NEWS OF THE WEEK. Two huhdred Barnado Home arriyed on the steamer Scotsman. A.S.PELTON, - PUBLISHE R. FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1696. ot Manitoba, died in Mexico. "Filled Cheese" A Fraud. THE UNITED STATES MAKES 19,000,000 POUNDS OF IT YEARLY. Washington, April 9-- The Ohto) to considér the and Means. Mr. Cook (Rep., Wis.), the author the original bill, took the floor in su port orit. The "tilled cheese" last few years. Said under false -brands and was fraud on the dairy men and the con- sumers, Mr. Lawney, (Rep., Minn.) in suppo of the bill, to show the i factories in iis State 009 pounds of cheese, Last year thei Were but 34 factories, the production of 1,000,000 pounds, Iu 1385 our exportation of cheese was aud Canada export- €d but 40,000,000 pounds. Last year, as | jail and will Which was less than 14,000,000 pounds, aresultof the exportation ef cheese, our exportatién had fallen t 61,CU0.000 -pernds: pounds. There were about 100 factories which pounds of filled produced ° 12.000 000 The bill requirés manMfacturers anc dealers in "filled cheese" to pay alicense brand such ee] and coospiciuonsly ~New York World, The Montreal Trade Bulletin has this | yet a slight falling off in the new . bus to say on the subject of "tilled cheese:' --A severe blow has at last been struck "filled ehsese." which has been palmed off up- At- cheese, | by the action of the sub-committees of | death and endowment claims, and 8769, the House Ways and Means Committee | 465 in at that bogus article called of consumers on both sides of the lantic for years past as genuine at Washington, facturers to pay cach factory operated, wholesale deal In compelling manu e's 3250 per auntm, and retail dealers | 476,93. $50 per annuum. It is further provided that "filled cheese" be branded as such and failure to do go S900 and imprisonment for one year, This will cause the vile stuff to be sold On 'merits, and prevent its fraudul- ent 'mpetition in the English mar- kets with genuine A mericxu and Can- adian cheese, Besides, the manufact urers are compelled to pay te, per lb. on all filled cheese exported. These wise and stringent Steps have been taken by American legislators in order to protect the trade in genuine cheese which was being ruined by the sale of the fraudulent article, ' Brussels, Ament Bros, have 20° hands employ- ed in their tuctory and saw mill. The editur of the Post, Mrs. Kerr and Leslie spent Sunday in Stratford, AS Many as six at a time have been down with measles in some families in Rrussels. Samuel Walker took out license and opened out his new butcher shop in the Smale block. The roads are in a bad state, conse quentiy not mauy people come to town these days. Mrs. her motber, who has been poorly for! ahout two weeks, Rev. R Paul gaye an address on | "Temperance" in the Epworth League | Mouday night Rev. G. H. Cobbledick gave "the right hand of fellowship" to 12 persons | in the Methodist-chureh Sunday even- Ing. Brussels Odd Fellows wil] probably attend the anniversary services with their brethren in Wingham on Sabbath, | April 26th, Mra. R. MeGowan left Monday for Walkerton, Messrs, R. MeGowan & Steele have opened a gents' furnishing establishment in that town. W. A. Maclean, of St. Marys, Sun- dayed in town. He left Monday for Owen Sound where he takes his old position in Dr. Cavanagh's dental office, | Lodge & Blackmore, left town for Toronto this have discolyed partner 'he latter will c Wry On the busi- ore. The new Wilson 3 beam scales for the use of ftockmen, purchased by the Council, have come to hand and will be placed iy position as soon as possible, tobert Armstrong Snipped a pair of buff Cochin fowl! this week to hig son, David Armstrong, Buffalo, that weigh- ed 173¢ pounds when ten months old. They were fine birds. Luther Ball has gone to Wingham where he has taken a_ position with 9: Gracey, furniture dealer and under- taker. Mr, Ball has hada 60d train- ingin this line of business and is a Bishop. Ward has disposed of his boas? and lot on Queen street to Thos, MckKibbon, of Walton, for the sum ot $400, They will take possession in the course of 2 month. Mre