AGRICULTURE. As a rule farmers are not good mechanics. The better the conditions in which tools are kept, the less ef- fort wife eg required on the part of f workmen, too; yet farmers awill use their implements a whole year without sharpening them. No other mechanie would do this. The soil, the seed and the work- man are about equally responsible for Vantage of the others. If the sower, seed or the soil is more than pro- portionately deficient, more than its own proportion of the crop is likely to fall short Much sgh the flax straw from a4 wmil- erican acres is esac a millions of dol worth of fabrics are imported. Wi ith proper cultivation and due care oO the fiber the whole home demand could be supplied. Let us hope that some day the great leakage through waste of one kind and another will come to an end Thousands of tons of vegetable rub- bish are annually wasted because farmers generally do not apbrecines the value of a mulch. The v mean- ing of the word seems not un- derstood. The tops of plants and trees want air and eu but the roots need shade and m There would be camer! 'unprofitable crops, and less money atock, if men knew just what they were dding. It would not require much extra labor to kee account with each field, with each herd, with each orchard, the poultry or the atable. It is a very simple matter to set down all the money received not men care, or is It is thought that most insects are guided to their favorite food by their gense of smell, and that if some etrongly odorous substance obscures the natural odor they are thrown off the scent. For this reason a coal oil eiguiaion sprinkled over the vines will drive the marauders away; and even water in which onions have been 'boiled will do the same. Ice is a odity which repre- sents value and should not be wasted. It is better to wrap it in woolen than in cotton, for the former is a poorer conductor ; but paper than either, and neither admit air. When newspapers become wet, they can be thrown away with- out the labor of washing or drying. The ordinary farming does not pay --that is, the growing of crops witlg the minimum amount of labor. There is no saving of work after all, the weeds and insects have to fought first or last. The injury done while the delay occurs. Thor- ough work costs somewhat more, but it pays when the be harvested There are many gentle rain falls during the summer, und there is no better time to cultivate the soil than just after them. This includes times when the corn leaves are wet with dew in the morning, which the whif- fle tree shakes off upon the ground. Unless the ground is stirred quickly this moisturg is soon evapors ated and lost. ssitongh Reoag nee is a cotton State, and not given largely to grain grow- ing, the ers of corn usually runs up to between 30 and 40 million bush- els. This is a few millions more than is raised by Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Isl- and, Connecticut and New York, sur- prising: as such a statement may seem. STOCK. If we wish to feed animals simply to increase the size of the manure heap it is cheaper to feed them fou- der and no food, but if we are fee ing the cows for milk, the swine tor good pork, the » for heavy weight beef, more at- tention to sonMian iene Still, the coarse food is at ali times necessary to healthful digestion, as an adjunct. There is a sweeter flavor to pork clean pen, and the animals raised show a smaller per- t death and loss than do 8 after. the old fashioned, dirty method. It just as much applies to pigs as to other animals that a clean, healthy body must be enclosed in a clean, healthy skin Nearly all the wools used by Amer- ican carpet manufacturers come from abroad ; ge are chiefly long, coarse wools, 4 are grown under inexpen- sive natural conditions, and often by people little above a condition of bar- ism. We have every essential for cheap production, with a market right at o When it dawns on the mind of the thinking farmer that there is more in the pig than in the older animal, and that the younger he feeds him the greater the return for food consumed, he is in a frame to think favorably of growing fall pigs. If they are not grown, the sows must be carried at a steady expense, without an adequate return The "question is often to determine whether the gain repays the labor in ing and cooking food, and yields a profit on the investment in the eutfit. No question about a mixed ration giv- ing the eagle nat Lay and when advan- tage mus en to make the most of the rea ening will make a bet- ter saving than grinding. Country door yards 'should not "be seed. What alata and the sprouts will a stroyed, and the grass left in the most desirable shape possible. Not only 6n trees is the sprayer use- ful, but it is good for preventing or de- > yermin on stock. A kerosene emulsion thus used will reach every portion of the body, and but a small bene d is required. It does not irri- tate the skin, as will the kerosene un- adulterated. sion in sheep creniing has tally weeding out pure bred rams of the m br to increase the valine and the size of the sheep. The high price of meat is the mutton sheep interest, and it will now develop here as in Burope, where the question of wool is ary. a horses br ings be fed which eat t off 'their every st high rses are eagerly hunted pea by definite ' tical, ng ier horses 0 or "none. Many atarved i eating old etuft aetanlly 'hurtful pe ox char- acter. Half decom f n do no animal good; so called slops Sahould } be sweet at least. Purify the pails waphealthy articles they now DAIRY. The man who wants to make a pro- fit from his dairy must look about him when the young calves are on hand to see that they do not eat their heads off every week. If allow- t all, take them away from the cows entirely after four or five days. Let them have a abs fresh milk mixed with some which is skim- med, and a_ little linseed oil--fresh, warm and often, t compel your cows to stand a whole day ex to the hot sun, but give them some shady place in which to rest. Favor them in this, and they will not only be more com- fortable, but they will be more easily handled, and will give you more pro- fit for their keep. If there are no trees for them, a shed can be cheap- ly built. eae eat. op noted dairyman telis how he galn- a quart of milk a day to each co ne changing his practice of feeding the meal ration before giving any hay. His explanation was that feeding the meal when the stomach was empty, and all the hay and water afterward, the meal was not so well digested as when the procedure was reversed. HORTICULTURE. * The object of bagging grapes is to prevent attacks of iusects and fun- gous diseases, and to procure a better development of the fruit. It pays where particularly fine specimens are desired. Manilla paper answers the purpose well. They colar well even when shut frém the sunshine, for it is the sunshine on the leaves which is needed. Early tomatoes rot because there is deficiency of mineral fertility in the soil; their abundance of seeds requires a good dealof potash to perfect them. Of the more common applications nothing can be more useful than wood ashes. If the first fruitis plucked off, usually that which is later will be free from Trot. Bes preventing direct damage from insects and bugs, it is also claim- ed that spraying fruit trees will cause the fruit to ripen earlier, for the rea- son that the leaves are not killed. The foliage remaining green and" healthy, mer assists the development of the While 250 species of plants are culti- vated for food, the United States, only, bolds within her borders scores of wild species Lea A of culture and improvement. Prejudice is a barrier. Some scientists even go so far as to say that the unknown kitchen vege- tables exceed the k In some of the southern European countries the traveller finds along the roadways fruit trees, from which he is allowed to pluck at will. What is left, the adjoining farmer gathers and mar- would be -well if such a cus- tom were more common. Instead of increasing the number of tramps and pilferers, it would lessen their depreda- tions. IT MAKES OLD MEN YOUNG. Many Years Added to the Lives of} ¢ Those Who Use This Great Discovery. What. a Windsor Resident of 70) 2 Years of Age Says, Mr. James Sherwood, of Windsor, Ont. has attained the ripe old age of 70 years. A few years ago he suffered from an attack of paralysis, and a second attack came on him twelve months ago. The result_of this trou- ble was to seriously derange his diges- tive organs, and complicated nervous troubles gid oe om sobtained from Labelle & Co.; of Windsor, a bottle of South American Nervine. It had an immediate effect on the stomach trou- ble, and on the nerves, besides strengthening the heart's which had become weak. 'I consider it the best of medicines. It has relieved me of pain, built up my health, and has given me a good ap- I will always keep it in my At this season, trying to all, i ee to the old and very oung, safe an effective tonic cmt be aot at hand: South Amer- ican Nervine is the best on the mar- ket. action, Beauty Contest. A voting contest to decide who are the three most beautiful women on recently ar- ya newspaper. 00 slips sent in, Mile. Cleo de Merode, dancer at the Opera, stained 38,076_votes,_Mies. Sibyt erson, the Opera, 2,295, and coord Wanda ps "Boncza, of the Odeon, 1 Ir THE BABY IS CUTTING TEETH use that old and well- tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, Be sure and allays all pain, cures wind colie -and-- is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. "Tf right is right, and G God is God, Senna y -- joub be 'aisioyaity. * To laine ee Tonal ie best congh cure is Shiloh's Cure. The A neglected is*dangerous. § it at once with Shiloh's-Cure. be. the genuine. -and--made ay | Fells a Tale of Suffering and Happy Release. Suffered From Rheumatism to Such an Fx- tent That to Walk About Caused the Greatest Agony--Was Aiso Troubled With Sick Beagache and Stomach Troable--Ger Experience Wiil Prove Helpfal to Others. Only those who have been afflicted with rheumatism can understand or appreciate fully the agony endured by its victims. Their days are days of pain, and their nights are nights of sleepless misery. And when one of those who have suffered thus is released from the thraldom of pain, how eager they are to let their fellow-sufferers know of the means 'by which they secured renewed health and happiness, In such cases people who are of a_ retirmg disposition, and who have an aversion to any- thing that savors of notoriety cast aside their personal feeling in the matter, and freely give their ex- perience for the