es " R R 7 miu: st do as the Ww Samer rn ranchers do-- : ; WW FARM AND GARDEN, | 22*,92,2 tte western ranchers do) WOMAN'S MESSAGE. < | ESTABLISHED 1868~ GANADA'S FAVORITE--INGORPORATED 1887 : Fi irge Ay. soe i : Were & not that good horses were DAIRY. ] : so high in Europe we might import 6 nye it W ee f Ho 8 to the Nine times out of ten when the milk} them, but we must content ourselves g yi g 0 0 p a is not cool the trouble is m local mat- with importing stallions and mares Afflicted. ter traceable to the care of the cow for breeding, and as fast as possible acter IBS GIe OL CHa Teo breed up to supply the city markets | ' cers * j or the milk. Ropy, blue or stringy | with high cinss horses. rhe demand | milk si due to atmospheric causes, | is upon us, and increasing ets fad Suffered From Heart Trouble and . tt waiting tte | -AESt edtine hi ine, over "Stier cma ween wees| -- LONGON, S*pLeMbEr LON tO 19UH, 189 t tHe AO OTC spores, due | early maturi ity, at or a iat it is} ES e , Well | , . to fmclean'or untidy stables, and can | mainly a hintter of the proper feeding | Her Nervous System Is Nowa ? ' ares remedted promptly and Woty oi young stock. If stinted in qui anstby as Ever. | are for the cow at calving time, | or variety while forming bone and | | vers , { ss . a } a Herald.) or she will be profitless the rest of | muscle, early maturity in the calf, | (From the Carleton Hace ii | 'She Reason; also, put a little off meal) or the colt, or the pig, is out of the| Truth, it is sald, js sometimes pee ches : x Ss aie in Ae milk os the at question Know how and what to | ctranger than faction, and in no Way | Best Live Stock Market in Canada. Open to the world. . $30,000 spent 6 keep them plump, and see that | feed, if yon would be a stock Lua | me smpli- | : : ' A oul > é pe i "5 "py exe phir | . a4 ' . x ' st a they do not gorge themselves, and A yery » neglect giv ov has this phrase been better mp" | this year on new buidings) Best in America without exception. Come and y little neglect gives stock varnished | ) ES I remember that the calf makes the | any kind an opportun o fall.o l fied than in the plain unve sete aes : ind an oppor ity to fal aA 2 eae a ' ; 7 seen cg condition, and such a loss is only to be | statement of Mrs. W. Hy Edwards, of | see them. Entries close September oth. This will be the greatest Western No Inck, no co-operative effort can; r ined a creat cc Pets Haack ae SOEs , ig oe é have uny effect upon the milk which stock in ene bat pt at St tine. bo | Carleton Place, to a eae ter of Lad | Fair ever held. Mere exhibitors and more visitors. Reader, be one yourself, the cow gives, nor upon the cost of | Good food t] rit care. wil "| Herald foww weeks ago. Mrs. 4") |. : ; , le €o8 ' and " right care will en- | Herald a te = ; re tists 25 , Pat nor. thorougliness in the | able you to do | wards is well known 1 this town, | | For prize tists, progiammes and map of Ontario apply to igh nor i on the quantity Of the lf possible, fae 'the pit so arranged | paying lived here for nearly twenty- es ; : eee : : product. All depends upon the cowand | that ail the manure can be thrown) ¢, "iin atory slie related we CAPT. A. W. PORTE, President. rHOS. A BROWNE, Secretary. the man. Even a good eow, with alinto it and thoroughly mixed before five years. The stor) bhi aie thick-he as ad owner, does pot amount | it is spread out upe . r iffer- | will ive in her own words, She | -- ses nen ati pread out upon the land, Differ & a ber itede dvi nt t } if | ent kinds of stock, fed in different | said; 'In steph of Biel 2 NES apaeaE Not ne ee chap. | _ ISSUE NO] 31 1896. The advantages to be derive rom ay *f duce : S or : ' ane © sult t > QUVE =f > 2 4 % sper inte nr: Fs een gaat to the sinigle 'fact that the butter eae ir city d take advate) i) and laid Rowenta between 'life Petrie dis ccovered - nebes a ae | NO = th he er sure gg decry j 'os Aft e | tablet containing he By cidosas there. agi se Shecrenim. oF Uibier Tat Keep a little better stock than you | and death for eight weeks. After | Egyptian mention ef the people of ny 'replying to any of thess ads ey ie ie a