THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. The Cream of the News of Seven Days. CANADA. Mr. B. B. Osler, Q. C.., meeting at Deasvie. political situatio The G tee of Orange Young Britons a aanel the first session of their annual meeting at Smith's Falis. Mr. John J. Sproule, a Legg evict living near Sandown, in Presco rooner committed suicide last ee by cutting his throat with a razor. A married woman named Galivan, ae on Dresden row, Halifax, swal- lowed part of -the contents of a bottle of carbolic acid, but her life was saved ia the hard work of sev- eral doctors British jatports from Canada increas- ed 12 per cent. during May, while the generai imports 4 r cent During the five months of the present prior ces imports from Canada increas- ed ddressed. & on the Charles castor yee my, who 00) short in his accounts ferrs eke township, and his bondsmen will Collector of Wind- ape a lew called upon to make good the short- - age. UNITED STATES. as guests the colored dele great National Republican Convention. It is likely that Governor Morton, of New York, will be offered the Re- publican nomination for Vice-Pre- sidency, if he is not flying at higher game. The diocesan convention of the Pro- testant Episcopal Diocese of Michigan has decided to permit women to vote upon the neapenete of vestrymen and other church ma The National fateceans of Chari- ties and Corrections decided at their meeting in Grand Rapids to hold their next meeting in Toronto, which will be in June, The United States nisivnnt crop report of June, issued yesterday, was bearish. It showed an improvement in the condition of winter wheat of 6.8 points over the same time last year. M. Bouguereau, the French painter, who is seventy-two years of age, will be shortly married to Miss Elizabeth apd rong the American painter, of Exeter, N. H., who was at one time M. Bouguereau's pupil. Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Wilson hav- ing made the formal announcement-o' the engagement of their youngest daughter, Grace, to Mr. Cornelius Van- derbilt, fun., Mr. Goran Vanderbilt, sem., announces that the engagement is against his expressed wish, and without his" comsen GREAT BRITAIN. The Arctic steamer Windward" left to bring home Harmsworth polar expedition. The Londén Times-Echo, referring to the trend of politics in the United States, announces the prospect of the secession of the South and West, and the formation of three unions, over the silver question. The Westminster Gazette says that corrob- valuable documents, strongly orative of the British case in the Venezuelan bound pid dispute, were Giscuvered in tlie atiean duri search of data mi ne in the hie Story of the Jesuits. The Times has a despatch from Canea, Island of Crete, which says: "Yesterday the Turkish troops in- vaded Acrotiri and Kydonia, and dese- crated thé Churches. consequence of the destruction Of villages in the western district five thousand refu- gees have fled to the mountains, hp they are suffering extreme pri- ations. The burning of the villages ahon t Retimo continues, and also tlie villages around Canea." A despatch to the Times from Pre- toria says: "The feeling of unrest in Government circles continues, and the movements of British troops are watched with the greatest suspicion. Several commandants have notified their men not to leave their districts, which means to prepare for active ser- vice. This is probably due to an un- founded rumor of a conflict between the Boer border guard and British troops to the north." YERAL, Smallpox has broken out and is spreading in Havana and Santiago de Cuba. Major Burn-Murdock has occupied a large village just opposite Suarda a captured large quantities of grain supplies. The sugar crop of Cuba having been rge "mearly all gathered, there are a number of jaborers idle on thé\planta- tions, for whom the Spanish Govern- ment must find Sma ene to prevent them joining the insurgents The French guardship at Constan- tinople has started for Yalova with seventy-five thousand dollars, of the two detachment a = infantey to hpld & very valuable posi- tion. The id of the Dervishes has been' stopped, -as the eatice force north of Suarda, with the exception of about 200 fugitives, has m killed or captured. he 'whole of the Nile north of Suarda is now in the hands of the Egyptians. The Daily News Led dead a despatch from Athens saying t { only