Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 17 Apr 1896, p. 2

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Devices to remedy this seem to have | 5 "pis strike failed. for it is 2 common thing yet. | the root of the disease, dr cing tA FORTUNE IN A MONTH ai Buckle a strap in the bit ring, 'and from the system and restoring 1x draw over the nose to lvold the bit | 'patient to health and cifonetie Tn | Cannot be exp eye he the ere, o whe | l 7 . s | cas es of paralysis, spi al 7 , ia ent n 8. close to the roof of the mouth, . » that leomotor atax angi a ubles, lo- | anaie our Silverware, Ta are, Tea and he cannot get the tongue over Sie 4 ia, Stiatica, rheuma- | Co iners, Stereoscopes and Views, Skim milk fs of value in stock feed- tism, erysipelus, serofulous troubles, Violin Outfits, Photograph Frames, Leatherette | ing, but never at its best when , fed | ete., these are superior to all other | Table Mats, etc. Oa aid for re vlone iis 'better to use it in ¢om- | treatment. They are also a specific TH QUEEN SILV ERWARE O., bination with bran, met or even | for the troubles which make the lives | trea! e whole corn, for thus will we get the | 0! 50 many women a burden, and | best return for it. There is no class } speedily restore the rich glow of of etock upon the farm to which milk | health to sallow cheeks. Men orem may not be given with profit down by overwork, worry or excesses, | if you see better stock in your b> Ag oh th med Pills a certain cure. | 2 'You Wanr THEM. Can Cet THem! = neighbor's fields than in your own, Sold by all dealers, or sent by niall, g= sey FROM MERCHANTS OR DIRECT you may be pretty sure that he is} post pai nt 50 cents a box, or six " BR. FROM ne CATAL VE FREE either a better breeder or a better | boxes ! $2.50, by addressing the a= ' c. feeder. Results are always the pro- | Dr. v ms' Medicine C r. atG ducts of cabses. ir t Brock Ont r Schenerti Stiv not be a wonder to you, but an inten- | Y. é f- imitations a w= A- tive to do bett tutes t to be "ju " pe 73 . ; : : a SiE lit VERNACULAR. ; *N he , most musingin "I . aiin i ti t | fee thi I make no impression | ie radescat : i and should pot fai | on that heart ice to a appreciated. *That bag to " replied the Ics- m STEELE. <BRIGGS S SEDC" There is ever a tendency to breed |ton maiden, witha smile that was | too much for "shoW points." Breed | like the gli it of the Arctic sun across | for use No matter Whether it is a reais giazier. "in this case you cut LE SS RS STi cow OF & cred or a hog, see that the | 2° ice, as the vulgar would put it." i Fd D i @- ES Lr: | oO NM "points" are such as will be.of prac-| ._ tical value, ana will help serve the | Karl's Clover Root Tea is a sure CONQUERED BY ; ; . © } > ; s purpose for which the animal is; cure for Headache and ryous dis- BURT hea A Ag Ne pote tr i ; aide WHOLE SYSTEM. needed. ' jeases. Nothing relieves so quickly. . 2 oe es, " puss oe iss pata li si > See (oles eat Tele 'S oes "AEORSS : at + + | Se a od i b Bs > SES: t | 6 Me a oo oa ae as 2 a Se he Da ae ie a ac ie ec ea "AGRICULTURE 25 Althbugh applications of oaicar| manure may not be needed by the clover, the best possible way to | manure the corn crop is to apply, it | the sod the year before; and when planting the corn give a top dressing of freshly slackened . lime. | This increases the activity of the ni- trifying «ferment ine ee in the soil | during the long ho season in which corn makes its eas h. [here is no ¢rop grown in the importance of good seed manifest as it is in the*corn crop. | It is a mistake to merely select the | best ears from the bin, for these ears | good | which | is 80 may not have come from -- prolific | People who Siena Select Rs the eid, and | trict. For some time past a reporter | public streets and expect to recover 0 1@ lower W 1 Ie Bt e 1 " Py, as » j * stalk eee Oh ae SO ee | of the Welland Telegraph has been} qagmages from the municipalities re- Gor for seed' should: atwiye. bel ~ atching the development of a treat-|gnonsible for their maintenance in | grown in the same latitude and ¢li- | @eat for a serious cause of rheumatism | good repair must now serve notice of | aor peerhe Coe pine re eee | on one of the employees of that insti-| intention to make such claim within See 1 e north n 2 accl- | tution. Al sige} years 22£0,! sey Z 3 mated in the