222) 5i4 Mrs. Bryan, wife of the Democratic candidate for President of the United States, helps her husband to prepare many 'of the speeches that make him famous as an orator. Mr. Bryan Volunteers, that information himself, Perhaps itis due to her influence that Mr. Bryan neither smokes, chews nor drinks and is a regular attendant at the Lincolu Presbyterian Church, ** "QOnr creed," says Major McKinley, the Kepublican candidate for Presi- dent of the United States,"embraces an honest dollar, an notarnished national eredit, adequate revenues for the uses of the Gavernment, protection of labor and-industry preservation of the home market and reciprocity which will ex- tend onr foreign markets, Upon this piatform we stand and submit its declarations to the sober and = con- siderate judgment of the American people." Expelled for Copying. A number of candidatts who have been writing at the departmental ex aminations at Listowel were canght wopying and have had their examina- tious cancelled. Four or five candi dates were first canght and expelled from the room and their papers cancell- ed and afterwards a number of stud ents were found with notes up their coat sleeves ready to be rerooyed at a convenient senson The examiners, Messrs. Mills and Kilmer, of Stratford, Rothwell, of Listowel, and Glassrey, of St. Marys, have warned the cz indidates that everyone found copying will have his examination cancelled. Appeals against the decision of the examiners in some cases have been made to In spector Alexander, who has charge of examinations in Perth county, but he has upheld the examiners. In another ease an appeal was made to the Minis ter-of Education;--bat--he~declined" to interfere. G. K. Mills, science master in the Stratfore Collegiate Dustitate, who as sisted in condneting the entrance exam- ination at Listowel, where it was alleg- ed that an organized effort had been made by the scholars to secure certifi cates by dishonest means, writes to the press to_correcta--number--of~ state: ments in that regard, esays: "In the first place the statement that wholesale' copying was going en is entirely too comprehensive, and would casta serious rellection on the school in@eBeral, and would implicate those who were perfectly honest. The facts are the following : During the first day of the ex: mination L saw quite a number of attempts at communication, three of which are reported. I had previously cautioned them several times, stating my duty in the matter, As to the statement that fonr_ or. tive candidates were cnught in the act and ordered from the room. I wish to say that the only one urder my inspection and one under Mr. Kilmer's were seut from the room. The statement that others were feund with notes up their sleeves is not true. Also the state. ment that there were evidences of thorough organization is not suited to describe the facts. I have no doubt from the attempts I saw, that a num- ber of students premeditated getting help dishowestly, but that does not mecessary imply. or at all justify the I regret exceediugly that a report of this character should have been given publicity, as_ its tendency would be to 'injere a sister school. Regarding tke séntime:t of the townspeople about the action of the examiners, I believe that all who are acquainted with the facts are 'satisfied that we have.only doffe what fais required of us by the regulations. Further from conversation with - on Phillips I have been assured that. w thave his hearty Supeors in beikigine all » | 27th fertain matters reg: irding the station- dog ceremony at St. James' Cathedral. day, 22nd day of August, 1896. M. SPENCE, Clerk. Huron County Notes. een horse rac races 5th and 6th of August Apples Are a good crop in Huron Co. this ye Wm. Cantata: a 90 year old resident of Huron county, was 'killed near Clin ton by a railway train. Tennis is about the only game that appears to be engaged in with any heartiness this season in Brussels, Dr. R. J. Whitfield, of Fort Seott, Kansas, arrived at his old home in Cranbrook. A little bird whispers, he will take someone back with him. On Buen, June 22nd, A. B. Currie, of Banff, W. "E., and Miss Mabel, youngest zat thee of Walter Smith, Brussels, were united in marriage. On Thursday and Friday, August and 28th, the Huron County Christian Endeaver Union will hold their fifth annual Convention in Knox chureh, Goderich. The Methodist church people of Blyth are undergoing a little friction ut present between the pastor and the official board. 