Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 19 Jun 1896, p. 5

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bal Liver fills Like bitfousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti. pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Pills. They do thelr work Fioods: easily and thoroughly. p= : j S Best after dinner pills. 25 cents. All druggists. Prepared by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. THE : MB BEE R.S. PELTON, "PUBLISHER. _PRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1896. LONDON ¢ ONFERENCE. The thirteenth annual session of the London Conference opened in the Cen- tral Methodist charch, Stratford, on Thursday, June 4th, at 9 a.m,, Rev, Dr. Wiliams presiding. Follow ing is the official draft of stations fér this district : STRATFORD DISTRICT. Stratford--(Central) Jas Hannon, D. 1) :{Waterioo street) W. Godwin. St. Mary's--Jio. Learoyd, Mitehell--J. W. Holmes. Listowel--W Me Williams, D. D, Milvertoun--E. A. Fear. Trewbridge---J. W. Robinson, Wallace----R. H. elle B. D, "Atwood----Jno. Bail. Monkton--s. ©. Edmonds, B. D. Staffa--Jno Kepner. Fuliarton--Josias Gjrahan. Harmony--J J, Noble. Embro--E. Kershaw. Nissouri--h J. Hosking. Kintore--Stephen Knott, Dr, Hannon, Chairman; Ezra Fear, Financial Secretary, WINGHAM DISTRICT. Wingham--Q, A Gifford, Ph. D. Kineardine--Andrew © LL it Luckiow--TB. Wallwin, B: Brussels--S. J. Allin; J. LZ. are, Paui and W. Norton, snperannuated, 'Teeswater--A, K. Bir . B.A, Greene, Hi. R. B. Ethel ~--Jas. Walker, F. 8S, Fansher. Fordwich--T. Wesley Cosens, Gorrie --Jno. S. Fisher, Wroxeter--A. Me Kibbon, b. Binevale--W. Hl. Mos. Ashfield--R. H. Hall, cer N.S. Burwash, hel--W. M. Pomeroy, Ripley i L Hutton. Bervie---T, ©, Sanderson, A. E. Jones. pit teal W. Jones. Wiitechureli--W, W, Leech. i ce. a. Shaw, , Chairman; I, Wallwin, Financial Secretary. The Epworth League committtee re ported, (1) | with pleasure we notice the increasing interest of our young people in church matters, (2 The amount raised by the distriets for the general fund is $248.46, would urge the importance of all} leagues --e # the office of the general secreniry. (4) Would recom. mend the orgauization of an E pworth League at every appointment, (5) 'The number of Leagnesin Conference has been increased by 26; active mem bers by 65; associate me mbe rs by 152; junior Epworth Leagues by 522 mem bers. (6) The tetal*coutributions were as follows: ~For local Leagne pur peses, S5491.08; for general board, $324.65; for missions, 8833 or superannuation fund, S41.50: ad educational society, $2.09: for all other purposes, $2895 29; total, $9.43 $3.88. (7)} Would strongly. recommend --that-an annual Epworth League day be held in connection with each department, commeneing with May 16th, 1897. Rey. C. W. Brown presented the re p ort of tha ok ttistical committee, The ¢illowing items are of terest : Chureh meimbership--total number received during the year 6,433, number removed 5,160, present membership 46.1997 number reported last year 44. S46, net increase 1,273; mem bepship of quarterly boards--ministers in" active work 171, professors in colleges 4, evangelists 2, superannuated ministers 42, supernnmerary ministers 2, pro bationers in active work 31, proba. tioners at college 12, probationers on list of reserve 3. Connexional funds-- missionary $24,619.58; superannuation $7,889.83; educational, $3,080 20; tingent, $852.81;. general $886.14: union charch relief, S.S. aid, $412.94; sustentation, $835.43 women's. missionary, 35,412.68, Raised for cireuit pur poses--ine ldentals, 3645.- $3; house rent, $1,544: horse keep, &7, 663; removal expenses, $1,015.70: travelling expenses, S152. 1B; Sunday schools, $20,047.74; mp warts Leagues, 23,535.55; sce Vids, $19,521.88: Trustee boards, 29.88; all other purposes, $15,555.85: "total $176,911.18, +a for ministerial support, $125, A. is conference, $746.02; NOTES. On calling the roll 65 ministers and il5 laymen answered to their names. Rev. A. H. Ranton, the popular evangelist from Kalamazoo, was at conference, The Stratford Terald coca ees Rev. J. Livingstone. Kincardine, the handsome man of the Shaterenee The following ministers were recom- mended for superannuation, L. W. Wickett, J. Be Chant, J. Reynolds and R, G. Parson: Samuel Ave, William _H, (raham, R. kulton Irwin, Martin J. Wilson and A. H. Brown, B. A, W: eel «fdsined at this Conference, | and it is a hopeful sign -of the times. (3) We} ¢on- | inted a com- The following. were ap "ee ae Wien mittee on Conference MeDonagh, A. ae pard, Dr. Gifford, J. W., 'Holman Win. Gordon, John Ball 'Dr. Aylesworth. The probationers of four years to be contintied at college are L. W. Reid, Byron Snell, W. R. Vanee, C: FP. Clarke and A, ©. Tiffin. Of three years--G. A. Wilkinson, J. W. Hibbert, BR. A. liams, L. Bartlett and F. E, Malott. The transfers out of the Conference well, (superannuated) into Hamilton, ©, E,- McIntyre, into Bay of Quinte, and R. J. 