Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 19 Jun 1896, p. 1

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VOL. 7. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1896. ne tee heeisinineee nee arn NO. 22. XuAUPier Tupper ? Will be our new premier decided by the electors before next issue of the paper. -A decision far greater than that has been given by the voice of the people, viz. : That B. F. Brook & Son, of Listo- wel Woolen Mills, sell the best Ready-Made Clothing for less monéy than any retail house in Western Ontario. Their suits made to order at $8 cannot be beaten at $10 and $12. Y OO T«. Takenin exchange for clothing and all lines of woolen goods for which they will allow you their High Trading price and selkgoods at cash prices. Do not fail to eall and inspect before you buy your next suit. Every day is Bargain Day with us; not two prices on our goods. We sell always at cash price. | B. F. BROOKE & SON. rarm Impiements ! Atwood, beg: to intimate to the Farmers of }.\ma and surrounding 5 country tpitfiwF is Agent for F.R. Curtis "« a Binders, Mowers, Horse Rakes, Etc. See my New "Warrior" Mower, the Best in the Market. Agent for Wortman & Ward's Spade and Dise Harrows, fay Forks, and Grain Grinders. Agent fér McDonald's Threshers and Engines. Agent for the Woodstock Wagon Co. Perth County Notes. NERVOUS, BESPONDENT, VEAK, DISEASED MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOU HIDD may hi Stratford Collegiate Institute has an average attendance of 147. |. Died in Logan, on May 26th, Mary beloved wife of August Dittiner, aged 41 years and 6 montis. NGor MIDD: E-AGED MEN--You re been tho victim of Self Abuso Sohn Weston, of Blanshard, lost his watch while driying cattle to St M ary's. It dropped out of his pocket. Married at the residence of T. Con nel, June 16th, by Rev, John Kay. Wm Shearer of Poole, to Mary Counel, of Mornington. Married at the residence of the | bride's father, June 3, by Rev. John | Kay, Wm James Armstrong, of Ros- tock, to Ellen Kerr, daughter of Colin Kerr, sr., of Brunner. or mure ® completed the eel the symptoms stealin. You d-ead the tutare reenits. You know yoa nrenot a man mentally and Pexuniry * hy not be carel in time and avoid the sad exverience of other wrecks of these direntes, Oor NEW MEIHOD AEATMENT WiLL CURE YOU AFTER LL ELSE FALLS. Emissions, Varicocela and Syphilis Cured W.M. MILLER J A The municipa} council of the town. ship of Mornington has succeeded in mMking a very successful sale of their premium of $561 on $32,000 at 4 per cent, for 20 years. The Carthage football club have pur- chased a new ball and suits for the players and re-organized with the fol- lowing oflicers; Captain, James Holmes; | secretary, Henry Moore; treasurer, Wm. Glenn; caretakers for ball and ground, Sam Johnston, Albert John- ; Ston and George Moure. |_ Fred W. Tiffin, Albert Knox and k. J. Deacon, of Stratford, who have | been attending the law school in 'Tor- | onto, have passed their final examina- | tions, and were called to the bar prob- |ably last week. Messrs. Tiffin and | Knox are graduates of the law office of | McPherson and Davidsen, and Mr. | Deacon began his law career with | Smith & Steele. Siect! te ure. Nervons De. | The result of the fourth year exam- bility, harges,@ inations at Toconto University ure icim aud Bladder Dia- | published. 1e following trom Strat- | ford and neighborhood have 'been guc- }eessful: A. P. C. Addison; R. H. Coates, Walkerton; C.Garrow,Goderich: LHe A. Graham, W. H. | Meighan, St. Marys; W. | Stratford. Miss M. Seegmiller, | Walkerton. The following receive the | degree of M. A.: G.H. Loche, C. P; | Megan. G. H. Loche, also receives the degree of L. Paed. The degree of Phm, B. - conferred on H. I'. Spencer and F. a Stratford, . Kennedy & Kergan me in a few weeks by their New aaiiod Treatment. I wanes een similar i i Ther are physicians." CONSULTATION FREE. '17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN reatme Books Free. * onsultation . ae Railroad Debentures having received a| The Nominations. THERE WILL BE CONTESTS IN 209 ovT OF 213 GONSTITUENCIES. The nomination of candidates for the next Dominion Parliament took place June 16th in-all-the constituen- cies except Algoma, where the nom- inations