'NEWS OF TE THE WEEK. Toronto's rate of ase assessment is iftg mills on the dollar. Don't read more than fifty minutes ibe palgeh "eau whether the eyes are tired 0 oroato Methodist Chnference elect) A. Langtord, of Orangeville, \ President for the coming year. ' It is stated on reliable anthority rod six hundred Armenians have been rested in Constantinople since the Sth inst, Goldwin Smith has declined 'the degree of LL.D. which the senate of the University of Toronto proposed to confer upon him. The conference of the United Empire Trade League was opened Monday in London. sir Donald Smith, High Commissioner, thought a zollvervin Was at present impossible, and sug- gested that the duties imposed on tea, coffee, and cocoa from the colonies be reduced, and that the Goverrment abrogate as speedily as practicable the favored nation clause, Ee aahuaaed can boast of three football COUNCIL MEETING.--The ad- 'elu FLax.--Robt. Forrest ice el to this offite Wednesday a sample of flax, own by him, measuring 88 inches ong. It wasa goud sample, HANNAH BAILEY, one of the pupils of the "als gy night school taught by T. M. Wilson, B. A., secured the gold medal piven bya Toronto gentleman to the scholar obtaining the highest stand ingat the closing examination. The competition was open to he pupils of all the night schools of the city, THe Atwood Football Club suffered their first defeat this season on June 6th. 'The score stood 4 to ! in' favor of the Listowel eleven. The loeal team were obliged to take on several inexperienced players, in the absenee of the regulars, which no doubt xecounted largely for their defeat, red Wynn umpired the game in a manner sntisfactory to ail. The re turn match will be played shortly, Dominton Day IN. TOwN,--Prepara- tions are going on for the big demon- station to be held in Atwood on Dom inion Day, July Ist, under the auspices of the Independent Order of Foresters, Posters will be issued tu-day, giving a list of the attractions. Three football matches, a quoit tournament, Olympic} ; ganies, catching the greased pig, ete, éte., will afford excitement, amusement and interest for all. In the evening a high class concert will be held in the Town Hall, which promises to excel in variety and entertainment, C. O. F. Hien Court.--The High Court of the Canadian Order of Forest- ers opened their seventeenth annual sessionin Temple Hall, Montreal, on Tuesday last, 16th inst.; C. E. Britton, ot Gananoque, High Chief Ranger, presiding. The reports of the High Coutt officers show very gratifying re sult from the past year's work, it being one of the most successful in the his tory of the order. The work of the order is confined entirely to Canada. The Popular Query: Where Did You Get That Hat? THE POPULAR ANSWER: q Cot__> That Hat At M. Wildfang's The Fullest Stocks, The Best Goods, CRADIVI STEWART.--In Wallace, June 5th, wife of Wm. Stewart of a son Forses --In Listowel, Jane 8th, of Richard Forbes of a son | Kinpert--tIin Wallace, on May Bist, the wife of J. Kilpert of a son. | lapel gt --In Wallace, June 8th, wife of . I. Cumberland of a sanete Cooper.--In_ Brussels, on the 11th inst., the wife of James Cooper of twin daughters. rhaving completed its business Council met tor geueral business. Minutes of lust meeting read and signed. Moved y Mr. Merryfield, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, thac Mr. Hammond go and see Lhe road complained of by D, Mor- rison and others on con. 16, near lots 1 and 2, and that he use his judgment as tu what shall be done tu the said road and let the work as he thinks best. Carried, Moved by Mr. Merryfield, seconded by Mr. Hammond, that we pay J. Hanna $850, part payment of -contract of bridges. Carried. Moved by Mr. Merryfield, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, thatin reference to the com- piaint of J. Hamilton and W.. Buch: ue wife The Lowest Prices, THe Widest Choice in Hats and Caps ELMa a 3 Ree journed Court of Revision for the town- ; ; ship of Elma for 1886 net in the Agri- © Mm June. Members all . present; read and signed. athe: following ped espsir, es were made in the roll, viz. : ay 5 H ves to the sunshine of hope, Thorndyke assessed as i F; Dr. fappiuce and: health, upon taking ley assessed as Owner of north 1g 62 Sarsaparilla, because it gives cou, 1, instead of J. Fankner. 