'Treleaven into Tamllton. Transfers into this Conference were also reported :--Wm. Norton and A. Scratch (superannuated) both ont' of Hamilton Conference; E. N, Baker, out of Bay of pe and BR. Hobbs, out of Hamiltor Rey, Ceorge Yas kson, the new presi dent of the London Conf Trowbridge. ~ Mr. and Mrs. 8. Hammil, Sundayed at J. B. Jackson's, * Rev. and Mrs. Cosens, of Fordwich, a dying visit. home on Motiday of Arthur, Miss Flo. Stanley, anid brother, Roy, of Harriston, are spending a few days Wil. | 8 BR. Sntton's Will Godwin and sister, of Owen Seund, abe Visiting their sister, Mra; A. W. Lei Miss ae Code, of Binevale, Miss Ella Code, of Brussels, spent few days at home last wee Rev. E: V. Smith. of Hrussels, will oceupy the pulpit heré next Sabbath morning and evening (D.V ) Miss M. Delyea, who hus been at Auburn for some weeks past, was called suddenly home 'on account of the severe illness of her father. and a wa born in Ireland fifty-two years ago. He came to Canada in 1890 and settled in the county of Huron. In 1866 he bexan work for the chareh and in 1871 was ordained to the ministry. Since that time Mr. Jackson has been stationed in a number of places, be- ginning with a period at Montreal. For the past three years he has been in charge of the Exeter church, Mr.Jack- son is respected and admired for his Sterling qualities. He is an earnest worker and his election to the presi dency of the Conference was a deserved* tribute to his zeal and ability, EDITORIAL NOUVES, Next Tuesday is election day. i *,% Mr, Freeporn having wisely drop pedout, the contest in North Perth will be a straight party struggle between A. F. MacLaren, Conservative, and Jas. N. Grieve, Liberal. +, ¥ As regards the candidates, North Perth has nothing to fear, Both cand. idates are worthy of the confidence and support of the electorate, and are quali- fied to intelligently represent the inte)- ests. of the riding ey Ottawa, TRE fact that ae Mr. MacLaren and Mr. Grieve are opposed: to the prin- ciple of Separate schools and the Re- medial Bill, the school question is not an issue in the North erth contest. The real jssue-is the fiscal policy of the two parties between which you are asked to judge and give an intelligent verdict at the polls next Tuesday. * ** MITCHELL Advocate---"It is a pleas- ing feature of the present campaign, so-far as South Perth 18 concerned, that personalities have been entirely eschew ed by the. speakers and the press. issues are fairly discussed, and he bad feeling of former elections has in no way Deen aroused, Thisis as it | should be." The same may be said of | North Perth, as far as we ean learn, Abuse is not argument, but rather be trays a luck of it. TOWN TALK. Miss BERTHA PEL' LTON is the Buest of her sister-in-law, Mrs, R.S. Pel JOHN FARRELL has disposed of .s Guhr bieyele to John McIntyre, of Elma, MR. AND Mrs. Sproat, of Belgrave, are visiting friends at present in "At- wood and New ry this Brook & Son, = Tarnbull, Ro Williams. | Boa ONE was kind (?) enongh to re- | keve J. G. Robertson of the trouble of ssiiktue his cow Thursday morning, EW advertisements N week : chun Roger, B.F. Jno. A SERIES of petty thefts are reported to have lately been perpetrated by a party well known in town, The guilty party is shadowed. A GREAT many people attended the Laurier demonstration .in Listowel Tuesday of last week. The possession was a brilliant spectacle. SoMEONE poisoned Oscar, one of J./ A. Klamp's big dogs the other day. It | does not require much, intelligence to | doathing like that. It was a fine} animal. A. Bett Piano.--W. F. MeDonald! | of Palmerston, placed a fine upright | Betl piano into the home of Mr, an Mrs. Wm. Marshall , this week. At- wood is getting to be quite a musical centre aj ior Co ree pai id w DOAN'S Kidney Pills first proved to the people that Kidney disease is curable. Being the original Kidney remedy in pill form, the cures they have made, and the:fame they have attained have opened the way for s host of imitations and substitutes, but those who have been eured of # KIDNEY Complaints through the use of this won- derful medicine, those whose lame back is now free from pain, those who now have no headaches, those who have escaped from the death grip of Diabetes and Bright's disease by the use of Doan's PILLS @re the ones