Ward and family will remove to -London we ugderstand,, house| They did not know its properties went ato' Committee of the Whole to- |#%d managed to explode it the result day on motion of Mr. Grosvenor (hep.; "filled cheese"-bilt Teported from the Committee on Ways industry, he said had rapidiy developed in the} 2 ; The produce wits often | be also a battery for Toronto, King- injury done to the legitimate cheese industry by the manufacture of filled cheese, cited the fact that in 1890 there were 13U cheese i producing 10,000, bogus} after the coronation. ( while Canada's ex-| Hundreds of students from the pottations had intreased to 146,000,000 | ous universities have been S400 per anonm. for means a fine of) end of Vatson--Ainlay-has~ been with | }--and-a little less than $10,000 for other {those noted and other), amounted to a year. chell this year. City all at Stratford Hemsworth, on the 6th has lately been Walker. this farm hag lately expired, will move away as soon asthe roads are pass: se ae nt youtig man who will dolabl well. fathered .Wright, St. Marys, to witness the mar. tiage of her daaghter, Miss George Weston, an esteemed Blanshard. The young peo on Stoneham,s farm yavated by Piper Pickard... A lot of dynamite left at Gwelow by the Suutli Africa Company's miners fellinto the hands of the Matabeles. being that about 200 savages were il One-third of the new weapons fot the militia are expected to reach Canada in of| June. The total purchase will consist p- | of 40,000 Lee-Enfield rifles, of which | thirteen or fourteen thousand will éom- pose the first consignment. There will a| ston, Montreal and Quebec of the most modern guns. The main item of the Ominion supplementary estimates is one million dollars for arms and amnu- nition. Thisis one third.of the sum the Government proposes to expend in defences, A despatch from St. Petersburg Says the governors of Russian pro- vinees are being instructed to arrest j all political suspects on the spot. A round up is being inangurated j parts of the -empire. Nearly 5,000 ;men and women have been put in be confined there until Any attempt ae re boys Sir John Schultz, ex-Lieut-Governor The... Question Asked by every thoughtful buyer is, where can [ pro- cure the Larestr Pronuc- TIONS of the Best Makers of the line of goods I re- quire ? sie we Tailoring Goods. In Tailoring goods of every description our stock for the present and incoming' ©}on their pirt to appeal is impossible, vari forced to 1 choose between i Martial going | prison, | clared in Moscow, law has et assassination, A him at the fair covered, piot to murder has just been dis 1 The Canada Life Assurance Com pany is nearing the fifteenth anniver-. sary. At the late annual general meet. ing the reports submitted show a con- j tinned increase in Canadian business, '| iness of the Company in the United States, which may be indicative that the depression there has been more Season far surpasses any- thing we have hitherto been able to procure, The goods for this season ate of much nicer, finer texture, better harmony of cotors, producing a nicer effect in every way. Newest. Goods. We have always made if keenly felt than in Canada. The eash ingome for the year amounted to $2. 731,470.74, and after the payment of profits to policy holders, and ali other charges, the sam of $716,753.44 | Was added to the assets, which at the end of the year amounted to $16,324, In the aggregate over six mil lions of new insurance was Written, bringing the total amount in force at 1895 up to more than seventy | million dollars, Statistics of Stratford Presbytery. our special study to have nothing but the Newest Goods on our shelves, and we are glad to be able to aunounce-to the publie, generally that we have been 80 successful in the selec. tion and buying of goods that at this early date we haye uot all 'told S109 worth of Winter goods in our shop. You may safely Buy | Rev. W. M. McKibbin, of Millbank, | has gleaned a few facts fcom reports j Presented at the last meeting.of Strat. jford Presbytery. He says: "There | are 81 Sabbath schools réporting within the bounds of the Presbytery. In these