'The as. Penewed life and vitality to the blood, sessment of lot 12, con. 13, was raised | 20d through that imparts S400; lot 11, con. 13, $2U0; lot 14, ar Bow to the whole and the assessment of west half int. 2 this letter: cou. 14, reduced $100, te Ma con, 16, saparilis $100; E. stoll assessed as } und F S;| hetpea A. MeQuarcie us M F Millan as M ped me wonderfully, > No describe what I suf- as MF aud-F;J.Neabittas-M-F-and Perr OMI at I su F; W. stewart as M F and F; G. Crans- | €t¢4- Iwas deathly sick, had sick head- tou changed from F $ to TL; Wm, Don. | 8¢hes every few days and those terrible oltue assessed as TM F; R. Guise as M| tired, despondent feelings, eart C.F. Adams. struck off; R. Henry aerack off as F 5; W. Geen struck off; C. Newart strack off; W. A. Holmes 3 riick offas MF. Moved by Mr.Jack- 4 chau ges made in the assessment roll at the first aud second sittings of the! down stairs without claspi Court of Revision for the township of | over my heart est can oy ea ete for 1896 be and is hereby confirm: | wonid almost take my breath away. I sut- adopted. Carried. Court of Revision much to live for. There is no pleasure in life if deprived of health, tor life becomes ® burden. Hood's Sarsaparilla does far more than advertised. After taking one itself." Mrs. J. E. Surru, Beloit, lows. i & . arsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists.¢L cultural Hall, Atwood, on Monday, 15th minutes Of in health, despondency and d r eM Dougias changed (oom eto s: 5, Ba ne gth, vigor 3200; north half lot It, con. 14, W. Wood ar FM F; G. Wieben | 2sse4 sickness to health, gloom to sun- mt S Wilson as M F; ©, Russel as T M troubles 80 thet I could not go up and sou, secouded by Mr. Rothwell, that the d and that the roll as finally revised be fered so I did not care to live, yet I had bottle, it is sufficient to recommend Prepared only by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. TODS. BEYER.--In Wallace, June 8th, Geo. Beyer, aged 47 years,5 mouths and ----ARE FOUND AT-- 3.800 members haye joined the order since last June, o5 new courts having M. Wildfane's, Sign of the Elephant, Wallace St., LISTOWEL. "TOWN TALK. 'Tue football boys play Mi 'ldmay club the return match in that village next Satarday, 20th inst. TAKEN in time Hood's Sarsaparilla prevents serious illness by keeping the inood pure and all the organs in a healthy condition, Te junior football club played the Moukton juniors Friday night, result: ing in a draw. Johnson Stewart, of Avwood, acted as referee. You are expected at the Sons of Scotlund lawn social to-night, 19th inst. to be held in Thos, Dickson's orenard, Eima. Residents of the village will bs taken out and back in the, earry-all free of charge. See posters for particulars. Big prepara tions have been made for your enter- tainment, Rev. Mr, Rice, of St. Thomas, preached in the Methodist church Sun day morning and evening, He is en paged' by the church to solicit con- iibutions on behalf of the large debt an Elma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, Gonsidering the stringency of the times he is meeting with encouraging success, sv he inforims us, Geo, DANBROOK spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Woodstock and vic inity. Ile purposed staying! a couple of weeks, but was called | home last Monday, on account of | the illness of Mrs. Danbrook, who took | suddenly ill Sunday. She is mach im | proved since, we are pleased to. report, and we hope she may continue to im prove, FootnaLL--A very interesting foot hall match was played in Britton on Wednesday evening, June LOth, be- tween the Atwood intermediates and the Britton football team. The weath | er being favorable alarge crowd | was in attendance. The game lasted | {J minutesin which no yoals were acored until the Jast half minute when the intermediates sent one flying through the goal and won the day, return mateh will be played shortly. Mort curative power is contained in Hood's Sarsapariila than, in any other similar preparation, It costs the proprietor and manufacturer more. It costs the jobber more and it is worth mure to the consumer. More skill is required in its preparation and it combines more remedial qualities than auy other medicine, Couse- quently it has a record of more cures and its sales are more than those. of any other preparation. Hood's Sar- saparillais the best medicine to buy bacanse itis an honest medicine and thousands of testimonials prove that it does actually and permunently cure disease. Tas July number of 'the Delineator, ja called the summer number, and is remarkable on accout of several new departures. First and foremost is the addition of two snperbd colored plates ons deyoted to ludies', misses and ciidren's fashions, and one to millinery anf its acvassories. The reguar in ilinery department is also materially enlarged aud inproved. The-magazine has Deen given a handsomy new cover; its ma Ke