Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 17 Apr 1896, p. 4

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~ <7" col ; AVIENG decided to make this business one of the Largest . Clothing Stores outside of the sity of Toronto, I have therefore teken special paius in selecting one of the finest stocks of CHILDREN'S BOYS' AND MEN'S PRING ++ CLOTHING! F or the Early Spring trade. Children's 2-piece Suits from Si up. Boys 3 piece Suits from $2.50 up. Men's Suits from $3.0 up. Our TAILORING Department is under the care "fal man- agement of expert hands, and the pub- lic can rely on getting first-class work. Spring Suits from $10 up, made to order. Our FURNISHING stock is com plete, Latest Ties and Shirts in stock. ee Hiat stock wys never so comp rlete. {n stiff Hats we haye the latest; in Sott Felts we have the newest, See our HOc. Soft Felt Hats in all shades. WeppinG Ourrits a Specialty. M. WILDFANG, Sign of the Elephant, Wallace St., LISTOWEL. _TOWN N TALK." @LEAN up your yards. Reap the advertisements. QuxEN's birthday comes on Sunday this year. Dn. Kipp has had an to his kitchen. Miss BAILkyY n é the first water.--Barrie Gazette. KALBFLEISCH Was visiting .4 frie nds in the Glassie¢ city this week. EtMA Counsil meets in the Hall next Monday, 20th inst., at 10 a.m., for general business. HOonsEMEN, eat your route bills print- edat Tue BEE. Prices moderate, and and the one publish ed in the paper tree. addition built is an eloentionist of R. Wrerrams,. harnessmaker, has] Bntranee. 'Primary exam. will be held | moved into his new premises, lately ton July 7th ie Junior Leaving July} vacated by Messrs. tlam/en Bros. ile | oth. is a brand new. stock of trunks, New Trin Suop.--Geo. Anderson was alises, whips, curry combs, lap dust- ers, etc., besides a full line of light and he avy he irness, and harness repairs, Tue Christian Ende avor concert takes place on Wednesday, 22nd inst. The prices are 15 and worth the money Bailey give "The Daughter of Regiment" alone. As this is to be the best concert of the season, and prob ably thedast, don't miss it, Soip Our.--Joseph McKoy has_dis posed of his g groc 'ry business to B, R. Leake, of Mitchell, who takes possess ion on May ist. Mr: beake is w young man of considerable snap and: go in him, and comes highty recommended, It isa good stand a ny a he onght to sue- veed. Mr. McKoy and family will re turn to Mission City, B.C.to live, where they own property. Joe was obliging and popular, and his many frietids will regret bis going out of business! here, We welcome Mr,Leake to the vil lige, and bespeak fer him liberal share of public patronage, ATTENTION !--We draw ular attention this advertisement of B. & Son, of the Listowel Woolen They have extended their buildings to make room for an immense stock of ready- 'made clothing; and they open.in their new building next Friday, April 24th (Listowel Spring Show day). They e tend to allan invitation to visit 'their store (whether you want goods or not) and inspect their stock. They claim to have clothing superior to any that has ever been shown in this part of the country before, clothing made out of their own manufactured goods, A Novet IpeaA.--A machine for catching flies off the backs of cattle, and so affording the animals relief and comfort, has been iuyented by a farm- erin Madison county, Kentucky. The fly catcher is a kind of covered pen or passage-way,through which the animal must walk-to secure relief. A few feet from the entrance there isa cupola or dome inthe roof of the passage gvay, made of glass and arranged as a fi trap. Beyond this the passage is dark- ness. The animal walks through the machine, and just as it passes under the dome and enters the darkened part asetof brushes sweep off the flies, which naturally rise to the ligh ted dome, and the cow. passes out at the other side free of flies. The flies are re- tained in the dometrap. The inventor has experimented with his machine and find that the. animals: soon. learn the v alue of the machine and know enongh to walk throagh it when the flies begin *obits. Tue device has been patented, a yeur partic to the new mal , ats , Baa spring is here, Hg straw hat will now = its in D te G& WANTED. eh two or three signees old 8 aniel pup wanted. Ap- ply at this office. Mrs. ALEX. CAMPBELL and children are visiting relatives in Toronto, Ux bridge aud Peterboro. RHEUMATISM is caused by lactic acid in the blood, Hood's Sarsaparilla neu- tralizes this acid and dures rheumatism. Saran Lorp Barey carried her hearers in spasm after spasm of hearty roistering ' laughter.--Peterboro Ex- anminer. WE regret to hear of the serious ill. Lness of Mrs. Gomer Green, of Brussels, formerly of Atwood, of inflammation the lungs. equal of Sarah Lord Come out and hear her hearing the Bailey again, on the 22nd. NEW a at ha this week --d. Morrison, B.