south, und southern | yy. py p DOE: 2 seen oo ng |seven days, instead of thirty as seed will not ripen in the north. The }--" "* ** Robbins, while at work 10! topmerly. The amendment apptles to |. famous Chester County corn of Penn- | the Telegraph printing office, WaS) ni cities, tow ns and villages. sylvania will be a failure both in | Suddenly seized with sharp pains all ERE OTS, New England and in the more Nouth- | ever the body, accompani ied ex- ee ; +. ern States : treme swellings. He reached home, | The New York Herald thinks Har- it was formerly the idea that corn | but a short distante from the office, | rison's maryiage to-a pretty young | would stz seen up bette oy the earth ae Piculty. and on a inflamma be-| widow will boom his presidential was ploughe up around it, but the | ig Called he pronounces it inf Lune a my weaaiaie eimcpael «OO: ERAT ; a } | zi : s | chances. ays, liticians of the | fact is that it stands better when | tory rheumatism. For seven week ane Te ci pewe it , not so treated. When cultivated shal- = | most pronounced type openly said low and flat upon a deeply buried sod = ~ i that the most taking thing with the | | news of its particular locality or dis-| A TYPO'S RELEASE ------ | From the Awful Sufferings of Rhen- matism. ad | NOTES anp COMMENTS. Leap year societies are the latest New Woman organizations, the aims and objects of which being briefly stated are to get all the members out of the state of single loneliness before the-long spell of exclusion from the privilege of leap year beginning with 1897 and lasting till 1904 begins. Robbins, of Welland--4& Yearsa--His Case The Case of B. P. Sufferer for Seventeen Kesisted the Treatment of the Best Hos- pitals and He Had Become & Physical |. Wreck--His Wonderful Release. A correspondent cf the London vancet gives Baron Garofalo as au- (From the Welland Telegraph.) thority for the startling statement The is both commer- } that there were 4,000 murders in cially and scientifically inclined to- | Italy last year--about one homicide wards system, and news, like every- | levery. two hours. That is a very thing else, is gathered systematically. | bad showing, and says little for the Every newspaper has its staff of re-| | restraining influences of morality and porters to observe and collect the religion in Humbert's kingdom. world to~lay sustain injuries on the BOW TO sane GOOD WIVES. if Husbands are Hotter, Home Will be Br ighter and Wives More Loving. . I have read with much amusement some df the letters written by men giving their views of wives, says writer in the Philadelphia Times. One 'would suppose that all depended on woman, 'and that man should make no effort to brighten home liie. iri et of there not being more good Viv is because there are not more befell husbands. t a young man who feels he is in a position to marry endeavor to find asta eo girl who has been properly red--mentally, morally and in oueenuN duties. If, aiter an acquaintance, there should be a mutual love--for without love there can be no happiness--they safely marry. After marriage the man must re- member that he has married a human being like himself, and must expec to discover many '{mperfections ; but, if hé would be happy, he must over- look them, and he will find she will | overlook any he may have A man should show te wife the i same love and kindness he did when he was her lover--woman craves love, it is to her what dew is to the flow- ars. am of the opinion that the true ISSUE NO 17 1896 NOTE, In replying to any of vertisements, please mention paper. : baby growth The baby's mission is owth. To that little bum le of love, half trick, half dream, every added ounce of flesh means added Eee piness and comfort! Fats the signal of perfect health, comfort, good nature, baby beauty. Scott's Emulsion, with hypophosphites, is the eas iest fat-food baby can have in the easiest form. It sup- plies just what he cannot get in his ordinary food, theese ad thi Such a girl as I have described, lreared by a good mother, Ww ill un- | derstand ond be willing to take | | charge of the house; if her husband |-has not sufficient means to employ a} she will giadly do her own of course, J] do not mean the work--washing, house-clean- --there would be no economy ns doctor's fees would be sure more in a short time. | servi ant, | work; heavier j ing, ete. ) in that, to cost and helps him over the 'weak ,places to perfect | growth. | Scorr & Bownwn, Belleville, Ont. pu. end Geese THERE IS NOTHING LIKE K. 