Were held last. week. The excitement, was intense at some of the gatherings, and, as will be seen from the report of the proceedings, there were very few elections by acclama- tion. At the nominations on Februar 26th, 1891, for the last general elec tions, eight Conservatives and three Liberals were returned unopposed. Tuesday, in only four constituencies were the members returned by ac- clamation. These were Frontenac, Ont., D. Rodgers, Patron; Bagot, Que., '. Dupont, Conservative; Bertiler, Que., ©, Beansolell, formerly a Lib- eral, but now a supporter of the Gov- ernment; and St. Hyacinthe, Que. M. G. Bernier, Liberal. The elections will take place Tuesday next, June 23rd. NORTH PERTH. Stratford, June 16.--Never in the history of elections in North Perth, has there been so little interest manifested in apy election as at this oue. Both parties say they are work- ing hard, but there seems to be an utter lack of enthusiasin on both sides, Old political war horses who have had a hand in almost every fight here- abouts siftce Confederation, both in the Reform and Conservative ranks, appear to be doing nothing by way of arousing the electors, There may bea strong undercurrent at work on both sides that is net visible on the surface, but even this is yery questionable, . At the nomination proceedings to day in the City Hall, at which teturning Otlicer Benneweis presided, there were barely two dozen present. The nom- ination papers of A. F. MacLaren, Liberal-Conservative candidate: and James N. Grieve, Liberal candidate, were presented by their respective agents, accompanied by the statutory deposit of $200 each. "There was no speaking whatever, Grey. Mrs. D.C. McNair and children, of Chicago, are visiting with her sister, Mrs. John MeNair. Rey, W__A_Sinith-has-been appointed to Oil City bye the Conference, under the direction of Rev, Wm. Smyth, of Petrolia, formerly of Brussels. on A green bug has made its appearance jin sections Of this township which | preys upon the foliage of apple trees, It stripped some trees belonging to D. McKenzie. Conrad Michel, lot 23, con. 12, pniled asample of ax on Thursday morning of last week that measured 2 feet 41¢ inches. He has tl acres of it growing for Camerov Bros., Cranbrook. BARN BuRNED.--Friday night, June 5th, about 11 o'clock, lightning streek the bank barn on Wm. Pollard's farm north of Ethel, and consumed i j Nothing could be got out. In the } building were farm implements, 50 There was an insurance ef $1,009 in the Howick Mutual which covered building, -contents--and--stock:---Mr-. Pollard will-erect a new barn at once Which will be 45x60 feet with stone stabling. Monkton. A. Erskine has purchased a handsome iron grey driver. Mrs. (Dr.) Douglas, of Atwoood, was visiling her parents Jast week. Miss Nellie Merryfield spent a few days with Newry friends this week, W. J. Quinn, teacher, of Sillsburg, paid Monkton a flying visit last week. Mr. Grieve held a meeting here last Friday night. Mr. MacLaren will hold one on Saturday night, 20th inst. Rev. Mr. McKibbin has been trans- ferred to Wroxeter, and Rev. 8S. C,-Ed- munbds, B.D., tothe Monkton Methodist circuit for the next three years. The Psesbyterian pulpit was filled last Sabbath by Rev. Mr. Bell, a medi- cal missionary. Ihe Methodist pulpit was vccupied by Mr. Johuson, of At- Wm. Jury, sr., had the misfortune to mangie one of his little fingers at H. Konuenberg's barn raising Wednesday. Dt. MeKenzie had to amputate' the finger at the second joint. Miss Emma Scott and her sister-in- law, Mrs. (Rev,) Thos, Scott, drove over from Corbetton last week and spent a few days at the parental home, return- ipg on Tuesday of this week. 1 A garden party will be held this (Friday) evening, in Thos. Dobbs' or- chard, ip connection with the Presby- terian church. Refreshments with Strawberries will be provided, and an ' | excellent program will be rendered. The Atwood junior football club came to Monkton last Friday evening with the intention of scoring: about four goals. Sad to say, their expectations were not realized, for after 4 sharp con- test of about an hour Monkton proved victoriou8, haying secured on goal, while the Atwood boys secured 'nil, - ' it.