Pe ie he ee ve did last year. It will not cost a dollar | goctor succeeded in breaking up the | pay It was erected by Merenpts a vertisements, please mention this » TET a he Sweet milk left ' re ' 5 8 j =o a ee be i feed the calves and pigs while it is whit Boe. there Ae tlie best eee ae hoe | fever, my heart began to trouble me, whee portrait bust Pas as ere kapos at } Paper. fresh, und the wgmen ure saved a de al |i dicen tos ade s i "0 'aint also set | the same time. rofessor Petrie has i Bi i iinproveme ; sks £ dx, | jaundice and liver comp.a! ' 7 n of bother, time dnd dru x ane come gett 'd sbi ik ay Se i # i my nerves | | written for the August Century a full dtu dnitied ace | improy ae ee tls | in, I could not sleep, and m account of the finding of the tablet | THERE IS NCTHING LIKE JX . . l ) abo " | y 'ant > = ry produce 150 pounds of bitter to the ae for Ma Ininis the common cow lwere terribly uns strung During my | and of the character and reign Of MCT= eee cow. The farmer who keeps & half | a single ; with 2 good. bul {fill fter the fever left me, I was} enptah. This king has been supposed FOR NERVOUS =. K-D.C. t a a single eross With a good bull will | illness, after the i by ecliclars to be the Pharaoh who HEADACHE, DEPR ESSION OF Shinty Fto. dozen cows whic make during the | often nyike the Cross diiference be- |; nded t o less than three OCs) tS ; FREE SAMPLES Kk te tor the hem year an average of 300 pounds has a | tween low and rolit ir ising "the | Sten 1 of no released the Children of JArAe! eae W056, Lie, Sntcn US ac en cineca, canes ee on sa Emi ee pretty wood thing, even if lie does eall | re ultant roait The line betwee n te | tors, but their medicine seemed Of NO | the bordage imposed by hhis fone - . 3 : r we 3s 4 4 > ~] 3 - i . dn : ; it a side issue. Count it up at 20 cents bfit and loss in growing stock' ts Pehl! avail, as aad for acim in a terri- | Rameses Ik., but this hinted reco Be uw pound, and do not forget the ski fied te emia i--never-| that--he himself conquered the Israel- a Winasor, Detroit Soo Line. milk ay butter us by prod t skim | very difficult to cross,.especially- to | 'ly « an 2 | ites, PESUBINY. in a Snags nti ry. uk Tas wolucts. he si | ' T r Nervousness and vici a setiectuaess the side of los lexpected to be around again. This - % §. CAMBRIA and CARMONA leave iin icioushness are en If one has not caught up with the | pout : | We Windeo Tuesd i Frida cone in the illtrezted eow, andare | methods which will enable t vet | State of affairs lasted until eats HOW" S THIS: pm. S$ ale eed lel: ay an Weds oe 7 transmitted to her offspring. The more | his cattl caiek! Vos 'ads f ae ankat Christmas, when a friend suggested Ww i dol a nod St aatae a & fad ¢ earn ne 'i . m., Port r HRs \s Ss] i e@ « "Ki MiVv é 1t,. | y! ' > + * é ine - : dioctle the cow, the' nore mre lier en- | he woutd Aha ra se Ps neue to me tg try Dr. sib itear oak Pink Pills. | oa & elas one ae at eee Elgin 5p. m., through 10,000 ISLANIT) ARCHI ergies likely to' be devoted to the | them at once. Ad 6 i My jyasband procured a few boxes and | any case of Catarrh that ¢ PELAGO OF GEORGIAN BAY. Finest round dairyman's interests. We cé t i rem at once. Advanced practices in | Ttyon began their use, although with | sg cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure] trip in America, meals and berth included : Eiht pests. ean not be | stoc k feeding afte making it possible ih ' . the By the | . J. Cheney & Co., Props. Toledo, O..} from Toronto or Hamilton $18.0), may return foo watehbful over. irresponsible help, | to tr | but little confidence in them. by W via rps ne ' " Pp. | to turn off stock thoroughly finish- I beran | 2 e. tha iersigned, bave known F. | bY wi ra troit (ane way). For folder who hesitates not to beat, hurry | ed Jat a much earlier age tlinn was time I had used three boxes eR AD | » the unders: se ave ZnO erths, efc., apply. to any agent C Cc 3 torG. . nor frighten cows. | once the Saas sittin ¥ "S| to. feel 2 dittle-better and began. to} J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and | T, R., or write (% W. Brown, Mer. Vindsot