there are 354 officers and teachers and : scholars enrolled. Of these 'schools 24 continued their work lthroughout the year; one was open eight months in the year; one was open jseven months! four were i {months, and one was open | months outof the 12. Ont | whole number of scholars, 1489° are reported learning the shorter catechism jand of these 110 committed (and reeit }ed) the whole catechism. There is an | tegregate average attendance of about / 1,000 scholars, in the diet of publie Worship: and there are 283 of the Sabbath scholars' who are communi- he be schools to the schemes of the church. There are 19 pastoral charges in the Presbytery, in which there are 81 churches. One6f these charges. is without a minister at preseut--North Easthope and Hampstead, In the 31 churches of the Presbytegy there are sittings for 2400 families under the care of the Presbytery. The entire number under pastoral oversight is about 12,900, Of these about 5,000 are membere in full' communion, , The uumber of ruling elders is 184777 'The sum of $17,500 was paid during 1895 in silaries of ministers. About 33.400 were expended on churches and manses--repairs and running expenses "tncideutal and congregational" ex penses. Between $5,000- and 6,000 were paid for the schemes of the church and other benevolent purposes, In all, the payments for all purposes little more than $88,000 during the Pérth County Notes. There will be no spring fair in Mit- A new flag is to be purchased for the The 100-acre farm owned by Massey line, Wallace, purchased by Peter Mr. Sharr, whose lease of On April 8'@ large number of guests at the residence of Mrs, mura, to farnyer of le>will live Your Spring and Summer Suit NOW. As the major part of onr Stock is already upon the shelves, and some has al- teady found places in the homes of our customers, % ar WORSTEDS. Our stock for the coming season consists of Wor- jeants. Forty seven elders assist in the steds in all the different | work of the Sabbath schools. The 31 styles. [paent raised the sum of $812 dur eet ing the year, Congregation ---contri= oy: buted for their_respective--sehools an ais ayerage sum of $239. About $1,000 was expended for purposes connected " with the work of the schools, and Trouserings. about 400 was contributed by the Trouserings in the newest English, Seotch and Ameri: ean produetions, af TWEEDS. In Tweeds we largest display we have ever made. Boughtin the closest markets, with 'the greatest care in order to give our custemers every advantage. have the i ne 5 Furnishings. In Furnishings we are stil} up to the standard, All we say is, inspect for your- selves and be convinced, We believe that in the future as in the past by having what you want at the right price, and by hon- est dealing, we will merit a share of public patronage, The belief is strengthened by the fact that in the year just closed our trade in- creased oyer $1,500. Hpping for a share of soul patronage, and ivvit- ing an inspection of our stock, , Yours traly, & JA. MCBAIN, Listowel, Mayor Scott, of Listowel, took excep- tion toa paragraph in the Listowel correspondence in the Stratford Herald of last week. It was there stated that the tawn clerk resided in Arthur and that the town has a branch in Listo wel. The town Bank of Montreal at Stratford, Mayor Scott giving the cast- ing vote which sent the town's. bank- ing business to Stratford. Mr. Scdtt ex. plained to the Herald that the town's NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG ot MIDDLE-AGED MEN--Yon have been.the victim of Self Abnee ¥r Work. Yon f th accounts were formerly with the bank 5 Yaad? on You dead the faturo reeul , » * You kno' a arenot'a man mentally and of Hamilton, which has a branch in sexually, Why not he cored in ti ; and Listowel. Thetown was paying six ayoid ¢ o nad experience OF ater wrecks per cent. for its money,and a resolution | fy of these NT LE OO ee HO. was introduced into the Councif direct- ALE eae FASS ee ing the Finance committee to arrange for the opening of an account atd 1-2 percent. Mayor Scott's casting vote was necessary to carry this motion. Negotiations proceeded and Aarrange- ments