} | bushels of wheat, oats, barley and hay. | | former teachers of the Monkton Publie factory, at 65,¢. Donegal, --Phe last half of May cheese was Ship- ped from the factory on Friday last, Messrs. Ballantyne & Son were the pur- chasers at 64¢c. a Ib. Alex. MeKenzie has had the old boiler removed from the cheese factory, and a new boiler and engine put in its place. While removing the old one his son Jno, had his hand seriously injured, ore of three fingers being crushed into elly. A large meeting of the children of the Donegal section, together with their parents and friends, assembled at the Donegal school house on Monday evening of last week to discuss the prospects of having a picnic for the leasure of the children. Miss Mce- ellan occupied the chair. She very nicely told them the object of the meet ing. After some little talk on the mat- ter, it was decided to held a monster picnic in Mr, Barr's grove on the 26th inst. Committees were ap- pointed to carry out the arrangements in a way that everyone who may be present will leave well pleased. Elma, Joseph Ward smiled friends Saturday. The May make of cheese was shipped from the Newry factory Friday, Mrs. D. M. Lineham, of Dewdney, N. W. T., is visiting her parents on the 10th con. Thomas Johnson was married to Miss Muxworthy, of Listowel, on Wed- nesday, the 3rd of June. James Mitchell and daughter, Mary, of Brussels, were the guests of Mr. Wm. Humphrey last week, Mr. and Mrs. Roy, of Logan, passed through Newry one day last week, They were visiting friends near Harris. on. Mr. Fox, of Grey, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. Holmes, of Newry, and Mrs. Geo. Dark, of Atwood, last week, Wm, Sweeton, con. 10, lost a valu- able horse fately, after a-tew hours' sickness, owing to overfeeding with grass. - E. Cober, of Ethel, passed throngh on Saturday on his way home from Hespeler, where he had' been Visiting friends. H. honnenberg, 16th con., is building afine root house, 32x881¢ feet, with stone foundation underneath. Henry is One Of the go ahead farmers of the township. The Misses Vallance, of* the lath con., Who have been in' Hamilton since last fail, returned bome on Monday, Junel. Their many friends were pleased to see them again. The appeal in the now somewhat celebrated ditch case of Broughton ys. Grey township came up for hearing in Toronto Monday of fast week, but decision was reserved as usual. on Newry Chas. Querengresser, Logan, deliver- ed at Mitchell last week, It is always expensive.to be wrong. Religious hate isthe most relentless of all hate. Crushing a it was before. The man who Is trying to get to heay- en alone, is not fit to go. Don't lose any sleep worrying about God's part of your work The man works hard who spends his time looking for an easy place, Everything in a Sunday schoo! should be bright, except the blackboard. If grave stones were Teliable, the devil would always dress in blacir. It is of more profit to have a content- ed spirit than a fat bank account, The man who does not give as the Bibie tells us to, does not give at all, The goldfinch would never sing, if it had to learn how from the guinea hen. People who live only for themselves are always little, no matter how big they feel. & If we could see tien's hearts as God sees them, it would not be so hard te love them. The emphasis is put in the wrong place, when a Christian talks louder than he lives. . The trouble about sowing wild oats is, that the same hand that sows must do the reaping, The less people know of the Bible's spirit, the more hairsplitting they will o over its letter. When a skeptic tells you that so and so is in the Bible, always ask him for a chapter and Yerse. The truth may be buried, but this world is too small to makea grave deep enough to hold it, Win a child's heart, and you will have something that will brighten two lives--yours and his. It takes the devtia Jong time to find out that he never makes anything by opposing a Christian, rose makes 'it biggar than Ethel. C. C. Kaine wheeled to Gorrie on Saturday. The garden party on Friday evening WAS &@ great success, Ethel and locality w sented at the Laurier Listowel. The annual pienic of the Presbyterian 8.5. was held in Mr. Dilworth's grove, on Thoislay of last wee The proposed new residence on the arm of the deceased Thos. Slemmon will be erected. as the foundation was ready and a goodly portion of the material on hand, enact tev. W. J. Waddell will be stationed at Kippen and Rev. Mr. Kaine will be associated with Rev. W. EB. Kerr at Hensall.. The new ae coming here ure Revds. Messrs. Watker and Fausher. as largely repre big meeting in lw K. te Coulter and Ballantyne, : head of tine cattle, y #veraged | 1400 pounds. each, and brought g4.10! per ewt, CONGRATULATIONS.