If your dairy is not of the best, buy | i leet an appetite. This encourt iged me } believe him perfectly honorable 'In | Ont, "for full information. at once a thoroughbred bull of: the POULTRY to persevere in tle use of the pills, | all busiress transactions and financi- MIG kind you -esteem most,-amti you enn |" Corn is used more thi ae land 1 still continued to improve. I/| dy. abe to carry fede any obliga- | HARRISON BUSINESS not. du better than toget a Jersey; | else in fendinc it ane ee peice ae | began to sleep well, my heart ceased | tion made by their fir | and your heifer calves will be a great | fant eee. te : ry, because it 18) to bother me, and my nervous i odueat Vest & Truax, W holesate Druge tedjoot | AND SHORT AND COLLEGE, improvement ipa ya agreat | the hundiest feed; but if we Will lay | which had received such a__ fierce Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan far | a eat ala a mu vi ie Abc Lin a good supply of other things | giock Seat again fully re stored. My} vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O O, | Corner songs ac College Lea Tora ne A i He i SOON PPROW oO be as where they will sare - got . "p* Sa Poe i 0 eads a thers in suceesstl enshitg good for practical purposes as thor is cori oid bis) As caus , handy, | liver troub le also disappeared ; tm fact Hall's Cutarrh Cure taken eas lana high results, Write now for full istorni ouglibreds, in tlitineato b aieeiaaee aN setae ate of us- |} 7 became almost a new creature. I | nally, acting directly spon the bl Ee about our courses of rerms, ec. Netther: the grocer: nor. the 'comnils- | fit. : mir advantage and pro- | now feel as well, as I ever did in my | and muwous surfaces of the system. | !re NIMMO & HARIISON ' sion house ever pays encouraging An orchard riakes an ideal feading | life. I have used in all eight boxes, |) Price 752. per bottle. Sold by all Drug- eeertes th oe Bianco prices for butter. It will pay the | wround for poultry. as thara pete a and still continue to ti ike an oce as gists. Tostimonials free. SHORTHAND ey x Dp, BOOKKEE IN dairymian of smuller degree to pnt | insects to be found there than almost Sere ul pill if I sec] any wee ae agence KD taught BS mail, al lensonk free. Ad up his products in the most attrac- | anywhere else. Thus the orchard may | ee ae ee '. ow hen ville Se er sitechee Mamas Vee se tive way, and sell it by making visi- | be made to ; . ; : 'AY | that 1 tried Dr illiams ink Pills, ~ ; Sines RoR . x & «> TURAN serve the double purpose | adic They ladn't met for some time j tation from house ee ; : beenuse IL. believe no other medicine y kh me 1. j ; up cuit } has ft pic ae ke and aera of fruit Agee age and a poultry | ete have effected such a cure in me | "Hello! How are. you?" -asked the | HAMILTON LADIES COLLEGE self a regular class of cus range, ¢ it' is "SY sav | p 1 lor tomers. + 'i whi will is not easy to saY | and have so effectually built me up. | creditor, | ' : ' | AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Cow Aaron but dittie at night, 1 Cle: 1 SU). DAY Ube. bette } 1 am perfeetly willing that this sim- 'Oh, 's to be 'round," replied the s a ti oC nye Qg 'moling if o i | ? in the early spring the round {i wee | oat it i an iness and good fer ding Will go ple statement oT mine should be pub- debtor. - | The 37th year will open Sept. Sth, 1896. bern ffom svar } 4 far] a long way towards preventing Ccon- | tis hed, and hope some poor suffering "Too Lal,'? returned the creditor. | oldest ad best equipped ladies' college orar and pomortable tor them, | tagious diseases among fowls, but if | ture may see it and be restored | "Do you ever hope to get square | Canada. Full courses in Literature, Music. oe a caked and inflamed udder | these should get a footing it is bet- Png vaith as IW ngs --.