- srook &Son, Wm. G. Inglis, Thos: Dickson, J. McKoy, Drs. eanedy & Kergan, Carson & McKee. We would like very much if possible for the teackers of Elma and surround- ing district lo sendin their Promotion returns for publication in THe BEE next week. Revs. HENDERSON and Ball, Mrs. R Anderson, Mrs. Kalbtleisch aud Net- tie Robertson were in Stratfurd this week as delegates to the County Sun- day School Convention. Our of 520 convicts in the iigaton penitentiary, there is not a single prin- ter. All the other callings are well re- presented This is a good record, con sidering that printers are "devils" to commence with: THe more than sociable house fly has come to spend the summer with ns, and if will be no fauit of Mr. and Mrs. Fly if we do not have a fly time. If no mishe ip overtakes them during their visit they will have raised a fam- ily of about 2,000,000 little flies to par- ticipate in the domestic festivities ere the season closes. THE annual report of the Western Dairymer's Assciation will be ready for distribution about May Ist, It will contain a verbai report of the addresses and discussions at the great Woodstock convention. This report should be in the hands of every. cheeseman and airyman, If you have not yet for warded to the Secretary the member- ship fee for 1896 (which is only 50c.) do so at once and insure getting the report when ready. Wun the dust is on the connter and the cobwebs on theshelf, and there's seldom anybody in the store besides yourself, and your stock is getting stale, and bills enough are come due to make abanker pule,oh then's the time a merchant is feeling kinder blue, and is troubled with the question of the proper thing to do, Butin such a sit nation one sure remedy applies, if you want = get customers you have to ad- vertis THE 'date of the Entrance Examina tlon this year has been changed from You may never haye the 'chance of 3 Elma Agricaltural le grounts are advertised to = wr eople's solumn, As an elecutionist, Miss Bailey is a star well worth going a long distance to hear. --Brampton Times We regret to report the 'iliness of C. J, Wynn of inflammation of the bowels. We hope to see him on kis pins again in a few days. HEAR Sarah Lord Bailey, the queen of elocution, at the Christian Endeavor concert, in the Town Hall, Atwood, Weduesday, April 22nd. or as eee 70 § -I-3 = _ Fall Whea: Spring Wheat BONN SA iocceckddevicserethoncewte Ssaxs Hay seaeris. =>. Floun "i ewt Short = Sewt ESFS ~ oJ ~ ip eas o ae ' i S Zz Weak, Tired, Nervous Women, who seem to be all worn out, will find in purified blood, made rich and healthy by Hood's Sarsapa- Trilla, permanent relief and stre ngth. The following is from a well known nurse: "T have suffered for years with female) complaints and kidney troubles and 1 have had a great deal of medical advice) 7 during that time, but have received litt or no benefit. A friend advised me to tau: Hood's Sarsaparilla and I began to use it together with Hood's Pills. I have real- ized more beneilt from these medicine: than from cat else] have ever taken €2 3 ience , Hood's Sxreupariila to Een a ' a bine, and as We hay e al- blood purifier." Mas. C. Cros ETON, 7 peg ady state sd, we guarantee Cumberland 8t., Toronto, Ontar , Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only | the Jast week in June to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of July. By this arrange paaigeg the term will not be. shortened by ¢ few the school where the examination held, Publie School Leaving will ve| held at the same time and place as_ th this Week purchasing a full stock of tinware, and a complete tinware plant, and will open shop in the premises one door north of MeKoy's grocery. George is a steady going young man, a first-class mec! han- ic, and his many friends in town and countr y will be glad tosee him sueceed= He is ason of our townsman, Robert Anderson, anda native of "Atwood. We bespeak for him a generous share of pubhe patronage. Ir is proposed to amend the <Assess- ment Act to provide that it shall not be necessary for township clerks to send aecopy of the roll every year to the County Clerk unless required by the County Councilor by the County Judge, for the purpose ot rqualizing the assessment, but the 'Township Clerk shall send a summary statement every year to the Clerk of 'the ¢ sounty, show- ing the population of the municipality and. the tetal asseessment of the var- ious classses of property liuble to as- sessment therein, Tne Passton PLAY.