a few Mordecai British _and_Ger- man iy Kurds on the line of _ railwa: from Smyrna to y. ed on (Sunday last, the 9 Buimber of vie- tims is oe = fo con- euls at gph Pale's to -the ecene: to investigate the affair. FORTUNE TELLING OF OLD. Your Luck is Foretold by the Con- stellations. --_---- WHAT MONTH WERE YOU BORN IN? Seasons That Astrology Favors as Charms Against Disease and Disas- ter---The Kind of Thing That Goes With Some People Yet. Every person, says the New York World, may become a successful for- tune teller. Take the month of the year as a basis and by the aid of as- trology the eerie olf e future may be revea ere are oe S nateneerietine of per- sons born under the different signs of the zodiac GEMINI. May 21 to June 21 inclusive. These people belong to the realm of education, art and 'mechanics. They are always restless, anxious and never satisfied. Ma successful from t ey are apt to lack continuity. They are liable to be fnconstant and are in danger of ex- ances, and oaht always to associate with persons who are quiet, easy and restful. Jay Gould, born May 27, was a fine example of the mental ability and restless aspirations of this s CANCER. June 22 to saad 22, These persons embody the principles of the home a family. They are very kind, loving and esunethetic. Their love nature is their weakness inclusive. . f ne "whole life ig apt to be devoted to their children. Persons born at this time are ex ingly sensitive to the physical and mental conditions of others. Their minds are very me- chanical. They usually belong to the re and trading spheres ife. In pep ae they incline to litera are very persistent, but at "" aittieale for them to work under others. They want to be at the head in their own department of service. Henry Ward Beecher was a striking type of the power, earnestness and pathos of this sign LEO. July @3 to Aug. 21, inclusive. Leo represents the heart, the ne and ge emotions. These per- mS possess & great variety of in- cilnatione, and are also greatly alf- mental and physical people to whom they They can readily adapt themselves to almost condition of ore an They are naturally aspiring, energetic and subject to great extremes. Their love nature is thelr weakness. Easily misled y those professing iriend- ship. Cannot be eaulty kept down. In selecting a husband or wife great Care should be had, VIRG Aug. 22 to Sept. 22, inclusive. Virgo people are usually cool, catm and confident and usually excel everything they undertake. The are natural students of the laws ot health and have great aptitude in the acquisition of an education. Wher- a keen and discriminating eye is needed they excel. Are great lov- ers of music and harmonious combina- tion. Have extremely strong love nature, but because of their dominant willare disposed to control. ey are patural chemists. They possess physical prowess. Senator Hill was born August 29th. The pugilist, Cor- eee wns also born during this. per- LIBRA. : Sept. 22 to Oct. 22, inclusive. Leading characteristics of Libra per- sons are centred in their foresight. They are very positive in everything they do, reasoning from the stand- point of intention. It is advisable that they carry out their first deci- sions in all matters they undertake. They are welt adapted for the dra- matic profession, if not diffident. When angry they pro to great lengths. Bejng students rather than originators, they frequently devote their lives to study and research for i "5 knowledge, .examining every new thing that comes u SCORPIO. . Oct. 23 to Nov. 21, inclusive. These persons have tites and strong passions, and when angry are very high tempered. They have besides a great deal of jealousy in their natures. hey are specially disinclined to work with their hands. They set too much value on externa appearances. In everything they are inclined to think of self first. Gen erally their friendship is not to be re- lied on. Asa rule this nature is cold, unfeeling and exacting. husbands and wives they expect to rule. SAGITTARIUS. Noy. 22 to Dee 21, inclusive. Sagittarius people are fearfess and determined. They are apt to be too nuick decide, act and speak. They nm mistaken Te the activ- ity Be Shas minds and are apt to get the name of fabricating when such is not their intention. hey are apt to express the first thing that comes into their minds no matter what the consequences are. They are