™ 7 ai. urain o" parts locution, Book-keeping, etc. ver 15) is the result There is nothing gnir ter to kill all the t P " } GO flee t Y Tae oc, acelind a ont : lyooma, Pi yan in building. nos for cats A ed by violent changes Desig rind : fitted' fem hear fowls a8 soon as at-| pr, Williams' Pink Pills m ike pure,|. They won't meet again for SOME | jogue. Terms very moderate. all changes of food or care should be | with » sick Scietenas ns iy Bien oe rich, blood, thus reaching the root of | time, if tae debtor can 'help it. } URNS. D. D., LL. D., Prin rcipal. ahh ' oi ' are shot > i f SICK Chicks often, 1¢n is- . . : Tone a accomplished by gradual approaches infeet the premises thoroughly en dis- | diseaso and driving it out of the Ps : > In addition to corn meal, the cow | {It may be posible that you ft hee euring when. meaicines fail. AS IF BY MAGIC. " a de 6F ee aS neeils some of the : | an tat our fow'ls | Most of-the ills afflicting mankind are ona ieitiy ; Donn EXD EB. co is Om he more nitrogenous are not doing well because too close- | due to an impoverished eondition of This is always the case W hen ee Queen Ye WwW. Novant substances in her feed. A combination | ly confined. The food which chickens | the blood, or weak or shattered viline is applied to any kind of pa SocKs FAK. of corn meal, gluten and cotton seed pick up for them sel VOR, and the exer- | porves and fan ary these Pink Pills | it is sIre to disappear as if by mag GIVES Ic in | ¢ise Whieh they get while procuring a 24 fi acts } eedily resto Stronger, more penetrating san er i t. will undo Reet =e iS jare a specie iich sp 3 store neti i : t a ee nyt 'ith. ly keep them in| the eufferer to' health. These pills are | Wuickey in action than any other ré ) h | better he I n i r 36 | ei | a , rid its inf mueh it nes a Brensn oni e rs Po possible sys- | never sold in any form except in sue wh 4 ae a ee 2 "7 eS tne titan - | 1 u i a solly in their crops. | company's boxes, the wri :pper round | rere it is is. jus 1e thing | e STOCK emain if a | which 'bears tho full name, * Dr. Wil | herve in the house to-meet any | For making a delic ious sae Helis drink 'at smal e rnd in the : . witch ' : >» | sudden attack of iTiness. | coat, Hecip Ginger Heer Extract, ak ime! eleetricit re every da "eas evolved will a ry liams' Pink Pills for Tale Leople. anges ae | one bottte ; 2 halt lo one I way employment from lig 'tice ck Vall destro All others ae counterfeits, and s! ould . be | calce oat tartar. ttn hoarse iter st oO} Ping always. be refused. Geb the genuine A Fortunate Tide | one-hal f ounce 4 Hh Water, two gallons ate, ; ye pPhice ¥ d. be made well. a mie ' Dissolve t ore v and yeast netion to pour th and be made well The cre 8 tide in the affairs of | in the water, ad tthe: xtract, and bottle place geht Ul ey vas qui ee : men," said the man who habitually | ix 4 warm I ace for twenty- four hours until it j a clean He Felt Relieved quotes Shakespeare, " w hich take n | ferments, then place on a *, when it "will open pig fie lided Into tli 413 at. its flood leads on to furtune." } eparkling ne, . coo! am ane iou ie eae etal worebed tie an o 'Yos," replied the man who -- had | _Bhe Ging Serie fe maken obtained hy -- : wo, W ritter 2 poe' | married an heiress, "I remember the | | bro loos tare in. Lomb toner Se ; lied ; aaa Fe vith | tide that led to my fortune wel img dueks from the 'Well ecxlajmed the. ed 'itor with | oW nie Oo. } 16) Site ci 1 . hat tide was that? are 2b hours olsl L look ani tone Intended to amu " , cm finnie \ : It was eventi ted and we were | put in flocks of ZO } lite, but she calmly. rt ne ittine in the gerd + nM. ON & grassy spot, "TT have written a por ion 'My Be ing in the gerd? | Cn f efron Pea ithe tla BO preempted the editor, sith |. Karl's Clover Root Tou Is a ) 'iis aS Base. bean e Dithy, heir Ls SE EUPLE ie = ' With ope for hendicle and nervous dis- ie emus physic Inve are now prescribing and Sane and ronst in pirer must be tight and well | an extri vordinary. suavity, "you dont | Vases" Nothing relieves so quickly. ghly recommend the new remedy, ntal _, | covered, . know how I am re lieved, poe i ; : itis, for impotency, debility . losses, € in ily, the quick If a closely sheared sheepskin or a | written on your father's barn, eh? Fi i men. Remedies heretofore eninsad: Mave are oes in | piece of fiannel-lined sacking be tack- | wus a jd it as written on pay ver | Hair: 8s nee ae yf tha Shap tig 4s te ir G ¢ >, . : ' a y . 