up is changed and it is print- mi on taner paper than hitherto. An- otier innovation is the ficst half of. a Magruder, in illustrated resume of the season's fashions. With thea added attractions of this great Woman's magazine, its snbscription price of one doUlac a year is more than, his qualifications to represent. - that) dot suit that le bought a long time ago veramarvel Adress all commubica-| t:on8 to the Datineator Pablithing Co., { xf 'Foronto, Ltd, 33 Richmond st { Weal, 'Toronto, Out. have occurred during final year in Arts, to atix "Bs. hence, if ail goes been organized, the total membership now reaching 22,651. the reserve is $82. The increase in 179 78, the total re serve now being $176,621 'BL. 1C1 deaths the year, the death rate being only 460 per thousand Che order is attracting men of all class &és who are anxious to get an insurance at minimum cost, GRADUATED WITH Honors.-- We are always pleased to note the progress and successes of Atwoodites at home and HOE RIG & mor ple. ed report of Toronto University exam inatiovus that our young few communities c: au boast ol and int BU p We ouvserve by the ree ent publish- townsman, T M. Wilson, has successtully passed his which entitles him A." (Bachelor of Arts) to Healso passed his second year in medicine, s0 thatin two years well, it' will be our pleastite ee our friend as Dr M. Wilson, B. M. was elected Svashdeuter tire Parntty Medical Y.M C, A. and has enjoyed his share of favors and distinctions in the gift of his fellow students. So much for his pop: larity, There may be more popu r fellows at 'Varsity, but few, if any, better students. Thrown upon his own his name. resources when very young, he accepved any employment that he might earn the means by which he could obtain a university education. And now that he has realized his cherished ambition, aud won his spurs by his pluck, indus try and brains, We say allhonor to him Congr: atutation 1S, . POLITICAL meeting in the interes¢ of A, F. MacLaren, the Conseryative c undid tte was held in the Hall Mon day night. The attendance was fairly large. The speaking was dene by Phos) M: agwood, M. P. P., F. Mac Laren, Col. D. D T. M Wilson and Josiah Thompson. Mr Fullarton occupied the chair, and introduced the speakers in his 'usual happy style. The best of order pre vailed, Mr. Wilson, in the absence of Mr,-Mabee,-asked~permission "of the chairman to address the meeting from the Liberal standpoint, which request was granted, and it his half honr's ad- dress) he sficceeded in letting the audience know what kind of staff he was made of. Considering it was Tom's first' political speech, he didn't do so i said his early Cc ampbell, badly. .Tom political training was due in-ameasnre » the Torouto Globe, which remark made him the target for Col. Camp bell's sareastic wit, The Col, thought the Globe had much to answer for in Tom's early training. Mr, Magwood in his address took up the' Manitoba School qnestion, aud gave the audience the benelit of jis recent observations in Manitoba. He said the people in Manitoba were not nearly so concerned about the School question as the people of Ontario were, was opposed to the Remedial Bill, but the whole drift of his argument was in support of that obnoxious measure. He appealed to us as one who reluctantly bowed to the overwhelming force of public opinion, while his sympathies were all on the side*of Tupper and coercion, We are disposed to take-- Mr. Mag- wood's opposition to Remedialism with a pinch of salt.. Mr. MacLaren said he was opposed to the Bill from principle, and ifelected on the 28rd of June, he assured theny that he would oppose.the measure by his voice and vote no matte? who introduced it. e was strongly opposed to the principle of interftring with Manitoba's school affairs His manly and outspoken re- markswere- in striking contrast to Mrs Magwrod's, and were greeted with much applause. He believed the dairyirg interests ought to be repre- sentedin the Ottawa government, and if eleced he would do all in his power | in anc ont of parliament to extend | and «velop the cheese and butter industies; he appealed to the electors for thdr support in consideration of ;industy, which so much concerned the farmes of North Perth. Mr. Laren eft a favorable impression upon his herers... 'somepodys else, dot is human | boy vares ven you told him he can'd itu Fespecling the cleaning out of th Partridge drain that the Clerk be pith? orized lo prepare a By-law for the ap- pointing of an engineer for said work, to be presented at next meeting of Council, Carried. Moved by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, that the Clerk be authorized to notify the Co, Treasurer to strike off the ar- rears of taxes against lots 62 and 63 and partiot 8in the yillage of Trow bridge.