good it may do others. Such a one is Mrs. Brad- ford, wife of Mr. John Bradford, a much respected farmer. who lives pear Bishop's Mills, in the adjoining county of Grenville. She says: "Early last autumn I was seized with pains in my knees and limbs. At first they were but slight, but gradually increased in severity until it was with the greatest difficulty I could move about. fhe 0 us- ually tried in such were re- sorted to without the ie inast benefi- clal effect. On the contrary, I was continaélly rowing worse, and at last I reached stage where, if seated in a chalice it was almost im- possible for me to arise, and when on ng feet my limbs were so stiff that it caused me the most excruciat- ing ele to waik. At this juncture a neighbor who had benefited through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advised me to a them a thor- there was a de- cided improvement, and I could walk with less stiffness and. less pain than formerly. I continued Pink Pills until I had six boxes, when I felt myself as well der-working medicine can soon. free themselves thraldom of rheumatism. &%& was not aione in th espect that I found the Pink Puls beneficial. I had been much toubl with @ tired and languid feeling and suffered very much with sick head- ache, which I believe were taeied by stomach .troubles. All these dis- agreeable symptoms -- ared un- der the treatment of Pink Pills, nd I have had no return of the trouble. up in y of heaith, and I am willing that my testimonial shall be~published for the good it may being some other sufferers. Dr. "Willams Pink Pills strike at he the disease, driving it from he po and restoring the patient to health and strength. In cases of paralysis, yore: troubles, lo- comotor atax atica, rheuma- tism, erysipelas, Lenobaione troubles, etc., these are superior to ail other treatment. They are also a speci- fic for the iccutien which make the lives of so many women a burden, and speedily restore the rich glow of pe to =alow cheeks. Men broken nm by rwork, worry or excess, will "ind Po Pink Pills a certain cure, Sold by all dealers beg sent by malt post pes at 50 cents a box, or oxes ee 50, by Atveanae the Dr. Willian "Medicine Company, Brockville, Sak or- Schenectady, N. Beware o7 "imitations and sub- stitutes alledged to be "just as gor from .the I can -- Possibilities of Slang. men don't believe I quite understand ou," said the stranger. veWhy not?" asked the native. "What have I been saying that you a ag gon gh I heard you say that youter day was a@ very cold day for rown.' "That was true, too." "And afew minutes later you said that he osah - mighty hot time of it. Now, if he found it a cold day how id he----" Two hours later the native was still th trying to explain to him the intri- cacies of American slang. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when cerhcigiags ME it through the mucous surfaces. uc articles should never excep ft on pesseripiwee edison reputable pial: tians, as the da they will do is ten fold to bar 00% derive from contains no eury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get It is taken rhode : in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials nae Sold by druggists. Price, 75e. bottle. It is well known that burns by -- "uter very little in effect fcoms co per by. Shiloh's Cure," PARENT OF THE ORGAN. The Pipes the Champion Long Distance Musical Instrument. Regidenté around Crane court, Fleet street, London, were greatly alarm- ed for'some time recently by what some considered a shock of earth- -- and others the sound of a whirl- ind. It proved, hdwever, to be nothing more serious than a lectore on f by Dr. N, Hay Forbes, iMustrations by a band rs. x a ny consisted ol members of the Gaelic Society, wuo Were raised to such a pitch of enthuslasm by the pipes that their cheers added bs the en in the neighporho: Dr. reated his nee my the spirit on a true Celt--" the Hee bag- pipes, the pride or the laund." Their music was a wild melody, highly sen- timental in essence, an expression of human emotions in martial, fes- good t rie bitter sorrow. that the bagpipe was the ancestral parent of the organ, could be heard at a distance of eight miles. In the mystic domain of roma: instrument had-no rival, unless it was the harp. According to legend, this perp and comfort of humanity was a direct gift from heaven, for the first chanter fel: from the sky like a meteor. It was made of crystal and unfortunately broke, but an exact imi- tation of it was made, and is now in the aiaaeeica: ot the chief of the Clan Chattan. A WOMAN'S BURDENS Are sper when she turns to the right medicine. If her existence is made gloomy by the chronic weak- nesses, delicate derangements, and painful disorders that afflict her sex, she will find relief and pi haha from her troubles in Dr. Pierce's Fav- orite Prescription. If she's pales ost ed, nervous, or "run-down," she has new life and nereasth after using this remarkable remedy. ts a powerful, invigorssing tonic and nervine which was discovered and used by an eminent physician for many years, in ali cases "female complaints " and weak- For young girls just entering womanhood; for women at the criti- eal "change of life ;" in bearing-down sensations, periodical pains, ulcera- tion, inflammation, and every kindred ailment, it effects perfect and