'Cc. FOR NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA HEADACHE, DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, Eto NS. aa biew igre bude en ne padres catahey a people that any presidential pogsibil- | re will not be necessary for a man att AMP PLE SKDS Write te Yor ther. on the soil nr eh bie saiia be ane ity had yet accomplished was General | to complain of a 'wile such Sr this, infured = by Ria' Taint Harrison's marriage." What a re- | rest irding her dress. She will always ; y I s } ; . be as neat and as well dressed as her ' it is folly to plant seed that we flection on the intelligent electors of position will admit. This wife will do not know is good. Test the corn the great Republic! not be a Wall-flower at any gather- rs rin by taking one or two g§ernels from | i ing she may attend. Her education 2 number of ears. Count the number TO BU ILD UP i wwill allow her to converse on many ip of these -kernels which fail and the . | subjects numibe r Which show sprouts, and it Both the flesh and the strength of The st eandor should exist be- P Ms a x easy to tell about the per cent pale, puny, scrofujous children, get | re aint inl eo oe 'hip should urify the Blood by of your seed which will grow. Thix Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. know the amount of his income, 80 | " " will govern you in planting thick or It's the best thing known for 21] ¢)at she may better know how to | ys thin. wasted body and a'weakened system. | peeuinte her household expenses. Way of the Kidneys. The corn crop takes "the place | 1t thoroughly purifies the blood, en- | As to the rearing of children, f | < i among veretables that the hog does | riches it, and makes effective every | they see their parents love and re- | rieentas r _ among animals; it will take all | natural means of cleansing. repalr- | cnect each other, they will love an) This 1S Nature S way retuse, Course manure, gruss sod, etc., | ing-and nourishing the system. In | respect them also, and must, of a fact : sain Peer tiie © nid Saas, Beit *: bed ! [ recovering from "LaGrippe," pneu- | grow up good. : . yany other plunts would starve, still. | he lay in bed under the care o the | monia, fevers, or other debilitating 106 . he f d mY ? | a we find that it paws to feed it well | best physician, and at the end of that} diseases, nothing can equal it as an jy eid eoncinston, & Bese! ee al 0 omg it, LIC t 1¢€ For corn or potatoes, a fine surface, | time he was again able to resume his!/ appetizing, restorative tonic to bring ae ke ro00d Ww rang if they married good with limps and ¢ldis at the bettom, | duties, During the next few years he] back health and vigor, Cures nervous re a che. ; Tay. will not do; it does not give a pro- | Was st bject to frequent slight httacks | und general debility. ----- : sonimisinsiorampechti W ay eS per ea for the reve ption and wer- and finaliy thought a change of loca- : ---- IT' LEADS THEM ALL. mination of the seed, and it will not tion might be beneficial. With this! All diseases of lower bowel, inelud- = inhi Sea ae 1 Aletion: be sufficiently retentive of muisture; | idea Mr, Robbins visited the different; ing rupture and pile tumors, radically | There are dic sa pesca rete of then DODD'S and deep plainting of potatoes, that) American cities, sometimes in good) cured. Book particulars free, | HPCs: but the comes chet aes tel still they muy -hayve a levet cultivation, is | health and 'on. unabie to get out] World's Dispensary Medical Associa- aul Sone a be sie 0 a + ; ; ' the rational and-proper method | of bed, until i 8 he finally ee tion, 663 Main | street, , Buffalo, N. ¥. | easily. in the lead in the great rac ° e 4 good supply of available plant | ms "5 York. Fos, for about two | | for Kidney Pills fovd, placed right in the reach of the | Years, he followed his oceu yLtion with + > - gael cern CRT RIS seed hg it begins to start into growth, | Comparatively little per nt when DIMENU TION OF THE SLEEVE. THE AD\ "ANCE OF SCIENCE. is the best possible thing to hasten he suffered a severe attack which left Are you not glad that sleeves are Little Miss Muffet, ' the crop of potatoes. Manuring in the | him, until a few months ago, a warm] so much smaller The newest are She sat on a tufiet, O t hill or drill is a good deal of trouble, tyr to that kaleidoscopic made to closely enfold the arm from And-finished her biscuits and tea, bed ! | but. it pays when well done: but first t | manure the land as heavily as possible | before if is pioughed. Farmers should call halt in selling much untinished produce from the farm, for it means "2 total What are termed the 1 products." Converting one 's) grain in- to high priced food enhances its val- we many times, And from stock tht us | raised there arp--oth er by pene iucts to | right into other pl roductive ehan- nels. Seil little raw material possibile. themselves toa BO loss of STOCK. Good stock and low prices will just as much profit as poor stoc k and good prices. Good breeding stock can | give | | | | | now be bought at very reasonable | prices, and the opportunity . to im- prove the flocks and herds should be "utilized in view of the better times | which are sure to come. feww acres of ensilage corn, cut at} the right time and put in a good silo, will help us solve the problem fs to | hoa --steck---may--be--kept--prefitably: i Land and stock can be combined to no | better advantage than" by using the | first to grow ensilage, and then feed } the product to the second. ee Get rid of the ticks on sheep by dip- 4 ping them in a kerosene emulsion or | a tobacco decoction; or, make a_ de- coction of tobacco stems, turn 'the sheep upon its back, open the wool on | its belly from head to tail, and pour | | into the opening the warm liquid. If poured upon the back .it will follow The WOO! strands and run off. Lambs will begin to eat before they are two weeks old. From that time ike y should be pushed until they go to the butcher. Letthem havea feeding place where they wih be alone, and whither they may go and eat when they will and all the y will. If turned to pasture, the grain should be con- tinued; they will be saleable at any time for as much as lambs fed on grain would be next fall Some horses have an annoying habit, especialiy when weary, of lolling out | the tongue when weuring the imany weury h e ; ve disease. | Mr. Robbins recovered somewhat aiter | weeks of idleness and went back to the types, but again and again he was | j laid up, working only about six days | a month. Gradually he grew wore, | rine almost rea entered the | Sisters hospi fter awe within was disch: irged | ardiet "ineurable.' Al Be sure and use that old and sense of duty than with hope he tried | tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- other hospitals in the city but with | ing Syrup for children teething. It the same result, and resigned to his | soothes the child, softens the gums, fate he left for -- eld home, | arrived February,| is the best remedy for | 1893, a crippled peamiants ot his | Twenty-five cents a bottle. former seli, And was passed -unrecog- | ni zed by his ,urmer ee = in | che nouns of hia father, dames, W-| Madr of the new eke havo the pt emi ey A i i . ti 1€ | sei ami cut to 'admit a narrow "panel | ' 1en during the warm | of ¢ rasting color. The panel is a the wrist to the point where the un- derpart, meets the bodice. falls a puff, still rather much less pronounced and than London Truth. large, but emphatic spending its ais | If THE BABY IS CUTTING well- where he diarrhoea TRIMMED SKIR RT ? SEAMS. oy Eee +s able hl he alk about with | mere line at the top, and not more ie Gid of 4 spiked cane for a few | than three inches wide at the foot minutes ut u time. When the cold} of the skirt. | Weather approached, however, he was } : |; again confined to the house. Pink Asy your physician, your. druggist tilbs were frequently recommended totund your friends about Shiloh's Cure A Robbins, an Jecember last | for Consumption. They will reeom- he started.to- take them. The first | mend it. : box was unnoticeable, but the second | produced a Roar change for the bet- a ra is More were then taken and the | $175 A YEAR improv ement was daily hailed with | Witt t i : ; CRE yy by his friends. The rheumatism | <,) hout. interest, will buy a good, 100-A ORE oe, but surely left and has not | ALS, with fratie buildings, a Sno yet returned. In March last Mr. | M. J. KENT, eobbins Was once more at work and | London, Ont. has not lost a el since. The cane | a! long since been discarded --and.