'There seems to be a difference of opinion with reference to ing committes's actions at the confer- ence, THE Huron TRACT.--Misses Robina and K. M, Lizars, have a work of ex ceeding interest in the press, which is shortly to appear, bearing the well- know imprint of William Briggs The Misses Lizars haye chosen a fivid than which, in many respects, Canada presents none better to the historian. Their work is entitled In the Days of the Canada Company," and is in brief the history of the settlement of the Huron tract. Many interestingchar- acters made their way into that section of the Province between the years 1827 rnd 1850--later than the last-named date the work does not carry us--and their striking personalities lend a picturesque and often dramatie interest to the pages of the volume which describes them and recites their doings and sayings, The book. will be -em- bellished by maps, portraits, glimpses of historic and picturesque seenes in the fine old County of Iuron, ete, and will be in style and make up fully worthy of the subject matter. The appeurance of this really brilliant work will be. awaited with general interest. News of the Day. Charles Dickens, son of the deceased novelist, died at Kensington from puar- alysis. The diseases of animals bill and the land rating bill, passed by the Imperial Parliament, have received the Royal assent. Andred Burrows, of Smith's Fatis, has completed a deal for two thousand head of steers for France. 'here 1s no embargo on cattle to that country, Archbishep Fabre, 6f Montreal, has ordained a thousand priests, and the fact was commemorated by an impes Ex-Governor William 2 Russel, Massachusetts, who was camping 6 with some friends near St - delaide oe Palos, Que., was found dead id his tent. He died of heart disease. Henry Irving, jun., son of the Eng: fish actor, Sir Henry Irving, was mar- ried Monday to Miss Dorothea Baird, who has made astriking seccessin the character of Trilby at the Haymarket Theatre. A large be pints 20 'of 'mem- bers of the theatrical pro present. The gift of Du Maurier, author of Trilby, to the\bride, w: massive Masspne pendant ; jessamine aroundt George Kinsman, Willam Kiemin, Robert Lurge, Listowel 439 tussel Lawrie, Listowel. A107 William McLare "1h, Listowel... 440 Win. MeQuarters, Morniugton....., 456 teuben Shaunoen, Elma ...... 0.0... 41s Geo, Smith, Mornington UP any 422 Kussell 'LT aylor, Listowel paket eis saci 436 Samuel W iiloug lby, Listowel, ...... aid Lottie Adanis, E WHA «0c3 cae ncdnas 5u7 Myrtle Bartle, Elina........ sec... 433 Beulah Bruce. PiiGtOwel since: ww as 514 Nekie ¢ Campvell, Mornington eo rene 4-8 Agnes Corry, Elma. coc. oc csc cee ces 422 Aggie Hunter, Elma............... 454 Clara Little, I 1Stowel. occseica cus vest 48) Annie Male, Listowel .............. 460 Ilda Marks, Listowel,... 0.0.0... .0.. 529 Leua McDonald, Listowel,,........ 453 Lilly MeCormiek, Listowel, wen otk Bella McCourt, Listowel............ 48 Ida Pelton, Listowel... 007 497 Laura Simpson, Elma.............. SHS Lottie 'Terhune, Listowel, .......... obY Ethel Thompson, Listowel, .......520} Maggie 'Tyudall, Atwood,,......... 48-4 | Public school Jeaving-- Hattie Dowd, Mornington. ,........663 Nettie Terry, Molesworth... 787 Reeeived entrance weahilion on Public school leaving examination : Jolin Freeman, Elma.............. 557 | Ella Love, ma... bob Lulu Robinson Elma ,..... cess cone Bd Gertie Rothwell, Elma ............. 548 Nellie Torrance, Wallace......:.... 4id P aulina Vines, Wallace. .. 502 William W llson, Wallace. .......... 