perman- ent cures. Rest Byes and Limbs. Ww bis 7 come in tired and lie down eary limbs, rest your weary eyes, nthe. Do not "just look over the newspaper" while you rest yourself. Close your eyes and determine to rest absolutely for a time; then sit up and read if you will, and ee will feel less feces than if you d been over- fa , working these tired ietle organs. An Expert Stenographer. After only two months' tuition by Mr. Kelly, of Kelly's Business College Prescott, Ont., Miss Bella O'Conner 2comes an expert stenographer. Mr. Kelly invited criticism on the merits of his mailing system which the young lady has pursued, an placed Miss O'Conner as his masterpiece. The in- vitation was readily accepted, and Miss O'Conner re-examined by Messrs. P. R. McMonagle, expert stenographer ; J. K. Dowsley, barrister and attorney, me J. B. White, clerk of the Division Co When asked as to whether O'Conne: was capable of holdin ponition as stenographer, Mr. McMon- said: "She truly is; and I am convinced that Mr. Kelly'sa mailing system is an improvement in the study of shorthand, rendering She more uickly attainable and m thorough than perésonal iasteaction" "A To Touch of Nature. Mr. Meek (on asroe' car)--lI find that I have a ori ey "aol my st this ec morning. I e had m Conductor ag See et old story will not go here. ny or Mr. Meek--It wasn't a p ickpocke My wife gl Ph chery my clothes ree fore I got w Conductor "(ezmpatheticaily) -- All right. Pay next ti1 i was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Karl's Clover Root has made me well and happy.--Mrs. E. "Worden. An Invented Fish Story. Jonah's Whale--The other day I caught the biggest man I ever saw-- re gone ee iat feet teat at least, d weighed about ha Ha him inside of = for Ehres Sopa but he got away at las Chords of Little Fishes -- Oh! Oh! That's a regular man story! NEURALGIA'S PERSISTENT AGONY Has but one source of relief. Nerviline --nerve pain cure--penetrates to the irritated nerves, soothes them into re- pose, and affords relief almost instant- ly. The whole range of medicine af- fords no no parallel to Nerviline as a pain re JUNE. ROSES. "Ot all flowers Methinks a rose is It is the very emblem of a maid, For when the west wind courts her gently, How modestly she blows, and paints sun With her chaste blushes!" "My baby had croup, and was saved writes Mra. J. B. Martin, of Huntsvill, Ala. $150 For an Old Canadian Stamp. Every Sure apse stamp Asrip used between 185l anc each, 1895 is valuable wort oA = 10c oe I buy any quantity; ont inal covers ferred. Aas ae org ind o preothanly larly those Sit a sey Paragon for price list to C ~ SNEED treet east, Hamilton, On' IN ESTION conquerec 2'K.D.C. pee CRT eS ere) rT ISSUE NO 25 1896. NOTE, : In replying to vertisementa,. paper. any of these a@-. Please mention seinenipstninmnenioreienreny taepenesellie: eirnenrss-memeni your child You note the difference in children. Some have nearl every ailment, even wi the best of care. Others far more exposed pass through unharmed. eak children will have continuous colds ini winter, poor digestion in summer. They are with- out power to resist disease, they have no_ reserve strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oul, with hypo- phosphites, is cod-liver oil petey y digested andadapted o the weaker digestions of children. Sooty & Bowm, Bellovilin, Out. | pas, cmd Fae THERE §S NOTHING LIKE FREE SAMPLES K.0.C. AND D.C. CO. L RUPTUR Kelly's Business College, Ll rescott, Ont. Shorthand and book-keeping taught by mail. Write for partisa- lars. ' ron NERYOHE.BYSERESIA arent ee nares a ret made by 383 os Queen Bt. Wy. ocoate Boons Frec. --For Making a Delicious 'Health RECIPEDFor rg Adina" "des ae Leonie Flaschmann' '8 Yea Ha Dissolve th: d yea ustin the water, add the extract, a: aad bottle ; cat in a warm place for twenty four peri -- it ferments, then it will open sparkling and delicious. Bins Toot beer can obtained in all drug and gro- i 10 and 2g cent bottles to make two aad five gallon: FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNNS Baa A POW THEZOOK'S BEST ER LARGEST SALE IM CANADA. tiAssesemen System. Matual Principle. @ om in the world. $69,000,000 of new business In 1895, $308,660,000 of business 'o 5 84,084,075 death claims paid in 1896. a 000,000 death claims pald since busi- orsos shows an increase in ascets gross net surplus, income business In emia co Over 105,800 members interes: & . Managerfor New Brunswick, 8b. John, N, B. W. J. MURRAY, Manager for Nova Sostis Halifax, N.S. KENNY'S CELEBRATED HAIR RESTORER Has no equal for restoring a nage growth of beautiful hair on bald heads, Cures Dandruff, Pie soft the prevents early ba For sale Leg a awnciasale and re- tall 'driigg late. Mall orders promptly attended to, free of = ress charge, On receipt of 50c. 1 per bottle, or six large Sottlen: roe $5.00. Special inducements to the trade. Testimonials re on aa ERGT.-MA. pensgeeserey 395 Oe ae oem teen Sole wings nine MANLY VIGOR. d for pamphlet wrontactal curative properties of of DR ALBERT'S IVERSAL," mine Electric Belt . im- cena Shige strongly attachmen electricity. that is felt as soon as ap- plied to the body. SPECIAL PRICE this month, ONLY FOUR DOLLARS, sent prepaid to any address. Money ed if not as represen ONTARIO SUPPLY CO, Toronto, Please mention{this paper, é