physi- cally the strongest persons of the whole trveive signs. They have a vein of humor. Gen. Custer and Mark fas were born during this per- CAPRICORN. Dec. 22 to Jan 10, Inclusive. The main function of Capricorn peo- ple is with the head. They are think- re and business strong appe- ior nature, = They ---- have a --, elabor- ate brain, natu es: ers ,they mee to t rt of society as it is. they yes not reformers. Thomas C, Platt was born under the dominion of Capri- corn. AQUARIUS, Jan. 10 to Feb. 18, inclusive. These persons belong mainly to the mercantile interests of life, and are remarkably good judges of character. he! 6 are very active in the . & ahey placed, el mice This apres faithful and devoted wives are born in this period. SCES. Feb. 19 to March 20, inclusive. These persons are usually upright, honorable, and cia bs their dealings. They are very anxious about money matters and Claion 1 foe the future. We often find men of this si who are walking yo ig noe of know- we As a rule they succeed in life because of a Sesliag that they have obstacles to overcome. Hen their Verran and fidelity Lee! the trust confided to them. start in life is more serious to them: be than to most others, for when once embarked tna are apt to stick for life. Therefore. in entering a rg ing consideration giineid be had as to the chances of their promotion. Pres- ident Cleveland, born March 18, is a epiendid example of the persistency and conscientiousness of the Pisces peop! ARIES. March 21 to April 19, inclusive. All those born between these dates belong to that portion of the grand body of humanity--the head. ey are natural reasoners and thinkers; their brain-is especially active. They are distinguished for reasoning, phil- osophy and educational pursuits. TAURUS. April 20 to May 20, inclusive. Those born between these @re very unyielding and are natural conquerors. While they love liter- ary pursuits and are often studious they are imitators rather than, ori- ginators of thought. They are gov- erned by their sensations and their decisions are controlled by their feeling, appetites and passions. They have fine intuitions in all that per- tains to business. Are sensitive to psychic influences. While young are t to be misled by their psociates. Being zealuus and sanguine in every cause they become interested in they are Hable tu extremes. HIGH LOW LIFE. Viscount Sudley's 'Love and Prayers for His Paramour. London, cable says: The trial of the suit for breach of promise brought by May Gore, the actress, against Vis- count Sudiey, a lieutenant in the Royal Horse Guards, and eldest son of the Earl of Arran, damages to -- the amount of $75,000 being claimed, was concluded to-day, and resulted in a verdict for the defendant. Viscount Sudley, during the course of his cross-examination, said that he never mentioned marriage to the plaintiff elther by word or letter, and that her statements in this connection were pure invention. Continuing, the Viscount said that when he asked the plaintiff to leave Lieutenant Stourton he had not offered her wy inducement except affection. He } spec ong association with Lo had a ing. 1 that feel- He did a08 PY tau however, to ogee a, sacrifice, even a financial one, d if he maintained his connec- tion with her he had to give up his allowance, This caused the Clief Justice to remark that this bei not a very high order of love and respect. unsel for the plaintiff, referring to the "God bless zon 's" in the defend- ant's letters, askec "Do you pean that you commended to God in your prayers the woman eer were trying A purchage with a ortion of 'your a " wance ? * Certainty I aid, is . reniied the Vis- 8 The ap ye tai answer sensation in co Apewerks questions dosin his cross-ex Viscount Sudley said he had ntended to provide a permanent home Yor the plaintiff. Some of the letters referred to by the Chief Justice were written in de- -- wild terms. In them Miss Gore as addressed by her,lover as "Pussy," om he signed <4 missive " 'Podge." The following is a corres Slike little love! ve me = answer, If you : ak me not to see y: I will not do so. But, for rey are Pussy, do not break your On the eve of "Pussy's" departure for New York, where she was to tak part in the production of "Little Chris- topher," at tig Garden Theatre, New aes ON Viscount omy a You ane ~ fool to go, dea Te making the great mistake re ou _ Sent a @ letten, in bg s0 miserable get leave, I am coming over to bring you home for good." "Much God and No Flour." "Ugh! Much God and no flour!" is an old "es characterization of a --s stole the ed to to the tthe It rOnK be hard to give a terser definition: of self. -de- es or of SEDOTay: --Youth's Com- The gathering of the sugar crop in It will amount to -- One-sighth of the erop of last year. "SUNDAY SCHOOL. -- peasiommealmedye -- xiIr The Risen Lord--Luke 1 xxiv. 36-53. Superintendent--What is the golden x ge aa Lord is risen indeed.