457 Princess Mand's Marriage, London, July 22--Another bond of alliance was welded between the Royal houses of Denmark and England to day, when the union of Princess Maud of Wales with Prince Christian --Fred erien Charles George Waldemar Axel, second son of the Crown Prince and Princess of Denmark, and nephew of the Princess of Wales, was solemnized at the chapel of Bue King! tm palace in the presence of her Majesty the Queen and many other members of the two Royal families thus united, and before many court dignitaries and re presenta tives of nobility. Followin the fashion set by her Majesty and adopted by her d: iughters and granddaughters, the wedding dress of Princess Maud was made at Spitalfields, and is of white satin, ivory in tone, with a silvéry sheen. 'The bodice is cut low, as is the custom at Royal weddings, the square decolletage being trimmed with folds of mousseline de soie and trails of orange blossoms, jessnamine, myrtle flowers, with here and there a dark green leaf peeping through. Below, the satin on the bodice is drawn down- ward, across the figure back and front, terminating on the left side in a deep cincture delicately embroidered in silver and brilliants. The short sleeyes are arranged in snowy frills of chiffon, with lines of the bridal tlewers drawn down between them. The skirt is plain, of lustrous satin, with a ruche of chiffon, orange blossoms, myrtle, and hem. The train is cutin one with thé skirt, about four yards and one-half long, and fastens at the left side with bows of chiffon, and trails of the snowy flowers passing percogh them. 'The bridal veil of old lace will be worn off the face, as ali f! Buglish Royal brides wear it, rma ments will be included among the many orders which the bride is entitled to! ! wear. In response to an Kppeal in the Lon- don Chronicle, the Princess Maud has romised not to give her sanction te eal by wearing osprey plumes in er b sane Gladstone 'has written a tae ly word es, wishiug her "une appiness in hernew lifa, cin ema ? accept certain of higrw oN ba 1B Here in Ottawa Irresistible Proof That There is a Cure for Diabetes. The following sworn statement is the best proof that diabetes is not incurable, and that there ic a remedy which will cure it Ontario, County of Carieton, to wit: | I, Charles Moss, of the City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton, Blacksmith, do hereby solemnly declare as follows: 1, I reside at 180 Bell Street, in the said City of Ottawa. & Forthe past fifteen years I have been a great sufferer from kidney diseaso; among the prominent symptoms of which were severe pains in my back, hot flashes extending from the base of the spine np between my shoulders, dizziness, headaches, etc, I wasin as bad state generally and suffered great agouy at times, The intense pain prevented my sleeping, and I seormed to got worse continually, The doctors who were called in pronounced my disease diabetes, but their treatment did no good, and they held out but slight hope of my recovery, I was then so far gone with the disease that I could not turn in bed without help, My urine was of # dark wine color, and full of sediment. 8. = bot Ho yd of medicine, but without A Creat Clearing Sale. SE ee ee For Cash. This Sale will last for 30« Days only. The stock we. offer is as follows: Shirts at Cost. Tweeds at Cost. Collars at cost. Hosiery at cost. be tte permane me nes at a sing of Done' dren thine bot ieee been so often disap Jinted had no faith in Suspenders at Cost. hoy struck te tight spot at ones 'hee sad Tj t Cost. baat cee hypo honar get better F at ti 2 1€8 a Os after five weeks use of Dea ea sey. Pills, Bicycle Suits at Cost. now Ww orking right along | OWeaters at Cost. or ont in my A It is @ great source of pleasure for me to testity is the world of ne curative powers of Doan' 6 Kidney Pills, and I --_ this svlemn eving it to be and knowing _ sl hid of ithe same forces aud 'effect as if maddy b end by virtue f Canada Eviden S¢d. * CHARLES Moss, Declared before me at the City of Ottawa, in pat! fe of Carleton, this 4th day of April, oe) E, O'MEARA, Bet. muoiussioner, ete, | FOr Sale by DOUGLAS & C0, Straw Hats at Cost, Rubber Coatsat Cost. Ordered Clothing at Cost. Readymade