whose opinion is valuable, When scores of such people come forward and tell publicly that Doan's Kidney Pills cured them after other means failed, it is evident that the only CURE for Kidney Disease, Bladder and Urinary difficulties, Lame Back, and the number- less results of disordered Kidneys is Doan's Hidney Pills. Be sure to get Doan'. Price fifty cents per box, For sale by For Sale by DOUGLAS & Co. THE PEOPLE'S Boar for Service. Mer euiterigne En COLU WN, d will ke cp for service, ma, a thoroug ree d 'iniproved Yorkshire "boar, "Prince of Elma. © was trie M. P. of Millbank, -- 2e. TERMS. . To in $ "Prince of Elma" is Stor sale ata re asonable price. WM. G. INGLIS Atwood. "Boar for Service. HE ndarnig med will een » for servic the villa f f enfryn the thoroughbred. Ohio "hite Boar, 'Sam Slick," rege, Putnam Terms, o be paid. at time "ot Service. with ioe of eetuenitt ngif necessary Pedigree ynay be seen on application, J. H. THOMSON, 12-3ins, Proprietor. 13-35m Estray 1 Heifer. On or about May 24th, 1895, strayed on the premises of the 'unde ersigned, lot 7, con. 8, Elma. One yearling heifer, a grizzly with White Shoulder. Owner 1s requested to prove property, pay ex- penses and take it away. JNO. A. TURNBULL, Atwood, 22 3in Salesmen Wanted. yU apt Soe trustworthy men to represent uuB in the sale o our choice Nursery Stoc Specialties controll. U "Highe r Steady e mploy- Outfit: free; exclusi ive necessary; big pay as- kers; special inducements to Legin- Write at once for particulars to ALLEN NURSERY CO., Rochester, N. Y. me nt th THE farmers of Elma and townships are invited to see ie and get prices of the binder twine at the Atwood Hardware and 'Tinware store before making their purchases elsewhere, See advt, Tite Donegal picnic, on the 26th inst., will no doubt draw a large number of Atwaodites. No admission fee will be charged, everybody is invited, and a good time 1s in store for all who attend. Refreshments will be seryed on the ground. A Morris Prano.--D. & W. Lamont, of Listowél, placed a Morris piano into the home of James Dickson, sr., At- | wood, this week. It was purehased by ; his daughter, Mrs | daughters Jennie and Mary. It is a} ; beautiful instrament, finished in | ing mahogany, with all the 'latest improve- ments, be A. HENDERSON, M. A.. is ab-! t at present, being in attendance at the General Assembly which meets this yearin the Centra] Presbyterian | Church, Toronto. . Murray, for her | ro: Boar for Service w "Newry Lad." TEs ur in 2 yy ved bd mn keep for service on Lot te the aynahived Improv- raid E a lish He Be rks "Newry bre srfield, Ox i. shave: i _ HN COWAN, Prop., Newry P.O, WANTED. To se se lt Canadian and U. 18+4in* shrubs, hed | seed potatoes, Hp a Se) rehards in ¢ antoed. per month at com , write us at -- a liber oorenen ad haat < t time ers' sons should look in is! It pa than working on the aren and Offers c) ee Borne Apply now and get choice of tory. STONE & WELLINGTON, 3m. Toronto, Canada, Binder Twine IDURD ARBAB ER Before buying else- where, see Samples and get Prices at the At- wood Hardware and Tinware Store, == JNO. ROGER. Bread, Buns, Pastry Flour, etc., etc., at the Atwood Bakery. Choice Fruits, Ice s¢ream, Ice Drinks, Gonfectionery, Always on hand. Special arrangements made with Pic-- nic and Garden Parties. Callin and see us, We can please you. Best Family Flour Here. HAMLEN BROS. "|The Minds of Politicians Are entirely engrossed at the present time with: the political situation, and the probable outcome of the "|approaching election, but the greatest Question with you just now is Harness, ete. To set your mind at rest. just call on us and examine our elegant lines of Fly nets. Dusters, Whips, Trunks & YV alises, the newest and nobbiest. Just A Word About Our Harness. We are giving the best value in Harness ever offered in Atwood, made by skilled workmen and only first class" material used. Leave your order and if nine made up, does not suit you, we do not ask you te take it. Repairing promptly attended to. Bring along your old collars and we will make them work. Light Harness a Specialty. ---- "EOS NAY aL eee IVS. Flour and Feed. Milverton Flour. Oatmeal, Corn-- meal, Bran, Shorts, Oats, &c., at our Feed Store. And Provisions. We keep about every- thing in Teas, Sugars, Spices, Canned s Groceries goods, Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, Smoked Bacon, Fish. 4 a Large eed of FRESH BUTTER JUST IN, 'FRUIT! FRUIT! FRUIT We make a Specialty of all kinds of Fruit in their season. Oranges, Lemons and Bananas tn stock. COAL OLL ALIWAYS ON HAND. B. R. LEAKE.

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