-- v. 84. Superintendent--What is the central truth ? oe alg brings light and life and powe gy i ee hat is the topic? School--The power of the resurrec- tion , . Su) rintendent--What is the out- line School--1. Christ in the flesh. 2. Christ in the scriptures. 3. Christ in the gospel. 4. Christ in the heart. Time--A. D. 29. Place--Jerusalem. (Upper room.) Persons--J esus. ag ten disciples. As y the apostles (Thomas being absent) about the way in which Jesus made Himself known to them, and of His resurrection. Jesus stood in the midst --To prove the truth of the disciples' to remove all doubt. Peace d@inong the Hebrews had a very extensive meaning ; it com- prehended all blessings, spiritual and temporal. Five times Christ was see the same day = arose by Mary Mag- dalene; (John . 14) by the voter: ; (Matthew <n %) by Peter oe (I. Cor. xv. 5) by the disciples going to Emmaus; (Luke xxiy. 13) at Sight me 8 the apostles as given in this les- PORT. Terrified and affrighted--Though conversing upon the topic of His resur- rection, and the several proofs gained during the day, the sudden pine Was unexpected, since the angels' m sage to the women had directed Feaa to Galilce to meet the risen Lord. 38 Why are ye troubled 2--T hose that are troubled in have thoughts arising in their hearts which reflect dishonor on God, and create werner to themselves. 8y. Behold My hands and feet--They saw tiem pierced, and might yet see thie \prints. e Wus du appeal to their sense of sight. Handle Me--See by your twuciv if { am not a real per- son. oa your sense of feeling be your juag ** Believed not for joy--They won- dered. thought it not only , but too great to be true, forgetting both the a poe and the power ut God.--Com. Com, Have any meat-- Anything to eat. with them and the rest, to how his body was really re- ife. y ute show . These are the words--Now you will understand what seemed so dark to you when [ told you about the Son of man being put to death, and -- again. Shap. 18: 81-34.--J. O &: Ba hile I was yeti with you-- The forty days between the resurrec- pont es the ascension was not in- ended be a continuous sojourn with ue disciples;-or any part of the \ uman ilife,--Farrar. The prophets, psalms--These three divisions of the 0. T. Scrip- containing law, Jewish tures are mentioned - things concerning Chris 45. Then opened He' their under- étanding--He tully pened. They 'agsure of light 'efore, so that they rned the Scriptures to the tic sVord of \ one nd to speak of the Messiah; bu tisy had not light sufficient to Eeabis them to apply these Scriptures to their Lord ter. Understand the Scrip- tures--The design of opening the un- derstanding is, not that we may be wise above what is written, but wiser in what is written, an e mee Wise to salvation by ays The 46. could Ewa had been no cross; but even of Jesus, would have had- power for the removal of human guilt, if he had not risen. The o fact is invariably connected with the other in the epistles. The honor of the law required a sacrifice. 47. Repentance--Sorrow for sin, a change of mind, purpose, opinion and inclinations, so that there is a total cj the conduct. Such preach- ing ¥ ecessary, ior all were sinners, Remission Paxcion or forgiveness of sins. True repentance should have its reward in pardon. In His name--as aie author, amd obtained for arate en by His sufferings, as the fruit of His intercession, and the effect of ais grace,--Scott. Beginning at Jerusa- lem--Because it was thus written. 48, Ye are witnesses--Not only that Christ had suffered death and rose again, but that He enlightens ees oe ders ng; and witnesses that pardons sin, and is not willing that they should perish. 