Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 6 Mar 1896, p. 8

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ewe ake In the way of one's learning to ride a 'Bicycle. One ofthe things in the way has been the price, Weare. now. pre- pared, however, to offer.a 'First-class Bicyelé as perfect as faultless material and human skiil can make for the low 'sum of ~r-- $50.00 --umi- Iam also handling Columbia, Cleye- land, Imperial and Eagle wheels, Alum- inum Rims, Puncture-proot Tires. Bre ne = Sep -- BE = Woah = -ats Bs om 2 LISTOWEL, ONT. Agent G. T. R, ; Issuer of Marriage -Licenses. : District Mews. Newrg . Following is the standing of the ;pupils-of the Newry Public school for the month of February. Names given in order cf merit: Sr. 4th and 5th class ~~-Laura Simpson, Lottie Adams, A. R. Ballantyne, Angus Dickson, Maud Coulter, Chas. H. Coulter, Chas. W. Coulter, Laura McMane. Jr. Ath class -----Ette Hanna, Arthur Simpson, James -Robb, Teenie Allison, Maggie McMane, Frank Ballantyne, Thomas Mclutyre. Albert Dueklow. Sr. 3rd cluss--Ida Danbrook, Ed. Smee, Frances Fullarton, I{arold Danbrogk, Henderson Robb, Guy Hanna, Maggie Johuston, - Lillie -Smith, Mary Coulter, Willie Coulter, Hannah Leslie, Ben Howes, Lillie Tag- gart, Herbert Ducklow, John Hanua. Jr. '3rd eclass--Alasthea Danbrook, Nelkie Ballantyne, Eliza MeMane, Jno. {:ilmer, Bella Morrison, Jno. Allison, Harry Danbrook, Bella Gilmer, Janey 'Coulter, Geo, Peebles, Russell MceMane. Daily attendance, 70. Brussels. W. Downs, photographer, has decid 'ed to give up business in Brussels, The new- Blyth public school will be faced with pressed terra cotta brick. Quite a number of the children are daid up with measles in Brussels this month. Potatoes are very low in price. 18c. a bushel is considered about the mar- ket value, Joseph Pugh, of the post office store, jsrussels, has sold his stock to Robert George Casemore, Died in Biussels, on February 27th, Agnes Papple, relict of the late Wm. fhomson, aged 61 years and 7 mgaths, 'The Brussels curlers went. to Wrox- 'ter on 'Tuesday of last week and were lefeated by the club of that place by 18 shots. "Cool as a cucumber," is scientifically correct. Investigation shows that this vegetable has a femperature one degree 'below that of the surrounding atmos- phere. 'he quarterly board of the Glencoe Methodist church has invited Kev. G. Gobbledick, of Brussels, to become their pastor after Mr. Brown leaves next Juue, Mr. Cobbledick has accept vd the invitation, subject to the approv- 4l of the conference. The Promotion Examinationsin the Public schools of the County of Huron will be held on the 26th &nd 27th of March, and teachers are hereby request- ed to send to the undersigned for the requisite number of examination pup- ers fer their respective schools. D. Robb, I. P. 8. On Wednesday evening of last week Mrs, Farrrow and Mrs, Dennis waited upon Mrs. B. Driver, who was removing to Rochester, at the residence of Mrs. Kirk, and presented her with a sam of money asa parting gift from the Lad- ies' Guild sof St. Joba's Church, of which Mrs, Driver was an active work- er. The Moncrieff postoffiice has been moved from the residence of John Mc- | 'Taggurt, 16th con., where it has been Tor't © past 15 years or more, to Geo. McKay's, 11¢ miles further east. 