Clothing at Cost. Come and Get the Bargains at Mi. Wiidfang' S,, Wallace $t., LISTOWEL SWANDRAKE i DANDELION: NEWS OF THE WEEK. The wheat crop of Manitoha is var- veal -- 500, desath ie) cde ae iously estimated at from 12,000,000 to- me recat hock oks to requireanyrecomamenae, | 30,000,000 bushels, tion = : The New York Sun (Democrat) ha§ Dn. Crasnr's Liver Curo has a receipt book ; Fc wrapped around every bottle which is worth itg| Volted the Democratic platform, and weightin exhorts all Democrats to suppert Mr. Da. Cruse' 8 Liver Cure is guaranteed tocure| McKinley. ie ases ae from a torpid or inactive Two German officers haye been dis- iver 5 sive 'omplnint, Dyapepsin Y; Rudigention, Biliousnean, J dice, Hend-| missed from the army because they re- ache, Liver Spots, Suliov w Courplexiou, ete, THE KIDNEYS THE KIDNEYS Dad Cras be bre artain eur. forall 48 pain in omen, gud es ae passee®, Bright' fused to accept a challenge which was sent to them by a notorious scoundrel October 8 next will be the fiftieth an- niversary of the marriage ef Sir Char- les and Lady Tupper, and it is their intention to cammemorate the event by a golden wedding. 'The event wil! be celebrated probably in Montreal, ting pa disease and all ordniay trou Try Chaso's Kidney. Liver Pili, ti only 1] panda acting directly ou the K. ys, Liver an Wels. tase's Liver Cure is no cure a it a simply a Kidney-Liver Regulator. Try By long odds the ead event of Sicine aud Receipt Book 91. Sold by A drag. Ww Bis the present year will be the inter national yacht race, which will be sailed off the port of Toledo, during the coming August. It will be # con- test between the Vencedor, of Chicago, and the Canada, of Toronto. The Ottawa correspondent Toronto Globe ms: "The truth about the orders in council is that the Governor General only declined to sign about a dozen of them. He is nnder- stood to be now wading 'through the rest of the four hundred, signing them conditionally. If they violate certain rules of What is admissable under the clreumstances, then the. signature is void. Itis diffcnlt to tell how this will work out. The appointments of judges and senators were not signed, however, and it was over these hait dozen that the difference of opiniou arose." T. EDMANSON & CO., _ Bradford, Ont Sclentifo American "=: for Bole Agents of tha RK, erica, atent taken out mod geewl ja brought ee lic by a notice given ofcharge Seal American sets: e pu ot ane scientific tn the wold c eprepalaiy i Hlustrated.. 'No intelligent GRAND TRUNK CilaNnges.--The venir Fp ta HUN F2Ca® | changes in the Grand Trunk have beea 'ear; min six montha BLISUERS, $64 Broadway, New York oly. BE JA" BBN Y contirmed .by.a--cirealar--whict was issued from the head office Tuesday mornin E. H. Fitz-Wugh is now superintendent of all tines west of Toronto, with headquarters in Torante and Mr, Cotter superintendent of ¢) lines east to Portland, with hend quarters at Montreal. The office of as- sistant superintendent has been abolish ed. Webster is appointed super- intendent of the Northern division with peesguasesre at ae Ont D. Morrice and W. R. Tiffin have been assigned to Rist dates. but what these duties are and where the circular does not-sa . Watson, who was travelling freight agent, with head quarters at Montreal, has been pointed to a generat clerkship at Hamilton. J. ¥. Hawkins will succeed Mr, Watson, 'gteee a Marie c. VIGOR ané STRENGTH! eee Wheat' BFE For LOST 'or FAILING MANHOOD | cat: ee a General and NERVOUS DEBILITY, |i;°8" 2 1300 'Weakness of BODY AND MIND, EIVGr Der OWS) ioe ane Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old | Shorts per ton "30 90 0 or Young. Robust, Noble MAN- | }ides, per Ib. a 3 H100D fully Restored. How te ep- | Woo, 2 foct long 100 1% arge and strengthen WEAR N- | pork por eet dressed gene DEVELOPED ORG ANS and PARTS | Butter, per pound ee + Absolutely unfailing) HOME {TREATMENT --Benefits in a day. Men testify from fifty States sad Koohes Countries. Write them. Subscribe for The Bee Beek, (nani a proofs ERIE MEDICAL Co., Till Jan 1, ae BUFFALO, MY, 40c..