} ELUY'3. BUSES SOLLNAie Rai "Ed." is one-of he happiest, jollies co, ODt we er mepne | employees in the of flies Mr. I : ae at magi ty a To is well known in the county 'and in- | G SNrs-- ARMSAy MASSACRES,' deed throughout the w hole district, | 4 written by an Armenian Misaiouar, D and although, as he says, he. has | dorsed by Glad 'rances Willard 'and ~ aud Henry Somerset; ove only not got the strength of Hercules yet, outfit ono order Mefore you Pink Pills have given him for a tri- sleep. M' DER} ID & LOGAN, London. fling cost the relief he spent hun- : dreds of dollars in vain trying to se- S THE STUFF ON WHICH THERE | G OLD'S | is no discount like stocks in Over that | it used to be.--Cousin Madge in j TEETH | |allays the pain, cures wind colic and | ee -- up a spider vn beside her, ae counted his an-tenn-2e. Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia and all T hro: it and aes diseases are ee | BAKING POWDER TH COON Sr FRIEND EenGESt SALE IN CAN 2 aseasmen System. Mutuat Principls, - pee Edw. B. Harper, 'ounder, | 15yrs.completed. is iT rgest Fe | and Strongest | Natural | | mpany n the world. 9,000,000 of new business in yoees 4,075 death clatms patd In 'T8965 cure. He considers the disease com- the celebra' j 4,0 pletely out of his system and can eat | Boston-Colorado Co., located in Cripple Creek'e | B25, 00d 000 death claims pald since bast- and sleep well, two essential ints golden hills, Buy now outright before the | ness dl eu, tlé points | advance, at the present low price. This stock | 1895 shows an increase in gross --_ to. goo realth. Mr. Robbins strongly | is full paid and n eg e. The boom for | net surplus, stale sas business in force. recommends this wonde rful medicine | souks y 19 coming, 'ri information. R. | og 105% = ers interested. te other sufferers, | | D. Griswold, ercuarte Bidg., Chicago, | M: age RTRY, Manager ag Ontario Toronto On anecer for Manitoba 1-West Territories Quebec, Fresh ae Hout oe d'A Mont Que Pool. JAMES DOMY. 1 'LE, "Managerfor New Brunswick, 8t, John, N. B. Wad ce aac Sienanen for Nova Scotia Halifax, N. [c="See that you get DODD'S |mitations are dangerous!! o> ; Webster's § {International $ Dictionary The One Great Standard Authority, 2 So writes Hon. Db. J. hrewer, 2 e tice PY. &. Supreme Court. t@er~Send a Dect for Specimen Pages, etc. Successor of the **Unabridged."' Standard ¢ English Gov't in ¢ 2 of the the Postal Te leg % Siriaas of the U.S. Gow t ln ing Office, the U.S ithe preme Cour al} the State Supreme Courts, and of heart all the O School boo! « : 2° Connnended 9 by Sta ate Shperintend- 9 ents Rehools, and .O other i: ao ators almost < without numbe THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY 2 , It is easy to find ike: wad wa : , It is easy to ascertain © pronunciation. P 5 r is easy to trace the pace ord. ¢ tis sfc ° learn wh EBST TER THE STANDARD. é The 'Tor to G Jobe says « The Ir biabe ational is Me idly bece coming recognized ¢ as the most reliable stu hard, dichonary. published. ¢ iniuidition to falAlinuethe prities function of adic- tionury, the International cont carries vents ister of . general in nformation of alue--Ja + 1886. 6 G.&C. MERRI 0., Publishers ¢ fe) Spriaenetd, "Mass, U.S.A AGENTS WANTED To handle on very liberal terms one of the beat a ore ever invented, Sells op sight y fyou dae "business send stamped envelope for reply. Address ONTARIO PLATING WORKS, Hamilton, Ont, $150 For an Old Canadian Stamp. Every Canadian Stamp used betw and 18% is valuable and worth from Toe bo bo gun cern I buy a qasnle on the original covers so all other kinds of ayer eee tabs collected 25 yearsago. Bené r oe ehce list to C. A. NEEDHAM, 664 Matz ® east, Hamilton, Ont *e 000000 Se GWE YOURSELF THE SATISFAGTION uf own nd riding the finest and best Bicycle in the Domi lon-S4 Sey part inspected by | twenty expert mechanics, } | l | . | ' 1 | Why Hil tad ns eta tthe ton tot, and for LIGHTNESS, STRENG TH and every point entering into « Full particulars and a handsome cat Algo oF an STANDS high-grade wheel gg ioe SP TS shag of JOHN W.* NELSON, Hamilton, Can., oft ECLIPSE BICYCLE COMPANY, Elmira, N. Y BRANCHES--New York City, Waehington, Indianapolis, Boston, Philadelphia, Hamilton, Cana. * a eee sedis Bre es

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