'semi-weekly mail will be carried from Ethel. The change was made for the purpose of adding to the convenience of the settlement, us a great many west of McTaggart's go to Cranbrook, where there is a daily mailfrom Brus- sels. Word was received at Brussels last weuk that A. M. Taylor, an old Brassels boy, was dead. After leaving here and teaching for some years he studied juw and commenced practice in Toron- to, where he remained several years. te then went to Duluth and lately to <'hicago, where he has béen for some time. Itis said he was away out west on @ pleasure trip when he was seized with -an attack of pneumonia, which 'cut him off in afew days. His bod b> will be brought to Ontario for burial. | with his grandfather in | His father lives 4 ingham, : Monkton. Gilbert McKenzie leaves next week for pees stare to work at his trade as millwright in a large saw mill, This is his third season. Success. Robert Smith and wife spenta few days at-Thorndale visiting Rev. Mr. McUulloch; they were much pleased with the appearance of the churches on the circuit and report of Mr. McCulloch and family as much delighted with his new cireuit. Miss Fanny Horn returned home on Tuesday of last week after spending a few weeks with friends in © Clinton. Miss Horn isa stenographer and ac- j.countant and obtained' her diploma at the Stratford Business College, being one of the youngest pupils among those who were suecessful. The following is the standing of the pupils of the Monkton Public School for February. Names in order of Fifth class--ldella_ Stewart Nellie McCarthy. Sr. 4th class-- Will Robertson, Jane Inglis, Bessie Adair, ym. Bettger. Jr. 4th class---David Keillor, Eva Holmes. Sr. 8rd class-- Edith Erskine, Ralph Robertson, Jas. Golightly, Lizzie McCarthy, Evalina Holman, Aunie. Holman, Gregory Kuhry, John Keillor, Sylvester Kuhry, Wilbert Hodges, Bessie Sherwin, Will Sherwin. Jr. 8rd class A--Jessie Hug gins, Edgar Wilson, Roy_ Golightly, Will Bannerman, Maggie Bettger, M. A. Stewart, Lizzie Broughton, Bella Inglis, Levi Johnson. Jr. 3rd class B-- Willie Holman, John Ritz, Dan Me- Carthy, Louis Holman, Annie -Banner- man. Some ofthe pupils were absent from some of the examinations which acceunts for their low standing. Par- ents will please see that their children are regular in their attendance as the promotion examinations are drawing near, , MPRERLEE Ee Grey. Miss Aggie McNair, of Cranbrook, was Visiting in Moncrieff for a few days last week. Miss Ella McNeil has left for Ala- meda, N.W.'T., where she is engaged to teach for the remainder of the year. A new bank barn will be built on the Shiel farni, near Brussels, next sum- mer, to replace the one destroyed fire last January. ' Thos.- Cooper and Miss Mary St- Amour, of Grey, were married at Brus- sels on the 16th of February, by Rev. Father Kennedy. Wm. Pollard, 6th con., has leased his 100 acre farm to his son, Eli, for a term of 5 years. Who the new housekeeper will be is not yet made public. Mr. Pol- lard, sr., will either build on his 50 acre lot or moveinto Ethel, He will have au auction sale of farm stock this month, Fine.--On Friday evening, Feb. 21, Gabriel Neable's stable, 9th con., was burned down about 7 o'clock. 2 cows and apig wereconsumed. The fire or- iginated from a stove in the stable, put there to keep a sow and her little ones warm. Weunderstand Mr. Neable was absent from home when the fire took place. ' Ferguson Bros,,-of Teeswater, who own the splendid 200 acre farm 14 miles east of)Brussels, 10th con., have let the contract for a fine two story brick cottage, to be erected just east o the barn, inthe young orehard. -R.G. Wilson has the carpenter work and a gentleman from 'leeswater the brick aud stoue laying. 'Phe old log house on the farm has about served its day. ANNIVERSARY TEA.