49. The promise of my Father--The forty days came to a close, and the visible Tamifewbations of Jesus to His disciples ceased. Before He was finally parted from them He spoke this great and inspiring word. The 'promise of the Father," Acts i. 5-8, the Hoty Spirit. Endued--Invested, or clothed with. Power from on high--It is from n eee therefore draws the soul up- , and makes it aim high. This power Was the promi of the New Testament, as the promise of the com- ing of Christ was of the Old Testa- 50, As far as Bethany-- --Not the vil- lage itself, but om the descent to it from M: livet. 51. While He blessed them, ae Bde parted from | --At parting,to show bens having loved _ Pacbale which Aa the world, He While they abode together a Balen: waiting and praying with one accord for the Spirit of porn Apo and holiness, they cay Wg ple hy i Se: o join ia the wors ere per - bl digas is never out of season, and ing better pares the mind to receive the Oy Ghost than holy joy and praise. Teachin esus words. The Scriptures are t our love, exerc faith, and Repentance is our od's. work at home, but do not end there. We ts praise and worship from hose whom He blesses. We should not fear a curse when Jesus has left a blessing. PRACTICAL SURVEY. Siig - pe flesh. _" The Word was made flesh and d John i. 14, T a) ee is apostles in the same familiar wd ALA and stilled every urgu- ment against His real existence. Their -- 'and despair over His death gave place to exceeding foy. Sica a were "fulfilled as He had Christ' in me Scriptures.--The en- oe of po, giveth light; giveth veaae unto the sim- , the knew, yet the understanding of char Was not 80 perfect. They had wagked with Jesus for three years. They could teach to others many things which He had taught them, yet they had not seen Him as the one whom all Scripture testifiéd as the sub- stance of all figures and type in the Gospel.--If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be ohn viil. 86. Jesus was the author of the Gospel. He is the author's galvaticn. He is the sum and substance of ep joy and rejoicing. He taught repen commissioned His disaioise to preach it in His name Christ in the Heart. --The Kingdom > of Heaven is like unto leaven which & Woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened.--Matt. xiii. . 1e end and aim of the Gospel is to bring man into complete union with his Maker. Through His death and resur- rection, Jesus opened the way for the "promise of the Father. Dp. Agnew's Triumphs in Medicine. Heart Disease Exiled--Over Fifty Mem- bers of the House of Commons Tell of the Virtues of Dr. Agnew"s Catarrha, Powder. The name of Dr. Agnew fs one that deserves to rank with Jenner, Pas- teur and Roentgen in the good done acregge be Dreaded as it is by every- has no -terrors w's Cure has become oadhouse, of Wiliscroft, Ont., has said : "Cold sweat would stand out in great supon my face so intense were the attacks of heart disease. I tried many remedies, but my life seemed fated until . Agnew's Cure for the Heart becam to me, am I know nothing of the terrors of this troybie." It relieves instantly saves many lives daily. is be sald that everyone in Camada suffers, to some extent, from Cautarrh, W hether the trouble is in se air, or he! here, it is a satisfaction to know tin Dr. gnew's Catarrii- al Powder is the medicine that gives relief in ten minutes, and has cured some of the worst cases, where deaf- ness on other troubles have followed the disease. e EB. Casey, = hael Adams, eee W. pave A. Fair- bairn, C. F. Ferguson, W. H. Bennett, and all ton some fifty members of the House mmons have borne testi- rane to the etioviivenhan of this rem- y. Ask your drugist for Agmew's rem- , and see that you get them and not worthlegs imitations. On Trying to Get trat. Columns of eras advice have been written from time to time for the benefit of women whos wish to get thin, and as it is not enough for the woman who desires to put on a little extra flesh to draw her conclusions from the reverse side of the fleshy woman's instructions, she is coming in for @ goodly share of counsel, too, which is all excellent in a wa but the regime of exercise and diet Teen ad for perlIect development tandard of too much or too will often help the. thin woman im- mensely. Urea rat be substituted for the cod sis oll if preferred. Lighting the Baltic Canal. m candle power, Laie! Bria boils Pag + 'terminals of each pressure of 7,500 voles toe Ohne whol circuit. The steamship Empress of panes arrived from grace to the Saber hake thousand men here already rise in aebbiske