-- Carned.- Moved by Mr. Ham- mond, seconded by Mr. Jackson, that orders be issued for payment of the fol- lowlug accounts, viz. : towland 53 70, repriring culvert con, 14; Kitchen & Ward 330, part payment of approach- es ta Vallance's bridge; T. bk. Ham- mound $9, inspecting, driving piles, ete, ut V Allance's bridge; J. Hummason #1, burying dead atin; G, Dark 2c, burying dead dog; J. Love $3, cleaning timber and ice trum bridge con. 11; P. Ducklow $9.60, gravel; vewbigging $9.36, gravel, and 31.60, grayel; R. Vin dall $3.00, culvert con. 14 and teaming plank; H. Smith $2.50-eulvert-con, 16; J. Lambert 31.50, repairing culvert; J. Fy Sa $5, filling washouts T E w& L3 C,H. Me srryield $25 20, Jumber; (5. sidtrose 33017, lumber: J. Alexan der $l, tile for culvert; ©. MeNichol $3, repairing culvert aud roadway at side. road, co. 633. W. Rowland $5, balance of sulary as Assessor; G. Chupman $3.- 48. cleaning award drain; W. Shearer 31.76, for gravel, cedar and spikes; W. P'wambly $2, repairing cuivert gravel road; R. Sinith $3 20, balance contract ditching Lineham award: Wim. Robb 311%, cleaning award drain con. 10; Leslie' 31, drawing tile, and 'T. Fullar- ton $0, for serving appeais for Court of Revision. Carried. Moved by Mr. Hammond, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, that a special meeting of this Council | be held in the Agricultural Hall, At wood, on July 6th, next, at 1.30 p.m., for considering the report of the En ginee rin the [anna Munic ipal drain. No other business wiil be taken up on that day, and that the regular meeting of Council be geld on July Tth, at 10 am., and that this Council do new~ ad: journ, Carried, Mr.Pfunzheimer's Philoso phy. Ven dares a veel dares a vay. It is a vise child vot knows his own fudder on a bisoocle It is a long head vot doan'd got turn ed py a purty vomans Eternal vigilance is der vay not to got run ofer by a safety. It is a short lane vot doan'd got no bisoocle riders on him dese days Eferyting comes py him vot. he vaits--ocept ven you vait for a big fishes to bite. If der mountain doan'd come py Mo- hammed vot's der matter mit guing py der seashores ? To err is human, und to blame it on likevise, too, alretty, : Efery man haf his price, but mit some sae it is @ bargain day all der vile, fers Men a "dey yare alvays anxious to die for dare ecantry chenerally lif py a ripe old age, ain'd it? Trath is strauger den fictions; und dot is vy so many peobles dvan'd 'speak to him as dey pass py. Dot veelmans he doan'd like a tax on his bisoocle und he dean'd like a_ tacks under bis bisoocle, und dare you are, ain'd it? If ve could see ourselfs yust like ae | ders see us all dem looking glass mir- rors vould be smashed py smithereens in doan'd it Shakespeare say dot ein touch of Nature makes dot whole vorid kin, but it is different yen somepody else Vos touching you, ain'd it? Abouid der vorst bisoocle faee to be seen dese daysis dot vich your leedie haf no veel yust yet. Ven you see a married mans vearing alretty yust make uD your mind py swei ings: Eider darein anew bab py his house in or his vifehas_ bought 2 biggoele. Hood's Pills 'UNDERTAKING cure ail liver ills, Appetit nous, Leadache. cenls, R:I-P-A-N'S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. cine: ONE GIVES RELIEF. 2 days. SCHINBEIN.-- In Nichoias Shinbein, 2 months and 2 days EVrERAriL --In Wallace. on June 10th, Benjamin Loyde Everall, son of Archie Everall, aged 10 months amd 11 days. Wallace, June 17th, echt 72 years, Pork, per cwt,, dvecaed wkd Butter, per pound eggs, per dozen In the Spring a Young Man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of Love----and Furniture. «ning New in >Furniture % lat is Home Without Furnrrvure ? It is cheerless and un- inviting you will admit, and it is a fact. RVERY COUPLE ABOUT TO GET MARRIED, And especially every Young Lady appreciates of what we say, that a cosily furnished home does to perpetuate Matrimonial bliss. And the Nicest, Cheap- the truth much est and Best Furniture is to be had at the Atwood Furniture Store ! We keep just what you want, and at Prices to suit ii | ONINVLS CNN We have added a fine new Hearse to our Undertak- ing department, and we are prepared to attend to funerals on the shortest notice and in a, mort satisfactory manner. Roller Window Shades from 35ce. up. Baby Carriages . from $4 up. Window Screens and Sereen Doors. Picture Framing a Specialty. Atwood Furniture Co.. RB, B. HAMILTON, Manager..