---On Monday evening, Feb.24th, the annual tea meet- ing was held at the Bethel appoint- ment, a fine'supper, such as the ladies of this locality always get up, being served in the school house. After the important part an .adjournment .was made to the church, where a musical and literary program was_ rendered. Thos. Curry, of Brussels, made a capit- al chairman, and spicy addresses were given by Revs. Messrs. Kaine, Baugh and Waddeli. The Monkton choir sup plied the musical selections. Proceeds of anniversary amounted to about $40, which will leave everything clear of debt and a small balance on hand. MATRIMONIAL--The residence of J. Stewart, 16th con., saw a very jolly company assembled on Wednesday forenoon of last week, to witness the pleasing ceremony of Rev. D. B. Me- Crae tying the matrimonial knot be- tween Miss Rachel, the | estimable daughter of the host, and Archie Mc- Intosh, a former resident of this ldcal ity, now of Portage la Prairie, Man. The bride worea very becoming cost- ume of cream cashmere, with natural flowers, and was made the recipient of many useful and beautiful gifts. After a sumptuous wedding breakfast, to which all did ample justice, Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh were accompanied to Brussels, where they took the noon train for their home in the Prairie Proyince, followed by the heartily ex pressed wishes of a large number of friends. With regard to the new schools in Grey township Inspector Robb reports to the County Council as follows : very 'handsome two-reoomed school house was erected in section No. 7, Grey, at Cranbrook. It is finished in- ternally with polisiied and varnished ash andelm. It contains a basement consisting of two appartments, one for coal and wood, and the other a play room for the smail -children during the wet, cold or stormy weather. It cost abont $3,000 aud is acredit to the village, and speaks well for tbe enter prise of the trustees and the liberality * of the ratepayers, In section No. 6 a neat and commodious school house was built, costing about $1,000, --It also con- tains & basement of two apartments, one for furnace and fire and one for playroom. In section No. 4 the build- ing was thoronghly repaired by haviug a new roof put on and the walls veneer- ed with brick, the interior finished in dressed oak, and a basement excavated, containing space for a furnace and fuel. and also a separate appartment for a play rovin. No Cri pe 'When you take Hood's Pills. The big, old-fash- pills, which tear you all to sugar-coated pleces, are not in it with Hood's. Fasy to take and easy to operate, is true of Hood's Pills, which are au. up to date In every respect. § Ss Safe, certain and sure. All druggists. 25¢. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Trowbridge. The Misses Code returned to Brus- sels on Wednesday. Atwood this week. Mrs. M. Halmun, of Wallace, is visit- ing friends in this vicinity. A load of young people from Peel were guests at L. Code's last week. Rev. Mr. Cosens, of Fordwich, will circuit next Sabbath, o'clock p.m. Some of our young people drove oyer hear Rev. Mr. Crews, of Toronto, lec- ture on Epworth League work. Miss E. F. McCormick. who is at- tending the St. Thomas Ladies' Col- lege, spent a few days at her home, re NEWS OF THE WEEK. died Monday after a short illness, The annual meeting of the Bell Tele A proposal to borrow $600,000 on de authorized. commit sutéfde by shooting while visit- He was afflicted with despoudency. utions favoring a vigorous immigra- outlet for the North west produce. Attorney Clay, of Va... whoyhas been murder of Pear! Bryan, makes the start Fire destroyed the chemical labora- tory at the Ontario Agricultural Col- library were saved, bnt Prof. Harcourt's library was destroyed. The loss on the building will be $7,500, and on the con- tents $1,500. There was no insurance. The lordly but capricious pngilist, James J. Corbett, having abdicated the championship of the ringin favor of Peter Maher, now claims it again. Mr. Eitzsimmons having received the title by true gladiatorial succession, is deter- mined to hang on to it asa public trust. And the difference between these two powers is not of the kind that can be settled by arbitration or conciliation, They must fight or talk, and both seem prepared for the latter dread alterna- tive. Canadian manufacturers of patent medicines have decided to advance pricéa to wholesalers on April 1.. This actiott is'nt the request of the Retail Druggists Association, Says the Tor onto Telegram, and is the beginning of war with the departmental stores, which have been cutting prices in these lines. The retail druggists informed the manufacturers that unless they quit dealing with firms selling goods at less than registered prices they would quit handling patent medicines. Conse- quently this attempt is being made to keep the price up at the former figure and drive departmental stores out of the patent medicine business. Tre A. O. U. W.