2 . se and giv ' ie rown |e! to 2 frame so that young ducks | and that you wanted me to publish | An excellent hair wash fa made of | 'tl bia sstistaction at the auidh, At Sinmort . t _ latte r are jean ernw tnile r it and keep warmjit. If 1 should ever liuppen to drive | one cent's worth of powdered borax | the genu pi d will mail aire securely and ti jaar THATS Tit stritions. jat night they will have no use for | past your father's barn V'll stop and | and half a pint of good olive oll; pour | toxec any address for one dollar. Uhysi x +} _ne mange! wurtze Ore ad 2 mother hen: all the use they have | read the poem."'--Public: Opinion. | over them one pint of boiling water; cians <upplied CORRE GSNiaxy, "Mi * oO tnelish farmers for | for a mother is to cove e is | mee ulent food for winter stock. fean be "easly teak on ns ante | " BABY -IS-CUTTING--TEETH hgh Cae Hace pier The -- praer taba soeete se troed sows..siould_ be. kept-and-fed- |-frame: 7 7 a IF SHE-BABY-1S-CGTTING TELE F 5 ne cnet apt | : oil nourishes and the borax cleanses spel tcisrntectnee ty ny Give . on foorl wWhichewill pro- Ducks must never be without a | Bo sure and use that old and well | the hair. ' : a etrong ones ini a good mus- | plontify il supply of water. for their | tried remedy, Mrs Winslow's Soothe | --_---------- KENNY'S CELEBRATED in: the ni 7 eat Peo oat at show | thirst seems insatiate, They seem fing Syrup for children teething. it | STRUCK AS BY LIGHTNING nel Ore 1 effects of eare never to sleep. will & t eis hes » ehild, softens the gums, | ful and intelligent treatment. Limit | drinking orienta . times aetna | iss al ai ancl a satin wad is | Exactly describes the condition of a "HAIR RESTORER the ration of corn and give oats, ship;the nicht. Milk. ¢ t or sour, is 28 | ; the rest . remedy for diarrhoea. | hard or soit corn to which Putnam's stuff and milk wood for roung ducks as f shiver : 1 | | Painless Corn Extractor has been Wher by ae ; 7 ood ' sas for chic ens. Tweaty- -five cents a bottle, ] lied. So ¢ kl ioe Put +. | Has no equal for restomng 4 nealthy growth of Vhen feeding on a small margin A duck is no epicure, and will read Bike > quickly does UtnaAMS | peautiful hair on bald heads, Cures Sadruft he a - - ; ¢ j Te st : es . that the best results at the towest | ily devour anvthine which comes | ; 7 Extractor cure that its action seems events. the air falling out, makes It soft and cost can be obtained, «and avery | within vesitiithe and are likely to make | France's Debt ; magical. Try it rilky, kee n the hair from turning grey, sooth email amount in the pricey of fat | havoc amone the flowers o in F e's f led debt, the terest on | sea Ee aoe the headland scalp and prevents F baldness : 2 amone owe r vecetabies. | rance's funded debt, the inter : ba brat: Phe - 3 peer hows will often determine the ques- | bnt a two-foot fence will confine | whieh the Government proposes to lg i a: are bi " for he ge They. EE pein p Bigetiedae dale and seiatleraggists tit of profit and joss. Hence it is | even grown ducks. and it is surely no | tax, amounted at the end of 1895 to | ri iy ely to ma e " ee : one ule express charge, 0 ceipt of dlc ahd $1 per quite an item to haye the hogs ready jai Mlvantage that they have appe- | £25,980,272,514, out $5,200,000,- | Of the people w ho have obliged us. oitle or six large bottles for $5. Se for murket when prices sre the {tite fi eh A avide---rangce--offond: | Goo. 3eside theseare.the floating Spec: : 1 trade, Testi . Bert MIthough so fond and so well snited | debt, treasury notes and iil i | Assessnient System, "Mutual Principle. monials free on application, It pays to keep stoe k even when it te the water. until they are feather. | ligations, The interest char SE Skt MAJOR JAS. matey eg vin price. We all know that | ed ont young ducks are very sts copti- | f.811,856,654, or £.21.17 per he: nal o BO Oe Nee ee GEROtTeR: pri keeps our farms in | hie to the ill effects of dampness. and } the population yeurly. ieart than grain growing ot onts be kept out of the | t he | =e erowing. wheat. and rain. Dut. should not-be-at--b ¢ : eT ; ; R EN i! i R selling it, our farms nist ro tovthe stream nor the Constipution causes more han halt | fs what the family nuade FO TW TY Six Be § unless 9 5 swim The ehief ai ene | the ills of women. Karl's Clover Root | ben via "bebad-winier' is gone" Wit if covered ee ernmps. from 4 ns Fa . is n pleasant eure for constipa- oe is keep "shen up toa hich state of m | tion. vi is i tillty. i ugh 'state « ee pines eeeedin ome Life Insurance li? the farmers of the great West | Consi ton, 1 esc PON arent The Rev. Up-to-Date | Provides cash th "ih th ey can afford to raise whe Pre BPtion, ar erippe. pn EOD Mrs. 