--Wm. Tier has received lis M. A. degree at Toronto! Varsity, and J. W. Baird has passed his land vicinity. third year in arts.-- Both gentlemen are | school: | We are pleased to notice that A. E. | Knox, who has been a student at Os | goode Hall for the past four years, has | succeeded in passing his final exam., | ranking 7th in his class. We wish him success, A big event took place on the farm of David Morrison, when the people of the surrounding country gathered to raise his mammoth barn, The captains were W. Robb and 8. Smith, and after a very exciting race. Robb's team won. Ballantyne & Sons bought the last alf of the May cheese from the Elma 5 There 460 boxes in pped last Saturday. We understand most of the other Elma factories have also sold their last half of May make to Messrs. h the lot, and were shi | Mr.aud Mrs. Luke Lucas haye re ' | Menfryn. Most of the people here are busy doing their stutute labor this week. turned home fro among rel a& pleasant visit atives and friends at Exeter The crops inthis loealitytook-well with the exception of fail wheat, which jis patchy and short in the head,* 'The hay crop is aiso light. An Atwoodite, under the inflnence of tanglefoot, made himself generally offensive here last Friday night. He will open his fly-trap to his sorrow some of these days, as respectable people will not tolerate such disgrace ful language in their presence. Grussels. Walter Burgess, of Mitchell, was home for Sunday. Miss Mina Turnbull was home from Atwood over Sunday, The nomination brought a creat crowd into town Tuesday. H. E. Maddock, of Newmarket, was Visiting at Walter Jackson's this week. Ballantyne at 64e. Mrs. Henry Smith,-of the 16th con:| of Elma, who fursome time had been | ailing with lung trouble, succumbed to the ravages of the disease at her father's home in Mitchell on Sunéay | hight, June 7th. She was buried in} Mitchell on Tuesday. She leaves be. | hind her a husband and one child, } John Vallance's barn raising Satur- | day proved a great success in every | way. The work is a credit to the con | tractors, When tinished it will be one | of the finest barns in the township. ! There were a great nomber of men! resent The captains " were John} tutherford and A. Robb." kobb's| side was victorious, The ladies were | well represented, and liad their hands } fuli in feeding the hungry. THE Reconp BeaTEN.--The Elma Cheese Cos factory made the largest | humber of cheese on Monday last of | any one day in the history of the | factory. About 50,000 Ibs. of milk} were -manufactured into sixty one! cheese, averaging 7s pounds each. This is a phenomenal record, which has not hitherto been surpassed by any factory in the worthern district." Mr. Gray, the maker, and his fiye assistants made 'the batch, j Harry Easton, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Cobbledick. Mrs. W. McEwan and daughters, of Thesalon, are visiting at her father's, Jas. Olliver's. Rev. @ Hi, ebildren left. thi charge, Glencoe. Mrs. O. E. Turnbull, of Guelph, re- turned home this week after a three weeks' yisit under the parental roof. |The matrimonial fever has. broken out in Brussels, seyerai couples have been made happy, but still there's more to follow. Rises Report says two of our business men are going to 'take life partnefs, one- Wednesday of this week, and the other Tuesday of next week. Cobbledick, wife 8 week for his and new Rev. Robinson, of Trowbridge, is to Occupy the puipit in the Methodist church next Sabbath, and on the foilow- ing Sabbath the new pastor, Rey. J. s. Ailin,will preach morning aud evening. Rev. E. Victor Smith preached on the Wroxeter circuit last Sabbath; he also gave an excellant address at the Epworth League in the Methodist churth Monday evening; topic, "Eng lish Literature," -

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