--At the meeting of the A.'O. U. W. at Toronto, the ot day, the G. M ership during the year was as follows: Members in good standing, ist Jan., 1895, 26,512; admitted during the year, 2,010; reiustated 512; total, 29,043. Died during the year, 248; certificates annul- led, 507; temporary suspensions at end of year, 1,769; total, 2,521. Membership in good standing, December 81st, 1895, 96,522; certificates temporarily suspend- ed, Dec. Bist, 1895, 1,756; total, 28,287. showing a net increase for the year of ten members. There have been fifteen lodges organized and two lodges resus- citated during the year, with an average of sixteen members. The total num- ber of beneficiary certificates issued 1m Ontario to date is 37,073, an increase of 2,010 for the year. year was 48 years, 8 months and 21 days. The average age of meuwrbership in jurisdiction at this date is 43 years, 1 month and eleven days. Dont A-<, Wait ee LE / till Sickness Comes AcforeBuying 4 Bottle of PERRY DAVIS PAINKILLER, "You may need it to-night Miss Ella Code is yisiting friends in preach educational sermons on this Trowbridge at 7 to Fordwich on 'Tuesday evening to turning toSt Thomas on Wednesday. Lady Smith, wife of Sir Frank Smith, phone Company was held at Montreal. bentures to extend the -business was George Swan, a successful business man at Kinearding, Ont., attempted to ing relatives at Toronto on Satuardy. The Immigration Convention meet- 'ing at Winnipeg passed a series of reso- : . - tion policy,the exclusion of Chinese lab- or and the making of Hudson Bay the Wayne county, W. retained to defend Jackson, alieged to be implicated in the ling statement that Pearl! Bryan is alive, and will be produced at the right time. lege, Guelph, Friday morning. Most of the materials and Prof. Shuttleworth"s er _ reported that the mem- The average age of members who have died during the CARSON & McKEE te f i \ \ lways Attractive! ( lways the Cheapest! Read the Great Bargain List: 4 cent factory cotton, now only $0 24% | 80c. donbie width grey sheeting 20 5c. J . 2 4 | 25c. heavy cottonade only 19 6e. Ke Ma 5 | 14c. ginghams (job line) only 10 gc. , mh: s 6 | 10c. handsome check gipghams 7 10¢, " " 7 | 8c. curtain scrim only 5 124¢c. heavy bleached cotton only 10 _ | 35c. Jace,curtains per pair only 25 25c. feather ticking only 19 /|50c. Moire skirting 34 25c. table linen : 19 |9-, canvon flannel 6 50c. table linen i 89 | 1Uc. flannelette, 32 inch wide, fed ic, towellings s 5. | Ye. a 7 8c, seersucker} s 6 |5e oe) 4 8c. dress challies si 5 | 15c. ceylon flannelette 10 Prints, a new lotjustin " 5 |10c.twiled do 10c. prints, fast colors,* " 9 | 60c. Halifax tweed 8u "124¢c. cretonne 10 | $1.40 Black worsted suiting 0d Handsome pair chenille curtains 8 25 | 45c. union carpet (yard wide) 30 86 inch heavy floor oil cloth ouly 25 | 22c. hemp carpet 1% 72 sy ba 50 | 35c. tapestry carpet 25 New Canadian tweed per yard 25 |6 bars supreme soap for 25 5 bars surprise soap for 25 | 4 bars white castile soap 27 18 bars sunflower soap for 25 | 4 bars white catmeal soap 25 4 cans sardines for 25 (4 pounds prunes for 25 3 cans of salmon for 26 ©| 4 plugs of tobacco for 25 2°boxes matches for 15 | 30 pounds of Tapioca for EV | ie: 5 pounds Rio coffee for 1 00 | 26 pounds of rice for Oo 2 cans corn, peas or tomatoes 15 | 3 pounds evaporated apples for 25 21 lbs, best granulated sucar 100 |4 Ibs. evaporated peaches for 25 30c. double width bleached 25 lbs, extra bright yellow sugar 1 Ov sheeting, only 20 m-- Special Notice --.