'Dorcus--The --congregi is when cash is moat needed. r rai vheat [and all throat and tung diseases are Mrs. oreus--The congregation I for 50 a n bushel or jess to ship | cured by Shiloh's Cure. roing to make up a purse and send way ae turope, and with it send | . the minister away for the summer on Th M { | *R F dl he. very life-blood of their soil, ont i trip to.the Holy Land. 6 U lld ESEPVE UD there is nothing to pretent their do- Plant Poppies. Doreas--That's a first rate idea. . ae ing &0, but they will -be-obliged to iu-the south, poppy-seeds-are-sown-} He'l-come back in the fall and deliver Life Association buy it all back some d@y in the shape | in tie autumn. Furthér north it is} a course of sensational sermons on the . THECOOK SBEST FRIEND of commercial fertilifefrs, or abandon falso. a good time to sow. No matter immoraliti es of Paris. E, ve HARPER, Foun their farms. ' how' deep the snow Hes, nor how hard -- cl . BURNHAM, Pre ide nb LARGEST SALE IN CAN ow a ? * _ Lancesr SALE The natural food of the horse is | lrozen the ground may be, the dor- ; Pays promptly. grass} there fs nothing cise upon | Mint see de will not suffer. Nature will] .y, Ask your pgs! clam, 3 pee a | ese { y* I at ¥ $160 For all Old Canadian Stamp. which he will grow sG large, keep | @avane germination, encourage | roy Consumption i They will recom: | It is the largest natural p pre mium life associa so henlthy or live so long. No horse |} erowth: and develop beautiful blooms, | pend it ' Ra - spose caer rid, "a betw Sianc should be fed on hay-oniy; with it {| Where to human' ken there has not ' artnet fo nerve or Emergency Fi 78 of <a 1805 1e ¥ -Caaaian stamnp use tbe to $150 ac - ee * i t . Az Rees St i EBA SSR oe eT < ' 2 is 4 an he should have grass or roots, if his | been warmth and brightness suffi- Rarpansi' se : It tae aid pair 'holders over twenty: seven 1 buy aby quant ty, on the ori pore covery pre work does not demand grain: but | cient, Failing fall planting, be sure xpensive Ancestors. lollar red, Alse all other kinds 0 mps, pen for no lightly worked horse should. be | Of an early spring planting. The tulip Parvenu (to distinguished artist)-- | A larly those collee rs ay a 4 at : z st) 4 euat aire in all t iL Se districts, pe stre highly fed upon grain. This ts aj and hy acinth beds are prime places | What will you charge to paint a reula recutit ested price list to NEED , 64 Main : common, foolish practice. for the poppy. Seeds sown broadcast grandfather for my gallery of an- A. R. et NICHO «4 iacsces ror Manitons Soi comin Sheep raising requires less labor than | 2mong the 'bulbs will raphe oi and | cestors ? . British Columbia and the North-West Terri Bo TTL LI SET ny kind of farming, end is the most when the bulbs are over with bloom- Artist--Five hundred marks. eine plotat he -- te ques ne 12 Pace i N D i G ESTI O N peotitable, if toMy ceria g The rend have turned yellow Signe ory, on Parvenu--Five hundred marks! | a4 y gal ong RA MURRAY, a ate cade. ore a right ifn man| been cut away, the beds Why, Mr. Dauber painted me a great- Manager for No Nova Sootia, Halifax, N. oe Ee cramer BY D eeps a few sheep, but he who | will green and -spring-ike. with grandfather the / other day for » Manager for Ont ario | ir Rest one = wants a flock of all round, far¢y sheep } young 'poppy plants 200, ' Freehold oan Building, Toronto, Ont. TO HEAL ACTION "AND ID TONES WHOLE SYSTEM. 2 a ee rege F =" P : SS vi ele grace PS el ay th aa eS bir me " ==. = sol semi alle ee * a : \ \ . "