were made with the Bank of Montreal at Strattord at 5 1-2 per cent,, the Bankof Hamilton declining to re duce its rate. When the matter came! up in the Council for consideration a motion to give the account.tothe Bank of Montreal was easrried by only one dissenting voice, As for the town clerk, the gentleman residing in Arthfr Was appointed on coudition that he re move to Listowel within a given time. He failed to do this andat the last meet- ing of the Council Lewis Bolton, a re- mene of the town, was made town Emissions, Varicotelo and Syphilis Cured W.M. MILLER W. M, NTLLER Before Treatment "At the age of my_hea'th. BOYS" --SYPHILIS. 1 was w despondent, pimples, sunken eves, 'bone CRADUE. CowAn.--In Elma, on April 16th, the wife of John Cowan of a Son. Kiump.--In Atwood, on A pril 13th, the wife of J. A, Klump of a son, & Wrec si friend recommended . Kennedy & Kergan. A dozen other doctors had failed in curing me. ". Kennedy ¢ ényen cored mo i i Method T'reatment, 1 woul) warn simi SANDLER.-- Sime i 7) 19 | diseased men to beware of Medical Frands. Ca ors I Tn I Im ton April 12th, the} They ara reliable honcat and skillfal wite of John Candler of a son. | M physicians," 7. M. MILLER, DovuGLas.--In Atwood, on April 13th, ; CONSULTATION FRE the wife of Dr, T- Douglas of a} We trent and War - es son. : . | le, my iid, Emissions, AMILTON.--In Henfry j il 1% leet, &tricturs. Nervous De. the wif ij th : Syn, itt April 13, | bitity, Unnatural Discharszrens, le wie of James Hamilton of a Kidney an uadcer Dis. son, - ITAMILTON --In Elma, the wife of John con.) of a son, ; | | ------ | on April 9th, Hamilton (16th | '17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED pcan ice § No cure, ry es Write for ' Ouestion Hian or Home x TOMB. | re ent. Books Free, KLUuMe .--In Atwood, on April 12th! consultation Free. the infant son of Mr, and Mrs, J.A,| | Klump. Quipp.~--In Elma, on Tuesday, April} 4th, the beloved wife of Albert Quipp, aged 39 years, 8 months and days, Card of Thank ard OL Thanks, AVING disposed of grocery business to B. R. Leake, of Mitchell, ] beg to thank my many cus- tomers for their generous patronage in the past, and 'trust they. will remember my successor in the same liberal manner, J. McKOY. P.S.-- All persons indebted to me are requested to settle on or before May 1, i186, and oblige, J. McK, Drs. KENNEDY & KERGAN No. 148 Shelby St. DETROIT, - - micn. R:'I:P-A-N:S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- Cures the common every-day cine: ills of humanity. Se ONE GIVES RELIEF. Why pay 73 cents a Bushel when you can buy the Best Seed Gorn at 60c. a Bushel At the DRUG STORE ? Clover and Timothy Seed at Lowest Prices All Kinds of Field and Garden Seeds in Stock, fresh from the Seedsmen. | Of the Newest and Prettiest de-- 'signs, and in Great Varicty. LOWTGLAS & Co. WALL PAPER So are we in the same old stand with all the latest and choicest goods of 1896 in stock, pupehased from the leading houses in Canada, Jall and ing sour large and well selected stock of Prints, Challies, Spot Muslins in all shaues, Weayes, Piques, Crimps, Crinkles, Cashmerettes, "ephys, and Berry Cloth, - om LRSss S¢oobDs. Salisbury, Costumes, Fiannelettes, Art Muslins cf the cesigns, Ginghawws, Shirtings, Cottonades, &e., &¢, Goou heavy factory, heavy cnougli - for sheeting, at-5c. per yard by the web, rvead svmmacde QLothi sie. A full stock of Boys' and Men's Readymade Clothing in stock. Doors AND SEZo=Es.. Boots and Shoes, all sizes, of the latest designs and styles, GROCHERIrEs. tant (ates A fuJl stock or Groceries always on hand, ustially kept in a general store. arm produce taken in exchange, Ina word we keep everything Experlenosefas taught us theonly sure road to success is to ss]! good goods at lowest living -profits. 1 shall esteem it a tavor for intending purchases to call and look through our spring stock of 1896, feeling confident it will be to our mutual benetit, Thanking my many friendsiand the publi¢, generally, for favors of 1895, and trust | still confidence and a liberal share of your patronage for 1896. Cc. H. HOLMES, The Busy Honse, Main..St., Newry... werit your ~