-- Is now given that on Friday Afternoon, Mar. 13th, and following Saturday we will give a FREE EXHIBITION, to be known as Carson & McKee's great Dress Goods Opening. The store will be so arranged as to display our immense stock of New Dress Goods Fabrics; and we most cordially invite every Lady to call and inspect the latest novelties. Noone will be urged to buy, and itis a free show. The store will be open until 10 p.m. --!- THE COLDEN LION, LISTOWEL. THLEPEON FE 71- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DENTAL. AUCTIONEERS. Cc. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of Perth, «Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate. For particulars ap- ply at this office. / J. J. FOSTER, DENTIST, ANY ANAESTHETIC KNOWN TO the profession used for the painless extraction of teeth. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office over Fileming's clothing store, Main street, Listowel. BAIT EITC. J.W.Scott, Banker, Listowel, Palmerston and Clifford, ENERAL Banking business. Drafts bought and sold, payable in all parts of the fio: minion, United States and Great Britain. Notes Discounted. Deposits received, and current rate of intercst allowed.Also W. M. BRUCE, L. D. 8S» DENTIST. GAS, ELECTRICITY, OR LOCAL anaesthetics administered for pain- less extraction. Artificial teeth guar- anteed to be of the best material and'of first-class workmanship. Of- Issuer of Marriage Licenses fice over Thompson Bros'. store, Main fees street, Listowel. Will not visit At A large amount of Private Funds to lend : od farm security at Five Per Cent. wood until further notice. erivilere of Pereyingctneatiy= = a - LEGAL. wate ere sae WOMEN'"DO MORPHY & CARTHEW, SHOULD Ti BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, _NO- PENNYROYAL WAFERS taries Public, Conveyancers, Com- Thay correct Boye 6 and 3 wrakanee, issioners, etc., Listowel, Ont. Money ww tU'loan. Ofiices over Carsop & Mc- aid graceful development -- Kee's store. H. B, Morphy, J- fan segues Ask ke The Datrets Carthew. box. No better remedy for women huows. STAR LIVERY, The Star Livery is equipped with first-class rigs, fast and gentle driv- ers, and in eve way adapted meet the requirements of the tray- elling public. Terms reasonable. Sta- bles opposite Branderbergers Hotel, Attwood, DARK & DUNCANSON, Proprietora, DARLING & BLEWETT, BZRRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NO- taries, etc.,, Wallace street, Listowel. Solicitors for Bank of Hamilton and Scott's Banking House. Office over Scott's Bank. . SMEDICAL. 95 tf. THE PERFECTTEA | Tie ei TEA In THe WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. 'onsoon" Tea is THO UGLAS, M. D., oe. Be . MC ormegly of Monkton, suc- Cowan. Office in Dr. tand, 'Main asatreet, found at office at j}all hours, wh not necessarily ab- | sent. Visits Mo every Thurs- | day afternoon ; found at Post Office. | Residence at the Atwood drug store, | where orders left will receive prompt attention. Cc. M, & 8. O. ft | cessor to Dr. ; Hamilton's ol | Atwood. Will D. A. KIDD, M. D. ao) ise) cad nm oad Q _ > Z > Z 0 m2 ci w Q ts ° 4 ns, Ontario; Uni- . For Teas very fresh leaves go into Rae at is why 'onsoon.' the perfect Tea, can be @| widat the same as inferior tea. It is put up of 6 Ib., r lb, and Ibs., and sold in and 6oc. "M price in sealed caddies three flavours at 40.» goc. ocer does not keep it, tell him to write to SEREL HAYTER & COn t1 ye iieat Se liveryman, will be answered. He will visit cara | gal from"4 to 5 p.m. Fridays. Hawkshaw, 4

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