--J. J. Denman and his agent Mr. Robb, of Bluevale, were in town this week with the object of giving an exhibition in Atwood of the Passion Play, representing -- the birth, life and sufferings of our Saviour aud being arepropuction of the great German Passion Pl: ty by meang of moving, life-like mechanical figures worked by machinery. The exhibition isa marvel of mechanjeal ingenuity and very impressive and beautiful. in its effect. They decided not to fix a date at present, owing to-the concert billed here on the 22nd inst, but: prom- ised to exhibit here in the course of a couple of weeks if possible. 'Tur Remedial bill, which Wednesday evening, April isth, was practically abandoned for the session, was intro- duced February 11th; Parliament met formally on January '2nd, but by ar rangement the first business day wis January 7th; a few days were lost through the Ministerial crisis, but more was consumed unnecessarily by the rulonged debate on the ° address. Then the debate on the budget was cane at such length thatit was not nn- tilthe 3rdof March that the second reading could be moved. Since that date the measure has been almost con- large 3 before the House of Com, The division on the.2nd readin was 5 reached on March 19th, and since then the bill has been in commit the Government have been endeayor- ing to get it into Committee for gai in Hamilton » 39 days as has "hitherto oecurre d | | True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eve today. easy to tmy, easy to take | Gusy in eflech 20s Sprina Announcement ! E have in onr New Spring Stock and can supply the Public with almost any- thing "-- is usually keptin a General Store, Dry Goods, We have a beautiful assortment oft Dress Gooas, Prints, Shirtings, Cottouades, Cottons, Cretonnes, Art Muslins, &c., &e. Hood? s Piils A ----E we ar T HIS Season, as before, Eastern handling the Township CORSETS "The Watch-Spring"' (Onr Special) is the best known Corset sold for the money ln, the market, Boots * Shoes In Boots and Shoes we have a fine new stock purchased from J. D. K ing &-Go,, a firm second to none in Canada; and to see and inspect these goods is to ensure for us their sale. OUR GROCERY STOCK ie Is Fresh and Complete. A Caiiy Sclicited. The Best Value --FOR THE-- Least Money. The above is our Motto, and applies to everything i our line of business. We make all kinds of Heavy & Light Harness And keep in stock a full line of Collars, Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, Lap Rugs, Fly Nets, Trunk 's, Valises, ke. Special Attention Given to Repairing. We use only the best leather, and guarantee our wor *k. Give us a Trial. y ESE = WILLIAMS 113m to A. CampDell.} To the Farmers' of Atwood end Vicinity. (Successor GENTLEMAN, -- We beg leave tu 'thank you for pat- ronage given to our agent, > ROBT. MOORE, . F. R. Curtis, during the past season and we also "DEALER IN solicit your trade for the Shelfand Heavy Hardware, coming season. We guar- antee our Goods to be equal to any in the market and we also appeal to you not to be mislead by any of the Massey Harris agents who! 'have circulated the report that we are out of business. In dealing with us you are not dealing with any com- Pamats, Oils, Glass, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silverware, our Goods "equal to any Lamps, Cross~ Cut aie Te Sonal to-day in ithe © Dominion. Again Saws, Axes, | thanking you. We remain Yours tr ruly, SYLVESTER BROS., Mfg. Co. Atwood, April 4th, 1896. &c., Listowel. Main Street, W ew SPRING SUITING URS Spring importations excel all our former efforts. In Seotch, English and Canadian Tweeds and Worsteds, and the greatest variety of Trouserings ever shown in Atwood. Spring Overcoatings in all 'shades. Never have we had a finer or cheaper stock to choose from. --_- High Prices Not in It. Just Arrived ! = The finest stock of Shirts, Neck- sar, Sox, Jewelry, Braces, Collars and Cuffs, Hats & C sips, ete., ever came to the village of Atwood. $500 worth of Tweeds of the latest "Patterns and best Quality in the market just arrived. =have great reason to thank the public for their generous patronage. I may say here | have increased my, business $250 "duri ing the past three months. The reason for our inacanaad business is that during these hard times people are very cautious in buying, and find that they ean buy cheaper and get better suited at R. M. Ballantyne's, the Old Reliable Tailor. I have atiidied your interests for the past 11 years and have got just what you want for spring wear. We keep a Large Stock of Boys' Readymade Clothing. A. Call Solicited. If you buy withaut examining our stock you, can blame yourself. Remember the place. ee a month, Only 14 qlauses have been passed in All this time of the 112 wisieh| i constitute the- measure, . W, R. ERSKINE. R. M. BALLANT YNE..

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